HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-04-10, Page 5THE WINGITAM TIMES FRIDAY APPIL OU Genuine Bargains! Good Value DISTRICT NEWS °AIL 11014Alin Neighboring News AN EXCELLENT REPORT. A boy was fined $9 for disturbing Hon. jos., G. Goodridge, of Brook The Weekly Round of Life in the county the Salvation Army meeting at Bros. lyn, N. N., writes :—"1 cannot express or Huron and Vicinity els,' • myself in sufficiently praiseworthy InKimardine a billiard license costs terms of Burdock Blood Bitten which Turnborry $40 for first table, $25 for second I have rased forethe past two years .Mr. Robert Aiken has left for , a 4 nd $20 for third. with grea. lr‘nefit. •!,^ tour to British Columbia for the bene- The Rowiok Conned are arranging ..„ • • fit of his health. He intends being for the erection of a briolt township •-• absent about tnree months. hall to be located.in Gerrie. , CHURCH DIRECTORY. 'L With the advent of spring comes number of cattle have died near. . ...,• rnisbyteriiin. the general stir in the moving line. e ' eadbury by reason ot the intense cleBBATH SERVIOESAT 11. A. M. AND 7 P. M M r. ltobt Little encklaughter have left cold. Jacob BarrO\ya ]ost three head. 0 Sunday SchooTat 2:30 P. M. Prayer meeting t110 old homestead and Moved into Their legs were oompletoly frozen. Wednesday evening at 7:80. Roy. H. Marramun , pas Vingliam. His sou John &siva the Miss MeZeil.Who has been spend. tor. place vacated by his father, while Mr. jug her Easteaolidays at her home Baptist. • Robt. McKague „steps into the: place , near Kincarline; haa• ietuined to her SAaa- ' , ,4 BBATH SERVT" ',. AT 11 A. M. AND 7 P. M. he has purchased frnm ' Mr. Join, • daveohnioonlgct 7:...:3'ioe. n. m Prayer meeting, •a tes of instrueth4- the youth of Wed:trodanyye Little. Mr. j. jermityn ha left tbe • sectinNO, 9.* FIRE. PI t.T. I<TZ,JEZ, Boundary near the T.railSOh •• Methodist. late. of the Eclipse Restau Mr. W S. Rand, of the 6th con. way crossing and goes to reside on SABBATH SERVICES AT 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. hiS.Own lot west!of Wingham, Mr. R. of McKillop, recently killed a. suffolk i h Sunday &heal at 278turns' :0 30 p. rn. Prayer meeting ' s sincere thanks to pig that turned tbe beam at .490; lbs., pWaescItonresday evening at . BEV. G. H. Cp1t2:1811, r • . . • . . • owrie having bougiit ' • Vacated by Mr. Jermayn. • dressed ; there are larger, • • Mr. Wru. Hugill, of the same ecwn- • pongregatioual. Glonannan. /Mr. iMray, having sold his . • ship, killed a Berkshire that weighed sABBATH SERVICES AT 11 A. M. AND 7 P. M. . g 525 lbs., dressed., Sunday school at 7.230 p.m. Prayer meeting ' iqr; of lot 3 eon. dwelling house and blacksinith shop to axle and Wednesday evening at 7;30. Rev. Mn. Term, p00- ct th • • • rant v all those who rende. eir assistance at th fi and for the kindness he -has Jiaiates -' Mr...David Duncan for the num of 4, luckersinithl•bad'IL cow Which drop- $1506, has gone to reside' on the svest pecl calf the Other day which Weigh. • E"''""'" SA.BBATII, SEIWICES AT 11 P. ed when born, 416 pounds. • ThiS half of , lot'.16, c'On. 11, ownect by Mr. M. AND 7 P. M S Sunday school in Mitelienzie hall ae2:30 p. in an enormous weight and if the calf PraYer m"t114,.°n Wednesdayevening nt 730 R John }Edon; We a es sorry to lose such a genial obliging man as Mr, be the size of an elephant before it is Church of the Sacred Heart. -Bray who we undersliand hied to give hold service on Sunday Mar /Rh ext at up working at his trade on account of four. yetirs him the goodWill of the whole neigh- Bielbyt fierier "eflOO''acres, on i7th ; with him in his late alfliatidie "' •• ;sum of $4,500. Mr, John Lasham any IdeCosu, pastor. 101/OWS up therstart.-it has .got it will 10:30 a. Mar, Priest. feeble heaith. He carries.aWay'with Thos.: Giirbert has bought'. M. AV has seld the, Bandereock fe-rm, on'the Wngam Lorlae.4-,;qp, A. r. & - C; Mr. rril LC borhood, who sincerely. •sy•Kethize cola. of litillett, paying therefor the SOblETItS ceived since. His books havin been destroyed, he would be grea ly obliged if all persons owing hi gravel roar', near TUEiDAY, ON OR BEEOYE eraeitoch" , would call at The Times office ar. Bente W . S soon - with him a $3,006,41c.6.taiii., SO acres: . - pc for the month of March based on the fu the Moon, In their Hall, Kent from Eatern7OntariO, for' the pinaii. The follOWing repel.% of 'S.S. eiimof No.8,; bers04 or • . , lie went out last year with 615—Jennie Anderstin 482, Bella lEgYPf•''. 11 • The BrtisSelg;Rost Of lest week:evil: ponetttality, diligence and deinena• • ' • hothead Lodge; to. 119. I. 0. ,... • , • , Last yeeek 4 Nr. =111cDonal.cl, a former NI EETS EVERY THURSDAY EVENING AT S 0' cloek in their Mill, Mason's Block. - - Junior el ss Marks' obtainable, 1 resident of Bleigsels airilved hare from, -1-T'a McDonald 424, M. Porterfield 414, the voyageurs from 'Winnipeg, and 'Wiri. Reilly 372, E. Henry. ble as h e in pressing need cf It• money. NiirldtV3•EfiCaMpMeOt NO 47, I. 0. 0: F. 'gives a very interesting accuunt of:his Senior ,travels, the . sights he sueN, and the lird 01,188. Marks obtainable, S79 :— L. Raney 308, W. me,. 'dangars hp encountered. • ' He • was. Within about lifq miles of•Khartoum.' .Buyney 27% M. Agaew 24,9, J. Scott i 240, W, .Bretz 23%. "M. Robertson lido left the laud of burning ' sand on 27tb, The trip agreedt With 538,, A. MePonald 236, D. Robertson, January 2001•4:1••Scett 125, J. Agnew 81, W.:, him siilendidly, and although he had . •to pnt in a few weeks in the hospital Jurder 2nd. Marks obtainable120 .Agnew 63. , he is well satisfied with what fell to ,e. . ' • F. Anaerson.• 98, J. Agnew 82, H. his lot. ' Owens 29, G. Robertson 21. Too Good for a Slesmn. ..... . innioe 3rd cla,,ss.—Marks obtain- , Dry goods merchant—S0, sir you able 410; ,T. Belie 888, M McLean . 13 salesman 2' 'ids, sir.' . • • ' Well, suppose ,you were 'waiting on that men.andfeiCwiferive'r at the lace counter' What—Would You do first •J should hold up - the best piece o laCe in the stock and ask the man i ee didn't tuink it becoming to hi daughter's style of beauty 1' 'Well what then 2' think youcould learn to become a • 297, A. Anderson 296, C. 286, D. McDonald 28 , . A. Porterfield 278, F, McCallum 237,S. McCallum .23Q,.R4 Scott, L, ,Dalgerne 211, M. Stewart 210, G. Worn° 206, A. Scott 150, J. Robertson 125, R. Owens 107. Senior 2nd class —Marks obtain- able 144. D. Robertson 141, J. Reber t. son106, M. McCallum 103, C. Towley 09, R Reilly 98, L. McBurney 96, L. Naylor 81, F. Nay toe 77, A. Robert. GOOD ADVICE. 11[ETITiEratl'ag,Th?'?1.21: !al= dy invited. . 'Court Aahland, No. ht, I. 0.• ' t (BETS EVERY SECOND AND,J.AST FRIDAY 11.1, e enings in the month, In thelfdlall,Tamlyn's Block. ‘e: Winghitm Lodge, No. 140, A..0 U: W. AA BETS EVERY THIRTY FRIDAY'EVENINC IN the month. Lodge,• room, Tamlyn's Block. • Huroli Colitocti, No. 10. Order of ChOsen friends; VrEETS EVERY FIRST MONDAY EVENING ' .LVL, the month, in their Hall; Tamlyn's • L. 0. L: Ho. 704. . • • ,. MEETS EVERY FIRST FRIDAY EVENING Ilst the month. • . , " Excelsior Council No. 000 Royal Templets of Temperance. ,. AKEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING IN THEIR , rocunMaclionzie's • • Mechanics Institute. . Beaver Block, Reading room open on MondaYs, S . Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays mad Fridayelrom 1 to 10 o'clock, p. aud on Saturdays from 0 a.18, to 10 p. Library open on Tuesday, and Friday eveninpfrom 7 to 8 o'clock and on Saturday after- noon from to O'CiOok, frotn Manitoba, scalds, wouncts, lameness, croup. ail. Post Office, ", J. Robertson 68, F. Robertson 41, C. WEI= HOURS FROM 8 A Al If our readers will isceept proffered P. Amiga, Postmaster. " Tevrn Band. Owens 39. advice, they will always keep a bottle PRACTICE. ITEM!' TUESDA of Ho.gyard's Yellow Oil on hand for e , BEDGRAVE "EaM rriFOR day night W. Nuttiouta, PresIdont.1 Mr. G. Barkina ba$ returned. home use in emergencies, such as burns, Ai Messre. T. Walton and P. Porter- blains, rheumatism, and all --varieties Lad, jr., have left for Illinois. of aches, pains end inflammatious, it • TO 7 1,, m drawing rho lumber for, the cheese THE BEST CO BINATION. Wog Borth. • .pcaL RAILWAY .TIME TABLe is will over be found reliable. Mr. D. MaCasey, of Winghtun, Arrive -10:40 a. tn. Deparb---10;40 rt. sn. factory. Arrive— 3:10 p. m, • Arrive— H:00 p. tn. Arrive -10:20p. in. nel:a riDe upialt-- S.:00p. no, rt....103;2100pp., in:I., The shareholders of the cheese • cleftosing, regulating, health giving The best comb nation of ba'o Liiyt.uese runs Tuesdays, Thursday' faCtory' have elected their directors, herbs, roots and barks enter lute i•AT, IL su ir°dartVsn Mr. G. Ho(,a, secretary. table remedy tha------------------iof ' Clang Santh W. C. 11. • • t.}.144 bloo 3, liver and kidneye. Depart— 050 a. 18, • Arrive— 6508. 10. ' 14; S. Brandon is treaeurer, and Burdock Blood Bitters —a purely voge• Arrive— 7:45a. tn. Arrive -11:18 a. in, 3300d -11:1S a. in, OUR 1111eADERb. — WITHOUT DOUBT. Arrive— 2:55 0.01. Arrive— 7:10 p. 111. Depart— 7:40p. tn. If yon suffer from headache dzziy. Train leaving at 0:50 runt Tuesdays, Thursdays • '52`01.1oNY Oil Is 'per, excellence" the Satnrdays only. LC A C. 'moss, back ache, i imams s " the blood, try I3urdock iBiooa Bit pain, lameness, Rheumatism, croup, : tore% It hi a guartultood euro for all deafness, bnres, frost bites, stiff 4J1v0-1(a):40 a. In, irregukrities of bo blo joints tuna all flesh vs•outids. Any ' ve— """."'" kidneys. od rices ant, medicine dealer can furnish it.. . , re, • Depart— 7:45 a, tn. Dopart— 2:55 p, 511, atearbeone, • Avont. Wingbana, Xpri1 9, 1885. : 0 and 0 i Neatly and Cheaply Printed at the TIMES (R.FTO: • I k. 0