The Wingham Times, 1885-04-10, Page 8t ,oOA•L NEWS, .Newsy Hots, ;featly Naledt 'Winter dial very hard, The roads ere getting very bad• Great boom in Lower Wingham —around the mill yard. Parties Indebted to Tim Times nfiice will please Bell and settle at once. Farmers predict the present season will be an excellent one for maple ,.sugar making. taster Monday being a holiday 'the Bank of Hamilton and the public school were closed. The band did some very fiue,playing on main street Good Friday. Our .Land is indeed a credit, to the town, Miss Murphy .begs to return thanks 'to the members of St. Paul's Eoi.cipal church, Wrngham for the veru hand- s me Tablet they have ereeted in memory of her brother, the late Rev. \Viii. Murphy. Mr. Mason and Mr, rfdwards, of the Bell Telephone Co, have succedded in "key :• THE WIN FT•A:M TIMES FRIDAY -kPi.'IL 10 MAGISTRATES COURT, At the Town Hall yesterday after: noona rafher serious case came up for hearing before Messrs. Moray and Neelands J, P's. Complainant was one J ohn Johnston, a hotel keeper at Bluevale, who charged one Wm. Stowe with threatening to shoot him and flourishing a revolver. Mr. R Holmes was retained by the prisoner as his counsel: Evidence taken yes. terclay was not considered sufficient to support the c barge, and accused was remanded for fnrtherevi enceto Mon; day nextihe 13th iust at p. m. The case is a family oispute aiau a feud of long standing. It is considered how: •ever, that this serious charge should not have been brought, and it will probably be dismissed here without putting the county to the expense ot a trial at Goderich. Miss Eliza Campbell leaves town CHURCH CHIMES. A great spirit of revival seems to have come upon the different churches of this town. Ree, Mr. Turk is expected to officiate in the Methodist eharch nest Sunday, Rev, 111r. Rook will conduct the services in the Beptist church here next Sabbath, morning and evening Special services are being held all this week in St. Paul's (Episcopal) church and have so tar resulted in much good. The usual Eastex vestry meeting. was held in St. 'Pauls Monday after; noon, and a business sleeting of the officials of the Methodist church was held Tuesday evening. We think the Methodists could well afford to follow the example of their English church brethren in one thing, this week to take part in the Saved — that is clean off the sidewalks on At my. She expects to be stationed the -b, ck streets leading to the church. ' in the sricinity of Niagara Falls. A Woreing Band with a large. •A meeting of tl e Huron Scott Ac(membership from the several Evan: Association will be held in Clinton on ,elical denominations has been formed Tuescley the 14th inst , at 10 o'clock to keep along tiie work, and will no a. m. tc tele steps to assist in the doubt by their united efforts accom- adtnaustratiun pf the law in Huron. pli:h much good. getting nearly enough subscription to Mr. Robert Johnston, who under- Special meeting have been going on es .eure a trunk line of that compaliy•, went the sureical operation at the in the Minnie street Methodist Who says there is no push in the business men ,of Wingham ? Tee Ocdfellows• are preparing to give ene ef tneir usual excellent en- s, n- s ;tartain,wetitsi The minor drama 1 -°Poodles" will be produced by local n dent, to conclude with a mock ini- : t ation,something new and lam htble. We expect to remove the TIMES .plant from our present office to one ,a little further up street: Mr.. Roe iutt,nda fi ,ting up the building we oc- cupy i.ow for a place to sell liquor in nuaer the license recently granted. .him. • The Walibunauhkees failed to 'respond to the announcement made in the Advarce last week. Does this paean the, e is to be no Lacrosse Club fair, which is a grand success and with and by theadvice and sanction hands of Dr. Gardiner. of Lucknow, church for some tour weeks and have assisted . by the resident doctors, is resulted in the awakening and con - progressing favorably. version of upward., of 70 souls, many • bl,ecial reductions in furniture at S, of them prominent business men and; Gracey's. Having a large stock on heads of fami.ies. hand and wishing to rednce it I will The member. of the Young Peoples I give special reduction for the next 20 Literary Society in connection with days on all purchases of over $2L the Methodist church ate tiering to' Call and see my stock of bureaus, side- arrange for a debar,:: ,st their next boards, bedroom setts, louirges, sofas, meeting a week from Tuesday. The' &c., Sid. —S Glamor Presbyterian Society • meet next ` Mr. R. H. Holmes, who has been Pt esday evening and have a good. enjoying u pleasant winter in the programme prepared. , Soui,hern States • and at the great Unien cottage prayer meetings Worlc.'s Expoatior at New Crleans,, have been arranged to be held every La.. return, d to town on Saturday Tuesday evening in the different last, He cxo,'es:es himself as c,e'ight- wards of the town, and in the suburbs. ed with his to n; trip and the world's These meetings have been arranged . this yJarZ We hope not. Lot us worth ail the long c s=tance and the of the clergy of this town, but are know, hos, and we will an,.ounce it expense it costa'to attend it. • conducted by lay men. for you. a congregation. of St. Pan's Just as we were solus to press this: LAST 'WARNING.—All parties in week we were ~shown a, copy of the Epi scope'•church Wngham, in grate- ue1 tNd to F. Buchanan are requested. Viclette containing a contemptible .fulrememberance of their faithful and • •- to .cell a1.1 settle by the 15th inst, as is c 1 p loris aster, the late Re1a. Wm. after that date all unsettled accounts and disc ce,tt attack n on. THE' b p will. res Lively by placed into uourt TIMES. It is not a very pleasant op- Murphy,.who labored among them for l p eration to skin askunk, butnext week eight years and principally through f n;cn lei t on, No further time or. we will have something to • say abc;ut• his earnest efforts the present church to t'vP »'run• Hnron's.• champion libeller and lend' was erected, have phased in it a very The volunteer Company under the thrower, which will place the weeee, handsome Tablet; nearly 4 feet hi h. e ,uttnaa,ci of Capt. Elliott have been be jonrnalist in his time position with of the very best white marble. beauti- steudily drilling this week preparatory the • public. • . fully carved-., The inscription is n, for apossiole cell to the•North West. _ . , gold letters which is very nicely or - They ere a fine, smart, and intelligent •Wj e'are ant o isly looking forward ranged by the Rev. iter. McOosh the looking t ompany and shoula the neo- to the spriro':thaws,. as we have •a present pastor. The work was done cessity lesse,would without a doubt suspicion that there are two sticks of lly Mr, Jas. Vanstone, proprietor of pro•'e t e eselvts an honor to Wing- our mond underneath a snowbank in the Kincardine, Goderich & .Peeswater • hut, to weir country and their ' cap front of our • office on Broadway.— - marble works and is a credit to the - ta:n'1)utterm Post. Just our. fix, exactly. firm -arid equal to any • tabl-t in the: • life.-ri Colitis & Inglis. whose In addition, low•ever, we are in hopes diocese of Huron. 4,nil.0:. was badly aahiad 1S by the of soon finding our aTanuary axe, and let' !ire. had a visit from the inspect- our typo rrapTtfcal imp is intently Only one dollar in advance asked r of the cowpony they were insured watching for the knob on the handle, fir. THE TIMES up to Jan. 1st, 1886. ie. c z , the Clore Mutual, on the Our Dccemher axe we hope will rear- Try ie. + Weilieseltty after the fire. On.'l:'ues- peer some time about the begwnirg (,ay in, t they received a cheek for the o` June. • amount „f their loss: They are well "Sic Teausit Gloria Mundi."—We ple,i.:r•clwith Ole satisfactory• and understand that there will be no issue prompt ;earner ie which their claim of the TIMES tnis•week, hut an effort has beet, settled. by the company. will probably be made to get'it out x 'lar hour, for f,ie ,e dNparture of the .,, ,•t weak. aloie omnibus commie.. _Vi(IPtte. Do s o i think the Tees ra ter s ago have '011(1,13,0d with the,' effort was siiecessful ? How do you cont,:,, t :r. Mr Wm. Black, our en- like the Times this week ? Does . it teln•isii,:t livery than has secured the I. sickly •$ Wo are m S. obliged cunt:set .and will leave Wiughaut for our yt,ung friend's kind wisuRs (see; y morning (Sundays excep`ed) at but really•could not thick of letting 11: 0, and arrive in time to catch the the public depend on our friend to got Parties , intending to travel will do; well to cellon 0. E. Williams, Agent Canada Pacific Railwuy Wrngham. All m need of a nobby spring suit should leave their order at •the Anchor House. . A large stock of latest shades and designs to select from, and a Lit guaranteed in every,;ase. Ocean, Lake or Railroad tickets to any part of the world can bo obtained from 0, E. Williams, Ticket Agent \Vingham. Intending travellers will 1 ail trait gouts •south on the C. P. the netve they ni;elit •,et badly left, de well to procure rates before purch: E, 1 t will be aconvenience to the asritg elsewhere, t.rave:l ug public as well as an im- :1I r. J. A. Porton• , of lot 6, con. • • . BIRTHS.. r,v i trot, to the pieta' service. 9, 1untberry, • has purchased a tuor.,ugubred short horn bull ••Kinel In some unknown manner afire . wIITdi3ELL'.—In 'bVin,b:tm'" on April her"' bred bee Messes. ..& VJ. Tassels; ' 5th the wife age. Robert Mitchell broke out Sunday morning in the ,• woodshedof• a house on John e.reet • of I (chttttul• ilial, • Old. "I ittellgt's" " • 1001{ ` et41•llil,* +4t • first urtze• y , 'L'orou of a daaghter occupied by Sir. A. J. Anderson, the to, in 1883,"and was head of the first Masan/Iva—In %V ngha'm. on • the uude-`t,iher Thanks'to our,,excellent prize -herd; 'His grand sire was head • • 4th hist., the wife Of _ Mr. Win. ,Nater-•worl(s curl the excellent word{ of tii.e lire roes, very little damage' was ot'pt►xt f the tirs;'herd in Toronto and t',14inprizu of Windaughters. L a Piova'ical 1881 ri d risme to the matte iia► t of the dwelling, is ; ,gran ; and is Me. Anderson was a!,le le twine dean was 'lnrl ire Toronto London for ' ' 'MARRIED. twin ;.too fat) but at Loudon 'I'rnviit• is move everything .his loss will not chi", 1ti51 .was first anain.t the sarin 'I{, s..ilii 1;t tl til mrtch .Thi; bitilcttng was , o used. uiunietit o 1. She was that at, '•hilt Hence of the brides father, t n.Tues- ' y lair, Wnr Itbaster, of •Morris, and sic,) Ihiet, and won silver meds as a clay, 4larclt 81st, 1885, by Rev lits loss, we understand is, covered by three year old, dew. Beat, twice the, Jae A. Andrreon B A. William- ,ill:lim ::co. • cow Altessrs. Russel go: the gold moles son of Edwa..ed Itobinson, of East A. lenge- nutiiher r,f the ra•tnpa r r4 swec.petal{es with at Philadelphia 'Wawanosh, to Elizabeth Ann1o, of the te.wn niet in the Town Itn'1 "1:ittellar's dam's sister beat tho Bow daughter of Thomas Campbell of " • MAGISTRATES' COURT. Assault and Battery Case. On Tuesday at 10 a.m. the case of assault and battery referred against J. G. Fields, butcher, by Mrs. Willis, wife of Capt. Willis of the Saved Army, whioh was adjourned from Saturday came up for hearing before the frThyor. After a lengthened ex. amination which lasted until noon, the defendant Fields was fined $5 and costs, and i i default of payment ttess to be made and if not. ,ound 21 days in jail. Mr. R. E. Holmes was retained counsel for the complan ant and the officers of the Army, and Mr. E. L. Dickinson for the defend- ant. As the case has caused consideraole comment, our readers may wish to have a resume of the evidence, which we publish below. Mrs, Willis, the complainant, wi e of Capt. Willis, sworn, testifies as fol. lows—On the evening of Good Friday 3rd April, we , were returning in pro• cession on our march back to the barracks, end when coming up Victoria street [ and Mr. Willis and Mr. Simmons (the sergeant) were walking together at the heed of the procession, when. the defendant, Mr Fields, came out of his shop and came rushingup at us with his arms raised and roughly took hold of my arm•and shoved mots the side of the road. In my opinion 'lie' was intoxicated and greatly excited. He flourished Lis arms around in a threatening manner and had something like a steel or knife in his . ha,id, I identify the defendant as the man who assaulted me. I gave no provoc • tion whatever. After shoving me the defendant went down througl the centre of the march flourishing something in his hands. He had frightened me. He after- wards came hack .pretty near me and hit the drum. Cross-examined — Cannot swear positively • what tithe weapon in hie hand wee. ,I..was in procession with the Saved Army. r • - John Forbes e sworn -On F, iday evening as we were returning`oti our march Mr. Fields, :the defendant, came out on the .road in •frotit.:af his.shop- He rushed 1 ItQ the march and attempt- ed to break it up .;,He then went down the prpce' sion•brandishing a - steel in his hand Hrename back up again and struck the drums, • Cross-examined—1 was•behiud Mrs. : Willis aiid the' 'sergeant. I , swear positively the weapon m the defendants • Bands at •the time was .a steel. He rustled into the procession as if to break it up. • Archibald Simmons,. sworn -LT am a - sergeant in. the Saved Army. We had come down the main street and were - proceeding up Victoria street when [ notice(' Mr. Fields, the defendant,- ahead brandishing his arms and acting in an exciting man- lier. What he has inhis hand seem- ed -as if it was a knife or a steel. I thought it was a knife so 1 jumped': aside. He harl•it iu his left hand., He shoved the complaivant, and if complainant had not jampod out of 'tire way she would have got injured. :Defendant then, went back crown throne h the procession. Ho was sing- ing at the time, 'was iutoxicatedand acting in a rude and violent manner. Cross - examiaea — J, move d , out of the way and if coin• plainant had not moved away she would have beensovere y injured. Alfred Gray, sworn—I was in the march at time, When, Mr. Fields, tbo defendant came out, I waza about centro Ways in . the march. When I saw him he 'was coming clowu the niaroli. He rushed down• and cenglit the by the areae --(at this point an objection was raised by the defenee to this evidence, but it was decided. that rt should be taken down)=and defendant looked me in the face find said "whore is that d-1 ot a Rush." To Mr, Holmes--Defenaant was acting in an .excited manner. 1 saw the weapon in the hands of the defend ant, and to the best of my knowledge it was it steel, 1 know the defendant well, 1 could not bo mistaken in the man. I think he was intoxicated at the time. Capt. John Willis sworn.- testified as follows, -yWe were coming up Victoria street on the ee ening .of Good I riday; enol nearly opposite defendants butcher shop,a mutt was coining clown in an: excited manlier, swearing dreadfully{ and .with his arms upraised, and what seemed to me to bo a steel in his left hancl. I was between M'rs. Willis and Sergoan' iimmous, about two feet b• ehind thorn.' Defendant bad: his grins outstretched and roughly grasped Mrs. Willie by alae arm and threwher two or three est, or pushed her, whichever you tike to term it,. The defendant then, went down the street in a''-1 directions, still swearing and going on. Then he came back and the •Army ran int all directions scared by him, TbF, man was very much excited, very' much indeed, Oross•examined--To Mr. Diokin son—I^am not coloring this in the - slightest. Even if the 'complainant .lad stepped aside, the defendant. would in my opinion, still have as.• vaulted her. To Mr. Holmes—I am positive the defendant took hold of the complain- ant out of the way. •- Further evidence was tendered to show the intention and threats of defendant, brit net considered neves. sary. For the defence the first witness was• Miss Lily Field, who testified as follows:—l3,eMernber the evening of Good Friday last. My fattier '(the lefendant) was oue tt,- the front of the house. I wad there. My father came out to meet the Army. He asked me where Tommy's trumpet was. • He said he wanted it to go out and show it to Mr. Rush, who had. broken it, (Trumpet produced and . identified.) He had the trumpet in one hand and the broken part of it in the other. He had no steel or knife in his hand, I was with him gird 1 gave it to him. He went out- and held it up in• his left hand and asked if Mr. Rush was there. leiter complainant. Mrs. Willis, and did not see aefendant, my father, shove her or • lay his hand on her. Cross-examined—There might hllve been more than half a dozen people between nee and my father at the time 1 think there were more. Willie Drewe sworn — Quite a erowel get around: the Army. I did not go off the sidewalk at all. I did not see any more. I went ou with the Army. I could' not see defendant after he went into the crowd. • J G. Field, defendant, s vert ,,I remember the evening of Good Friday' last. I went out .to eeeet the'1Army - that night. About the time the last, banquet was held lily boy Tommy asked me if he could spend his 5 cents. on a whistle, and, afterwet'claa,wben he was Walking Moans the fowalk with the whistle it was took•eof hits and smnslbed 'up. On the-Thursday before Good Friday ho•,had anotherwhistle, and come_ up tit.,,.lw,i. otying and said Mr. Rush had knocked the' trumpet out of his : mouth and struck hits on.the nose with it. I wrote • et Rush, aid then went out to the Army.: .` to meet Rush but I never touched any ' one. The Army separated on each side of me and scattered. I did not ---,- touch touch hi.: s. Willis or ary ono. " • Miss. Violet Field, whose evidence • - in tee main agreed with htr sisters. testified as follows :-I remember Good Friday evexing- The Army hadgot pretty near opr.plaoe anti I went otit with my father. lie went ' out to the Acrmy with Tommy's wins, • tle and held it rip. I was. right close to hint.' Itiever saw'him touch Mrs.. Willit ori;;ny one else. ilo went'ou+ to see Mr: hush aid to get him to give, Tom money enough to buy a • new trumpet br to get one for, him. He stood still and some members of the procession watt Otte side and the, othepasd . Crossr, exasemonined— 112y father was, pretty clew:to Mrs. Willis, but het eseild Lothue a touched any one with. out my seeing it. Tueiel y evening et the call of the bark herd in Toronto, 18713, for two Whitechurch. Mayer to ()helms the adcierthtlfty of I year old heifers, itiessia lessel, th e• • .s t:liing a• test salt 'well a't eti• in; Lreederyorn awarded first for, cows . 111r. Robert Work, of Grev, nrrived driver neitt' rel' net f he desired exteneinii ,. mand limo for yearling' ItOlk hi . Tern)• home front 1 akota last :week: Ionkin;g of 1 e C. P. Ii,. to this town. After for 188e i alio nerd inlets for bull and halo and hearty. ' Ile says ;oMo iif•th- bort and pointed. ,.pee'•lies by tl e• four t.• males.. "IIinellat" - will ne farmers hal sowi'd gre,in befo"o be ilia,•; men of the town it wae nuns kept for service on the premises of left anti plowing was heals dobe • by a t lonslsy•deeided en gnpnort the 'nun: i ,h1re Foetime. 'Ti•,•ntii Grad,l ,$2 •other -e, Prices for grain - Ate keeping n oil in, e p, d ne Pt me $1.0(0 ee I thnrn,iglabriels, $ r. • 11I•, Vertntir, l ai rip well, Mr. Wnrle will go back in $1,500 for tha.r, lrnrpose, 'Phi, kiwi; t.estimo mile from Messes. Hassell. as the e»ouree of it n»nth and continue - will commence as soon as possible. to the excellence of his pedigree, his farming. An attempt•was made by:the defence to have a bright •Iritis girl nettled Daisy Field, scarcely 7 years old • sworn, but this wits objected to strong - he by enmplainant's council and very pitoperly ruled out, by the Bench. ?after addresses on each" side, the decision of"thn Cnurt "ds above noted was Et ouce•givan, ' A111irugh much. svrrpathy is felt' for d!efbi+clan t's famil'v<- nnblic opinion 'agrees that the • c'lefen dent had to bo•tati'hlrt a uaefu' lessons; a,0 , nitcl the fact deilion,treted, tlts't`^lied`"` and all •others inust•be allow+ ettfisly free find 'safe use' of - tilts': streets and hio'ltways without l.et hinderanco or molestation of A VOWS •lo Tilt:UNITED' STASES. • I have suffered for they Iki§'t 2f1•yearsi with dyspepsia 'and general: debility,. and tried ninny remedies, but `with: '•little success until teed Bnrdnck• Blood Bitters, whets relief Was quid:: and permanent A.,Louau Alpena, wish,