Clinton News-Record, 1952-07-17, Page 7-AratmspAY,.),Tum It 1952 CLINTON'NEWS-ato4RP X.)./80E SAVAPI Classified Rates CASH RATE-- (If paid by Wednesday following date of in- asertkm)—Two cents a word first -Insertion (minimum 50 cents); aaubSequent insertions 11/2 cents a word (minimum 35 cents); 15 'cents extra for box number or 'Roe direction to 'NEWS-RECORD IF CHARGED-15 cents extra, DEADLINE-12 noon, Wectnes- oday. Copt. Oil Ofkr•MeDrIl 4,64. 29 "I found 'the perfect secretary," • Said Ed the executive I "By advertising in classified For two days consecutive." Accommodation Wanted =ROOM WANTED FOR SINGLE ;girl. Phone 687M. 29-b ACCOMMODATION for RENT • TNEAR SEAFORTH, COMPLETE farm house, rent $25 a month. Ap- ply to P. E. Maloney, R.R. 5, .:Seaforth, phone 64r10, Dublin. 28-29-p ARTICLES ,FOR SALE .SCREW CUTTING METAL Lathe with 60-cycle motor; jeweller's Olathe with 60-cycle motor; wood -.lathe, four foot centres. Apply to Fergus VanEgmond. 28-29-p •.-SINE BEAVER LATHE, No. 1 and 7No. 2 Morse Tapers, three rests, 10", 6" and 4" face plates, eight • chisels and other accessories for drilling, grinding, etc. One Shap- er head, nine sets of knives for' 4?e," shaft. First class condition; see' these articles at Reg. Smith -Workshops, High Street, Clinton. 29-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '1948 PONTIAC SEDAN. SILVER ...Streak. Excellent condition. Five tires like new. Heater. Must be seen to be appreciated. T. Foster, 34 Edmonton 'Road, RCAF Ste- ' lion, Clinton. 29-p BABY CHICKS AVAILABLE STILL. BRAY three week 4' pullets. Shipper's • choice breeds, Heavies $25.90. Medium $34.90. For your own _choice, ask us for prices. Also have dayolds, pullets, mixed. Agent — Mrs. ,Alex Paterson, Mrucefield. — 29-b BUILDING LOTS FOR. SALE NEW SUBDIVISION LOTS FOR sale, adjoining property of new school. L. G. Winter, real estate, phone 448; Thomas Steep, sales- man, phone 146W. 28-tfb CABIN TRAILER FOR SALE 20 FOOT CABIN TRAILER, two rooms, insulated, Sink, hotplate, :Icebox, wardrobe, table and chairs. -$650. Will move if desired. Earle Hackett, 90 lVfornington St., Strat- ford., Phone Stratford 1434M. 29-p CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM COMBINING. A n y acreage. F. P. Arkell and Sons, phone Clinton 906r25. - 28-9-30-1-p FARMS FOR SALE. _PROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. `Confidential information. Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Estate, 'phones: business 448, residence 5-btfb '50 ACRES, GOOD BRICK House, frame barn and driveshed, con- veniently located on Bluewater Highway, 11/1 miles south of Mayfield, Apply McConnell and Bays, Barristers, Seaforth, tele- phone 174, 29-30-b FARM MACHINERY McCORMICK-DEERING Binder, seven foot, two knives, one sickle, good canvas, tractor hitch. Phone Clinton 910r33, Lorne Jervis. 29-b MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER, six- foot cut. In good repair. Phone Clinton 805r4. Lloyd Stewart. 29-b 'VERSATILE GRAIN AUGER for loading and unloading grain. Four sizes available. Also Carlson Power Drives for mowers and binders. Sold by Robert Cole. 25-6-7-8-p P FURNITURE FOR SALE WALNUT FLAT TOP DESK, size 69"x34", arm tilter chair, 'walnut finish. Easy spin-dry washing machine, Apply to J. W. 29-b 'USED ASTRAL REFRIGERAT- ors, rangettes and electric rang- es. Ideal for either cottage or home. Apply Merrill Radio and Electric. Phone Clinton 313. 29-p HELP WANTED—Male WELL-EDUCATED and !intelli- gent young man for office work. -Typing desirable but not essen- tial. Apply to C. Lloyd and Son, Limited, Wingham. 29-p 'WANTED—YOUNG MAN TO DO selling work on a regular salary plus commission, This is an out- Standing C)ppOrtUnity for the right man, Must be over 20 with farming background. No prey- ions selling experience necessary, Apply P.O. Box 429, Clinton. 28-29-b ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (July 17'19) "Comins Round the Mountain" with Abbott and Costello Men., rues, Wed. (July 2143) "ANGELS in the OUTFIELD" It's laden with more thrills than a homer with the bases loaded, and more laughs than you've seen in months. A story of the. Pitts- burg Pirates. Paul Douglas, Janet Leigh and Keenan Wynn Thur., Fri., Sat. (July 24-26) "GOLDEN GIRL" -- In Technicolor -- The greatest actress of her time, the immortal Lotta Crabtree, in in spectacular story of the Civil War era. Mitzi Gaynor, Dale Robertson and James Barton Coming (July 28-30) "Pandora and the Flying Dutchman" James Mason and Ava Gardner PARK THEATRE GODERICH—Phone 1150 Now: A Trojan trick brought up- to date — with Leo Genn "The Wooden Horse" MON., TUES., WED. — "MARA MARU" With ,a Phillipine Islands back- ground, a salty, seafaring tale about a group of men who seek treasure lost on a sunken PT boat. Ruth Roman - Errol Flynn Paul Picerni THUR. ' FRI., SAT. "RED SKIES of MONTANA" — In Technicolor — This is a story of the smoke- umpers, the parachute corps of the Forestry Patrol, with all the blazing thrills of their hazardous service. Richard Widmark - Constance Smith - Joe Sawyer Coming: Special! "Singing In The Rain" In Color with Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds Choice Business and esidential Property for Sale in' Clinton Two-storey solid brick building, 22-foot frontage on Albert St., depth 80 feet, housing printing plant and offices on main floor and Modern, new five-roomed apartment on second floor. In addition, concrete garage with steel roof, as well as garden, on. 80-foot lot at rear of lanewaY. This is an ideal property, both for residential and ineome purposes. Applications in confidence to CLINTON NEWS-RECORD or write R. S. ATKEY, The Chrodicle, Arnprior, Ontario 28-29.x 4-4 4*-$4+4-•-* 44-0.++ 64 44- .4.4+ •-• 44-e- +++ Irish Moss is one of the in'. dustries peculiar to Prince Ru- pert Island. ausINEss OPPORTUNITIES Business Trades Listed with us: Restaurants, Gas Stations Tourist Camps Grocery Stores One Main St. Building L. G. WINTER REAL ESTATE Thomas Steep, Salesman 29-b •-•-•-&-•••-• You'll finish your ironing Faster and Fresher HOTPOINT Featherweight IRON It cuts your ironing time by a third, leaves you fresher — weighs only 23/4 lbs. Finger tip temperature control. $14.50 GALl3RAITH RADIO & TELEVISION "Clinton's Only Record Bar" Guaranteed Radio Service Phone 482 FURNITURE REFINISHING FOR PIANO, FURNITURE AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W, G. Pickett, Box '351, Clinton. 1, 29-30-1-2-p HELP WANTED—Female EXPERIENCED HAIR-DRESSER required for full or part time, Phone Clinton 223, Henri's Beauty Shop. 29-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb LOST AND FOUND LOST — ONE CHILD'S CCM maroon tricycle. Contact Mrs. Alex McMichael, phone 163R, Clinton. 29-b NOTICES ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on lots No. 41:51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at anytime hereafter, will be prose- cuted. By Order of the Owner. A. E. Parry. 26 to 31-p PERSONAL . "SKINNY" GIRLS! GET Lovely curves! Gain 5 to 10 lbs.,' new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab- lets. Introductory, "get-acquaint- ed" size only 60c. All druggists. , , 28-9-30-32 I # SEWING MACHINES , NEW AND USED MACHINES ' Repairs to all models. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Goderich,1 phone 1135. 19-tfb MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CORN SALVE for sure relief. Druggists sell Cress Bun- ion Salve — wear stylish shoes soon. . 29-b ALL KINDS OF SEWING, fancy work, dress making, women's, children's and baby wear, expert work, fast service. Phone Clin- ton 293-R. Mrs. Stevens, Isaac St. 28-9-30-b ARTIFICIAL SERVICE from this licenced, non-profit co-operative, growing Association is available from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Hereford, Polled, Dual- Purpose and Beef Shorthorn bulls, of high quality. Life member- ship is $25, and $5 per cow for members and $6 per cow for non- members., Waterloo Cattle Breed- ing Association, R.R. 1, Waterloo, Ont. For service call: Harry Reid, Varna, phone Clinton 630r4, or Charles Brandon, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone 633r5. PLUMBING AND HEATING catalogue free. The 1952 catalogue is off the press. Write for your copy or visit the new warehouse and see for yourself the model bathroom displays in white and coloured fixtures in standard size bathrooms with tiled or painted walls, just the way you want a bathroom in your own home. We have sinks and sink cabinet units, lavatory basins .and toilets, pres- sure systems and electric water heaters, range boilers, pipe and fittings in copper, galvanized and cast iron, septic and oil tanks, refrigerators and electric ranges, a complete line of furnaces, air conditioning units and hot water heating systems with convector rads. We deliver to your nearest railway station, you pay no freight. C. V. Johnson Plumbing Supplies, Streetsville, Ontario. 28-9-30-1-b MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON, 45 - 42, black. In good condition. Phone Clinton 42. 29-b POULTRY FOR SALE PULLETS. READY TO LAY in four weeks. $2. Immediate de- livery. Phone Exeter, 7. Lake- view Poultry Farm and Hatch- ery, Ltd., Exeter. 29-30-b FORTY PULLETS, FIVE-months old. Nine chunks of pigs, three months old. C. Buruma, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone Clinton 807r21. 29-p PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX-ROOMED STUCCO HOUSE on Albert Street with three-piece bath, oak floors and stoker. Gcod location. Early possession. Apply A. G. Grigg, phone Clinton 74W. 26-tfb FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, THREE bedrooms, three-piece bath, ex- tra lot, small barn, nice surround- ings. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phone 448; Thomas Steep, sales- man, phone 146W. 28-tfb BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME, two bedrooms and ultra modern, three-piece bathroom. Living- room with picture window. Mod- ern kitchen, full basement with automatic forced air oil heat. tion. Full price, $7,750. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phone 448; Thomas Steep, salesman, phone 146W. 21ebtfle PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned, Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 560R. 43tfb SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT HAYFIELD — HOUSEKEEPING cabins on Lake Huron. $20 Co, wkly. Everything supplied. Six acres to play in, picnic tables, swimming, row boat. Lots of shade, Dining room, Bicycles, Waite C. Hazelwood, R. B. 1, Hayfield, Ont. 19to35-b A NICE SHADY SPOT OVER- looking Lake Huron, Vg mile north of Hayfield On Highway 21. Has a cottage open for the season at reduced rates, With all conveniences. Johnson's Deer Lodge, 11,11, 1, Hayfield, 28etfle BIRTHS ALDWINCKLE—In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Friday, July 11, 1952, to Hr. and Mrs. Yeoman. Aldwinckle, R.R. 1, Varna, a son, HESSELWOOD—In Clinton Pub- lie Hospital, on Saturday, July 12, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hesselwood, L o n d e s b oro, a daughter. HOGGARTH—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, July 14, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Hog- garth, R.R. 1, Clinton, a duagh- ter, MILLS—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Sunday, July 13, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. George Mills, RCAF Station Clinton, a son. WILD—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, July 16, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wild, Clinton, a daughter. MARRIAGES FEAGAN-GARDNER — In Ben- miller United Church parsonage, on Saturday, July 12, 1952, by Rev. J. Harower, Barbara Mar- , ilyn, daughter of Mrs. Gardner and the late. C. Keith Gardner, to James Hugh Feagan, son of Mr, and Mrs. James H. Feagan, all of Colborne Township. GRAHAM-HAZELTON—In Cent- ral United Church, Woodstock,. by Rev. J. V. McNey, Winni- fred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hazelton, Woodstock, to Patrick Mahaffy Graham, son of Rev. and Mrs. John Graham, Port Burwell. MIDDLETON-JERVIS—In Weil ley-Willis United Church, Clin- ten, on Saturday, July 5, 1952, by Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Helen Audrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Carl Jervis and James ,Donald Middleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middle- ton, all of Clinton. POTTER-TAYLOR — In Bruce- field United Church manse, on Saturday afternoon, July 12, 1952, by Rev. W. J. Maines, Lorna Jude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, arid Joseph Charles Potter, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Potter; Clinton. DEATHS AIKEN—At his home in Clinton, on Tuesday, July 15, 1952, Wil- liam Moffat Aiken, beloved husband of Teresa E. Crooks, in his 69th year. Funeral from Ball and Mutch funeral home to Clinton Cemetery, on Thurs- day, July 17. DURKIN — At his home near. Grand Valley, on Wednesday, July 9, 1952, Oliver Stanley Durkin, dearly beloved husband of Louise Beaton, and dear father of Bill anh Barbara, in his 64th year. Funeral from his late residence, to Grand ,,Valley cemetery, on Friday, July 11. FORREST — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, July 13, 1952, Robert Forrest, in his 79th year. Funeral from Bon- thron funeral home, Hensall, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Tuesday, July 15. JONES At his residence on Carey Road, Victoria, B.C., on Thursday, June 12, 1952, George A. Jones, beloved husband of Minnie Jones, in his 82nd year. Funeral from McCall's funeral home, Victoria, B.C., to Royal Oak Burial Park, on Saturday, June 14. McNAUGHTON—In Victoria Hos- pital, London, on Friday, July 11, 1952, John McNaughton, be- loved husband of the late Lil- lian M. Phillips, in his 88th year, Funeral from the George E. Logan and Sons funeral chapel, London, and Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Mcniday afternoon, July 14. RANCE—In Clinton, on Saturday, July 12, ...1.952, Lieut. Col. H. Torr Rance, husband of the late Era Ferran, in his 89th year. Funeral from St. Paul's Angli- can Church, Clinton, under the auspices of the Canadian Le- gion, Clinton Branch No. 140, to Clinton Cemetery, on Mon- day afternoon, July 14, ROUATT—At her home in Lon- don, on Monday, July 14,1.952, Emily Phillis Rouatt, beloved wife of James Rouatt, in her 66th year. Funeral from the George E. Logan and Sons fun- eral chapel, London, to Bay- field Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, July 16. SEEDS—At her home in Oro Station, Ontario, on Wednes- day, July 2, 1952, Alfreda Ro- bina Seeds, beloved mother of Helen end Bernice, in her 63rd year. Flineral from Jennett funeral home, Barrie and Oro United Church, to the adjoining Cemetery, or; Friday, July 14. TAMBLYN — In Tuckersmith Township, on Monday, July 14, 1952, Mary Ellen Tamblyra daughter of the late John and Grace Tamblyn, in her 85th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clin- ton, to Blyth Union Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, July 16. Knox Church., Bayfield Holds Anniversary Anniversary services were con- ducted in Knox Church, Bayfield, on Sunday, July 6, at 11 ann. and 7:30 p.m. The congregation assembled. to commemorate the founding of the church, heard Rev. John B. Fox, B.A., of Carmel Church, Hensall, at the morning worship, with Mr, Dan Walter, of Clinton, as special soloist, accompanied by Miss Eun- ice Milne, of Goderich. In the evening service the min- ister, Rev, D, J. Lane, conducted the devotion and Rev. Glen Camp- bell, M.A. of First Church, Sea- forth was guest speaker. Mr. Campbell preached a vigorous ser- mon, from the text "I beseech you that ye present your bodies, a liv- ing sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reaspn- able service." Mrs. Gordon Kaitting of Coder- ich accompanied by Mrs. Gordon Westlake, the organist of Knox Church, was a most acceptable and impressive messenger in song. The congregation placed an An- niversary Offering on the offering plates, which was most satisfact- ory for such an occasion. 0 Cards of Thanks I wish to thank the nurses, Dr. J. A. Addison and friends who called pr sent flowers and treats, while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. — ROBERT MANAGHAN. 29-p I would like to thank my friends for remembering me with cards and flowers while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Special thanks to the nur- ses for their kindness. — WAL- LACE AVERY. 29-p We wish to thank all friends and neighbours for cards and gifts sent us, and for calls paid us on the occasion of our golden wed- ding anniversary. — MR. AND MRS. J. G. GIBBINGS. 29-p We heartily thank our good friends and neighbours for the gifts, cards, telephone calls and so forth, which we' received on the occasion of our fiftieth wed- ding anniversary. — MR. AND MRS. JAMES R. STIRLING. 29-x o' In Memoriam WARD—In loving memory of Miss Elizabeth A. Ward, who pas- sed away one year ago this month. To Aunt Lizzie: "It is not the words, they are but few; It's the loving memory we keep of you: Though absent, you are ever near, Still loved, Still missed, and ever dear." —Sadly missed by her niece and nephew, Dorothy and Murray Quaife. PRENTICE—In loving memory of our dear sister, Mabel Stinson, who died July 16, 1951: "She had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all." —Lovingly remembered by her family. 29-b TENDERS will be received by Goderich Township School Area up to July 18th for painting the exterior of No. 3 (Holmesville) School Work to be completed by Sept. 1 FRANK YEO, R.R. 3, Clinton 28-b insgemmatim MAIN STREET BUSINESS BLOCK FOR SALE THREE APARTMENTS AND STORE • Terms may be. arranged L. G. WINTER REAL ESTATE BROKER Thomas A. Steep, Salesman Many Prize Winners Clintonian Club Picnic Further events which took place at the Clintonian Club's first pic- nic, held at Harbor Park, Goder- ich recently, should be added to the account published last week. Winners were: lucky spot, Mrs. Panther, London; mystery lady, Mrs. M. Wiltse, Clinton; lady with most runs in stocking, Mrs. E. Carroll, Goderich; lady with most grandchildren, Mrs. G. Taylor, Clinton; guessing number of but- tons, Mrs. E. Carroll, Goderich; registration prize, Sally Deeves, Besides those persons listed as attending the picnic were: four members of 'the Mary Hastings central executive, Mrs. S. Pan- ther, Mrs. R. Grand, Mrs. T. Stewart and Mrs. J. Greenwood, Lonchip. Following the full afternoon of sports and contests, all those pres- ent sat down to a bounteous pic- nic supper. Registration The following is the registrat- ion: Mrs. W. Colclough, Mrs. M. Wiltse, Annie J. Taylor, Elizabeth Abbott, Donna Tyndall, Jeannie Wise, Olive Welsh, Jeannette Deeves, Sally Deeves, Irene John ston, Mamie Glazier, Velma Smith Irene Glazier, Violet Habgood, Violet Managhan, Margaret Mac- Donald, Clara Harrison, Daphne Johnston, Teddy. Abbott, Arthur D. Cartier, London Free Press; Mrs. J. Greenwood, London; Mrs. T. W. Stewart, London; Mrs. R. G. Grand, London; Mrs. S. V. Panther, London; Mrs. W. Gar- rick, Goderich; Viola 'Nelson, Kaye Johnston, Nancy Johnston, Notice to Creditors AI,L PERSONS having claims against the Estate of JOHN Mc- FARLANE, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of Hu- ron, farther, who died on or about the 27th day of April, 1951, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 14th day of July, 1952 after which date the Assets of the Estate will be distributed. J. K. HUNTER, Goderich, On- tario, Solicitor for the Estate. 26-28-29-b Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Ef- fects of the Estate of the late Mary Jane Rath, Main Street, North, Blyth, on Wednesday, July 23 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: Beds, dressers, rocking chairs, kitchen chairs; buffet; tables; Quebec heater; hall rack; bed- ding and linen; dishes, including antiques; extension ladder; gar- den tools; linoleums; pictures and numerous other articles. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid and other conditiens of sale, the property, situated on the west side of Main Street, North Blyth. On this prop- erty is situated a 7-room frame dwelling in good repair with base- ment, hydro installed, and a one- car garage. Terms on Chattels: Cash. F o r further particulars on property, apply to the undersign- ed. EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer F. Fingfand, Q.C., Administrator of the Estate .K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk Clearing AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects of the Estate of the late Mary Jane Rath, William St., Clinton, on Saturday, July 19 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: Walnut couch (antique); wal- nut dresser and wash stand (mar- ble top, antique); 9 cane bottom ladder back chairs (antique); 6 dining room chairs; arm chair; bar room chair; rocking chairs; New Ideal sewing machine; ward- robe (large); drop leaf tables; clock; quantity of bedding and linens; silverware; dishes, includ- ing antiques; cooking utensils; trunks; garden tools, a quantity of lumber and a large quantity of hard wood, numerous other articles. I I OP 1 At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid and other conditions of sale, read on sale date, the property situated on the east side of William Si,, Clinton; On this property is situated 11/2 storey, 6-room frame house, covered with 'eSphalt shingles, with full basement, hydro and water installed, and a one-car garage. Terms on chattels;.Cash. For further particuars on prop-, erty, apply ,to the undersigned, EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer Fingland, Q.0., Administrator of the Estate K. W. Colcittlioutio Clerk Ontario St. WMS Has Outside Meeting The July meeting of the WMS Qf Ontario Street United Church was held on hte lawn at the home of Mrs. James Livermore on. Tuesday, July 8. The president, Mrs. McMurray presided. The devotional meeting was conducted by Miss Dorothy Mar- quis. After reading of the lesson and leading in prayer, Miss Mar- quis gave a talk on the value of a church training school and its benefits to the work of the church. Business was discussed. It was decided to entertain members of the Girls' Club at the August meeting. Miss Hattie Turner gave a very interesting talk from the book, "Strange Lands and Friendly People," written by Judge Douglas. She referred to the experiences of the writer and his son when on a trip to sev- eral countries in Asia and Europe. A reading, "Holy Thursday," was given by Mrs. McMurray. The meeting closed with prayer by the president. Lunch was served and a social time wa's en- joyed. ' Kenneth Johnston, Mrs. Venner, Alice Anstay, Goderich; Mrs. Ethel Goddard, Goderich; Mrs. Evelyn Carroll, Goderich; Mrs. E. R. Fisher. See ad todav RE Goodrich EXTRA CUSHION TIRES BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD TIRES HARRY WATKINS Your SUNOCO Dealer PHONE 18 — CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH — Phone 47 Now: A French fantasy— "Mr. Peek-A-Boo" with Joan Greenwood MON., TUES.,WED. "HOLLYWOOD STORY" In an abandoned Hollywood studio a New York producer pre- pares to make a picture and un- covers a murder mysterY. Richard Conte - Julia Adams Henry Hull THUR., FRI., SAT. "THREE for BEDROOM C" — In Technicolor — An old favorite returns in a new and sophisticated comedy packed with hilarious entertainment. Gloria Swanson - James warren'. Fred Clark Coming: Barbara Hale - Robert Cummings in "The First Time" 4-4-• +4- 4.4-4-4-1.4-4-4-4,--.-.4.4-4,41+4-•44-.-4-110-4-N-10-11-1.1-+++-4-11,-+-•-•-•,1,4-4-4-11- Tune In BLUE WATER CONFERENCE "daily" Monday-Friday-10.15 am (EDST), Sundays 10.05 am on CFCO, Chatham 630 on -your dial 28-b aaeo-le•-•-•-a++ "1'4'4 "44-4 ++ 1-** -•-•• +4- 4,-II.•-•-•-•-• 1-4,- 4. •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-1144-•-H. en Are You Interested - in an Oil Burner for Winter OIL BURNER and FURNACE UNIT' or a GRAVITY WARM AIR Job LET US GIVE YOU A PRICE Prices Are Considerably Lower This Year. Order Now and Save ugh R. Hawkins Hardware, Plumbing and Heating Eavestroughing Sheet Metal Work -- Heck Furnaces