HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-07-17, Page 10Coke makes summer meals easier and tastier Grocers are featuring displays of Coca-Cola and of good things to eat. Visit the Coke and Food displays and see for yourself how easy hospitality becomes when.you Bottle 0116 6 Carton QI Including Federal Taxes Pins deposit 2c per bottle Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. select the right things to serve.' 0 LANE O'PINES BEACH Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robarge, of Detroit, are vacationing this week in "The Bowery." Mrs. Robt. Fisher and children, Stratford, spent several•'days last week at the Martin cottage. Miss Heleen MacKay, Toronto, and her parents from Embro,are this• week occupying the Wallis cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George Woods spent Monday in St. Thomas, re- newing acquaintances in their home town. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bower, Miss Carolyn Bower, returned Monday to their home in Detroit, after spending the past three weeks in their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Merkley, Wingham, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fuller were at their cot- tageon Sunday. CPR Vice-President —Canadian Pacific Railway Photo A College thesis was responsible for a long delayed meet- ing in Montreal recently between the Russian scientist who designed and built the world's first diesel-electric locomotive (shown above) and the vice-president of the Canadian Pacific 'Railway. The story began when N. R: Crump (right), now vice- president of the CPR,. was studying for his Bachelor of Science degree at Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., and was renewed in 1936 while Mr. Crump was locomotive foreman at Mosse Jaw, in 1936 while Mr. Crump was locomotive foreman at Moose Jaw, Sask., and was working on his thesis for his Mechanical Eng- ineer's degree. His subject, "Internal combustion Engines in the Railroad Field", was one that required a study of facts that were almost unobtainable at that time. Mr. Crump turned to the reports of Dr. George Vladimir Lomonosoff (left), a Russian mechanical engineer who had de- signed a diesel locomotive as early as 1909, and had one in operation in 1923, to get the information he needed. The 76- year-old Dr. Lomonosoff, whose son if a resident engineer with the Montreal Locomotive Works, has been living so quietly in Montreal for the past two years, that it was only recently that Mr. Crump learned of his presence in the city and arranged an interview. Modern CPR diesel electric locomotive built by the Montreal Locomotive Works is shown in the picture behind Dr. Lomon- osoff and Mr. Crump. .„ . /CREAM° LET 04144 au. PRICED go LOW CENTREPOISE POWER Engine vibration and power impulses are "screened out" — isolated from driv-. er and passengers.. Engine rides flexi- bly suspended be- tween new high. side mountings ... centred, poised, cushioned in rubber. J John O. Tyndall; Massey Harris -- New Holland Sales and Service Phone 250; Residence 597J — Clinton, Ontario 1 New. 24" White Grain Thresher with grain-thrower 1 Used 32" White Grain Thresher, Al shape, thrower and cutter; ball bearings 1 Used Universal Jeep, 4"-wheel drive, P.T4.0. and belt pulley 1 Used K40 International Tractor on _rubber 1 Used 22-36 International Tractor, on steel 1 Used 101j Massey Tractor, on rubber These tractors all in Al shape and guaranteed BINDER TWINE BINDER TWINE-36c lb., or $18.00 bale-50 lb. BALER TWINE-40c :b. or $16.00 bale-40 lb. Full line Farm Fencing and Gates Full line Purina Feeds HAVE YOUR BINDERS OVERHAULED FOR THE ' HARVEST TIME NOW ' ti:ttSSS.SiriSfalSSIM Lowest-priced in its Uri Chevrolet, the Leader, is the lowest-priced' car in its field. It's Canada's most beautiful. low-priced car—and Canada's most won-. derful motor car value! A General Motors Value liiustroted — Chevrolet Styleline De Luxe 2-door Sedan EXTRA WIDE TREAD Chevrolet measures a full 583/4 inches be- tween centres of rear wheels — providing a broader base to give you snore stability on the , road, less sway on the curves! 111111 lb ...Ns 11111 POWERFUL VALVE-1N-HEAD ENGINE The trend in engines is all to valve•in•head! And Chevrolet has been building engines of this design for forty years! Teamed with Powerglide is the most powerful valve-in-head engine in Chevrolet's history, with by- draulic•hushed valve-lifters to give whis- per•quiet power, POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION It's an oll•smooth oil-cooled auto- matic transmis- t,,, sion. It is simpler with fewer parts to wear. It's smoother because oil does it all without complicated inter-, mediate gears. Optional on De Luxe mod- els at extra cost. BODY BY FISHER Fisher Body sets the standard for styling, for craftsman- - ship, for com- fort and con , veniencel And Fisher Unisteel construction guards you with the solid strength of steel welded to steel . . . aboe, beneath and all around you. GM "SHADE-LITE" GLASS REDUCES GLARE, HEAT & FATIGUE Chevrolet offers "Shade • Lite" tipted glass with; exclusive, shad, ed windshield.. tinting for your• extra protection. "Shade-Lite" glass all: 'round reduces glare and heat, helps you• 'drive more safely and comfortably. (Op• denial at" extra cost.) daughter Shirley, who have been visiting the former's mother, Mrs, Annie Richardson, returned to their home in Veteran, Alberta, on Sunday. Keep the date in mind Tuesday, of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Begin, July 22 Monster Bingo at Corn- Lac Megantic, inanity Arena, $1,000 in cash given The bridesmaid waseMiss Emma away, sponsored by Hensall bran- Nichols, Edmonton, Alta., and the ch of Canadian Legion and Ladies groomsman was Gordon Hogue, • Auxiliary. Vancouver, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson left The happy couple left after the this week for a motor trip to Nov- ceremony for a honeymoon at is Scotia, to visit the former's Huntsville, and other points in mother, They expect to be away Muskoka, -two weeks, and will visit New York and other interesting places enroute. 'PAGE. TEN Mr. and Mrs. Garnet ,CntbnOre, New P.S. Principal Zurich Toronto, are vending their vac- James W, Reid, former .assis- .ation here, taut principal of a seven room ' Mrs. Dave Kyle who underwent school in BOrwash. near Sudbury, an operation in Clinton hospital has accepted the position of prin. last Week is doing very nicely, cipal and manual training teach,-. .104-14 Hildebrandt and Ger- er at Zurich Public School, No, 7 aid Regely returned home this Hay township. He will succeed ..week after spending a week at Victor Dinnin who has resigned. the Presbyterian Camp at Kintail. Other teachers engaged in the Mr. and Mrs. Karl Scheafer, area to replace resignations are. Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robert Reid, 5$. 10, Hay; Mrs. Horning and Doug, Guelph, vis- Katherine Becker S.S. 8; Mrs. ited at the Scott residence on Artleila Desjardine, S.S, 11, Hay, aniday. 0 - Mr, and Mrs. Russell Dennison BEGIN—CRAWFORD, and little daughter of London. A .quiet wedding was solemniz-, visited on Sunday with Mr. and ed at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Mrs. E. Geiger. Mr. Dennison was Manse, Clinton, by Rev. D. former principal of the Public - School here. Lane, on Saturday, July 5, by which Bafbara Anderson Craw- ` Mrs. Pennington, and grand- ford, Toronto, became the bride of Claude Begin, of Lac Megan- tic, Quebec, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crawford, Toronto, and: the groom is a son cx.wrolsT myes4tEppm • .'ilkir-alamfollosumasnallanak . The teacher .is happy to rt that all pupils were snccessfu, in their. yea,r'a work and in 1952-03 the pupils will be in the followihg . grades; Grade 7, Anne Ducharme, Grade „fi, Mary Evelyn Grainger, Joyce Greer, Lcose Talbot, Ann Westlake, Grade 4, Peter Ducharme, Ron- ald Scotchiner, Grade 3, Ronald Westlake. Grade 2, Victor Cornish, Helen Grainger, Garry Talbot, Sandra Westlake. it Stanley Township ()losing Picnic The teacher, Miss Lillian Stew- art and pupils of S.S. 4 West Stanley, entertained the parents and friends, at a picnic on Thurs- day evening, June 26. After a picnic supper, part of the crowd took part in a ball game until the following races and games commenced: Running Races Girls 5 and under, Linda Scotch- mer first, Rosalie Westlake sec- ond; Boys 5 and under, Michael Greer first, Johnny Talbot, sec- ond; Girls 7 and under, Helen Gainger first; Sandra Westlake second; Boys 7 and under, Garry Talbot first, Victor Cornish sec- ond; Girls 10 and under, Mary Ev- elyn Grainger first, Ann Westlake second; Boys 10 years and under, Butch Sweeny first, Peter Duch- arme second; Girls 12 years and under, Anne Ducharme, first, Sharon Sweeney second; Boys 12 and under, Victor Denomme first, Phil Overholt second; Young Women's Race, Patsy Scotchmer first,. Elaine Grainger 'second; married women's race, Elizabeth Grainger first, Jean Westlake sec- ond; married men's race, Gordon Westlake first, Mozart Gelinas second; pie plate race, Anne Ducharme and Sharon, Sweeney first, Peter Ducharme and Mary E. Grainger second; Straw and Bean Race, Jean Westlake first, Sharon Sweeny second; Three Legged race, Ronald Scotchmer and Peter Duchame first, Sharon Sweeny and Anne Ducharme sec- ond; Stepping 23 yards, Walter Turner and Mozart Gelinas tied; Lucky Spot, Peter Ducharme first, Jim Cleave second; Time Race, Jim Cleave first, Ronald Scotchmer second; Hammering Nail, Men, Jim Cleave, Wotnen, Elizabeth Grainger; Dropping Clothespins into Milk Bottle, El- aine Grainger first, Joyce Greer second; Guessing number of but- tons in bottle, Mrs. Thos. West- lake. A short programme followed consisting of; Welcome Address by Ann Westlake; "Venice", two part song by Grade 5 and 6; Act- ion song by Grade 1 and 2; A dialogue, Anna's Doll"; "The Place Where I Worship" by Grade 5 and 6; Poem by Joyce Greer; "Cradle Song" by girls; solo by Anne Ducharme, "Thorny Roses"; "Where waves are tossing", two part song by Gade 5 and 6; Dial- ogue, "Deaf as a Post"; "May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You", closing song by Grade 5 and 6. It'll pay you to buy Chevrolet ...the finest of low-priced cars! News of of Henson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Redden, Bobby and Jimmy, Dresden, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Redden, and Karen, St. Catherines; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Redden, Crtunlin; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Redden and son Bobbie, Crtunlin, were weekend visitors with Mrs. C. M. Hedden and Herb. THURSDAY, .4my Zvi 3,00 ESBECO LIMITED 658 Erie Street STRATFORD, ONT. Phone: 78 Motels a registered trade-mark See for yourself how brilliantly Chevrolet combines all these prize features of highest-priced cars . . . bringing you the new and finer standard of beauty, performance, comfort and safety ... and yet it's the lowest-priced line in its field ! MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR os $5 -11113 1-1-111rne-gr for FASTER PICKUP EXTRA LARGE BRAKES Chevrolet's Juilabo-Drum brakes, with their big 11-inch brake drums, ap. ply more lever. age for more: stopping power.. •-•-•,1 Stops are smqoth• er, safer, with less driver effort. Bonded linings last up lo twice as long. r rrTTA rrTlr'r j, FiC TULL COCKTAIL 4.OUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST First thing to do in. Detroit Is check In at Hotel Toiler! You'll enjoy every minute. Newly modernized. Beautifully 'decorated. Within walking distance of all downtown steresi theatresand husinessactiv- Ides ... yet, you enjoy the ever- green atmosphere of Grand Circus Park ... The Toiler Coffee Shop or Ccifeteria for excellent food modestly priced. 800 ROOMS 43 WITH BATH FROM Harry E. Paulsen, Chwirtil Manager' E I 1 UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RIDE Chevrolet's famous Knee-Action ride is now even softer, smoother. New shock absorber action smothers bumps and jolts snore quickly arid effectively than ever. Spring immediate and continuous on C.10528 LORNE. BROWN MOTORS LIMITED control is all roads. color-matches Choose from a GORGEOUS NEW COLORS wide choice of colors and two-tone color combinations . . . the most wonder- ful array in Chev- rolet's field. Dis- tinctive new De Luxe interiors are to exterior body colors. EXTRA-EASY CENTRE-POINT STEERING Control is centred between the front wheels instead of- behind the left front wheel. This. advanced steering geometry makes Chevrolet surprisingly easy to steer, ma• noeuvre and park.