HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-05-08, Page 10SCHOOL IMIRN. _IIKTRTER ENT4TER-An explodiu of heater used for incubating egit4- touched off' a fire that mittett one-storey agricultural barn at Smith Huron District High School' May 2, Four piga and 6,01 young cbieks, projects of the school's agricultural class, Sliffoco.- ated, Clinton Plumbing I - %imuummumm;.,.. .4110C-Winigib. "-asiiNOlar" ..T MODERNIZE the Plumbing in your Home this Spring E. J. REYNOLDS Phone 577R-Clintore :RAr10.4 s#4--;:te cat, Setcri Make Mother happy On her day Do right by her 61 The lectric way. Other Suggestions to Mother Happy GE IRONS, KETTLES Now only $14.50 Or perhaps an Electric Clock, • Vacuum Cleaner, Toaster, Radio, Range. or Refrigerator at • make SUPREME ALUMINUM SAVES FUEL DOLLARS$3 SAVES FOOD DOLLARS • SAVES STOVE SPACE For the ultimate in fast, economical cooking try this new SUPREME ALUMINUM Triple Saucepan. Cooks a complete meal for the average family on one burner! Rounded corners . . Easy to clean. See our complete display of, SUPREME IUMINUM CANADA'S POPULAR ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS SAUCEPAN SET 95 oem" looth 01404 mood IE p1110 S aC 1.101.01111 MTAI PHON1E. 42 ,‘ 1,iNTON The store remains open Saturday evening until 10.30 1,m, Enjoy Yourself! Rent a FISHING OUTFIT . . . (Rod, Reel & Line) per 1/2 day . . • 1.00 per weekend . 2.50 Minimum charge $1,00 Or a BICYCLE . . Men's and Ladies-per hr. .... .25 , per 1/2 day . 1.00 per weekend . . 2.00 Minimum Charge 25c Weekend-from Friday night till Monday morning Also Note Store How's: Open FRIDAY NIGHT-746 Open SATURDAY NIGHT.-7410.30 PICK A HONEY INSTEAD OF A LEMON! Shop all around - see how used-car prices run - then come to see us! Make your own sound comparisons - and you'll find we have the .best buys! Drop in and look around. SELECTED SPECIALS: THIS WEEK ARE: '48 Pontiac Sedan only $1495 (Hydraniatic and Radio) '47 Chevrolet Coach . .. . only 1150 '47 Chevrolet Sedan only 1200 '46 Pontiac Coach # only 1050 '46 Chevrolet Sedan only 1095 '50 Hillman Sedan . . only 1125 '50 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan . only 1750 (With Radio) '50 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pick-up, only 1195 (A Real Bargain) These are all in 6p-top shape, dean as a whistle and long time, You'll be right up with the Jones' with either one, rarin' to go for i Drop in won't you? Lorne Brown Motors Limited CHEYFt0LET,-OLDSMOBILE-.Salet & Service Your Friendly General Motors Dealer PHONE 367W CLINTON fineigeseise PLINTQN NEW -RECOUP ViU4SD4TI. 'MAX 1854! Also in Open Stock- Amateur clubs, such as Clinton Colts, badly handlcaPP9d through lack of finances to bring in and Pay player,* should benefit great- ly through a resolution adopted ht the .63rd anneal meeting of the Ontario Hockey Association In Toronto. 11ir this new ruling, Intermed- iate "B" and Junior "C" clubs will be allowed to dregs only 12 players instead of 14, as in the past. This should be an advant- age to clubs that are hardpressecl for players, as Clinton Colts have been during the past few years, Manager Bert Glidelon and Caryl Draper of the Clinton Club, introduced and spoke in support of their resolution, while good support was accorded it by David Pinkney and "Sky" Easson, Strat- ford, Other Clinton delegates at the Meeting were Coach Kelso Streets and Captain Bob Draper, and Hugh R, Hawkins, president, Western Ontario Athletic Assoc- iation, The Association voted in fay- bur of raising the age limit for Junior "A" hockey players in Canada to 21. There was little discussion on the question. An amendment was passed which said, in effect, that no team Will be permitted to protest elig- ibility of a player, based on resi- dence qualifications, after Feb- ruary 10 each season, Stewart McTavish, Oshawa, was elected president, succeeding Jack Roxborough, Simcoe, with M. L. Tory n Gregg, wIngharn, an d rranic ;Bncitiand, Peterbore, as vice-presidents; and David Pink- ney, Stratford, one of the four drrectors. Stratford Indians Mightily Welcomed (StratfordBeacon-Herald) Stratford Indians were we/coin- ed home Sunday, And what a welcome. The most terrific reception ever accorded Anyone in the city's history swept the Indians, from the city limits, indeed over from Shakespeare, to an exuberant civic reception in the market square. The fans really whooped it up. By the thousands upon thousands they lined the streets from the limits, along the parade route and finally „jammed into the market square to give the team the nois- iest, most sincere welcome pos- sible. The homecoming could hardly have been more warm-hearted or terrific if they had brought back the battered mug with them. But, according to each and every one of the Indians, that cup will be lugged back for the next recep- tion-next year. So perhaps Sun- day's effort was just a warm-up for the real thing. pp (Fort Frances won the Anal Cup finals, four games to two). 4-04 FIVE.PIN BOWLING NOTES "Bliteltfeet" Win Monday night, saw the finish of the Clinton Mixed Leaeue for this pease:ire The "Blackfeet", captained by Bill Carrick, were the winners of the "A" group playsoffs and the Cheyennes, captained by John Nault, winners of the "B" group, Team members of the "Black, feet" ,weree as follows; Betty Stock, Loraine Cox, Jean Alex- ander, Ed Steep, Ken Vander- burgh, and of the Cheyennes: Marg Carter, Mary Lou Fleet, Jean Cooper, Clarence Cooper, Bert Stanley and Tom Steep, .lean Alexander, with 302, and Clarence Cooper, with 303, had the high singles for the night, The "B" group winners have challenged the "A's" to a (friend- ly?) match next Monday night. Individual winners during lea- gue play were as follows: Ladies'. high single, Emily Scruton, 314; men's high single, Wilfred Denomme, 391; ladies' high triple, Erma Hartley, 779; men's high triple, Bert Harris, 952. Ladies' high average, Erma Hartley, 202; men's high average, Bert Harris, 232; most Improved lady bowler, Audrey Harris, 15 points; most improved man bowl- er, Eldie Gliddon, 12 points. Prizes will be presented at the closing banquet to be, held Friday, May 9, at *Quetta IVIenard'e, Ex- eter. April Winners Winners of the April weekly prize rolls were as follows: Jean Cooper, two weeks with 241 and 200;Rose Geese, 227; Helen Fairservice, 209; Bert Harris, two weeks with 380 and 301; Clarence Cooper, 337, and Edwin Cooper, 317. Bert Harris won the grand Prize for the month of a General Electric alarm clock, Clarence Cooper the Ronson lighter and Jean Alexander with a 271, was the winner of the Laurita wallet. Prize rolls are continuing through May. 0 HOUSE DAMAGED SEAPORTH-Firemen received a call to the home of John Pryce, two miles east cf Winthrop, The kitchen and part of the upstairs of the main house were extensiv- ely damaged by fire, believed to have been caused by a spark on the roof. Cardiff Says 'Rigging' Of Ottawa Inquiry (Continued from Page One) Mr. Phillips was loaned to assist Nelson Young, head of the pro- duction division, to gather infor- mation concerning the foot and mouth outbreak. The minister said that even as he had his experts to advise him in the House during discussion of estimates, it had been deemed advisable to have someone to as- sist the witnesses with the de- tailed information for which they might be asked. Mr. Phillips was Lawn Bowlers Plan Real Improvements Mans were made At a meeting of Clinton. Lawn Bowling' Club, On 1Vionclay evening; for a real brightening-up of the club house. and all the property. Arrangements also were made; for a grand opening of the sea- son, on Saturday, May 24, at 2 p.m., to which any person inter- ested in bowling is cordially vited, There will be pa charge for games, The Club. is .anxiOUS to make the best year for seine time. Come and enjoy yourself. Bannockburn Band Requires Pipers • Peannockburn Pipe Band held its -re-organization meeting for the year in Clinton Monday even- ing when officers were elected as follows: Leader, Watson Webster, Var- na; Pipe Major, Hector E. Kings- well, Clinton; Assistant Pipe Major, Ronald Ross, RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton. It was decided to advertise for pipers for the Pipe Band, with applicants requested to get in touch with J. E. "Cap" Cook, phone Clinton 54. 0 Truck Stolen But Owner Didn't Know Suspicious of a truck they saw on Carling street, near Ridout, London, early Sunday morning, two policemen stopped it, charg- ed the driver with stealing it, then informed the owner, who hadn't known it was missing. In London city court Monday, James Douglas Downie, 31, RCAF Station, Clinton, was remanded to today; May 8. Constables Jack 'Morgan and Robert Hefkey, who arrested Downie, said the vehicle was stol- en from in front of a Regent St. house. The owner is Harry B. Lucas, of 148 Victoria St„ London. 0 Robert-Bell Firm +.-4-++4.0 GODERICH TOWNSHIP 4-41.4-4-16--•-0-•-4-40-4,41-•-•-....4-41-0 4. 4-.0-4 0-0 Radford; coaches, George Cowan and Jack Armstrong; bat hay, Doug Riley, assistant, Mervyn Durnin; grounds committee, Bill Cowan and. Bob Riley; ,gatekeep- er, Jack Webster; equipment men, Ken Armstrong and Ken Wood; umpires, B e n Riley, Murray Lyon; scorekeeper, Patsy and Buster Peckitt; score board op- erators, Mervyn Durnin and Jim Radford; managers •for bantam teams, George Cowan and Ben Riley. - •. • . 301115#971 Clinton Club Amendment. Adopted by the OHA 4-4•-•-•+•-•-•,•-•-•-•-•-•-•41,-•-•-•41-•-•-••••••••••-•-•-•-•-•414-4-410-• Contrasting colours of Burgundy, Chartreuse, Grey and Forest-Green provide a delightful setting for a party or every day. A Small Reminder: that Sunday, May i, is 140THE D Delight her by starting her on a set of McEwan's Mornglo, Pomona, Old English Sampler, Rosalie and Maroon Montcalm Carnival are -4-•-•-•-••••-••-•••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••••-•4-11-41,-,0-0-4,41.-•-0-,-4-•-•-1.4-40-•+ *44-4-* SUTTER-PERDUE 04-4-•-4-•-4-4-4-44- • 4-4-4-•-•••••••-•-• Sale.Sale.Sale MEN'S FINE QUALITY Sport Shirts These are from our regular 4.95 and 5460 Summer Range THUR. -FR1.-SAT. ONLY 31150 Sizes S-M-L Herman's Men's Wear B 1 LTMO R 5 HATS PO k SYTH SHMTS PHONE 224W CIAINTON t4-444444-44.4-4-444-.4 ,44.4-4-10-4144444- • .7* Plans "Open House" A forthcoming event of interest to all farmers is the Open House being held. by Robert Bell Indu- stries Limited at their modern plant at Seaforth, on May 13-14. Threshing machines in actual process of manufacture will be shown on those dates, and a tour of the Separator Assembly..Divis- ion of the plant should prove both constructive a n d educational. Robert Bell Industries Limited have designed a new separator for use with the forage harvester, and this, along with the well- known Bell Straw Cutter, will be on display. The company also hopes to have ready for the open house a newly-developed grain thrower, supplying the detailed material which should be of particular and facilitating the committee interest in that it has an adjust- hearings thereby. - ment handle for raising the Mr. Cardiff replied that it was thrower so that the separator may obvious that Mr. Stewart's ques- be moved ,readily from one lo- tions had been framed so that cation to another. witness could deliver a prepared set of answers. It was then that Mr, Cardiff inquired if the min- ister had conferred earlier on with the Liberal members of the committee. Seeks Termination Mr. and. Mrs. Vern Bean, Salt- Donald Blue, Liberal MP for ford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Bruce, late Tuesday night sought Mrs. Charles Wallis, to terminate the Commons foot-I Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown, Lon- and-mouth inquiry, at Ottawa. don, were guests on Sunday of His surprise motion, introduced Mr. arid Mrs. John Semple. minutes before the 11 o'clock ad- l Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall, Strat- journment hour, immediately fiord,' at sum- raised an outcry of protest from spent Sunday their Opposition members, xner home at Paradise Vista. The• Western Ontario MP final- Mr. and Mrs. Gil Hazelwood, ly withdrew his motion on. the I who have spent the winter in suggestion that the agriculture Goderich have returned for the committee steering group deal summer to their summer home with the issue and report Wed- and tourist courts. nesday. --sssemeseseee-e nea00,SeaSffee '''seasetisessnee' weeeeeeme e•.We • •. . 041. 401110.W .v.we (By ion Cornish) OM Cadet insplaion Tomorrow Evening Oakes will be senior rien•neran,, The annual inspection of Clin- iniasionecl officer on parade. ton District Collegiate Institute In charge of the various pie-Cadets Corps will be held tomor- row (Friday), May 9, at severs o'clock, on the CDCI Campus, Liout. W. H. liTeKechnie will be the inspecting officer. The Cadet Corps will be undef the able command of Cadet Major Robert Elliott, with Cadet Capt. Betty Parke, as second-in-coin- mend. Cadet Sgt,-11(lajop Harris toons will be the following: No, 1-Caciet, Lt, Cliff Talbot and Cadet Sgt. Ted Dunn; No. 2, Cadet Lt, Jack Porter and Cadet Sgt, Lloyd Holland; No, 3-Cadet Lt, Bill Shearing and Cadet Sgt. Bill, Cowan; No. 4-Cadet Lt, George Coleman and Cadet Sgt. Howard Tait; No, 5-Cadet Lt. Shirley Proc- tor and Cadet Sgt. Loraine Oar- on; No. 6-Cadet Lt. Barbara Middleton and Cadet Sgt. Joanne Londesboro Organizes Castle; No, 7-Cadet Lt, Jean Me- Vittie and Cadet Sgt. Leota For Softball Season man; No, B-Cadet Lt, Dianna 'Spatz and Cadet Sgt. Mary Tyn- dall; No. 9--Cadet Lt, bbirley desboro B,A.'s it was decided to At the regular meeting of Lon- Harding and Cadet Sgt, Marilyn enter an intermediate team in the DoWson; "C" group of the WOAA; also a bantam team in the bantam Band-Cadet Sgt, Ron Philp; series. Colour party-Cadet Sgt. Peter The following officers were Jones.A large attendance is expected appointed for the seekn; Repre- sentativee, Jack Tamblyn and at the inspection. Ken Armstrong; manager, Gordon 4-•-4-4-•11-1P • +9-•-•••-•-• 4.-••4•4 -40-•••-+-++404-.4.4-•-•-•-•-4 ,-•-•-•-••••-•-•-• SUPREME SWEET Mixed Pickles .69 jar .29 GOLD MEDAL Peanut Butter lg. jar .33 CANADIAN LEGION Paper Drive Wed., May 21 Please have all your papers tied and out at the curb by noon. COLLECTION STARTS AT 1 P.M. 19-20-b 4-• 6-4-44-4.4-4.444-44-4-•4*-4.• ................., -44#4.# EXTRA CASH SPECIALS-May 8-9-10 Southern Cross Solid . Wagstaffe's RASPBERRY 1::: Tuna Meat . ,tin .25 JAM . . . 1g, jar .39 ' CARNATION Maple Leaf SOCKEYE MILK, 2 lg. tins .31 Salmon . . . tin .45 JELLO JELLY ,rit,zigwv MAXWELL HOUSE POWDER'S '-'--"fr -;----,„- COFFEE 3 for .29 Mikiii:14'^ lb. bag 1.03 'L EAF, f DOM. GRAN. SUGAR 40th. bag 1.03 Evq1,K, TREESWEET =CROW Orange Juice Double Size 48 oz. .tin .31 With FREE Pkg, i CLARK'S TOMATO TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE . . 2 tins .31 JUICE 2 2=r. .29 I SHEAR i ING'S Phone 48 Free Delivery - Clinton iereeeeosee