HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-06-19, Page 6SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 1952
describe our smart line of
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You can't be cool wondering what Irwires
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Come in now and choose something from
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Cecile Beauty Salon
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HOUSE, 612
Albert Street, over Lockwood's
Barber Shop
}AGE Plc
•4-0-4 -es ese-s-e-e-1
Mrs. W. Qhler, Gederieh, spent
Theirsclay with Mrs. r. W. John-
Wm, Mrs. Kay • McGoen, London,
was a weekend guest. of Mr. acid
Mrs. G. A. Walker.
Mrs. M, Watson has returned
to Toronto to resume her former
position with Batons.
Mrs. F, W. Johnston and Miss
Bffie Joenston visited with Sar-
nia friends on Sunday.
Mrs. George Slater! Portage la
Prairie, Man., is visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gould.
Mr. and Mrs, GorelOne Dow and
family, Cromarty, were renewing
acqueintanceships in town on
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Pockling-
ton and voter and Nancy, Lon-
don, were Sunday visitors in
Rev. G. W. Goth, London, was
the guest of Rev, and Mrs. H. C.
Wilson, at the Wesley-Willis
manse on Sunday.
Mrs, E. Beaton left last week-I
end to visit her daughter, Mrs.
0. Durkin, Grand Valley, for
several months.
Miss Shirley G. Sutter, Geelph,
is spending a fortnight's vacation
at the home of her/parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J, A. Sutter.
Mr, and Mrs. V: A. Pridham
and Miss. Lorraine and Mrs. Lot-
tie Dyrnent, Detroit, Mich„ spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs,
J. E. Cook.
from Summer
Heat you're dying
Perhaps a fan
You should be trying.
charm and azoice,
Luggage and Shoes
month with his parents, Dr. and
Mrs. a. W. Shaw.
Mr, and Mrs. P. E. Paterson,
Wiarton, formerly of Clinton,
Were guests for a few days of
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Beattie and.
Mrs, D. Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Atkey and
children, James and Anne, Cooks-
vele, were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs, J. R, Gil ban k and
Mr. and Mrs. R, S. Atkey,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Vodden,
Phyllis, Billy and Bobby, spent
the weekend at the home of Mrs.
Vodden'e uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. M ,E. McFadden, Cookstown.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Morrison
attended the Gillson-Georges
wedding in St, George's Church,
Owen Sound, on Wednesday last,
and the reception at the Jayeee
Mrs, John Carter, Strathclair,
Man., and Mr. lei, Carter, Winni-
peg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
3. Snyder, Albert St., and called
on other friends in the vicinity
last week.
Messrs. Reginald and Cecil
Wallis, Rudyard, Mich„ visited
with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilmer Wallis
while attending
the funeral of their aunt, Miss
Sophia Blair, Goderieh.
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Jack-
son and Clifford and William
Cooper, Flint, Mich.,spent the
past week visiting r. and Mrs.
Clarence Cooper and also visited
other relatives in this vicinity.
The Mothers' Study Group,,. of
Wesley-- Willis United Church
will meet on Tuesday, June 24,
at the home of • Mrs. William
Murch. Mrs. William Holland
will be in charge of the meet-
ing. Hostesses will be, Mrs.
Murch and Mrs. Fred Miller. All
mothers of young children are
made welcome.
Ten Are Baptized
At Ontario St.
Ten bahies received the rites
of baptism at Ontario Street
United. Church, Sunday morn-
ing, June 15, at SerViQaS conduct-
They were: Veronica Louise
ed by Rev. A. O. Eagle,
Finch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Finch; Linda Kathleen Levis,
daughter o4 Mr. and Mrs, Geo,.
rge Levis; Cheryll Diane Tyndall,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Tyndall; David Arthur Jervis,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Russell
Jervis; Stephen Corey John
Smith, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Arn
-old Smith; Barbara Jean Cooper
daughter of Sgt, and Mrs. George
Cooper; Nancy Marie Pickett;
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenn-
eth 3, Pickett; Dennis Edwin
Fleisphauer, son of Mr. and Mrs,
William Fleischatter; Danny Ross
Gillrash, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Gillieste Neil Kenneth Dale,
son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Dale.
"Dr. Robb Speaks
To Music Teachers
Dr. Harvey\ Robb, principal,
University of Western Ontario
Conservatory of. Music, London,
gave an informal address to Hu-
ron County Music Teachers' As-
sociation at the annual dinner
meeting in Goderich Monday
President Mrs. J. 0, McDougall,
Blyth, presided and the speaker
was introduced and thanked by
L. D. Tiaompsoit, Brussels. Mrs.
McDougall reported on the Ham-
ilton convention.
"Getting Along" was discussed
by Dr. Robb. "Recognize qual-
ities in the other side of an argu-
ment; be a good lister, er; accept
other people's opinions and re-
spect your own.' This, he said,
is a good way of getting along
with people.
To church organists he advis-
ed friendship toward the minist-
er. "He is the boss and dedides
the policy of the church."
Others present were: Mrs. W.
Donaldson, Goderich; Miss Eileen
Glidden, Holmesville; Mrs, Mae
Rance McKinnon, Clinton; Mrs.
Brothers, Wroxeter, Miss Marg-
aret Jackson, Auburn; Miss Doris
Grierson, Londesboro; Miss Lois
Grasby, Blyth; Mrs. E. H. Jessop,
Goderich; Mrs. L. D. Thompson,
Brusels, and Miss Mina Middle-
ton, Goderich.
Ontario St. WMS
Hears Talk on Missions
The June meeting of the WMS
was held at the home of Mrs. E.
and Mrs. William Radford, with
the president, Mrs. A. J. McMur-
ray, presiding. Mrs. M, Wiltse
tookthe devotional exercises on
"Consider the Lilies."
Miss S. Courtice discussed
World Affairs in Missions in the
Watch Tower talk, Mrs., H. D.
Ball very ably reviewed the last
chapters Of the Study Book.
July meeting at Mrs. B. 3. Gib-
bings on .0-illy 8 with Miss M.
Gibbings in charge of the pro-
Goodwill Club Plans
Adjourn in Summer
The Goodwill Club of Wesley-
Willis Church held its regular
meeting at the home of Mrs. T.
3. Riley.
The president, Miss W. O'Neil,
was in charge with Maude Tor-
rance at the piano. The meet-
ing opened with a, hymn follow-
ed by the Lord's Prayer in unis-
on. The minutes were read by
Mrs. M. Steepe and the treasur-
er's report given by Miss L.
Jimmie MacDonald played two
piano solos. The Scripture les-
son was read in unison, led by
Mrs. Paisley, followed by prayer
by Miss Stone. The roll call was
answered by naming a favourite
Mrs. Gairns favoured with a
solo, "Evening Prayer."
Mrs. MacDonald gave a hum-
orous reading. A hymn and the
Mizpah benediction' closed the
As this was the last meeting
until September a social time was
spent with various contests.
The hostess served a delicious
lunch. Mrs. W. A. Oakes, on be-
half of the Club, moved a vote
pf thanks for Mrs. Riley for her
South Huron
..old Annual
Members of South Huron
Branch, Ontario Weiner' Teach-,
ers' Federation, held, a success-,
ful mental meeting in Ontario St.'
United ChuAh. Clinton, Wednes-
day evening last.
Officers elected for 1952-50
were as follows: President, Mrs.
Dorothy Insley, Exeter; first vice-
president, Miss Luella Johnston,
Clinton; second vice-president, to
be named by the Hensall unit;
secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Lorne-
Hicks, iCentralia, Conveners of
the committees are: finance, Miss
Helen Videan, Goderieh; public-
ity and education week, Miss
Gertrude Sturdy, Goderich; re-
search, Mrs, S. Simpson, Hen-
sail; sick benefit, Mrs. Gertrude
George, Goderich; status, Miss'
Esther Hume, Goderieh; superan-
nuation, Mrs. Ann Ellis, Hensall.
Mrs. D. Jacobi, Clinton, instal-
led the officers and a sincere
vote of appreciation was extend-
ed to the past executive by the
retiring president, Miss Robinson.
Delegates named to attend the
annual meeting in Toronto were
Mrs. Insley and Miss ;Johnston.
Following the dinner Miss
Barbara Churchill, Clinton, ac-
companied by Mrs. Ed Wendorf,
Clinton, sang several well-ap-
preciated numbers. The Women's
Association of the church cater-
ed for the event. Over 60 teach-
ers from Hensall, Goderich, Ex-
eter and Clinton attended.
Business diicussed included an
Ontario Federation suggestion of
establishing a residence for super-
annuated teachers; a scholarship
for a Normalite; and the con-
tinuing of presenting gifts from
the Goodwill Fund to teachers
from England on exchange in On-
tario schools.
Mrs. Dorothy Insley, Exeter,
reported on the spring conference
of region 1, of the Federation
Women Teachers' Federation of
Ontario, held in London recently.
W. P. Roberts Spealsk.
W. P, Roberts, secretary-treas-
urer, Tuckersmith Township
School Area Board, and former
chief instructor of the Radar and
Communications School, RCAF
Station, Clinton, told members
that they, as educationalists, must
seek first rate knowledge. "This
is difficult for teachers today, be-
cause of conflicting view points,"
he said.
introduced by George H. Jef-
ferson, principal of Clinton Pub-
lic School, the speaker was
thanked by Miss Esther Hume of
Goderich Public School staff.
Miss Lottie Robinson, Gode-
rich, president, was in charge of
the meeting.
Child Struck by Car
On Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th proved an un-
lucky day for Sh,erriU. Slater,
three-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Slater, Huron
Street, Clinton, about 11.50 a,m.
When she ran from behind a
hydro pole in front of Murphy
Bros. Garage, directly into the
path of a car approaching from
the east, she was struck by the
right side of the right front
fender and sustained bruises to
the face and a large bump over
the right eye.'
Driver of the car, Gerald
Murch, Toronto, came to a full
stop immediately after the ac-
cident, avoiding dragging or run-
ning over the little girl. Dr. J.
A. Addison examined the injur-
ed child and allowed her to go
Chief of Police Joseph Ferrand,
who investigated the accident,
said no charge would be laid.
Gospel Hall
Maple Street, one block east of
Albert Street, north of Par-Knit
9.45 a.m.-Sunday School
10.45 a.m.-Communion Service
8.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting-
Speaker -Mr. John Martin;
Mr. Martin is lecturing on the
journey ings of the children
of Israel from Egypt to
Tuesday, 8,00 p.m.-Prayer meet-
ing and Bible Study,
Come and Bring Your Friends
Huron St.
Baptist Church
Minister-REV. J. E. CATROM
11.00 aam-Morning Worship
12.15 noon-Bible School
7.00 p.m.-Evening Service.
Pentecostal Church
Victoria St.
K. le. SWEIGARD. Pastor
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School
11.00 a.m.-IVIornirtg Worship
7.30 p.m-Gospel Service
Friday, 8.00 p.m.-Young People's
Tuesday, 8 P.M.-Bible Steely and
Dutch Reformed
Holland Service-2.30 lian,
at the
Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter
Mr. C. M. EMMA* E)eeter
Bois 336
cuutunian Club
To Picnic June 27
The Clintonian Club met on
June 11 at the home of Mrs. R.
Abbott, RCAF Station, Clinton,
with 20 ladies present. The meet-
ing opened with the Housewife's
Creed and the Lord's Prayer.
Secretary and, treasurer's reports
were read; also other corres-
pondence including letters from
The Free Press stating their de-
sire to help make our forthcom-
ing picnic a success.
An invitation was read from
the Winghan Hustlers group to
attend the area picnic to be held
there on Wednesday, June 18,
The roll call ,)yas answered with
a gift for the sales table and was
generously responded to.
Extensive plans were made for
the picnic on. Friday', June 27 at
Goderieh. Those wishing to ate
tend are asked to meet at the
lost Office at 1.30 p.m.
'Members decided not to hold a
meeting in July or August,
Mrs. T. Deeves offered her
home for the fall meeting in
September. Mrs. R. MacDopald
offered to bring the gift,
It was decided to change the
day of the meetings to the second
Friday in the month.
A humorous reading by Mrs.
MacDonald was enjoyed.
The gift, donated by Mrs. T.
Deeves, was won by Mrs. C. Nel-
The meeting adjourned a n d
bingo was played for the remain-
der of the afternoon. Lunch, was
served by the hostesses: Mrs. G.
Taylor, Mrs. J. Johnston, Mrs.
William Glazier and Mrs. Ni. Fal-
Ontario St. Girls'
Club Hears Talk
St, Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. j. LANE, B.A., Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
10.00 a,m.-Sunday School period
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship,
Sermon subject:
"The Meanie g of the Sacra-
ment of Holy Baptism"
Children's Questionnaire
2,30 p.m.-Divine Service,
Knox Church, Bayfield
All Welcome at St. Andrew's
and Knox
United Church
Rev, HUGH C. WILSON, iefinister
MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director
11 a.m.-Morning Worship
"The Conversion of a Good
11.20-Primary School
12.15-Church School
7.30 pat.-Union Service in the
Ontario St, United Church.
"Come to the House of Prayer"
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
IVIrs. Theodore Eremite, Organist
Mrs. J. G. Maelthinen,
Choir Leader
8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion
11.00 a.m.-Morning Service and
Sunday School
No evening service during June.
Clinton Women's Institute will
meet in the Agricultural Board
Room en, June gO at 230.
The topie on Community Activit-
ies and Public Relations will be
given by Miss Houck, director of "WI Round, up", for The London
Free Press, ;Roll call: What I
like most about this month." Re--
port of District Annual Built ire
given by Mrs. N. Tyndall. Prof.. gramme conveners: Mrs, N. She's,
herd and Mrs. P. Brown, Heat-
eeees: Mrs. N. Carter, Mrs. V,
nabgood, Mrs, F. Pepper, M. B.
.*•,ops, Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs,
Prof. Harry Shaw, professor of Recent visitors with Mr. and
Economics at Dartmouth College, Mrs. John J. Zapfe were: Mr. Hanover, N.H., is spending a and Mrs. George McFarlane,
Kingston; Mr. and Mrs, A. Zapfe,
Toronto; Mrs. Fay Zapfe, Misses
Ethel and Grace Zapfe and Mr.
and Mrs. W. Reck, Kitchener.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, J.
S. Lockhart, Rattenbury St., over
the weekend were: Mrs. Marion
Corbett, Toronto; Mrs. James
Hill and Mrs, Ethel Burnside,
Markdale; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Lockhart a n d family, Owen
Miss Wilman Dinnin left via
CNR yesterday afternoon to rep-
resent The NEWS-RECORD at
the annual conference, Ontario-
Quebec Division, Canadian Week-
ly Newspapers Aseociation, which
is being held at Wigwassan
Lodge, Lake Rousseau, Muskoka,
today until Saturday.
Representing Htironic Rebekah
Lodge and Clinton Lodge, IOOF
at the Grand Lodge Sessions in
the Royal York Hote-le Toronto,
this week are Mrs. Orland John-
ston, Seaforth; Mrs. George
Knights, Mrs. W. M. Nediger,
Mrs. Mabel Nickerson and. Mr.
and Mrs. R. B. Sutter.
tip o‘
In health won't pay
Unless you live
The milky way.
This Week's
3-Piece Chesterfield Suite
Reg. $229. For $199.
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Miss Winifred Sauvage, Sea-
forth, entertained a delighted
audience with, her talk on weav-
ing, given at theineeting of the
Girls' Club of Ontario Street
United Church, on Thursday,
June 12, at the home of Mrs.
Jack Radford. Miss Sauvage dis-
played samples of different pat-
terns she herself had woven. She
says there is no limit to the pat-
terns which can be made in
Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, presi-.
dent, presided over the meeting,
which was opened with a hymn
followed by the Lord's Prayer.
Mrs. Roy Wheeler had charge of
the devotions. Miss Marquis read
an article on the United Church
Training School.
A bazaar will be held. in De-
cember. Miss Curtis moved that
a shower be held this summer
for the bazaar, and this motion
was seconded by Mrs. Brock Olde.
Mrs. Roy Wheeler had charge
of the program. Roll call was
answered by "Where we would
like to go on our vacation. A
poem entitled, "Home" was read
ey Mrs. Ross Merrill, Mrs. A.
Treleaven rendered a piano solo.
The meeting closed with the
ivlizpah benediction. A delicious
lunch was served and a social
hour followed.
Hullett Festival
Has 196 Entries
(Continued from Page One)
Council Shield for the school
winning the highest number of
points Reeve W. J. Dale made
the presentation to teacher Miss
Carol Campbell.
I The Township Federation Shield
ifor unison chorus from schools
of 20 or more pupils was award-
ed by Federation president Keith
Tyndall to Miss Lois Fell, teacher
of SS 11, on the 10th concession,
east of Londesboro.
Mrs. Stanley Lyon, Women's
Institute president gave the Hul-
lett Music Festival Shield to Mrs.
'Mary Grierson, teacher of SS 7,
'on the 13th concession, for the
best unison chorus from a school i of less than 20 students.
.010 e 411t,„
NEW POTATOES-No. 1 Large 10' lbs. 93c
BYE-Reg. 37c Special-pkg. 29c
CROWN BRAND TEA BAGS-100s pkg, 89c
OLD SOUTH ORANGE JU10E-48 oz. tin 28c
GREEN GIANT PEAS-15 oz. tin 2 for 37c
Nature's Best CHO. CR. CORN-15 oz. tin-2 for 29c
CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP-10 oz, tin 2 for 25c
ORANGES-size 252s (Sunkist) doz., 33c
TIDE-Lge., and one cake Personal Ivory Soap - 39c
Thompson's Food Market
Phone 40 - We Deliver
Be Sure to Take Along Some of
our Delicious
0 a)
ta„,1 CI
r.4 0
cn 0
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is Delicious with Strawberries
and Whipped. Cream
9A5 a.m.-Sunday School
11.00 a.M.-1V/orning Worship
Stierament of the Lord's' Supper
7.30 p.m.-Men's Service
Tufliaivs CHURCH
0.46 a.m.-1Vforning Worship
Socroment 'of the LOrd'e Supper
10.45 aan..-Suriday School 444-4-44-44-4 4-444-44-40.4444-44+44+444+.44-4-+.
Our Saturday Spe cie'
rrom Out Store Only-
SUET LOAF Reg. 3 cs c for 23c
Bakers and C`. OfifectionerS