HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-08-21, Page 411.00 a.m,-Morning Service Welcome to our Presbyterian „ friendg, " You are invited to 9 worship with us. Pentecostal Church Victoria St. X. L. SWEIGARD. Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11,00 a.m.-Morning Service 7,00 p.m.-Evening Service Friday, 8.00 p.m.-Young People's Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Bible Study and Prayer. Daily vacation Bible School will be conducted by Miss Bette Waters, London, every morn- ing Monday to Friday from 9 to 12 commencing August 18 to August 29. Classes will include Scriptural instruction, chorus singing and hobby craft. Miss Waters conducted similar classes in the Southern 'United States last stir/liner and is con- tinuing the work in Canada this year. ALL WELCOME AUGUST . . CLEARANCE SALE To Mare Room for Incoming Fall .Goocis we are Slashing Prices, LOOK AT THESE VALUES! I./ All Dresses! PRICE All Coats! All Suits! And All- B:ATHING SUITS SUMMER SKIRTS and ARE 6411.141:(AE1 1:41 BLOUSES 20% OFF- All---WOMIEWS AND MISSES' SKIRTS, CARDIGANS and PULLOVERS and T-SHIRTS SPECIALS-Women's Skirts, sizes 12-20- Values to 7.95 Special 3.98 WOMEN'S T-SHIRTS-sizes S-M-L-- Values to 2,75-Plain and striped- . Special Only .98 KNITTING WOOLS-Regent Baby Andalusian and Sea Beach Yarns-All *Colours- Regular .43 Special .29 CHILDREN'S SWEATERS-Cardigans and Pullovers- Values to 3.50--sizes 2-6-Special Only 1.98 GIRDLES-Broken lines •of Women's Girdles- Sizes 24 to M.-Clearing' at only .98 BARTLIFF BROS. Bakert and confectionort 444-1.44444÷4-4-*+++++++4444-4-4-64,4-44.4*4-44-4.-+++44 **-0444+4 Special T his Week-- From Our Store Only-- FRESH CHERRY PIE- (Made with Fresh Frozen Cherries) Reg. 5,Oo for 39c rAow 'OUR -PlarNTON lIEWS-RECORD THURSDAY, AUGUST,t, 195A 404-e-eees-eeee-e_eete-e-e44.4,4,eset ee-e-e-el-e-ee,e-e-iee-so-e- Gospel Hall Maple Street, one bloat east of Albert Street, north of .Par-Knit 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 10.45 a.m.-Communion Service 8.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting- Speaker - Mr. John Martin; Mr. Martin is lecturing on the jeurneyings of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.-Prayer meet- ing and Bible Study, Come and Bring Your Friends GODERICH BUSINESS - Dutch Reformed Church Holland Service--2,30 p.m. at the t Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter Mr. C. M. EEL1VIAN, Exeter Box 336 ertiires .•-•-•••••••••-•••-•-0 SUNDAY, AUGUST 24, 1952 ONTARIO ST, UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR-REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, P.A., ORGANIST-1MS, WENDORF 9,45 axe-Sunday School 11.00 ti .m,--Union Service in Ontario St. Church. 7.30 pan.-Union Service hi Ontario St. Church, TURNER'S CHURCH 9,45 a.m..--Merning Worship 10.45 a.m.-Sunday Scheel PER R. N. Irwin and family are now holidaying at Muskoka. Elwyn Merrill and Elmer Pacey spent the weekend at Lion's Head. MARTINS Mid-Season Sale LADIES' DRESSES- $1.98 - $2.98 $3.98 LADIES' BLOUSES $1.25 $1.98 $2.98 LADIES' SKIRTS $2.37 - $3.17 GIRLS' DRESSES $1.98 - $2.37 $3.17 • BATHING SUITS $1.98 - $2.98 • $3.98 Cotton BROADCLOTH WABASSO QUALITY ALL COLORS '49,c yd. 5 yds. $2.25 111011101111111410110111011111111110 Mrs. K 1VieGonn,visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. G. A., Walker. Stanley Hamilton is spending this weekend with relatives in London. Mrs, Leonard Carruthers spent a week at the home of Mrs. Mary Swinbank, Miss Marion Pickett returned frog). a two week vacation in Tol- edo, Ohio. Miss E. J, Becker has been idaying in Port Elgin and on Georgian Bay, T. W. Watt, Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R, 13, Penne- baker last week. Fred Elliott, Toronto, spent his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Elliott, Mrs. C. Dickinson, St. MarysL was the guest of Mrs, Ida Jones, Clinton, last week. Mrs. Frank Finglanti and Miss Catherine are holidaying at Cav- endish Beach, P.E,I. Lloyd Carter, Toronto, is spend- ing his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Derwin Carter. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Walker, Hamilton, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Edna Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs, 0, D. Smith, Ter- race Bay, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Penne- baker. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Jim- mie and Bobbie, left today for two weeks' vacation at Bala and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meadows and Miss Carol, Windsor, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Derwin Carter, Mrs, James McGill left yester- day for Arvida, Quebec, where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kelly.. Mrs. R. I, Hartley, St. Cather- ines, is' visiting this week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hartley, Mr.and Mrs. Norman Carter and Mr. and Mre. Effie Jamieson, at- tended t h e Thempson-Hindley wedding in Rockwood. Mr. and: Mrs. W. G. Holmes and family, Toronto, spent the weekend with the former's mo- ther, Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes. l'Irs. Frank Haines, who under- went an 'operation in St, Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia, last Monday, is reported to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hann and Engagements AMPOunCOO Mr. and Mrs. Robert E, Rowden, Goderich Township, announce the engagement of their daughter, Muriel Elean- or, to Jelin James Manning, 131Yth, SOD of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander 1VIannning, The wedding will take place early in September. 34-p Mr. and Mrs. George Ad- dison, Wirigham, announce the engagement of their dau- ghter, Betty Caroline, to Ken- netli MacKay Hulley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Walton, The marriage will take plaee at two o'clock. on Saturday afternoon, Septem- ber 6, in Constance United Church, Kinburn, 34-p Brenda, Waterloo, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McEwan and other friends in the district. Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. W. C. Linder, Hamilton, last Friday, Mrs, Linder was a sister of the late Mr. Holmes, Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs., G. A. Walker 'were Mr. and Mrs. A. G. lVfaskell, Strasbourg, Sask.; Mrs. W. J, McKinney and Miss Shirley Turner, Goderich. Mrs. Murray Hetherington and daughters, Margaret and Mary, Brampton; Miss Heather Ivey, Kapuskasing, visited the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. J. 'Snider, last week. Mrs. Olive Perham and son James, Detroit; Mrs. 3. McCowan and daughter Shirley, Mrs._ Glen Pickardt and Maxine, Porter's Hill, visited with Mrs. D. Basom on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold John- ston; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cox; Mr. and Mrs. J, Huller, spent the weekend in Berkeley, Mich., with the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Durst. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter are in Winnipeg, Man., this week at- tending the National Council of the Young People's Union of the United Church of Canada, which is being held at the University of Manitoba. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Stewart last week and ov- er the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. George Slaney, Leamington; Mrs. James . Cumming, Blyth; "Miss Mina and Elmer Hughes, Ilderton; Mrs, Jack Heaman and little son, London. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hunter (nee Florence Elliott), Edmonton, Al- ta., visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Elliott and other relatives in London. They were accompanied by Archdeacon and Mrs. W. A. Townshend and Miss Betty El- liott in visiting the ladies' sister Mrs. H. L. Wise, Clinton, and call- ing in Bayfield, their-home village. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W - Clinton Miss Helen Rogerson Honored By Neighbors Some 45 friend and neicrs eatheredweres3ayeveng:gu: gust 6, at the home of Mrs. Ed Layton, R.E. 3, Seaforth, to hon- our 1Vrias Helen Rogerson, bride- elect of this month. Everyone enjoyed a program which consisted of a humorous reading by Mrs, Howard Johns, "Levinski at the Wedding"; .a neighbourly gossip was given by Mrs. Erlin Whitmore and Mrs. Mervin Falconer; a musical num- ber on a zither was given by Mrs. Fred McGregor. The Tuck., ersmith news items for the com- ing year, were edited by groups and read by Mrs, Les Lawson, The bride-to-be, who was seat- ed on a decorated chair under an umbrella from which hung bal- loons and streamers, was present- ed with a decorated basket of many useful gifts brought in by Patsy Twyforcl, Toronto, and Barbara Layton, assisted by Eil- een Garrett and Carol Pepper. The bride-to-be, after opening her many lovely gifts, thanked everyone in a few well-chosen words. After this a dainty lunch was served, -------o- SUMMERHILL Ladies' Club Meet The August meeting of the Summerhill Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Merrill with 20 members and six visitors present. The meeting was opened by singing "What a Friends we Olve in Jesus," Miss W, O'Neil and Mrs. L. McKinnon, 'Clinton, gave infor- mative talks on the work of the Clinton Public Hospital and the bazaar to be held this fall by Clinton Hospital Auxiliary. Mrs. Graydon Neal was appointed to look after tickets for the bazaar. The programme consisted of a musical contest conducted ter Mrs. W. Lovett with Mrs. C. Ball at the piano. The contest was won by Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. Mrs, Charles Merrill held a guessing contest which was won by Mrs, Russell Good. The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gray- don Neal. Those on the pro- gramme committee are Mrs. Al- lan Neal, Mrs. Graydon Neal, Mrs, Sid Lansing and Mrs. W. Penfound. The lunch committee will be Mrs. Keith Tyndall, Mrs. Allan Neal, Mrs. Wes Hoggart and Mrs. Chester Farquhar, . ----_-,-------- } e------ 0 1, ,,,,-.14,--e.,,,,., Bossie basis On.iped of hay She's done her Good deed for today. 20.1 HURON PHONP:441 4-•-•-.04-0 • •-•:•-•-+*-4-0-4-0-+ COACHES For CHARTER Licensed to operate anywhere in Canada or the U.S.A. CAREFUL DRIVERS NEW RECLINING SEAT EQUIPMENT, Special Rates for Service Personnel Parties For Reservations and Rates-See The Western Ontario Motorways Ltd. Phone 31282 London - or Clinton 1 +4* 4-0-0 4 ••• • 1-4.4-• •-44-•-•-•••-• WORK SH IRT SPECIALS! extended for one more week Fred %man Speaks To Combined Meeting Of Ontario St, Gibs FredSlemare Capreol, was special speaker at the August meeting of Ontario Street Church WMS held in the Church Hall, Tuesday last. Members of the Girls' Club, who were guests at the supper and social hour held before the meeting, and ,members of the WMS thoroughly enjoyed the talk Mr. Sleman gave on the work in Northern Ontario. He referred especially to the influ- ence of this work among new Canadians. He spoke of the worthwhile efforts being made end the conditions "'yet to be overcome. The president of the WMS, Mrs. A. J. McMurray, opened the meeting with the singing of a hymn, and repeating the prayer of general Thanksgiving in unis- on, Mrs. McMurray welcomed the guests and club members. The program was in charge of the Girls' Club, President, Mrs. M, l3atkin, presided and conduct- ed the worship service, based on the' theme, "The Harvest." A poem, "God Gives so Many Lov- ely Things" was read, followed by the reading of the lesson, and a poem, "The Harvest Prayer". Mrs. Wendell favoured with a piano solo which was much en- joyed. After Mr. Sloman's inter- esting talk, Mrs. Harry Plumsteel gave a reading, "Song of the Happy Heart", and Mrs. A. J. Mc- Murray closed the meeting by the singing of a hymn and leading in prayer. An enjoyable evening was spent, 0 - Huron St. Baptist Church Minister-REV. Z. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.M.-Worship 12,15 noon-Sunday School No Evening Service , St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader St, Andrew's congregation will worship in St. Paul's Anglican Church during the month of Au- gust. Service at Bayfield will continue at 9.45 a.m, Everyone Welcome Happy Workers' Club Hold August Meeting The August meeting of the. Happy Workers' Club, Huron Road East, was held at the home of Mrs. Theodore Dale, with 15 members and one visitor present. The meeting opened • by singing "Home on the Range" and.`"The Moon Comes Over the Mountain," followed by "The Lord's Prayer." The secretary and treasurer's report was then given. Quilt blocks were 'brought. A number of articles were brought in for the bazaar. Marie Gibbings was the win- ner of a prize, the ticket 'being drawn by Wonetta.Holland. The evening was spent in quilting after which a dainty lunch was served by group 7, Mrs. Elgin Dale, Mrs. Elmer Dale and Miss Marie Dale. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Dale in the evening. The roll call to be answered by "Where you met your husband". Group 7 will provide programme; group 1 will provide lunch. COLLEGE serving the citizens of HURON COUNTY Day and Evening Classes Modern equipment, new typewriters, experienced instruction. Courses ap- proved by the Canadian Business Schools Associa- tion. 31-2-3-4-5-b d 0 N A LS SPECIALS for AUGUST 21-22-23 FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON-1/2 lb. tin 37e. FANCY COHOE SALMON-'/2 lb. tin 29c PASTRY FLOUR. Pat-A-Pan-24s 1.45 7s 45c ROSE BRAND MARGARINE-lb. 31c GRANULATED SUGAR-C. & C.-100 lbs. $9.50 BREAKFAST BACON-M-L Rindless_1/2 lb. 25c BOLOGNA-sliced-lb. 33c W El N E RS-M-L-lb. 37c SHORTENING, Domestic-lb. 27c ORANGES-Sunkist-size 252s doz. 35c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver eifeAfo.,;.1"Urriorfaerp rr For those who like to arrange and re-arrange KROIHILER Original a KROEHLER p rigina! at a Value mashing Price,. Ultra smart with trim flowing lines. Tailored in lavish, new, deep- sculptured mohair frieze fabrics in fashion's newest colors. It bears the Xroehler label-your assurance of better materials, better designing, better workmanship, to give you more value per dollar. BALL and MUTCH WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M, R. RENNIE, Choir Director Services during the month of August will be held in the On- tario Street United Church. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BT,ILTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Group 2- Reg. to 3.50 2.69 LUGGAGE and SHOES fi Group 1.691 Reg. to 2.50 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-400-1,404-+ 00+4-0 0-•-• 4 • •- • 41-4.-•