HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-04-10, Page 4r. • -71.1401 THE WING-11AM TIMES FRIDAY APRIL TO T I-I:MI TIM/1M S Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by J. S. Smith, that the report of the Auditors be finally passed and that an absti act report he published in the TTMES, Vidette and Advance news papers, and that 200 copies of the ao- counts in detail bo printed in sheet or pamphlet form and that tenders be received by the clerk for printing same. —Carried. Moved by W. Ganett, seconded by R. Molndoo, that we give the town bead a grant of $100, to be pd quarterly and that the Band shall play publicly once a week during favorable weather.—Carried. Moved by B. Wilson, see. by J. S. Smith, that this couuoil recommends that no inore assistance be given by the charity eommittee for the support of Margaret Comerford's child.—Car- ried. Moved by A. Dawson, sec. by W. F. Broskenshire, that Messrs. Wilson, Kerr and Gans Ott be a committee to examine the gravel bu•Iding on Victoria, street, formerly owned by Mr. Calbeck, as it atYpears to be in a shaky condition and may fall, and report at nest meeting.—Carried. Moved by W. McClymont, see. by R. MoIndoo, that the thanks of this council are -due and are hereby ten: dered Mr. Thos. Manuel for the very efficient manner in wnich he managed our water works during the five years in which he had charge of them as Chief Engineer. Carried unanimous:. Moved by W. Clega, sec. by 11, Kerr, thot i be a standing rule of this Council to adjourn not later than 10 o'clock p. m. on regular nights of meeting. —Carried. A by.lawsto borrow $6.50 far school purposesAilid a by-law restricting the keeping t$ hogs in t lie municipality were duly triassed. • Adjourned to next regular meet- ing. . • AR! Itussians a,n,c1 -fif ghans. Latest despatches confirm the report of a collision between RIISSiarli, and Afghans Lear Penjdeh on the turghab river, in which some 500 men were killed. Penjdeh is a small collection of ' huts about six wiles north east of Pul-i-kisti and about the same distance from Ak-Tapa. These places command the two rivers o Eastern Badglais •and the direct route to Herat up the valley of the Hushk, and are therefore of consider: able strategic, importance The cap: ture of Penjdeh will no doubt be considered a "casus belli" for which England by her prompt action is calling out the reserves, &c, is well prepared. She has 5,000 men massed in India with a reserve of 75,000 while the Aineer her ally has another 50,000 so that within one month she can pour 175,000 well drillsd and equipped men into the very heart oi Afghanistan. Without doubt Russia has blundered into this as into the Crimian war by trying to impose too much on English patience and for bearance. • TOWN COUNCIL. • . The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council was 'held on Mon- : day evening last. Minutes pt last meeting read and 'confirmed. ss. The following communications were reed: From Richard Coad, demanding a refunding of $9.50 taxes for. which he was illegally assessed. From Mr. John Paustie,G. N. W. Telegraph Co., Montrea, allowine Jos. Hurtibese to give Mr: Pettypiece what information in reference to szorking the fire alarms, &c.—Filed From Mr. W. F. Dulmage, apply- ing Jar a billiard license. --Ordered, that he be referred to the bylaw re- jating to the Billiard Lioenses. From Piro Brigade committee, re- questing Council to purchase for their use certain fire apparatus. A report of the special committee appointed at last meeting of the Council in reference to the annual report of the Board o! Health, recom- mending certain restrictions in refer- ence to the keeping of hogs, and other matters relating to the public health, was read and filed. The Finance Committee reported, recommending paymeet of the fol- lowing accounts; and that the Auditorsreport be adopted: E Kaake, charity order, $8; Jos Coact, salary, $8.34; A Murray, two scrapers and repairing at wheel house .$8; J B Ferguson, salary, $56.33; T 'A auditor, $8; D Gordon do .$8; 0 E Williams; blue vitrol for water works, $13.25; A J. Anderson, coffin for child, $2.50; G Pettypieee, salary, $70.83; G Proctor, wood, $2.50; W Sheridan, work at hydrants, $3.1 ; F Wright, cutting ice at bridge 62 cents; Jos. Hurtibese, changing electric bell &c., $1.50; W Moore, work at pump house, $8; F Buchanan paid charity order, $1.50; T Manuel, salary, $25; Coutts & Inglis, repairs at water works, $1.25; C O'Hagan, Paid charitssorder, $1; John. Dickson, Salary, $19.70; A Kelly, paid charity circler, $1.—Repoi t adopted. Mr. 1) McKinley reported that the balance of tbe money, necessary to purchase John Coact's property for opening up Patrick street was in the hands of the Treasureie Moved by R. Mclndoo, seconded I y T. MeClymont, that the cuniniuni. cation front the Fire Brigade commit- tee be transferred to the Ewe and water committee, to raport at i ext meeting of the Counail —Carried. Moved by E. Bowers, seconded by W. F. Brockenshire, that Mr. R. Coad's grievance he referred to the Fineness Committee to report at next meeting —Carried. Moved by B. Willson, seconded by J.Elder, that a by-law be passed to UNIIIIirf3 the half of lot 90, tin the Fast Pid A 'GI.' Frances street under authority of sub. sec. 2 consol- Elated Mun. Act 1888t and that ap- plieation be made to the County Council for permissicei to lay old 801 property for a stro it, it being less then 6,3 tett wide, The cotAct .was carried in Wel- lington county last week by 1208 majority. • The,Peince and Princess of Wales arrived in Dublin on Wednesday. They •rectived an :enthugastic re- ception. The conspitacy trial came to an end on TnalaY, and Messrs. BunSing, Wilkinson,i Meek and Kirklandshave beat( acqUitted orgies ,charge of con'. spring to bribe members of the Local Legislature. -• THE LIO,N,AND THE BEAR. 4.1•••••1•011. A mighty lion sprawling lay O'er half the earth, on India's strand One heavy paw, on Afric's sand The citlaeritretched away; His haunches covered Erin's isle. His;tail switched Canada the while. AA if by preconcerted plan El Mahc.4 ,on Egyptian hills, ts, El Pandi with his many ills, And Riel and all began. To pinch and punch, and prod and flail This mighty beast, and twist his tail. Those smarting torments Loo bore As might a once -great king, untkroned— • 'Twas said he even writhed and:groaned, And felt his. reign as o'er Then all the beasts began to glower Upon their king deprived of power. A well-fed, fat, and clumsy bear, ' That browsed from Artic's frozenaliore To summer seas, yet longed for more, Approached the lion's lair, And gave his stubby tail a swish, And poked his nose in Leo's dish. One mighty roar the lionlwoke That filled the echoes far and near, , And Bruin stood transfixed withjear, While thus he trembling spoke; . "Pray let me go, I've had enough." And turned his tail and toddled off. .WINGHAM MARKET. Wingham Apr, 10th, 1885 Reur per. cwt 2 25 to 2 25 lour per bbl 4 50 to 4 50 Fall 1Vheat per ous.... 78 to 80 Spring " '. • • • 78 to 80 Oats ,, ,, • 30 to 34 Barley ",, c c ... 60 to 65 Peas , i •4 • 56 to 58 Potatoes " " •• 40 to 40 Butter per lb 15 to 15 Eggs per doz.,. 16 to 12 Hay per ton .."3 00 to 14 00 Wood 0 *a nn to 125 ' • The Thoquh.Brcd " Decsivar," Will stand for cows thi-4 sea”n Cats I., Dt 36, Coe 12, East Wasvanosh. Terms-- $1 Or the season. T YOUNG, Rrop. It4spection. invited. AGENT WANTED. -- Is the North West threat Innram Co. ened withanother OP LIVERPOOL Rebe]lion ? FIRE and MINE f . Wants an Agent) For the Town and 'Vicinity of WING - HAM, Apply with references te FORBES & MUDGE, Chief Agents, Montreal. Montreal, April 7, 1885, MEYER & DICKENSON "DARRISTERS, &c. SOLICITORS FOR BANK Or D HAMILTON. Comnilsslonois tor taking Wilda. vits for Manitoba. Private funds to lend in straight loans at lowest atee. Office -Kent's Block, Wind ham, Luckne. and Gerrie. Si. W. 0. MIMI,. Winchant Nov. 18 1880 a. L. 010515205. 1.11/ J. A. MORTON, • BARRISTER Ont DRS. BETHUNE & YOUNG, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Office, corner Centre and . atrick streets, Wingham Ou earl°. ALEX. BETHUNE,M. D., W. J. YOUNG it. D . 0 DR. G-ITIVN L. R. C. P., Edinburgh, and, L. R. C. S., Edin., Scotland, Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh,. And late of Hospital for Diseases of Women, London, Eng. OFFICE—DR. MACDONALD'S RESI- DENCE. WINGHAM. G. LI BALL. L.D.S. SURGEON* DENTIST Honor Graduate and member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto visits Wingham every Weanesday. Office over MoIndoo's stere, nearly oppo- site the Brunswick House. All work first class, charges moderate. Gold fii,lings specialty. farmers & Landowners . Do yon want to borrow Money? To buy more land.for Yourself or igur Sons. To build a House or Barn. To Fence,' Clear, Underdrain, or otherwise improve Land, To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. Or for any other Purpose, If you do the un- dersigned are able to Loan at the lowest rates of Interest 9,nd more reasonable Terme than any one else in this section of • At' Lower Prices than ever Before the country. MEYER & DICKENSON, " r.' Offered in -,Winghani Barrister', Wingham. - i Solicitors for the Bauk,of Hamilton; • • •.•• -•, . . • . . We hope wiser counsels will prevail and that quietness sv111 be speedily restated. GORDON & MoINDOO, OF THE illolor 'Louse, 'Iii11);:lam Are determined to make all their patrons contented and happy by giving them FULL VALUE for every dollar they 1,pend rn •„their store. Special attention is called to their —Suiting Department Large Stock and Latest Shades and Designs to select from. Prices in keepingysith the hard Times and a FIT guaranteed in every case. • e goofs & Shoes to Fit Every One And suit every taste. Ladiee' Misses' and Children's in great variety. and Boy's in fine, =chum and coarse. ••• TEAS, TEAS; TEAS,. Men's. And'Bsautiful Bright SUGARS, the Best Value in the Trade. Come and see us and prove our. assertions. GORDON & MoINDOO, Anchor House. • —JUST RECEIVED-- , A LARGE CONSIGessTMENT he je\w 6.4 lry, • • • e• • VALUABLE I Sell AS:CI:MAI? asany Ileuse in Canada. ,Try• -me and see HOTEL IND STORES —IN M1E— TOWN OP WINGRAM FOR S-A-T-JR1 • The undersigned offers for sale the en— tire block at the corner of Josephine and John streets, in the town of Winghare, comprising. QUEEN'S HOTEL. BARN, and STABLE AND FOUR FRAME STORES, at a bargain. The buildings are located in the centre of the business portion of the town, near the market, and are most desir: able stands in Winghart. the hotel is a, three storey frame building, is nicely fitted up throughout and is the leading farmers' hotel; The barns and stables aro large and have accomodation for 150 horses. The property is rented for 11950 a year. It is expected the hotel will be licensed for this year, Tho stores, four in number, are of frame two stories high an I in good condition. One N rents for O, two for Q120 each, and one 100)126 per year. Their location is a very desirable ooe, and th• y are never without temente. [he property cost over il11,00, bat will be Rad at a attorifice. Tho whole will be sold in one lot or seperately to snit purchasers, Offers will be received up to Monday, April 20th, 1885. For further particulars apply to Mits. ELIZA 3. JOHNSTON, Winghitm. Out. OAVN WILSON, AUCTIONEER1 Sales attended to in all parts of the county. All arrangementa for sales can be made w.th Mr. G. Wilson, Lot 36, Con- 14, East Wawanosh, or on apr icittion to :his brother, Mr. J. Wileon, Veterinary Sur - glen. Wineharn, or at THE TImES office. for HALSEY PARK. MISS MURPHY . , . . m"Beaslo 'tender thanks to her numerous customers for the liberal patronage ea LI .. they have bestowed upon her, and in•the future. as; in the past will leave nothing'unadzieto'serve them so as to merit their continued confidence and •support,1-' As my Nusiness Las increased mere than double the past year, I am now in a better position titan ever to supply illy customers with all kinds of • Millinery, Mantles, Silks, Satins, Satin Marvellieux, Ottomancord Satin Marvellieux. Chemile Fringes, Mantlo• Ornaments, ne N Jet "-Trimmings, Real Laces, Silk Guipure, Spanish reelDep- toile Orientale,•Hamhtsg Net, • Victoria Lawn, Fotvered Muslin and Parasols, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Embroidery and Insertion Underskirts, black Oashinere, Crape Cloth, Cretonnes, and Dress Trimmings of descriptions. For the spring 1 liave the Largest Stock ever shown, and will be happy to show intending purchasers. EaY'Eggs taken es Cash in exchange for goods. MISS MURPHY. Wingham, March 18th, 1885. •• it •1„i Cures Dizzfums, Lo6stf Appetite, Indijestion, Biliousness; • ; Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Affections f the L‘ver and Jaineys, $ P , Plot,...ks, Boils, Humors, Sall Mount, Scrofula, ....;,gslylas, and all diseases arisiny from Impure illood, Deranged Sioniaeh, or it refular action of the Bewais. ZISSW,F=L7Z:S.1".!nr.11=7.4,,..14941:nosausoo 411(Fss..-ot*.tr."'