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The Wingham Times, 1885-04-24, Page 8
• 1 . 1400Ali N i . iµ S $ssy Nates, Nally Nslled;w Floods. Straw hats. Out:door games. `Symptosis of spring. Monday was Court day here. t`•,I',7 4 04 TBB WINGRAIK TIMES FRIDAY .APRILTQ4 •Alno...04,444 r. John Molloy is erecting a retsonal rarograph , s, b, ANNIVERSARY. frame building for his liquor store on the south unieof lila hotel, fir. Thos. Fortune, olerk of Turn. berry Council, who has for the past month been .helpless with a broken arm, is recovering slowly, Mr, Duncan Ste avert is putting 'a new face on the front of his store on Josephine street which will greatly improve its appearance. • It is oonefforting to remember that a Gold, late spring brings a'good hervet,t, According to the ancient saying Begin to clean up your busk; 'When April blows his liorn, yards. ,* 4L pie bode are making, their all.- •p fM e sermon was ear nest and pr xetieal with such emiarent motors as . Booths raugarnents'W With the O. i . R. to run Ross at Godericlt. tk,xou hoot. eel: was a gralyd expcsi- House to rent. Apply at Tlra a bus line Wingham . too g . Turas ° ice. Wing3aaua Road between the C. P. R,, Coria•'', lir, T. S, Sum bra wholeas been tion of Gospel truth. Mr. Toric 'will Barry, k, Fivbt IkicJeffer on, ,set' al p y' WallaGk, pectatar, Jefferson a resilient of this pinta for the past afwoys b' welcomed in.. Winghatn• Leers is an 'old tinter' '► hi ► e ofe . into rcqursrt'an. six months left town on Saturday for The 'ng on on a evening though TIz>; Trains only 76 cent from o. 'inhhame t Council have have e v ma os stand Brompton, children f th school d i bYte he had 3aaxd•krtoGlrs and his pathway ban %'" NEWIO BEERS. Pertinent _'eraena1 roasters, ProN0411. Tn December, i a$,an >T,rran Sunday and 14Ioiiday last werR outdy 1411dueowl, anniversary days in tit) yMltltti@ street wa efi`eoteci by Mr, C1, R. Gtrrdtner Methodist olrureb'. lieu, Geo. R. ane of New •Yorks shrewdest mane Turk, of lucknow, occupied the pule ere, by which per .Beers was eegux Mr. Arch, Fisher has' returned pit both xnorsaing and evening on to oreatts the part, of 'Roer•` in 11 from his prospecting tour rn Muskolca, Sabbath In the atAnd • ry has ser• new play, 'Duly A We man's Pleartc'•, • of Clinton, was in town en `Tuesday, and young people of the school, to presentatran in New Orleans bras Mr. W. J', Paisley, chieif, oonstsble, mon' was especially for tine children wb,ah from the very night of it lift„ Mr, Fred Simmons, formeelyof the pwayf, 1l o iararest ha• usedvn magi pillar meet ula tat etasoaxified rhes.Juni ' K Lords Array, is visiting friends to a y. atic ai , which took the at given hie latest and greatest 'teatime tows.• tension of the school: acid in a very in the largestate cages, sine rise extraor ,klies E. Lawrence, of Mildmay,• to imprestal way fastened the truth on d}nary success which lana ettey des !' i visiting Ur. James Hogg's, Turn- T al•theih' text `` 1 john Ins every appearance both artistically be r u e evening as ext was o .n dfi ' •• t over-• Jt doth good both for hayany corn. ' G 4 ,'bis is the vrotor.y that an naneiauy rs too well known to zieed further comment. ` , xis, Ii. W. Q, Meyer as. Twain cometh the world, even. our faith. ••• . „r Mr. Wr .. 31aek has oompleted':ar- her aronts, the Son. A. M.and rs..'1'h >'lioruugla<y sellooled iu: his art, Garden rake- will soon be called nencyrig, with next month. meeting M d a r i a his pro es • • • , - anonyoung in 'years: He has , •--"•T'h" had been looked swirls to the y s f to now g t d a a ren o e s 1. with a rise slot been over beds of roses. But to January 1st, 188$, Send in your }ng motion tt? adjoin{it' at YO o'clagk• cwt on a le Annie thavlisit jto Mends and antttrest, arnd they all dict' their .part eicperience is, after all,, the best of naneee. Down here they aejourn just. whoa Y s y nobly surd -well; 'ale report ryas read , they get read r g ' by ,kir 1t, Mo) ndoo the etir0teitt Secre teachers, and now that he .is entering ,• lelanves in London Tri ersoil Woo - `gr, Mullen has been painting and . > y d• • stook and Brantford, returned to town tory. Thu avers a atteidanoe for the into fame and fortune be has .nothing finishing up his -improvements of the l'y" It is eaheoted that a meeting of the slanday, of this week, looking ixrctchas-arhis s to unlearn, souretlring' which eantirit' Royal generally. Wingbam Scott Aot Association •:.will improved by her trip. ori the roll 27QeenT a Treasurer's rr+- he truly said of much more `•proton: Read Air. T Graham's interes'iug be shortly for the •puxpose o>"talc- Mr. Joseph Youhill lies secured a port.was presented by Ur J Cooper, tioUa 'mem' of leis prufelision. This - letter,"Aerese tile' MeaciCan Ventral „ ing .steps to have the }Gott i• #. et situation with Mr A Taylor, of who is always at his post of duty good he now enjoys l,e has fully earn ont:Ball team is being talked u ne y c swell,es a va u- • e year were X71.' r. - owltir, - the whet a the confidently' , p Our Fire Brigade h><ve received an able assistant in the post and tele excellent Siiperin'endenC • and the , expect And in this week's Tines. enforced is town after the first >a ay Belgra ve. ' No doubt Joe will make a The ordinary school collections for ed 'anti his steady cortinu,>noe in. rise xt• ver efficient clerk a 1 th D T p P ' he has struck at last is AF . predict-- u and wP hop© to be able to announceYts• invitation to participate . in the gra h offices. • teachers must ell be gratified at •the E galla calfs o Partiest4n. in our next issue, monster firemen's tournament •• to be lir, Robert Helm' of the Clinton y News, Success ilia year just'dosed. intending to travel will do held in Brantford under the auspices New Era, was• in town on Monday, r 7'ICIIRES Cff+'YOURSELF, ' F. Id ` i - Ohl • well to 0111 on C. E. Williams,' Agent of the firemen of that city:on June8rd and paid us a fraternal visit. lklr SPRIN S>~i(?€V. Canada. Pacific Railway •'IV`Ini;ltam. noxi,• Holmes lead a case at the Division, + , In 1kllnnto. street . Methodist church Court here, in - which he sued a sub, ictuses throughout , , Real W. Elliott's change o£ adv.. last .Sabbath venin thepastor ad. scriber to the New Era for ten cars' The spring. show of the ld airy p e will send Four DCS fi S I a once hila ,veek, Everybody in want or g y Agx cultural Society, was held on the y spring and summer goods invited. to witted to membership ttairteen persons unpaid subs-- 1)ticrr ` Ile won his suit market e uare on Friday last. 'There ed •phuto„rnphs. of yourself,' postpaid, pay the corner store a visit. whose letters of standing from the an quaint surr.ed holpe . xejoi>•ing. Dalin wise Alar ;e attendance trite a fins aeon receipt of $1,00 and'sampie pho- p c from whence hey had removed :sue > bseribers should take warning exhibit of horses, bulls and agricultur; to Weepy from, (cabinet size prefer. ?h, union cottage prayer'' meetings were read. and call and settle for their paper al ixuplelnei s. .The following is the red providedyou will prot;:iso in your held every Tuesday -evening in different It is announced first the • dude' "col- 'wrthput further delay. 1 t•_ _. . letter to show p1C@grog and 'act as. is season ibe narrow an -` FI. n, To•introduce out haadsoinenertvstyle. .parts o£the ton are we11 attended lar this will a psi. a is , • drest}itin in much good being .,111.have the corners slightly turned Next Sunday is, the anniversary of •rtsEs,. ' down. RO will now have an ' oppor the establishment' in America of the Tmported'pleavy t Draugl agent. in case they are satisfactory. Are sure to please everyone, Refer (.4 en: to Postnia,ster, Am, Express. • goat, On,ne tSutnday Rev,. Mr. Cornish tunity of :looking ground him and of Independent Order of Oddfellutvs triesf lst,, Jas. Anderson, t ordyee,. or Nunda Bank. ' Remit by postal { e "Warrior '.'211(1, ,'ihos, lgnew, Mar: note or registered' letter, (no stamps., , liivondact the Quarterly Services in seeing what . is ;going t ri'" work,,, '• Rdrvi t ~'Rev, J. J. Rapp ~viii preach A11 a nook, "Honest John." •taken), and>brntion:paper. Addree9, en ;mitis; end evening in .a'Iiunu. street ir. E}ijnli 13ikfains, tvho tvak severe• Tun parties aoGounts against ,• would c rifer a favor b 0' Baan Heavy Drat' lit(4en: ITUNDAPOBLISHING.oa,• imaa, uharch here. • ly kicked °by oneof the hoses on the : Y •tries) -1st, Niton & ('orchil,, Wings N. -Ya. day of the spring show is -rapidly im- proving. liaod ng thorn lite Mr, K@rr as soon •ham, ': Pride of rho Wet," - 2nd,. Jos. Die Directors of the Mechttnies proving.•' • He was:able to lied `removed•; • AS convenient so that the present sot SmQI•lie, l3iyevu}e, "Good Cheer.' ':In titclte held a meeting on Mendel from the Queen's.hotel, where he was °f book. can be closed and' new ones i enexal tirpuse--(9 siitr es)—let,: •ov triiti . Betw 'en this and the nett talon to his bonze in Tnrnberrg, .an opened. • P• • Jas.. T' 1 Win hum. "Xing of - ,- `" ". ':'+ "k' .•,s,.. meeting the new Board of Directors Mo da last ;P; ,; g g• ear 1 eLe tel by the vote of SUb Cl'.1)et's, , y "I • •Quality.' , .grid' Voeen d; Page, Bel: On Wedaresday • vetiing last, - :oar,2osen The hot'e1 'ere `setting thinks is am waiting for the spring time. nxore, ''ScotIiind Yet." phine Street, • a'. -..SILVER WA osephine street has been pretty .order for the 1n ct reing of the Scott , Sang a maiden through her nose, Road and Carraa e- 3 entries ' }il,or:3u Oily scraped and cleaned un. Act rext, weal. `' °Mr, Roe is :chane•, For I an t let Walter kiss me g ( ) Russell manufacture, 'with . t.erved • d t seine of the 'back yards }vete ail b Without broth i goes and *blows,' 1st, R. J. ..:',W ellwu2n Vi'ing Gib cases. Finder w111 -".be Rewarded b ' in„ the arrangement of Ills 'g Ether Allftn, 3r. , ixd,'.John Crib:. y ;well At ended to, while they are at et, +rooms and; =eking..a nice 'iookau in thebrighc'and ba}my spring -time bons..b ord ce "Dictator." leaving t ane ut fi g pprzck. it inn,ylit' he bt:tter' for the health of wholesale store out of the :old Taus When the bumble -bees do hunt, •I)rplfkugta James Andersen, !'War: tins-' citizens: ofli'ce We can sneer within the lvoodlet » 4,.0). . And -yum---your---v:tl.m 1" nor ,;'for be t liarse • ne any class, . ,,fjnly a. Woman s 'Heart Co," tinder An nxoliangel ':z9y•3 • one mhotnas , •slrxLts o the . well rl n Slcl,c,fie.id, ri ted 9I. ewrs,_,vallted :time , g pt, 24th, 1865 ' 'WIN+GxU.M' 11'l:ARRET, titre'( i,i inA eln,lut of.w known S ; . , ' - Win butts A Newton Beers, t lay' ,tare .on Ma miles to v 1 ' b Cut.tlaas out.—Ie view of the pos• ' T"horounhbi'ed Durlt,ani, aged --.--(3 y pa„ Yi., sit scriptien to• a i. aper., siblo f ckvent' of that . tet rilITe 'x isease a iii n --lst ,. `,j: A. ` i3tc ne, VrAx: t''loI]r: p ;r et t , .$42.2: 2 25 to 'L5rli, They Wert verysuccessful here It is the -general :; iumpression among cholera, " ,,,,,,' ', ;' 1,efer ., and will, no doubt, be greeted publishers that re ..x lera, to America: eve• publish' the arae, i dire, ,•(b,.0 ieda,:rnolin Bpi,, :1+loirre'pexblal..,.,,:,, 4 60 to •4 ,., o, p a . there are ngiitt>e1 of remedy, which' is known'a's the New hour, Ste'•,lfiele is; •,'Duito•..of •1klaple. Fall Whoa per ons...,' .• 7a `to • 80 .with la frill house. ' are nsoosnett' ' ho etre wa)tl`n wail they .yarn;. Sttn Cholera • mixturei--Take Ridge,'1.112252 ' • Springy ' r• ,.. 78 to , •The• "Anchor Reese is still to the are ninetyone old to eomA in and a nil Arts 'of `tincture of opiurn, ThQroti hi> 'ed Durhams:' udder two Oats : '+ 't34 pay ter thele paper:... q p p , is 1 3U te 34. ris.. Special drives o fertng this tincture of rhubarb, :.tinctlirn of cry yoar:r={2'eratrles)-- 1st, hos,lender;' Barley ' 60 to G5 hi cashmeres, nun's veilin,s and At the:'recent reviva• l servioes'en enn°, "essence .of • Peppermint, "and sou, 'W ngl arn; +'Sir Francis,, 11 i%), I'cas '• 4f 4'• 6G'to 58' rpt: n sling, `sl•e gentlemen's de• the •i inele-street X1'lethodist church, spirits of catmphoa, Alis wAll,` Dose t - `•' Pot,itoes •' _.• ..t 40 to 44' = a s eat complete in. every line, between 80 and 90 persons professed t►fteel .to thirty drops in a .wine rias Friday,s Butter per lb .., ....,., • 15 to f0 bley8, has been set apart as lti t 1 tlaeiradvt,. on the 4th page. q: Conversion; and et :the present time. of. . water, according to age • and vie- ,' $rbcs ,cls ,for Win barn. 2'artrrs, Eggs per doz.., ,,, ,:.,,. iG to 1 rs Tiiursda : Tliorninry,'k r tYm. 1s,there are 6.2. applications for'' mowber, leactf• of attack,.;,, Repeat every fifteen wanting G e shit• Iii ter , should leave play per ton..,...:,, .,,, $ 00 to 1 ' 00 ht,l,tlr delivered to ;Sic. uncarl t3tew• les/qv The 1114 ntvers . tsi the clturcll: niint teti unfll`telisf •is olltaine . thearumUer they quire with Dir,Yet- lave ' Ood: . nn t'i 125 g. at reason to rejoice at the • gigot) teivie.Olerk. n::,. C very fine. three year old steers oranner in Which the s v h been blessed by the lyTaat er.` popular oitixen,o£Huron corn;`y, was . air, W. q.; . Marshall, of I,o xtxiT., d. and hirci by himsei4 avast' itt llc+ $e e • i ices ave Pat' Kn1i y a - well known and anew.. 1400 pound* tenet in wiggle i l"i.? ter.'art intends to xnalce ,tion The funeral of the late Mrs- Crowell in town on Wednesday with a view 'tS Ingham, succuxubed to the efleGtu of fsw-er pm III Iar` a shaputel,t td+iticpe Willsonof tltls'tdwn $Coit piece on. ofbtivrngalta timber limits Pat is 1i' 1 , 'Il M 1 „ at '" ,, ,•,` , , ,s long a nesson. onlay est: Lha sVU volnlltC(r Cam auv under 'l hersdey o£ lest:weelc:. The .remeinsi gettnux a little old, but is rine of tbo funeral took place on Wedi esday, . and ` Phr'r k( at tit R, .1 Nq t 44g-}4:3ittitt ' 2 p t were conveyed to London, and ,here boys yet. Ile Bove the ,Coal hotel the deceased being a member of the :c: iintna.nrl of Capt. Elliott, is, stili interred in the family burial plot at men h pointer ne to the method ,in' 11asonie order the brethren of• tile' iytsT ertiling two nights a week, and getting Arvin The funeral',service. was ton- which they intend working things tit: Wni hent and BI th lod es attend---, , lkkir ,i• ths ihatvu;'KiNlr O'llY "A^hta ` lti e,s.tred to be t„ the fit tat should ducted by't11e Jen. hrahcieacon Marsh In Ht+rdu ,vhtn tho Scott Act comas the funerai'and 1t their last respects r:, A , r+ , IllWli"L'ft: rtrt ;;•illy lti called upoiej Tn4+y hire slid the pall 'lechers were Col..Lewis, in force. Instead of having druggists to their sate brdtl,er. s414 `! ~` PLAt'l ttoi{K gr•eutly improved in their drill sinter v CH1 ' Sheriff Glass T, l: F.t eorall A , G. appointed to sell liquor the Dominion . its -rat l n'f '.' °~ perr, ,{• tt ra comruer:ced,. • Sinyth, .1. O. ,Mei ntosh and W.. Be authorities willappoint hotel keepers I+' • d , , , ,c and ,+rr,+ Y:c• i,rtt ,r rrlulr:2,lui, rain.^ tftll;s ri,► •,.v"'At a meeting of the Cricket Club on 1' cr ligan. .There .v►is a ter lar re b this means will enable them self s it K ,tTrltr MACHINE 14 would greatly oblige mi y j;:,,p w s••„eh.,»r ) re 1.,t,Ire.,tr••••,1 i. .:1,•.+ '1. I•s1Y6 evening the clue was ettehndanee which, sa stheFree Press, to ran their business ver snuck on kind when you are to toyvn you would ti„r+:, ,.P,.r,••i• +.;,n eta,,;, ct,.. x,a,P, :«.} ' kinlliy dell at L'HE 1'IaIi;A office ie...., +',+„ to „r, l,' „se re re•:,rga. zed with the follolvin:f showed the esteem in *blah the sdeceas the old style, This is ay very gout} and let us know of any dedurrence wt11L rii='x3i.:i xa reltri.,t;of ;cr c; s. iii: r:i. _>d. E, Williams,tTresideut; ed was held by her neighbors. among scheme, but the, ,question; is, will it which may have taken pisco in your. ytrytee+v tear'o,,,l t,tit,i::,,,: .,t,q+,ne e, i».1... 1+:..,,, Dickenson, 'Vice Js. ,i l(nt; Geo, whom she h ,d lied so than vbars+ work t—WWatfor'd Advocate. t. •,. r,.'."n,i ,i:.',•; . yprr ret ,•, c+i:rr,tI rr, neighborhood. if everyone would do . te+ya,u Ylli ,r, ..spy,•----- +, lri+. a (h,,,.t,lr, ,er,,1 fr7. l !) ztii'i 1, lds' •'i`retrs ; L. S. Uashar, , 1r Jos Colley accompanied by Til ' this it would be better for yourselves , tt, tfs,,,rt 1:, . illM l.. erose Club was held lel watt Que@its Win. ,Donde, were im,nersed in the greater part of know. and what somebody else would with mere le:ft..he•, 1+, ale c.,l,,his, in the..v*1.,., lli.,.er Tuesdayeveuir: Officers waters of the Maitland on Wednesda this week. The water is eluite high know, you'd know, and what you'd ell o;''i`gese;"T.(U.1 l ` i:.rl,,,+e " Tar;,, e,,,fv,1, s,.A. ' ` 'r y submerging the tads in many tsleyl' , know we'd know 'also. Now don't you ]ittn,i Fido a,i s knit mut fr,ttrl. Mir .l,.-. rt ,*n see to l for the coming season, as fol af erna„n,tltougll searcely in'the Ortho Al' hd t h not nearly highy +' ,t S P Atl s, Mayor; President, tom : w e _ hien heavy aottg an h II, Jr, 'Vice president, IL W. O. where, the road is floddett U113 sale' the volume Thursday ine,e- nen; to sweep• a1l'the news you tan* 5f yer; Secretary, A. Davern; Trees. first bridge, when hey 'meta dug, away Motets. Johnston and Turner's `~ tort• tlapt W” A - ns, heti« ' The UStta springy odds have slut a s well as us,r you Ow ![•1•i;4•,rs gt,,ttt, If:t, n,ttgI,^rrrrlLnett:: 3 his two song, James and Vilified”, his f:i.ed' to, put in an appearance. It you'd, knosomebody else see would r,t►t "" i `d i`arw WORLD, ''A meetin of the 6Vlihbu»soil,#ee daUahter, bliss Ma ,gee artcl 1 1r. }las been with us the +'stater ORL , — t. t g n T y rid rig as on think ++, , in r» n rhea nAi ti••fhl. "' CG i,,d lt..a l ie nd HoMaary e sidd n lin dorC manner. The were drivie into Ona we 7 Why you wile bring you d n tc!,t, e•, ;',41, ++t in t+na+••i, They g some former floods the water grooved „as d 'tvb are sure du will brin u SRptt fDr,• .v r t+•,;,ct l'.tt taui;tle Abft ",i'Crtk y , , town end !vo a just cr. s ifa the plane hi h elaou 1t and lie v et h y g s rYlo,l,alas;„,u,Il•:tr„ a,:,,,t;. IZIAN t... 0. e , ata, A. Campbell. which frightened the horses, mid dein and carry it 'some distance down Mr. W Matell had the misfortune + • eau” d t In. m to sIi breakin to let a beef fall on h s foot while .. ' • 'The " Coity 'People's Literary , y, They the ' the et earn. • 'xlts lase to musts. ` F: ,•:tcty' o£ the Methodist ciiurclr held tnr,i;tie of the w,lcoil. Tciey t}ren bc .. - rohnston & Turner will be heavy and working in the slaughter house on • & j, Wi t,,l+ oNt The t . ,ir meeting Tuesday evening. n C8.ht' Um/1 .1'4%4bl" 8511 ?Al' Off tlla ; was aatogether, unexpected as the Thursday, and in ooitaeciuenco per: •••inciisal business -of the meeting; was -"ad into the ..tech water nv r an darn was whew one and sunt osetl to ambulates with the tad of acanto, r .;r a'ceptanes of Mr, F. Tinellnns- n's hri,:L Mr. sirs. G(;11c;y was thrown be strop, enough to withstand the r •-.Ii;nattiort on aceaa.nt of ten -meal to -out an riven/fel severei ,saves ruts flood, as having. been neonen last yAar DIED. Y eter►na urgeor s, 'J', Ionto and the election of ofhem a by *Tun(' the head. .l Tile ()Leisskit 011' it was rA:1,uiIt by ; i t Arch. Fisher honored Gradnntes of Ontario Veterinary r, welt at: invrinr t;tr• t.:it°.1. A. crowd e„ r ' f bp Lower Wingham, on College, and rogibtore1 momberm'rrf Vel 1sn11 t its followsr.••• -Mr. Frank 1'1*,leo- . .in expert much matters. The sod: , ! iy, Preeident; Mr, doltn loin•, of vitt .eine, et,'":t' reeks'',N l fend instil den teeth of water caused y diel dam ;klondiyy, April' 21 188 t, EV1 tx. t;'CA nit di p tselessa a srlot provareel. tic c :ai +sm , N ., *sr. dent, Ml r John nehanate t`" "'•t ''."'"'''"IT I .% 1: ,r. "M".‘14`.. 5..1',• brc5kirrg ,1.88150d l'iway 'the' enihaltic; blarsllsil, aged flit vurti it11C1' S M 8 J film ]nt tat and mom >3oir3tsLtRo Prirtet las. ,i eore.At ; If'f'is his+ totup,ntt, • 1y t::fi ..,7,.rti:rrn 11. 1+ 1 tat+, t• h. gyri;; ,ttentof tilt rnil1 sae in several pleees ruonti ' !bought attended to day and t,fglli. Limns J. it rat'ii`Pr. t , +`Nt TI,,,+•,,,••ri t. +! t..: ', It ;rl':+J' [.r,+•. + f . bought an/Isola. en' aornlnisft(ln :moo and Thew next trait iii,,, will'- '.ta th', imindalt„ r, of n cons+iflc'rableifikteCti ter.- • n Wifilrltam, on Fir, .ay infirmary in the sward lasts y.rmt 4 1S ire Il'tltn u w Taeselay', ',tlf :ire . `1'..i, ...t.' et e riet r le „nv, gr• e;,ed wish s. »mien of s greater part of Lowe; April 11, 1885•, Robert 1.legtirdy, T. Kerr, V. R., nppoeito aterriittelt!1, ,..it+,,. nils 002140 #atvaied. the'.,- +,f : at• *Ingham. -40agec142 years turd 3' ttioltthe, 1 aoteneh1 Street, 'imine n. G .i 3 .y •