HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-05-29, Page 51' ilMSDAY, MAY A4,. $ CLtINTP ' NEWS-aECQRD PAM!,? PK * Classified Rates CASH RATE ,... (If paid by rad.nesday following. date of In- sisertion)--Two cents a word 'first ., sertlon (minimum b0) cents); *lripbter(uent insertions fl cents a Ward f tnistimum 35 cents); 15 cents. extra for box number or" bx direction to NEWS -RECORD IF` PiARGED---15 cents extra, DEADLINE --12 noon, Wednes c ay, 22. No matter what you're after A house or an antique Always turn to classified And find there what you seek, ..ACCOMMODATION for RENT ABED SITTING ROOM on ground floor with private entrance. Bath onveniences. Phone Clinton -419W. 22-b 'THREE -ROOMED APARTMENT .in Varna, partly furnished if de - ::sired. Private entrance. Orville Webber, Varna. Phone Clinton '623r11. 22-p ROOM FOR RENT. Gentleman .preferred. Also tennis and bad - :minion rackets for sale. Box "S" Clinton News -Record. . 22-p ,ONE AND ONE -HALF -STOREY :house, with garage. Hydro. Locat- =ed in Londesboro, Apply Ted Fothergill, Londesboro. 22-p .APARTMENT, SELF-CONTAIN- ned, three-roorried, all convenien- nces. Occupied by only one ten - ..ant for two years. Available June "7. L. W. Lavis, phone Clinton n.257. . 22-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED ' 'THREE OR FOUR -ROOMED -apartment, furnished. Two child- ren. Apply at Clinton News- Record Office. 22-p ARTICLES FOR SALE COMPRESSED, FOUR -GALLON . Air Sprayer, almost new. Present -retail price, $15, selling for $5. F, Cuninghame, Huron Street, Phone 176. - 22-b BEATTY WASHING MACHINE, newly converted motor. Price zeasonablt;. Phone Clinton 618r3. 1 22-b CHENILLE BEDSPREAD Barg- ain, from factory to you a$5.25. Lowest price in Canada. This bedspread is fully covered with baby chenille, no sheeting show- ing. First quality. It comes in all colors, single or double bed ..size, with either multi -colored or solid raised centre patterns. At -only $5.25 each. Sent COD ,plus postage. Immediate money -back guarantee. Order one, you will order more. TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box 1496, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Quebec. 22-23-24-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1948 CHEVROLET FOUR -DOOR irz good shape throughout, $1,250. 1947 Dodge pick-up truck, $575. •Or best offer for both. These can be seen at . Leonard Cole's Shell • Service, after 5 p.m. 22-p '1948 BRITISH STANDARD new motor .,,and tires, excellent con- dition, Whizzer motorcycle, new condition, Campbell's Garage, Goderich. Phone 1097. 22-b 1940 CHEVROLET COACH with good tires; new paint, job; radio; spotlight; new brakes; in good mechanical 'condition. Apply Bill ,Stephenson. Phone Clinton 802r23. 22-p BMW SITTING .RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED Baby Sitter. Will do light housework by the hour. Available afternoons and evenings. Mrs, Lucy Bezzo, Matilda Street. 22-ptfb BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 'CHOICE BUILDING LOT on Maple St. Size 66 ft x 165 ft. 'Contact A. L. Lobb, phone Clin- ton 691W. 22-b AVE YOU' THINKING of build- ing a home/ A number of fine lots for sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, residence 599J, 7-b Lib BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'THRIVING BAKERY, Building, business, trucks, will sell separ- ate or would be interested in farm trade. Other business trade listed with me ---restaurants, gas Station, tourist camps, produce business, Leonard G. Winter. 14-btfb FARMS FOR SALE ?EOM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. 'Confidential information, Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones, business 448, res%btts FARM MACHINERY INTERNAT/ONAL SPAIN G� 'tooth harrow, three section, five 'years old, in good shape. Phbne ,619r22, J'atnes Nott, 20-ptfb FLOWERS FOR SALE '''O 'HOME LOVERS EVERY - 'where; Why tot brighten your liOrne with beautiful Cut flowers? Priced reasbnably. Mrs, W. :Rough, Mill Road, 11/4 Miles east ,Of 13rucefieId. (School on farm). 22-p FLOOR SANDING - OLD AND NEW aE'LOORS Sand- ed and finished. Phone 233, Clin- ton; in summer months call 45r2, Bayfield. Cree Cook, Clinton. 19-20-21-22-p FURNITURE FOR SALE KELVINATQR REFRIGERATOR,. newly overhauled, cheap. Apply 57 St. David Street, Goderich. 22-b CHINA CABINET; White Sewing Machine; electric washer; elect- sic refrigerator; electric rangette.. Phone Clanton 676w, 22-p. LARGE WHITE ENAMELED ICE box in good condition. Molds 75 popnds of ice, Insulated. Electric unit Eould be installed. Will sell it 1 al. Apply Bax IC aeon b e e: r Pp Y Clanton New$ -Record, ONE QUARTER -CUT OAK Din- ing room suite with Queene Anne extension' table, Will take wood es part payment. Top of glass cupboard also for sale. Furniture Hospital, Bert Langford, Clinton. 22-p HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES KITCHEN SINKS. White por- celain enamel steel 25x42, right or left hand drainboard, $42; the always popular 16x20 single sink, $11.70; also ledge type double bowl and double drainboard sinks and a one-piece combination laundry tray and sink with slid- ing drainboard; bathroom sets. Catalogue with installation dia- grams. Recessed bathtubs $60. See or write S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES, Streets- ville, Ontario. 17-8-9-20-1-2-b INCOME PROPERTY TWO STOREY BRICK, four ap- artment dwelling; two apartments partly furnished, two unfurnish- ed; new hot air furnace with oil burner; three bathrooms; owner's five room apartment available within 60 days; centrally located; well rented, Apply to H, C. Lawson, Realtor, Clinton, phone 251W. 21-btfb LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FIVE PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Ross Hoggart, phone Clinton 602r33. 22-p TEN LITTLE PIGS, seven weeks old. Apply Oliver Cole, Clinton, R,R. 3, Phone 905r11. , 22-p TWO SCOTCH SHORTHORN bulls, 12 to 13 months old. Color, red. Good type. Fully accredit- ed. Apply to George L. Reid, Varna. 21-22-b MISCELLANEOUS CRESS WART REMOVER—real- ly does it. Your Druggist sells Cress Corn Salve—for sure relief. 22-b NOTICES ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on lots No. 41;51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at anytime hereafter, will be prose- cuted. By Order of the Owner. A. E. Parry. 21.to 25-p, 26 to 31-b POULTRY FOR -SALE 125 PULLETS, New Hampshire and Rock, crossed. Ten weeks old. Robert Taylor, Phone Clin- ton 906r33.. 22-b PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX ROOM FRAME COTTAGE, on Rattenbury St., location ideal. Three-piece bathroom. Full base- ment; heavy wiring. Terms can be arranged. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448; resi- dence 599J. 18-tfb BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME, two bedrooms and ultra modern, three-piece bathroom. Living - room with picture window. Mod- ern kitchen, full basement with automatic forced air oil heat. tion. Full price, $7,750. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, rihone 448; Thomas Steep, salesman, phone 146W. 2I-btfb TWO-STOREY BRICK Dwelling, with two self-contained family apartments, First apartment con- sists of large living room with fireplace, dining room, and mods: ern kitchen. ' Hardwood floors. Three bedrooms and bath up. Second apartment consists of living room, dining room, kitchen and sunporch down; .two bed- rooms and bath up, garage. This property is tenant occupied. Well located and in good condition. H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Jost call G. W. Cox at Clinton 5508. 43tfb 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; ell work guaranteed. E. C. Nickle, phone Clinton 339J. 20-2I.,ptfb SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT' LAKEFRONT, COM1'OHTABLE, two-bedroom cottage, running water, hydro, attractive location, renting for season only. F. Cun- inghame, Huron St., phone Clin- ton 176, 22-b BAYFIELD HOUSEKEEPING cabins on Lake Ituron, $20 Co, wkly, Everything supplied, Six acres to play in, some beach, swimming, row boat, Ideal for children. Dining room Bicycles. Write G. ll:azeinood, R,, R.1, 'Bayfield, cynt. 19to8-tr SEWING MACHINES NEW ANb USED MACH/NES. Repairs to all models. Singel!` Sewing Inlachitie Co., Goderich, phone 1135, 19-tfb . BIRTHS BEDARD -- In 'Clinton Public. Hospital on Wednesday, May 28, 1952, to Mr. and Mls. Percy Bedard, Zurich, a daughter. CANN--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, May 27, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Cann, Clinton, a son, LEE --in Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunda , May 25, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee, Lon- desboro, a daughter. MacLEOD -- In Alexandra and Marine Hospital, Goderich, on Monday, May 19, 1952, to Mr - and Mrs, Robert MacLeod, God- erich, a daughter, Marjorie Catherine (Cathy). MARRIAGES ADKINS-BROADFOOT — In St. Andrew's e s Church Pea, May afternoon, ay 2 , 1952, by Rev. A E. Hinton, Joyce Aileen, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ross Broadfoot, to Howard William Adkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins, Hensall. ' BATKIN-COX .-- In the United Church parsonage, Tara, on Saturday, May 10, 1952, by Rev.. W. J. Woolfrey, formerly of Clinton, Mrs, Mabel Cox, Clin- ton, to John W. Batkin, Clin- ton. MEDCOF-BULTEEL — In St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clin- ton, on Saturday afternoon, - May 24, `1952, by the bride's father, Gladys Norah, daughter of Rev. R. M. P. and Mrs. Bulteel, Clinton, to Douglas Murray Medcof, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Medcof, Toronto. • MOIR-LUTHER—In James Street United Church, Exeter, on Sat- urday, May 17, 1952, by Rev. H, J. Snell, Anne Madge, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Luther, Exeter, to Gordon. Sterling Moir, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cifford Moir, Hensall. EOWCLIFFE-ELLIOTT -- In St. Paul's Anglican • Church, Clin- ton, on Saturday evening, May 24, 1952, by ~Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, Helen Doreen, daugh- ter of • Mr. and Mrs. George F. Elliott, Clinton, to ' Robert Douglas Rowciiffe, Hensall, son Of Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Rowcliffe, Hensall, SAEGER-ARKELL -- In Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, on Tuesday evening, May 20, 1952, by Rev. .H. J. E. Webb, Daisy Rosemarie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Arkell, '° Bayfield, to Donald Nicholas Saeger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Saeger, God-. erich. WISE -COX -=- In Grace Church; Porter's Hill, on Saturday, May 24, 1952, by Rev. Charles Cox, Tavistock, Florence Estelle Cox, Goderich Township, dau- ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Cox, to Charles Roy Wise, youngen son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wise, Goderich Township. DEATHS BEADLE — hi Toronto General Hospital, on Tuesday, May 20, 1952, John Beadle, Jr., son of John Beadle, Saskatoon, Sask,, and the late Mrs. Beadle, in his 37th year. Funeral from the Arthur Funeral Home, Au- burn, to Ball's Cemetery, on Thursday, May 22. SIMS—In Bruce Peninsula and District Memorial Hospital, Wiarton, on Thursday, May 15, 1952, William Wilson Sims, be- loved husband of Millicent Atkey, and father of Eric Sims, Clinton, in his 79th year, Fun- eral from St. Paurs Presbyter- ian Church, Wiarton, to Bay- view Cemetery, Wiartons on Saturday afternoon, May 17. In Memoriam SHOBBROOK—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. 1 red Shobbrook, who passed away, May 24, 1949. Sadly missed by husband, children and grand- children: "Oh for the touch of a vanished hand And the sound of a voice -that is still." 22-p TEACHERS WANTED U.S.S. 12, GODERICH and Hula lett Townships, requires Protest- ant teacher. Apply stating qualifi- cations, experience and salary ex- pected. Duties to commence September 2. Charles Merrill, secretary-tresauser, R.R. 1, Clin- ton, Ont, 20-1-2-b GODERICI-I TOWNSHIP School Area requires one Protestant teacher Lor S.S. 4. Apply, stat- ing qualifications, experience and salary expected. Duties to com- mence September 2. Frank Yeo, secretary -treasurer, R.R. 3, Clin- •ton, 21-22-b STANLEY 'TOWNSHIP SCHOOL Area requires teacher. for S.S. 1. Apply, stating qualifications, ex- perience and salad expected. Duties to commence September 2, T. B. Baird, secretary -treasurer, Brucefield. 21-22-b TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS for the year September 1, 1952, to August 31, 1953, for position of caretaker at S,S. 10, Stanley, will be received up until June 5, 1952, by Stanley Township School Area. T. B. N3aird, secretary -treasurer, Bruce- field, 21'-22-b TENDERS ARE INVITED TO supply Tucicersmith Township School Area with 85 tons of best aua'Iity anthracite furnace coal, delivered to the area schools be- fore August 31. Tenders must be received by the ,,secretary not later than June 10. W. P. Roberts, secretary -treasurer, R..R, 3, Sea - forth., 22-b WEED SPRAYING CUSTOM WEED SPRAYING en grain 'and corn, Also sell and spray Na -'Chute liquid fertilizer for any crop. Will greatly in- Crease yoUr erops. A. Leibold, RR. I, Clinton, phone tllOrlO. 22-p BAEY:SITTINC A NEW FEATURE AT BLOSSOM TEA At the Blossom Tea on May 31, the Friedship Club of St. Paul's Church is trying a new stunt which should appeal to mothers of small children. They have ar- ranged to have three of their members mind the kiddies, while Mama has a leisurely cup of tea and a visit among the various booths. Mildred Watkins and Nettie Peeves will be on hand to wheel the baby carriages (let's hope it's a fine 'qday!) and Shirley Mac- Donald, who lives just across the road from the Parish Hall, has offered her nursery, play -pen, toys and all! We thing its a bright id hope and ihat manywill take advantage of this opstun- ity. Another feature, this year, will be the Bride's Booth. If you're not aiming to be a bride your- self, you rnaY find • some lovely shower gift for someone else, We're exhibiting too, an order, just completed, for a May bride —a lovely quilt. You'll be delighted with the display of children's wear. We've put in long 'hours making the sweetest smocked dresses for little girls, and for the boys blouses, overalls, pyjamas and what not! We plan also, to mark these at a reasonable price—fig- uring you'll come back next year, if you get a bargain! And there's the clothing exchange too—noth- zng is donated to this booth which shows signs of wear --its simply outgrown -- all buttons are .in place and the garment ready to use. To intrigue the little girls (and the big ones!) doll clothes will also be sold at this booth, and close to It you'll find two bran barrels for buried treasure —one for the kiddies and one for the grown-ups. There's still the Home Baking (and by the way, the recipe far the cake you choose will be there too, if you'd like it), Also the Apron Booth — lovely aprons, small, medium and large! And the Candy Booth which is always so eye appealing, and turns out such delectable 'sweets! 'Last of all, do sit down in the Tea Room for dainty sandwiches and cookies, and drink in the intoxicating aroma of spring blossoms along with your tea! Everyone is heart- ily invited to our Blossom Tea— St. Paul's Parish Hall—the last Saturday in May, from three o'clock on!—Advt. 22-b AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS and PROPERTY from the home of Mrs. -Janet Cook, Victoria Street, Clinton, on Saturday, June 7 at 1.30 p.m., the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Five - piece mohair parlor suite (an- tique); arm chair; wicker rocker; 3 rocking chairs; 8 -piece dining room suite of buffet, table and chairs; hall rack and seat; elect- ric cabinet radio; 2 iron beds, springs and mattresses; day bed; dressers and wash a stands; single tubular bed, inners pring mattress; couch; floor lamp; table lamp; pedestal; small tables; Astral -re- frigerator; electric washing ma- chine; Force rangette; hot plate; Harrison range; large Fess oil space heater; 50 gal. oil tank; Williams sewing machine; carpet sweeper; 2 mantel clocks; kitchen table; kitchen . chairs; small cup- board; small step ladder; ironing board; full set of dishes; other dishes; cooking utensils; linens; bedding; approximately 41/ ton of coal; approx. 2 cord :of hard- wood. PROPERTY: At the same time and place the 11/2 storey frame, six -room house will be offered for sale. The house is equipped with hydro, two-piece bath and. connected to the sewerage. Prop- erty will be sold subject to re- serve bid. Terns on Household Effects— Cash. Terms on the property --- 10 per cent down on date of sale and balance in 20 days. MRS. JANET COOK, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer K. W. Colguhoun, Clerk 22-23-b 4 -4 -44 -41.4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -44 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4.4 -4 -4 - Postponed -4-4+-. --4 Postponed AUCTION SALE The Auction Sale of Frank Chambers, St. Patrick St., Goderich, will be held this Saturday, May 31 at 1 p.m'. Harold Jackson Auctioneer 22-b Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKS FLORIST Phone 66W Clinton •4-4.4-44.4 ROXY THEATRE U Ir1NT0$ Now Playing (May 29»31) CALI-AWAY WENT THATAWAY starring Howard Keel and Dorothy McGuire Mon» Tues., Wed. (Jquo 2-4) • -"Too Young To' Kiss" A delightful romantic comedy which features your favourite stars and also some excellently rendered .classical selections June .Allyson, Van Johnson and Gig Young Thurs., Fri., Sat, (June 5-7) James Stewart, Arthur Kennedy and Julia Adams A historicalnovel has been made int() a masterpiece of motion pic- ture entertainment, A Techni- color western drama. "Bend of the River" Coming (June 9-11) "HALF ANGEL" Loretta Young & Joseph Cotten PARK THEATRE I4ORERJCH•--•'#zone 1.50 CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Picone 47 Now. James Mason and Jessica Tandy in the Erwin Rommel biography "The Desert Fox" Now; "Return of the. Texan" --r with Dale Robertson and Joanne .RAW MON., TUES., WED. "Close to my- Heart" Dramatic and appealing in its treatment of an old problem, the problem of the adopted child. A picture story you will enjoy. Gene Tierney - Ray Milland and Pay fainter :ZION., TUES., WED, Don Taylor - Shirley Yamaguchi and Cam Mitchell Depicting the trials and mutual adjustments of a Japanese girl and her GI husband, `� -- Adult Entertainment — .Japanese War Bride" THURS., FRI., SAT, John Derek - Jody Lawrenco and Anthony,Quinn InTechnicolor; Italyi the mid, nineteenth nth century, where a sol- dier returned to gain vengeance and clear his family's honor, "Mask of the Avenger" THUR$., FIR., SAT, Yvonne Pe Carlo - Joel McCrea, and Sidney Blackmer From the Richard Summers rd Summ novel s "Vigilante" conies a thrilling saga of colorful old Frisco in its heyday. "San Francisco Story" Coming: "With a Song In My Heart" In Technicolor 'with ' Susan Hayward Coming: "DICK TURPIN RIDES" A new account of an ancient "gallop 411.0111001101111011110.11101111 Cards of Thanks Mrs. i alter Forbes wishes to express her sincere thanks to doctors, nurses and blood donors; also to all who called, sent flowers, cards and treats while she was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, 22-p Mrs. Charles Lane and family wish to express their sincere ap- preciation for the many acts of kindness shown them by their relatives, friends and neighbours in their recent bereavement; also for the numerous mass cards and beautiful floral tributes. 22-p GORDON R. HEARN Optometrist Huron St. Phone 69 On Friday EVERY Week 10-tfb 11111111111111111111111111111111111 The RCA Victor Co. Ltd. has appointed GALBRAITH RADIO and TELEVISION your HOTPOINT Dealer for Clinton and District Come in and See The New HOTPOINT Stoves Irons Refrigerators Washers —AT— GALBRAITH ° RADIO and TELEVISION, "CLINTON'S ONLY RECORD BAR" TELEPHONE 482 \N IYWINPINININNPJ,I 7 --Air 5E%WfC GOEtRtES I Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GIJY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36.ptfb Seven New Members For Rebekahs Huronic Rebekah Lodge, No. 306, had as guests members of Seaforth Edilweiss Lodge and lodge members. Degree captain, Mrs. Mary Nediger and her team installed the following as new members: Mrs. Violet Habgood, Mrs. Joyce Cicery, Mrs. Joy Hicks, Mrs. Mary HOSPITAL AUXILIARY' The regular monthly meeting of Clinton Hospital Auxiliary will be held Monday, June 2, at 3 p.m, in the Council Chamber, Grigg, Mrs. Erna Ball, Mrs. Olive Smith and Mrs. Olive Pocock. Past Noble Grands' Club awarded a pair of appliqued pil- low slips, donated by -Mrs. Rose Nickle, to Mrs. Maude Muihol- land. Refreshments were serv- ed by the lodge members from Varna and Minefield area. 4 4-4 4-44 CHRIST RECEIVETH SINNERS He Will Receive You He is not willing that any should perish, but that, all should come to repentance._ II Peter 3-9 Will you repent and receive Jesus today as your --John 1-12 Saviour. { CHAS FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 5t—TUNE- IN—ABC jj Network Sundays 4.00 p.m; EST ++$4*4$*4. THE ORGANIZATION MEETING of the CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. will- be held in Department of Agriculture Board Room Tuesday, June 3 - at 8.30 p.m. TO ELECT DIRECTORS AND `COMMITTEES EVERYBODY WELCOME! 22-p FLARES COMPULSORYI on COMMERCIAL . VEHICLES The Highway Traffic Act (section 43, chapter 6) re- quires that every commercial motor vehicle be equipped with approved flares, lamps or lanterns. Get yours today, not only for your own protection, but also in case you are asked for them fat the scene of an accident. Haughton's Welding Shop HURON AND ORANGE STS. Phone 41 Clinton 22-b +1,'4.4-44-40- -. 4 4,111 -4•44A+4.4 -.÷44÷4 -++4 -4,44.4A• -.04++++44, - BUY + -•4+d4 -4.4f -*•4-4.4-44-4.4•##4.4+4.4--4 BUY YOUR HERE Some Suggestions For Spring: HAND TROWELS And FORKS RAKES and HOES HAND CULTIVATORS DIGGING FORKS and SPADES TURF EDGERS POWER MOWERS & LAWN MOWERS GARDEN HOSE & WATERING CANS WHEEL BARROWS — LAWN FENCE WEED KILLERS and SPRAYERS GRASS CLIPPERS and SHEARS DONT 1? ORGET TO PICK 111? YOUR COPY OP OUR, SPRING CATALOGUE! WAND ES EQUIIIPMENI HughIR Hawkin's Hardware, Plumbing and Heating Eavestroughing -- Sheet Metal Work -- Heela Furnaces