HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-04-10, Page 71110 efol THE WINGUA111 TIMES, FRIDAY AP111f4, 10 Jordeltillingo' Outdo to Ifealth, 13 .1,111( Never rua into debt, not if yon, can of tho contiauecl use of mercury an Jind anything (1SO to run into., for the treatment of Blood and Bo honest if you can ; if you keaft, skin diseases, they never cure, and be Moment Pray for health,. near y always injure or totally ruin the Marry young, and if yon make a hib. crermrs,illosith koop Cool and don't brag about it A waLL-K>towg• natiaor.a. . . . Bo kind to yonr mother•Ici-law, and, I have seen a great many oasesur o : Buy yourottonadeii s Grey Cottons C if neoessary, pay for her board at some gond hotel. ecl with Shaker Blood Syrup- some who . and Shirtings Nvb ere you can waii.,, kasteu boapt, and avoid tite fact, I have nevor known it to fail, .I.Iath thOroly Once a Week ill SOB have tried all sorts of treatment.. In save mdney. Writs • . when l taken properly. 1 s 11 a largo 5.AYER'S SarsapariL Exercise in 013011 Air. bnt don't Saw quantity of it, and for all diseases that %owl until.% you are obliged to.. are dependent on Mood poison or skin Log ovet.y time vti feel: tickled, au 0 'minor. It cures laff once in a while anyhow. Pninss AND BLO'201ISS ON ,TIIII SKIN, ii. Iftyou have daughters, let your wife, and *makes the complexion fair .itn a bring tl.e.n up :if she has common rosy. As blood taint, there is no such .. sens she can beat all your theories, word as fail. ' It cures oases that have Don't crink too much nu cid9„ an. iolt; witlistoocl other sorts of 'treat liwever mean you may be, don't went, and Without any of those recurr ukase .n kow, • ng tronbles that generally follow mer.„. Thn't aware ; it may convince yori ural and other so-called cures. bit it is euro not to convince others.. $ Never get in a hurry you 'ran JOIIN T4Nwoop, Di uggist, wrlk a good deal further in diy Bast Boston, Mass, you can run. , Tan SHARER BLOOD SYRUP Never b wow what, you are ob1,. to cures' completely Syphilis Scrofula buy, slid allwuss have some things yott won't lend. Rheumatism, Cancer, Catarrh Ulcer • rl ,li Don't jaw back—it only proves thand P1',^sesses of every at , yu are az big a .pho, rz the other 'ecr'P'''"' • S. 'd •6ve`'Ywher°• • bellot per bottle or 6 for 5. n Hold the baby haff the tim hens." all- Graoey's. Having, a large stock On - Eat hash washing days and bq hand and wishing to reduce it I will thankful', if you have to shut' your give special reductions for the uext 20 eyes to do it. days . on all purchases of over $ig Call and see my stock of bureair, Side - m Put Stied Down. boards. bedron setts, hmnges, softie, • There is only one way to sop Louis.. —s GuAcav Biel, and that is to hang him thc first time he is caupt in red.hauded rebel - ion. ib a rebel by trade and by Parties Indentod' to Tun nuns cimation .nlis in his glory wheu cage will please call and settle at t. heee arethe goods that 711, A. MILLS is offering inducements in., All them being boug,lit bet) •e the rise in the market, the customer reaps the benefit. .wuss start the Are in the morchng and Social redrictions in furniture at S, put oil the tmicittle. eiiirring up trouble ,n the Norohivest. He has already cunt this country mil lions and kept Jiault the. settlement.of 1111.PROVh; YOUR PIGS the prairies. He will coat us many ii 0 '8 1u111i0118 it 110 iS not supprossod: — . The unetersipai ban Kiel for service on Ist tWaiwolok, *stem in tl.e . most SUM Mary fashion. Re- quarters of a mile he111..B has got to )0 put down if the oroughbrrd Chest: NVIti te 1113Zitirstrwni‘liatia, confederation is 'to be preserved, any was imported fro'! Phillstaelphia. Pedi- trifling With insurrection will only. etc° can be seen on appication. Terms, $1.' at time of scenrice, with prrrillege of re - increase the audacity of those who urning irneeessary. take port in the next outbreak. OCTit.V.T1, psi 3 r. the halfl)reeds have a grievance right • them, but put the rebels duwii. The fenians, the railroad rivals of the Canada Pacific and other ihnuenceS adverse to Caraa will make ttjci most. 'of this opisoue to damage' the country and 'encourage the 'Insurreotion. If they see that Riel is sorpressed, the' will stop their plottings; otherwise they will do more damage than .the landi of the Prairie 4.,—Vororito V °knit' • • Too Good for a Salesman. Dry goods merchant -7.'8o, sir yon Clinic you could learn. tJ becowe salesman ?' 'Yes,- sir.' ' Well, suppose you were waiting on • that mun and his wife over at the lace wonky What would you do firstT .1 should hold up thebest piece of lace in the stook and ask the man if j• re didn't t ink it becoming to ids • daughter's style of .beauty 7 • • 'Well what then ?' 'Oh, nothing. . The woman would take Oar() of the rest of it.' 'Youe. t.limn 1 dont want von fora, clerk. fwont•you fur a partner.' • Ear Him was a Sam. . . • 'Which is your favorite hym, Miss Overbash?' asked the new -preachrr of a young lady at the church sociable, '01 1-1—don t like to say,' • ' 'Why not„ pray ? We all have °Ur favorit es and 1 like to know thii pre. fereuee of the young ladies of my congregation.' ;Well, if I must tell, I rather like Semi Flanders, and I don't caro who knows it.' 'Oh ah yes, 1 see,'- and the preach• co- in soine.surprise, 'Yon prefer Psalms. Well some people do.' • ADVICE TO MO 17HERS. the • Aro you disturbed at night and. broken of your rest by a Stele suffering itnd cr ing with pain of Cat ting teeth '1 if so send at 41100 and get a bottle of ..NErs.. Winslow's Soothing. Byrn') for 'Children Teething. Its effect 13 incalculable. It will relieve the . p )or little sufferer immediately Depend upoi it mothers, there is 110 turlitake about it, It cures dyseutiry and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cores winclellio, softens the gums, recluess intim nination, ail d gives tone and en 'ray to the whole syetein Ivirs. Winslowl4 Soothing. Syrup For Children Teething is plea sant to the b.tste, Mid is the preseri tiolt of one Of the oldest and best fe, male plivscians and nurses 'it tit e Unitod Stottes,, and is for sale by tti 1 drug gists thrort 41ton it, tits world,. Price). 20„suats bottle.. 4 ileZip.iNaZitTITZION. • • . —.-- • .(rions the Toronto. Workt.V • An organization which for SR years past—ay/hole generation—has boon quietly performIng)good deeds from week to week ali over the continent,. until it has paid the holders of its promisee, myriards ut forty-six millions of dollars. is entitled to at. leasta brluf notice on the appearance of Its thirty-second anneal report. The 'Etna Life Inetsranee Company is Thinned by lho same Class of moo, some of . them being on the directory beanie of both dompanles; who have given the fire insurance company° bf sin ilar a me ito present proomieent position in lie fore:fres; of 'tlt Amedeatt underwrItie - They , aye proceeded cautiously and built solidly until t so ii:aumula ed . funds have now reached 327,053.1384.70 In value, giving to every member the beat kind of assurance ' that the $70,772,425 of outstanding polielei will be mot as they nettueo. • During the depression itiotehd- boo the resumption of spode payments and general fill in values; it was impoMible to Maintain tictittrge a veluine of busim ss as forme‘dryi,:vm iv lthioiostrtryibili, c more for it Ulm' itffin/ was 'bo with the suvival of trade the Stat's busineis le stepping forward again in a lively, mamma; mt. will lie mon from the following statement i , Now - Tota • Teem! kithininre illiihritheti. Ase -t0, .4%, •.,.,40.608,004 V7,7300.28 1t5.503,130 WO - - • d," 348 17,058,8131 10.453,40 1181..:..... 8,207,.1.0 I 70 17428 -, ••7,056.884 mist exulhits not only a healthy grewth, bat.. A Tiros talon of tio:trip $340 of wats ttituitay in hand, on the avenge, towards s mai, $1000 of insurarce In Ozer- Little svoioinr therefore, that the very nun* ct t -he ,R:ret Ramie have become almost a eytioiryini tor strength and reliability, and theta soeUreis so pro erostialn tuital e on the esteem of those elm while to make sere toy shin for dependent ones, or for their mil' nil - 58 11 30811. Its smdeument polities hayo.pie4d. a . ruch favorable results ta those of our CitiZeli8 Wilti have had them mate. -e, end erown their missal, end the fell deposit tit the reserVp 8)0111 1)101(1 hi, 1/4 tame hstticeri their Itpay1116118 so unquestionably auto, that they ate attracting Mash •ftiteotion on the, part ot siemens having money to invest. only -Yesterday one of our most active busineiw tnon re- eelved the e3000 wide's had aceumulatati in his. fiWor during the past tett years, but some time proytoutly had doubled his Investment-irith ' the, company by taktil another 0100000 1130 8111110 on- elowmant plan. Ili a few days a bereaved family In London, (mt.. will receive $4000, the result of $4, 0 Invested in a. ton -year ondoW melt bond under date of Dee. 23r4 last, for the Mistreat affords 111e itss- ea 0010 81 it ell as a 'first -cleat InVestmens. ,„bin giving us the information about the eompravy which we have thee •antrnozized, lis. Orr. the well known chief Manager Of Its Canadian Inishi068, ntwo.istail 'that it aril bo transom yeses, neat &AM, dui m•••41 he lett the tditerlal stall of the Dant lot'.'. Pt thls City,. for Hoards'', to take part in the Maces management. lis Which city tho Eastern- ;134anch of the Company'aDoMittion business) Is still carried on by his tirM—Mernsts Orr .c Chrhitithitt. At that Litho tiro premiums received a area touted ep to $'0.000a year hill. N. A,,, 'while et the pros- . mit time Utley tea eta* upon 8400,000 With 'Pearly polsoon Of ineurehee in fora,... _. „13 .. .....e• ,c We. offer Special Value in these Goods, -1 AO 181 A Full Range of :jallaiiall Li all the Newest Patterns aid Styles, and a Grand Display of Cretonnes, all prices and colors. See our Scotch Ginghams. . All the newest Dress materials in stock from I0c up, and Special Value in Black Cashmere. See these goods before you buy. Just Arrived our New Stick of SCOTCH & CANADIAN TWEEDS And all the. Newest Patterns in r4mh Iltorst all(PaatinEz. 'a • cures Bhountatlein, Noura101, Mem • Gout, Genoral Elebdlity, Catarrh, el ditorderit caused -by a thin and Impover or corrupted, condition of the blood; op the blood -poisons from the system, eke and renewing the blood, and restoring 1t. Isin)gigapower. ,v1040 nessi, Ay= 8 sAuk pierlioclof unparalleled t. r.-iItzura kits prove , perfect adaptation ,to the mire Of fill di' originating Mow bleed and is wtekencdvi. It is a highly concentrated extraet of 8. .parilla 'Auld other mood-nttrIfying cembined with fodido,pf Potassim.y. . Iron, sand is the safest, most relinble, anti • economical blood -purifier and blood -food au ben2164 imatary Ithenmatispa. Carel "Armes SARSAPARILLA has cured me • Inflammatory Rheumatism; lith witiolt I v. suBritet4i nfniitrymayrecahr2s., um W. H. Moo) "Eight years ago.I bad an attnek of Ithe time so severe that Icould not move from ti - or dress, without help. I triad several res.- without' pipets. If any relief, until 1 took A SARSAPARILLA, by the use of WO Ida t W131011 X was completely cured. I have not troubled with the Illseunuttlsns slame. )1trgo quantities of yOttr,SS.IMAPAILII.E.A, still retains its wonderful popularity. The notable obres,it bas,effeeted In this vieinit vinee me that it is the hest blood medic -In offered to the public: R. F. HARR 'Wirer t., Htlekla134, Blom, ;day 2; 1662. 1(Lastlifarch 1 wasoo weak from getters bility that I could not walk without help. loWlog the advioe of a friend. I oommencest 1 ATICW 8 SARSAPARILLA. sea before I hag three bottles I felt as well as I ever did In sr I have been at work now for two mouth think your SARSAPARILLA. tho pretest medicine in the world. JA 5MS 8dA',13%( 520 West 42d $t., New York, July 18,1882 AYEa's SiathAPARILLA. C WOO Serofuli all Soroftilous Complaints, Erysipela zema,' Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, I Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It the blood of all impurities, aids digestion, i lutes the action of the bowels, and thus re vitality and strengthens the. whole system. PARTICULAR 'ATTENTION given to ORDhaED CLOTHING ------- • Kr See curNew Styles in Gents' Scarf Pins and our new stock of Felt Hats and Gent's furnishings ge:ierally. • Greater bargains ever in Carpets. The largest stock in town to select from and prices lower. All the new. Spria Stock cf Shoes have arrived, and no trouble to show them. See tlrin r id be convinced that the shle.s. a'nd.prices are right. ' Choice Groceries alw. ys on band.. Try our TEAS. • - • T. A. MILLS THE NEW FIRM OF hicy cgrimoll Are Offering MAI' VALUE in Stoves. Tinware and nouse Furnishing Goods FOR THE ..L\TEJXT 'TIT I IR, '11-YDLYS - GOLDEN CREAM, CREME IYOR,, The best preparation known to science f ordseautifying the CO) *LEXEON OXE SINGLE APPLICATION is warranted to Ileautify the Face and give to also Fadcdor ia11ow Com- plexion a Perfectly Healthy. Natutat,_ and Ycsuthfui Appearance, It Coneenis rinkles. Freckles, Crow'ei Feet—end the Evidence of Age, leaving the Skin Soft, Smooth. and Wbite. PMCE-50 ceritit. Str.t to any address. Posta stamps taken. Address all letters to CREME D' OR, Drawer 2,678, %veto P.O. Ask your dritis: for It. Wholcsalo by ell whole- ... I I lw • • • Mark,tale druggists. • • . :,TZEJailtiga,""SikirkZOWSINiMilaie:ac ' Cures .1),;:zatem, J,&4 ('J dippettte, inalje„s‘ton, ltiliousness, Dyspepsia., du waive ilircetiuns (1 ..1.,iver and Kidneys, no , Ilunwrs, Saif Rheum, Scrofula. ys,p.las, and all diseases arising from Impure .dlood bereaved Stomarh, or i, regular action of the Zkwets. --"Manatztetedgisometal&WrifICIZUMZ' Or. J. O. ptycn. tu adat•• twuvo 3tl , 7;1,, 11.0:6•1.11' of tUeultAS (16%00 • t° P:c.•.ge tt n ,011.1,...w ilisn5tottlAW 100 'ill \ ,I•tififat)IS„ l' htli) 1 71-WWI:rm.'. °L;61::Itel:CVVA:lel :rbettsettilliTe:lit°07*-- ii• citlitti:1194:11‘.7;;tet:';* aeon- • 1:24.INNES fkJ is • ,•,....i?:t..7 01 , -... ,,i51....:4 : r .; C: .7.; .:.:17. -NL ”teusnalt to t ('(t31. 11/".ti ,•,..sset), e. 1. t t••;:tr •4 ••••ru•vto • ,t or L A T A [I N , 4.1s• •••••• • !MAIM, 111 1 1131 j» Is neentittnendett ht. 1't'p...0,N.: 0 LIR :EIS Catarrl, of the tistsai Cavity Chum', one I ticui catarrh of the Ear, Eve er Thr^al,11 t . WIER' iALLY, and acts DiFt; ILY %so 111,10t1 and thorn 3ur. Ser5 lai Py tins. It Is the best Vooti lurid* WOR.L.r, and .415di Lt that Is charged fur It, for THAT alarm, T1) OLT INTERNAL CURE FH CATA. ITC ritit elLARKVI* Ws :ler $100 151' 11 311(51 4'"' • 0 t .4....stiimusZatat4 it ...13 WNLI.AVD. Nt.ittlii Is,, v dangli tor Wilt trOUPityl with 04 - kr fwo yip ire, an 1 WA %?1Y 111141, 11 .13 • iv the uvollf (Imes Cabarets tiu'e" 1. anout eured. W T. 11 US WRIZAVD. 0614 MO'. 111,7, )(8 httvo wind " 1: dl's Outman, Our i • Ism front the good 1081•0•4 t i,..nt 'iota% believe it will aura the If. 11131 ease of .M.Otrrli if its 1168 he marooned t. reasonable length of time. W. H. wura,Auu, Ont, :Kerala 20, ff. .1, roams, & 0rs.. Toledo, O. nave sold Hain CIA) -rh ure tuo tear, and it gloom entire ants thestom. Yours truly, H. W 11.�10()N,l/rup Hall's Catarrh Ou sold by all Wholesale Ind 1tst-t11 Dime and, Dealers in . Patent Ileilleistos Ile the United Stotts and Canada. PURGE) Th Cents llottle•t,414:10 . Inonly genuine Heart Catarrh Cure is Oysters& by N. 31 CHSNEY & CO., Toleti eorBeware ot tenitotione. tettled tor the Ontario trade , HOBSON, Welland,