HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-06-19, Page 3Early Summer Weddings News of Holmesville Showis' above are William Glen McClure and his bride, the former Margaret Elizabeth Rogerson. The couple were married `at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Rogerson, Tuckersmith. The parents of the bride- groom, Mr. and Mrs. James McClure, reside in 1VIcKillop Township. The young couple are residing in Egmandville, Drumhead Service Hensall, June 22 a navy blue gabardine suit with dusty rose accessories and top coat. She wore a corsage of white carnations. After a wedding trip to eastern United States, • the young couple intend living in Goderich Town- ship, CAR CREST Crest only , .39 Initials for above, Each .19 DOOR SPOTTER MIRROR Adjustable, theft-proof mount Chromed 1 ." WRENCH"SET Complete openings Drop fo r g3"ad", to - P1 c Y311 'WHEEL VISOR SPINNER MIRROR M a r b el ized oBeloasustlfucliapmlapt: pl astic knob; chrome base. ' ing Easier. x. to visor,.54454" LOCKING GAS CAP Chrome plated with dust shut- ter. Sturdy lock; 2 keys 1.89 ••••••••••••••••••••••........ CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGH ING ELECTRICAL WIRING AIR-CONDITIONING GRAVITY WARM-A1R. HEATING PLUMBING A FURNACE FOR EVERY JOB 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111 BILL HARRIS Phone 908r3 Clinton ART BELL 934r24 Goderich 19-tfb Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club in aid of Artificial Ice Clinton Lions Arena Debentures and Guaranted Certificates 4, for 1 and' 2 years from 3 to 10 years N Interest payable half yea'rly • D1.00 or more accepted THE, CANADA TRUST COMPANY The Myron 8AErie Mortgage Corporation Heod Office - Lc>ndor), Ontario' District ReproSentativd-H. C. Lawson, Clinton, Ontario Y':IR f KIST . TIN ALL FLAVOURS1 Gramm Nmrs-REQDRD HVASPAY, ,IVIVE. 19, 1999 PAG> Ma Tuckeromith Girl Weds the platform in the. Sui.444Y sobool mom; also to have a sometime in July, to 'balm place wt. the home of Edward Grigg: The meeting closed with the hymn "Lord of Light, Whose Name Ontsbinoth,' and prayer by the President, A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses; Mrs. S. Walter and Mrs, 11, cudrnore, fashioned with net yokes and very full skirts. Mrs. Johnston carried a nosegay of Talisman roses, and Miss McDongeli carried one of yellow Gloria. Two little .flowergiris-Joanne Johnston;. niece of the bride, and. Nero* McDougall, sister of the bride--were Owned alike 'in pale. pink nylon over taffeta with cape Collars, and carried nosegays of pink carnations. Groomsman was Benson Whits ely, .Goderich Township, brother a the groom. Mrs, S. H, Brenton, Londes, boro, aetedscapably as organist, accompenying the soloist, Mrs. M. C, Brocklebank, Owen Sound. At the reception held after the ceremony in the Sunday School room of the church, the bride 'e• mother received in navy Jerome sheer, with white accessories and a corsage of red carnations, The gropm's mother wore navy blue sheer with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. Guests attended the wedding from Windsor, Toronto, Whitby, Mount Forest, Owen Sound, Sarnia and Goderich. For travelling the bride chose WHITELY,McDOIJO441, Decorated prettily with iris,. snowballs and' pink peonies, LIM- deSbero United Cinirch provided. on appropriate setting . on Satur- day, June 14,. for the wedding of Eleanor Flom, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. James McDthigall, 'Aus burn, and Andrew .Graham Whit- ely, Goderich Township, son of Mrs.\ Q. A. Whitely, Goderich Township, and the late Mr. Whit- ely, Rev, S. H, Brenton per- formed, the ceremony. Given in marriage by her fath, er, the bride looked lovely in a gown of ivory satin fashioned with a yoke of Chantilly lace, buttoned down the frbnt, and long lily point sleeves. The three quarter length heirloom veil of Brussels lace was caught to her head by a tiny satin and lace cap. She carried a showered bouquet of red Peerless roses and trench- ed white carnations, Sisters of the bride, Mrs. Gor- don Johnston, Goderich Town- ship, was matron of honour, and Miss Marion McDougall, Auburn, was bridesmaid. They wore identically styled dresses of nile green and mauve respectively, ing of the theme .goos and ro, panting the Creed. It was voted on, and t)ie Ocala carried to .bny, a rug for Mrs. Q. 1Vt, Elliott and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. E;yr, Trewartha and Mr. and Mrs. William Norman, Mr, Nelson Yeo, Toronto, for- merly of Coclerich TOwnship, Is spending a few days visiting with relatives in the district, Miss 'Marie Gliddon, nurse-in- training at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Glidaon. Voices of school children of Goderich Township, SS 3, will be heard on the air, Saturday morn- ing, at 11 a,m., over CKNX. Miss Kathleen Holmes, teacher of the, school, will accompany them on the piano. Mr, and Mrs. 3, A, Murray, Seaforth, were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yea. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Grigg and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yen and family spent last Mon- day at 04C, Guelph. To Present Recital Miss Eileen. Gliddon, ARCT, and pupils are presenting their annual piano recital in Holmes- ville United Church on Tuesday evening, June 24, at 8.30. Assist- guests will be Eleanor Driver, Goderich, violinist; Gloria Palm- er, Pamela Saddler and James V. Corran of Holmesville, as soloists. wMS and WA The June meeting of the WMS and the WA of Hohnesville Unit- ed Church was held in the newly decorated Sunday School room, on Tuesday, June 10. With Mrs. W. 'leo as leader, the WMS meet- ing opened with the singing of the hymn "O'er Those Gloomy Hills of Darkness," followed by the responsive reading, taken from Psalm 96, and the Lord's Prayer, Following the minutes of the May meeting and the roll call, Mrs. N. Heard gave an article on Temperance, The hymn, "In Christ there is no East nor West" was then sung, and Mrs. W. Yeo read an article on Christian Stewardship followed by group singing of "Brighten the Corner where you are." Very interesting talks were given by Miss K. Norris and Mrs. E. Ross of the Children's Aid Society on the work carried on by that organization. Mrs. Bert Trewartha gave a vote of thanks to the speakers, and• this was seconded by Mrs. T. Elliott. The meeting closed with the singing of "Zion's King Shall Reign Victorious," The WA meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs. Edward Grigg and opened with the sing- iosis#0so errt*Oo r, IWO ao. Back-up LAMP Chromed DeLtixe Model for "behind car" illumination. Universal mounting bracket. At CTC ,,,,,,, „ , 3.79 Others frpm 1.49 Pistol-grip SPOTLAMP SEALED SEAM DRIVING LAMPS Super-size - penetrating 53/4" sealed beam unit; Chromed. Universal mount, Clear or amber SAG tog. Each Easy one-hand Inner-control operation, Powerful sealed beam unit. Lustrous chrome plating. Ebsy to Install. Reel value 16." bum "Water on Tap" FU Et 12FIUMPS BIG Values SALL-SEARING big CTC Savings BRAND NEW, AXLE JACK (By our Hensel' correspondent) The annual drumhead service of Canadian Legion, Zone Cl will be held in Hensr.11, Sunday, ,Jude 2'1 Fifteen branches have been invited and a number of bands will be in attendance. It is ex- pected that between 300 and 400 veterans will attend this service: Guest speaker 'will 'be Rev. C, Daniels, Ingersoll, veteran of both wars, and Padre in the Italian campaign in World Wm'r IL A/V/M J. A. Sully, Gode- rich, will take the salute for the march past. Minister of Veter- ans' Affairs will be represented by Brig. G. B. Todd, Ottawa, Chief Pension Advocate of DVA. The wreath will be placed by Zone Commander Ingles, Howick. Goderich Blue Water Band will head the parade which will form at the United Church at 2 p.m. Service at the park will be at 2.30 p.m. • 0 Starts low 6y2' ,'• long lifting. range, Handles almost all cars. Com- plete with long, folding rogue • Z. 0 0 (not rebuilt') Original Equipment Quality handle. Extra RIEHL-PEPPER Ontario Street United Church parsonage, Clinton, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Saturday, Hine 14, at noon, when Gladys Sarah Marion, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Pepper, Oakshade Farm, Tucker- smith Township, became the bride of William George Riehi, Clin- ton, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. George' Riehi, also of Clinton. Rev. A. G. Eagle performed the double-ring ceremony. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride looked charming in a floor length gown of white satin with fitted lace bodice, lily point sleeves and high lace neck- line. Her long veil of tulle illus- ion was held in place by a bead- ed tiara and her only ornament was a gold necklace of opal, aqua and rhinestones, with matching earrings, gift. of the groom. She carried a cascade bouquet` of red Peerless roses. Miss Marguerite Riehl, Clinton, sister of the groom, as maid of honour; chose a floor length gown of rose satin with matching shoulder length veil, and carried a nosegay of blue carnations. Mrs. Frank Falconer, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, chose a floor-length gown of powder blue moire silk with matching shoulder length veil, and carried a nosegay of pink carnations. Frank Falconer, R.R. 5, Clin- ton, was groomsman. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents, where guests were received by the bride's mother, wearing light brown Ticatina with yellow ac- cessories and a corsage of yellow Gloria roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who wore royal blue crepe with navy ac- cessories and a corsage of pink 3. Our foreign trade last year Briarcliffe roses. was greatest with which of The bride's table was tastefully these five countries: France, decorated with bridal wreath, and , New Zealand, Brazil, Japan, cep:trod with a three-tier wedding Sweden? cake. • 4. Who, born in 1948, holds, a-' Friends and relatives were mong other titles, that of present from: London, Dashwood, Great Steward of Scotland? ' Seaforth, Hensall, Fort Erie and 5 Ottawas social security taxes Clinton. For a wedding trip to Quebec and the United States, the bride donned a navy blue wool suit with white accessories and a cor- 000 a week. 3. Brazil. 1. Pulp sage of white carnations. and paper mill ernployees. 4. Prince Charles, the Heir App ar- Upon their return the young couple will live in Seaforth. ent. 2. In the State of Minnesota, (Material supplied by the ed- ILLUMINATED For Fords and Chevrolet Canadian Tire saves you up to 50%-tn brand new, fully tested fuel pumps. Enjoy new operating performance . a t economy prices, O 2.98 Gracefully contour- ed hood ornament, chrome with plexl- glass wings. 81/2 " long. Now 3.98 at „ Moot Others 3.40 .ssasei& .scssr KITCHEN ... "Farm Life" revolves around the kitchen . . . needless labor and time can be saved with "water of the turn of a tap" . . made possible with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. ' ENGINEER'S Form-fitting MATSHIELDI Brightens car, interior; pro- tects new mats; covers worn mats. Attrac- tive color ronge. Black 1.79 each Colors, ea. •-• 2.25 GREATLY REDUCED BATHROOM ... Protect the health of your. family . . . add to the com- forts of daily living . . . modernize with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. SELL TO TOWN • GODERICH - Town Council held a special meeting at which it was decided to accept the of- fer of Goderich District Colleg-' late Institute Board to sell the old Collegiate building to the town for $1 and the assumption of the debenture debts of $11,973,. 0 SQUEEGEE Keep auto wind- shield free t.,of steam or mist .39 LAUNDRY .. Family washing be- comes a pleasure . . . with plenty of clean, fresh running water for your laundry tubs . . with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. FOOT PUMP Reforestation Group Visits St. Williams No bending to pump Up tire or air mattress, etc.\ Easy to use 3.89 CAR WASH MITT! Heavy fleece, snug-fit' wrist-bond, 1" . Use wet or dry "ECONOMY" CHAMOIS Approx. 20" x 15". Big size . .9a Cigarette Last year Canada exported $68,- 000,000,worth of raw wood to be manufactured abroad into wood pulp, twice the value of the 1930 export, Five members of Huron County Reforestation Committee visited St. Williams Forestry Station on Thursday last. Arriving at the Station the group was met by M. McDonald, a Department of Lands and For- ests employee, who conducted them on a tour of the station. In addition to viewing how seedlings are grown for refores- tation purposes, the group had an opportunity of seeing how logs cut from nearby reforestated areas, were sawn into useful material in the Forestry Station's own sawmill. A visit also was made to the nearby Provincial Bird Farm and Trout Pond at Normandale. Committee members who made the trip were: Harvey Johnston, warden of Huron County; C. Rowlands, E. Graham, A. Nich- olson and G. W. Montgomery, Agricultural Representative for Huron County. C. R. Groves, Assistant Zone Forester, accompanied the group on the our, which was arranged by S. R.. Hamilton, Zone Forester. GARMENT HANGERS BARNS . • Why carry water? Save 4 TIME . . . LABOUR„.. INCREASE Pi PRODUCTION and PROFITS and have FIRE PROTECTION with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. Phone or visit us today for -DURO PuntrA and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures. Write for illustrated ."Folder Fits over window gloss. Holds up to 7 hangers. Rust- proof finish •59 TWIN HORNS Big volume-trum- pet tone, Com- plete with relay 8.75 Quick Canadian Facts from Quick Canadian Facts LIGHTER Same as original equipment 2.10 Automatic - lighter signals when ready, Deluxe chrome knob. • 1. What group of industrial• workers receive highest week-' ly earnings? 2. Where is the source of the St. Lawrence River? FENDER GUIDES illuminated flame tip. Lucite shaft. Chrome t r 1 m. Each • 2.79 C. W. BROWN PLUMBING and HEATING Albert St., Clinton Phone 174-i EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.. LIMITED London • Hamilton • St. Catharines • Toronto • Sudbury • Winnipeg • Vancouver ss ECOP 521 nf:• ,1104:AfeenalaMigMMOK4M40%M.SIMiiii'gMIV:Vagaafteageen %Move for family allowances, per- sions, etc.) amount to how much per week? ANSWERS: 5. About $20,000,- 11 CURB FEELERS Pair • • • • .64 Warns when cm is too close to curb. itors of Quick Canadian Facts, the handbook of facts 'about Canada.) Trouble Light Plugs Into cigar lighter; with 12-ft, rubber cord, bulb, etc. 1.89 Window Sildnoor Holds securely, stops vibration and rat- tles. Set of 2 .22 • Brick or Blockwork Chimneys Built or Repaired , FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE RATES $100 BIN NORTH ST. • M Goderich, Ont. L. ,Q. Whetstone g To-Night WISE and BATEMAN Phone 147-Clinton 11111(11111111011111111111111111111(0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111 Thursday, June 19 4 " SPECIAL GAMES - 100 '200 900 • 100 15 Regular Games of $20 each' THESE BINGOS RUN EVERY OTHER THURSDAY All Prizes Must Go ADMISSION: $1 for 15 regular games; 25c for extrg cords; 25c for each speciol Doors open at 8.00 o'clock Games start at 9 p.m. sharp (DST) REFRESHMENT BOOTH 2448-b How"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curies Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousamls who hover eOuld giun Weight betore,now have shapely attractive figures. No MOM MY ling" ugly ilollowiL They thank Osurs. it put/ flesh on bottles-skinny beCaOrfe blood laelut iron. Peps you no, Um, Improves appetite, digestion so toed nourishes you better. Don't rear getting tooted.. Stop When You gala figure you Wish. Xntroduetery or .•get-acquatnted" else only Oat, Try Owes Tonto Tabletti allew pounds, lovely curves. sew M. Way. At dnagglate. 31% a