HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-04-24, Page 1r. Price Sr,cam>1*s. nit Roller Flour. E •XIV, NO 19 EBE en -!ON■ azp huts o• f For Tz;t a y t7be incl urns. ONE YDLIOEMAN KILLED AND ONE WOUNDED iloica . NearinE Rist. FRIDAY. APRIL 64t11. • of Prince Albert, a prisoner with Riel, news front Olark's t7rossing just be: hes escab. ed, He says that Rill did fore the wire went clown, indicated NGLANll not commence the rising until the that -Gen. Middleton would not reach . D. Russi , news was brought to him that the Batoobe before Friday morning, on troops were coaling against hitt be- whish day exciting news may -be ex _. c'u'-e of the meetings lie had been pected from the seat of rebellion, holding: Riel is dressed in an ordin- Ali the latest advices agree in stat- War gon$idered Inevitable, sty tweed suit and wears a fur cap. ing that Riel is still entrenched at The only insigne, of office is a badge - Batoehe, but the reports• as to the hewing the the motto in French, "God strength of his followers are oontlict- ouvs Qniy c, Question of a and liberty'" He had beeiilivingin. a ing. 1i is ooneeded, However, that he . -re ' F1- 'house slit miles from Batoches that means to oppose the advance, in the.41 e had been bought and furnished by the- hope -thrt the first epgageinent„ may A. Battle Expected To nay or To I(orre, --Colonel Otter to- Roaoli Battleford on Sunday. Half breeds who have been keep' ' thus ing prove f avorabl e t 0 him and i ua in- hlm since .his arrival. Jackson, the still confidence in many who are druggist, £o.'°merly of Wingham, is tie wavering in the.is allegiance to the only white man with him, Miert plats agitation. Hied counts on a victory the value of the stuff taken 41.ine the to give him general Indian support. stores at $19,000. Their store, with Col. Otter will arrive at Battleford . those of Walters & Baker's and Mlle on Sunday next. yard 3c Mitchell's, at Duck Lake, were the only ones plundered. from Battleford says- the J+ort Pitt Clark's Crossing, ,A,prii 21, 2.a. m. pollee, 21 in number, had a fight on tont, The telegram received Friday —A despatch just received from Bat- Wednesday last with about 800 In tended to confirm Sir Peter I,umsden's t. litxl's Crossing, TT. W T., n pail tie£ord says mt'ssengers just returned dians of Btg 13ea,r'a and Li;t1e Popu• previous statements; which certainty i ,4The troops arrived on the banks from Fort Pitt say that Fort Pitt has lar's bands. One policemen D. L. apparently congicted with General Clark's Crossing, April 22,—News WBOLE NO 680 e London, April 23.—The News be: lieves. Russia declines to make farther inquiry concerning the Penjdeh incl: dent, and says negotiations - with Turkey tend toward a satisfactory arrangement in the event of war, The News takes a gloomy vieW of the. situation; The Standard says the rumor` that Russia dedlines to make farther gutty into the Penjdeh affair, lacks official confirmation London, April 20.—Arr. Gladstone. The Times says the only thing; in the commons this .afternoon said I clear is the necessity of hurrying pre;• the government on Friday received a parations, for ,.war and of active di: despatch t'om Sir Peter Lumsden, plomacy to secure allies, . but it was net an answer to our inquire WAR EOBouS. ies and the instructions of April 10, It will be necessary to await that ans: The war cloud is becoming darker.. wer before we can make any state. Every one is speaking of war as in; •pithe South Saskatchewan at this, fallen. Two pobce have been killed ' p'lekeeat 11. 0' e'clock ti is forenoon. A and it is feared the whole party has. 1 with General Middleton been massacred• column wi Winnipeg, April 21.—The following • clime nere .last night to seize the ferry despatch was received last night by at this point. No rebels have been Chief. Commissioner Wrigley, ;.front • seen. Battleford :—A messenger sent from A report reached here this morning here on Fridaylast for Fort Pitt ha that the half-breeds had seized Riel just returned and reports Pitt has and Dumont and were holding them beens,taken by Indians and two police killed, but Mclean and others escap ' as prisoners, but tltie isnot credit- ed to the river And started for Battle, ed, e ford. A later telegram confirms the Winnipeg, April 17, --Word has . report, stating that theevent occurred Ieeen. receives from Mercer, of the five days ago. ;-the trip from Pist to h'ugiliers, who was one of the Battleford in the York boat should be 'London made in at least three days, and the 7th Pioneer Corps, on the journey fate of the fugitives therefore causes "tlong the. north shore, and', who •was much anxiety. .Itis thought the' In: eft°iii the woods. He has turned up (tans,' finding very lettle.ftevisions at uninjured at. Port Arthur, and is en , th'e Fort, sat out after?ttlie boats. and' lig woy to rejoin his battalion, attacked them, either capturing them Colonel:Ouimet, M• P., in command and making: the whites prisoners, er eq. the 6541,, 'villa has . been here . the , f arcing them to take elicited in the lsit.-ire clays from Calgary, left for woods on the opposite bank.' Ottawa this morning, His. mission Clark's Crossing, .April 21.—A lir. is sl. raided Tn.mystery, and a storm g is predicted a. the capital upon his - .Mcintosh, of aek'stosh settlement, lust north of Clark's crossing; carne arrival. Qu'Appelle Statipn, N. W. T.. April into our camp this morning. IIs is 1.7.—The rumor :list Biel had dnu bird to have an interview wren General. • Middleton McIntosh has frequently Cowan, son of Wm. Cowan, of Ottawa, killed, and one Lansley, ef. Hallifax, wounded, :but will recover. Four Indians were killed. The • Indians then ran may.' McLean, of the Hud: son Bay Company, and family, left Fort Pitt the day before .he battle. He: bad a parley with the. Indians. They said they only wanted to kill: the=police.. : Later—The Police who arrived it Battleford this evening report Mrs Gowaniock, previously reported killed, to be alive and with Mrs. Delaney, a prisoner of the Indians. Ottawa, April 22nd.—In the House of Coremons to -night, John A. Mac- donala, said :—"I h ve to announce the receipt of the foil.owing telegram from Battleford. Ib is- dated to:day, and reads: ".Pitt _nee :eaten, urder Dickens, arrived. by river at Battleford this morning. One killed, one wound- ed. Previous ,,o leaving, all the sett,: lers, with McLean, �getie Into lxidit n campy" Mr. Meelean, I may say, is the Indian Agent.' Tax LATEST lir To Gum To PRE3S. - A %'espatch received a ys,that Gen. Middleton does not expect t battle before Friday or. Saturday moraine. Iiomeroffe statement. - London, Aprill 21,—A Russian official organ .at Sts Petersburg states that Russia is making preparations for taking Herat. London, April 21st.—Mr, Gladstone in presenting the request for the vote of credit. said the Government feel it necessary. to hold all the resources of thee Empire, heeler ing the forces in the Souelan, - available - for instant use wherever required. The credit does not include any prevision for further offensive operations er military prepar: ations fear an early march onEhartoum. The Government rely upon the patriot: ism of the house, but our •intentions., have been, and are now, based upon the sirong desire that every pact& ho means-suld be used to obtain a just and honorable settlement of whatever c ontroversiee England might beinvol v ed in. The vote of credit, which calls for -$55,000;0011, of which $22,500,000 are for war purposee tr. the Soudan and $32,500,000 for other military and. naval preparations, was passed without a division. Of the credit of $32,500,000, for special preparations outside of the Soudan, 820,000,000 will be devoted to on Geri. iV,iddletoii and is comir.q army $12 provide down to strike tBe base.of snpplists at visited ted i3ie1's can p at Batoche's cross. It is also feared that the Indians will theaendts y, $1 , east 0 tlteill art hent -• T`fttchwoott, is' creating considerable - nig'Ile says that all told there are make an attack upon Battleford before to mobilize a complete arta corps talk.he're, It -was reported some days not more than 200 half•bteeils in the' Col Otter readies there Tho is re: with troops released from the Sout age tliEtt,Riet had passed Clark's on rebel camp. There ars only a few ,ported to be 70 miles distant from ,t p '' the west pads of the river, ,and was Indians on the ground; but small bands there. . The: refugees from Fort Pitt n�' provi• de torpedoes and guns for the striking in the direction of Little' of hostiles are scattered through the are said to bs perishing in the .heeds qy' MoniiouLake, which is almost on a suirnundi'g district. The rebels' of unfrieeelly. Indians. Five hun The lobby was excited over Mr, • direct lint; to'1'ouollwood, being abcut stuck of provisions is running short area more t• oops have left Winnipeg Gladstoue's. statement in the House Atilt miles' west of there. This has. uc t been eoon:arnied ; but should it prove true, General Middteto„ would - Ue to a terrible fix, for he es short of provisions and .forage at filar,:,s. Battleford,. April 17.—Every hour' and store on the south aide of the Arittle.Rtven bas been ransacked, and sill the goods not carried oft were des- troyed: Alt persons other than these occtipyteg sections in the town on the • north side are homeless, and ninny destitute,' ' Winnipeg, April.18.—•Neva from Clark's crossing indicates that Riel's filen are deserting hint on the ape preach of troops, Gabriel Dumont, elm moat active rebel, is forcing the 3=ollowexs by threats of death not to ; desert. He* denies having incited the 3ndians and stays they are rising to e are'n'a their own aufferints. Biel has abrtuduited his threatened Marcia upon the settlers in the tem- perae eolony, • and they are now eating cattle stolen' for the front. - of Commons, which is considered to from " settlers near :Prince Albert. tnean'evaceatitn of the Soudan. His presented the report of the committee - Mo1•ntosh believes Riel is - unaware repeated references to the reoessity of on temperance Zhe report reviewed, e advance ofe too evitable., English merchants at. Odessa aro closing up. their business and proper: ing to leave the country. .A blue book puts the effective strength of the English regular Army' at 188,000 men; reserves 47,000;; militia 125,000; volunteers 215,000. THE EATEsr Gladstone stated in the �.lBouse 'of Commons yesterday that he had re ceived some grave: -communications from Russia, the purport of "'wliicli he could not. make known at present for iter of creating unuecessary eve. cite: � ut and alarm. " War is considered inevitable;' and the continental 'press are'tinaninwus in that :belief.. SCOIT ACT NOTES. The question of the 'legality of • the Scott Act in St. Thomas was argued at Osgoode Hall last • week before Judge Rose, .upon' a motion made by Mr. C. McDougall for a niand'amus to compel the county judge of Elgin to Grant a scrutiny of the votes. The county judge holds that he bas only authority to- grant: a recount •and not a suet ny, and . the anti -Scott ;Act. men claim that there were, more ballots casts than there are legal , votes in the city. Judge Rose resew: ed his decision. - At the meeting of rho Hainiltoti, and London Synod in Hamilton, Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth, Ii:urtln County, of th d th t ps or of the DYNAMITE .EX'PLOSIOIi, boldin; troops ' in the Soudan in the progress of the Scott` Act during fact that eliddleton's .brigade is so readiness for service when ever want -the past year. It introduced the. near Batoche's. Riel keeps the half• office hero am. was re afternoon anived at e ed, indicate that I+;ngland is on the following recommendations. breeds in the rebel camp by telling y y verge of war. Such words by a '.Tiiatsvherever the Act has been them that there is only a small forts Bouncing an expl: sion in the British responsible minister, it is thought, carried presbyteries, ofpolice e'oniin„ agamet thein, and Admiralty buildiilings yesterday morn. peaceimpossible. rnbers and adhererts, in their Dors oar to and will goon maketm ogsibie. that the Government leas been fright Th a e pver,.n is es uppale nse�i tolbe- the Despite the fact that the credit of individual cap,teity, co t corporate in ened into sending out a commissionfifty-five million dollars mean an m- securing lin ' thorough enforcement. work of dynamitors. Ii it particulars• to adjust their wrongs. .crease of sixpence in the income tax, That when the Act is about to be next issue. elle balk of the—Conservative and t submitted our ecclesiastical Council as liberal members will vote for the well as members and adherents ni two policemen is Confirmed , by des. l+IZLL TO FARMERS. credit. tiatches Tecetved by the. Government Ottawa, April 21.—The rumored capture of Fort Pitt and the killing of • their individual capacity give it their London, April 22, --Tile opinion in cordial support. this morning, The attach was n ads To secure 100,000 new subscrib-. English and Russian diplomatic that we approve of any stere by Big Bear and his baud about live ora, dur.ng the next sixty days, circles is that peace oanhot be main- taken bythe members ofthe education dt� a a+r0. No details of rho occasion we will :ideally send the lies: farmer's ed, departmentakeor tab aria ,to introduce are vet to hand, and nothing is known magazine inR the 11 E>. "free for one London, April 23.—The Russian into our school geniis treatises ,on the definitely aS to whether or not the entire yea". every nue+sending us a7 redly to the tomnittnicatinn sent to .pit Qiol'nriral s(i+'rts e4 alcohol." remainder of the garrison with the • once the names of ten farmers and 1 D :Glprs the co air eationel 1'ltorn. On motion the report was rraePivnii settlers have escaped or by what 2+ct. stamps frr prlstrge, etc. Reg- ton yesterday rafter the rraeipt of and rafter full consideration of the means, A AGRICULTURIST, Niinda Ttie Y. Just been received. Degiere replies adopted, L Oar price 11,90. Arl;NATION Ltuttsden's supplementary report, line recommendations, they wore all In the absence of fuller information• • A battle may occur any day, as the - the gravest fears are entertained - by curtly that Russia declines to enter rebels are Still defiant. ; Government that the loss of life ,nay - - upon any further discussion of the There is no change in the state of : be even more serious then at present The editor of an exchange titters Penjdeh incident. FOR BOYS AND GIRL'S, 'affairs at Battleford except t to reported, the to ow ng pro es : London ,April the 21,.--• .--Tho war Indians relit of going ptit 18 dna• Gleiehen, April 21.—Some disquiet- mind telting country produce in pay o5ices has issued a notiri calltrg out Clark's Crossing, April 18.—Ries . echo has beeti caused here by Cree In- meat for . subscrsotions, lent we cin tt a first class of the army reserves, three Scouts have lust .(8:50 p. ni`) diens passing through on their way ohf act to httving our etibseribera comprising 15 regiments, for rue r es, - bean. brought into camp. They are tom tee north in bands of two or sent in eight er ten year old roosters ate an•1 pe hem service. Other Indians They have ,seen taken be three, Crowfoot professes loyalty, with a note at•ta.eliel to credit them .ate: see of reserves,have been notified:er film Gen. Middleton. utero was but sage he is afraid of the Crees. with a pair of obieltene. We tot a tltttt they will pre truly be calk d Out rat excitement on their.' arrival. ° His warriors axe busy making arrows sotnlile of that kind the otlic'r tatty, at tin (311111/ dater. Where is. Riel ,tow is the great to tight t1i Green, roles and minivan'. and after the wife had bailed one St 1rwb (tate' April tl 21.••- All the sdon• Is he at Batee�e's eresl- tion being scarce :mon." them . thr-?e nays it had the audacity actual 1 - even Col. Irvine, from ' latest J 1�' to flap out of the pot and crow. inial t.try r,tiserveis of the first elites in foes, dosr!ll't ltnory wlterc Ito is, or Swift Corrine April 11.- Colonel , 1 - . ltas trot to be a line tl ewe' ltttrnlAll lyolalld and the aouthwept any idea that he is oneaniped at Otter it, camped lto-"itlight i ixt links sornt+whcrtx, -Wo don't mind using provinces t a Oar Russia have been ordered 1 b l d The khan of �OChe'e ere. sing. It i just as H. e north Of ilia '-' t,lttetF_ty AYi sill about „ntiglderalti firewnnt-t l i olo,Ci. tt? ',e lmU i izt• , e on not that neither Middleton nor 1"0 frau, 1' lttl testi It wil+ pr'kt tail. rl gni .tar rho t�vertiott in carving 113okhava has cens�nted to allow l;ii sia tar's onium-. will over sat eyes nn take plata ,flit: rye rk to d, tel lie g11 this is we tl.ent.lg us cnn p itl it is liktt tate 1a t tertw en the here u. go the government to sae() the re';it to! , • .. ,Ito ecen lett, a telegraph lint teem Bee rebel band. They ni etel and scattered by this time ay have ells• the jourur3•, evtrlt it tht' aatltl�lic:; Gatti i i,,r ably but when it cones s to crow i he.'t to Nerve, tieveral iii rr els Tem the f:tirn lt,•e�li 1115 %Jhu 111111. e Qtt'Appelle, April 20e- john tic tw. "t'4'inni;lee, Anvil W.--?•Vhe ittGt• proveebial cameo back. Herat. - We shall "give away" Beveled thous.,, anti dollars worth of presents before Aug. 1st, mantling Solid Gold '4Vttteh- es, Jewelry Gluts, Revolvers, '4'iol`nia, J3anjos, Guitars, 11nsic Boxes, 'fool Chests, Telescopes. and everything an intelligent :tiny or girl could desire. If you want the Model Magazine, for the youth et the 19tH century, to -tet 25 tents foe "three months trial sub- scription" arid: diet of peesents. A. handsome pneket knife or somttlihre of greater value guarranted to Gtr sending. Send tor your frientlat rind (receive the preeente. Address. NAT - YO1< TIi'S,MO.NTIILY, Bn alo, N.