HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-05-29, Page 4Personals MSS Leota Freeman has joined the staff of The Royal Bank of Canada. 4. A. Sutter spent the holiday on a fishing trip to Oellender and North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. T- j. HetlleY, Huelington, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. Lawson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Harvey, and Mr. and Mrs+ Richard Dyk, spent the weekend in Detroit, 1VIleli. Mr. anel Mrs. Ernest Epps will visit with their son, Ellwood glePq, Clinton, for a short time. Miss • Eunice Snow,. Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Crich, Tuckersmitb. Mr. Delford Neff and Miss Isabella Sapsworth, Kitchener, spent the weekend. with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neff. Mr, and. Mre. M..1. Snider and daughter, Janet, IVIeaford, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snider. Mr, and Mrs. E, Neeb, St, Marys, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Moreii, Bornholm, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neff, Queen Street, Mrs, J. W. Treleaven and Miss Libby Gibbings are attending the Metropolitan Opera_ Company's performances in Maple Leaf Gardens this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Grigg at- tended the annual Retail Coal Dealers' Convention in the Gen- eral Brock Hotel, Niagara Falls, Ontario, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A'. Grigg spent the weekend at the sum- The WA of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BAZAAR in the CHURCH PARLOURS on Saturday, June 7 3 p.m. HOMEMADE BAKING - APRONS - CANDY KITCHEN GOODS AFTERNOON TEA - 40c Salad Plate Cold Ham - Bread-and-Butter Cake - Tea First Communion For 17, Children .01.1*••••.• First communion was administ- ered in St. Joseph's Roman Cath- olic Church, Clinton, Sunday morning, to 17 children from St. Joseph's parish, Clinton, and St. Michael's parish, Blyth. Rev. J. L. O'Rourke, pastor, spoke impressively, taking as his text "Suffer little children to come unto me," The girls were dressed in white, with flowing veils and flower wreaths; while the boys wore white satin bands on their arms. They were Rita Flynn, Ray- mond, Garon, Dennis Charbon- neau, Sherry Brophy, Karen But- ler, William Heffron, Nancy Jean Scruton, Dianne Elizabeth Heal- ey, Patricia Elizabeth Medd, Rose Marie Hallahan, James Hallahan, Donna O'Brien, Frances Kelly, Shirley Kyle, Michael LeBeau, Edna Marie Shanahan, and Jean O'Brien. Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Pepper, Oakshade Farm, Tuckersmith, wish to announce the. engage- ment of their youngest daugh- ter, Gladys Sarah Marion, to William George Riehl, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. George Riehl, Clinton, the marriage to take place the middle of June. 22-p * Mr. and Mrs. Irvine 5. Wal- lace, myth, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Irma Gwendolyn, to Kenneth Roy Tyndall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tyndall, Goderich Township; the wedding to take place in June. 22-p 6-4-11.11-4,4-**-•-•44-4-411-4-44.1-4-0-4-10-41.-11-1 ats'ASYN, V. 1, AMOR Phone Funeral Oiroctors glass of rriilk Has lots of snap ' That's good for baby After nap. HURON'. ST, Pi-19* 441 4-e-e'+4-0-e•-• ,,Het.et71.41-e,e4-4e•-•-r-eeere LUGGAGE for June Brides Wide Selection of Sets from $23.95 .4.6•Werdmge,or Aiken's SHOES & WORK t 1.011114G ,eer44e-e•40+e-e-e-e+e4-e4-+,sese,+-k-4ee YARDAGE CLEARANCE . We have selected a number of bolts of material we are clearing at a big sav- ing to you-Cottons, Spuns and Rayons. All colors. Values to 1.95 yard. Special-Only .59 per yard YES - We have dresses for every occasion - Nylons - Sheers - Wash Dresses - everything - Look over our large summer stock. While in Town Stop In and Choose From Our Delicious Baked Goods BUTTERSCOTCH TARTS 50c doz. DATE SQUARES 40c dox. SUEY BREAD 30c ea. CHELSEA RINGS 28c ea. HONEY DIP DONUTS • 40c dox. LEMON PIES , 50 BRAN MUFFINS 40c dox cal. , COOKIES 2Se, 30c & 35c doz. CUP. CAKES 6 for 25c LAYER CAKES 40c ea. TEA BISCUITS 30c doz. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS ..„.. ,,,, , 28c doz. 10.00 aen.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 pen.-Crespel Service Friday, 8.00 p.m.--V'Oung People's Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME 11 aerreeeMorning Worship PChristien Stewardship" 1.1.20-Primary School 12.15-Church' School 7.00 p.m.-Union Service in On- tario St. united. Church "Como to ;the ItritiSe of Prayer» ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH ,,nit FRIENDLY CHU/ICII" ?ASTOR-REV, A. GLJN EAGLE, BA., B.D. ORGAN/ST-MS, E. WENDORP 11,00 axe-Sunday School Anrxiversary 12.15- pereetnaday School 7,00 p.m.-tefoil Worship, Bvening Service vunNtitcs CHURCH 2.00 p.m,.--Worship 3.00 per,--Sunday School APR PAOX FOUR Plhrlinte-5(17u 4;pnae7'; a In every community there ere many individuals confined to homes and hospitals because of ill health or physical law and sister, Mr;:41.14 •BaYManY have no friends .and they Corbett,' Kirkland Lake. "'Douglas. G, Ball,, of Ball and step of days g fr iei friend a it thi 1101 -seldomor th hitch, Clinton, attended a post- comes. The postman passed their graduate course held in Ranting door, and flowers are always for Institute, Toronto, last week, by °there, the Board of Examiners appoint- In every community there are ed under the Ernhaliners ,and fine. Christian people who ore Funeral Directors Act, ..• most willing to serve, who have Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Newcombe the time to do it, but who do not and daughter, Mary Ann, Clin- know where they can go to serve, ton, and Mr and Mrs, JT, W. New- This opportunity offers on corelee, -Geclerich, were weekend "Shut-ins' Day" this coming Stine guests of the fernier'e brother and day, June 1, sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Neweombe, Buffalo, N.Y. Bishop T. Greenwoodn Mr, and Mrs, A, T. Lucas re- turned home on Thursday last, Speaks in Bayfielil after a six Week visit with the latter's sister and brother-in-law, Bishop Tom Greenwood; con- Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Groot, Fo_rt serrated recently ;as the ,sixth, Erie North, and Mr. and Mrs, 'vs Bishop of the Yukon in Christ Sherman, Williamsville, New Church Cathedral,Victoria, is , York. making a special trip from . • • Douglas Shipley, Miss Beatrice 'Whitehorse to the Diocese of Hue Jervise-Jack Pettis, Toronto; Ro- ron to, tell the people of South- bert Beuerroan, Brodhagen, MiSs western Ontario of the activities Margaret Moore, Kemptville Ag- of the church in the vast north:- riculturai School graduate of ern frontiers of Canada. June, were holiday visitors at the Bishop Greenwood. will address home of Robert McCartney and the people of the County of Hu- Mrs. A, L. Badges, ron in Trinity Church, Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Ball are on Monday, June 2, at 2 pin. in Toronto, where they attended As this meeting will be under the Metropolitan Opera Comp;.; the .chairmanship of the Rural any's performance • of "Carmen"Dean of Huron, the general public are most cordially invited to at- tend and hear Bishop Green- wood's thrilling and gripping story of the northland with all its need and challenge. -o YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE OPENING CONFERENCE of the Clinton Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET June 1, 1952 Speakers: D. SHERWOOD, EmMaus Bible School, Toronto JOHN M. MARTIN, Hawkesville ORDER OF SERVICES: 10.45-Cominunion Service 2.30-Ministry and Dedication 7.15-Gospel Meeting • BE SURE AND ATTEND THESE SERVICES! SPECIALS for MAY 29-30-31 CARNATION MILK-Ige. 3 tins 47c FCY. COHOE SALMON-7.1/2 s 3 tins $1.00 RED BIRD MATCHES 3 boxes 25c N.B. CHOICE CREAM .CORN-15 oz. 3 tins 43c .LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS 3 for 29c AYLMER BABY FOOD 3 tins 25c, HEAD LETTUCE-5s . 2 for 29c PINEAPPLES-12s 3 for 95c GRAPEFRUIT-size 96s 5 for 25c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver "The Season's the Reason!' For a Few Suggestions from our Large Stock of Practical Gifts for the Bride-to-be! STAINLESS STEEL WARE-,- A lifetime gift, set of five pieces or individualise beautiful, practical, Stainless Steel "HOMEMAKER SET" KITCHEN' UTENSILS with a lifetime $14,95 guarantee). Be sure to see this one ... Westinghouse MENU MASTER GRIDDLE $15.95 PRESSURE COOKERS 21/5 qt. $14.95 to 10 qt. $27.50 Beautiful Selection of MAPLE WOODENWARE, Lazy Susans, Salad Bowls and Sets $1.29 to $8.95 TOASTERS, ELECTRIC KETTLES -6-* and than other attractive gifts now on display tut our windows. Have a look, folks, before you buy. These. Wins will' be more than aliOreciated felt Years to contee- BALL & MUTCH D. G. itALL Phone 361-‘47 Hrifoliedre tan(' Furniture PHONE 195 isik,*440444444+4-4-44-44-44444-444-14,144444-4-40+444-4-44-44444* • in Maple Leaf Gardens last night, and planned ,,to attend the 'Na- tional Housing Exhibition, Colis- eum, to-day and to-morrow. - !nor home -et the latter's parents, Mr .and Mrs, Zaclie, don, et 'Teberinery, Brew Penin- sula. Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Macaulay and children, Mary, Douglas. and Scott, spent several days last Week with Mrs. IVIO4ulay's brother-in- I TUURSDAVA MAY 29, /902 Ilialledise1111111111e1111IIIIII1111,1101111111M111111111111111111111114111111111111111111 lIltlifIlillielesell1111111(lellett1111111111111111111141111111111i11161111111111111dIlliellilleillletwelllitheethe. SPRING CLEARANCE SALE IT 15 SPRING SHOW DAY IN CLINTON, 80,turdayi max 31-- AND IT'S BARGAIN WEEKEND AT IRWIN'S STORE Come Fri Early and Look at T hee "Moneysavers" All Spring Coats Shorties Suits NYLON HOSE -LOOK AT THESE PRICES 66 gauge-(Harvey Woods) Only 1.75 pr. 51 gauge-15 denier-Light shades Only 1.35 pr. 54 gauge-15 denier-3 Summer Shades Only 1.19 pr. YARD GOODS - 25% off all Nylon, Pure Silk & Silk Bemberg Dress Lengths. BUBBLE CRISKAY- Assorted Patterns-Regular 1:35 yard Special 1.00 yd. CHILDREN'S COAT AND BONNET SETS- Silk and Corduroy-in White, Pink and Blue. Sizes 1-2 and 3. Regularly priced to 8,75 set. Special-5.00 CHILDREN'S COTTON AND RAYON HOSE- Sizes 6 to 71/2 SPECIAL--ONLY .19 pair PURE LINEN TEA TOWELS- Regular prices ,69 and .75 ea, Special only .49 and .59 IRWIN'S 111111111111111111111M11111 Ifll 1111 IN111111111111111111111111111fl11es11e1H1111eem11 inill1111119111110'IRM111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E1111111 St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R, M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service and Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Evening Service Tues., June 3, 8.30, Ladies' Guild, regular meeting in the form of.-a pot-luck supper. Every- one welcome, Huron St. Baptist Church Minister-REV. J. E. OSTROIVI 11.00 a.m.--Worship. "His Promise Fulfilled" 12.15 noon-Church School. 7.00 p.m.-Service, "Straying Sheep" communion Service Dutch Reformed Church Holland Service-2.80 p.m. at the Canadian Legion Exeter Mr, C. M. BELMAN, Exeter Box 336 Pentecostal Church Victoria St. K, L. SWEIGARD, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1952 tut %dices Daylight Saving Time 10.00 a.m.-•Suntlay School Session 11.00 a.m.-Divine Service Children's Questionnaire Sermon Subject: "Don't Worry", The sacrament of baptism will1)e observed. 2.30 p.m.-Divine Service, Knox Church, tayfield A hearty welcome at either church to all worshippers is extended. WESLEY' .WILLIS United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Meister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M, R. RENNIE, Choir Director Gospel Hall Maple Street, one block east of Albert Street, north of Par-Knit 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 10.45 a.m.-Communion Service 8.00 p.m.-•Gospel Meeting- Speaker -Mr. John Martin; Mr. Martin is lecturing on the journeyings of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.-Prayer meet- ing and Bible Study. Come and Bring Your Friends St. Andrew's .Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader ONTARIO ST. WA The Woman's Auxiliary of On- tario Street United Church will hold its regular meeting on Tues- day afternoon, June 3, at three o'clock, Mrs, M. Batkin and Mrs. N. Shobbrook are in charge of the program. Mrs. F. Townsend and Mrs. F. Tyndall will look af- ter the lunch for St. Andrew's Ward, SUNDAY, JUNE 1 Audrey Dusenbury 10 a.m., 11 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Speaker COME EARLY IF YOU WANT A SEAT! SPECIAL WELCOME TO ALL! • 22-b erei-eeeeee-e-teeeeeeee.........eteeeee•-•-•-e* 4- 5-5- • 4-*0-4s- *-4.44-4,4-1.-S- DON'T MISS HEARING • The Gospelaires YOUTHFUL ANNOINTED MUSICIANS ROBINSON BIRTWELL TRIO Special Sunday School features Holy Ghost preaching 4.4.4- S-4-6-0 Services: SATURDAY, MAY 31 at 8 p.m. 5, Pentecostal Church Victoria St. Our Saturday Special-- Prom Our Store Only- COFFEE CAKES-- Reg. 30a each. for .„. ............... „ ...... .„„ 230 BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners 44-44-0,44.41-44-***4-+++++444-.4-+-444-4,-•-•,44,4#4*4 +++X .• +444444 .C.(4111TON Nora., CARP Recent Bride Feted Prior "to Marriage IfOrtoring her daughter, Miss Korai l3alteel, Clinton, whose marriage to Douglas Murray Medcof, Toront% took place Sate nrday afternoon in St, Paul's ArtgliCan, Church, Clinton, Mrs. M, P, Bulteel, was hostess at a trousseau tea at St, Paul's reo, tory, prior to the event. Guests were received by Mrs. l3ulteel and the gUest of honour, and were greeted in the living room by Mrs. Clete Hartley and Mrs. J. 1W, Mrs. W, H, Robinson and Mrs, Fred Ford showed the guests upstairs where the bride's trousseau was ills- played by Mrs, W. M, Hill and Mrs. Robert Morgan, while the gifts were slime. by Mrs, C. V, Cooke and Mrs. Clifford Epps, Mrs, W. V, Roy and Mrs. Clinton Staniforth greeted the guests in the dining room where Mrs, John Zapfe, Mrs. Harry Bartliff, Mrs. Frank Campbell and Mrs, Lillian McKinnon poured- tea. The tea table was set with a cut-work cloth centred with pink tulips and tapering candles. Serving in the tea room were; Mrs. J. W. Counter, Mrs. J. Cr. MeLay, Miss Margaret Fremlin, Mrs. Morris Frame, Mrs. Harry Thompson and Mrs. Gordon Her, man. Others who assisted were; Mrs. James McDonald and Mrs. G. M, Counter. 0 Trousseau Tea Fetes Bride of Saturday Mrs. George F. Elliott, Clinton, was hostess at a trousseau tea honoring her only daughter, Doreen, whose marriage to Ro- bert Douglas .Roweliffe, Hensall, took place Saturday evening, May 24. - Guests were received by Mrs. Elliott, the guest of honor and Miss Peggy Rowcliffe, Hensall, sister of the groom. Displaying the bride's trousseau and gifts were the Misses Kathryn Ladd, Betty Stewart, Jeanne Garen, Evelyn MacDonald and Fannie Potter. Pouring tea in the dining room were the bride-elect's two grand- mothers and aunt, Mrs. W. 3, El- liott, Mrs. William Crittenden, and Mrs. Clarence Ball, Grosse Isle, Michigan. The tea table was artistically arranged with a cut- work cloth, silver candelabra, yellow, tulips and forsythia. Serving in ,,the dining' room were: Betty Potter, Edna Bayley, Doreen Armstrong and Betty Stewart. In charge of the' plates were Mrs. George S. Elliott, Mrs. Harry Schellenberger, Mrs. Elliott Bartliff and. Mrs. Gordon Ross, Brockville. Recently Married Surprised by WI Approximately thirty members of Clinton Women's Institute held a surprise party Monday even- ing for one of their members, Mrs. ,Mabel Cox, who is now Mrs. John W. Batkin The ladies gathered at the home of one of the members, and all went to the new home of the newlyweds, and surprised them. The evening was spent in mus- ic, contests, and a humorous read- ing. Mrs. C. Sturdy read an ad- dress, and a gift, of silver flat- ware was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Batkin. They bcith expres- sed their thanks, and the group sang, "For They are Jolly Good Fellows," The Women's Institute social committee served refreshments. The Institute extends best wishes to the newlyweds.