Clinton News-Record, 1952-10-02, Page 3'MY BAN 10 A SlilION WIADIASS loolytrEplavy, .pgivzs .F1413$ PERSONAL .F4IPAVICE. DRUG STORES SPECIAL VALUES and REMINDERS. For This Weeltend; montdrix Ws.-Bzcoup PAG1TTIM= atnisPAY, mroprn 1904 Clinton• Atea ,Youth for Christ Opens the Fall Season with 4 Program yop will appreciate FEATUF,ING FRED MAY of TORONTO Musician and Evangelist This group plays many novelty instruments arid is much in demand DON'T MISS IT Saturday, Oct. 4 8 p. in the Clinton District Collegiate Institute 40-b New Footwear PUMPS -- LOAFERS --- BALLERINAS OXFORD — STRAPS and WINTER RUBBER WEAR in the latest styles for Women and Children. • Oxfords — Loafers — Work Boots House Slippers and Winter Rubbers the best quality we have offered to' the Men and Boys. • Clifford Lobb Store Clinton, Ontario • Vet vdta geed -A Mt W YOUR FARM? BREEDING STOCK? A TEAM OF HORSES? ?IL has helped to finance thousands of Canadian farmers in such purchases. See your B of M manager about a Farm Improvement Loan — soon ... It may mean extra profit for you this year and many more. BANK OF eaffiadf49route Vaw4 WORKING WITH CANADIAN'S IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1377 ADIES ,it•••ri,lark+14-44k1.110-10,+-0-0-4,-.1ht++++, BRUCEFIELD MiSS Marjorie Mustard spent the weekend at her home, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Scott were in Detroit, over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mustard,, have returned from a trip to Calgary. Ed Noonan, Londe)), spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and .Mrs, A. Zapfe, Mrs. T. DaYinan was visited by her sister from Detroit, for a few days last week, . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Craig and Bra.dly holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baird. Miss Janet Watson, Aylmer, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Watson. Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Johnston and children, have returned to the village after a holliday at the east mast. Mrs, A, McQueen has been able to leave Clinton Public Hospital and is convalescing at her hime in the village, Rev. Williams, Goderich, had charge of the morning services in Brumfield United Church, Sunday, taking his sermon text, "Straight Ahead." Mrs. Hugh Berry has returned to her home in. the village fol. lowing a visit with Mr, and Mrs. George Griffiths, Stratford. - Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Murray, Bar River; Mrs, Mae Gibson, Desbar- aIts; Mado McDont.,Id, Sault Ste. Marie, all of Algoma County, visited this week with Miss Mary Gibson and Murray Gibson. They called on many friends in the dis- trict. Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Stackhouse attended Glencoe Fall Fair last Tuesday, " They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neale, Glencoe, and Mr. arid Mrs. Ellwood Stack- house, London. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Guest, re- cently married in Walton, are making their home in the village. At present living in a rolling home, they are building a small house beside the home of Basil O'Rourke, 41-110-40,0-10-*"...0•4+10. LONDESBORO 'Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and Muriel, spent Friday last in London, taking Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Garrow, who left for Ednibn- ton, Alberta, to visit with Mr. G. Garrow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garrow. Mrs. Dr. Anderson, Exeter, is a visitor with Mrs. William Lyon. Mrs. J. H. Shobbrook spent the weekend at the home of her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbings. Miss Amelia MacIlwain was the guest of Mrs. Willows Mountain. Mr .and Mrs. Dale who have had rooms over Bob Riley's store have MON ed to Clinton. Burns Anniversary Several from here attended the anniversary services at the Burns Church on Sunday. Rev. A. E. Eag- le, Clinton, was the guest speaker. Church Services On Sunday next there will be church services as usual in the 1,4ondeSlioro United Church, at 1.0 o'eloeltz. Standard Time, Rev, gap,. diet will. preach. On .0ctOber 12, 1,Lt hsgerlrodeawrigirloi l;sae nocn jovnechsrtii .yh! heldeh1,411. Mrs. Charles- Watson entertain- ed her cousins last week at a quilting. A jelly time was. Spent. Mrs. Charles Stewart, -Clinton, and friend frotn;p"Anionias, spent Monday with Mrs, William Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Pickard, Maxine and Mr, and Mrs, Cowan and family, Porter's Bill, spent Sunday with Mr, And Mrs, George MeVittie,. Miss Igaxing, and Pelphine Honking, London, spent the Week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Hunking. Silo filling is'the order of the day. Several silos are already filled, but still more are to do, The weather is ideal this week for such jobs. Miss sail Manning .and 13111 Cowan were in St. Catharines ov- er the weekend attending .the Hamilton Conference YPU Con- vention in Welland Avenue Unit- ed Church, Burn-Londesboro ',ITU Meet Members of the B-L YPU held their first fall meeting in Burns Church, on Sunday night. The meeting was in charge of members of the executive. The meeting started by a sing-song led by Lois Fell. The business part of the meeting was conducted. Clare Vincent then conducted a short recreation period. Lunch was ser- ved. Following lunch, Clare Vin- then conducted the devotional part of the meeting which opened with hymn 388, then prayer. The scripture -Was read and offering re- ceived. The topic for the evening entitled "What If They Had Quit" was given by Clare Vincent, Hy- mn 354 was sung. Rev Gandier pronounced the Benediction. -+r44- ++...-.. W.M.S. • Mrs, Robert .Jainieson was nos, tess to 20 members of the Burns' W.M.S. on Thursday, September The devotional period was led by Mrs, Harvey Taylor, who also gave the first two chapters of the new study book, The president Mrs, Carter, gave a reading. The will again place one copy of "World Friends" in each home where there is a child of public school age, Miss Gladys J...elper,.Missionary Monthly secretary reminded mem- bers that their subscription should be renewed by October. A card of thanks from the Leip- er family was read. It was decided to change the date of the October meeting to one week earlier, Thursday, Oct- Ober 23, because of the Sectional meeting to be held th Londesboro, October 29, The bale sent to the Fred Vic- tor Mission, in Toronto, was val- ued -at $113. Mrs, H. Tebbutt's team in the popper contest was winner with a total of $21, Mrs. J. Scott's team collected $15.52. A mystery prige won' by Mrs. J. Scott and an auction basket net- ted a total of $8.20 for the United Church Training School Fund. Group 2 served a delicious lun- ch at the close of the meting. Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton at- tended the annual feeder and stocker cattle sale held by the Manitoulin Livestock Co., operative last week on Manitoulin Island, Mr. Middleton bought a car load of cattle, TRADE MARK REG makes hospitality easy -4P-**4-10 1-10.4".4-49-fr . WILLETT - Town. of Clinton, FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OCTOBER 5-11, 1952 I hereby request the sincere effort on the part of the Citizens of Clinton to remove all fire hazards. The present low insurance rates, which this Town enjoys, are due to carefulness on the part of our Citizens, and the efficiency of our Fire Department. CarelesSness on our part can cause the loss of human lives. REMOVE THE HAZARDS AND HELP PREVENT FIRES! TOWN OF CLINTON G. W. NOTT, Mayor G. R. RATH, Fire Chief 40-b SCOTT'S EMULSION — small size, 73c; large size, $1,33 SAVE 20e• on the LARGE SIZE— IPANA Tooth Paste — small size, (33c; large size, 89c ATTACHMENT SETS "E-Z" Brand-tubing metal shut-off LUNCH KITS Black Metal—well made — ONLY BRECK Shampoo—small size 4 oz. 85c; large size 12 oz. $1.95 I SAVE 13c on the LARGE SIZE— Johnson's BABY POWDER—small size, 33e; large size, 01e SAVE 33e on the LARGE SIZE— _ ALKA-SELTZER—small size, 8's, 34c; large size, 25's, 68c I 1 SAVE 29c on the LARGE SIZE— ENO'S "Fruit Salts"—small, 4 oz., 09c; large, 8 oz., $1.09 SAVE 60c on the LARGE SIZE-- 131,11( THE LARGE SIZE AND SAVE JUST LOOK at hew much you can save on popular brands. Here are twenty-two favourites, all figured out per ogrid4', per dose, etc. See how you can roll up those savings into big figures. Start today to BUY THE LARGE SIZES AND SAVE—at your independent druggist's, SAVE 43c on the LARGE SIZE— - $TOPETTE Spray Deodorant, 1 oz. 75c, lge. size 214 oz. $1.25 SAVE 01c on the LARGE AIR -WICK, small size 51/2 oz. 89c; large size 151/4 oz. $1.89 SAVE 30c on the LARGE SIZE— Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, small size 60's 79e; lge. size 150's $1.98 SAVE 56c on the LARGE SIZE— LISTERINE small. size, 3 oz. 23c; large size, 14 oz, 980 SAVE 31c on the LARGE SIZE— RAND-AID Adhesive Bandages, small, 10's 15e; large, 84's 65c SAVE 47c on the LARGE SIZE— OltOMO-SELTZER, small, 8 dose, 29e; large, 40 dose, 98c SAVE $2.50 on the LARGE SIZE. TEMPLETON'S T-R-C's, small size, $1.35; large size, $5,00 SAVE 25c on the LARGE SIZE-- VOIDS , small size, g's, 25c; large size, 36's, $1.25 SAVE 30c on the LARGE SIZE— COLGATE Dental Cream, small 11/2 oz., 33e; large, 09c SAVE 80e on the LARGE SIZE— HALO SHAMPOO—small, 11/2 oz., 39e; large, 6 7/8 oz., 98c SAVE 26c on the LARGE SIZE— Bryloreem Hair Dressing—small, 1.8 oz. 43e; large 4 oz. 69c SAVE 16c on the LARGE SIZE— NIVEA CREME—small size, 2 oz., 63c; large size, 4 oz., $1.10 I SAVE 90e on the LARGE SIZE— LYSOL Disinfectant—small size 43e; large size, 14 oz., $1.50 SAVE 23c on the LARGE SIZE— PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM—small size, 45e; large size, 65c SAVE $1.06 on the LARGE SIZE— VVILDROOT Cream-011—small, 11/2 oz,, 43c; large, 8 oz., $1.23 SAVE $1:18 on the LARGE SIZE— ABSORBINE Jr.—small size 4 oz. $1.19; large size 12 oz. $2.39 I SAVE 38c on the LARGE SIZE— and 3 slip pipes 59( 1.15 I.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS Sold on a Money-Back Guarantee A.B.S. & C. TABLETS—Mild tonic Laxative 1 9C Bottle of 100, reg. 23c .... BABY CREAM—Quickly soothes irritated skin— completely safe-3 oz, jar, reg. 50c 39c COD LIVER OIL—B, P. Standard-16 oz. bottle regularly 89c 69c IODIZED THROAT GARGLE-3 ounce regularly 50c WAX PAPER-100 ft. roll regularly 33c WHITE EMBROCATION-4 and 8 ounce reg. 29c & 49c 39c 28c „ 23c, 39c SERVICE UNIQUE F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST PHONE 14 E YO .,....saawcaso,000,00,001. I • • , NEW STEADY'-RIDINC CHASSIS , „ rin NEW AUYRONIC-EVE * sC.Rtes eNtr ......................... * 1.1ydra.Matic Soper Drive is optional on all models at extra cost, GM Hydraulic &erring and the Award e-Eye optional at extra cost on l'Aft" Aeries only. &gap. mem, accessories and trim subject to change midwife notice. A General Motors Value, Oman NEW HYDRA.AIATIC Miiimemogsgm ONLY THE ROCKETS • • .; • b •••••••:.'s Six Big Reasons Why Oldsmobile Is Your Buy! The famous "Rocket"t Engine in the brilliant Super "88" and Classic "98" gives More power per dollar than any other ear on, the road! The "drive" is Oldsmobile's hydra-Matie Super Drive*, with- the new "Super" Range to bring out the "Rocket's" surging power! GM Hydraulic Steering* makes motoring far easier and safer. There's more roadability than ever with Oldsmobile's rugged, smooth-going chassis! The Autrorde- Eye*, a new safety feature for night driving, dims your head- lights automatically! And the big, beautiful Bodies by Fisher are truly luxurious in every detail. But don't take our word— take the wheel ! Discover what all these features mean to you! Visit our showroom — soon! EA...ADA.-211•.-ADA.,4)A...ADA...egiA-adtku-AA!a—oNS,.--AD JAA-.4414-AANA-ADA. thr FOR SALE BY TENDER TUCHERSMITH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL. AREA BOARD offers for sale by tender One Wood Frame Building 125,:24'x8' Located at S.S. 2 School, east of Kippen. Tenders will be received up until noon Tuesday, October 7, 1952. W. P. ROBERTS, Secretary-Treasurer R.R. 3, Seaforth 40-b 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe Styleline Coach, two tone in colour; fully equipped. 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe Styleline Sedan Two-1951 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Sedans /1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Fleetline Coach 1951 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Coach, 1954 Chevrolet Styleline Coach 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe Fleetline Sedan i 949 Plymouth Sedan (with new motor) 1949 Meteor Sedan 1940 Chevrolet Coach 1939 Chevrolet Coach A number of '51 CHEVROLETS, Sedans and Coaches, to clear at $1,850 TRUCKS 1948 Chevrolet Y4 ton Pick-up CASE — TRADE — TERMS OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Brussels Motors MONTREAL Huron County's Foremost Used Car beater Phone 73-X BRUSSELS rI OLDSMOBILE LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITE NEW INTERIOR LUXURY