HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-07-31, Page 5Classified Rates CASK RATE paid by Wednesday following date of in- eertion).: cents a word, first insertion (minimum 50 cents); soubsequent insertions 11/2 cents a word (minimum 35 cents); 15 yenta extra few box number or lor direction to NEWS-RECORD Crefiee. IF CHARGED—le cents extra. DEADLINE—le noon, Weduese relay, MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CORN SALVE for sure Callous Salve too, relieves quick- relief, your Druggist ,sells Cress 31-b IY. FOR ARTIFICIAL SERVICE from this farmer owned, licence& elan-, profit, growing, co-operetive as- sociation, from top quality belle of all breeds, the rates are: $25 for a life membership, $5 per cow for members, and $6 per cow for lean-members. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association, R. R. 1, Waterloo, Ont. FOR SERVICE, CONTACT: Harry Reid, Varna, phone Bayfield, 27; or Charles 3, Brandon, phone Clinton 633r5. 31-33-tfb %ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'THREE-ROOM APARTMENT in Clinton, on ground floor, newly 'tlecorated, Phone 6943. 31-b TULLY FURNISHED APART- !anent, steam heated, and well lo- cated, couple only, Phone 176. 31-b PLUMBING AND HEATING catalogue free. The 1952 catalogue is off the press. Write for your copy or visit the new warehouse and see for yourself the model bathroom displays in white and coloured. fixtures in standard size bathrooms with tiled or painted wane, just the way you want a bathroom in your own home. We have sinks and sink cabinet units, lavatory basins and toilets, pres- sure systems and electric water heaters, range boilers, pipe and fittings in copper, galvanized and cast iron, septic and oil tanks, refrigerators and electric ranges, a complete line of furnaces, air conditioning units and hot water heating systems with convector rads. We deliver to your nearest railway station, you pay no freight. C. V. Johnson Plumbing Supplies, Streetsville, Ontario. 28-9-30-1-b PROPERTY FOR SALE Idea man Dan Can point with pride To the results he gets In our classified 70,ee (1,0g DOWNSTAIRS BED - SITTING :room, private entrance. All con- venienceee good home for the :eight person or persons. Can be .:seen any time. Phone 419W. 31-b ARTICLES FOR SALE :BABY BUGGY, GREY COLOUR; _lust like new. Phone 487W. 21-p :DUCHESS AND HARVEST apples for sale. Pick your own, 25 cents a six quart basket. D. Cantelon, Raglan Street, phone 193. 31-b BABY CHICKS ,LOOK — POULTRYKEEPERS 3-4 week Bray cockerels—heav- Iles, shipper's choice — 3 week $27.90-4 week $32.90. Also ,pttl- :lets, heavies, shipper's choice, 3 weeks $25.90 — 4 week $30.90. Dayold to order. Act quickly. ,,Agent, Mrs. Alex Paterson, Bruce- .field. 31-b BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE --NEW SUBD1V1StON LOTS FOR eale, adjoining property of new school, L. G. Winter, real estate, phone 448; Thomas Steep, sales- man, phone 146W. 28-tfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — Business trades listed with L. G. 'Winter, Real Estate: Restaurants, ....gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; 'Thomas Steep, salesman. 30-b CABIN TRAILER FOR SALE 'TWENTY-FOOT CABIN Trailer, two rooms, insulated. Sink, hot- plate, icebox, wardrobe, table, chairs and sofa bed. Inquire at learvey Ashton's, Victoria Street. -Phone 268W. 31-b CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM BAND AND JIGSAW- ing. Work evenings, Monday .to Friday, Reg. Smith, end of High Street. Phone 540J. 30-1-b APPLES FOR SALE LOST AT tAYPTElt), pair of brown horn rittuned glasses, Rea ward. Mrs C6Wdert, Miss Laura Jervis, Princess Street, .31eb L. G. WINTER. It JAL ESTATE it0.0XER: Thomas A. Steele Salesman LOST AND FOUND J. S. Scruton K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton •-•7•44-4-•-•-•-44-44-404-6-4, Oils - Greases - Gasoline Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 377 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere SoldnomT, Choice Business and Residential Property for Sale in Clinton Two-storey solid brick building-, 22-foot frontage on Albert St., depth 80 feet, housing printing Plant acid offices on main floor and modern, new five-roorhed apartment on teeond floor. Iii addition, concrete gata,ge with steel tool, as welt as garden, on 80-foot lot at rear of latieWaY, This le an ideal property, both for residential and intone purposes, AeelieetiOrte ifi. eonfidettee to CLINTON NEWS,REC086 R, t, AT KEY, The C"hr*ontiaCeiti Arriprier, Ontaria ,28-29a t. 4444,-.44.44-4-4-4-4.44444-4-4-4-44.44+4+4,44-404.44-444-0-0-.44+4-4.4. •Anono.seviovnavr44,444.4,4resseekreaseedereel couareoas 5earfice Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI Tune In iBLUE WATER CONFERENCE "daily" Monday-Friday-10.15 am (EDST), Sundays 10.05 am on CFCO, Chatham 630 on your dial 28 -b see-e-e-e-eareee Clearance of SPORT COATS PICKETT CAMPBELL (Opposite the Theatre) Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats + PHONE 25 CLINTON SEE THE NEW HOTPOINT with TRIPLE-ACTION ACTIVATOR MODELS FROM $199850 Brighter Washes —Fietpoine; .Triple-action Activator provides a 5-zone washing action that's gentle, thorough, fast. Safety Wringer—has Leather- touch release mechanism. Lasting Serioice—Pertrtadrire trterhanistil , only 4 moving parts permanently lubricated. Atabotized Dealer Corte in for a dentonstratioit Galbraith Radio and Television ,14 CoprA911 4001.m Apay "Clinton's Only Record Ear" ALL SALES BACKED WITH SERVICE Telephone 482 Fine light tweeds and plain shades. Styled in one- or two-button styles, sizes 34 to 42, BLUES, SANDS, , GREYS Originally priced to 39.50 Special rack at . . 19.50 All Other Sport Coats at . $25.00 1 I a I flatfeet wfuftsao, '31, lon 6up.appl INT.KWS4trcom) , I WANTADS BIRTHS I3AKELAAR —In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, July 274 195e, to Mr. and Mrs, William 13akelaer, Blyth, a daughter, McCOURT — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, July 24, 1952, to Me. and Mrs, eohn Mc- Court, Aclastral Park, RCAF Station, Clinton, a daughter, DEATHS FORREST=At the home of her sister, Miss Agnes Cochrane, Clinton, on Saturday, July 26, 1952, Mrs. John Forrest, be- loved wife of John Forrest, Funeral from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, to Bay-, field Cemetery on Monday, July 28, MacDONALDe—Near Ascot, Berks, England, on Wednesday, July 23, 1952, Jane Wilson, beloved wife of John Charles MacDon- ald; sister of George Wilson, R.R. 1, Brucefield, Interment in Blackpool Cemetery, PORTER—Suddenly in Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednes- day, July 20, 1952, Sarah Eliza- beth Reid, beloved wife of J. W. Elgin Porter, Stanley Town- ship, in her 43rd year. Funeral from. St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Tuesday after- noon, Jule 22, FOR SALE NORTH OXFORD — Farm 200 acres, 150 acres cultivated, high grade soil, completely equip-. ped; 2 storey brick house, large barn, plenty of water, new large size tractor, chicken house, %- ton truck, 55 cows, and milk- ing machines, seeding Machine, and all other essential equip- ment needed to run a large farm. (A trade for a house in a largely populated city will be acceptable). PRINCETON-90 acre farm, (No, 2 Highway), house, barn, cot- tage, 2 kilns, 14 acres tobacco *land, greenhouse 100'x22'. NORTH OXFORD-100 acre farm, 90 acres cultivated, 9-room two- storey white brick house, close to school, completely equipped, new tractor, 16 head of cattle; (possession November 1). THAMESFORD-1111. No. 1, 25 acres, 15 acres workable, good land, barn 30'x40', 2 smaller buildings; modern house, six rooms and bath, RESTAURANT — Woodstock, all modern equipment, seats 60, low rent, five-room apartment, large turnover; must be sold, small down payment; easy terms. STORAGE LOCKERS — Butcher Shop and Grocery business, large turnover, (small village). ST. MARYS — Corner grocery store, 7-room house, large lot, turnover $33,000, GRAND BEND — (Hillside Cab- ins), ten three-room cabins, One six-room cottage; located on Main Street; rental turnover $400.00 weekly, LONG POINT—ComPletely fur- nished 4-room cottage; price $2,500; down $1,000. GUS MORELLO REAL- ESTATE BROKER Phone 489 INGERSOLL, ONTARIO mortgages and Loans Arranged CUSTOM COMBINING. A n y acreage. F. P. Arkell and Sons, phone Clinton 906r25. 28-9-30-1-p FARMS FOR SALE FROM 50 TO 117 ACRE WARMS. Confidential information. Leon- ard Ge Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, residence 5-btfb FARM MACHINERY GIBSON RIDING TRACTOR, equipped with plow, disc, culti- vator and harrows, in perfect working order, Apply to William Rutledge, 21/2 miles west of Sea- :forth on No, 8 Highway. 31ab HELP WANTED—Female FEIVIALE CLERK TO WORK full or part time in Irwin's Ladies' Wear. 31-b WANTED. YOUNG WOMAN for permanent employment in local bank. Please reply to Box "B", Clinton News-Record, stating 'qualifications. 31-p FURNITURE REFINISHING VOA PIANO, e'eJRNITURE AND eadio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W. G. Pickett, Hoe 251, Clinton. 29-80-1-2-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, OLD HORSES AND dead tattle, Gilbert Eros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Rhone collect, 93662, or 086r21. 9-ptfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SIX LITTLE. PIGS, READY TO mean. Douelee Farquhar, phone Clinton 8051.5. 31-b TWO HEIFERS, Hereford and Shorthorn, due in August. Frank Feleorier, Tuckersmith TOWnship, aerie Clinton, 615e16, e0-1-p SIX-ROOMED STUCCO HOUSE on Albert Street evith three-piece bath, oak floors and stoker. Good location. Early possession. Apply A. G. Grigg, phone Clinton 74W. 26-tfb BRICK \COTTAGE. ONE MILE south of Clinton on No. 4 High- way. All modern conveniences. Oil heating. Newly decorated. Five acres of good clay land. Apply in writing to Box "A", Clinton News-Record. 31-b SEVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSE on Huron St., Clinton; three-piece bath, large living room with fire- place, large dining room, •sun porch, very good location. Priced to sell; terms can be arranged. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Thomas A Steep, salesman. 30-tfb FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, THREE bedrooms, three-piece bath, ex- tra lot, small barn, nice surround- ings. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phone 448; Thomas Steep, sales- man, phone 146W. 28-tfb BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME, two bedrooms and ultra modern, three-piece bathroom. Living- room with picture window. Mod- ern kitchen, full basement with automatic forced air oil heat. tion. Full price, $7,750. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phone 448; Thomas Steep, salesnian, phone 146W. 21-btfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R, 43tfb SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED MACHINES. Repairs to all models. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Goderich, phone 1135. 19-tfb STOVES FOR SALE FINLAY COAL or WOOD Range. White enameled. Good as new. Phone Clinton 6933, 31-2-p FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC Range, three burners and cooking well; like new. Hot Point seven cu. ft. electric refrigerator. Proctor Palmer, R.R. 2, Clinton. Phone Clinton 901r31. 31-p WHITE ENAMEL RANGE, Wing- ham Classic, like new; burns wood or coal, reasonable, Wil- liam Rutledge, 21/2 miles west of Seaforth on No. 8 Highway. 31-b SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT HAYFIELD — HOUSEKEEPING cabins on Lake Huron. $20 Co. wkly. Everything supplied. Six acres to play in, picnic tables, swimming, row boat. Lots of shade. Dining room. Bicycles. \Vette G. Hazelwood, R. R. 1, Bayfield, Ont. 19to35-b TENDERS WANTED SCHOOL BUS TENDERS. Tend- ers will be received by the un- dersigned until the first of Aug- ust,- for the transportation of Public School pupils from S.S. 4, Hullett, to the Clinton Public School, commencing September 2, 1952. Lowest tender not neces- sarily accepted: For further par- ticulars, apply secretary-treaser- er, Cecil Cartwright, Londesboro, 30-31-p 4,907,471 Canadians, 35% of the total population, are under 15 or over 70 and eligible for monthly family allowance or old age pension cheques from Ottawa, Mother, husband and family of the late Sarah B. Porter, wish to thank their many friends, rela- tives and neighbours for sincere sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement, for cards of sympathy and acts of kindness. 31-p 0 In Memoriam CLARK—In loving memory of Mrs. Peter Clark, who died one year ago, on June 27, 1951: 'Merriories are treasures no one can steal, Death is a heartache no one can heal; Deep in our hearts a' memory , is kept Of a wife and a mother we'll newer forget." —Ever remembered by husband and family. 31-p AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from the home of Fred Hanley, ' Huron Street, Clinton, on Saturday, August 9 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: Eight-piece dining room suite; Console table; 2 tubular beds, springs and mattresses; tubular bed, springs and inner spring mattress; bedroom chair; walnut dresser; chiffonier; Victor cab- inet radio; desk; small desk; hall rack; Raymond drop-head sew- ing machine; oval extension table; 6 chairs; 2 kitchen tables; drop-leaf table; Axminster rug 9'x12'; rocking chair; tapestry rug 9et12'; congoleum rug 9'x12'; Moffat electric range; kitchen cabinet; Quebec heater; porch swing; 65-piece dinner set; other dishes, glassware, sealers, crock- ery, cooking utensils, hot plate, 240 lb, scale; lawn mower; cur- tains; numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH FRED HANLEY, Proprietor EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Coiquhoun, Clerk 31-32-b.., AUCTION SALE Of PROPERTY and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in the Village of Egmondville, on Saturday, August 2 at 1 p.m. Full line Household Effects, in- cluding some antiques, walnut ladies' chair, 6 walnut dining room chairs, with needle point; small settee with Queen Ann legs; rockers; tables; candlesticks; occasional chairs; corner cup- board; fireplace basket and screen; paintings; walnut side- board; bedroom furniture; chest- erfield; electric washing machine; 7 ft. frigidaire. Aleo china, in- cluding a dinner set of Wedge- wood. Also property, with a seven- room brijk house, with furnace and hydro. TERMS: Chattels cash; Prop- erty, 10 per cent down, balance in 80 days. Immediate possession, Estate of late Earl Vanegmond. Solicitors; McConnel and Hays. Auctioneer: Harold Jackson. Clerk: E. P. Chesney, 30-31; THUR., FRI., SAT. (Aug. 7-9) Maureen Q'Hara, Jeff Chandler and Maxwell Reed - A romantic drama of the East in which a Tunisian princess is in danger of losing her throne be- cause of the plotting of her evil cousin. "Flame of Arab?' Coming (Aug. 11-13) "CALLING BULLDOG DRUMIVIOND" with Walter Pidgeon AUCTION SALE Of VALUASILE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGe At corner of John and Louisa Sts., in Town of Seaforth, on Wednesday, August 6 at 1 p.m. Three-piece chesterfield suite; oak library table and chair to match; hall tree; cabinet radio; hall seat and mirror; lady's and gentleman's hall chairs; antique black walnut settee; lady's and gentleman's chair; pedestal and table; 10-piece mahogany dining room suite; table; china cabinet; buffet; serving table and 6 chairs; butt walnut bedroom suitenbed, box spring Mattress, dresser, van- ity, chest of drawers, chair and bedside table; walnut bedroom suite: bed, box spring mattress; dresser, vanity, bench, bedside table and chair; mahogany bed- room suite: bed, box spring mat- tress, dresser, chest of drawers and chairs; 3 reed porch chairs; number small tables; occasional chairs; 2 card tables; 6 cu. ft, Frigidaire, 3 months old; drop- leaf table; kitchen chairs; pantry table; washing machine; clocks; electric stove; mirrors; drapes; scatter mats; runners, other floor coveringt; verandah swing; dishes and kitchen utensils; lawn mow- er; garden hose and garden tools; step ladder, and many other articles. TERMS—CASH T. SWAN swum, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk 30-31-b Clearing AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS From the home of Miss Hannah M. Craig, Queen St., Herman, Saturday, August 2 at 1 p.m., consisting of: Three-piece velour chesterfield suite; studio couch; leather arm chair; leather rocking chair; arm chair; 4 rocking chairs; 3-piece parlor suite; wicker rocking chair; 2 Axminster rugs O'x7'; scatter rugs; Rogers Majestic cabinet radio; 5 small tables; din- ing room buffet, table, and 12 chairs; platform rocker; three- quarter bed, inner spring mat- tress, dresser end wash stand; three-quarter bed, mattress, dres- ser and wash stand; single tub- ular bed, mattress, dresser and wash stand; single bed, mattress, dresser and wash stand; day bed; Clare Jewel range; McClary elec- tric range; Coffield electric wash- ing machine; Beatty vacuum cleaner; kitchen cupboard; kit- chen extension table; baking cab- inet; Singer drop-head sewing machine; complete set of dishes; 2 toilet sets; other dishes; several linoleum rugs; pillows; toaster; electric iron; sealers; cooking utensils; copper boiler; laundry tubs; approx, 21/2 ton of coal; quantity of summer wood; ex- tension ladder; step ladder; gar- den tools; numerous other art- icles. TERMS—CASH. No reserve as property is sold. MISS HANNAH M. CRAIG, Proprietress EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colqulionn, Clerk 30-31-b PARK THEATRE GOPERICH—Phone 1150 Now; In, Technicolor, Josephine Hull and Mona Freeman In "THE leseley FROM TEXAS" lvfON., TUES„ 'WED, ABBOTT and cosTELLQ with Baer The clown princes of eimijoin in- vade the field of fantasy for a riotous interpretation of Mother qpose. "JACK AND THE BEANSTALK" — In Snper Cinecolor THUR., FRI, SAT. "The Wild North" Featuring the new Ansco Color Adventure with the Canadian N.W.M.P, as a mountie pursues his quarry through the magnifi- cent scenic Northwest Stewart Granger, Cyd. Charisse and Wendell Corey Cubs Pass Proficiency The Clinton Lions Cub Pack held a badge instruction meeting on Monday 14th July. Assistant Cub Masters Chip Dale and Pete McCauley were out to give special instruction for the Cube. Several boys turned out for extra instruction. Sixer Barry McLaren passed his book balancing test and Cub Bill Murney passed his knot tests. Cub Ken Van Riesen passed his flag tests. There is no regular meeting scheduled for Pack each Monday CAPITAL THOEATRE ry Goroomou Phone 47 Now; "The Man With My Faiiem Filmed, in Puerto 'Rico, with c4roie Matthew MON., lams. wgo. "Three Steps North" — Filmed in Italy -- • In which a discharged G.I. ree turns to Italy to recover a fore tune he made as a soldier, Lloyd Bridges, Aldo Fabrizi and eieo Padovani THUR., FilL,, SAT, Randolph Scott, Lucille Norman and Raymond Massey Historical super-western in Tech- nicolor. action-crammed story of pioneer railroading during the heydey of the Comstock gold. strike. "CARSON CITY" but the meeting hall will be open every Monday night during the summer so that Cubs, who want to pass tests can get extra in. struction and assistance. All Cubs are encouraged to attend when- ever passible, The meeting hall is open between 7 and 8 peri. e Pulp and paper mill workers are Canada's highest • industrial, earners, with average weekly earnings of $71.42 et Dec. 1, 1951 Canada is one of the few coun- tries in the world which has standard gauge railroads across the country. Ladies' Auxiliary Notice The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, Clinton Branch No. 140, are to gather in Goderich on August 3, to at- tend the Drumhead Service. Berets must be worn. The Bingos sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion are continuing each Sat- urday night in the Council Chamber. Two jackpots of $25 each are being featured and a third !jackpot has now , been started. There will be no bingo Saturday, August 16, because of the Flower Show. 31-b 4i4e.40,444•341%.*+.+41+41+444++++44 SALESMAN . WANTED SALESMAN WANTED IMMEDIATELY Headquarters in Clinton Must 'have ear. Steady employ- ment. Salary, commission and ear allowance. Employment benefits. .„. APPLY: W. G. Henderson Singer Sewing Centre Goderich — Phone 1135 31-tib eeteasteteleteeseeesestotetereeeseeeeesete 'MAIN STREET BUSINESS BLOCK FOR SALE THREE APARTMENTS AND STORE Terms may be arrenged Newfoundland Lady Thanks Ebenezer WA A letter from a lady in New- foundland was read to the July meeting of the WA of Ebenezer United Church, he'd at the home of Mrs, Fred Lobb, The letter expressed thanks for articles which were sent in the spring. The business session Was open- ed with the theme song and the Women's Creed. Roll call was a verse from the Bible containing the word "love." Mrs. M. Jones reed the Scripture and led in prayer, ti was decided to send a bale of clothing to the Newfoundland lady at a later date. A chapter from the Study Book was presented by Mrs, F, Jones. Mrs. I, Merrill's reading and a piano solo by Edith Jones were greatly enjoyed. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Bene- diction. Lunch was served by the host- ess, assisted by Mrs. James Lobb. Cards of Thanks I,4INTO4 N Now fleeing (July 31YApg, 2) "CARSON PM" in Valour, with Randolph Scott -IVfON, TUES., WED. (Apg, 4-6) "Anne of the Indies" Technicolor — The stirring, slashing, sweeping saga of bietory's fabulous pirate queen, — Jean Peters, Louis Jourdan and *Debra Paget