HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-04-10, Page 6TUE Wi;‘$.6f1.,A11, A.P.iiJL 10 BLUE VALE nu.nthar of, lhs sent • by the said patron U Laws Df. the Chs Dae and Bettor rectory- 1. actory1. Etch pttroa shall furnish piirl and sW!Pt Iasi inod milk, and each o.le futuisiuug milk shall strain. the same ieefc re it is delivered to the',fao• tory,. and If any is:reserved• for actual,' home nat., it shall bo pt the average quality given l:y his or 11e1'cows. . 2. Each payroll: shall bring Ids or 'her milk to the stand every 1ticrilulg ibt'fore the 20th day of Sept. at •auy time after 6 o'clock that will suit the drawers to allow them fiuMc1ont time to be at tile: factory not later than It o'e. u:'k, a. m„ and on and after' the .2Otli oily of Sept, the milk to be on tine .trturl ,.t any tiela.after.6:81).o'alock • that :,ill all 'w drawers to be at the, factory not att'r than 9.80 lt. m., and ; all cans mast be washed and scalded ,-;wail t (inv. a.,04 kept swerttand clean by titer plir arA. The directors or any of the i„ atr-oce: may inspect the cans on £1, ,1 Rif.. elle w,tg3irs 4r,.,,talxdr,. and if 1!n•otrrl r:leatlecl and apJ{tAed, shalt, ,sen .rt toe S:utte to.the nta'tttigers. Tn•t' nothing but tau putt's be itrsod for milk. 4 That rill intik shall be delivered r..i the side of the public road, and q,1,te.'1 ori a sratid, s) that the milk 'drawer er Cain drive his wagon close be. ri.l • i ht, stand without hindrance to litt, the cans, • , Skoal 1 any taint be found 'with taIr,F p'atrn•I' s Wilk, whether the satne lin:: 110.11 w•tterrcl, skimmed or the „;.`r;oniiigs kept out, or• is in anv way antclean, or sour from want of proper -.t• a of owls, p.sils, or strainers, .tv. o {l.trties shall he appointed „to "go. to.the ;itrPmi' es, hid see the cows milked. tlld if the p trties fault with , shoal 1 refn-,e to milk their cows at th" usual titue of milking, then thev-i •shalt have power to milker cause nth. 1 rrs to milk the sail cows, or to ce,11 tog their aid the oficer,,ofthe 1ltw,,it.aush` milking is resistel, ,and have [Wilk, tested at the factory,.' anti should tho-° chit, go be sustained, s1til9 1vc+ r•xpeitt.d +Fruit the Association and pot;.,11et1 as the law directs. • • GJ.- Any patron d?.seepttiming tie. sand di.s -r her milk. to the factdety bt•fone• the el"S( of tLle season will Piave,. one e~;iut •,e lin. of his or hkra!irpipertiou of• deduct ,d, auiess seals -Lc - tory, :trai..ns etre given to ,4.11e uitinag. : ;.• for •idly ciisettutiutialke. This de - 04:00.,410 will go to the general.fu,ld. a. Prat. s not -;satisfied with 'Abe f • r•rurt tt alb his, must report the saute i t , t1 • Itt•tustners. u. I it .I 6i : of each patron delivered at the ;ii .t.ry shall be tested at any • :,.oar du, to;; the season when thought and .,he result shall ue pub- , c•.3. ".,et' in this Cheese Factory fur ti t• 1,.:•pecaun of all patrons ..f the 1 c,•'ry 9 A" patrons shall protect their iron, rani, tilt!"i' by turtling for that xeek Ana the amount deducted from the cheese money of said patrols'. 10, :that no patron or ul'awer shall be bound to draw or deliver milk et the factory after the flirt iLty of ° Novem- ber, but if auiv,patron sends milk after that date be os she shall send it of t)le sari' quality as during tho season acid shall take the,:cheese made and dispose of it as he or - she may see fit, All 'obeeso mane after lst November must be removed from fuctoyhefore the last shipment of October cheese. Tho charge for making- s't ,11 bo the usual charge of tbo average cost for the sea• s.iu,all milk sent Witt be subject to satin inspection us ant, flier dol,season, 17. Riot' persrhi sf; sending milk to this factory, .s hereby understood as agree- ing to etaoh..and every section of above by laws, ACT TO PROTECT CnEESE AND 1j'IITTEIt Itir,.4NUPACTti1INQ COMPANIES. Her Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lt••gi lathe As.. secnbly at the Ptoyiuce of :Ontario; enacts air follows • - ] tn&i.—Whosoever knowingly' and fraudulently sell , supplies, brings or sends to be manufactured, to any cheese or butter factory in this Pro: vines any milk diluted with water or in any way adulterate. or milk from which any cream has.. 'seen taken, or ililit" commonly known as skimmed milk,. or whoever keeps back any part of the milk known as strippings, or whoever knowingly and fraudulently: sells. sends, brings or supplies to . any chrese.,and butter factory,. milk that is tinted or partly scut from want of proper care in keeping pa ils,strainers; or any vessel in which said mil . Is kelt .le=an .and sweat,, after. been ootitied of such trtitit or 'carelessness, either ver: badly or in writing shall; for•evc ry of- fellot forfeit, and pay .a stun of - not less than oue similar, ncr more than fifty -dollar;; in the dis:r4tioli of , the ,justise1wfore whom the case is 1leart4 81 Vic., ea.p 83, Sec, 1. • Swim"D.'—Any ' cheese nt Vatter nianefricturer who knowi:a,ly and free (Talent iises or directa .any of • his eniuloe'E's to use for hes or their undi- vided - benefit rtiy Grease from "milk bruut;ht'to 'any cheese or butter 'foe: ►civ,, without dhe•cot,selur,' of all, the owners thereof, shall, f..r every offence forfeit and pay ante of slot. less •thin oue'clollar nol•:mord 'flaw. fifty .dollars in discretion of the justice before wl can. • • tiro enso is heard. 81, Vic., cap. 38, Sec. 1. Precept and Example. 'Papa. what is meant by hit tin the nail on the stead, to uatly,life'f 'It simply i it atnsa iny' stip; that you should copse directly to the i)oimt in all your de.liugs wl.11 the v,o 11' ' 'I3nt how, papa.' *Well, let sic' Hee . 1-lim 1 Ab, 7 have it now 1 Run out to the . bed and She. Cauy,ht A 8cvere Cold la Jeruealom 14 1008, Ona west,` -Lound Mi.higan Central train the othel''dily were a delicate al). peering young woman and an intent• gent•looking young Asan, evidently husband and wife. 7nintediatety be- hind. this couple sat the man --to l,e found on every train—who would die if not permitted to hear the sound of his own vireo tit all .trines and an all places. ',L'1 e young lady bad a trot bid - bone cough, a 'feet which al'eined to bother the talking a acclll•ite behind her greatly. At la he leaned forward and addressed her escort '!.'halt gal's got a badcough,' 'Ever try catnip tea.' 'She liaa11't drank anything else for litre than two hundred years. She caught a S_Oviire Cold in- Jefnbaleill 111 1563. 1- had fifty bart•ulL of catnip tea put into the bttggLee car for bei Lise''hetween niers and Chicago. (Pause), 'Luing q1 ''No, bunions. -That's purely a bun, son eougli; you will uatice, if you watch- hY4r'.closely.' •` 'Ain't that cirangh i a leetle strong .fionl that window?' after a longer pause. 'No, she has to have it; It taken 15,000 pounds of air to Make her a respectable breath f '''We havo a pat elft breath 1nctibater•wbiclt s;he:'uses •at home. It covers' 17,000 acres of valtluble lend.' 'Did yon say slit; was your wife?' No, I didn't .say anything:of then sort. She's one of these new -fashion- ed infernal iii chin is that I'm `taking over to 1 Itsland to ',low up the queen. , The only trouble is that I'1n subject to lits, and when I get one of. thein . break things up terribly 1' '\Vhat brings them on to you 'Talking i'Why, it was only yes• tertlay the, 1 kilned three men, a 'wo= man. and a.pawi t twills before T eetild be got under control. I feel very queer' about the head .Low. •J reckon 1'Il' go into the sizolci'1g' ear,'Said the bore, .sidling mitt of''the seat. 1 don't feel very well Myself.' 'Don't hurry uway''l' 'Shented the ,y"ung elan, wllile a general Litter rile through the car. Far from the 1tYaddiatX Crowds Little Edith Ujlpei'teIi'=• Good -bey; I, saute t sees you again for six weeks. 'Littlt+. Neil le Low::i•toti-=+-` \V11y,'are you going awn .37 1' ' ' Yes. v' a is all goine'to Aunt Hag riet's int the comitr . YVt';'s going to• ekate; and sloighride,•itr d h,t•'e quit-. bees, and country, choices, and tea • pa.rti,'s.'itud oh,'lnts of funs. ' I3et why can't you all stay in the city and have • a good time all the same 1•'' . - ' ' Why don't you know '1 Tt's Lent and it's wicker' to have full where 1 pe.iple call see you.' AN EXCELLENT REPORT. i .t. Iii or the can upside down of wit aa: a nail, a hammer anti a pine • -- 1. r�' i• i.r protecting iu� so that 1e blur lr.' linin. Jris. G. (auodridgr, of flrook 1 .til watt r t. ill 'hit get nolo the shirk, -Hese they n.re; papa.' lye, N. N., writes :,—`•1. ettiuiotexpress ..1 that o n env t.t'r;.tsinu a ll.•m rain 'Very good. NOV I will place t° •e. myself iu, .sufliete'lltly'. :praiseworthy ilc is t J st•s" titltk' r, along t4 ilia the block of ,n' Icnre--C 'J')1 ''n 1 w'" t r n of'Burd) li Blood Bitters logit h ars rI V Cora 1.'• Way swat, ank.altL'1L'tliey: i.to •tae at ta(— i.o. 1" 5' b•anta WO with al'eit. '`Iil•flt. 41 ,1 n• r e atitage of water, shall de- blain tier and bit thlt nail directly ot'. I tr t it.I t tl to 111 lit . a, r, ie iler(lIy o:derwef tv test'.hold, the nail .1.1r a ti y for being driven 1 IttL%e rl cel ft i the "plat two yr • Cate rrlt—A a0W Treatment. s e ost tllltt hats been achieved in mod ern medicine lois been attained by the Dixon treatment for catarrh. Out of 9,000 patients treated dining .the. part six mouths, full ninety per cont have been cured of this stubbcaru mal- ady. This is Wale the less startling when it is remembered that not, five per e;ent.''of patients preseii lig, them- selves to the'regular practitioners :ire boneftted,. while the patent medicines tuid other advertised mires 'lever 1•e cord 4t cure at all, Starting with the clania now generally believed by the most scientific leen that the (lib rase living is due to the presence of 1 vi Il; parasites in the tisane. Mr. Dixon at once adapted his cure'to their exter- mination—this •acee.tttplished, he claims the Catarrh is praetieally cured, and ''the' permitlhatic'y is ` unquestioned, as puree, effected by him four years ago,are.cul�es sti11. No one else .11as. ever attempted to care Catarrh in this ,manner, and no other treatment leas evrx cured Catarrh. The applica tion of 'the reinedy is .simple, and can be done at home, , and the presen season of the 'Year is the most favor- able for'tho" spe"dy'and pernitInelit cure Th& in'ajorit.y• of cas'.s being mored r al, one trettttneut. Sufferers should correspond • whit essrs, .UIYON SON, 805 King street,west Toronto,.. Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise onatarrh, [1\;t r. ,real Star, Nov, 17, 1'881 SO) 00 VOal<..FE" F Pernaps the Most extraordinary Having »the utmost confiderto ttit superiority over all others, and of tint satins of test, of the most complicated an: ,evorest caeca we could fiud, we feel instill, edin offert;tg to forfeit Otte Tllousaucl lal'a for any mase of coughs, colds, 'ore throat, influenza, hoarseness, hrorlcltitis, r'ou'uin''ion in its early stages, 'whooping o;ub...L..d all diseases of the throat and lungs, except Ar,tlima, for which Ave can • lams relief, that vs a cau'teuro with Wel is Cough Syrup, when taken according to di•• sections ' 1 amplo bottles s5 and 50.cieltts, large bottles one dollar. Genuine wrap I hors out/ In blue, bow by all Druggits, or Rout by express, on receipt kit `price JOHN 0. 'VEST & CO., 81 aud'A3, Kingt Bast Toronto, Ont, i KER ,. P. Carer: `C^ompietely 6erofula, Nlr'•,ia+'lin. t'ntvr'er, 11*CnmatJsm, t'ttltt�•"r,•l:, dicer, and Alda and Blood, %lineages of every deserip. eL:<.tt. )fir''il0on analysis tifno) h,ttt serol who l long tryr,,p, ono particle or hfcr. •'• Sodiclo at' 1otassiatn, or nun' Mineral' ivtat.0,. SOLD'CV I:YWHERC. 'Net, $1.00 Por Bottle, cr Biz for $3.03, Solo Agency for Wingham at The Ph;trinacy, Dt'.;