HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-07-31, Page 7TgurispAY, JULY 31, 19e2 News of Herman 1-04****e÷eeeeteleeaeeheeeseteers- LANE OPINES BEACH •••_•_• .• • • _ • . Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ilainten, are holidaying at their senetnee home. Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, Detroit, spent the weekend et their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, Stratford, spent the weekend at their eottage. Mr. and Mrs. G. Racine and the Wallis c family, Det ro e it, are vacationing at ttage. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dunbar and small daughter, are vacationing at the Dunbar cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Husband, London, spent the weekend'at their summer home. Miss Mary R. Stewart,' Kenora, is at her cottage for the remain- ic1,er of the holiday season. The Prairie Crocus is lens of Manitoba. the You can depend on Chryco Micronic Oil Filters 'to reduce engine wear and improve en- gine performance. Chryco Micronic Oil Filters have 571 square inches of filtering area compared to only 69 square inches for ordinary filters. That's over 8 times the filteriiig surface! No wonder Chryco Micronic Oil Filters do a better job of removing grit, sludge and other harmful elements from engine oil. HAVE YOUR OIL FILTER CHECKED NOW! *Chryco is A trademailc of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited So . . . for faster, more efficient filtering, let us install a Chryco Micronic Oil Filter or Filter Ele- ment in your car or truck. They're engineered and guaranteed by the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited. MURPHY BROS. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH -- FARGO TRUCKS Phone 465 CLINTON Huron St. HELLO CLINTON Here are some of the feature attrac- tions Goderich is offering at its Old Home Week, August 3 to 7. THE MONDAY MORNING HISTORICAL PARADE will be the biggest thing of its kind ever seen in Huron County. There ore special prizes for Floats depict- ing some aspect of Huron's history, open to all the County. • MONDAY AFTERNOON the Saddle Club entertains with a thrilling program of Hurdle, Chariot and other races. TUESDAY EVENING the Huron All Stars ,headed by ..Charlie Justice of Lucknow, take on the Chicago Hottentots, World Champion' Coloured Soft Boll team. Tuesday night there will be , on Old Time Fiddlers' Contest and daricing for the first time on the ,new floor in the Goderich Memorial Arena. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON the Goderich Racing As- sociation are putting up purses of $3,Q00.00 for a Stellar Harness Meet, with a full cord in all classes. WEDNESDAY NIGHT a League, game of Box Lacrosse between Wallaceburg and Sarnia will be played in the Memorial Arena. THURSD'AY, NIGHT -.— Toronto Daily Star presents its famous free Concert in the Arena. STREET DANCING ON THE SQUARE every night to the music of • W.J.R. Big Barn Frolic . PRIZES FOR THE BEST CARNIVAL COSTUMES MIDWAY — •BANDS — FUN GALORE Goderich Old Horne Week 2 SIZES — 7 FT. and 10 FT. Engineered from actual field experience. HAND and POWER LIFT Combination hand lift and rope.trips both standard equipment ... an unusually Handy feature. Hand Eft can lie used if tractor be- comes mired, CONSTRUCTION Extra heavy steel throughout . additional bracing* at all points of stress. SPRINGS High quality spring steel ... added strength for deeper, more uniform cultivation in tough soils. TEETH Punched for shovels or sweeps . . toughest high, test spring steel, welded gangs, Wheels have drop centre rims for 6.00 x 16 tires . . . HEAVY &VT Y Timken bearings. SEE It TODAY! II@ Cass of Oh@ L© Hod By Roe Farms Servic,e.Dept,;L-18 ,WHAT SHOULD i• DO THEN, DOC, WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH MY BIRDS, DOC' THEY'RE ALLTHIN AND STARVED LOOKING. WHEN PULLETS ARE PUT INTO LAYING PENS, HARRY, REMEMBER TO it, HARRY, YOU GUESED WHAT DO YOU THAT MAY BE, HARRY, BUT RIGHT, FIRST TIME. MEAN, DOC? THESE BIRDS ARE LOST IN THIG THEY ARE STARVED 1.00K,THERE1 S PEN. ON THE RANGE THEIR FEED BECAUSE THEY DON'T VITA-LAY IN THE AND WATER WERE ON THE GROUND, KNOW WHERETO FIND HOPPERS-THERES AND WITH NEWLY HOUSED THE F ED AND WATER WATER IN THE PULLETS YOU HAVE TO MATCH AUTOMATIC THE RANGE HAINTS FOUNTAIN 40- +.0'111. L YOUR B/ROS 60 FOR ROE EGG MASH 7l71;;;;TAZf;r4 THE FLOOR, HARRY, AND LOW FEED HOPPERS AROUND PEN AND SCATTER OYSTER SHELL AND 6RIT ON ThE MASH TOO. UNTIL THEY ARE ACCUSTOMED TO THEIR. PEN. - MG MASH / pal" EXTRA WATER PANS ON FLOOR LEVEL • 2. LOWER 'Eta HOPPERS TO FLOOR Zelyz FOR R57- Few wea5 3 supply mieltinl PRODITTS SO IN MASH OR PELLET FORM H. Charlesworth CLINTON A, . MUSTARD BRUCEPIELD ,j0 >MIR PLOC't C.141/1- 41/55 /T PEED Roe P774-41Y f66 4145/9 10 SUPPLY THE gA0E0 Y/74-62415'S et-4164-/rs GREENRA14,6E, thanks to Mrs. Cuchnore for her hospitality. Bride Elect Honored On Wednesday, July 23, about thirty friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mrs. Charles Hutchins; to honor Miss Eileen Pocock, bride-elect. The $o YOU DID BUY GOODYEAR SUPER SURE- GRIP TRACTOR TIRES ? YEAH, AND MANE WWTA DIFFERENCE' IN TRACTION I KNOW NOW WHAT YOU MEANT WHEN YOU SAID GOODYEAR'S OPEN CENTER TREAD DOESN'T SUP, BUT REALLY PULLS YOU'RE RIGHT I I DO MORE WORK IN LESS TIMETHAN EVER BEFORE. 104 After coming Bost to purchase pew car. The Misses Bernice Jinks, Jean and Betty Armstrong have return- ed from a delightful week's vacat- ion epent at Algonquin Park, Nor- th Bay, and other interesting places, They made the trip by motor, Mrs. Mary Simpson left Satur- day for Kinleugh where she will spend A. month- visiting with re- latives. Mrs. SienPVn was con- ined to bed at the Saundercpck nursing home for twelve weeks but has improved very much in health. The annual congregational pic- nic of camel PresbYterian Ch.ure eh was held on Wednesday, July 16th, with a splendid representa- tion of ell organizations of the church present, held at Seeforth Lions Park. An interesting line up of sports for children and Miss. Belya. Hewett, ,elarediten, Spent 'Thursday at the home of Mr, And Mrs. Frenk McCullough, Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Yeo And family, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Griggend family, spent Sunday in Detroit. Miss Marie Gliddon, nurse-in- training, St, Joseph's hospital, London, was a. recent guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. D. E. Glidden. After being caricelledior the past two weeks, the regular morning, service will be resumed in Holm- Willie United Church at 11 a.m„ on Sunday, August 3. Mrs. G. E. McCullough has re= turned to her home in Toronto, after spending the past month with her son Frank McCullough and family, and other relatives in the district, The W.A. of Holmesville United. Church held an enjoyable picnic on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry . Cudmore. 4A. series of contests and races were held, under the direction of the Misses Ile Grigg and Sandra Williams, Lunch was served by the host-ess, assisted by the picnic com- mittee. Mrs. Elden Yeo, Mrs. em- Jack Yea and Mrs., Frank Mc- Cullough. Mrs. Edward Grigg expressed SEE US FOR GOODAEAR SUPER SURE-GRIP Tractor Tires . (Intended for last week) Mr. Cecil Vanelame, popular C.N.R. Agent here, le enjoying his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Casey Hudson and family. Gederich, spent the weekend with Mrs- G. Hudson. Jerry McClinchey is spending ten days' vacation with his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Renee McGregor, Kippen. The many friends of Mrs. Hugh Mclelurbie will regret to learn she is in very poor health and was taken to . St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for x-rays. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Joynt, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar 1Viceltnehey, left Monday for a ten days' vacation at High Point Lodge, Manitowan. ine, Manitoulin Island. Mr. Chris Anson, Regina, Sask., paid a flying visit to his sister-in- law and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. George Hess on his way west n adults was run off and well con- tested, directed by Rev. J, B. Fox, Mrs, A. Kerslake, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. R. A. Orr. The re- freshment committee included the sports committee plus Mrs. H. Hyde, and Mrs. W. R. Bell. • Retired Operator, Honoured Miss Katie Scott Who recently retired after forty-one years ser- vice in the telephone office here was honored at a presentation and dinner at Monetta Menard's, Ex- eter. Miss E. G. Ferguson, of London, made Miss Scott the pres- entation of a life membership in the Telephone Pioneers of Amer- ica, in recognition of her retire- ment from active service in the Telephone Industry. F. G. F. Barr, London, District Traffic Superintendent presented her with a wallet, and F. F. Brittain,Lon- don. Traffic Supt. presented her with a bouquet of flowers; C. B. • Symonds, Goclexich, Commercial Manager, Mrs, D. E. Smith, chief operator at Hensall; Mrs. Ruth Knox, chief opeator, Clinton, and Miss Willa Hunter, Exeter, chief operator there, were present. Miss Scott started her career at the switchboard, April 1911, when the office was in a store owned by her late father, George Scott. At that time the operator had to crank a magneto by hand to ring on the line and had to replenish large glass acid batteries with dis- tilled water. She was office man- ager for the local office from 1920 to 1945. Most of her 41 years at switchboard his been on night duty, and during that time has handled many emergency pleas, fire calls, etc., and has seen many changes in the village since she first started. Rig FAST PICKUP a CLINTON NM-WORD Mr. and Mrs. Corder Armstrong and family, London, are vacation- ing at their summer home, .Mn and Mrs. Walter Roesler se, and Mrs. Beverly May, are vacationing in the Wallis cottage. Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Reeves and son Ralph, are Vending the next two weeks at the Welod's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, Detroit, have returned home after a three week vacation at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Streick, Mrs. Lillian Martin, Mrs. Robt. Fisher and children, Stratford, are holi- daying at the Martin cottage, Mr. and.Mrs. Thomas Dunbar, Lambeth, accompanied by Mrs. Grace Wintermute, St. Thomas, have spent the last several weeks at their cottage, Mr. and Mrs, George. Lacey, London, were guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes. Miss Alma Barnes also spent the weekend with them. • Mr, and Mrs. Royal Cooley have concluded a two weeks holiday with the ladies parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, and have re- turned to their home in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Merkley were at their cottage on Sunday, their guests were: Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hall, Mr. and Mrs.. Howard Fuller, Mr. and Mrs, R. Rider and children, Wingham. The NEW GEORGE WHITE Advanced Design FIELD CULTIVATOR emeeeepere guest of honor was seated in a pink and white decorated Omit*, and while Miss Bette Hutchins read an address, Mrs. Herb Poe- ock and Mrs: Elmer McClinchey carried in a basket heaped to over- flowing with gaily decorated gifts. After the gifts were opened Miss _Pocock thanked the guests far their kind thoughts and. gifts. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Elmer McClinchey, Mrselferb Poceck,, and Misses Betty, Helen and Doris Hutchins. Mrs. Oliver honor, poured pomurotheder the000fffee, w h guesti of c It brought the evening to a close. Due to depletion gf Louisiana and Texas sulphur deposits the pyrite deposits of Quebec are be- coming increasingly important. ••-•-e-•-•-•44-«**44,-04+4,0. ,StanleY Township 444-14-40-**-4l-•++•11-•-•-11-.4-11-0•444 George Wilson, R.R. 1, flruce, field, has received weed from his sister Mary in England, that his oldest sister, Jane, passed away on Wednesday, July 23. Mr, Wil-son has just this winter returned from a visit to England where he saw his sisters and family, Deceased, with Tier husband, John Charles MacDonald, spent most of her married life at ley Forest Golf Club, near Ascot, Berks, England. Mr. MacDenald was green keeper there. Surviving are six sons and two daughters. All six sons are pro,- fessional golfers; Donald ID Australia. Interment was made in Blackpool. 0 Provincial and municipal net expenditures in 1050 in Canada exceeded $1,500,000,000. INDIK Eir Waft SHARP PHONE:PHONE: 556W FARM TIRE SERVICE IS LACK Of REMO Cida GIVING YOU IVIOUGH ROW TO WW1 Tani over a prekinalang loan with your VI manager. He'll do all he can to help you smooth that tough row. B of JAMES A. COX Phone 903r34, Clinton eeseeeeeseses-seeet, e+tle-tese ..ewS, of •110Imesville • PAOE SWIM assimpossi What's a picnic without Coke? A good picnic is lively and sparkling with fun. The life and sparkle of ice-cold Coca-Cola • adds so much to any occasion, / • •eeseeeeeAleeee Clinton Branch: WILLIAM ROBINSON, Manager Londesborough (Sub-Agency)LOpen Mon. & Thurs. BANK OF MONTgEAL eeSeeelead 944t Vasa WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN !'VERY WALK OF tire SINCE 1 II I er Main NOTICE Re-Weeds NOTICE is hereby given to owners of subdivided portions of the Municipality of Huron County that unless all noxious weeds thereon are destroyed before the 15th day of August, 1952, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, the inspector under authority given, in Sections 3, 7, 10 and 12, of the Act, will cause the noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed, and the costs thereof will be placed on the Collector's roll for collection in the same manner as taxes under the • Assessment Act. W. R. DOUGALL, Weed Inspector, Municipality of Huron County Carton 36c Wolin. Wend Taxes Phis deposit 2c per bottle Authorised bottler of Coos-Colo under contract with Coca-Cols Ltd. ESBECO LIMITED 658 Erie Street STRATFORD, ONT. Phone: 78 11A.AA.Allio.A11A.AlAnAlA 30-31-b "Cokets a registered trade-mark ...10•11..M.4•11116,11••••••11.1•101•1.01W