HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-04-24, Page 44
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117INCIS ing Unless conveniencesfor weighing
are not available. and unless bushel
by ps;oasure is lrot agreed upon by
Some of contemporaries the Aries have wrltin The weight a oivalent to a
ubliab4d • rumor to the effect that
d q
Col, Boils, of the 83rd Battalion,
going to retire. The gallant Qotonel
is lot a {attiring' b> b an. ,advaeing'
man, and, of it is necessary for the
Battalion to go to the .front, he will be
in command and will be found to be
VW right man in the right place.'
Ttaring settled with the half breeds,
a tatitemporary suggests that it would
e a Rood 'idea for the troops to run
put the whole pack of land speoulat:
jug officials and timber limit grabbers
is the North West. 1f such a
service to the country should be per;
formal it would be second only in
importance to the ,crushing out of the
In accordance with toe promise of.
'the Attorney -General, prior to the
adjournment of the Legislature, a
Commission has been appointed 'to
investigatetertain charges ot cruelty
and partiality against the Central
Prison Warden in newspaper corres,
Nadence and interviews; Mr, 'Jus-
tice Patterson and Mr. J. W. Lang-
muir, formerly Inspector of Prisons,
.^will conduct the investigation, which
`will be open to the public.
The Dominion Government have
surrendered on the liquor license ques-
tion, On Monday last Mr, •M. C.
Cameron, of Huron, moved a resolu
tion suspending those parts of the Do-
minion License Act which the Supreme
Court had declared ultra vires, relat-
ing to tavern, shop and saloon licenses.
• Sir John Macdonald said that the
(Jbvernuient intended bringing in a
Bill, in the nature of a suspensicn,
and allowed Mr. Cameron's resolution
to pass. The Ministeralists were so
astonished at Sir John's capitulation,,
that many of them cued out "lost'
-when the resolution was put. The
passage of the resolution of course
knocks the whole machinery of the
McCarthy Act to pieces, and all the
commissioners, inspectors' and other
officials appointed under it will fin.]
their occupations. gone. ,The Govern-
ment's surrender is a substantial vict-
ory for Provincial rights. It is not
likely that there will be any reference
of the case to the privy Council
bushel is as follows : Wheat, 60 lbs ;
corn, 56 lbs.; rye, 56 lbs. ; peas, 60
lbs. ; barley, 481be. ; yoalt, 86. lbs. ;
oats. 84 -lbs. : beans, ' 60 lbs. ; clover
seed, 60 lbs ; timothy treed, 48 lbs;
buckwheat, 48 lbs ; flax seed, 50 lbe ;
potatoes, carrots, etc 60 las ; bitumin-
ous coal, 70 lbs, Other artioles bran
be added to this list by Order in
Council. Persottrs violating this Act
will be liable to a fine of $25 for the
first offence, and $50 for the second
With respect to canned goods the Bill
prides every paeltage of panned
fruit. fish, meat, etc., sliall have the
naxue and addressof the packer t mere:
on, the, weight of the contents*, and
date of canning labelled or stamped,.
thereon, under.penalt!y of a line of $2
for each tin not so ,stamped or labelled.
A similar penalty is provided in eases'
of :the packers' misrepresenting the
weight or age of the contents of. any
tin. The Bill is to go into force on the
first of Octalez neitt, and will not
apply to fcreign panned goods, or to
goods put nn in Canada for: exporta:
tion. ' .
Many of the supporters of Sir Jol.n
Macdonald, in discussing the present
North West. troubles, allege that the
Premier never paid Biel a cent to
leave the 'country after the first rebel-
lion. For the benefit • of those who
profess to be. ignorant- of the fact, we
publ'sh the following letter written by
Sir John to Archbishop Tache, the
authenticity of whichlthe Premier has
not denied :—
am Joule MA noeranD To ABCTIB1SIi0P
(Private and strictly confidential),
Ottawa 27th Dec. 1871.
MT . DEAR Loiw ARCIIBxSnoP..-1.
have been able to make the arrange.
ment for the individual that we have
talked about. I now send you a
a draft on the Bantta,of Montreal for
$1.000 ; I need not,press upon' Your
Grace the importance of the money
being paid to him: periodieatiy,-say
monthly or quarterly. and not in it
lump, othcrwise the honey would be
wasted, and ' o'Ir et nba.rrassnieat begin
again. Believe int Your Graco's
Very obedieut servant,
(Signed) Joule A. 14ftrnouALD,
f31n Orace, the Archbishop of it.
Boliifaeo, Montreal,
And 1 is`is-ip Tulle relates undo:
oath what took plaeo at inter.
views with :Riot eubsennently •held,
when the latta in he ii.' -upon more
tuOncy than the $1,0 J7, and more was
advanced on Sir Juan's order by Don-
ald A. Smith, and afterwards recouped
to hien out of the nubile treesur' .
The f:t,vernment nice:lure to amend
the WA: Ws and Measures Act has
pg;c:c 'f f114. ;muse. It provides that
i;r li ,trtete for the Selo Ana 0e-
10.4 r.- •,f `tr e produce rola Ned the
1 Reil:' elm! be interni' t;:. ),v wCi;,;lt-
.Iin,..j„nnrr • •••••...,p 46 i
Asso-o mION'. .
A meeting'cf the general committee
of the county of Huron Scott Act
Asso.iation wee held on, Tuesday,
April 14th, in the Temperance hall
Clinton, the chief object ; of the meet-
ing being tb consider the steps to be
taken to secure the enforcement of
the Scott Actin the county after 1aay
;1st. Representatives, •were p-esent
from -all parts el: the county; and W.
Young,. of Oakville, ,Police Magis-
trate of ' Halton county; was also
prese it by invitation of the Executive
Committee inord'er that the Huron
Association in laying itsplans might
have the beiiefit of the experience of
the Halton temperance people. Muob
valuable information wai obtained
from Mr. Young.
The Treasurer's report shows the
receipts of the 1 uron . Association - to
have been $1,132.30 and the expendi-
ture $1,025.62, -leaving a balance on
hand of $106.68:.
In regard to the appointment of
lintel keepers instead .of druggists as
liquor vendors under the Scott Act,
recently made by the Board of License
Commmssiorers,.the following ,resolu-
tion was unanimously adopted: -
Whereas information has 'come to
us through the newspapers, giving a
list of those appointed bythe Dominion
Board of Commissioners, under the
bcott Act, as vendors 'of liquor for
medicinal, mechanical end sacrailient-.
al purposes, and behevirig the same
to be true, it is hereby resolved as
follows. —"That we view with alarm
the granting of such licenses to persons
who have heretofore been engaged in
the business of selling liquor under
the Crooks Act, as'hiotel keepers, and
other licensed. liquor dealers, and in
notgranting thein to dru geists, be-
lieving that appointments of this kind
are calculated to' being the Scott Act
into contempt, and open the way far
the continuance of the drinking habit,
and this association would call the at-
tention of the Board of Cotarnissioners
and the Governmontof the Dominion,
t� the seams departure°:which it is
deemed has been made from the spirt'.
and intention of the act.
The Association unanimously de-
cided to move for the appointment of
a Police Magistrate for the t;ounty,
and instructed the Executive Conintit-
tee to take immediate steps to secure
the appointmentot sueh, recommend-
ing John Beattie, of Seaforth, for the
The Executive Committee was also
authorized to appoint agents to assist
in bringing offenders of the law to
`us'oee, and very complete, arrange-
inents were made. for,obtaining infoe
elation ooneernina violations bf the
Lost somewirc:re inn• the township of
Turnberry, a Note on Mr. John Brew:
sten, for th3 sum ;101). The Note is
the property ot Mr, Francis Atone ,
who -wahine tie rt T nsi1•,1c for the s,.in
if s,,iinctc:l 4' :run 1,i?,1•f 1•er.:ot:. W
1 i`r�r;:al]a:.t, i�1. it i;:1, 1•�•i''''r7. ,•��_
►.. y' :k ATL 4
W II "• . , i II" '
1 ' i ' :JO "le ?rent..
linlor . olige, Ill lam,, A._
Offering Tf1S WEEK in
Spt, ask antl Li n :lins
Parasols I Parasols !
To suit every taste and circumstance
#ruin 25 oats up.
Nose aid Gioves'
Every Tine is Complete and at Prices that cannot be Beaten.
The Dominion Organ and Piano Co, I
Has the largest and most complete factory,in tht
. Dominton-160x158.
Sighed Honors ever Awardod to any Mater to the World
Modal and Diploma at Centennial, 1876.
Medal and Diploma at Sydney*Australia, 1817.
Gold Medal at Provincial Exhibition Toronto 1878.
Tiighest Awards at Industrial Exhibition, Toronto
Correspondence Solicited. drsetrated Cat
agutmaefr. ddes
Bo vluarniLE. ONT. •
TBE rtltZ r.IT'.l) O1.`'nr^,S1,ALE
Will stand for mares this season
• as follows:
Monday, May 4—Leaves his own stable
Ind proceeds to' Wm. 3ewitt's, 2nd con. of
Morris for noon; thence to Jamestown for
night. •
Tuesday—Proceeds to Bluevale for noon:
thence to Gof6on's hotel, Wroxeter, for
Wednesday—Proceeds on the (gravel to
Longloy's for noon, thence to Lakelet for
night. '
Thursday—Proceeds on 13oundary be
tween Carrick and Howiek o Samuel Me
Ree's for noon, thence to Ambleside's for
night. •
Friday -Proceeds to 'Weeswater for noon
thence to halfway house fort:tight..
Saturday -= Proceeds to Merrifield's
hotel; Wingham, for the afternoon.
The above route will be continued dur:
ing tbef season, health and weather par:
Deported July,1893, by James. Tipling,
Wrngharti, Is registered in Vol 6, Clyde's,
dale Stud book. Garnot, 2795, is a beaut'
ful dapple brown, with 4 white pasterns:
foaled May 08, 1881; bred by Wm. Cala.
well, Ardropan, Ayrshire ; sire, "King of
the Forest," (1170) ; grand sire Lord Lyon`
(499) ; g. dam Glenhead Maggie. (327), sire
of Dnor Loeh Fergus Champion (449) ;
Garnet's liana, Darling; grand dam, March
by cm Times ; g._ gnand darn, 13ess ; pito
'of Darling,' rohney Copo, who was chosen
at Glasgow Sho* to servo the district of
Blairgowrie Society at a premium of 100
guineas. Darling cost £L40, when a colt,
and now weighs a ton. From the purity
of the brei it will be seen he is from stock
of great value.
T13TtMS--To insure a foal 412; in-
surance money tobe paid in January,1884.
Insured mares must be returued`regular-
ly to the horse, or -they will be charred
whether in foal or not. Parties dispos•
ing of their marai before collastin;;
time, will bo Ls1J re,ponsible for i unit
ance whether into d or not. All accid sits
at the risk of owners of mares. One d Alar
payable at time of r;ervice whirls will be
telu n oat insured n:a ma at collecting time,
rug r' • not 1 sen is foil the ons 'drill ba kept
for eu • 1:.hoz.
Take the Timet.
—JUST i Y EIVE.V - -
atehes, Jeweiiy, g
At Lower Prices than ever Before
Offered in 'inghain •
Bell AS CHEAP as any House in Canada. Try rue and see
for yourselves.
oise Rode
anal hard
Net1y and Cheaply Printed
at the
.IS Ctf.PI�Y
Begs to tender thanks to her numerous customers for the liberal patronage,
they have bestowed upon her, and in the future as in the past -will leave,
nothing undone to serve thein so as to merit their continued confidence and
support. As my business as increased more than double the past year, I am
now in a Metter position than ever to supply my customers with all kinds of
Millin�C�;, 1 antIe$ Silks, $atins,
Satin 14tarvellieitx, Ottomaneord Satin Marvellieux. anile Fringes, Mantle
Ornaments, neltJet Trimmings, heal Laces, Silk ulpure, Spanish anaDen-
tells Orientalo, Hamburg Net, Victoria Laws, Flowered Muslin and Parasols,
Feathers, blowers, Ribbons, hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Embroidery (iiid
Insertion Underskirts, black Cashmere, Crape Oloth, Cretonnes, and bless
Tritnminns of all descriptiiins. For the eyeing.I have the Largest Stock
ever shown, and will ba happy to show intending purchasers.
• ne. -Eggs taken as Cash in exchange for goods.
Wingbatn, March 18th, 1885.