HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-05-01, Page 1•
try iluttont Price & Cluktys
itonia/ [lour.
• 4. .
iwere time
wooded and full of big bouldern and they soon settled down te the realities Ool. Turnbull, in anticipation. of
FRIDAY. MAY-- 1st, 1885
land demanding that the latter shall
accept Russia's proposed boundary
line between Turkestan and Afghan:
istan. If England refuse n Banish:,
will proceed to occupy Herat.
London, April 29.—The Standard
referring to the occupation eif Meru:
chak by the Russians say tnere can
le no question of Afghan provocation
e eavinee in. a etringt heavtlY being new to this kind or business and remove his family. Lieut. -
the rebels sinned from one to the of warfare and poured in a deadly nre. trouble occurring has forttfied the
....11 other. The rani stopped
1:30 nergeant Dalton, of Boulton's scouts town and taken other measures for
1 o'olock, but there was a mist and this has just arrived with a report of the defence.. Arms and ammunition were
with the clouds of smoke rendered it battle, He says that 25 of enielet men served out yesterday afternoon to cid-
next to iinpossible for the troops to see were killed ammo' thera being Gantlet ZOOS of the Fort, Mounted infantry
what they were tiring at. Gabriel Dumont his limearia t D
, it . umont bad sentries were laced onall th stir
- Darn011b commanded the rebels and command of the rebels and displayed rounding hills last night, and 1.00 men
dld it with a wouclerfal skill. At 1:40were kept under arms all eight.
amen bravery and tact in conducting
Figkttzi Pish, Creek 7.e
tvi e en •ehe ZeZs,
and qrocv.
the rebels lien been dislodged from the attach. Riel remained in threar Winnipegi April 29. — Meit
out in the oentre one, A Battery battle was drawing to a close and that the stnenter Northcote had been
could not get their shells in Itere,nbut Dumont was urging him on hie men straedea on a sandbar 85 miles south
- the Grenadiers poured in a liot fire, for a final charge when he was 4,hM
ot of ek's Crossing, and the troops
. Defeat of the littlfkeeilg, imoii - did not ao much eneoatioo, down, The scout says Duntonns ',Jody and supplies on board of het. will have
two of the mines, but they still held au& left Duaeout to do the worne
. The from Gen, in indleton aro to the eff;ot
however, °wine to the dense brush.was identified beyond all misteke to be taken overland, as the troops at
A. body of robe% noppeared inethe Reel and the rest of the ga»g retreated tee front will not move from them
. rear of the troops and fens wore en. as night came on. Thes were permed Present encampment until they arrive
OUR v OLUNTEERS FIGHT LIKE tertamed that we should be caught in by the Grenadiers and the eetapaey as well es the Getting guns, which
a trap. Gen. Middleton had provided from the Tenet° wheel of irtfantry, are to bo used in apprehended bush
foe this, and Major Boulton's swats but the general recillea. his men before warfare en route to Batoche. The
with a nine pounder soon dispersed t it td a steamer Minn° of ht draw h
the h d
moan Growing Isoriow_roarn or them, thotigh they luivered in bands age,
our end salt in an measion. •
al volley, evbiele fell snort. It was
evident' at this juncture that if the
rebels had been well armed, or .had
4 A special dispatch to the Globe artinery, the day would have gone
-.from its correspondent gives the fon. hard with us, Things remained un -
lowing account of Frulay's battle:— changed up to five o'clock, when there
could not have bawl many men in the
• Clarke's Croseing, April 25.—A. rifle its in the ravine at which dine
deeperate fight took place vesterdey the C4eneral had the troops drawn up
between Gen. l'ilirldletorns troops tint preparatory to making a obarge and
the rebels, The right column on the capturing the men in the pits. which
lees expected to close the engagement,
'east bat*. Igthe river encountered the
as he had ordered the teams to get
rebels atn92.15, o'clock,. and the action ready to move half a mile nearer the
• is atm gOhic, on at lut aCCOUDAS. river in the open to camp for the
'The rebels atiwinced from -the ravine
in this instance. The occupation of
Murachak stands out broadly and um.
disguisedly as a clear invietiou of the
territory of Afghanistan without evert
a pretence of militaryneceseity.
Th e Russian advance south of Pen:
jdeh. anci. the occupation of era
are regardedtin parliamentary circle
as dispelling the last hope of peace and
as the pereursors of au attack upon
. and bargee which left Medicine Hat NEWS.
este a t d f 11
Gonorai. Indian War
WImNIPPO. April •26.—There was a
cote will be unable to do until the The Grip Printing SD Publishing
thrill of gratificetion to day when the unvigaie the ti treatn, which the Nortle
Compeny, of Toronto, issued last week
news was confirmed that the 90611 water rises. Gen. Middleton has Nee 4 of their fine ifiestnated news -
sharpshooters pincen off Gabriel dispatched scouts in attune° of the papers, descriptive of events connected
Dumont, leader of the rebels in both
the Duck Lake and Fish Creek fights. troops for many mans towards Batoohe with the rebenton he the Nortlinvest.
enemy, The troops are well at the
they wens unableto the &oh successive issue of this paper
as well as other 25 rebels. but d
There is intense excitement in the fr nt d eclipse its precleceesors, and we ate
pleased to onserve that the publishers
are meeting with the success which
their efforts deserve. .No 4 •contains
the following fllustratiom—Lord
gundis Scou'A surrounding three of
White Cains Warriors? The Winnipeg
lithe Infantry (91st Battalion) pint
paring for service. White Cap the
Sioux Chief; Trial Practice with the
Gaffing at Swift Current; Col. Otter's
Brigade approaellieg the South Sas-
katchewa,n; The Nova Scotia Provi-
sional Battalion at Montreal; Steamers
at Medicine Hat loading Ammunition
and Stores; Reading Battalion Orders.
in the Drill Sited. Hamilton; The
Midland (Col. Mlliard's) Battalion
marching to the 0.)?, R, Depot, Wins
nipeg; .Portraits of Officees at the
Front; including Col. Ouimet, Ins P.
No, 5. which will be issued en the •
2nd May, will be an intensely inter-
estrig number, at it will contain, in
addition to other fine illustrations,
sketches representing the Relief of
Battleford, and the Battle at Fish
and fired on Major Boulton's scouts. It is expected that the zero abider ,o£
The re was at once rturned
fieeand the
, ?lie troops will erope to the east side to
Tbenthe General will press on
rebeli m
ounting their horses, bato Batoche The rcked daT*
, . , •ebel fire was very
Into a. ram ak ,whieh they lay con- .
hey hardly missed a shot.
certhen only rising to fire on the troops. orly firing settee they saw the men.
The troops immediately advanced irt Pet uP weir heads to fire. Those
shirrhishingseraer. Tiee eneray were land were shot through the head. and
inose of those wounded were struck in
attanted,fiont both flanks, lent, so welk the aetrie or 'chant, eAs far as could be
city over the' news of the battle upon
the banks of the Saskatobewa,n, and
great sympathy is manifested for the
ousehldrendered. desolate with
&Modem. Few slept any lest night ENG! 4NiB ANg Russih,
in, Winnipeg, so anxious were they
to learn furthee particulars of the fate
of the ince of the pet regiment of the
, MEL iNsA,NE.
It is said that a few; days previous
to the eclipse Riel Addressed his pec -
pie, etating that if he did not darken nine...en en _Le
the sun -on the 15th, be would not ask ntenn Jvaub ans
thejr believ
them to believe in him, He thus a for the Strugg7e.
played on their creaulity, e m •
ing him to have superuatuesar power. . •
hite Prh
chosen wee their beetle groand seen the enemy let no
thatdead ou WisOltQralkoW rith elieve London, April 27. --In Parliament
hina to be inenne as a result of reeent
this afternoon the House went into
, •
e , they were Apparently out of any pos- field. Twenty:five rebels- were shot events.
gem '.
He is subleet to fits of insee-
'•ie f ee.
sible danger from the volunteers and -about a dozen capturedThe ity, and s one of thworst oanks.
eines. 4‘A" Battery could not at first rebele seem to be composed of abouu and &ion aro now entertained that witl; mComle tee of Suppy, and MrGlad:
° eeptitheed the ottiect of the vote
aeetumber oihalfbres 2ar,
reitele them, but at length theynqual
secur- the loss of Decriont he will go uray of fire.rit, The entire ceedit, n 65,:
Lidtans—m a uot more than 00, and probanly kW prisoners in revenge. 000,000, wee voted without debate.,
ad ie frieorable • l ----------------- i 1 .
) ed t ' be *leder the com
aft( ale sup, 08 worNirEG, .4 put 27.—The news e tj .f Id
the ravine, having previously demon , mean of Gabriel Dumont. Captain. el
ten morning seems to fully confirm Creek, The price of the paper is 15
telling FTneelles by - ein 014(1400e. cents per copy, and it can bo procured
fished two 110119ei in the dietance at eilarke and Lieut. Swiuforil will die, the report of the rebels having retreat.
ein.forcements for the rebels as will those who have been reputed
ed after the encounter at Irish Oreek The Pre,nier was chee ed to 6(1 . either from the publishers' _or from
Were wgiting, In a few monients, as Saz:°1-181Y waandad• • on Friday last. -Tne dead were buried echo duriag and at tLe Close of hie local newstlealers. . .
' Otipte-Wise, A. D, 0., had tw° on Sinn •da
however, the rebels ran te a small b . 1 t . d , y neer the field of battle. In speech, and wan eutheelasnoally cheeie
Past ui the woods, bet they soon re' a sight wound in the ankle. CiaPt' tort col-Jane:lea the burial service,
• onses s io upper him, and receive the absence of a chapleiu Gen et kale.
. ed when leaving the souse after: THREE BOOKS GIVEN AWAY. '
... e -
enema°, &pita 27.—A. deileatch waraa' • We will send the following three
turned and avoiding "A" Battery Dolmen A. D. 0., received a flesh m
below the elbow. London, A,prii 29.—M ...Gladstone's
- moved towards the 90th. Our left n ortnd in the arm from Winnipeg says: Midnletou nag books "free": LADIES PRIVATE
bad in the meantime made another The volunteer loss wan nine killed and sant an 'argent demand for Ool. Win speech was reeel vea with profound COMPANION, a, complete% medical
bodof the enemy retireThen cametebetween 40 and. 50 wounded. linandBnens eeo hiteOro
ns' Col. O''regnnts t� s mE
ut t
rope. It wee advisee: for women, Illustrated and
fighting at close quarters the coin- alai/Ern MIDDLETON'S REponT. pude forward withent delay in order bottud in Oloth, (former price 81).
published in fell in all the pewee.:
to defend the bast of supplies. Can pers It Was dispelled any idea that
brunets being only thirt'y or forty FUN AND GANDY, a 48 -page book
t yards apart. The fieht throughout Ottawa, Apiel 21—The following's s
• Deniserrs troopers will ^o ewith
m up Elvdard mil 1 teiung how to make over 100 kinds
the main body to•dey mid will be vale. e mate co:loess/one to of canines and otenr sweet things.
Was a bush one the half breeds and the official report from Gen. Midditon:
Indians lying concealed in the bluffs •ro lion A. e. Caron, from Fish able in the co eg contee. et." BowThe g,e •erel impression of handsonieljn bound, (former price .50
or hidden behind the trees, and keep- creek, 25 miles DOrtli of Clark's Cross- Fort, Qu'mAppel'e, April 28. --Some the press is nun the speech makes (milts), end L A.DIFS GUIDE To
in g up a hot tire with deadly ,efieet. ing, N, W. T., April 24.—Heve hita excitene.it e as ensaten in camp at 2 wee eerGair,, FANUY WORE, .a practical instruct
The, wlistle of the bullets °mild be au affray with the rebela at this spot, oclock thn ruorniug, as it was 14 oeeow A eon nO.--Nine then seed or in nil kinds of Art Maters. coin
beard. and the belle from the eitinny's . • e a thow,ht a , attack had been ulnae by • • p•tannin, 64 large 4 eolumelpages, over
shotguns rattled in all direotions.
The first under fire at this time were
• the men of Major Boulton's corps,
but No 6 Company of the Oth soon
advanced to them aid; 0 0,mpany of
the Sclieol of Infantry taking their
on the cast side o e. i , y it.'L Is . „ue ,es
Indians or half breeds. ,Sev.eral shots , _ . . ety - .
20Ce handsome Illuetrative •Engrav-
vaeice scents were fired on from. a 1.0u11;
9" mita were fired at our sentries, who at once ler is yeeeerday fel tee south, TI
but we matinee to hold our -Am inete, and. well bound, to any lady who
alarm. Two eompanies of was the geentest with:16i ,SM, 6%000 sonde 50 cents for 'six months' trial
the main body arrived, when 1 took gm the
the Sirecoe Forestera and York Intuto • cheerne. stibscriptioin to Tim Iloussevree, it
meaeures to repel the atteek. whieh
m s were put under arms anti remained ronzed the 'streets -wildly
Was done about 2:80. We had cep- The men looked in et Ionian fighting lenge 16st
page journal dede,voted to Fa
• • • 1 in reitdinese if their services were re: ,•b3 10113 Fanny oawork, Art Itecreations•
tured a 105 01 t tem pont?,
right flank. A hot combat ensued theee or four of thorn, quired. king were seen *burailig mDssin re: now To Cook, . and Household Mat -
ell —he
nearly all ffeing while in it prostiate tnaiens and 'lain:needs, in the corner the dietetic's, supposed to have been Odessa, Ap29T
tors. If you will send 52,09 for font
position. A nuinber of gallant volrin• of 4 bluff who havo done a gebtl deal started as sb.rals by half breede pee: serves are wobalieirig,
AV business traesaetiona new beine friallas, Ytmi will a"h receive ail ti'3
seers fell heee, piereed by rebels balls. of mischief, being evidently their best eeding tio;thwiv.d to join Nei at' b above nun we win 1a 1 le
euteved into aro taken subject to I. et ,. eel youtt t, ee
The war-wheePe of the Indians Were shots, and ne 1 ani unwilling to lose Batoehe. Heouts were sent out from gans mend lirror. or e u o. isftv.
tleard now ani tilt% as they reined more ot any Men. in trying to take the eneete, heavy we'. rieks,
we give a LAD'S GOLD WA 1'011.
thecoenn to reopeemitee in . •
for traces of the rebels and it The Pension( government hes order
to the fight, a desperate tire wee kept them, I have surrouucled their bluff, horheod Address, 11.1,E HOUSEWIFE, PUlt.
UP for over an hour, and then, as if and shall wait until. they expended was found inlet several houses of set: ed the Southwestern railway to have
they had rim short' of ammunition, their anentosition to take theme Lord tiers here had been plundered by half: several Unwired railwant carriagee '
00 , Newlin N. Y.
only c'caasi°1141 bulletg °erne from Ifelgundjoined me as s000 a he could inady to convey troops.
Biers men. After a snort cessation, SubseriptIons amounting to 51148
Vote the other side tvith the 10th rein Winnipeg, April 29.—A.round Fort St. retersburg, Aneit 29—The
an theWinnipeg 1 tery, . ppe e 10 bleu* n ians repoi
Vre lye actin" it is believed have been reoelved at Toronto towards
tiring at one o'olook. The prairie but the affair Was over. Afi• the moat that the hAlf breeds threaten tO Inas. "V" ". '
under impeenn irisniration nablished the cost ef freight in forwerding con:
Was on fire. Then however, - • - -- tributions of food and elothing to the
was soon part of toe left eolunin is thus aoross, attere them if the do not join Wel,
extinguished by the rain. The half- and as it is a work of difficulty crosseng anti they further state that it is the im article witti the startlitig been line . e
.„ , volunteers at the front,
breeds fought, in Indian style, and the shore, ordered the res", to follow, and intention of the half breeds to rise nOit the eve of war. lite urtiele
area Inuasia, hi the evettt of war, A man named John Balla/id was
'large number of casualties show that shall tussah to -morrow united to Da. anti attitee tbe Fort and; also capture (1031
Settle matters with :England in drowned': Saturday in tlie eittle Rideau
they are not a foe to be despised. toehe,. The troops behaved very well the atinnlies which are riONV gm tg Iv'n
!edit and not in Afghanistnn elonte Liver, near Wawa. Ile was out in
Ow party of rebels Were disitelged in tine their first agnate Tho hilted north 'for Gou. Middletoins tomes.
from, the ravine at one o'clock, but noury Irving to mght Athoirtil Rep. the eatOe filled with water- end souk.
London, April 29—At a banquet to it canoe trying to save soma rails, when
inid woended: I deeply it get to say, The wiree are still down and are be .
prize still continued very bot. A.t jell:onerous. Hoed to have been mit by nielcon: to the toast of the
this moment the 'General received k °LADEN'S Ceolistea, April 26 . --it tents itt this district Said to have gone rel; tespentling If our readers will accept proffered
Inillet through his hat, and called out whs. at first supposed that Fridsw's north tojoin Roil at Retoche. Tt is eteuy and navy, saidt—"No two grey: advice, they will gways keep a bottle
to them, 'Stand up men, if I had. fight wag more disastrods to the Do. the intendon of the Government to hounds leashed within eight of their of Ragyardis Yellow Oil on hand for
been bendmg 1
(-owls l'd bane had WY minion forties than to the rebels, but hare the Sioux Indians brought to the qUarry would be ready to be Itt go use m emergencies, mac& es burns
rains knocked out,' At four O'01001( the latest reports ere to the contrary, foa mid placed wider milittrY proteo. , than at the present tune ate tile scalds, wounds, lameness, croup, .h I:
L 1
be eirenadists errived front the east l
Gen. lillaabton wits decidedly victori- tion. T. W. ifeckson, member of the unit' and tiaven' 1 bleins, thetnuatiant told a vvi,rititital
Ode iu good form, and at once opened; ous. Although at first the toops- Xortilwest Oottrieil, has been thttaten: St. Petersbnrg, April 2. ----The 1 ,01: aches, value ana ittelarametious, it
410AI/on on0 of the ravines, There were vtliat might be eallea a little green 'eti ou say@ral 0001034)11S by halt breeds Gar has sea an ultimatum to tug: ,will ever he bond relielm. ,
however, the eneiny: re.eommenced went dW hall b t Qa`A tl d' 't