HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-05-29, Page 9al I I L.OL NOT E$ ••••••fr.•••••!!• Murphy LOL 710 will .hold tag.,, regular lodge meeting, to,night,..- MaY 20 at 8.30, All members ar.e tenueated, to attend. Murphy LPL. 'Ito is. holding s dance in Clinton Town 'OM :in,-aid of the Fife and Prnel .Panda fund. 44+.÷011,-0-41-1,4*S-1-40-+.44+4-41.4"- us ifrigirreters cariThe boat. lbsy itionryour feed fratratorrw‘'rhost. III MERRILL mu RADIO & ELECTRIC cSatal andSztviaz PHONE 313 CLINTON 4F++++++44-01-.4-0-0-4.4-4-40-4-.4-•-•44-414-4-•-•-•-•-•-*-1104-04-40-0-4-41,;•••-•-4-- CLINTON PLUMBING A Complete Plumbing Service All work guaranteed, Protec your plumbing against costly re- pairs. Install a * Duro Water Softener A size for every job. See one on display and enquire about the Merit-plan for Softeners, Bath- rooms, Pressure Systems - Pay on a monthly basis as low as $8.50, E. J. REYNOLDS Phone 577R-Clinton We are now agents for RYANCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS 8", 10", 12" STANDARDS and CHIMNEY BLOCKS W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES PHONE 120 CLINTON 22-b ana-a.e+sess•-•-•-•-ea-estae4ane*an4-.4444-eane-a-s-s-assanadnaststfastar.ds++ EVERYTHING FOR YOUR SWIMMING NEEDS - BATHING- TRUNKS by Catalina and. Reid Priced from 95 to 5.95 Herman Men's Wear PHONE 224W CLINTON ,444+444444.4 44-444444-4-440-.44-44.44444-444-.4•44 ...simmemengggrsar.l." Weddings (Continued from Page One) Nelson Trewartha, Clinton, aunt of, the bride, received in a navy afternoon dress with white access sories and a corsage of pink car- nations. She was assisted by the groom' mother who wore an af- ternoon dress of French blue Bo- irieleda, with white accessories and a corsage of pink earnations. For a motor trip through Nor- thern Ontario the bride changed to a gray suit, with which she wore a pink shortie coat and cor- sage of pink carnations. Mr, and Mrs. Wise will reside in Goderich Township. Imm..+•••••• 8.41-KIN-CCM The United Church parsonage, Tara, was the scene of a wedding -on Saturday afternoon, May 10, at 3,30 o'clock, when Mrs. Mabel Cox, Clinton, became the bride of John W. Batkin, Clinton. Rev. W. J, Woolfrey, formerly minister of Ontario Street Unit- ed Church, Clinton, performed the ceremony. After a trip to Northern,. On- tario, the newly-married' couple took up residence in their new house on Shipley St., Clinton. ADKINS-BROADFOOT Spring floskers and candle- light formed the setting for a lovely wedding in St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, on Sat- urday, May 24, when Joyce Ail- een, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, Ind Howard Wil- liam Adkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins, Hensel, were united in marriage by Rev. A. E. Hinton. The bride's father gave her in marriage. The bride's ballerina-length dress was of white nylon net, with bouffant side panels, and trimming of tiny white lace flow- ers, Her shoulder-length veil was caught to a satin cap. She car- ried a spray of white and scarlet carnations, and wore white pearls, gift of the •groom. Mrs. John Delta; sister of the bride, was matron of honour. Her dress was mauve marquisette, with a tiered skirt and small matching jacket and her veil was fastened to a tiny peaked hat of marquisette. Miss Wilma Hay, as brides- maid, wore- net and lace over yellow taffeta, with yellow and purple headdress. Both attend- ants carried sprays of mauve sweet peas and yellow roses. Margaret Jean, younger sister of the bride, wore yellow taffeta and carried a mauve and yellow nosegay. She was escorted by Master Kenneth Reichert, who acted as ring-bearer for the double ring ceremony. The bride's mother chose a dusky. rose dress with white ac- cessories and Mrs. Adkins wore navy crepe and lace with har- monizing accessories. The groom's brother, Stewart Adkins, acted as groomsman, and the ushers were Jack Adkins, Wilmer Adkins and Beverly Broadfoot. Miss Kathleen Hess, Zurich, played the wedding music. Mrs. Clarke Kennedy, Hensall;, sang "I Love You Truly" before the ceremony and "Because" during the signing of the register. The ladies of the church serv- ed at the reception in the church parlours. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Adkins left on a motor trip east, the bride travelling in. a lavender suit with navy acces- sories and pale beige shortie coat. ThompsonoSpoons- No. 00 • .. „„ ..... . to. .45 No. 0 ea .50 No. 1 ea. .55 No. 2 ea. .60 They're good--ask the man who has used them! PORK RIND, boss size, assorted colours, per jar .50 PORK RIND, large size, assorted colours, per jar .80 PORK RIND, fly rod ... .. . „, „ ...... ..„ per jar .50 NYLON TRACE HOOKS, cod. of six .35 METAL LEADERS' ea. .15 CHAIN FISH STRINGERS " Ca. .75 :steno itva *rag, 111 r, m Oce a Af SPRING FAIR SPECIALS ! It's The Dollars You SAVE That Count. Don't Miss These BARGAINS- Selected specially for Fair Day, You be the Judge. Kick the tires. ,Lift the hood. It's• your privilege any day! '48 PONTIAC SEDAN-Radio. Hydramatic Tra;nsmis- sion. Don't let the low price mislead you-Only 1450 '46 PONTIAC COACH-Good transportation at low cost. Only 950.00 '49 FORD COACH-Beautifully kept. Mechanically per- fect. Special 1495.00 '50 HILLMAN SEDAN-Looking for a bargain Here it is! Special 1150.00 '47 DODGE COACH-A maroon beauty. Good invest- ment at . ONLY 1150.00 '36 CHEVROLET COACH-You'll be pleased with this one. Exceptiona4 value Only 300.00 FORD ROADSTER-Just the thing for the yothlg fellow's driving . .. . .•.. .... . „ . . . 100.00 Sure, we hope to gee the Fair too--131YI---our time is yours FAIR DAY, Drop in and browse around our Lot. Ali cars hot listed ore reduced for this event, 1i. Lorne Brown Motors Limited CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE-Sates & Service Your Friendly General Motors Dealer PHONE 367 If. CLINTON PAGE TEN =A TON nIMSAECOrt.):, TlitinSPAIrg MAX 29, SM. wssaaiessa_es-easelee+Pas edetelearleaseenee s News of Brumfield Mrs. Smith,: Sketer spent the weekend with Mrs..A: Rohner, Mr, and Mrs. Clen. Christie yjs,, 1.tesi in Kitchener on the holiday weekes4 Mr. and Mrs. George Mender- ,son spent teat weekend in Owen Sgunst Mrs. David Tough bad as visits pro on the weekend, her .daughter .and son-in-law, DOW, Jack Rathwell spent the week- end with hia parents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Rathwell, Stanley Township. Mr. and, Mrs. :George Griffiths, Beckey and Danny, visited with nar. anal Mrs, Hugh Berry on Sunday. Miss Margaret Aikenisead, don, visited with her mother, Mrs, Hugh Aikenheasl, for a few days this week, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Batt, Stouffyille, visited the latter's mother, Mrs, John McCowan, on the holiday weekend. J. K. Cornish is in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth, where be underwent an appendicitis operation yesterday morning. Mn and Mrs. Abe Zapfe; Mr, To Help Us Remember PHOTO ALBUMS in black with picture covers, large size 95c BROWN SIMULATED a LEATHER PHOTO ALBUM with picture cover, large size, 3.75 BROWN SIMULATED LEATHER PHOTO ALBUM with raised pattern an each 3.00 BANTAM BASEBALL Clinkers Lions Club Iles entert. ad a team in the WOAA Bantam "4" Series, with John Wilson as manager„ and, Alex Wilson and Gerry Holmes: as coaches. Twene ty players have turned out for practice, Manding few pitchers' and two catchers. To qtgalifY, boy must have been under 14 on May 1. JITNEY SIiNB 2 Clinton Lawn Bowling Club will hold a free opening jitney tournament on the greens Mon- day next, June a, commencing at 7.30 p.m. All members and pros- pective members are welcome, 0 Lions Midgets Lose Opener To Hensall. 3-2 Clinton Lions played a good game of ball en the Community Park diamond last evening, but the kids from Hensel' showed a little better staying power, with the result that the visitors won 3-2 in a WOAA baseball Midget "A" fixture. it was the first ball game of the season in Clinton, the Colts' opener, scheduled for Saturday morning, May 24, with Exeter, having been rained out. The Hensall lads got away to a head start in the first frame, with two runs on. a walk, one safe hit, and an error. G. Moir and G. Parker notched the tal- lies. From then on, Clinton al- ways trailed. Russ Holmes is manager of the Midgets, with Stewart Taylor and Leslie Henderson acting as coaches. The youngsters were under 16 years before May 1. Hensall .. 200 001 00-3 4 2 Clinton , . 000 101 00-2 8 4 Hensall: G. Moir 2b, M. Ven- ner 3b, G. Parker e, Rannie cf, W. Welsh rf, C. Bell if, J. Hend- erson p, S. Bells rf, Eyre if, p, K. Parker lb, McLellan as. Clinton Lions: John Hartley 2b, Richard Elliott lb, Ron Muir p, Gerry Tebbutt et, Mitchell if, McIlnrain rf, T. Colquhoun rf, Bill German rf, Terry Jenkins c, Rowland S's, Howes 3b. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS Four accidents in Clintondiave been reported by Chief of Police Joseph Ferrand, during the past week, In none of them was any- one injured, although property damage was quite high. A 1951 passenger car driven by Doreen Elliott, north along Vic- toria Street, on, Friday morning, May 23, was struck on the right side by a 1930 car, driven by William Hubbard, Clinton, caus- ing damage to the extent of about $70. iottestee0aletellatellelatett4elettetage.+44•04 VODDEN'S SUMMERHILL Specials 1 lb. Baby Roll CHEESE 53c AVONDALE COFFEE, lb. 99c CREAM CORN (15 oz.) 2 tins 27c FIVE LILIES BREAD FLOUR, 24 lb. 1.55 PAT-A-PAN ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR 1.57 ROSE MARGARINE, lb. .. 33c MOLASSES, 16 oz. `family tin ..... lb. 29c Ideal KETCHUP, 13 oz. bottle 21c Iodised SALT 2 for 21c MUFFETS ..... 2 for 33c 48 oz. tin Blended Juice, 29c 444eleasletereasa+44aletaleasansietearseteal (By Ronald Cornish) Officera elected to the exec- Istilie of (Students' Council ter the school term, 1952-50, at the election held 'Wednesday after- noon, were; President, Barbara Middleton; 1st vice-president, Betty Parke; and vice-president, Gerry TO- Watt; secretary, Jean McVittie; treasurer, Harris Oakes (acclama- tion); girls' sport representative, Joanne Castle; boys' sport repre- sentative, Ronald, Steepe. she was promptly shot, The vote was then unanimous. Another highlgiht was the "band?" that played on behalf of Betty Parke. Members were Hon Philp, tenor horn; Richard Andrews, bass horn; Ken. Howes end Richard Elliott, clarinets; Jack Cowan, cornet; William Shearing, trombone; Ken Ash- ton, saxophone. Mack Taylor performed well on the drums. Surprise Shower Given Recent Bride A surprise miscellaneous show- er was given at the home of Miss Jeanne Gerais in honor of Doreen Elliott whose marriage took place on Saturday evening, May 24. The bride-elect sat in a pret- tily decorated chair over which hung balloons, telling her where to search for her gifts. After opening the gifts Doreen thanked the hostess and all the girls for the lovely gifts. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Loraine Caron, Jane Hartley, Joyce Bailey, Evelyn MacDonald and Edna Bailey. ELECTRIC WIRING From an extra outlet in your kitchen to wiring a complete house. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE E. W. Colquhoun and Son PHONE 688W Huron St, Clinton Ns Barbara Middleton tuderite Council Head and Mrs, Donald Gray and sons, dstnadsaantsa-aese-eaase-•-•ae•-•-•-•-ease44-e-•-•-•••÷4.4-4- SIMULATED WOOD ETCHED PHOTO AL- BUM with Hunter and Dog etching .... 5.00 BRIDE'S' SOAP BOOKS in white cover a 1.00 BABY BOOKS in white, blue or pink ..„ 65c to 3.50 GUEST BOOKS in white or brown cover 98c McEwan's cover, anent the weekend in Detroit, visiting with relatives, Miss Lois Moffat, Windsor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffat, spent some time at her home this week, owing to the strike in the Ford plant where she works. Mr. and Mrs, Ted Munn and family, London, Visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. William Dinnin, on Saturday and SiandaY, Victor Pinisin, Zurich, also spent acme time with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. 4.--v W. StaelthouSe returned home from an extend- ed visit withs their son and dau- ghter-in-law,' Mr. and Mrs. ela wood Stackhouse, London, Visit- ing with them for the weekend were Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Neale, Patsy and Ronald, Glencoe. At Local Services Rev. S. W. Down, retired min- ister, now jiving in Exeter, Preached morning service in Brucefield United Church, and evening services were taken by Earl Birr, Grand Bend. Preaches at Anniversaries Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Mines, and Shirley, spent Sunday in Tilbury and Grand Bend. It's Fishing Time! Open Friday Night 746 and Saturday Night '7-10.30 POR 'Robs, REELS, LINES, SE4RERS, SPOONS, ELIJOS. ETC. Ttek Campaign Skits Presented Campaign sPeeehea and skits Were presented to the students and teachers of CDCI on Monday afternoon, May 26, in the CDCI auditorium, in behalf of the candidates for positions on CDCI Students' Council Executive for 1953. The following is a list of can- didates; president and first vices president, Betty .Pgrlse, Barbara Middleton, William Cowan; sec- and viee-President, Janis Mos.- ritt, Gerald Tebbutt, Shirley Proctor; secretary, Jean McVit- tie, Betty Lou Nediger, Rhea flail; treasurer, Harris Oakes (ac- clamation); girls' sports represen- tative, Joyce Hawkins, Joanne Castle; boys' sports rppresent- ative, James Hewes, Ronald Steepe. On behalf of Janis Merritt, the scene of the skit was in the home of her campaign manager, Mary Tyndall, where Mary was visited flowers and lighted candles: by Pa and Ma Kettle, and all of Close to 6Q girls, from both their rn cbtlyildRreincharirdwInr1rnews,s PaAtds erect the ghurch dressed in white Clinton and Blyth parishes, ent- Vic Harding, sang a song in dresses and long, flowing veils honour of their candidate. The scene of the skit on behalf of Barbara Middleton was in Middleton, USA, 1871, at election time. The mayor, Shirley Hard- ing, asked all of those who wish- ed to vote for Betty Parke to hold "up their hands. One per- son did, and she was promptly shot (with a cap gun, of course). The mayor the asked every- one who wished to vote for Bill Cowan to hold up their hands. one person did and she was promptly shot, All those who wished to vote for Barbara Mid- dleton were told to hold up their hands. One -person didn't and VAInfs!.$ wA The regular meeting' of ,St.. Paul's WA. was held at the home , of Mrs.. F-J, Aildt0 on Tuesday, May M The president opened the meet- ing in the ttstiel. Manner. Veers to een des Mad ablate* -voila were ade during the month, Mrs. 0). ThenaPtlen asked, for a donation of woollen material suitable. for making into. Mane trots. These are to be left et Mrs, TlIPMPSOn's .home, Mrs, L..M, MeKinnon ,and .Mrs, Hudie brought reports from the Diocesan annual held Kitch- ener recently. ' Mrs. L, M. McKinnon closed the meeting -with prayer, A large congregation attended special services in honor of the Virgin Mary at St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, Sunday even-ing. A special altar was erected in the sanctuary and was decorated with a profusion of bright spring with wreaths, and each, carrying a small bouquet of spring flow- ers, which they placed in front of the statue of Mary, A crown of flowers was placed by Marilyn Medd, with Karen Butler and Dianne Healey, Blyth, as flower-girls, Special Services Held In St, Joseph's Church Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders, Miss Janet Bell and Barry Humphreys, all of Toronto, en- joyed last weekend at "J.K.J.," Bayfiald, the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuning- harne, who are now in Vancouv-er, B.C. .1-41-i-G++4-40-40-44-•-•-•-•-•-+-44-444,-4-11..•-•-•.4-,-.4.4-41-1.5-41-.4.44-40-.÷.4,44-•-4. PYREX OVENWARE Up, to 1/3 off No. Regular NOW PIE PLATES- 207 .27 .19 208 .40 .35 209 55 .45 210 .69 „., ......... .55 LOAF PANS- 212 95 .79 214 1.25 .99 UTILITY DISHES 231 ...... ..... .95 .79 232 1,25 ... , .......... . .99 CASSEROLES- 621 .65 .55 622 or 682 1.10 .89 623 or 683 1,25 .99 624 or 684 1,40 1.15 626 or 686 1.59 1.29 ALL Ovenware Reduced! We now have a complete assortment of DECAL TRANSFERS for decorating SUTTER-PERDUE