HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-07-17, Page 6Cecile Beauty Salon (Managereis, Mrs. Elda Crossman) PHONES: SHOP, 415 HOUSE, 612 Albert Street, over Lockwood's Barber Shop 29-b 'SPECIALS for JULY 17-18-19 GUARDSMAN SARDINES 3 tins 22c QUAKER MUFFETS .„,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 pkgs. 29c ORANGE JUICE-20 o2. 2 tins 29c CHOICE TOMATO JUICE-20 oz, 2 tins 21c Green Giant Fancy PEAS----15 oz. 2 tin 37c PIE READY APPLE-.-20 oz. tin 25c CARNATION MILK--Toll Tins 2 for 31c WEINERS lb. 39c BOLOGNA.---sliced lb. 35c PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL lb, SSc Thompson's Food Market Ph.2110...40 We. Deliver morrow Amws-awour) t1 AGE SIX IIVTA • Vi 1,004. PERSONALS 4 lend, who irore cornflower blue and carried a basket of white daisies. Their similarly styled ballerina dresses featured lace bodices with high neck-lines, long sleeves and full net skirts, They wore snatching picture hats. Flower girls were Miss Irene Herr, and, Miss Lynne Shipley, Clinton, who were gowned in daisy-trimmed robin's-egg b l u e taffeta with full wrap-around net aprons. They wore poke bonnets_ and sprinkled white daisies and petals from their daisy baskets to make a flowered path for the bride. --ee • Murney Johnston was grooms- man and ushers were Joseph Gib- son and William Hanly. A reception was held in, the church parlors. Mrs, Jervis was' gowned in rose sheer lace with navy accessories and corsage of blue carnations. Mrs, Middleton chose navy sheer crepe and lace with yellow accessories and cor- sage of yellow roses. For a motor trip north, the bride donned a white linen suit and red-andtwhite candy-striped sailor hat and gloves. red-and white accessories and cor- sage of red carnations. The couple will live on a farm in R.R. 3 Clin- ton. MiDDII-ETOR-4 ERYIS Daisies delphinium and pink roses with a background, of cat,- tails and boughs of hemlock pra- vided a pretty setting in Wesley. Willis United Church for the cers eteiony in which Helen Audrey Jervis became the bride of James Donald Middleton, The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wil. fred Carl Jervis, Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Middleton, Clinton. Rev. Hugh C, Wilson officiated while the choir rendered two hymns, "0 Perfect Love" and "0 Father All Creating." William Andrews sang "The Lord's Prayer" as a solo. Mrs. Milton Rennie was the organ-ist, Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of lace and net over satin, fashioned with a fitted formal top, a lace jacket finished with winged push-up sleeves and Peter Pan collar, and a bouffant ankle length skirt of net with lace insertion. A brim- med headdress held her fingertip tulle illusion veil and she carried a dainty spray of daisies and fern. Miss Margaret Knudsen, Wood- stock, was maid of honour, gowned in old ivory and carrying a bask- et of browned eyed Susans. Bridesmaid was Catherine Fing- Popular Young People Wed ation with Mr, and, Mrs. Louis Forest, Mn and Mrs. D. W. McLean arid family are spending their holidays with the fernier's moth- er, Mrs. Norman, 13all and Mr. Ball. Mr, A. T. lelcas's grandson, Earl Flewelling, with his wife and two daughters, enent Wednesday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merinr- ney and Cliffe House, London, have returned from Newfound- land, where they visited with the parents of Mr. House. Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Middleton and sons; John Middleton, Gran- ton; Mrs. Zurbrigg, London, were visnots with. their aunt, Mrs. Harry J. Thompson, and Mrs. Walter Forbes. Mrs. E. Beaton attended 'the funeral of her son-innaw Oliver Stanley Durkin, at Grand Valley on Friday, July 11, Also attend- ing the funeral was Mrs. M. Wat- son, sister-in-law of the deceased, from Toronto, Mrs, E.S. Livermore, QC and Mrs. Livermore, London; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heard, St. Thomas; Mrs, H. F. Smitendorf, of Essex, were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore and Mrs. E. Jackson, on Monday evening. Rev. George R. Thompson, Triiro, Nova Scotia; Rev. John R. Thompson and family have been spending some of their holidays with their mother, Mrs. Harry J. Thompson; their brother, Harry A. Thompson and their sister, Mrs. A. L. Thompson, Dunnville. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. (Bunny) Hill, Saskatoon, Sash., visited in Clinton with friends this week. On `July 12, they attended the Or- ange celebration in Wingham. They plan to be in Toronto for a few days, and then be in Goderich for the Summer Carnival, before heading back to Western Canada. I Mr. arid Mrs. A. J. Melviurray spent Sunday in Kitchener. Mrs, Lillie Linton, Toronto, ie visiting her brother and sister-in- law, Mr, and Mrs. Charles F. Lockwood. , Mrs. C, Venner visited in, De- troit last week with friends, Mrs. Annie Cook and Mr. and Mrs, Bert Curtis. Miss Mary McKinnon and her brother, William, are guests at the home of their mothee, Mrs. Mae Rance McKinnon. Dorothy and Gayle Feagan, Nile, and Marie McFarlane, Stan- ley Township, are visiting in town with Mr, and Mrs. D. Eastern Mrs. M, McDowell, who has been spending the past few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Frank MeEwan, has returned to London, R, G. Thompson, F. B. Penne. baker, T. G. Scribbins and J. W. Crich are attending Masonic Grand Lodge in Toronto this week, Allister Stewart Huck, Chicago, Ill., and Miss .Marion Huck, Tor- onto, were visitors over the week- end with their sister, Mrs. D. J. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marsden, Mount Clemens, Mich., Mason Rumley, Owen Sound, Miss Ruby Craddock, are spending their vac- Mid Summer Sale DRESSES EVERY DRESS Both for Women and Children SHEERS - TAFFETAS - SPUNS COTTONS and SILKS HOUSEDRESSES and MATERNITY DRESSES- Every Last One - Reduced 20% Wesley-Willis United Church, Clititori, • provided the setting for the marriage of 'Helen Audrey Jervis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Carl Jervis, 'Clinton, and James Donald Middleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton, also of Clinton. After their return from a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, they are living near Clinton, -Photo by MacLaren's Studio Miss Irene Snider, London, was at home with her parents over Sunday, Mrs, S. Castle has returned home after p. three week visit in Tiverton, Mrs, Crook, Delhi, visited with Mrs. -W, M. Aiken for a few days this week. Miss P. Tilt, Preston, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Al- lan Maxwell. Mies Ann Shaildoek is visiting Miss Adele Hammond at a cottage in Southampton. Mrs. H. Frost and Miss Velma Hess, Wallaceburg, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Martin. • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Forest, De- troit, Michigan, have opened their summer home for the sea- son. Mrs. R. D, Cooper, Linda and Janet, Brantford, are visiting with her father, J, L, Heard and Mrs. Heard. Mrs. E. Brown, Petrolia, has re- turned home after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. W. Shaddock. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shannon, Harristore Mrs. McGillvary and Miss F. Thompson, Toronto, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray. • EXTRA - SPECIAL- . . We have selected a rack of Dresses to sell at a reduction of One-Third off Regular Prices. WMS Has -Temperance Talk The W.M.S. of Wesley-Willis Church met in the Church-parlor for its July meeting. The pre,sident Mrs. M. Addison, opened the meeting by reading an interesting article from the mis- sionary monthly and prayer. Hymn 245 was sung. In the. absence of the secretary, Miss A. M. Stone read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. A. T. Cooper spoke on Temperance, quoting from The Toronto Globe, the Temp. Advo- cate, and Mrs. Margaret Aiken of the Toronto Telegram. Miss Walkinshaw reported a number of visits made to the shut- ins and cards sent. It was planned to respond to. the September roll call with the name of an United Church Mis- sionary and the name of her stat- ion for service. The new Study Book is to be ordered as soon as it is off the press. The offering was received and Mrs. C. Nelson opened the study period with a quotation, "Life is a Trust to test us;" and prayer. This was followed' by singing sel- ections from Hymns, 589; 351. An A Crostic in prayer was fol- lowed by a duet by Mrs. W. Hanly and Mrs. D. Andrew with Mrs. R. Vincent at the piano, "Beautiful Garden of Prayer." The study program was listened to with deep attention and much enjoyment. A second duet by the same group, "Near to the Heart of God" and Hymn 362 brought the meeting to a close. 0 The Word of Life in Living Language Revised Standard Version of the HOLY BIBLE This new Bible is written in modern-day English. Coming September 30 To be sure of the first edition on publication day, place your advance order now at - Baptist Ladies' Aid Holds Good Meeting The Clinton Baptist Ladies Aid held their last meeting of the sum- mer Tuesday afternoon, at the Church, with. Mrs. Tom Lepping; 'ton presiding. The meeting opened by repeat- ing the Lord's Prayer in unison, followed by singing "What A Friend We Have in Jesus," Mrs. Leppington read the Scripture les- son from John 10. The topic for the meeting was given by Mrs. Reg Clifford, entit- led "My Gospel," Mrs. Richard Dyk read a poem' "He Speaks Where Birds Are Winging," fol- lowed by Mrs. Cochrane giving a recitation entitled "Light and Darkness." McEWAN'S BOOK STORE 1111SIMMIMMIN $1.95 HOUSEDRESSES- A choice selectiOn of Martha Washingtons to sell at one low price - Values to 4.50- Now only $1.95 $3.98 SUMMER DRESSES- These are bound to go at this low price. Values to 8,50- . Special Only $3.98 SUMMER SKIRTS and BLOUSES-, The complete stock of Skirts and all our Summer Cotton and Crepe Blouses are being reduced 20% WOMEN'S COTTON CREPE GOWNS and PYJAMAS-- All Reduced 20% CHILDREN'S 'SUMMER SOX- Sizes 4 to 8 - Regular .39-- Now Only .19 SUMMER SPORTSWEAR SPECIALS ALL SHORTS - T-SHIRTS • BATHING' SUITS and SUN DRESSES . . . . Reduced 20% ARD GOODS GINGHAMS CHAMBRAYS CORDUROYS- All reduced 20% CHILDREN'S SUMMER SUN HATS- Both for Boys and Girls- All 20% Off GOTHIC BRASSIERES- Sizes 30 to 36- -Special .75 MISSES' BRIEFS- Rayon interlock Knit- , Special .49 pr. CHILDREN'S COTTON OVERALLS and SLACKS- Reguior 1,50- Now Only .75 IRWIN'S Our Saturday Special- From Our Store Only- PINEAPPLE CHIFFON PIE- Reg. 50c 39c COFFEE CAKES- Reg. 30c • far 23c Si lverwaod's Ice Cream McKNIGHT-NOBLE Decorated, with baskets of sum- mer flowers, the Baptist Church at Auburn formed a beautiful scene for the marriage of Beryl, Maxine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Noble, Rothsay, to John Kenneth McKnight, Woodstock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mc- Knight, Auburn. The wedding music was played by Mrs, Verdin Matchless, Roth- say, and the soloist was Garth McKnight, brother of the groom. The officiating clergyman was Rev. S. E. Ostrom, Clinton. The bride was 'given in mar- riage by her father and was gowned in a floor-length, white embroidered net over satin with fitted bodice and lily point sleeves. Her veil of embroidered net was held in place by a tiara of pearls, and her bouquet was of American Beauty roses, baby's breath and fern. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Clifford Hugill, Goderich, wore a gown of canary colored nylon over sat- in with'matching shoulder-length veil, and carried a bouquet akin to the bride's. The flower girl, Sharon Currie, Toronto, was dressed in turquoise blue nylon, with headdress cor- responding, and she carried a nosegay of pink carnations and fern. The best man was Donald Noble, Rothsay, and the ushers were Robert Noble and Morris Currie, Woodstock. Following the service, a re- ception was held in the church parlours, where the bride's moth- er received the guests, assisted by the mother of the groom, both wearing corsages of white carna- tions. For their wedding trip to Wasaga Beach, the bride donned a pale blue nylon dress,with. white accessories and were corsage of pink. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. McKnight .will reside in Wood- stock. BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners Huron St. Baptist Church Minister-REV. 3. .E. OSTROM 11.00 a.rxz -'-Worship ' 12.15 noon-Bible School 7.00 p.M.-Worship Pentecostal Church Victoria St. X. L. SWEIGAISD, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11,00 a.m.-Mrs. Kenneth Swel§- ard will preach 7,00 p.m.-Pastor A. Gower, God- erich, Subject: "The True Vine" Friday, 8.00 p.m.-Young People's Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Bible Study and Prayer, ALL WELCOME 0- GRAHAM-HAZELTON A June wedding of interest to many in this district took place in Central United Church,. Wodd- stock, when Winnifred Hazelton become the bride of Patrick Mah- affy Graham. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hazeltorf, Woodstock, and the groom is the son of Rev. and Mrs. John Graham, Port Burwell. The Rev. J. V. MeNedy officiated at the ceremony, assisted by the groom's father. John Inch played the organ and Mrs. Lorne Yaeger sang. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an ankle-length gown of Chantilly lace and nylon net over white satin, which feat- ured a tightly fitted bodice but- toned down the back. She wore a Juliet lace cap and fingertip veil and carried a white prayer book with white gardenias. Miss Elizabeth Tatharn, Woo& stock, maid of honor, wore a strapless gown of periwinkle blue silk moire with matching bolero. A blue bandeau with floral ar- rangement of Summer flowers formed the headdress and she car- ried a dainty basket of Summer flowers. Lynn Rockett was flow- er, girl, also wearing periwinkle blue silk moire with matching blue velvet sash. Dale Duffield, Lambeth, was groomsman, and Ronald Burt, London and William Hazelton, ushers. The bride's mother received guests at her home in a dress of navy sheer with navy aceessorieS. The groom's mother, who also re- ceived, wore a dress of pastel, ping faconne with navy aecese series, For travelling the bride don- ned a mauve costume with white accessories. After a wedding trip to Georgian Bay and Lake Sim., toe the couple will reside in Lon- don. „ „ . Gospel Hall Maple Street, one block east of Albert Street, north of Par-Xnit WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. It. RENNIE, Organist M. R: RENNIE, Choir Director 13. a.m.-Morning Worship "The Rich Young Ruler" 11.20-Primary School 12,15-Church School 7,00 pxo.-Evening Praise "Is Religion Necessary?" "Come to the ,Rouse of ,Froyee: Dutch Reformed Church Holland Service-2.30 p.m. at the CanadVin Legion Fall, Exeter Mr. C. IV', ranaviAN, Exeter Box 236 -4-.4-s-reeese•ese4-0-4-ie*-seeesesses KEEP CHILDREN BUSY! Satan still finds mischief for idle hors& to do See our complete stock of Playthings For The Youngsters * Balls, Bats and Gloves • Fishing Supplies • Tricycles, sizes 8" to 24" wheel • Boys' and Girls' Bicycles • Tool Sets-power or hand Table and Chair Sets and' many other items Came in and browse around we'll be glad to see you 0.45 aeree-Sunday School 10.45 aen.-Comenution Service 8.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting- Speaker --- Mr. John Martin; Mr. Martin is lecturing on the lourneyings of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.-Prayer meet- ing and Bible Study. Come and l3ring Your Friends 4-4-4 aeries. +4+444 'Plowert Telegraphed Anywhere 4-0 • 104,44,44.04':0-4-4-4-+44-•-•++-5-4,-544-s-44-+-4.44-4,-.4-44-+4--i-•;. ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE CHURCH" kASTOR---.1tE17. A, GLEN EAGLE, 0.1), 011OAtsagT-MtItS, E. VIPIENDOltr 9,45 tian-,turiclay School 11.00 to/L.-Union Service hi WealeYdWillis '1,00 pat.-Union Service in Wesley-Willis 111Tillat'S ClIt1P,C11 0.45 Worship Roy, IL C. Wilson, guest preacher 10.45 exit. -Sunday School 4.444444.44.44,44,444-144444+ 6 * .4444444 K. C. COOKE BALL & MUTCH HARDWARE and FURNITURE Phone 105 Clinton FLORIST Phone 66W Clinton 10444+44444+444444-4-4-44-44-4-44-44444-4-4-0-4-4-4- +***-* +-s 0 FEAGAN-GARDNER Betuniller •United Church par- sonage was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon, July 12, when Barbara Marilyn, daughter of Mrs. Gardner and the late C. Keith Gardner, Colborne Township, became the bride of James Hugh Feagan, Colborne Township, son of Mr, and Mrs. James H. Feagan, Colborne Town- ship. The bride was lovely in a floor length white satin gown with net yoke, full overskirt, and long pointed sleeves. Her fingertip veil was caught to a headdress of orange blossoms,. She carried a white prayer book, prettily ar- ranged with pink carnations and baby mums. Mies Gail Gardner, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid in pale blue Velveray marquisette floor .leng- th gown, with bonnet and mittens to match. She carried a nosegay of dark pink carnations. At a reception for the immed- iate families, in Park House, God- erich, Mrs. Gardner received in navy and white figured tie silk, assisted by Mrs. Feagan in pale grey figured silk. Both ladies wore corsages of deep pink roses and stephanotis. For a wedding trip to Northern points, the bride wore a navy and white two piece whipcord suit with navy and white accessories, and a corsage of pink carnations. Upon their return the young couple will reside on the sixth concession, Colborne Township. 111111121111111111111111111111 dices SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1952 Fill your Basket at the Bakery! Sandwiches taste better made with BARTLIFF'S MILK LOAF Choose from our Delicious PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, ROLLS and FRUIT BREAD PHONE No; 1 and have our driver call i St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B.A,, Minister Mrs, Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader 10.30 a.m.-Church School 11.15 a.m.-Divine Worship Subject for meditation "A Year to live" 9.45 a.m.-Knox Church, Bay- field. The Sacrament of Baptism will be observed. Come and worship the Lord of all the Earth Everyone Welcome St. Paul's Anglican Church, REV. R. M. Pe BULTEEL, Rector Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader During July the congregation will be guests of St. Andrew's • Presbyterian Church.