HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-07-10, Page 5NININP*41.0,41,0, r- 111.0441.41NNPOINONVINININPOONMPSONWINNIA 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI THURSDAY, PAY 10, 1954 hew! It's Hot ! CAN YOU KEEP COOL ON A HOT DAY? Try one of these smart new WASHABLE DRESSES OT SUNDRESSES. They are selling now and they are selling fast. Now is the time you will ret the geed out of them. Summer Skirts - Sale of Dresses - CIRCLE SKIRTS — BUBBLE CRISKAYS — and GOLD TONES. They are all dressy, washable and com-fortable to wear. SHORTS and T-SHIRTS ARE IN POPULAR Have you seen our line? Sale of Blouses - Our Complete Line of NYLONS — COTTONS — CREPES — etc. every size and in every style. SPECIAL — All 20% off We have selected a rack of dresses to sell at One-third off regular prices ---- AND Also a rack of dresses Values to 88,75- -Special at 4.95 ea. SHORT SMOCKS— Valued at 3,95— Special 1.95 ea. Spring Coats, Shorties and Suits 1/2 price GOTHIC BRASSIERES—. We have selected a .number of styles of Cotton and Nylon Mesh, to clear at a •, saving to you— , Special-75c ek. CHILDREN'S COTTON, OVERALLS— With bibs, or without Values to 2.19. Sizes 2 to 6x • — Special .75 pr. CHILDREN'S COTTON SUN SUITS— Sizes 2-4-6 — Regular .65— On sale at only .39 MARTHA WASHINGTON HOUSE DRESSES-- Sizes 12 to 42 — Values to 4.50— Clearing at only 1.95 IRWIN'S McEWAN'S BOOK STORE .e4.aaeeek: )..41 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cook, Ingersoll, were guests for a few days last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R, Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Gregor, Jr., Detroit, spent the weekend i n Clinton, visiting friends. SPECIALS for JULY 10-1142 I.G.A. CATSUP-13 oz. bottle 23c VELVET FLOUR 5 lb. bag 41a Talisman New Pack STRAWBERRY JAM, 24 oz. jar 41c I.G.A. APPLE JUICE-48. oz tin Shirriff's LUSHUS JELLY POWDER CROWN FRUIT JARS—Small Medium BUDGET TEA—Black-1/2 lb. ORANGES—Sunkist—size 252 doz. 35c GRAPEFRUIT—size 126s 5 for 25c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver THANKS! We take this opportunity of thanking our many customers for their loyal support during our many years in business. Health compelled us to sell, Bartliff Bros. have purchased our equip- ment and business and will endeavour to. bet- ter supply you in the future as we have in the past. We truly hope you will give them the same hearty support as you gave us. (Signed) Williams' Bakery Annbuncement! We beg to announce that we have purchased' the business of Williams' Bakery, Clinton, effective Monday next, July 14, Two route drivers of Williams' Bakery— Arthur Collins and Kenneth Taylor—will con- tinue in the same capacity with our firm. To the patrons of Williams' Bakery, we promise our best cooperation in continuing to serve you, 23c 3 for 29c doz. $1.50 doz. $1.69 , 39c SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1952 ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH"" PASTOR—REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, 13.A., B.O. ortwonn—uns. E. WENDORP 9,45 sat.—Stinday School 11.00 ia,tn...--DniOn Service in Wesley-Willis 7.00 pair,—Unien Service in Wes1c3r4Vinilt TURNER'S CHURCH 9.45 tut,—Moriting Worship Rev, H. C. Wilson, guest preacher 10.45 aare—SundaY School Bakers and Confectioners #44-444-444-414-1-4-4,4+44-44,-*-4.+4.04+++444+444-s-0-.4. .444444 S iilvcrwood's Ice Cream BAR.TLIFF BROS. Miss Ruth Wilson is on a trip to Miss Jean Vodden, Toronto, was the Pacific Coast. a recent visitor at the home Of Mrs. Carrie McCann, Simeoe, Is her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Visiting with Irene Henrl, Vodden. Miss Adele Harrunond, Harrison, Miss Aletha Mil'son, London, is visited with Ann Shaddick last spending her vacation with her week, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Mrs, Howard Clarke, Toronto, Perdue, has been visiting relatives in this Mr, and Mrs. Bill Cook, Kitch- ener, were guests over the week- Mr, and Mrs. C. H, Epps spent end with Mr. and Mrs, Frank the past week visiting Northern Mutch, Orltario points. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker of James Mellor has returned after West Lorne were weekend visitors a pleasant vacation spent with re-,with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Me- latives at Fort William, Pherson, Mr. and. Mrs. Waddington, St. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. IVICLay and Marys, visited Rev. D. J. Lane and daughter, Katharine, are holiday- Mrs. Lane, Friday last. ing at St. Marys and in Northern Miss Shirley Patterson, Auburn, Ontario. visited her aunt, Mrs, C, F, Lock- Miss Marion Gibbings, Dundee, wood, over the holiday. is spending the summer vacation J. Howard Brunsdon left for with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 13. Calgary, Alta., where he will take J. Gibbings. M the famous stampede. Miss. Hattie Turner, Toronto, is Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Stone, spending the summer vacation Tokyo, Japan, •were callers at the with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Courtice home last week. . George Turner. Mrs, 0. C. Hellyar returned Mrs. Emma Sutter, Stratford, is Monday, June 30, after two mon- spending some time with her son the in Toronto and Barrie. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Alf Beck, Strath- roy, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Huller, Hohnesville. Ralph Bouskill, Winnipeg, spent the First of July weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis. Mrs. Olive C, Hellyar has re- turned to her home after visiting relatives in Toronto and Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball, of Grosse Isle, Michigan, spent the weekend with relatives in town, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cante- lon visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin, Bruce- field. coaftrzs Get There Safely! CALL CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36.,pub Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST 'Phone 66W — Clinton John A, Sutter. - Dan Walter, Clinton was guest soloist 'at the morning annivers- ary service at Knox Church, Bay- field on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Marsh, Niagara Falls, visited with Mr. and Mrs. 3, J. Zapfe over Do- minion Day weekend. ' Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Agnew are entertaining their daughter and family, Woodbridge, at the summer cottage at present. Miss Clara K. Holmes, Winni- peg, Man., a former Clinton girl, was honoured before leaving that city to visit her sister in London. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Glew, Clin- ton,celebrated their golden wed- ding anniversary on Thursday, June 26, at the home of their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Orpen, King St., Clin- ton, celebrated their golden wed- ding anniversary on Thursday, June 26, at the home of their son in-raw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Orpen, King st. Clin- ton, with many friends and rela- tives attending a reception. ' Many cards and messages of congratulations were received by the celebrants. The home was decorated with a profusion of summer flowers and gold and white decorations. Mr. Glew was born on concess- ion 2, Hulleti Township, a son of the late• Mr. and Mrs. Metthias Glew; and his wife, the former Ann Roberts, was born at Sea- forth, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. .L. Roberts. They were married at the Anglican Church, Brantford, by the late Rev. W. McAsh. They farmed on concessions 1 and 2, Hullett, on 50 acres of land, and later bought additional land until they worked 300 acres in all. For a while, Mr. Glew served as a patrolman with the Ontario Department of Highways, a posit- ion that his son Harold holds to- day. Ten years ago Mr. and Mrs, Clew retired to Clinton. Mrs. Glew still does all her own housework, but, because of ill health suffered a year ago, she is unable to continue taking an active part in women's clubs. Always active in the work of the United Church, she taught Sun- day School for years at Ontario Street United Church. She also served as president of the Wo- man's Association 'for four cliff- J. S. Scruton Oils - Greases - Gasoline Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 3'77 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR Mr. and Mrs. W, P, Cole, High- land Park, Mich, have been re-. newing acquaintances in town and vicinity the past few days. Miss Betty Courtice and George Black, Hamilton, were Vests of the former's aunts, Misses Hattie and Sybil Courtice, last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. S, Atkey plan to leave Clinton Friday afternoon for Arnprior where the former has purchased The Chronicle. Mrs. T. H. Atkinson, Vancouver, B.C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Thompson, Bayfield Line, and Mrs. J. Huller, Holmesville, Mr, and Mrs, Glen Cornish and Mr. and Mrs, Fletcher Townsend visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. McFadden, Cookstown, over the weekend. Mr. Robert Hanley, who has been with Westinghouse, of „Ham- ilton, has moved to Niagara Falls to work for the Ontario Hydro Commission. Mrs, Clarence Cooper, Miss Barbara Hattin, Mrs. Maitland Falconer, returned Sunday after a week's holiday in Detroit, where they visited relatives, Mrs. Norman Tyndall and son Arthur, together with Mr. and Mrs. Carver, Detroit, are spend- ing a month at Calgary and other points in Western Canada. Misses Hattie and Sybil Cour- tice were in Hamilton over the weekend, and on Saturday atten- ded the Courtice Picnic at Port Perry on Lake Scugog. Mrs. Fred Tisdale and Mrs. Dav- id McNutt, Toronto, and Heming- ford, Que., daughters of Mrs. M. D, IVIeTaggart are visiting their mother at her home in town. 7 Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George B, Beattie at their lake- side home have been the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. arid Mrs. Jack Beattie, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Paterson, Wiarton; Miss Edith Paterson, Hamilton; and Brenton Hellyar, London. (Additional Personals on Page 1) erent terms, was president of the Girls' Club of the church, and a noble grand of Huronle Rebekah lodge. In these various organ- izations she gave freely of her time and talents, often reciting and acting in plays. Her husband, who is active in IOOF lodge work, still owns 100 acres of farm land. A sportsman at heart, he spends his leisure time fishing in a spring creek and hunting in a "wonderful hard- wood bush." The couple have a family of one daughter, Mrs, 4 (Lillian) Orpen; and two sons, Harold and William, both of Clinton. There are nine grandchildren. Mr. Glew has ;two brothers, Chad Glew, Seaforth, and Henry Glew, Hul- lett Township; and four • sisters, Mrs. E. G. Williams, Goderich; Mrs. R. W. McKenzie, Clinton; Mrs. W. Bentley, Toronto; and Mrs. W. J. Biggart, Clinton, who was bridesmaid at the wedding 50 years ago*. Mrs. Glew has two sisters still living, Mrs. S. A. Archibald, Peterborough, and Mrs. William Smithers, Toronto. Both celebrants attribute their long happy married life to hard work and "being agreeable about it." The couple had a double cause for happiness on the anniversary day, as it also marked the 19th wedding anniversary of their only daughter, Mrs. Orpen, and her husband. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oxpen for the occasion of their anniversary and the golden wedding of Mrs. Orpen's parents included: Mrs. S. A. Archibald, Peterborough; Mrs. Smithers,William Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Williams,4 God- erich; Mr. and Mrs. Chad Glew, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Biggart, Exeter; and Mr. and Mrs, James Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glew, both of Hullett Township._ MINTON nws-amoTto .Engegements Announced Mr. and Mrs. Oliver M. Po- cock, Clinton, announce the cu., gegeraeut ,of their youngest daughter, Eileen June, to Leon- ard Eric Bowman, Jervis, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Bowman, Arthur, the marriage to take place early in August. 30.-p MARRIAGES BEGIN CRAWFORD In st. Andrew's Presbyterian manse, Clinton, on Saturday, July 5, 1952, by Rev. D, J. Lane, Bar- bara Anderson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ttomas Crawford, Toronto, to Claude Begin, Lac Megantic, Quebec, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Begin, Lac Megantic. HEELS-MOON — In Centennial United Church, Dovercourt Road, Toronto, on Friday, June 27, 1952, Olive Albina Grace, daughter of George Moon, Londesboro, and the late Mrs. Moon, to Lorne Crawford Heels, son of Mrs. Harry Heels, Or- illia, and the late Mr. Heels. LAVERGNE-McDONALD—In St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on Saturday morning, July 5, 1952, by' Rev. 3, L. O'Rourke; Marie Jane, daughter of Mrs. Albert Mad- dochs, Barrie, and the late lico- bert McDonald, to Gerard La- vergne, Wingham, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Leonard La- vergne, Sarcefield. LEVEY-PROUSE — In Victoria United Church parsonage, God- erich, on Saturday, June 14, 1952, by Rev. D. W. Williams, Mary Evelyn, youngest daugh- ter of Mrs. W. Prouse, Gode- rich, and the late Wilbert Prouse, to' Wilbert Norman Levey, only son of A, C. Levey and the late Mrs. Levey, Tuck- ersmith Township. McKNIGHT-NOBLE—In Auburn Baptist Church, by Rev. J. E. Ostrom, Clinton, Beryl Maxine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max- well Noble, Rothsay, to John Kenneth McKnight, Woodstock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc- Knight, Auburn. NICHOLLS-MeEWEN—In Trin- ity Anglican Church, Hayfield, on Saturday, June 28, 1952, by Rev. H. J. E. Webb, Doris Margaret, •daughter of Mrs. Mc- Ewen., Bayfield, and the late Frederick W. McEwen, to Ralph William Nicholls, Ph.D., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nicholls, Hove, Sussex, England. SMITH-HENRY----In St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich, on Tuesday, June 24, 1952, by Rev. B. H. Farr, Adeline Mae, dau- ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henry, to Hubert Smith, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, J. H, Smith, Woodville. VALKENBURG-GREYDANUS — In St. Andrew's Church, Clin- ton, on Tuesday, July 1, 1952, , by Rev. J. Glitter, Dutch Christian Reform Church, Lon- don, Jantje, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Greydanus, Clin- ton, to Albert Valkenburg, Clinton, son of Mrs. Valken- burg, Veenendaal, Holland, and the late P. Valkenburg. YOUNGBLUT-MARSHALL — In 'Blyth United Church, on Sat- urday, June 28, 1952, by Rev. C. J. Scott, Margaret Frances, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall, 131ytha to Harry Donald Youngblut, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Youngblut, Auburn. 0 Mr. and Mrs. W: S. Macaulay, Sarnia; Mrs. E. E. Brown, Petrol- ia, visited Mrs. Wm. Shaddick last week, Mrs. Brown is- staying with her sister f o a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Gilmore and son, Williy.rn, were called to Ottervillenast week owing to the' sudden death of thd former's father, the late Claude Gilmore. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hanes, Ot- tawa, and children, Dawna, Bobbie and Laurie, spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. Hanes' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lock- wood. PAGE .POUR, „T lassissasnissi .issessommsisyssassossus PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glew Mark Golden Wedding Anniversary WANTED TO BUY Wardrobe- Trunk Must be in Good Condition TODAY $145.00 TOMORROW $140. 1 only—Four-burner "Beach" Essotane Range with warming oven,, Reg. at $200.00. only-9.5 cu. ft. Racine Refrigerator, 5-year guarantee. Reg. at $367,00 Today $312.00 These major appliances reduced $5.00 daily until • Watch our window for a real buy, but don't wait too long! BALL & MUTCH HARDWARE and FURNITURE Phone 195 Clinton Phone Clinton 558W 28-b Holiday .' Luggage LADIES' MATCHED SETS from 24.05 FIBRE SUITCASES in 5 sizes from 3.69 CANVAS SPORT BAGS of, all sizes. Budget Priced! SEE THEM - -...•••••••,. Aiken's Luggage and Shoes 444....+44-44÷44-44-.4444-44-4 Huron St. Baptist Church Minister—REV. 3. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.—Worship "Saved from Defilement" 12.00 noon--Bible School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service Pentecostal Church Victoria St. K. L. SWEIGARD. Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p,m.—Gospel Service Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Young People's Tuesday, 8 p.m,—Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11 a.m.—Morning Worship "A Delegation That Came to Jesus" 11.20—Primary School 12.15—Church School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise "Following our Inclination" "Conte to the House 'of Prayer" 'Dutch Reformed Church Holland Service-2.30 p.m. , at the Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter Mr. C. M. EEL1VIAN, Exeter 13ox 386 Gospel Hall Maple Street, one block east of Albert Street, north of Par-Knit 111.416.* 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 10.45 a.m.—Communion Service 8.00 p.m.--Gospel Meeting— Speaker Mr. John Martin; Mr. Martin is lecturing on the journeyings of the children of Israel. from Egypt to Canaan. Tuesday, 8.00 p,m,—Prayer meet- ing and Bible Study. Come and Bring Your Friends St. Andrew=s Presbyterian Church REV. D. 3, LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader 10.30 aern—ChurchSchool 11.15 am, Divine 'Worship All Anglicans and {Presby- terians "Seeing and Knowing God" 9.45 a.m.—Knox Church, Hay- field. All people are welcome to wor- ship with us, St. Paul's Anglican Church REV, FLIVI. P. BlILTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader During July the congregation will be guests of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, The Word of Life in Living Language Revised Standard Version of the HOLY BIBLE Coming September 30 To be sure of the first edition on publication day, place your advance order now at — SC Andrew's Church Holds SS Picnic The people, old and young, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Con- gregation will hold their congre- gational picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield on Wednesday, July 16. Cars will leave the church on Rat- tenbury Street, at 2 p.m., and all desiring transportation have been requested to meet at the church, not later than 2 o'clock. The transportation arrangerhents are in charge of a committee consist- ing of Royce Macaulay, Dick Jac- ob, Howard Cowan and G. W. Nott. Lunch is to be brought by all attending this annual outing, Our Saturday Special From Our Store Only— DATE AND NUT CAKE— Reg. 35c . , for 28c