HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-08-14, Page 4Engagements Announced The engagement is announc- ed of Harriet Brydges, daugh- ter of Mrs. Leslie Heath, London, to Mr. Donald Alex- ander Haddy, B.A.Sc., Cale- donia, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haddy, Clinton. The wedding will take place at Trinity United Church, Lon- don, on August 30, at 7 p.m. 33-p LONDESBOR(40 WA TO MEET The August meeting of the Lon- desboro W.A. will be held' in the Sunday School room of the church on 'Thursday, August 21. The roll call to be answered) by "Hot Weather Appetizers.' The pro- gram committee, Mrs. T. Allen and Mrs. J. Crawford. Hostesses, Mrs. I. Ra.pson, Mrs. I. Carter, Mrs: P. Carter and Mrs. L. Stew- art. A cordial invitation is given to be present. •-•-•-•-••-• • • •-•9-4.-•-•-•••-• AUGUST SPECIAL Opportunity To Save BACK-TO-SCHOOL COLD WAVES FOR CHILDREN 4.50 TWO SPECIALS FOR ADULTS 6.00 8.50 Make Your Appointment Now With HENRI'S BEAUTY SHOP or MRS. CARPENTER PHONE 223 CLINTON SPECIALS FOR AUGUST 14-15-16' SALMON-Fancy Red SOCKEYE-1/2 tin 39c SHORTENING-FLUFFO-1 lb. 27c MILK-CARNATION-Tall Tins 3 for 44c TEA-Kadana Tea Bags-100s 89c BRAN FLAKES-Post's pkg. 25c ONIONS-Cooking, No. 1 -Small 10 lb. bag 59c CARROTS-Washed lb. Sc ORANGES-Sunkist-size 252s doz. 35c ONIONS-Silver Skin Pickling lb. 21c Thompson's Food Market Ph9ne 40 We Deliver.. August Clearanceof Lawn Furniture Now is the time to -gay that lawn chair you have been wanting at a big saving Discount on all Lawn Furniture while it lasts BUY YOUR LAWN CHAIR NOW FOR NEXT SUMMER BALL & MUTCH HARDWARE and FURNITURE Phone 195 Clinton Your Westinghouse Dealers CLINTON ELECTRIC SHOP You Can .Be Sure if it's Westinghouse D. W. CORNISH Business Residence 4 79 . 5 1$ $ 10111011011110161101111001011 amour daily share Of vitamin D Is found in milk Experts agree. 10. worammpagati MARTINS MID-SUMMER Sale CONTINUES., "SUNSHINE" BROADCLOTH Wabasso Quality REGULAR 59e YARD NOW 49c yd.-5 yds. $2.25 Colors of: Blue, Mauve, Red, Pink, Green, Wine, Yellow, Peach, Orange, Sand, Black, Navy, Grey. Ladies' Dresses LADIES BLOUSES We still have some REAL GOOD BUYS in Organdy, Nylon and Crepe Blouses as low as $1.25 - 1.98 - 2.98 Sizes 14 -44 • • Plain Colors in Broadcloth Eyelet and Lace 'Trim REG. $3.95 NOW $1.98 Popular Clinton Weddings At the -left are MR. AND MRS. LEONARD E. BOWMAN, pictured shortly after their mar- riage, which was solemnized on Saturday afternoon, August 2, in Clinton Baptist Church. The bride is the former Eileen June Pocock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver M. Podock, Clinton. The groom is the son, of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Bowman, Arthur. Upon their return from a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the young couple are livihg in Jarvis. Pictured at the right are LAC AND MRS, DALTON E. CHABOT, who were married in the Chapel at RCAF Station, Clinton, on Monday, August 4. The bride is the former Helen Jean- nette Lobb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lobb, Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Chabot, Arnprior. After a short honeymoon which included a trip to Arn- prior, the young folk intend making their home in Winnipeg, where the groom is an Instrument Technician at the Air Navigation School. -Photos by MacLaren'sfStudio. welt Serttices SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1952 WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Ftev. liUGH C. WILSON, 'Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director Services daring the month of August will Bt held in the On- tario Street United Church. St. Paul's Anglican - Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs: Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs, J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service W elcorne to our Presbyterian friends. You are invited to worship with • us. Gospel Hall Maple Street, one block east of Albert Street, north of Par-Knit '9.45 a.m.-Sunday School. 10.45 a.m.-Communion Service 8.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting- Speaker - Mr. John Martin; '"11/1.r. IVI;artin is lecturing on the journeyings of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.-Prayer meet- ing and Bible Study. Come and Bring Your Friends Dutch Reformed Church Holland SeAce-2,30 p.m. at the Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter Mr. C. M. EELMAN, Exeter Box 336 Huron St. Baptist Church Minister-REV, S. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.-Worship 12.15 noon-Sunday School No Evening Service 4 AI EN 9 WORK SHIRT SPECIALS! (1 week only) Group 1- Reg. to 2.50 11269 Group 2- Reg. 'to 3.50 2269 LUGGAGE and SHOES •+++.4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•44-014,-+ • 4,, 4)- 4.-4-41-4- 4 4 toel six° triel *WI woo, Soose 4's War s 0:0 to p.10' Sc'e toniglati. 06'11. Wye 100,1 "WO ees1 1,51.1 It i .„„....,_„". Our Saturday Special- Prom Our Store Only- OLD-FASHIONED RAISIN LOAF- Reg, 23c - for 17c August Clearance Sale TO MAKE ROOM FOR INCOMING FALL' GOODS WE ARE "SLASHING PRICES" Look at these Values! li All Dresses! . PRICE All Coats! All Suits! And ALL BATHING SUITS SUMMER SKIRTS and SUMMER BLOUSES are Only 1/2 Price a All •- Women's and Misses'. CARDIGANS and PULLOVERS All T-SHIRTS And our Complete Stqck of Skirts are all 20% off SPECIALS-Women's Skirts-sizes 12 to 20- Values to 7.95 Spec: pl 3.98 Women's T-Shirts-sizes S-M-L---Values to 2,75- Plain and striped Special Only .98 KNITTING WOOLS - Patons and Baldwin-"Diana" yarns- Regular .42 oz. Special Only .29 oz. BUTTERICH PATTERNS- Because of popular demand we are 'now agents for BUTTERICK Patterns. The new fall patterns were released this t week - Come in and see the ' book to-day. IR WIN'S CLINTON NEWS-RECORD X111.7fISDAY, AUCAIST. 14, 1952 an • , PAGE FOUR PERSONALS, Master Lloyd Hoy spent last week in London with his father, H. I Hoy, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Gould, Gerry and Jackie, are guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Innes. Mr. and Mrs. George Monk, Goderich, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Betties. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Heath left on Tuesday for Calgary where they plan to make their home. Mrs. Catherine Holloway, Flem- ing, Sask., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B, J. Gibbings. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Dixon, Mim- ico, spent their holiday with the former's aunt, Mrs, Annie Ven- ner. Mrs. Roy Jones, Sherbrooke, Quebec, is visiting her sister-in- law, Mrs. Ida Jones, Rattenbury Street. Mr. and Mrs.. A." j. McMurray visited the forruer's sisters in Ferndale and Detroit ON er the weekend. Mrs. Irene Henri visited with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Forest, on Sunday last. Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Potter, Brooklyn, N.Y. are visitingthe former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter. Mrs. A. Scott and Miss Marg- aret Scott, London, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M, J. Agnew, at their summer cottage. Mrs. G. W, Millson and child- ren, London, are holiday visitors at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Perdue. Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Shaddick, Marilyn and Gerald, have left on a motor trip through Western Canada and the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Currie, and Mrs. Alvin McAllister, Goderich, at- tended the funeral on. Tuesday of their cousin, the late Mrs. T. Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter were in Embro on Saturday at- tending the, Welch-McLeod wed- ding which took place in Knox United Church. Miss Shirley G. Sutter, Guelph, spent a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John A.Sutter and Mr. and Mrs. George B. Beat- tie at their lakeside home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnston and little daughter Jannie, Ham- ilton. visited on"Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoy. Mrs. John- ston and Mrs. Hoy are cousins. Misses Hattie and Sybil Cour- tice were in Hamilton over the weekend assisting at the trous- seau tea of their niece, Miss Betty Courtice, whose marriage to Geo- rge Black will take place on Fri- day of this week, August 1).5, in Delta United Church. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sowerby and son, Billie; Mrs. Mary Smith, De- troit, visited with Mrs. W. Coch- rane. Mary Jean Faye Aiken- head, Chatham, who had been visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Cochrane;" returned to her home with the Sowerby's. Mrs. Nellie 'Crawford and Mrs. Carrie Harrison, who attended the Old Home Week in Goderich, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Charlesworth arid visited other relatives in Clinton and Goderich Township, have left for their homes in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Miss Doreen McGuire, teacher on the staff of A/V/M Hugh Campbell School, RCAF Station, Clinton, last week finished a five week summer course in. arts and crafts at Danforth Technical School, Toronto. She left this week for a two week vacation in Halifax, Nova Scotia. a On Tuesday evening a surprise birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Snell, ir, honour of Mrs. Warren Gib- bings and Miss Mary Scribbins. The party took the form of a weiner roast, and later a sing- song was lead by Padre Harding. About 35 friends participated. Pentecostal Church Victoria St. K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m,-Morning Service 7.00 p.m.-Evening Service Friday, 8.00 p.m.-Young People's Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Bible Study and Prayer. Daily vacation Bible School will be conducted by Miss Bette Waters, London, every morn- ing Monday to Friday from 9 to 12 commencing August 18 to August, 29. Classes Will include • Scriptural instruction, chorus singing and hobby craft, Miss Waters conducted similar classes in the Southern United States ,last surnirier and is con- tinuing the work in Canada this year, ALL WELCOME ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH PASTR O-Rty, A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., ILD, 11.00 a,rn'.-Iftion Service, in Ontario St, Church. o 7.30 p.m.-Union Service in Ontario St. Church. 9,45 a.m.-Sunday School ORGANIST-MRS. E. WENDORF "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Entr,NER% cdurtau A5 a.m.-Morning Worship 10.45 a.m.--Sunder School *44+44444-44-44-4.4-444+44444-0-4-t+++4-04-44444.4-+ GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE serving. the citizens of HURON COUNTY Day and Evening Classes Modern equipment, new typewriters, experienced instruction. Courses ap- proved by the Canadian Business Schools Associa- tion. 31-2-3-4-5-b St. Andrew'S Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader St. Andrew's congregation will worship 'in St. Paul's Anglican Church during the month of Au- gust. Service at Bayfield will continue at 9.45' a.m. . Everyone Welcome A BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners 4+4-4-0.44-44-444-44-414-444-4-44444-4,444-444-,44444+44-+++.4.