HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-07-10, Page 1Home of RCAF Station into THE NEW ERA-88th YEAR eco THE NEWS-RECORD-72nd YEAR y. gill -6C Copy $2,50 a Year SOUGHT RE BAYFIELD ROAD 2,126 Copies A Week Na. 27 and 28—The Hanle Paper With the News CI„INTON, ONTARIO; THURSDAY, Nor' 10, 1952 manager of the construction firm, Both the RCAF and Clinton Fire Brigades responded and kept the fire under control. In the meantime, however the ceilings• of two rooms were badly damaged and the flames spread up the par- titions to the third floor. Heavy damage was caused by smoke to the newly decorated quartets where workmen had been putting finishing toucheart An inciniry was commenced',into the cause of the fire by Central Mortgage and Housing Corpera- tion arid the contractors. Mr. \and Mrs. Wesley Young with Robert and Deborah, Ottawa, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. VVa J. Plumsteel. Mr. Young is stat- ioned at° Rockcliffe. Mrs. Yq'ung is Mrs. Plumsteel's niece. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Lidwell, Montreal, Que., spent the holiday weekend at the home of Mrs. Lid- well's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Glew. a Mrs. Glew, who had been visiting her son-in-law and daughter there, returned With them. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Kingston, Molly and Johnny, Seattle, Wash., arrived Monday and are spending the summer with Dr. Kingston's parents in London and with Mrs. Kingston's brother-fin-law and sis- ter, Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Snell, Exeter, and with Mrs. Kingston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. PlUm- steel. The Kingstons motored from Seattle. , Determined to raise some mon- ey to help ehe artificial ice fund, a small group of girls staged a back-yard carnival at one of the girl's homes last week. Lemonade and pop corn were sold and for- tunes were told in a small tell on the lawn. Those who were in charge of the various booths were Mary Ann Newcombe, Pat Pegg, Pat Irwin, Eleanor Picot, Gloria Rumball, Sharon Cook, Ruth Ann Moore, Ellen Pickle. The girls wish to thank all those who help- ed in any way to make their car- nival such a success. Canadians who • attendedeeebe Lobb reunion picnic at Maryland Park, Port Huron, on July 5th, in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Lobb, Marie, Gerald and Joan; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holland, Harvey and Keith; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jervis; ,Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lobb; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lobb, Bruce and Murray Lobb, of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Henderson and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson, Barbara, Janet and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Step- hens, Grant, David, Ruth and Shirley, all of Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Snyder, Woodstock. (Additional Personals on Page 4) • COMING EVENTS Rummage Sale, Town Hall, Bayfield, 8 p.m., Tuesday, July 15. Donations received at 10 a.m. Benefit: Pioneer Park As- sociation. 28-b Monster Bingo! Tueselay, July 15, 9 p.m. 15 regular games, $20 each; three specials, $50, $75, $125, plus last special jackpot. Mitchell District Memorial Ar- ena. Proceeds for Arena Fund. 28-b Everyone enjoys dancing at the popular Crystal Palace Ball- room, Mitchell, every Friday night to the music of Don Robert- son and his Ranch Boys. 28-29-p Gordon R. Hearn, optometrist, will be in Clinton at the home of Mrs. B. C. Hearn, Huron Street, on Friday (tomorrow), July 11. 28-b It was a great day for Goderich Township when ex-Reeve and rs. James Russell Stirling cele- brated their golden wedding an- iversary. Friends kept arrive ng all day from far and near, nd were greeted with the well- •-•-•••-•-••-•-•-•-• • •-•-•+•-••-•-•-•4- trbe etOttinin=== ITH SOME OF THE MAGIC ith which Santa Claus brings ifts on Christmas Eve . . and obins find their way back in the pring . . . Clintonians who went ut of town yesterday afternoon or their weekly half holiday, ame back to streets freshly ainted with white lines and "No asking" signs .. . They have a achine to do it? . . No, the arkings are put on by some- rie in a bent-over position, ielding a large brush in a strong and . . . The painters were no oubt grateful for the cooler reezes of yesterday . . . * * EMBERS OF THE PATROL orps, who stood at corners and rossings in all weathers to help then youngsters cross in safety n their way to "echoed-, Wave ,urned in their white belts and hite capes for their summer acation . . . At a presentation taged Tuesday evening, each ember of the Corps was given pocket knife with chain, in ap- reciation of a job well done, by obert N. Irwin . . Then they ere taken to Clayton's Ice ream Bar with Chief of Police oseph Ferrand, and enjoyed a ood feed of ice cream and pop ugh Colquhoun, Billy German, elvin Jervis, captain; a n d "Butch" MacLaren, Court Judge, are going to high school in Sept- ember and so will need to be replaced from the ranks of public school pupils . . . Those remain- ing in the Corps are Kenneth Livermore, Court Clerk; Terry Wood, Bert Clifford, Clayton Groves, Stephen Brown, Douglas Mann, and Frank "Sticker" Glew. THE WEATHER 1952 1951 High Low High Low une 26 92 65 75 47 27 75 56 '73 60 28 85 57 82 55 29 83 62 78 58 30 78 61 73 59 July 1 85 58 73 5'7 2 88 61 '77 50 3 89 68 78 51 4 82 61 81 62 5 84 53 80 52 6 88 54 '73 49 7 89 64 82 51 8 89 67 83 64 9 70 56 80 65 Rain 1.29 ins. Rain 1.23 ins. known Stirling hospitality. The happy couple were the re- cipients of many gifts and con- gratulatory messages, including those from Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent, Provincial Secretary Arthur Welsh, Thomas Pyde, MLA fo Huron,' and A. Y. Mc- Lean, MP for Huron-Perth. Married at Bayfield The couple were married by the late. Rev. John McNeil of Bay- field on June 26, 1902, and follow- ing their marriage they farmed 120 acres on concession 6, Gode- rich Township. Being progressive at their work, more land was bought, and at one time 500 acres were worked, including a consid- erable amount of fruit-farming. Born in Township Mr. Stirling was born Septem- ber 8, 1874, on concession 6, Gode- rich Township, a son of the late William Stirling, who emigrated to Canada from Forfarshire, Scot- land, and Margaret Russell Stirl- ing of Porter's Hill, Goderich Township. His• father, one of God- erich Township's earliest settlers, walked all the way from Hamil- ton, beating the team of oxen, to Rattenbury's Corners (now Clin- ton), which boasted of only one house at that time. A daughter of the late John Torrance and Mary Reid Tor- rance, natives of Glasgow, Scot- land, Mrs. Stirling (Margaret Lockhart :Terrance) was born at Porter's. Hill, June 25, 1882. Mr. Stirling holds the distinc- tion of having served the rate- payers of Goderich Township for the longest time. For 20 years he acted as a trustee of the old Gully school on concession 4, until it closed, and for the same period he served as commissioner and later president of the Goderich Town- hip Telephone System. On the Township Council, he served as councillor for five years, and as reeve for one year. With a real Scotch twinkle in his eye, he ad- mitted that he was, in fact,' the only Liberal reeve in history to represent that township of Tories on the Huron County Council. The oldest farm organization in the county, the Huron County Fruit Growers' Association, can claim him as an original and present member, who has served as its president for three years. His wide and valuable experience in his own fruit-farming led him to be appointed by the provincial government,, back in the days of Mitchell Hepburn, as an inspector of fruit orchards, a post he held for five years. During this time he named every tree in all the certified orchards in Huron County and part of Bruce County. His wide interest in conserva- tion and reforestation, today, is quite evident in the 27,000 trees, pine, maple, and ash, he has plant- ed on 87 acres of his land near the Bayfield Road. Gifted with a fine voice in what he calls "his younger days", this highly esteemed resident sang (Continued on Page Ten) Fire, believed to have started in the electric wiring installation, caused extensive damage to one of the new officers' barrack blocks at RCAF Station Tuesday, The building was to have been handed over to the RCAF by .the contractors—R. Timms Construc- tion and Engineering Limited— next Tuesday. This will be de, layed until necessary repairs are made. The blaze was noticed by a workman shortly after 4 p.m., on the main floor, and the alarm was turned in by R. B. Sutter, office Mr. and Mrs. Lyle G. Linden, Mary and John, Leamington, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkins. Mary and John are, remaining for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Dres. Beck and little son Gary, Greenwood, N.S., who spent the last two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. Huller 'and other relatives, left for their home on Tuesday., Visitors with Mrs. Geo. Connell last week were Mrs. Charles Whit- man, sister of Mrs. Geo. Connell and Mr. and Mrs. Harold and two children; Miss Patricia Rosier, from Lansing, Mich, Mrs. George Crooks has return- ed to her home in Delhi after spending some time with Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Aiken. Mrs. Rita Aiken, Toronto, is with Mr. and Mrs. Aiken this week. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGill over the weekend were: Mr. A. H. Nethery, Sarnia; Mr, and Mrs. G. N. McGill, Hamilton; Mr. G. A. Nethery, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. McGill, Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Roy and Miss Eunice Roy arrived home Sunday afternoon after attending the annual 'convention of Lions International in Mexico City, Mexico. Mr. Roy was a delegate of Clinton Lions Club. Visitors with Mrs. W. Jones, Rattenbury Street, on July 1, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones, Art Jones and friend, London; liras. Lorna Murray, and Miss Marjorie Murray and Ray Mac- Namara, all of Stratford. Mrs. Mary Sperling is a pat- ient in Clinton Hospital having been brought here Wednesday afternoon in the Beattie Ambu- lance from Collingwood, where she suffered a partial stroke while visiting her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Orpen, en- tertained Mr. and— Mrs. James Archibald, Peterborough, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Orpen, Toronto, on the weekend. Mrs. S. A. Arch- ibald who had visited there ,the week previous, returned to Peter- borough with her son. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper were holidaying in Port Colborne the past week with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Percy Elliott, going by way of London to attend the wedding on. June 28, of their grandson, Robert Cooper, son of the late Cecil Cooper, Lon- don. A. T. Lucas was happily sur- prised Tuesday, July 1, by a visit from some of his grandchildren, Mr. •and Mrs. Roy Cockburn, and little son Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Lucas, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lucas and little daughter, Sandra, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas, Brantford. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Der- yin Carter last week were their son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Mewhort, and family, Lake Cowichan, B.C., Lloyd Car- ter, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCool, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meadows, 'Windsor. Huron North Riding Joins Huron-Perth In New "Huron" Successful Social Held at Brucefield Held indoors because of a threat of rain during the afternoon, Brucefield Chicken and Straw- berry Social-was held in the base- ment of the church on Thursday evening, June 26. Three tables under the manage- ment of Mrs. Abe Zapfe and Mrs. Alex Paterson; Mrs. Chesney and Mrs. Lorne Finlayson; Mrs. David Triebner and Mrs. Elgin Thomson, were prettily decorated' with a variety of flowers arranged in low bouquets. After a bounteous supper a program was held in the auditor- "ium of the church. Rev. W. J. Maines was chairman and enter- tainers. were: James Scott, Tenor, and Fred Willis, baritone, Sea- forth; Miss Elaine Taylor, soloist; Mrs. Alex ManBeath, (piano), Mrs. Alton Johnston (organ), and Miss Eva Stackhouse (violin), trio; Mrs. J. R. Murdock, pianist. Payment of Accounts Urged at Once Due to the change in own- ership of The NEW S- RECORD, the management requests that all accounts for advertising, commercial print- ing, and subscriptions owing at the present time, be settled at the earliest opportunity. Final accounts have been mailed within the past few days. Thank you! 0 Three-Year-Old. Child Rescued From Drowning Picnic at Goderich The first annual picnic of the Clintonian Club, of Clinton, of the Mary Hastings Club, was at- tended by about 50 adults and 30 children on Friday, June 2'7. The Clinton club is one of two new clubs formed this year in Western Ontario. It was an enth- usiastic group which enjoyed the afternoon in Harbor Park, Goderich, overlooking Lake Huron. Arthur la, Cartier, public rela- tions officer of The London Free Press, brought greetings from Mary Hastings and congratulated the club on, its outstanding picnic. Mrs. Ronald MacDonald is president; Mrs. Thomas Deeves was registrar. A full program of sports was under a committee comprising Mr's. H. Managhan, Mrs. H. John- ston, Mrs. Ron Abbott and Mrs. H. Sloman. Winners Listed Children's races—Stephen Smith, Douglas Smith, Clinton; Reg. Smith, Clinton; Teddy Abbott, Clinton. Ladies' paper bag race— Mrs. W. Colciough's group, Clinton; guessing beans in a jar, Mrs. R. Grand, London; life-saver and toothpick race, Mrs. C. Nelson's group; pass the parcel race, Mrs. G. Taylor, Clinton; lady with most money in her purse, Mrs. Goddard, Goderich. Needle and thread race, Mrs. H. Tyndall and Mrs. W. Colclough Clinton; throwing the rolling pin, Mrs. R. Abbott, Clinton; Mrs. Violet Habgood was winner of a centre piece, the draw being made by Mr. Cartier. Brisk bidding and plenty of fun featured an auction sale of articles, with Mrs. M. Wiltse as auctioneer. One of the interesting exhibits Actien leading toward the re- surfacing of the Bayfield Road, from Middleton's Corners to Bay- field, is being sought by an inter- ested group of citizens of Goder- ich Township, Bayfield and Cline, ton, To this end, the following peti- tion is being circulated in the above municipalities: "We, the undersigned, hereby petition the Good Roads Commit-, tee of the County of Huron to hard-surface the remaining por- tion of the Bayfield Road at the earliest possible date. In its pres- ent condition, this road is a dis- grace to the County, a menace to human life, and a detriment to the tourist trade of Clinton and Bay- field." Has Good Support The lead in the matter is being taken by Coun. Arnold Rathwell and Ross Middleton, Goderich Township residents, with the sup- port of various organizations such as the Lions Clubs of Clinton and Bayfield, Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce, Clinton Town Council, and Bayfield Vil- lage Trustees. It is planned to take the matter before the July meeting of Clinton Town Council Monday evening next, when a deputation will be on. hand to press the. matter. Distance involved is saidato about four miles from Middleton to Highway '21 at Bayfield. So bad has the road become be- tween Middleton and the turn two miles farther west that accidents are occurring occasioning property damage, The other night, a car struck a hole in the road, went into the ditch, and was damaged extensively. There has been very little maintenance this year. Leaders of the movement claim that property owners in the area are not holding up the county in the' purchase of land necessary to straighten the road. They also are wondering why, during the recent County Council tour of the county road system, the party did not travel over this important section of the system. Earl R. Fuller Loses Life in Accident On Township Road Earl R. Fuller, 32, Goderich Township, was fatally injured on Tuesday morning, July 1, when his car went out of control, po- lice believed, on loose• gravel on concession 6, of Goderich Town- ship. He was found pinned under his wrecked car about 6.30 p.m. by a neighboring farmer, Murdock Wilson, who saw the car from his laneway when he was on his way to work. Mr. Fuller was a grain trimmer at the Goderich elevators and worked late unloading the barge Portadoc. He left about 12.30 ac- companied by another employee, 'Carl Sowerby, whom he took to his home on concession 4, then ' continued on his way home. Coroner Dr. W. F. Gallow said no inquest would be held. Mr. Fuller is survived by his wife, the former Phyllis Minim; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuller, Goderich Township;, a sis- ter, Mrs. James McMillan, Gode- rich Township, Funeral service was conducted by Rev. M. G. Newton, Holmes- vine, at Lodge funeral home, Goderich, Thursday last, and in- terment took place in Maitland Cemetery. was a pair of lacy cotton knitted stockings worn by president, Mrs. MacDonald, 40 years ago, and made by her grandmother, Mrs. John Glousher. Fire Threatens New Building at RCAF Petitions are Planned To Road Committee -MR. AND MRS JA MES IL STIRLING —Photo by MacLaren's Studio Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stirling Mark 50th Anniversary Summer Travellers Two Western Ontario Federal ridings currently held by Pro- gressive Conservatives — Huron North and Haldimand — have been erased. Affected by mergers and boun- dary changes are eight district- ridings, the constituencies of Hu- ron North, Huron-Perth, Welling- ton North, Wellington South, Bruce, Brant-Wentworth, Heidi- mend, Brantford. Left untouched are Simcoe North, Grey North, Grey-Bruce, Dufferin-Simcoe, Lincoln, Water- loo North and Waterloo South. L. E. Cardiff's riding of Huron North,' or most of it, is being lumped in with most of Huron- Perth in a new constituency to be known simply as Huron. Mr. Cardiff protested the Hu- ron-Perth changes on the basis that if the government was deter- mined to eliminate one seat in the area, it could have done so by remaining within the confines of Huron, in short, Huron-Perth. The member said he would have had' no complaints if addi- tions had been, made to his Huron North riding. Instead of that, the Government had chopped off parts of Huron North, distributed them elsewhere, and then added in parts of Perth County. Mr. Cardiff said Huron North was not traditionally Conserva- tive; that he had won election only through the support of Lib- erals. In 1949 Prime Minister St. Laurent had gone into the riding in an effort to beat him. Because of the fact that the Liberals had not been successful, they now sought to gerrymander him out of a riding. If the committee had paid any attention to members of the Op- position, who had suggested that the boundary be held within the County of Huron, there would have been no fuss at all, said Mr. Cardiff. But when it was decided to bring in parts of Perth, for no other reason than that of political advantage, then he thought it was high time to protest. 0 RCAF Man'Killed East of Cornwall Last Saturday, on Highway 2, 24 miles east of Cornwall, AC1 John Marceau, 18, RCAF Station, Clinton, was killed, when his car crashed into a furniture truck. His companion in the car, AC1 Tremblay, also an airman at the R&C School received minor in- juries. Marceau was on 30 days leave, and was on his way to spend the I same, at his home in Lac Megan- tic, Quebec. He left Clinton Stat- ion on Friday evening. A near-drowning occurred on Saturday afternoon at the beach below the cement steps when Crystal, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Shore, Stratford, was noticed floating on the water by an older sister, who carried her to shore to her par- ents, and. then ran for help as no one on the beach knew how to apply artificial expiration, Dr. W. J. Tillmann answered an emergency call and soon had the child breathing. He took her up to his cottage, wrapped her in blankets and then advised the par- ents to take her right home. In the meantime an appeal to Goderich for a pulmotor was an- swered by P. C. Rose of the God- erich Detachment and Fireman Gordon Bannister of the Goderich Fie Department, who arrived here with the life-saving apparatus in exactly seven minutes. a Clintonian Club Holds Public School Examination Results Announced For Clinton and RCAF RCAF STATION The following is the public echool report for A/V/M Hugh Campbell Public School, RCAF t Station, Clinton, as released by A. Trott, principal. All names are in alphabetical rder. Promoted from Grade 8 to rade 9, Gordon Chambers, Don- ald Craig. Grade 7 to Grade 8: Robert ameron, Francis Hulton, Dianne filer, Penny Williams; Grade 6 to Grade 7: Carol arkley, Robert Randall, Grade 5 to Grade 6: Teddy Ab- ott, John Barkley, Bonnie Burns, illy Carpenter, Eddie Chambers, Samuel Jenkins, Merle Knob- uch, David Lamb, Gloria Lamb, immy Powell, Pamela Wall. —C. A. Trott, Principal Grade 4 to Grade 5: Sandra bbott. Brent Barkley, Karon, Campbell, Kenneth Campbell, obert Carey, Duncan Craig, Ann dwards, Dale Gattinger, Wayne raharn, Irvine Haines, Gerald atch, Sandra McLean, Barry ennell, Robert Rutherford, Rod Rutherford, Sandra Wall, Gwyn- th Patterson, Alan Mineault. Grade 3 to Grade 4: Cynthia Bury, Wendy Carpenter, Sandra Crabb, Karen Forrest, Gail Ham- ilton ' Frances Hoult, Mary Hut- ton, John MacLennan, Ray Mac- Lennan, Clifford Mills, Jimmy Pfaff, — Maitland Edgar, teacher. Grade 2 to Grade 3: Nancy Brown, JOhn Campbell, Nina Lee Colwill, Patriek Cook, Caron Gate finger, Billy Graham, George lre wife Ian Laneuette, Gail Magin, Karon MacKay, Kenny MacKay (CP), Michael McLernon, William Miller, Kathryn Mitchell, Mary Lou Munson, Tommy Randall, Aileen Stooke, Donnie Strachan. —Doreen McGuire, teacher Grade 1 tq Grade 2: Robert Babin, Michael Bate, Gayle Brown, Terry Butler, Gene Camp- bell, Janet Cotton, Allan Ed- wards, Gordon English, Lynn Evans, John Gregorchuk, Mary Lyn Henderson, Lyn Johnston, Leslie Lanouette, Patsy Leslie, Jennette MacLean, Larry Mc- Court, Tommy Manderson, Jim- my Michaud, Terry Michaud, Ed- ward Moors, Kenny Moore, Billy Ringrose, Dianne Robitaille, Sherry Smith, Joy Turnbull, Boyd Wood. —Mrs.\ Margaret Chambers, teacher. Kindergarten to Grade 1: Janie Bangs, Dale Bate, Allan Brown, Suzanne Bury, Blake Forrest, Penny Hack, Roberta Hope, Free- die Lamb, Janis MacKay, Jane McLernon, Bonnie Miller, Joanne Munson, David Potts, Dennis Randall, Jill Turnbull, Linda Wood, Gary Zeto, Marilyn Bark- ley, Rickey Bennett, Brian Boyd, John Burns, Dwayne Carter, Lilslie Cooke, Patricia Johnston, David Powell, Shirley Mandela son, Denise Robitaille, Judith Stooke, Joanne Strachan, Mary Kelly, Judith Sturgiss. -Clara M, Clark, teacher CLINTON Promoted from Kindergarten to Grade 1 Bates, Beverley Beck, Lynn Brown, Susan Brpwn, Laurie Colquhoun, Steven Cooke, John Cooper, Barbara Ann Corey, Mel- vin Crich, Patricia' Cudmore, Douglas Currie, Betty Jo Deeves, Jeffrey Dixon, Barbara Draper, Lynn Ferrier, Douglas Fremlin, Robert Glazier, Randal Glew, Richard Grigg, Ralph Haywood, Susan Henley, James Hoy, Bryan Lavis, Robert Lee, Sharon Ann Lee, Brian Lochhead, Cameron MacDonald, Garry McKay, Larry MacKay, Barbara Arm McMillan, Borden McRae, Gordon Moodie, Kenneth Murch, JoAnne Murphy, Larry O'Connell, Nancy Olde, Shirley Ann Pickel, Elaine Rum- ball, Bernard Scott, John Slater, Kenneth Smith, Correen Snell, Peter Staniforth, Barbara Ann Swan, Donald Swan, Sandra Switzer, Sharon Ann Switzer, Sharlene Turner, Kenneth Vand- erburgh, Heather Winter. —Bessie L. Falconer, teacher Promoted from Grade 1 to Grade 2 Bayne Boyes, Gregory Brandon (CP), Karen Butler, William Chambers, Sharon Dales, Morris Darling, Sylvia Fitzsimons, Mary` Gilbank, Robert Gray, Wieppie Griedanus, Connie Hoy, Lloyd Hoy, Faye Johnston, Irene Kerr, Robert Livermore, Douglas Mac- alley, Nina MacDonald, Sharon Martin, Marie Matwyuk, Camp- bell McAlpine, Wendy Kay Mc- Gee, Garnet Picot, Garth Picot, Wayne Rumig, David de Putter, Lynne Shipley, Robert Trick, Gwendolyn Vanderburgh, Mug- las Wells. -Audrey Jervis, teacher Promoted from Grade 2 to Grade 3 Marie Andrews, Jeanne Ashton, Teddy Bezzo, Elaine Brown„ Pat- J ricia Carter, Denise Ciceri, Don- nie Colquhoun, Bruce Cooper, George Counter, Dianne Cud- , more, Raymond Garon, Joanne Glow, Merlyn Hough, Jean Kit- chen, 'Benny Koldyk, Freddie Livermore, Carol Plumsteel, Charles Snell. Promoted from Grade 1 to Grade 2 Michael Cowan, Joanne Cud- more, Gloria Glazier, Margaret Gliddon, William Hamilton, Ed- gar Hough, Reid Jamieson, Kath- arine Kennedy, Sandra. Lee, Rose- mary MacDonald, Nancy Schoen- hals, John Turner, • Terrence Warner. —Grace Goodfellow, teacher Promoted from Grade 2 to Grade 3 Robert Addison, Teddy Bridle, Denis Charbonneatt, Derma Chur- chill, Craig Cox, Roy Crich, Barry Elliott, Donna Fleming, Donald Freeman, Donalda Freeman, Don- ald FrernIin, Kenneth Johnston, Shirley Kyle, Barbara Ladd, John McDonald, Douglas Mair, Diane Murphy, Bobby Ostrom, Nancy Scruton, Carol Sims, Gerda Skov, Connie Smith, Janet Smith, Ruth i Steinburg, Jan Stryker, Bobbie Thompson, Billy Vodden, Kaye Watkins, Penny Wood. —E. M. Jefferson, teacher Promoted ,from Grade 4 to Grade Charlet Baeliff, Norma Bane nett, Foikert Bartuna, Sibyl Cattle, Arnold Crick Wayne Ebbett, etvard Edwards, Peter Garon, Djoke Griedanus, Lois Habkirk, Ronald Livermore, Bobby Miller, Ellen Pickel, Paul Pickett, Eric Schellenberger, Margaret Steinburgh, Ann Trott, Juanita Vanderburgh, Carol Wil- liams, Jane Wood, Promoted from Grade 3 to Grade 4 Barry Chamhers, Donald Cud- more, David Cunningham, Freddie Edwards, Jimmie McDonald, Bill Murney, Michael Murphey, Ger- ald Shaddick, Joan Thomas, Dwight Williams, —Barbara A. Churchill, teacher Promoted from Grade 3 to Grade 4 Allen Ball, Janet Batkin, Ruth Ann Batkin, Beverley Beattie, Wilma Billings, Christine Bridle, Geert Buruma, Alan Cochrane, Mary Jean Colquhoun, Susan Corless, Beth Cudmore, Roger Cummings, Marion Dale, Sally Deeves, Paul Draper, Lillian East, Gary Freeman, Helen Free- man, Ralph Glew (CP), Wayne Grigg, Bonnie Hamilton, Carolyn Hoy, LeRoy Hugill, John Jacob, Bill Jamieson, Joan Kyle, Joan Livermore, Mary Macaulay, Nancy MacDonald, Bobby Mar- shall,Gail Orpen, Effie Plum- steel, Sher , Tommy Sharp, June Steep, 3 Donald Scruton, Janet Sharp, Bonnie Tomason, Carolyn Vand- erburgh, Patricia Varaleau, Bobby Watkins, Silty Wild. —L. E. Johnston, teacher Promoted from Grade'5 to Grade6 Sandra Addison, Sylvia Bell, Sherry Cochrane, Barbara Henry, Donald Hugill, Patricia Irwin', Mary Elizabeth Lavis, Murray McEwan, Ruth Ann, Moore, Mary Ann Newcombe, Patricia Pegg, Eleanor Picot, Gloria Rumball, Joan Sharp, John Sharp, Billy Trick. Promoted from Grade 4 to Grade Dianne Campbell,5 Susan Cann, Ronnie Clifford, Jimmy Dales, Billy "Falconer, Wilfred Fremlin, Ralph Holland, Linda Jervis, Gabe Koldyk, Lewis Ling, Barrie MacLaren, Bobby McCann, Robert Newton, Wayne Stanley, Ken VanRiesen. —Francis Hiusser, teacher Promoted from Grade '7 to Grade 8 Douglas Batkin, Charles East, Vivian Edwards, JoAnne English, Ronald Hugill, Dale Jasper, Gor- don Jenkins, Lois Kennedy, Gayle McGhee, Helen McKay, Marilyn Miller, Karen Moodie, Donna Moore, Bobby Tideswell, Sharon Thompson. Promoted from Grade 6 to Grade '1 David 'Beattie, Douglas Cart- wright, Calista Counter, Kenneth Cummings, Kenneth Currie, Sibyl Ctossman, Barbara Jones, Murray Lee, Wayne McGhee, Katherine McLay, Carol Millson, Nancy Newton, George Meet, Darlene? Stanley, Murray Stanley, Gordon Swan, Phyllis Vodden. —E. M, Jamieson, teacher Promoted from Grade 6 to Grade 7 Zane )3atkin, Jacob J3ururnao Dianne Cooper, Ross Cudmore, Robert Date, Marion Dales, Wile barn Edwards (CP), Elizabeth Falconer, Lois Falconer, Clayton Groves, Virginia Hoy, Mary Ladd, Reta Lee, Mary Livermore, James Managhan, William Martin, Gayle Murray, Audrey MacDonald, Kenneth Steep (CP), Elizabeth Stevens. Promoted from Grade 5 to Grade 6 Elaine Ball, Irene Batkin, Ro- bert Billings, Catherine Carter, Emily Collins, Sharon Cook, Gloria Cooper, Gerald Cox (CP), Ronald Cunningham (CP), Larry Daw, Robert •Emmerson (CP), Susan Jasper, Kenneth. Knights, Patrick Kyle, Donna Laycox, Gloria Newman, Gary Neff, Al- vin Parker, Paul Schoenhals, Margaret Skov, Elizabeth Stryk- er. —C. O. Martin, teacher, Promoted from Grade 7 to Grade 8 Cameron Addison, Beverley Boyes, Stephen Brown, Akke Buruma, Cecil Carrick (CP), Bert Clifford, Shirley Dales, Janet EL. liott, Ruth Glazier, Frank Glew, Joan Ladd, Kenneth Livermore, Douglas Mann, Donna Sharp, Terry Wood, Promoted from Grade 8 to Grade 9 Jimmy Carter, Jean Adams, Hugh Colquhoun; Jacques Ezldi- guer, Billy German, Theresa Guetter, John Holmes, Marlene Hunter, Kelvin Jervis, Kenneth Lee, Eugene MacLaren, Connie Scruton, Bobbie Seeley, Affka Strijker, Pauline Taylor, Murray Toior, --George H. Jefferson, teacher Margaret Addisen„ Iteith Ash- ton, Susanneartliff„ Laurie