HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-04-24, Page 6• 7; • WINGBAM Tins FRIDAY APRIL 24 147 47, 'fi,..„7174111 • : • .L.7770..90741.47.777709770,.... 99711; 4.7,p, 1 el histeit of tt nation, out put of all the districts of the For more than half a century Meat - in pciarliava,breatitirinte°I hot:, ar!lacituslian44: 1:IvelriiiCh bytili:elleunrivale °inmate, its state. 00 has been pap g before tip weald, ihrga tho km aim establiainneut 'is built wail eu open ti opioal and sena tropical productions, The htlainnas houses of the city are as a democratic republic. But at. la courtyard in the oentre of the its marvelous mineral wealth, will in 'sad to be the hulteet north of the city uot a republican tu the mese whi,Je building, the different anartmeuts the near or More remote future be oelvieXiCO. Theo is much of that that term is understood in the 'united business activity found there that in Statea, The them ow. be conatitn. . t being built around thia open court, ranked among the foreraost republics variably grows out of extensive mining ticoal, but the ailmi aistration 01 the Written for Ina Tuna. lu Chihuahua the buildings, are usually of the world. only oue storey- high, MA seine have In making A journey of nearly ailla,„llstries. government is not strictly democratic. in the southern.. bank of the river tug of any kind in the city, but passed through several tine Agnelli- marhed plat* uader ite eaves* Paso Del Norte, ia e. Mexican town two stories. There is no nutunfactur. thousand miles aloug the Central we whe grand Cathedral, with ttliee crioleunnmtryil,li°11Thie° Stilpeanfir pi4opttlaatiloofrithiaee Rif) Grande, It has a population railroad communication with the tural valleys, Irrigation seems to churehee, the plazas, the odobe build- about three million. With few ex - of aboot Ave thouaitad and lute long United Statea is gradually drawing au enter talo the Mexican methods of ins and narrow etreets, at tend to atoptions the Spanish element stands, he known en a port of entry late extensive trade to its business Anna farming.. On Irrigated land, wheat - tract the attention ot the etrauger and at the head of efftsire in church and in uld mean)°, the mow Rio Grande, Every Mexican city has a plaza. In Indian corn, and cotton are grown, to him gives the city a peculiar Meet. commerce. The Indians, and native aiong that portion of the frontier, Chihuahua it is located near the Two crops of corn and one of wheat can asPeut. Six miles down the valley races of the countr together with the being the dividing line between the centre of the city and. occupies about are taken off the land every two years. towards the smith is the town of One3404.1 noes 'lumber about seven nein north bank, over on, the TexaS side of some water fountair, in the centre, Jt twenty bushels to the time, and on the United States and Mexico. On the an acre of ground , There IS a hand- The average Yield of velum!. is about laillibailotallantes., 41:dhiesspraoipeewrlytahousislanb431,bioni shiovnes.andAisu.taverbaeleeutlsiehyntabriewkunfproronzgrteh: river stands the town of El Paso, was constructed in the year 1575 and high t Ale land it is grewn at an atti- utheecoei3ttYw. ItielA•tlhieneototyf,strleteeinesaristu ce;n1.1„. ' • with. a population of about five was again. rteereeted in 1818, A' tude of from six to eight thousand feet theist nd. It is a place of some cern. neatly kept, gravel walk extends above sea level. Wheet ie sown, in dastrial scnool and a university ia mowed. importance, on account of five around it. Tne plot of ground is December and bars ested in June On taught it thet jihaiashaetrso barimpehroetsestanflet lilies of railroad forming a junction square and from each corner, a irrigated land Indian corn yields abort there. What is known as the Sunset gravel walk rutis across to the centre, fifty bushels to the acre. it i!.; planted church which is said to be well attend. route, running through the state of On the vacant spaces are planted. in February and March end is harvest. : ed, During the early dive of the Texas, calling at Harresbung, San trees, ehrubbery, and plants of various 4 in August, Corn is the leading Mission, it is said to have piped Antonia, Houston and Sea Galveston kin& To the Mexicali the plaza env of the republic; wheat is the otluIrtoinogeirlsolutts.),hoewilpeirvotoeicalteedalbo;pzeLucttioniz eemes into it- Then there is the seems to be a favorite place of resort second, and barley the third. southern Pacific. the Texas Pacific also to the strangers, le stands out The agricultural implements are of ; Prost) . and the Aim eson, Topeca, and Santa in marked contrast to the otherwise the most primitive kind, whet were: Aguascatientes is about 40 maw, ine rout's. Also the Aexican Ventral cheerless and monotonous aspect of a used by their ancestors man,v years south of Zacatecas. 1± 18 the great activities of commercial and political life, They have same educational ad vantages and there aro instances in men Acne among them hay* arisen and made theii mark, aurea who tine. ed in political life in Max- imilian days, was an Indian the hle:joan souse of the word. Rubric. Diaz, now Meeeclent of the republic, is also an Inch= and sprung from the native races of the country., His rare ecutive during bis military life gaind him distinction and he was made cool in wider i a- chief of the army. Re has now entered upon his second terra as president of the republic. The industrial classes aro fairly intelligent and their advance- ment to citizenship is cam af the pro- babilities of the future. But sixtyr from ;heir rlepot at Paseo Del Norte Mexican city. .„. Ewa are, to a great exteet, is use still. ' health resort of Mexico. Its hot saris daily trains across the river to The cathedral is seen to good ad. American farming implements are, springs have a national reputation. i • bunk of the Rio Grande, thus making nil okurch edifice wouli be an orna• andimportaat changes will be likely tate ,auto, Fe depot, on the northern vantage from the plaza. That beauti. however, beginning to be introduced That reputation is supported by the experieuce of a hundred years or daily connections with these other four anent to any American city on the soon to overtake them io.their methods , More. An old. Spanish felony erected ..rewle. It will thus be seen that the continent. It was built at a cost of of farming. : bath houses • around this group of Aimee:au -Central making direct con- $8000,000. The propritors of the .eection as it does with these other far. Santa Eulalia mines, which are located nntiehing lines of travel, is a very bin , seven miles south of city, during a vontant itaernationel railroad. The term of sixty-two years, nave a oer- -Sth of March, 1884, when the line tain percenvage of the output of their through. to the -city of Mexico was -mines, and in this way seven eights • opened for travel, is eminently Worthy of the cost was paid. The citizens furnished the remaining one -eight. a place ineMexican history. The Central in its route from the Its foundations were laid in 1725, Nit) rade traverses what is known and "sixteen years Was this temple in as the higktable land of Mexico. Paso building." It was ninished in 1741. Del Norte, its northern termenus is In the prinoiple facade the chisel of S5UU feet -above sea level. The City sculptor has nut ninny. beau, iful deign ef Mexico, its southern tenni- lets, is something. near 8,000 oieet above the Gulf of Mexieo It is estimated that along -this great eeutral plateau-. three. fourths of the telmbitants live. The largest cities n the republic are formed here. The c„ty.of Mexico has upon it. go &leo e the eities.of Queretare, Guddaj ara cote A.guascalientes, Zacatecas and Cinituthua. Here too Aztec civiliza- tion found its greatest development. evetal 'centuries ago before the bl- eding Spaniards Bet eye or foot upon the shores of Maxie°, the Aztecs, or the native races of the country, a bale oas passed since .these loom high table land of Wawa), which are tecture prevails throughout the city, reforms will coma may Olihnin4 attatungli sornewhet semi -barbarous towers were built, and one cannot as well adapted for graeing„ but fol.* that and can there be seen in its most favoa. ate in making the deseenclants of the were yet an agricultural and pastoral - .yet detest auy evideoce of decay. The • .only. In -many localities there is me- able aspects. In point of culture. Aztec Kings, citizens of the republic springs in the seventeeuth centery. Along the mete of the Central there! They are located a mile and a half Years of republican government has are also agricultural districts on the higher lauds of the Mexican plateau. from the. city and aline of street cars done nothing, and r eed do notLing There no irrleation is needed, and no connect. them with the ,city. Contowards grantine them the privileges • attempt is made at oultivatioe until venieut bath helms have been erected Which deumeratre principles would erten tal the sprigs awl judging from Place within their reach. It has not the summer rains begin to come. The rainy season comma- cos about the the numbers who visit them daily even abolished the peon system ot • middle of June and lass auout three thele) must be more or INS curative labor whish le nnly one remove from months. properties in their mincing waters. - slavery. Important chanoes how. 'The vain- is brought down to the.. ever are near at hend Meakin and Planting and sowing it done in June11 'be l' e eit in pi es and _bath_, houses are these changes wi ik .ly to, and. July, oats, ryte'barley and Indi- e Idea there near the Central depot. touch the condition of the comni011 . r The city is located in a fertile val. people. . . an curn being grown on the upland whieh seem to be peculiarly appio districte ' The frAquant showers and ley. It has a population of thirty The completion of the Mexican the warm equitable climate create a Kiate he church architecture. Above . thousand, and is another of the state Central Railroad has given anew i'- the first entrance, and exra tending rearkalalegrowth and bring capitals of tratice. the crops rortauce to everything. The Mexican i a)o1ij trapidly to maturity. Harvesting be. g he facade are semi in niches Aside from its mineral springs it National, another important line now thirteen 'area and Well chiseled gins in September. The,. vegetable ie not particularly noteworthy. Its in prooesss of construction, will run statues. They represent the patron " products of Mexico county embrace ---" business prosperity is haeed upon, seed frdm the city of M exico to Lareds nearly all known varieties. In other . saint San .nranciseo de A.ssaiis and is largely derived front the gold and Teeas. When that bile is Completed the Apostles, Oyer the main enter.orchards and gardens around the sumer mines of the state and from the aud equipped., two important lines of antes there are also statues but they - towns and cities, a large variety of afpiculttu.al districts. travel will eivs the country in differ fruits are grown, -- are inferior in design and finish to Down towards the On our way back to Texas we stop- ent directions., The faller develop - those over the front entrance. The centre of the republic, .oranges- are ed. two days in the city. Unlike other ment of. the agrionitural god mineral grown, which, in part of quality, are edifice has two towers which are of Mexican cities that we have seen, the resources of the country will be opens . auperior to those grown in southern the hight of two hundred and twenty -streets are wide and are patted with ed, the introduction of American eight 3. from the ground. They are California. • ' stone similar to the Belgian pavement: capital and enterprise, will be en precisely elike, Nearly a century atel There are large tracks along the The Saracenic-Moorish style of arohi- coumgecl and through these channels • ea -epee 'They had built cities, they "tad dug gold and silver from their ii.olinthins. They had worked the eerie:as metals tend had manufactured eth. ics. The Spaniards landing upon their.shores conquered them' and gave Piona eovernment. The Jesuit following in the footsteps of irr conquerers gave them a religion. Zeal eyhich the.r cononerers gave- - • 'vim has passed away, but that which •;•esuit gave thorn still remain:4 n .1 the elegant church edifices hat returns. In Nape, Menne and Arizona Mexican Central will, when coinpleted, months old who described herself as. a. found in every city and town of tory of religiouduriug the middle ages lame stock owners have, in many in- run from thecity to Tempe* a WEI. a 'game old girl yet ' All s-eptuagentc e r. public) are silent testimonies to could scarcely be written without °terms, to adopt the Same methods. ping port on the Pacific coast. edam ill or bedridden .were visited t tee ticlelty and their zeal for the , putting upon record the conceptions Atter leavino Cliihuithate, Zacatecas Tuat arrangement, it N expected, hy the 'edits, and received similar ie Ltion which they taught. • of genius m hich have ;teen related ae distance between Paso Del upon. canvas and chiseled in atone. ern* and Chihualina, the end of -.ea Art thus mterpreted eas been by the first division on. the route ' u two- all fashoning baud of ,genius uel located • hundred. and twentyefive miles. In 'Ten pillar sad, wall aid ceiling. Up inaking the trip after leaving Paso in the great dome of the edifice he. Del Norte, one twenty miles. we nesides other eppropriatedesigns can entered -a desert ofshifting sand some be seen the colossal ',ewe of the fifty miles in length. The remainder lathers of the chnrch acid viewed. from of the trip through a grazing country below they appear to be of. a natural somewhat thinly settled, magi the h'.2e. The church edifice as well as' suburbs of the city wereVrettehea. many otheia througeonr the cities of Chihuahua is the first city that is Mextco were built ley Swish and cached along the route of the cen. halm' workmen. They aro ereotect -rat, and there is no better place to aaecrding to elle (kelps and plane ot gain the first insight into Mexican Dorm and Tonic architecture, and It has a population of twenty- whet' we say this we place them, at 1. e *thousaini. With the exception once near to the very farthest holt of Lit the cathedral and the plaza, there excellence that has yet been reached is eertainTy nothing thee; can fervour- in architectural art. Ably impress the pilgrim who may hams Their church arch itaath rt3 d a ring beciusion to stops few days in the city, the sixteenell and seventeenth cen• The adobe brick, or mud walled housa cedes was at hest ten centuries in 4irs, the small iron graded windows, the advanee of all their other materiel dress and the habits of the people, all developmerts and wes a prophesy of taint to make ono believe that the enstton and usages of many genera - tents ago *ere in force still among lame. The old spaifeli families aro ling element of the contitey. 1'. icy rapresent wealtiviri nearly every else& fmin, they Own the land in !greet era Cs. It hag tit vet. been flab - dry atmosphere of northern Mexico dently an insuMeient supply of water the upper classes of Mexioo com- • at T. GadmArit. being undoubtedly well adapted foti from the springs for the bands of oat- pare favorably with the satne classes the preservation of the white , mad.: tle which feed, on the extensive ranges. in other pountries, Around their MEETING OF OLD FOLKS. stone of winch they are built. . - But the Matibau is fully equal to the private residences are ineny evidences -- ., Aside from its individuality al a l emergency. Across depressious in the of wealth and taste and culture, bat At Leicester, England, there met Catholic place of worsh_p, twiny would bills and across ravines where the wash modern iraprovements as • they are last month 2,000 - septuagenarians, be pleated with tbe, iutetior of tue from these deep reoeediug sides can be applied to architecture, ere not not whose combined ages amounted to buileing. Those oertatnly would who readily collected„ high walls of solid to be found, In the city there are not 150,000 years, ' and each received as .enteivaita the belief that the purest and masonry are, built. During the rainy a few large business establishments. a holiday gift a half crown of 1884 highest forms of art can with propriety season, large ponds of water are ill. It has an exhibition buildingin which coinawe There al • • b 900 this' way collected, which meet every tweatyfive consecutive state eehibita persons over 80 years of age, one cen- demand until the rainy season again have been held, A. division of the. tenarian and one 90 d t en be associated with relegicia, The cathedral,' has apiece in history. It 14 a tribute of art to religion. The his is the next city of any lave, taboo b Win withdraw a large portion ot the gifts. • along the line , of the Central. 3 al marine trade for Central Mexico from the train the port of Vera, Cruz, ad make reaching it from the north, runs up a long adcending rade, wind- Aeneecatientes a place of very much . & J. -WILSON °Tenter importance than it now is. : ing its way among the mountains u ati I i the station . is reatehed. 7hirteen of Two hundred ,kilometers further south and the City of , Queretnei is the largest cities of Mexico have an average elevation of 6,000 feet above reached. ft is the great cotton aunt the level ot the ea. 'yacisteciss is one of the republio, and has a population cHoinored Graduates of Ontario Veterinary rleyg%arcLeitssstoecritiomnemarbeerereofaVrZef -- of that number. It is folly 8,000 feet df80,000. It is situnted in a rich ill M above the sea level. It; has a history agricultural districa The commeros treat all diseases of Domestic 1.Aniproals, eon, which rang back to the year 1540 3 t growing out of the various aoricultural the latest. and moss Scientifio Principles. ' was then a mining camp, some of the iliclustime amounts to 'efearly fi.i,e. ?pallethettehn_dedeo day and night. Horses itil!: t ciiii3oltuh<einsetiMilltiT'ZfluieNta miners being thee worked by' the fol. million dollars aneually. The - Her. in°......inarKy etennary Surgeons, lowers of Cortez. Since that timee cults cotters mills are a short distance 'X. Kerr V. B., opposite AforrifieldisPliotef, c' asod. *The inoaum, of line melee te ties are in all capacities employed, oeao thousand oppera SosepInhe Sreet, Wingliam. work in the mince has never entirely froin the City.' lit.er. To day Yeerteeris has 9, pop. and 2r)0,000 yards are said to be the Farmers & Landowners lawn of 60,000 i thabitents end is the weekly produote of the millet They capital of a state that. takes the lead were erected hi the year 1 l'et6. The _ .of all the otl Ar states in Meeico hi .164 machinery is all of Englieil Rod A (no- produet of silver, Coining in' to tee tican. manufaoture. WV .irorn the south the miner:vas seen The Queretaro Mining districts are moDroe Ylatiwfor n bYtoonbrsoerlrfoolvr tal'ot"leteTtt!bTtloy • iYI all directions along the slopes of s and wenn ,into, some dozen from fifty to one hundred miles from build a House or Barn. To Vence, Clear; or the era et transition whielt is now or more being in them . imediate vicitt • the oity. They produce gold, silver tuderdrain, or otherwise- improve Lett& copper and lead. ' net pay off a Vortgo.ge or other Debts. Or upon. the toptilrlic. ity of the citv. Nfinee and reduction for any other Purpose, 11 you do the un - While under the dominion. of SPahlf worki are evert within the city limits. tailsVh.4 ClAttle,triciletafr000ht has aPh'iiiel Ain% ahrtisd, dersigord are able to Loan at the lowest iil esie ) wait the Arabia or the 'The city is buil...ILL the head of a nee- rates of Interest and more reasohable. /lineman continent. a gall north of the ram valley, and elong the bate of the efteeted those ,.'ed sand stone obelisks. city, there are Terms than any ono else in this section of Aztic civilizattou existed and cities hills that surround it on the north,the coautry. Were emit hefore the pilgrim fathe s eastand west on. the sumanit of the bill They are inclosed by a neat iron rail. karrSit & ItIOKIINSON, Datristerm, Viiiegham Cast anchor at Plymouth Rock awl which forms the houndary of the eity thone They ieg, and a hem() is inseribed on each of Solicitors for the Batik of liainilton. are as folio ti ' M * Ai int', ez, *4 ith things as they are WI American intim; were deyelopine ill is Wit. Prom that point a complete June lbth, 1867, was shot Maximilian, n M N"T.A.T.J, eat t,. taxation* and shay are quits ot litoul thitil tWO hundred yeats on the north-east a Catholic convent milian lVliranaori, Melia. Tiler° on . /Ate 1..0 changes. endli si dirfttiOns, oultrtinateng into viett of the city can be obtained, and one of the ripest scholars, one of the r o railroad kas dome among ins.i..itions and 1,rais of governmeht, the eye ?alines over many miles of noblest menthat Etiglend ever gave them .11 t Americans are 4101171y -tn. 1 at the Mexicaa le Acd Oh with ire country ou every side. There too the to punno life, ins mission to Mexico G. L. BALL, L.O.S. different branches Of trtule, difference, and rennutuid , nearly as PrcriCh forCoS Planted their Cannon 1 6,310a. Ile attempted the difficult EtoriorGre.ruatGesa:Nd innetrilir8oltlie lioYal ! innovation upon their time- untiteveclae were the ancient Arahlerie, when they Were coliteriding for Itlax . i task of tweeting lani....an inethede oflife is rigidly COn- %this' tho civiliZations Of the old lirtiliait'S supremacy in MeXid0. While the fabric of a moiler- Confer of Denta,14uartit, ee:ct Toronto visits brelli:r, ;N. Mein Aw and usage. i uor:d wora. moving !met sial around we were there we Were nimble to as lietrisphere Which providence had Zifibi:ovreeurFswitilekdouo,ostite.lexit clay on the shereti df this weetern The au ,7teib arid features of the city 4 til(311 in their jonroey weld ward. certain the silver product of the dis. designed and reserved for tho fullest °lass, charges moderate. Clolda:Iliirlir:finPstib". are S, eeeeltaud Indiau, or perhaps „, fleliat, flowerer, watt the formation triet, but six million is 013.1a to he the developments of humanity. speolalty. r,4.