HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-05-01, Page 4MEN!
Choose Your New SHOES
From Our Wide
'Soles of LEATHER
Ontario St. YP Union
Holds Fine Picnic
The Young People's Union Of
Ontario Street United. Church,
met on Tuesday evening lest, in
the church hall, and later pro-
ceeded to the picnic groUnds
owned by Maitland Driver at the
Falls on the Maitland River,
A generous -supply of sand-
wiches and COPWes was provided
by the girls, Rev, 4. P, Eagle
and Elwin. Merrill were in charge.
Of the campfire and coffee:-most enjoyable time was had by
all, and the evening closed. .witit
the. Mizpah Benediction',
A number of the Young People
attended the annual Huron Pres-
bytery YPU and Spring Conven-
tion held at Herman United
Church on Monday evening.
SAVE $5.00
Never Miss an Opportunity to Save
TODAY-You can save
a $5.00 Bill
When you buy a Spring
Coat or a Shortie Coat
at Irwin's
This .is your chance to
get the coat you like
at a big saving
There is still a good
selection -- but it
won't last long
DON'T FORGET - The Earle Terry Singers, Wesley-
Willis United Church, 8.30 p.m., May 7
Tickets on Sale at
Specials for-,May 1 -2-3
2 Bars LIFEBUOY SOAP-reg. size, and Sponge .. 28c
PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES-large 2 pkgs. 63c
GIANT VEL and One Cake P.O. SOAP 76c
GIANT FAB and One Cake P.O. SOAP 76c
Fancy COHOE RED SALMON-% lb. tin 33c
WHOLE CHICKEN-3 1/4 lb. tin 1.99
JOHNSON'S PASTE WAX and 1 Bottle PRIDE .. 65c
ORANGES-New Crop Valencias-size 344, 2 doz. 41c
ORANGES-New Crop Valencias-size 288s, doz. 27c
LEMONS-size 300s 3 for 13c
FRESHIES-makes 10 glasses pkg. 5c
Thompson's Food Market
Phone 40 We Deliver
Engagements 'Announced
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkoll
announce the, engagement of
their daughter, Daisy Repo,
Marie, to Donold Saeger, son
of. Mr, and Mrs,. Nicholas
Saeger,, Goderich; the wed,
ding to take place the latter
Part of May.. 17-p
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Glazier,
Clinton, wish to announce the
engagement of their only
&daughter, Thelma Marion, to
"James Enunerson. Wilson, son
of. Mr, and Mrs. George
son, ' Blyth, the marriage to
take place in May. 18-p
Mr, and Mrs. George F,
Elliott wish to announce the
engagement 'of their daugh-
ter, Helen. Doreen, to Robert
Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Elgin Rowcliffe, Hensall,- On-
tario; the wedding to take
place in St, Paul's Anglican
Church, Clinton, on May 24;
1952, at 7 p.m, 18-p
Mrs. R. Fear, Mrs. A. Adams;
auditors, Mrs. R. Fear and Mrs.
M. Wiltse; song leaders, Mrs. E.
Radford, Mrs, A. Adams, Mrs. J.
Conveners of Standing Com-
mittees: Horne Economics, Mrs.
W. S. R. Holmes; Agriculture and
Canadian Industries, Mrs. C. El-
liott, Mrs. Wiltse; Citizenship and
Education, Mrs.. Jamieson; Com-
munity Activities and Public Re-
lations, Mrs. N. Carter; Historical
Research -and Current Events,
Mrs. W. Wise, Mrs. Noble Hol-
Mrs. R. Irwin. sang two num-
bers, with Mrs. Speaight at the
piano. Master Jimmy MacDonald
favoured with a piano solo.
.Mrs. M. Wiltse gave the motto:
"Men build houses but women
build homes." The WI chose three
subjects from the Home Econom-
ics Service: (1) What makes a
good officer; (2) Program plan-
ning; or (3) Brighten your home
with color.
It was decided to have a Sun-
shine Sister pot-luck supper at
the May 22 meeting.
The annual reports will be
given at the May meeting; also
the membership fees will be re-
The meeting closed with sing-
ing "The Queen", and lunch was
served, the committee• being Mes-
dames Hanley, Epps, Holmes,
Miller, McNeil and Shobbrook.
Edward W. Elliott has been
appointed , agent in this district
for Hill the Mover.
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Struthers,
Toronto, were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. A. T. Cooper.
Cpl. William Tye, Ottawa, for-
merly of Clinton, called on
friends here on the weekend.
Mrs. Ronald MacDonald attend-
ed the funeral of her aunt, Mrs.
Joseph Davies, in London today.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Durr,
Guelph, were renewing acquaint-
ances in town over the weekend.
A. 5. inkley cane home today
from Westminster Hospital, Lon-
don, where he has been ill for the
last two months.
R. S. Atkey was a weekend
visitor with his brother and sis-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. M.
Atkey, Cooksville.
Miss Helen Cook returned home
Sunday after ,spending a pleasant
vacation with relatives a n d
friends yin Vancouver, B.C.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stirling
were in Wingham on Monday,
April 28, attending the funeral
Of their aunt, Mrs. Hannah Coch-
Miss Lilian Cartwright, form-
erly of Reid Apartments, Princess
Street, Clinton, has moved to 90
Cobourg St., Stratford. H e r
mother accompanied her there.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Nickle and
Miss Freda Schoenhals were
weekend visitors with the form-
ers' son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. B. Holloway, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Wood-
cock, and daughter Joan, Lon-
don; Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Cooper,
Toronto, were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Bond last
weekend. The occasion was the
90th birthday of Mrs. Bond's
mother, `Mrs. Sarah Cooper.
Rev. D. J. Lane has accepted an
invitation to conduct anniversary
services in Knox Presbyterian
Church, Wallaceburg, this coming
Sunday, May 4. Rev. James
Foote, Varna, will' occupy the
pulpit of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church, Clinton and Knox,
Guests with Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. McGill over the weekend,
coming to celebrate Mr. McGill's
birthday, were Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. McGill arid Mary Jean, Wind-
sor; Mr. and Mrs. G. N. McGill
and Cameron, Hamilton; G. A.
Nethery, Hamilton a n d Miss
Kathleen McGill, Exeter.1
Rev. D. 3. Lane, Clinton, Mod-
erator of the Synod of Hamilton
and London, attended this week's
meeting in Patterson Memorial
Presbyterian Church, Sarnia. He
preached the Moderator's sermon
and received the Mayor of Sarnia
and the. representative of the
Sarnia-Port Huron Ministerial
Rt. Hon. J. G. and Mrs. Gard-
iner were guests last weekend at
the home of. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L.
Paisley, While Mr.. Gardiner was
the guest speaker at the Lions'
Farmers' night banquet Friday,
Mrs. Paisley held a dinner party
in honor of Mrs. Gardiner. Among
those present were Miss Maude
Torrance, Mr, and Mrs. John la-
nes, Mr. and Mrs. Will Tebbutt,
Goderich, and Mrs. Stewart
Those attending the executive
meeting of London Conference
YPU, held at the Sutter home
over the weekend included: Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Sperling, Ellin-
vile; Rev. E. E. 1Vr.--obliti. and
Miss Helen McLeod, Muticey;
Miss Daphne Staib and Stewar4t,
Xing, Woodstock; Misses Marion
Newman and June Goodwyn,
Windsor; Miss MollieDavey,
Chatham; Miss Eileen Clackett,
Eberts; Miss Joan Steadman, Stir,
nia; Donald Dees and Miss Alice
Stanley, London: Miss Olive
Bradford, Ingersoll; Miss Ilene
Fanson and Keith IVICLagan, Mit-
chell; Miss Doris Grierson, Lon-
desboro; and Elwin Merrill, Clin-
Cut Your Lawn
The Easy Way!
We now have in stock a complete line of
power mowers; come in and look them
over or arrange for a demonstration.
Bob A Lawn
WHIZ 18" Cut
va h.p. Johnson Motor
CUB 18" Cut
1 h.p. Briggs & Stratton Motor
1 h.p. Johnson Motor
18" Cut
1 h.p. Johnson Motor
Large Stock of
HAND MOWERS from $11.95 to $29.95
GRASS SEED-2Regular . . per lb. $1.00
For those shady
places . . . per lb. $1.15
Phone 361-W
Phone 3614
Hardware and Furniture Funeral Directors
, $169.50
Earle Terry Singers
Hailed in New York's Carnegie Hall and on the Radio
as one of Canada's Leading .Choral
Entertainment Groups
Will present a Concert in
Wed., May 7
8.30 p.m. Admission $1'.00
Tickets may be procured at the following places of business
as well as from any member of the Wesley-Willis Choir:
Beattie's Furniture Sutter-Perdue Hardware
Martin's • Dept. Store Irwin's Ladies' Wear
Come In and Choose From Our
Variety of 'Delicious Baked Goods
From Our Store Only--
,..•• Reg. 40c -- for 33c
SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1952
All Services on Daylight Saving Tim,e
Dutch Reformed
Holland Service-2.30 p.m.
at the
Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter
Mr. C. M. EELMAN, Exeter
Box 336
Pentecostal Church
Victoria St.
K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School
11.00 am.-Morning Worship
Mr. John Ostler, formerly of
Clinton, recent graduate from
the Eastern Pentecostal Bible
College, will speak, assisted
by Mrs. Ostler. This service
will include dedication of
7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service
Friday, 8.00 p.m.-Young People's
Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Bible Study and
Gospel Hall
Maple Street, one block east of
Albert Street, north of Par-Knit
9.45 a.m.-Sunday School
10.45 a.m.-Communion Service
8.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting-
Speaker - Mr. John Martin;
Mr. Martin is lecturing on the
journeyings of the children
of Israel from Egypt to
Tuesday, 7.00 p.m. - Childre0
8.00 p.m.-Prayer Meet-
ing and Bible Study.
Come and Bring Your Friends
Huron St.
Baptist Church
Minister-REV. J. E. OSTROM
11.00 .a.m.-Worship, "The Mind"
12.15 noon-Sunday School Hour
7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service,
All Welcome
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minigter
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
Daylight Saving Time
10.00 a.rd-Sunday School Period
11.00 a.m.-Divine Service,
Rev. James Foote, M.A.
2.30 p.m.-Knox Church,' Bay-
Build yourselves in the Christian
faith by worshipping God.
All Welcome at St. Andrew's
• United Church
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director
11 a.m.-Morning Worship
"For You Alone"
11.20-Primary School
12.15--Church School and Bible
7.00 p.m.-Evening Praise,
"The Song of Deborah"
"Come to the House of Prayer"
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Premlin, Organist
Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon,
Choir Leader
8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion
11,00 a.m.-Sunday School and
Morning Prayer. The Col-
legiate Cadets will parade to
this service.
7,00 p.m.-Evening Service
Tuesday, May 6, 2.45 pm-Ladies'
Guild, in Parish Hall;
8.00 p.m.-Board of Manage-
Wednesday, May 7, at 8.15 p.m.-
Friendship Club, in the Par-
ish Hall.
Thursday, May 8, at 8.30 p.m.-
Go-Getters meeting at the
Parish Hall. Guest speaker,
S/L. Bury.
Clinton Women's Institute met
on Thursday afternoon, April 24,
in the Agricultural Office Board
Room, Clinton, with 31 members
and five visitors Present.
With Mrs. C. Sturdy presiding,
the meeting opened with singing
the Ode, and repeating in unison
the Mary Stewart Collect and the
Lord's Prayer.
The minutes were read and ap-
proved, and the treasurer's mon-
thly statement given. Bills and
communications were read by
the secretary.
The finance committee reported
the results of a recent card party,
and also that the children's wad-
ing pool in Clinton Community
Park was almost completed. A
caretaker is to be appointed.
It was suggested that an in-
vitation be extended to the wives
of RCAF personnel at the RCAF
Station, IT to bring their children
to use the facilities of this wad-
ing pool.
Several thanked their Sunshine
Sisters for remembrances, The
WI is sponsoring a lecture on
Food and Figure to be held on
May 12 at 1.30 in the. Agriculture
Board Room, Miss Margaret
Meyer to be the guest speaker.
It weis decided,to send a dele,
gate to the officers' convention
at OAC, Guelph, April 36-May
1 and 2. Mrs. E. H. Epps was ap-
pointed as delegate.
Mrs. Speaight favored with two
piano numbers. Mrs. Sturdy re-
perted what a bus trip to De-
troit would cost. And it was de-
cided that .the Branch try and
take this trip early in June, Com-
mittee in charge of arrangements:
Mrs. N. Tyndall, Mrs. M. Wiltse
and Mrs, R. Fear.
Election of officers resulted as
President, Mrs. C. Sturdy; 1st
vice-president, Mrs. 11E, Batkin;
2nd vice-president, Mrs. R. Mae-
Donald; 3rd vice-president, •Mrs,
H. Tyndall; recording secretary,
Mrs. H. Managhan; press secre-
tary, Mrs. C, Nelson; treasurer,
Mrs. F. Hanley; district director,
Mrs. N. Tyndall; finance, Mrs. T.
Institute directors, Mrs. W.
Ross, Mrs, F. Layton, Mrs. Shob-
brook, Mrs. E. H. Epps, Mrs.
Habgood. • '
Social, Mi. J. Johnson; flower,
Mrs. A. Cudmore; reception, Mrs.
W. S. R. Holmes and Mrs. J.
Cox; pianists, Mrs. E. Radford,
Mrs. Sarah Cooper
Observes 90th
Mrs, Sarah Cooper observed
her 90th birthday in Clinton Sat,
urclay, April 26, at the home of
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr,
and Mrs, Alfred Bond, with
whom she lives.
Many friends and neighbours
called on Saturday and Sunday,
andothe great number of cards,
flowers and gifts were enjoyed
by Mrs. ,Cooper.
On hand for the family get-
to-gether on Sunday, besides her
daughter, Mrs. Bond, were three
sons, Dr. Albert F. Cooper, To-
ronto;. Earl Cooper, Goderich;
Charles Cooper, Goderich Town-
ship; her nine grandchildren and
six great grandchildren.
Mrs. Cooper was born on the
ninth concession of Goderich
Township, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Churchill,
of a family of two boys and four
girls. Only she and the young-
est sister is still living. As a
young girl she attended the S.S.
No. 9, Goderich Township public
school, and now, 80 years later,
she can well recall the fire which
destroyed that school.
For eight years prior to her
marriage, Mrs. Cooper lived out
west with her family, at Brandon,
Manitoba. In 1890 she married
George A. Cociper, who also came
from the ninth concession of
Goderich Township. In that
township, her husband had a part
in hewing the trees to make pos-
sible the building, of the first
Following the death of Mr.
Cooper, 25 years ago, she moved
to Clinton, and in more recent
years she has made her home
with her daughter.
Enjoying exceptionally good
health, Mrs. Cooper is up and
about each day. She enjoys read-
ing the daily newspapers and
magazines as well. A well-versed
Conservative in politics, she has
not missed casting her vote in
either federal or provincial
Th regular meeting of Clinton
Hospital Auxiliary will be held
Monday, May 5, at 3 p.m., in
the Council Chamber.
Earle Terry Singeri
Hailed in New York
Sing Here May-7
(By Lenore Crawford, in The
London Free Press)
The Earle Terry Singers ar-
rived home in the early hours
Monday, April. 21, weary," but
knowing their ' debut in New
York City had made a hit with
outstanding musical personalit-
Greatest emphasis was placed
by New York musicians on" the
consistent beauty bf tone and
"flawless dictipn" of the Choir.
The girls also received flattering
comments on their costumes, cal-
led '9n Excellent Taste".
Peter Wilhousky, coach at the
Metropolitan Opera, who has
directed choruses for Toseanni,
spoke of the "Fine Nuances" as
well as diction, when he went
back stage after the concert in
Carnegie Recital Hall to " con-
gratulate director Earle Terry.
Mr. Wilhousky was represented
on the program in a favourite of
the choir's "Carol, of the Bells",
"Good Taste" was a comment
applied to the choir in program-
ming and costuming. It wasn't
usual, listeners said, for members
of a choir to be dressed in gowns
which blended in shading and
were so well suited to the age
Canadians from the Maritimes,
in New York for Easter week,
besides Londoners, were in the
audience. The Maritimers re-
membered the singers fromjheir
tour last fall and wanted to hear
them again. Among them were
Miss Gena Branscombe, who has
a choral group in Picton, Nova
Scotia. On the program was a
piece written by Janis Kalinen,
of Teacher's. College in Fred-
ericton, which brought an ovation
from the audience,
The program introduced to
New Yorkers., special arrange-
ments by Albert Whitehead, Can-
adian composer-musician;; a n d
Earle Terry, of Eiviish, Irish,
Scottish and Canadian composi-
tions. The result was' one of the
best concerts ever presented by
the choir in this-w-Fai7S• hearing.
- o
Hensall Midgets
Feted at Banquet
(By our Hensall correspondent),
Hensel]. Chamber of Commerce
feted the Hensall Hornets, run-
ners-up in the WOAA Midget
"D" championship, to a turkey
banquet in the Legion. Hall Thurs-
day, April 24. Seventy-five, were
W. F. Riley, president of the
Chamber of Commerce, acted as
chairman of the evening. Tom
Pryde, MLA for Huron, introduc-
ed Howie Meeker, MP for Water-
loo South, who spoke on "How
National Hockey Leagues are
Other guests present were Hugh
R. Hawkins, Clinton, president„„
WOAA, and Jack Park, sports
editor, The London Free Press.
Walter Spencer; first vice-presi-
dent of the Chamber of Com-
merce, made the presentation of
a crest and hockey book to all
the players. Laird. Mickle pre-
sented Howie Meeker with a set
of matching cuff links and tie
pin. George Parker, captain of
the midget team, extended a vote
of thanks' the Chamber of
Commerce for the• banquet..
Clinton WI Re-elects
Officers for Year
3.00 p.m.-- ++.444-040-.44-4•-•
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship and •
Sacrament of Baptism
1215 p.m.-Sunday School
7.00 p.m.-Union Servic e in Wesley-Willis
United Church
2.00 p.m.-Worship
unday School
Bakers and Confectioners
64.4.4-0444++4.4 •411....)-6•44.