HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-05-15, Page 14Personals Mr. and Mrs, Frank. Penne- baker visited in London over Sunday, Mr.and Mrs. F. Townsend spent the weekend with Kitchen- er .and Hamilton friends, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings spent the weekend with their son, John, and family, Stratford. Mrs, Roy Lonsway has return- ed to her home in Toronto after visiting among friends in town. Mrs. L. AL Payne Winnipeg, Man,, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs, William Higgins, lapt week. Miss Kay Plumtree and Mrs. William Marshall, Exeter, left on Sunday by bus for a week's holiday in. New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Len Evans, St. Thomas, spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter. Mrs. R. S. Atkey returned home Sunday after visiting friends in Lake Worth, •Fla„ Col- umbus, Ga., Detroit, Mich„ and Petrolia. Mrs. Albert' Bend returned home from London, where she nursed her granddaughter, Joan Woodcock, while• she was a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuning- hame were at "J.K.J.", their sum- mer home in Bayfield, over the , weekend. With them were John Cuninghame, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders, To- ronto, and Miss Florence Cuning- hame, Clinton. It was a farewell visit prior to Mr. and Mrs. Cun- inghame's departure yesterday afternoon for Vancouver, B.C., where they will spend the summer with their son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Hull, University of British Col- umbia. eee'veteeneet-.7 Holiday Specials. Coats Suits Shorties ALL THAT ARE LEFT )pecial 1/3 off SEE THESE AMAZING VALUES TODAY They will go at this price - You, too, will gain. by shopping NOW! PURE LINEN TEA TOWELS-- Regular .69 and .79 values While they last , Only .49 and .59 ea. • YARD GOODS- Ntery yard cl oh the shelves Will be reduced this weekend': only. - NYLONS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, ,TAFFETAS, WOOLS, etc. All Reduced 10% A New Shipment of HAMPTON DRESSES has just arrived They are New, Exciting and Different -- and priced lower than They have been for years For the convenience of our country friends we will remain open Friday, night of this week - Closing all day Saturday. e' • Motor Rugs (They're Reduced!) Pure Wool Rugs, in genuine Scots Tartans. Ideal for car, picnics, or use around home Now 7.75 9.75 10.75 0 CETYNR4~ GARDE NI wow ORDER NOW Pansies Spanish Onions Early Cabbage and Cauliflower are ready to set out now o 0 TOMATOES, PETUNIAS, ZINNIAS, MARIGOLDS, ASTERS, ETC. Will be ready around. May 21 -0- It C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W - Clinton dices SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1952 BALL & MUTCH D. Gr. BALL 3'. iquirott Phone 301-W Phone 8614 Hardware and Purniture Funeral Directors PHONE 195 CLINTON We're Open This Friday Night! Aiken's LUGGAGE and SHOES ONTARIO ST, UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY Cfitmon" rAsTott.rogv, A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., RM. 011.0ANIST-4111S, E. WENDORP 11,00 a.m.-Morning Worship, 12,15 p.m.--Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Union Worship, evening terviee TURNER'S CHURCH 2,00 p.m..-,.Worship 3.00 tiat,-;guncloy School 4-4-4-4.-.444-444-.4-44.44-144-4444-44++ 444444-444-44-444 444444444444-44-44444444-44 444444444+444+ 4+40-4-94 • 4-0-0-•-•-•-••-•-•-•-•-•-•-41-44-•-•444-•-•-•-•4-•-•4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-.4-"' 'F he Gospelaires YOUTHFUL ANNOINTED MUSICIANS Special' Sunday School features Holy Ghost preaching Pentecostal Church Victoria St. Services: SATURDAY, MAY 24 at 8 p.m. SUNDAY, MAY 25 - 10 a.m., 11 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. 21-b 4444444441.44-444444-4444-•444 *4+44 4, A-4, • 4-4-0-(.•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• Thrift Time SPRING SALE See These Bargains! GARDEN HOSE, all-rubber, 50 feet, with couplers 4.95 WHEELBARROWS, rubber-tired 19.95 POWER LAWN MOWERS $122 to $169 GARDEN HOSE, Plastic, in colours, deluxe, 50 feet 9.25 HOSE REELS, 100-feet 3.69 TANK SPRAYERS 7.25, 10.50 CYCLONE SEEDERS .. 5.00 VIGORO - 25 lbs. for 1.90 LAWN MOWERS 11,95 up Complete line of ELECTRIC FENCING NOW on DISPLAY in our WINDOWS Audrey Dusenbury Speaker SPECIAL WELCOME TO ALL! JVNINP-.04411,11,4 SPECIALS for MAY 22 -23 SALMON, Fancy Red Sockeye-1/2 s tin 43c PEAS, Green Giant 15 oz., 2 tins 37c CHICKEN, LG.A., 31/4 lbs. tin $1.99 FIG BARS, McCormick's lb. 29c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Horsey's, 48 oz. tin 25c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 7s-47c 24s-$1.51 PRINCESS' BAR CHEESE Y2 lb. 25c GRAPEFRUIT, Seedless, size 112s 5 for 25c ORANGES, Sunkist, size 252s doz. 33c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver TOWN OF CLINTON PROCLAMATION PAGE POUR ve CUNTON &EWS"RECORD THURSDAY, MAY 22, .1.952 The Clinton Woman's Institute met on May 15, in the Agricul- tural Office Board Room with 41 members' and one visitor present. With Mrs. C. Sturdy presiding and Mrs. Radford et the piano, the meeting opened with the singing of the Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect and the Lord's Prayer, The president welcomed all present. The min, utes were read and approved; and t h e treasurer's monthly statement was' given by Mrs. Shepherd. Mrs. A. Cudmore stated flow- ers and cards had been sent to several during the year, also fruit. Mrs. Nelson gave the secretary's annual report, stating the total membership being 69, with av- erage attendance 35 to 40. Ten meetings were held in the Agri- cultural Board Room. In July the annual picnic was held on Mrs. Cudrnore's lawn, where busi- ness and pleasure combined to make an enjoyable outing. In August the grandmothers were entertained on Mrs. Fear's lawn, and needless to say enjoyed themselves too. During the year delegates were sent to District Annual at Luck- now; Officers' Convention, at Guelph; Area Convention, at Lon- don; Health Centre, Clinton. Two bus trips were participated in: one to Owen Sound and Port Elgin and another to Canadian National :Exhibition, Toronto. Clinton WI members were enter- tained by Londesboro WI and Clinton WI entertained Blyth WI. one in attendance. Five minute mottoes were giv- "An inspiration' to be present," en by members at each meeting. was the passing comment of Roll calls were also given at many at the meeting. each meeting. Addresses on "Pub- lie , Relations • and Community Activities", "Home Economics and St. •Andrew'sWMS Health"' "Historical Research and I Current Events", "Agriculture 1. and Canadian Industries" and "Citizenship and Education" were given. Two demonstrations: The mak- president, Mrs. R. W. McKenzie. ing and cooking of an angel cake The Lord's Prayer in unison open- and an aluminum demonstration. ed the meeting, preceding a hymn. Card parties and a bazaar were Mrs. George Roberton read the also held. Donations were given parable of the sower; Mrs. Mc- to Cancer Society, Blind Cam- ,Kenzie folloWing with a medita- paign, Unitarian Service, Corn- tion. Park for wading pool; supplied "Student work in. South Am- paint to paint cemetery fence; erica" was the study taken by sponsored a play from a neigh- Mrs. Norman Ball. Prayer was boring town. offered by Mrs, Lane. Mrs. John Boys in Sanitarian were re- Snider brought messages from membered at Christmas. r "The Work of the Church in Junior Institute Girls in Contests Clinton Junior Institute held its regular meeting in CPC en May 13, the president, Marion Jones, presiding, The meeting was opened with the "Institote Ode" and the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was "Your plans for May 24th." The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, The Federation field day is to he on June 11 at Blyth, and the dist, Apt field day is going to be at Seaforth on June 7, There will be events for girls on both days. The Clinton group are enter- ing in the square dance competi- tion for both these dates and also in the competition at Clinton Spring Show. The topic was given very cap- ably by Miss Margaret Holland :on "Queen Mary", the Mother Queen, The girls then met with the boys for the joint meeting at which Rev, A. Glen Eagle was the guest speaker. o Engagements Announced The engagement is announced of Catharine Alice Pearl, youngest daughter of Mr. Syl- venue Cann and the late Mrs. Cann, to Mr. Robert Dunn Ostler, Clinton, son of James • H. Ostler of Norfolk, England, and the late Mrs. Ostler. The marriage Will take place Satur- day, May 31, at 2,3,0 'o'clock. at the Exeter Pentecostal Church. 21-p CNS,S•01, 1l n health, our Dairy always wins Because we're first In vitamins. Wesley-Willis WA Completes Quilts The May meeting of the Wom- an's Association of WealeyeWillis Church was held in the parlous on the afternoon of ,May 15. The president, Mrs. George Beattie, opened the meeting by reading a selection from the • "Upper Room" and offering prayer. The hymn "We give Thee but Thine Own" was sung, and -the devo- tional period followed; the sub- ject was "What God expects of Christians in the use of Time and Possessions". The Scripture les- son was read by Mrs, cliff Coop- er, "Lesson Thoughts" were tak- en by Miss Wirinie O'Neil, and prayer was offered by Miss Ida Walkinshaw, The secretary, Mrs. Frank Ping- land, and the treasurer, Mrs. A. E, Shaddick, gave their reports. Mrs, Fred Potter, one of the flower conveners, reported. Mrs. Ben Cox, correspending secretary, read notes of thanks from those who had received flowers and cards when ill. Thirty calls had been made by the four groups, Mrs. D. Laidlaw and a group of quitters had completed two quilts with one more to do. Mrs. Will Pickard reported some improve- ments at the manse. The social convener, Mrs. John Nediger, Jr., told,of the plans that had been made for the dinner to be served to the West Huron Dist- rict Annual of the Women's In- stitute which takes place i n Wesley-Willis Church on May 22, A hymn and the Mizpah bene- diction brought the meeting to a close, after which a delicious af- ternoon tea was served by Mrs. Douglas Bartliff's group, and a short time spent socially. Miss Edna Jamieson Heads Lady Teacher; Clinton unit of •the ' Women Teachers' Federation, meeting in Clinton public school, 'elected the following executive for 1952-53: President, Miss Edna Jamieson; vice-president, Miss Luella John- ston; 'secretary - treasurer, Miss Audrey Jervis; corresponding secretary, Miss Margaret Holland. The program committee will include Miss Johnston (convener), Miss Doreen McGuire and Miss Holland; the, social committee, Mrs. George Jefferson (conven- er), Miss Grace Goodfellow and Miss June Miller. A talk by Clayton 0. Martin, of Clinton public school staff, on Newfoundland, was illustrated by The annual meeting of Huron County Women Teachers' Fed- eration will be .held in the On- tario Street United' Church, Clin- ton, Wednesday, June 11, at 6.15 p.m. Miss Johnston, reporting on the recently-held Spring assembly for Region One, held in London, told-the meeting that any teacher resigning from a school is re- quired to obtain an "experience form" signed by the secretary of the school board. Korea. Two minutes of silence was observed in memory of Miss Dolly Shaw, a much loved mem- ber, who passed away Monday, May 19. Mrs. James Makins read a letter from Fred Munnings, a missionary in India, written to Mrs. McKenzie, Children's gifts, a • quilt and other articles were brought for the annual bale. Mrs. Robert Scott conducted a Bible Quizz. Mrs. McKenzie and her dau- ghter, Mrs. Cooper, served re- freshments. Baking Sale 'Proves Financial Success A financially successful sale of homemade baking and aprons was held on Saturday afternoon, May 17, in the Sunday School room of Wesley-Willis Church, by members of the, Goodwill Club. A cup of tea was served in the church parlor, where Miss Helen Cook and Miss Maude Torrance provided a musical background. Pentecostal Church Victoria St. K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m,-Gospel Service Friday, 8.00 p.m.-Young People's Tuesday, 8 p.m,-Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service and Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Evening Service Thurs., May 22, 8.00, Chancel Guild, home of Mrs. J. Hart. Guest speaker. Huron St. Baptist Church Minister-REV. J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.-Worship. "All Power?" 12,15 noon-Sunday School Hour 12,15 noon-Church School. 7.00 p.m.-Service, "Supreme Responsibility" All Welcome Dutch Reformed Church Holland Service-2.30 Pdn.- at the Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter Mr. C. M. EELMAN, Exeter Box 336 Shirley's'. Beauty Parlour • PRINCESS ST. EAST OPEN .FROM: 8.30 A.M. TO 5.30 P.M. DAILY MONDAY' THROUGH FRIDAY OPEN TUESDAY 'EVENINGS All lines of Beauty Culture Hair-Cutting' and Styling Phone 585 for Appointment Shirley Stewart, Proprietor 21-p In accordance with the usual custom, I hereby proclaim Victoria Day, Saturday, May 24 a PUBLIC HOLIDAY and call upon all , citizens to observe it as such. Business will be carried on as usual on Monday, May 26. (Signed)-G. W. NOTT, Clinton, Ontario Mayor, Town of Clinton May 14, 1952 20-21-b To Enjoy Your Holiday Weekend Choose From These . . With that Pelle/oar Home flavor! Pies, Cakes, Tarts, Fruit Bread, Rolls, Tea Biscuits, Cookies Try Our MILK LOAF PLAIN or SLICED BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers.and Confectioners 44,04-4-44444-044++4-444444-44-44-444.44+++.$44-4. -Clinton W.1. Plans Many Activities. In Coming Year An exchange of gifts at Christ- mas and an exchange of plants and seeds in April were interest- ing events. Several purchased WI member- ship pins and in memory of the late King George VI were re- quested to wear a purple ribbon badge till May 31, Mrs. Fear stated the auditors found the books correct. She gave a short account of the Dist- rict Executive meeting. • Delegates to District Annual were appointed: Mrs. Sturdy, Mrs. H. Monaghan, Mrs. Fear, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs, N. Tyndall. Plans were , made for District Annual, on. May 22 in Clinton Wesley-Willis United Church. Mrs. N. Tyndall reported for the committee in charge of bus trip to Detroit. Members' names and fees to be in the hands of the committee not later than May 29. It was decided to buy gifts for two of our members. Miss Jane Batkin favored with a piano solo . and also a vocal number, accompanied by Mrs. Radford at the piano. The meeting closed with the National/ Anthem and the mem- bers enjoyed a pot luck supper, served by the social committee. Each revealed who their Sun- shine Sister was and pinned a corsage on same. During the tea hour Sunshine Sisters were chos- en for 1952-53. The members hoped that those who are ill or confined to home because of broken bones, will soon be up and out again. 0 Young Couple Feted Prior to Marriage Prior to the wedding of Miss Pearl Cann, Exeter, and Robert Ostler, Clinton, a shower was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. ttruce Cann on Wednesday, May 14. • The shower was a complete surprise to the couple, who re- ceived many lovely gifts, includ- ing a clock, presented by the people of the Pentecostal Church. The bride- and groom-to-be, gave a few words of thanks for the gifts, after which a dainty lunch was served, 4-00-40-•-•-.444-44,44-41-4-•••••-•-+-40-10-•-• Time for WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11 a.m.-Morning Worship Rev. W. C. Smith, M.A., B.D., B.Paed., Grand tend. 11.20-Primary School 12.15-Church School 7.00 p.m.-Evening Praise Union Service in Ontario St. United Church "Come to the House of Prayer" Gospel Hall Maple Street, one block east of Albert Street, north of Par-Knit 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 10.45 a.m.-Communion. Service 8.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting- Speaker - Mr. John Martin; Mr. Martin is lecturing on the journeyings of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.-Prayer meet- ing and Bible Study. Come and Bring Your Friends St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, 13.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Daylight Saving Time 10.00 axt-Sunday School Hour 11.00 a.m.-Divine Worship Children's Questionnaire, Sermon Subject: "Saving Time" '2.30 p.m.-Knox Church, Hay- field. We welcome strangers in town to worship with us at St. Andrew's or Knox. joint Meeting Held St. Andrew's dubs A splendid attendance of the members of the Girls' Club 40 St, AOCIrOWIS. Church and the Men's Club, with other friends, was present on Tuesday evening for a joint meeting by gracious in- vitation of the girls, Mrs, John Leiper, president, presided over a brief devotional and, businese period in which ley. D, J, Lane, the minister, read the Scripture and offered prayer and Mrs. Eric Sims and Miss Mabel Harvie read the re- ports egethe. secretary and treas- urer. Welcome was extended by the president to all present. The Girls' Club voted, $100 to the Spring Thankoffering of the congregation, and $25 toward re- decorating the auditorium doors. Arrangement was made for work to be done in the kitchen of the church by the members. Rev. 1). Glen Campbell, of First Church, Seaforth, was in- troduced, as special speaker, and after a few congratulatory words to St, Andrew's church people; presented a very spiritually in- formative- film, "A Wonderful Life". The hero in the film was a man in ordinary busineSs, who was trusted' by the whole com- munity and was treasurer of al- most every good society in the community and church,. and who found his satisfaction by invest- ing his time and talent in the. treasures of a spiritual nature, rather than in 'his own comfort and worldly satisfaction. It was .e most inspiring film, end was enjoyed to the full by all present. A social hour together, with refreshments, was also participat- ed in,' to the enjoyment of every- ears of Korea .1/••••••••••104, The WMS of St. Andrew's Church met at the home of the IIRVVI ••••••Nerrow.aNtne