HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-07-10, Page 7/5207gahepe&-ieta. ti TEA & COFFEE al.a.101ZCOM••••••"..• - S . 1111L 011 • :0, • ir CANADA'i H RASH ER LEADING T :M'ONO,VO CLINTON .NEWS-RECORD 0 28-b BETTER BUY “BELL"! light a fire than to extinguish it, In the above instance it entailed carrying water some distance to douse the conflagrations. Teacher Passes Miss Helen Colbeck left. on Friday to visit in GrAnton after staying on an extra week with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred .Scotchmer, with whom she boarded dur- ing the three years In which she has been principal of Bayfield Public School. Miss Colbeck re- signed to accept a teaching posi- tion at Queensville, north of To- ronto. She leaves -many warm friends here who regret her de, parture, On the last day of school the pupils'..of her room assembled in the 'junior room and then Mrs. Parker asked Miss Colbeck to come to her room. On behalf of the pupils and some former stud- ents,' Patsy Scotchmer read an appropriate _ address and Helen McLeod presented Miss Colbeck with an amethyst necklace and matching earrings. Taken com- pletely by surprise, the recipient expressed her pleasure and thanks quite charmingly to all present for this parting gift by which. she would remember them. Entertain Bridge Group Following the Goderich Con- tract Bridge Duplicate at Sky Harbour, Saturday, June 28, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Galbraith were hosts to the Goderich and Hamil- ton players on Sunday when they entertained forty guests at "Syl- van Acres," their 'home on the Blue Water Highway, Goderich Township. Included were: Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Nichol, Mrs. Reid, Miss McNaughton, Mrs. R. C. Hays, Mr. and - Mrs. fEugene Dean, 'Capt. and Mrs. Hunter, .Mr. and Mrs. Currie, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Ward, Mr. and Mr's. Town- shend, Mr. and Mrs. Dinning, Mr. and ,Mrs. Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKeon, Misses Enid-Wither- spoon Ethel Mawson, Elsie Dris- coll, Mesdames JohnSinnott, John .Lennox; Fergus Armstrong, and Charlotte Scarf, and Gordon 'Guy- att -and Eric Murray, Hamilton; ,Mr. and Mrs. • Walter Schnebley, Buffalo; Mrs.. Lewis, Sarnia; Maj- or A. C. Gailbrath, Montreal, and Douglas McAuley, Hamilton. Buf- fet supper was served on the laWn overlooking Lake Huron, . . . for maximum output, low upkeep and long.oervice, farmers know that the Bell "IMPERIAL" threshing machine IS a .better buy! . . . and the Bell "IMPERIAL" Straw Cutter far surpasses any other mechanism for hand- ling long straw for feeding or storage pur- poses. . . : Bell makes EVERY GRAIN COUNT! . Machines avai.lable— for immediate delivery Robert Bell Industries Limited Seaforth, Ontario Phone 268 - 269 Mrs. George Reid returned to Flaxeornbe, Sask„ the end of June after having spent over two MorIths with her brother, H. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cook, Nancy and Donald, Windsor, are spending this month at "Loch- aniee' The former's sister, Mrs. L. A. Stephens and two children, Jane and Mark, Toronto, were al- so with them last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker; Weston, spent the Dominipn Day weekend withthe formers par- ' ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker. Their little, daughter, Bonnie, who accompanied them, remained to spend some weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Fred Weston. Mrs. E. Geddes, Seaforth, and tsister-in-law, Mrs. Clara Porter- field, Winnipeg, Man., visited their tister, Mrs. J. Ferguson, from Sunday until, Tuesday. A nephew and -wife, Mr. hnd Mrs. G. Wilson Geddes, London, was also her guest on Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Nicholls re- turned on Friday from their wed- ding trip to spend the weekend with the latter's mother, Mit. F. W: McEwen. They left on Mori, day. for Detroit and other points in the U.S.A. and were accomp- anied py Dr. Nicholl's parents.' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder, Ed- Monton, Alta., arrived on June 27 Phone HATFIELD 45r3 having travelled by Trans-Canada Airlines to spend their vacation with their respeetiVe parents, Mr and .Mrs, Earl Pennder at their cottage in Lakeside Park, and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Scotchmer, Keith Crescent, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Butler and little daughter, Lois, returned to Orillia Sunday`after 'having Spent three weeks with the former's parents, Mr., and Mrs. Myron Butler. Alfred has accept- ed a position as psychologist on the staff of the Ontario School for Children at Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. J. :Pidgeon and son, Roy, Miss. Janet Wallace and Wm. Greig, Toronto, spent the weekend and Dominion 'Day with the latter's wife and daughter, at "Bali-Acre" cottage at the pop-. lars,_ Mrs. Don Beatty and small son, Paul, St.Adele, Que., are spending this month with her mother and sister. 'Mrs. M. Mart-hall returned to Toronto the end of, June after having visited Mrs. A. W. Reid, "Enfield", for three weeks. Her,- hard .Reid spent last week with his Mother and Mr. and Mrs. T. James, Detroit; were guests over the Fourth of July and weekend. Reid .is at the cottage this week, after having,-been in Wind- sor for the past three ,Weeks: Mr. and Mrs„._.J.,A3. Hughes and -son Deryck and • Miss Beatrice heist, Detroit: and Miss Roberta Raby, East Lansing, Mich., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Peth over the Weekend, On Sat- urday evening they celebrated Mr. and Mrs. Hughes' Silver Wedding Anniversary and also Ronald Poth's birthday, Mrs, W. Raby was a guest on this occasion. Mrs. Lindsay Smith, Ronnie and Margaret returned home on Tues- day after having spent a few days in Toronto where they attended the wedding of her brother, Rev. Frederick Jewell to Miss Elsa Lundgine, R.N. at Lorne Park, on Saturday, July 5, at which Mar- garet was• Flower girl. Mr. Jew,- ell was-the former pastor of Lorne' Park. Baptist Church. A recept- ion followed at Crofton Villa, Rev. Thomas Parker, left on Tuesday for his home at Govan, Sask., after having spent ten days with his aunt, Mrs. Chas. W. Par- ker, As Grand Master, L.O.L., of Saskatchewan, he came East to attend the Grand Lodge at Mon- treal. On Monday evening he ad- dressed L.O.L. No. 24. On Sunday the Parker family held a picnic in Jowett's Grove at which Mr. and Mrs. Len B. Smith, and Maxine, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Feather- ston, London, were present. Mr.and Mrs. Charles Ferguson and three children, Billy, Lenora and Kathy, Sudbury; left on Wed- nesday for Embro after spending a few days at their cabin. Billy, Who-is 13 years of age, plays the bagpipes and those who have Scottish blood in their veins have been.enjoyink a skirl o' the pipes this week. He is a member of the Boys Pipe Band of Sudbury and attended the Caledonia Gam- es at Erebro last week, where he donned his kilt and joined the band. Occupying Jimett cottages are: Mr. and Mrs. W. Mills and daugh- ter Phyllis; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen; Broder and Mary Blain; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Higgins, Susan, Peggy, Bambi and Doug- las; Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer and Gary, Toronto; Mr. arid Mrs. K. Barss and daughter, Elizabeth; Mr. and Mrs, James Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. J. Collyer and fam- ily; 1111.r. and. Mrs. R. M. Howe and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. J. Eedy and family, St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart and family, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Pye and family, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. W. Grneiner„ Susan, Bil- lie and John, Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.; Mr.and Mrs. 0. L. Denomme and daughters, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Finout and son, Flint, Mich., were at their cottage over the American holiday and Weekend; and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Foyston, Byron, are occupying their cottage. Congratulations to Albert Van- stone who recently passed his 80th birthday. In celebration of the event his children with their fam- ilies held, a picnic dinner and supper in Clan Gregor Square on June 22 at which 28 were pres- ent. They included his four children; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ritchie (Edith) and two children; Mr, .and Mrs. John Moore ,(Dor, othy). and two children; Mr. and Mrs. Will Norton (Lorraine) and two children, all of London, and his sa9nnd"Mdrsci,4uVgehntsetrotne-lasalw4Htawro-old children, Kitchener; a niece, Miss Hilda King, London, and great niece, Mrs. Alvin. Dut0t, husband and .family, Goderich Township. Also. guests were Mr. and Mrs, George King, Bayfield, and Harry King, Venice, Calif. The birth-. day cake had sixteen candlesone for every five years and the oc- casion was a very happy one. Amongst photographs taken were one of the three oldest men pres- ent: Albert Vanstone„ George and. Harry King—whose combined ages totalled 251 years, also one of the oldest and youngest lady—Mrs, George King and Arline Dutot. Trucks Collide An accident 'occurred about five o'clock on Friday afternoon when a truck, driven by Harold Wise, Clinton, for Sutter-Perdue, going north Pr Tuyll Street, cola lided wi:th . a I95I coach, owned .by Zvavel Silver, Detroit, going West,pn. HowardStreet, Constable George Little investigated, Silver stated that he, was on his way to the beach with first aid materials for his brother who had cut his foot. The back fender was smash- ed and. the wheel bent on his 'car. Only the headlights on the truck were broken: Grass. Fire On Friday evening, June 27, Mr. and Mrs. John E. .Howard and Miss Margaret, put out...fiVe grass fires on the roadside in.:hp:IA of their property on Main Street, In each case the fire had started right at the edge of the road .and was spreading rapidly 'into the" dry grass in the ditch; They prob- bably started from cigarette stubs thrown out -of cars without being extinguished. Such a practice is an extremely dangerous fire haz- ard especially when the grass and ground are dried out, and ,motor- ists should exercise every care to see that nothing lighted is thrown out of the car to .cause, perhaps, untold damage if it were. not dis- covered. It is much more easy to BAYFIELD pAviLioN Every Wednesday Night— LADIES FREE UMW 1145,-, Dance to the finest Modern and Older TYnre Music in Western Ontario-- "THE MELODY MAKERS" from London, featuring, Len Masse', .Claude Oclinas Mrs. Lindsay, (Clinton). 19,00, am!u. Every Friday Nightt— Da1WO to FRANK TRAHER"$ Popular orchestra, with "Hoppy" Hopkins on vocals-40.00 p.m,-1 28-b Refreshment Booth Spacious, 'Parking, MAKE THIS A DATE! SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB 17th, Annual: SUMMER CARNIVAL Three BIG Nights Wednesday — Thursday — Friday JULY 16-17-18 LIONS PARK, SEAFORTH • WHEELS OF FORTUNE • MIDWAY • ENTERTAINMENT • DANCE • MONSTER PARADE FIRST NIGHT — MAJOR PRIZE DRAW — 28-29-b 9-11-10-10-11-9-9-11-0-9-40-419-•- 11..-.110-,11•••••••••••--•••"- SUPER SIZE! IDGET RICE! INTERNATIONAL. HARVESTER Model 0-82 Reetife/a", irs The big•capacity refrigerator with the: space-saving cabinet! Has full 8.2 Cu,. fr. of storage space, yet is only 2?' wide. Full-width freezer holds 35 lixt, of .food. Adjustable, chromo.platect. shelves have 14.9 sq. ft. area, allow space for 25 quart bottles. More boa tie and egg storage in the bandy Paw try.13or. Yours at a pocket. pleasing price". dE Only$ 329. News of Bayfield Representative: MISS LUCY R. WOODS ,••••+•-•-•+-0-e-e-*0-e4-•-•44-•••-•-0 -* Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Fiiday and by Appointment Local Representative: J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- ,EXETER SEAFORTH John 0. Tyndall Massey Harris — New Holland Sales and Service Phone 250; Residence 597J — Clinton, Ontario 1 New 24" White Grain Thresher with grain-thrower 1 Used 32" White Grain Thresher, Al shape, thrower and cutter; ball bearings 1 Used Universal Jeep, 4-wheel drive, P.T.O. and belt pulley '1 Used K40 International Tractor on rubber • 1 Used 22-36 International Tractors on steel 1 Used 101j Massey Tractor, on rubber These tractors all in Al shape and guaranteed BINDER TWINE * ‘pring-fronh Groan Interior, Howl Makin/oat tool.twka as %opting. * laftrhe 100% Acid-Restilaat. For looting Wary and ritoolallty. *10.4%4 fall-width Chill Tray. Of hayloft.' 010141611c topoeity. * toe Planlit Grid he CA* Tray& Atoka 20 rovor.roady 1ta cab% * Thrifty flikt-Werl Ualf. will. 5-yroor Warranty he yew pr'otactlen. 'PAO SPi; BINDER TWINE-36c lb., or $18,00 bale-50 lb. BALER TWINE-40c lb. or $16.00 bale-40 lb. Full line Farm Fencing and Gates Full line Purina Feeds HAVE YOUR BINDERS OVERHAULED FOR THE HARVEST TIME NOW 28-29-b Tor growing lots And adults, too No healthier drink Than milk will do. I1. "4 HURON ST. PHONE 441 9-9.4-44,0-4-11-11-9-9-994-409-9-40-e-11.4-414-9. .1951 Chevrolet Styleline Coach Two-1951. Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Sedans , 1951 Chevrolet five-passenger Coupe, $4,995 4951 Chevrolet deluxe Sedan, with power glide, $2,150 1951 Chevrolet Coach, $1,995 4950 Chevrolet- Fleetline Sedan . 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan 1947 Chevrolet Coach 1947 Chevrolet Fleetrnaster Sedan 1941 Chevrolet Sedan; new motor, $375 1939 Pontiac Coach SPECIAL! 1948 Chevrolet Coach $950 'TRUCKS 1950 Chevrolet three-quarter-ton Stake PROMPT DELIVERY of New Pontiacs and New Chevrolets Brussels Motors Phone 73.X Huron Count?* Foremast Used Car Dealer BRUSSELS rlr; rihr „,,riir Ark *114 Air -O. ...is. • ',Ai, ie. :1., -in: SPECIAL McCORMICK BALER. TWINE— Reg. $16.80 SALE PRICE $16.00 a bale McCORMICK BINDER TWINE— Reg. $18.75 SALE PRICE $18.00 a bale • 4.- McALPINE and DAW "The Place where You get the Bargains" Phone 83 Clinton Good reasons why more farmers are buying the No. 6 ' . Easier to drive—to move around. . Smart appearance—built to last., 2-plow tractor. .°.. Can he handled with the average greater strength. without costly weight., . Welded frame construction gives. • . . Simpler and easier to adjust. . . . Threshes cleaner and faster. . . . More Compact. Easier to Store., . . r Handles up to 3 loads per hour. Debentures and Guaranteed Certificates 3% 3.1% I for 1 and 2 years from 3 to 10 years • Interest payable half yearly • $100 or snore accepted THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY The Huron &Erie Mortgage Corporation Hood Office — London, Ontario a District Representative—H, C. Lawson, Clinton, Ontario 9-9-41-0-41-5-11,4 4-0 9 44-•49 CASH - TRADE TERMS OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK ORDER"YOURS NOW: See us today for illustrated folder and price list. JAMES A. COX PHONE 903r34 TRURSDAYA JULY lo, loow