HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-05-15, Page 15• R$PAY, 14AX ,22, -194 ci.,UNTON' NEWS-REGOI;;p► FACT. E ?E I'r'a ISSSeee neee TRADiFT , Classified Rates CASH RATE-- (If paid. by 'Airednesday folloveing date of In, >: sertion)--..Two cents a word first It t ertion .(minimum 50 eents); bsequent insertions 11/2 cents a word (minima!!# 35 cents); 15 .cents extra for box nurieber or -tor direction to NEWS -RECORD :Office. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. :DEADLINE, --I2 noon, W.ednes- els Gleeful'. Glenn is head • Of office personnel He hires help thru classified And finds they work out swell, ACCOMMODATION for RENT :sMED SITTING ROOM with bath conveniences; ground floor, Priv- ; :ate entrance. Phone 419W. 21-b ARTICLES FOR SALE .14 -PIECE TAP AND DIE SET, N.C. thread, $11. Also bagpipe, :'practice chanter, $4. J. Plumtree (barbershop). 21-p 71,00 LB. CAPACITY ICE BOX, 'white, in good condition. $10. -Mrs, Fred Wallis, Clinton, phone • n09r33. 21-x ELECTRIC RAZOR, Sunbeam £havemaster—latest, model, ex- cellent condition. Half-price. Phone 423J after six. 21-p 11/IAYTAG WASHING MACHINE, 'three years old, with new motor ::at time of changeover. Must sell. •Moving to 25 -cycle area. Price $110, Apply Les Rutledge, phone 59!2, Blyth. 21-p "TWO WINDOWS, 4 ft. 5 ins. by S6 ins., complete with sash, frame, .storm windows to fit. Two four - panel doors, 6 ft. 6 ins. by 30 ins. Kitchen sink. Apply E. C. ,,lellekle, Phone 339J. 21-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1.948 CHEVROLET FOUR -DOOR In good shape throughout, $1,250. . 1947 Dodge pick-up truck, $675. Or best offer for both. These can be seen at Leonard Cole's .Shell Service, after 5 p.m. 21-p `1947 BUICK, SUPER SEDAN, radio, heater, new tires. Corner 'Victoria and Kirk St. after five .o'clock. 21-p 1940 CHEVROLET COACH with :good tires; new paint job; radio; spotlight; new brakes; in good mechanical condition. Apply Bill .Stephenson. Phone Clinton 802r23. 21-p 1950 DODGE, SPECIAL DELUXE, 4 -door sedan. Under 9,000 miles. -Six good tires. To close estate. Phone 622r15, Clinton. 21-b BABY- CHICKS SENSATIONAL OFFER! BRAY Hatchery authorizes us to quote these special prices for May -- started pullets --shipper's choice of breeds—Heavy breeds 3 weeks '$27,90; 4 week.. $32.90, Medium :3 week $34.90; 4 week $38.90. After June 1st -3 week Heavy breeds $25.90; 4 week $30.90, For customer's choice of breeds, ask us for - prices. They have also dayolds, mixed, pullets. Agent -- :Mrs. Alex Paterson, Brucefield. 21-b BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ARE YOU THINKING of build- ing a home, A number of fine :loss for sale, Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business •448, residence 599J. 7-btfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES t'tittrVING BAKERY, Building, business, trucks, will sell separ- ate or would be interested in farm trade. Other business trade :listed with me ---restaurants, gas station, tourist camps, produce business. Leonard G. Winter. 14-btfb COTTAGES FOR RENT `THREE BEDROOM COTTAGE, !inning water, sink, fireplace, , large living room, inside toilet. On lake front. Fred Wallis, phione 909r33, Clinton. 21-x •JOHI<t•STON'S DEER LODGE, ,one-half mile north of 'Bayfield, has a few cottages Open for sea-, sot, at reduced rates, with all sconereniences, Phone Clinton 909r42. 20--21ep BAYFIELD HOLISE'ItERPINC- cabins on Lake Huron. $20 Co. ekly, Everything supplied. Six •acres to play in, some beach, swimming, row beat. Ideal for children. Dining room. Bicycles. Write G. Hazelwood, It, R. 1, :Bayfield, Ont. 19to35-b CUSTOM WORK t ORN PLANTING. Apply Jack VArtTgmpnd, Clinton, Phone •305r13. 21-p FARMS FOR SALE 'FOM 50 '1'O 117 ACRE. FARMS. 'Confidential information. Leon- ard G. Winter, Real. Estate, Phones: business 443, residence 199,1, 5-htfb FARM MACHINERY 1NT.CRNATIONAt. S P R I N tooth harrow, three eeetiett, five 610p good shape, Phone;2ams Ntt 29-tb FLOOR SANDING OLD AND NEW FLOORS sand- ed and finished. Phone ,23J, Clin- ton; in, summer months call 45x2, Bayfield, Cree Cook, Clinton. 19-20-21-22-p FURNITURE FOR SALE BABY BED, 24"x48", $10, Good condition. Old pedal -type sew- ing machine, Wanner, Apply John Preston,, 124 Spencer St., Clin- ton. 21-x HELP WANTED---Femole WAITRESSES, ,FULL-TIME and part-time. Apply Brown Derby Restaurant, Clinton, or phone 295. 21-p WANTED AT THE Commercial Hotel Ali'housework, $20 a week with heals. ' 21-b HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES KITCHEN SINKS. White pore celain enamel steel 25x42, right or left hand drainboard, $42; the always popular 16x20 single sink, $11.7Q; also ledge type double bowl and double drainboard sinks and a one-piece combination laundry tray and sink with slid- ing drainboard; bathroom sets.. Catalogue with installation dia- grams, Recessed bathtubs $60. See or write S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES, Streets- ville, Ontario. 17-8-9-20-1-2-b INCOME PROPERTY TWO';STOREY BRICK, four : p- artmerit dwelling; two apartments partly furnished, two unfurnish- ed; new hot air furnace with oil burner; three bathrooms; owner's the room • apartment , available within 60 days; centrally located; well rented. Apply Ito H. C, Lawson; Realtor, Clinton, phone 251W. ' 21-btfb LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD, HORSES AND dead cattle, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb r LIVESTOCK FOR'SALE 20 LITTLE PIGS, eight weeks old.. Apply Orville Webber, Var- na. . Phone 623r11, Clinton. 21-b THREE PUREBRED Shorthorn bulls, 12 months old. W. J. Fal- coner, phone 629r12, Clinton. 20-21-p TWO POLLED HEREFORD Bulls, 8 months old. Francis Powell, phone 907r4. e 21-b TWO SCOTCH SHORTHORN bulls, 12 to 13 months old. Color, red. Good type. Fully accredit- ed. Apply to George L. Reid, Varna. 21-22-b THE GREY -BRUCE HEREFORD Breeders are holding their Tenth Annual Spring Sale at ,Markdale on May 27 at Markdale Arena. Catalogues on request. T. Stew- art Cooper, secretary, Markdale, 20-21-b LOST AND FOUND LOST — AT ROXY THEATRE, Clinton, Tuesday evening, May 20, leather pocketbook containing sum of money. George Lawes, % Norman Bali, Rattenbury St. W,, Clinton, phone 334-M. 21-p MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CORN SALVE for sure relief. Your Druggist sells Cress Wart Remover—leaves no scars. NOTICES ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on lots No. 41:51, both .sides of river, Tuekersmith Township, at anytime hereafter, will be °prose- cuted. By Order of the Owner. A. E. Parry. 21'to 25-p, 26 to 31-b POULTRY FOR SALE f DUCKLINGS, AND DUCK EGGS for setting for sale. 75c per setting. Phone 804r2. 21-p 50 SUSSEX PULLETS, 6 months. $1.80 each. Cornelius Buruma, 807r21, Clinton. 21-p PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX ROOM FRAME COTTAGE, on Rattenbury St;., location ideal, Three-piece bathroom. Full base- ment; heavy wiring, Terms can be arranged. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448; resi- dence 5993. 18-tfb SIX -ROOM COTTAGE withsun- roomk" and kitchenette, fixed -in cupboards, cellar, electric water heater; three-piece bathroom with linen and storage cupboards; fully insulated. Terms cash; leaving town. Early possession. Apply Clinton News -Record, 21-22-b BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME, two bedrooms and ultra modern, three-piece bathroom. Living - room with picture window, Mod- ern kitchen, full basement with automatic forced air oil heat. A smart home in a good idea- tion. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phone 448; Thomas Steep, sales- man, phone 146W, 21-btfb TWO-STOREY BRICK Dwelling, with two self-contained family apartments. Plitt apattrnent ton- sists of large living room With. firepleee, dining room, and tnodr err! kitchen. Hardwood floors. Three bedrooms and bath up. Second apartment consists . of living room, dining room, kitchen and sunporch down; two bed - retires and bath up; garage, This property Is tenant ottupied. Well located and in goon condition. H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. SITUATIONS WANTED • TWO SINGL,I MEN, experienced farmers, desire work near Clip- ton. Tea months in Canada. � Phone 30r15, Blyth. Cde Haan. 2i -b Weddings REID---BLAKE In, a pretty setting of spring flowers, in Benmiller United Church on Saturday afternoon, May 10, at two o'clock, Bernice Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Blake, Colborne Town- ship, became the bride of Char- les Beverley Reid, son of Mr, and Mrs, George Reid, 'Varna. Rev, J. Harrower officiated.. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a lovely white satin gown with white lace overskirt, fashioned with a nylon yoke trimmed with seed pearls and rhinestones, and long lace lily -point sleeves. Her embroid- ered veil fell from a Princess Anne headdress, She carried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Maxine Smith, maid of honor, was gowned • in yellow taffeta with a shoulder length veil of net held in place by 'a band of yellow flowers, and car- ried yellow roses. Miss Wilda Wilson, bridesmaid, wore mauve taffeta with mauve headdress similar to that of the maid of honor, and carried yellow roses. Beverley and Joan Dun- bar were flower girls, • dressed in pink taffeta floor length gowns, carrying white flowers. Groomsman was Gerald Blake, Colborne Township, brother of the bride, and a cousin of the groom, William Parker, Bayfield, ushered. Miss -Jeanne Snyder was solo- ist and. • Mrs. Howard Feagan played the wedding music. Following the wedding, a re- ception was held at Benmiller United Church. The bride's mo- ther wore grey figured silk jer- sey, and the groom's mother wore copen blue silk marquisette with white accessories. Both wore pink carnation corsages. For travelling, the bride don- ned 'a navy gabardine suit with navy accessories and a coral pink topcoat. After their wed- ding trip to the United States, the young couple will reside near Varna, on the groom's farm. 'The bride, prior to her mar- riage was a valued member of the staff of Clinton Branch, The Royal Bank,of Canada. Before the wedding a shower was held for the bride -elect, at the home of Mrs. Dunbar, Ben - miller. A trousseau tea was held for her by her mother, Mrs. Or- ville Blake on Saturday, May 3. Upon . their return from their wedding trip the young couple were honored by a reception, held in Bayfield Pavilion, on Tuesday evening, May 20, when they were presented with a purse of money. 0 The IVIothers' Study lroup of Wesley -Willis United Church will hold its May meeting on May 27 at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Holland. Mrs. H. C. Wilson will be ht charge of the meeting. Hostesses . will be Mrs. McCall and Mrs. William Grigg. PASTURE FOR RENT COULD TAKE A FEW HEAD of cattle for pasture this season. Bob Glen, phone 907r25. PUPS FOR SALE ' SCOTCH COLLIES, thorough- bred puppies. R, L. MacMillan, Bayfield, phone 23. 21-b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et,. Clinton 550R. - 43tfb 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; ell work guaranteed. E. C. Nickle, phone Clinton 3393. 20-21-ptfb SEED FOR SALE FLAMBEAU SOY -BEANS, cert- ificate No. 41-6505, Grade 1, Germination 84 per cent at $4 per bushel, delivered to district farms near Clinton. Apply Don McLachlin, Tupperville, Ontario, stating location from Clinton, and delivery date required. STOVES FOR SALE USED ELECTRIC RANGES, Mof- fat and Mcclary. Cheap range for your summer cottage or home. $25 to $40. Merrill Radio and Electric, phone: 313. 21-b SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED MACHINES. Repairs to all models. Singer 'Sewing Machine Co., Goderich, phone 1135. 19-tfb TEACHERS WANTED if.S.S, 12, GODERICH and Hul- lett Townships, requires Protest, ant teacher. Apply stating qualifi- cations, experience and salary ex- peeted: Duties to commence September 2. Chtirles Merrill, secretary-tresaurer, R,R, 1, Clin- ton, Ont, 20-1.2-b GODERICH TOWNSHIP School Arca requires one Protestant teacher for S.S. 4, Apply, stat- ing qualifications, experience and salary expected, Duties to com- mence September 2. Frank 'Yeo, secretary -treasurer, R.R. 3, Clin- e ton, 21-22-b PROTESTANT TEACHER, FOR S.S. 5, Hullett Township, Huron County. Duties to continence September 2, Please state qual- ifications and salary, Apply to T 13, Alien, Londesboro. 21.4 STANLEY TOWNSHIP- SCHOOL Area requires teacher for S.S. 1. Apply, stating qualifications, ex- perience and salary expected. Duties to commence September 2, T. B. Baird, secretary -treasurer, 3rucefield, 21-22-b TENDERS WANTED iA.L,LIi TENDERS r e year September 1, 1952, } tooAugust 31, 1953, for position of caretaker at S.S. 10. Stanley, will be received up until Pune a, 1952, by Stanley Township School Area, T, B. Baird, secretary -treasurer, Brute- field, 21.22.1s BIRTHS ARMSTRONG—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, May 16, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Armstrong, Varna, a son. CLAUSIUS—In Clinton Public ospital, on Wednesday, May 21., 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Har- vey Clausius, Zurich, a daugh- ter. CORNISH -r-. In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on 'Tuesday, May 20, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs,. J. C, Cornish, Seaforth, a son, HEARD --In Clinton Public Hos, pital, on Wednesday, May 21, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Heard, Bayfield, a. daughter. PETCH—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, May 20, 1952, to Mr., and Mrs. David Petch, Clinton, a son, MARRIAGES REID-BLAKE --- In Benmiller United Church, by Rev. J. Har- rower, Benmiller, on Saturday afternoon, May 10, 1952, Ber- nice Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Blake, Colborne Township, ,to Charles Beverley Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Reid, Varna, WILSON -GLAZIER -- At the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. A. G. Eagle, Clinton, on Saturday, May 17, 1952, Thelma Marion only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Glazier, R.R. 4, Clinton, to James Emerson Wilson, only. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Blyth, DEATHS BROWN—In Hullett Township, on Monday, May 12, 1952, Eliza Ann Collinson, widow of the late- William Brown, in her 82nd year. Funeral from the home of her son, George C. Brown, Hullett Township, to Blyth Un- ion - Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, May 14. LANE—Suddenly, at his home, lot 33, concession 3, Tucker - smith Township, on Friday morning, May 16, 1952, Charles H. Lane, beloved husband of Jessie Aikenhead, in his 65th year, Funeral service on Mon- day morning, May 19, at nine o'clock, at his late residence, followed by requiem high mass sung in St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth. LEITH—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on ' Sunday, May 18, 1952, Augusta Eggert, widow' of the late George Leith, in her 92nd year. Funeral from Blyth United Church to Blyth Union Cemetery, on Tuesday after- noon, May 20, WIGGINTON — In Wiarton, on. Thursday, May 15, 1952, John Alien Wigginton,b formerly of Clinton, sonof the late Thomas and Phoebe Wigginton, in his 47th year. Funeral from the Bal and Mute's Funeral Home, High Street, Clinton, to Clin- ton Cemetery, on Monday -af- ternoon, May 19. SHAW—In Clinton, on Monday, May 19,-1952, Dorothy Shaw, sister of Dr. 3. W. Shaw, Clin- ton, in her 89th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch Fun- eral Honie, High Street, Clin- ton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, May 22, at two o'clock. Clearing ' AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS At Lot No.'s 28 and 29, Goderich Township on No. 8 Highway, 6 miles northwest of Clinton or 6 miles southeast of Goderich, on Wednesday, May 28 at 1.30 p.m., as follows: HORSES: An aged team; horse, 9 yrs. old. CATTLE: 25 Purebred Holstein cows and heifers, as follows: Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, fresh- ened 3 weeks; Holstein heifer, 3 yrs. old, due May 29; Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, due Aug, 6; Hol- stein heifer, 3 yrs. old, due Aug. 24; Holstein heifer, 3 yrs. old, due Oct. 27; Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, recently freshened; 2 Hol- stein cows, 6 yrs. old, recently freshened; Holstein cow, 8 yrs. old, recently freshened; Holstein heifer, 2 yrs. old, due in May; Holstein heifer, 2 yrs. old, due in July; 2 Holstein heifers, 2 yrs, old, due in August; Holstein heif- er, 2 yrs. old, due in September; 7 yearling Holstein heifers; 3 heifers, from 1 month to 4 months old. 18 Grade Holstein cows and heifers, as follows: Holstein cow, 8 yrs. old, re- cently freshened; Holstein cow, aged, freshened 2 months; Hol- stein cow, 8 yrs. old, due time of sale; Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, due June 11; 2 Holstein cows, 6 yrs. old, freshened 2 months; Holstein heifer, 3 yrs. old, due Sept. 15; Holstein heifer,fifer 3 yrs dld, milk- ing and bred again; Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old milking and bred again; Holstein yearling heifer; 7 Hol - old. stein heifers, 1 month to 9 months All Battle are vaccinated. The purebred and grade cows bred have been served by the Oxford Artificial Unit, also most of the heifers are from the Ox- ford Breeding Unit as well, -ewe 9u;l.tea4 003 i1C2r1,'Ifnoci horn hens (laying); 200 Leghorn pullets, 4 months old, IMPLEMENTS: M -H binder, 7 ft, cut; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut (nearly new); M -H 13 -hoe drill with grass seeder attachments; Oliver 2 -row scuffler; M -H hay loader; rubber -tired wagon; slid- ing rack; set of sleighs; 125 ft. of steel cable; 36 ft, cedar pole; James -way brooder (500 chick capacity), feeder and fountains, straw pipe; set of team harness; 2 set single harness; horse c,ol-- Mrs; 20 ft. ladder; tarpaulin (18- ft. 18ft. square); 2 rings of wire silo; one 8" H11den SAW with les h.p. electric rn tor; one 2 -wheel grind- er with V4 h.p. electric eter; 24" lathe with 'pinch swing with accessories and cutting chisels; jig -saw, T'URMS-CAS articles, No reserve as the farm is seld. WILLIAM GLEN and SDN, Proprietors EDW, 't'0. it:LLIOTlr, Auctioneer K. W. • Colaubo tit, Clerk Alvin Betties alt Pedigrees 2941,-b ROXY THEATRE C L 1 N 1rO N NoW Playing. --AIL Week Matinee: May 24, 2.30 p.m. "IlIA AND PA KETTLE AT THE FAIR" The comedy hit of the season Mon., Tues,, Wed. (May 26-28) "Painting the Clouds With Sunshine" — In Technicolor -- A plot full of love and laughter and spiced with an appealing col- lection of melodies -- Dennis Morgan, Virginia Mayo, Lucille Norman and Gene Nelson Thur., Fri., Sat, (May 29-31) Fred MacMurray, Dorothy McGuire and Howard Keel An amusing and novel comedy in which a real cowboy balks at be- coming a Hollywood Western star. "Callaway Went Thataway" Coming: A date to keep in mind. June 16-18 "ROYAL JOURNEY" PARK THEATRE GODERICH—Phone 1150 Now: "RETREAT, HELL" star- ring Frank Lovedoy, Anita Louise MON„ TUES,, WED, "The Lavender Hill Mob" British subtlety combined with a fine sense of dramatic situations in a fun -sprinkled tale of a uni- que crime syndicate Starring Alec Guinness and Stanley Holloway THUR., FRY„ SAT. James Mason, Jessica Tandy Cedric Hardwicke A biographical history of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the so- called Desert Fox, from his trium- phs in North Africa to his mysterious "suicide"' "The Desert Fox" Coming: Clark Gable and Ava Gardner in "LONE STAR" CAPITAL THEATRE GOI7ERIVH --- Phone 47 Now; "The HIGHWAYMAN" In Cinecolor with Phillip Friend MON„'.TUES., WED, J. Scott Smart, Julie London and Rook Hudson And featuring the world-famous clown Emmett Kelly In a thrillirig murder mystery with a circus as background. "The Fat Man" TUR„ FRI., SAT. Dale Robertson, Joanne Pru and Walter Brennan From the novel "The Home Place" by Fred Gipson, the story of a man who overcame adversity through love. "Return of the Texan" Coming: "Corky of Gasoline Al? ley" with Jimmy Lydon and Scotty Beckett • AMOWOMMOMMIN Clintonian Club Plans Picnic in June The May meeting of the Clin- tonian Club was held Wednes- day, May 14, at the home of .1VIrs. H. Johnston with 17 ladies pres- ent. The meeting opened with the Housewife's Creed, followed by the Lord's Prayer. Secretary's reports were given and. other correspondence read. Roll call was answered with a gift for the sales table at the June picnic. Special committees were nam- ed for the picnic with Mrs. Wil- liam Wise, Mrs. H. Sloman and Mrs. H. Johnston in charge of sports and the lunch committee are Mrs. W. Colclough, Mrs. George Glazier and Mrs. C. Venner. Each member is to take a pic- nic basket and sufficient dishes for her own use. Mrs. M. Wiltse will be in charge of the gift sales. - Reports by Mrs, R. MacDon- ald and Mrs. W, Colclough on their delightful banquet and tour of the Free Press building in London were given. Mrs. Abbott, RCAF Station, of- fered her home .jor the next meeting, June 11. It is requested that any who have used greeting cards please bring to the next meeting as they are to be sent Cards of Thanks Mrs. Matilda Melville wishes to express her sincere thanks to all the people who called, sent cards, treats and flowers; also the doctors andnurses while she was a patient in Clinton Hospital. 21 -pp Mrs. William J. Dowson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Talbot and family, wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad be- reavement. Special thanks to Rev. Peter Renner for his mes- sage of comfort, also for the beautiful floral tributes. 21-p WOOL T. T. Jackson, Seaforth, Ontario is now collecting wool for grading and sale on the `Co-operative Plan'. Shippers may obtain sacks andtwine free of charge from him or his Licensed Operators. Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited 217 Bay Street --Toronto 15-17-19-21 COUR!EOus Get There Safely! CALL 0 ASHTON'S TAXI 4-444-.4-.44-e-4-+•••±4+4-4-•-•44-4- CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GIJY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 3t#-ptb . to England, Mrs, William Glazier won the gift of the month, donated by Mrs. H. Simon, Mrs. T. Deeves will donate the gift for the next meeting, Visiting committee re- ported visiting nine homes. Vocal selections by Miss Patricia Vara- leau and Bonnie Thomason, re- cent participants in the Huron County Music Festival, were much enjoyed by all. Meeting was ' then adjourned and lunch served by the hostesses, Mrs. William Wise, Mrs, C. Venner, Mrs. William. Holland and Mrs. Noble Holland. • GORDON R. HEARN Optometrist Huron St. Phone fig • On Friday EVERY Week 10-tfb CHRIST RECEIVETH SINNERS He Will Receive You 1Ie is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. . It Peter 3-9 Will you repent and receive Jesus today as your Saviour. —John 1 -12 CHAS FULLER, Bok 123, Los Angeles, 53—TUNE IN—ABC Network Sundays 4,o0 p.m. EST IN CLINTON IT'S GALBRAITH RADIO and TELEVISION "Clinton's Only Record Bar" for ELECTROHOME Customaire CAR RADIOS i 6 Tubes MATCHING DASH PANELS For all Cars 1942 to 1952 $89.95 -- OTHER CAR RADIOS FROM $64.50 — Telephone 482 For Expert Service to all Makes e f +w N-1-►�r o+ ►moo o� s e•a+* s s + +++tw r�.-�+ BUY YOUR CiA RDINAND Ear, HERE Some Suggestions For Spring: HAND TROWELS and FORKS RAKES and, HOES HAND CULTIVATORS DIGGING. FORKS and SPADES TURF EDGERS POWER MOWERS & LAWN MOWERS GARDEN HOSE & WATERING CANS WHEEL BARROWS — LAWN FENCE WEED KILLERS and SPRAYERS GRASS CLIPPERS and SHEARS DON'T VOlIGET TO PICK tJX yom COPT' OF OUat SPRING CATALOGUE: SUPPLIES Hugh R. Hawkins it Hardware, Plumbing and Heattag Eavestroughing -- Sheet Metol Work Reda Furnas 0# 44-4444-1*