HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-04-24, Page 7-earls;
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Ontarria-* Hied Tf01413114111D
atIOCOSS that hali been achieVed in moda , , ii
ern Ini••li,.. ine has heen attained by th WAR' WAR SRING, 1885
I. troops the most eXtraerdinary
:Axon tr .itmont for catarrh. Out of •••,••••••w•••••.•• • • •' 1
2,000 patients treated during the •
past six menthe, full ninety -per cent
44., '4.442 " "T.
have been cured oktine stubborn mal
lady. This is none the less startling
when it is remeoered that not five
per centof patients presenting them.
t elves to the regular practitioners are
benefitted, while the patent medicines
,ed other advertised cures never re
era a cure at all, ,Starting with
• elaira 'row generally belieyed by
Least scientiho men that the dis
vas*,s due to the presenile of living
parasites in the tissue. Mr. Dixon at
onco adapted his euro to their exter•
mination—this aeccmplished, he
• claims the Catarrh is practically cured,
• and the permanency is unquestioned,
as cures effected by him four years
ago are cures still No one else has
ever attemptel to euro Catarrh in
this manner, and no other treatment
has ever cured Catarrh. The appiica
tion of the remedy is simple, and can
be done at home, and the present
season of the year is the most favor
ablefor the speedy and permanent
cure. The: majority ni eases being
cured at Quo trea Anent Sufferers
shoula correspond with Messrs, A. H
DIXON Si SON, 805 King sreet,west
Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp
for their treatise on °Wanda Mon
treal Star. Nov. 17, 1882,
!Cents will pay Buy your Cottonactes, Grey Cottons
dor The Times for and Shirtings where you can
Are you disturbed at meat and
broken of , your.rest by a siek
Suffering and ening with pain of out
• ting teeth? if so send at once and get
a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
:Syrup for Children Teething. Its
effect is incalculable. I will relieve
• ' the poor little suffiirer immediately
DeprA1 upon it mothers, there is no
mistake about it, It cures dysentery
and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach
and bowels, cures 1,vindcolie, softens
the gads, reduces inflammation, and
gives tone and energy to the whole
system Mrs, Winslow's Soothing
Sprup For Children Teething is plea
sant to the- taste, and is the preserip
tion of one of the oldest and best fe.
male phvscia,ns and nurses 'n the
United States, and is for sale by all
druggists throughout the world. Priee
25 cents. a bottle.
3 months, Sub -
.scribe now, and
get th,e war news
iturcieeic einem. should be
mf; Ulcer; Abscesses, Fevers
Blood Bitters for.
• rw box. T MILBURN & CO.
sop: aaaala. TORMMO 411
save money
These axe tire pi la T. A. MILLS is offering inducements in. All of them
being bought before the rise in the market, the customer reaps
the benefit,.
We 'offer Special Value in these Goods1
A Full Range of
$500 PORI -MIT
Having the utmost confidence dig -
superiority over all others, and of thu
sands of tests of the most complicated ant
aeverest cases we could find, we feeljustifi-
wain offering to forfeit One Thousand Dol.
tars for any case of coughs, colds, sore
throat, influenza, hoarseness, bronchitis,
con.unit 'ion in its early stages, whooping
0314,1. and all diseases of the throat and
lungs, except Asthma, for which we oan
Maim relief, that we can't cure with We ts
Cough Syrup, wben taken according to di-
rectic ng Sample bottles 25 and 50 cents,
large uottles ono dollar, Genuine wrap-
pers only in blue. Sold by all Druggigs,
or sent by express, on receipt of price
0d 0. C. WEST & 00., 81 and 83, Kingt
East Toronto, Ont
This space reserved for
S. °Tracey,
The Leading Undertaker and. Furni
ture Dealer in Wingham.
The tailor presses his suit.
• The shoemaker lays his awl at her
• feet.
The blacksmith strikes when the
iron is hot.
The wood chopper offers himself as
her feller..
The carpenter says she adz' joy to
his existence.
The dairyman he is bound to heifer, -
and can lo,ve no udder, • •.
The poet woos her with a sonnet, '
and her big brother starts out in .
search of him with a bhot gun.
Finally, the champion • roller -skater
rola into her good graces, and she
olopes with and marriesaim.
The 'funny man' approaches her
with jokes and pans, andlias the dog
set on him and loses the skirt of his
swallow -tail.
Ihe furniture dealer is so much in
love w„th her that ho is willing to
Accept her affections on irstalments,
one tenth down.
The mason believes his chances rest
on a good foundation when he in-
forms her that a refusal would. be
mortar -tying to him.
All ra need of a nobby spring suit
should leave their order at the Anchor
House, A large stock of latest shades
and desiges to select from, and a fit
guaranteed in- every
• A St. Louie editor, who started
without a cent forty years aeo, Is now
worth $100,000. His fortune is all
Owino• to his Own energy, industry and
fritg3ity, and the faet that an allele
recently left him $09,999,99.
if our readers will eceept proffered
advice), they will always keep a bottle
of Itagyard'e ;Fellow Oil 011 hand for
▪ use in emergencies, such as burns,
sealds, wounds, lameness, erotip..chil..
-I blain, rhettindisra, and all ••varreties
of aches, pains and iufleantnations, it
will ever be found reliable.
Special reductions in furniture la S.
emcees, Having a largo stock on
• hand and wishing to reduce it 1 will
give special reductions for thanext 20
days onafl purchases of 'over $26
;WI and see tny stook of bureau.% rid0..
boards, bedroctn setts, lounges, teas,
ete., ,Iteo. —8 Guano
Was the name formerirgiven to Scrofula
because of a superstition that It could be
cured by a king's touch. The world is
wiser now, and nows that
can only be cured by a thorough purifica•
tion a the blood. if this is neglected,
the disease perpetuates its taint through
generation after generation. Among its
earlier symptomatic developments are
Eczema, Cutaneous 14.1ruptionst Tu- •
Moro, Boils, Carbuncles, Erysipelas,
Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy-
sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con-
tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca-
tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases,
Tubercular Consumption, and vari-
ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, aro
produced by it.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Is the only powerful and always reliable
blood -purifying medicine. 'tie so effect-
ual an alterative that it eradicates front
the avatem Hereditary Scrofula, and
the !cinched poisons of contagious diseases
and mercury. At the game time it en-
riches and vitalizes the bleed. restoring
healthful action to the vital organs an..
rejuvenating the entire system. This great
Regenerative Medicine
la composed of the genuine Honduras
Sarsaparilla, with 1 dim Dock. 8til-
lingia, the Iodides of ,Potassiunts and
Iron, and other ingredients ot great po-
tency. carefully and scientifically corn.
pounded. Its formula is generally known
to the Medical profession, and the best
physicians constantly prescribe .&Y11'1
AP/JULIA ail i111
13solute Cure
senses caused by the vitiation de
It Is concentrated to the high-
... practicable degree, far beyond any
ether preparation for which Ilk° °Sets
• are claimed, and Is therefore the cheapest,
as well as the best blood inufffIng medi-
cine, in the world.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Do, d. C Apo 16,, Lowe, Moo.
tAitatitiosi Chiinists.) •
Sold by all Druggists: price .11, At
bottles tor $6,
In all the Newest Patterns aad Styles, and a Grand Display of Cretonnes, a
•prices and colors. See our Scotch Ginghams.
All the newest Dress materials in stock from 10c up, and Special Value
in Black Cashmere. See these goods before you buy.
Just Arrivedour New Stock of
And all the Newest Patterns in
ani ranch Wontlfiai Paatiqs.
Ur See our New, Styles in Gents' Scarf Pins and our new stock of Feat
Hats and Gent's furnishings generally.
Greater bargains than ever in Carpets. The largest:stock in town to
select from and prices lower.
AD the new Sprit) Stock of Shoes have arrived, and no trouble to
show them See thenar Ad be convinced that the sy lbs and prices are right.
Choice Groceries a1 ..3s on hand. Try our TEAS.
• T. A. MILLS,
FOR VIII 0$14 Of
e thoroughly, 4 to MIN
p ,goorunoo will &Otto As
remedy Is BQ Gallatin M ATS1I's P114,
They WM!a regular daily action, aud re*
store the bowels to a healthy tionditid‘n,
For Indigestion, or Dyepepela, Arras's
lms aro Invaluable, and a, sure sure.
leart-burn, Less of Appetit., ord
4tomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Dead.
ache, Numbnese, blaasea, age all relieved
and eared by Altitta'a rthrs,
In liver Complaint, Ant ous Insordere,
and Jaundice, Pats should be
given in doses large enough to excite the
liver and bowels, and remove constipation..
As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, theft
rims are nnequalled.
Worms, clawed by a morbid oondition
the bowels, are expelled by these Pthr.s.
Eruptions, Shin Dikoases, and rile*,
the result of Indigestion or Constipation, ape
eared by the use of Arch rias.
For Colds, take Armes Prigs to open
the pores. remove inflammatory seeretions,
and allay the feria
For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by
sudden eolds, indigestible food, eta., AvEtels
Pira.s are the true remedy.
litheumatism, Sent, Neuralgia. and
Sciatica, often, result from digestive eloratigo
ment, or eolds, and disappear on removing
the arose by the use of ATBR'S rILLs.
'Zamora, Dropsy, Kidney Cdoplaintz,.
and other disorders caused by debility or
ebsbruotfon, aro oared by AVM'S 241.7..s.
Suppression, and rainful lifenstrus.
lion, have a safe and ready remedy is
PaU direetions, in various languagc,e, ao.
company meth paskarge.
rstaransp BY
Dr.J. O. Aybi,"414. CO., Lowell, Maas.
Sold by allDraggists.
xypehisirieCompiss e
zierie, teRtlYreiteZultri_sthirvt.
Catairrh,' ricers and. 614.in and
Blood Diseases of every aleserip-
Sion. 4
$1000 reward to any ohemist who well
find, on analysis of 200 bottles of t4haket
Llouoode.Svrttp, ono particle of rifer -
Iodide ok Potassium, or any mineral
Edoo. -$1.QO l'er Bottlt, or Slz far 53.03.
Sole Agency for Wingham at The
Pharmacy, Dr. Towler's drugstore,
ritfirnoll liadbor lank Luh;
1 re Offering GREAT VALUE in
Staves, Tinware and 'House
Furnishing Goods
,..TH1.72r11Til IRT
L normin
The hcstpreparation known tosciencefor beautifying tho
°NM SINGL/1 APPLICATION is warranted to
reautifyllin Face and givo to the Faded or Sallow Com-
plexion a Perfectly ltealthr, Natural, and Youthful
Appearance. It COPCOMB 'Wrinkleg.Freckles, Crow's
Feet. and the tvidene,o of Avi, leaving tho Skin Soft,
Smooth, and 'White.
PRICE -50 tents. Sent to any address. Poatage
stamps taken. Address alllotters to
CREME D' OR, Drawer 2,078, Toronto P.O.
AsIc your Artrgalat for it. Wholesale by all whole.
'1,;.:;,a a Mark, ludo druggists. -
aingmepagagabalogaralaMs61115111, • •4, IJi to • I IP 011.1 1 si It j,;1111 1
Cures )i:n/s8, Loss of Appetite, Ltdigestton, Xiliousness,
Pyspepsia, Juundic.e, Affections of the Liver a.nd Iridneys,
Pl.,' , Blotches, Pails, Humors, Salt Phelan, Scrofula, "
;rysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood,
erattgeel Stomach, or irregular action of tho Perim's*
1%10. 4i.,;(e
Pme, Hemlock, Cedar, Tamarac, Ash
Alaple and Elm Lumber of all sorts con.
atautly on hand or manufacture po
•bna Shinnies of all graltt from
N at ottom Prices.
S kx..E212
Staves, Heading and. Barrels of every de-
scription always on Land or made to order
Our facilities for .making flour and salt
Oarrels1 are inferior to none in Ontario
Cheaper than the Cheapest.
CUSTOM Sawing done as usual,
And at Lowest Prices.
Cistern Tanks made to order. Highest
prices paid for all kinds of logo.
Call and soo us.. Saw mills and work
shops adjoining the G. W. railway statrion,
3. J. ANDElbSON.
W It 0 171:1 V174e
Aro ploackest to tke. eentoir thestatt
Lhttgative. Is a sq*, sum aud •
dmetrator el worms to Children or file
008141"(414011 Agra