Clinton News-Record, 1952-07-31, Page 374 tt "The Smartest Shoes in Towne" SHOES FOR MEN — Sold By — PICKETT and CAMPBELL (Opp osi to the CLIN TON PHONE 25 CLTON • • • w HURON Sr. PHONE 441 for glowing health And long endurance Milk is your very nest insurance. 4 4 PROP .7131041 1 ell , , Competitive Prices, 'Personal. ervice DRUG STORES Special Values and Reminders for Thursday, Friday end Saturday BORACIC ACID $, 16 oz. Reg, 39e, 450 23c, 37p hot Weather Needs COLD • CREAM Theatrical Type 1 'le, ,reg, age 73c EPSOM SALTS 1 lb, reg. 25c 19c IDASAL Tablets 5 gr. 300's reg. 89c 69c _ SEIDLITZ POWDERS Box of 7, reg. 29c 23c ;VEGETABLE Laxative Tablets Reg. 45c 37c 4-•4-******-4-•-•-•-•-, WAX PAPER 100 ft. roll Reg. 33c 28c, 2 for 55c 41-4•4-****•-•-•-**** TOILET TISSUE Reg. 2 for 27c 2 for 23c 4 for 45c 4-4-**•-********* MILK of MAGNESIA 16 & 40 oz, , Reg. 35c, 60c 27c, 47c IP 41,-4,-*+-•-4-4.-* Aviation Special Sun Glasses— Curved lens, metal frames, eweat brow, etc., in case 990 "Willsonite" Men's Sport Style ,' 75e Metal "Clip-overe" ... „ . , 89c Polaroid Flightline $2.98 Polaroid Zephyr Ladies' style 51,95 Tone-Ray Men's & Ladies Others .... 35e, 49e; 69c, $1.49 $3.00, $5.00 up t aasesseeasesse-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-eetee-•-•-e-ass, ++4-w CALAMINE LOTION, 4, 8 oz,, reg. 30c, 50c 23c, 39c HYDROGEN Peroxide, reg. 19, 29, 45c ' .... „...„ I4c, 23c, 37c JOHNSON'S Ban8-Aid 15c, 35c, 65c NOXZEMA Skin Cream, 26Z, 65c, 89c, $1.69 CAMERAS Brownie Hawkeye Camera „ $6.25 Flash Model $8.25 Baby Brownie Camera $3.30 Brownie Reflex, large view finder • $14.00 Others $8.25, $9.25 up ANSCO or KODAK FILMS— Popular sizes-42e, 47e, 58c, etc, -4-e+4-4,4-+-4-6-4-4-4-44 44-4-4-* • • -****4-4, 4-4* 44-• POWDER PUFFS, reg. 1.0c, 8c, 2 for 15c Flashlight Batteries Extra, $1.39, $1.55 up COMBS—Bobby and Pocket, Reg. 10c , 7c, 2 for 13c 4+4+11-• e-.-N••4-M.- -• •-• *44^**-****•-**-*****-4,....4,4, For FOOT COMFORT-- Absorbine Jr. $1.19, $2.39 Zorn-Buk Ointment 50c Mennen Quinsana Foot Powder 68c Freezone Corn Remedy , , 35c Dr. Scholl's Zino Pads 40c v. UNUE PHOTO F.B. PENNEBAKER PHONE SERVICE DRUGGIST 14 Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club in aid of Artificial ice ,000 Jackpo IN BALL - ,MACAULAY CLINTON Builders' Su lies SEAFORTH Phone 97 pp Phone787 Lumber, Lime, Cement, Sash, Doors, Cement Blocks, Tile -*•-•÷•-*****•*-*h**4-*+-*****-*+ 4-0 4-0-AS 4. ****4 ++4-4-**•-• 4.4 • *0-****4-t-Ir• James Paterson travelled tosOts tawa on Teeeday. Mrs, Murray Tyndall visited in Galt on the weekend. Mrs. William Hill spent a few. days in the village this week, Miss Helen Holmes, London, is visiting With Miss Margaret Mes Queen, Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay visited with Mrs. Maude Clifton, last weekend. The Hill-Chapman picnic was held in Goderlch Harbour Park op Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. William Paterson, Montreal, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Petersen. Rogers,s 'Thoreld, is visiting with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. e. Dunn. Tou 413.Lky 2i, 1,92 The New 652 Mercury Monterey 1-1951 1-1949 1-1947 1-1947 1-1942 1-1941 NOW on display at Bob Cook. Motor Sales (opposite Railroad) Hensall, Ont. — Phone 178 News of :Brucefield FORD CUSTOM COACH, 13,000 miles FORD COACH, a clean car OLDS Two-Tone, built-in radio, sun visor, a beauty FRAZER SEDAN, a real buy PLYMOUTH SEDAN HUDSON COACH Dave McNaughton, who spent several months in Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, is again with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snelling. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zapfe and Wayne; London, spent the week- endwi th Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swan, Barbara, Pate and Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. William Dinnin 'visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Leppington underwent an operation in Clinton Public Hospital on Monday morning. Thornton Mustard, Weston, spent the weekend with his pars ents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Mustard, Miss Betty and Jack Lazenby, Belleville, are visiting their grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Rath- well. Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Stackbouse were guests on Monday, of Mr. and Mrs, John McCowan, Porter's Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Grant have taken Joseph IVfeCully's upstairs apart- ment. We welcome them to the village. Mr._ and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre with Mrs, Douglas and Mrs. Consitt, visited in Owen Sound a week ago Sunday. Jack McDonald, with his moth- er, Mrs. Jim McDonald, Ottawa, is visieing with Mrs. John Mc- Cowan. Mrs. Mac Tully, with her son, daughter-in-law, and ganddaught- er, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jes- sie Lane. Mrs. Elizabeth Moody has tak- en a cottage at the lake, in Bay- field, and plans to spend a, few days there. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, with Leona, Marjorie and Carol, are enjoying a week's vacation in the Haliburton area. Seaforth Soldier Returns from Japan James J. Sallows, a. lance-corp- oral with the Royal Canadian reg- iment, and on police duty for 13 months in Japan, has returned to his home in Seaforth. Lance Corporal Sallows, des- cribes the country as very mount- ainous`; the atmosphere is very hot and humid, especially in the rainy season, He describes the agricultural» ists of Japan as good farmers, with a main crop of rice. The Australian rations served to the military forces there, he con- ments, contained too much mut- ton, for which Australia is wid- ely noted and, the food in con- sequence, to him, was over sup- plied with fat and grease, Lance Corporal Sallows served in world- war two in the army. He is on a 60 day leave and hie in- tention apparently is to return to civilian ranks as soon as possible, There are 57 members (count- ries) in the International Civil Aviation Organization which op- erate more than 90 per cent of the world's international civil air transportation, ' Mrs. George Neil, Kirlseen, and Mrs. Mary Stoneman, Mitchell.. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Rattenbury London, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott, The latter have been vacationing in a cottage et payfield." Mrs. Russell Zurbrigg, Wing, ham, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A, Mc- Ewen. Mrs. Dallas IVIcEwen.and Marlene, St, Thomas, were also visiting there. Rev, W. J, Maines plans to be gin his month's summer vacation on Monday, August 4, In his ab- sence, Rev. Norman P. Mcleod, Kippen, will he in charge of the services. Mr, and Mrs. William Murdoch, Miss Beth Murdoch, all of Hamilton; Miss June Murdoch, New York, visited on the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, 3. R. Murdoch. June remained a few days before returning to New York, View English Buses Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dutton, with Dwayne and Gayle Elliott, travelled ,, to $ tr a t f or d on Monday morning to view the double decker English buses on display there. The good will tour has travelled from coast to coast in the United States( and through Ontario and Quebec in Canada. They plan to embark from New York for England, on August 8. The first Dale Reunion and picnic was held In Seaforth Lions Park, Seaforth, Saturday after- noon, July 26, 1952. In spite of uncertain weather there was an attendance of 175. The sports committee, namely: Mrs. Myrtle Tyndall, Mrs, leg. Smith, Mrs, Edward Dale and Verne Pale provided an Interest- ing program as follows; Girls, '7 years and under, run- ning race, Marjorie Campbell, Amy Stewart; boys, 7 years and under, running . race, Ian Pale, Kenneth, Smith; girls, 10 years and undr, running race, Laurel Dale, Marion Pale; leoys, 19 years and under, running race, David Cunningham, Clarence Dale; girls' potato race, Dorothy Dale, Lois Dale; boys' sack race, Bev Boyes, Ervin Dale; single ladies' race, Ruth Crozier, Muriel Dale; single men's race, Lloyd Dale, Ervin Dale; Young married ladies' race, Mrs. Charles Johnston, Mrs, Ste- wart Dale; young married men's race, Freels Dale, Don Dale; kiek-the-slipper, Ruth Crozier; mixed relay race, tooth pick and life saver, Bert Boyes' team; married couple's tie-the-tie race, Allen Dale and Mrs. Stewart bale; ladies' dropping clothes pins in bottle, Mrs. Lorne Brown; Longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. C. James Dale (51st year), oldest person, Mrs. Ade- line Connell (84 years OM); youngest person, Neil Dale, five- 1952 upon request from the sec- months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. retary-treasurer after August 1, Elgin Dale. ;1952, First Pale 'Reunion utstanding Success' To-Night Linton Lions Arena Mrs. Robert Townsend and daughter Dorothy Little and Mrs. Prank Little are on a trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. T. Barker and Diane, Toronto, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charules Weymouth Londesboro. Mrs. David Patterson, (formerly (Mabel Coapland), Leathbridge, Alta,, visited with Mrs. William Lyon on Monday. Mrs. Fanny Cartwright is spen- ding the summer months with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vincent, God- erich, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ad- ams, spent the weekend at Hes- selwood's cottage, Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Lou. Pringle, Tor- onto, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Troope and other friends in the community this week. Miss Francis Grierson, sister of Dr. Robert Grierson, is seriously ill and was removed by ambulan- nee to Wingham Hospital, on Mon- day. Mr. Elmer Hughes and Jack Neilson, London; Mrs. Margaret Cuming, Blyth, on Monday were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grierson and little daughter from the west, are visiting with their parents Dr. Robert Grierson and Mrs, Grier- son. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott and two daughters Darla and Dar- Ilene, Niagara Falls, have been visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. William Gooier and Mrs. Jack Hamilton, London, spent Tuesday with their daughter Mrs. Spencer Hann and Mrs. Hann, Kitchener. There will be no church services on the Londesboro circuit next Sunday, August 3rd, but the fol- lowing Sunday, August 10, there will be services as usual, Grandmothers' Day The August meeting of the Lon- desboro Women's Institute, will be held in the Community Hall, Thur- sday, August 7, with the Grand- mothers as guests. The program -will be in charge of the grand- mothers. The July meeting of the Lon- desboro W.A. was held in the Sunday School room, of the • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GET A SURE, SAFE GRIP ON THE ROAD.. REGoodrich MUD- TIRES OUTPULi o OUTSTOP OTHER WINTER TIRES SPorte were felIoWed by a pic- nic supper at 6 p,m. after which, address,an prepared by Mrs, Adeline Connell, was read by the president, ?reek Dale, on the history of the late Chris. Pale, Sr., his wife and family, who emigrated to Woodstock, Canada, from Yorkshire, England, in. 1849 end then moved in later years to the Seaforth locality. .A. business meeting was held and it was decided to hold a picnic next year, on Saturday, JuSy 25, 1.953 at the Lions Park, Seaforth. The officers are as follows: president, Prank Dale; 1st vice- president,. Verne Dale; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. A. Crozier; secre- tary-treaeurer, Mrs. J. Baker; ].uncle--Mrs. Wes, Nott, Mrs. Ste-, wart Dale, Mrs. Edward Dale; sports--Don Dale, Mrs. G. Kerr, W, J. Dale, Mrs. K, Stewart. Thanks are due Mrs. William Eon, Mrs. Effie Jamieson, Allan Dale and many others who help- ede to make the first picnic a success. It is hoped all relatives will arrange to attend next year, There will be more information on the family history, fun, games, etce because of the keen interest shown and the financial support given this year. Ali members . may obtain re- ceipt of membership and copy of financial statement as at July 31, church on Tuesday, July 15, with the president Mrs. B. Shobbrook in charge. A hymn was sung and Mrs. C. Crawford read the Scripture which was followed by prayer and another hymn. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted and the treasurer's report was given. A card of appreciation was read from Helen Lee, The roll call was answered by "My favourite home„remedy," The August roll call to be answered by 'Hot ,Weather Appetizers." Programme committee for next month, Mrs. T. Allen and Mrs. 3, Crawford. There was no new business this month. The programme consisted of two piano solos by Marguerite Lyon and two vocal solos by Marjorie Hunking. The meeting closed, with a hymn and benediction, Lunch' was ser- ved by hostesses. There were eighteen present. Singer Sewing Centre is giving 9 BUDGET SEWING LESSONS at Reduced Price in the Legion Hall, Clinton Starting August 14 7 to 9 p.m. and 9 toll p.m. Those interested leave name and address at Clinton News-Record Office . 31-b 10-4•44-•-• TRUCKS 1-1950 MERCURY 1/2 TON, 15,000 miles, 2 snow tires, complete set racks, definitely like new, 1-1947 DODGE 1-TON (very good) The following cars have been considerably reduced. Priced tb sell from $50.00 to $450.00 1942 Plymouth Coach 1936 Olds. Coach 1939 Chev. Coach 1933 Chev. Coach 1937 Terraplane Coach 1931 Ford Sedan 1937 Plymouth Coach 1928 Ford Coach 1936 Dodge Sedan 1928 Studebaker 5-pass. Bob Cook Motor Sales Phone 178 Hensall, Ont, (Hard Top) newly engineered from road to roof FOR A WIDER SELECTION OF GOOD CLEAN USED CARS AND TRUCKS, AT DOWN-TO-EARTH PRICES SEE THE FOLLOWING: ctimpoll mws-sEcom ef 1, , 111 -0-4,-**-**4-•-•-.-10-*4-*+•-******-41-*4-***4-•-•-**•-•44-44***4*-**041 News of Londesboro serws2*-Ses-wfeswr1 /2...,010sta 04••••••••, pet if y Afeaffee Ask for FREE Interior Designs STANDARD PANELS • ASPHALT SHEATHING DECORATIVE TILE • ORNAMENTAL PANELS* A.¢,...4 11114)1A11110 1004004 111111111111111111111111111111111111H11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111118 YOU \ SAVE MONEY - AT FITZSIMONS' FOOD FAIR WE KNOW IT — YOU CAN PROVE ITS We know that we will save you money on every pound of meat you buy at Fitzsimons', s'eou can prove it if you will take just a few minutes to figure it out. Take item for item, jot down the savings on each article as you go along. The savings that are yours will amaze you. And don't forget to take into consideration Fitzsimons' fine quality the same quality that has pleased Clinton for more than 85 yearse This week follow the smart shoppers to Fitzsimons'. SPECIALS FOR AUGUST 2 ONLY HAMS PEAMEAL ROLL $1,500 in PRIZES 4 -SPECIAL GAMES -4 $50 51750'1510 000 Jackpot THAT MUST GO 15 Regular Games of $20 each All Prizes Must Go .00 ADMISSION: $1 forar 15 regular. games; 25c for extra cor6; 25a far each special Doors owl of C etlack Garnet %tart at 9 pm, Atop (DM REFRESI4MENT BOOTH QUIET ON THE ROAD Avaitubie for both CARS OR TRUCKS HARRY WATKINS Your SUNOCO Denier PHONE 10 CLINTON oopool0000ceoosoo40444* Smoked Shoulders, Lean, - Sugar-Cured, Pound s only 45( Pound, only . . . . 4 Tenderized Lean, 11IId Cute HAMBURG STEAK Fresh Ground Lean Beef 2 Lbs. Only . . „ 89c 4 SALMON KAM 35c nom, RED Sockeye PREM . 35c TIN 39c POT ROASTS 454 lb, Nice lean meaty cuts — Our Price is 6 Free FITZSIMONS' FOOD FAIR ?hot* Delivery 162 Government Inspected Meats Our Specialty 1111'11111111111111111111111f1110114111 tllllllyllllll 1111111111;1111111.1k11 IIINIt111UI1NIIll11111111lillli 11111T11111111111H1111111111111111q111111111111W1 Itli fill i 1111111 10)1111111i11;11111111111111111Fiiiiiffilit9iii7tE 534