HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-04-03, Page 7NEW RADIO RECEIVING LICENCES AVAILABLE New 'Radio Receiving Lic- ences are obtainable from Post Offices, Radio Dealers, Radio Servicemen, certain -Banks and, in certain dist- il:as, from house-to-house canvassers, Where not available locally, • Radio Receiving Licences may be obtained from the Con- troller of Telecommunications, Department of Transport, Ottavra. A separate Licence is re- quired by each tenant of room or flat within a private home who operates a radio. A separate Licence is requir- ed •for each -radio installed in a motor vehicle. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Ottawa, Ont. J-C. Lessard, Hon. Lionel Chevrier, Deputy Minister Minister Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by appointment For further information contact J. J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbu;'y St. E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of ,Every Description T. PRYDE and' SON Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth L44 4342t1:1:1 1:111.0&1.141g"i1:1201:40.1:1+41...1 VALUES ••••• •••,- 11,"' '001-••• McKinley Farms & Hatchery ProdUcers of Canadian Approved Chicks YOUR ENQUIRIES ARE SOLICITED Write or phone and ask McKinley's regarding ydur chicks for 1952 COCKERELS, PULLETS and UNSEXED 697r11 Hensall R.R. 1, Zurich 5-41.4-b WE ARE AGAIN CONTRACTING BARLEY For Canada -Malting Company — CONTACT US Contracts Can Be Arranged By Phone or Letter PHONE 103 NIGHTS 133 All Barley Will Be Treated Free of Charge Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Ltd. HENSALL, ONT. GOOD SERVICE — FAST UNLOADING FACILITIES 6-btfb nit IND OF rmtviri Don't clothes was along to us and let us remedy your waste your time fretting, young man, send sad plight. Yes, we'll clean, press and mend your clothes—in fact we'll make them nice as new—and in this rapid, easy way give you the most successful key to popularity yet. Call us today. 10Inton :GliddOn Cleaners Phone 466W WE PICK UP AND DELIVER PRESS WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE IND NO 0.47 :ri Comet To GODERICH TOWNSHIP CARNIVAL NIGHT GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA - Thurs., April 10 Peewee Hockey at 7 p.m. PRIZES for: Youngest Person on Skates Oldest Person on Skates Largest School on Skates Largest Family on Skates RACES Boys, eight years and under Girls, eight years and under Boys, 12 years and under Girls, 12 years and under Boys, 16 years and under Girls, 16 years and under BROOMBALL GAME at 9.30 p.m. SKATING and DANCING from 10.30 p.m. on EVERYONE COME IN COSTUME! ADMISSION: 50 cents and 25 cents 41 14-b Ladies' Fancy Dress Men'S Fancy Dress Ladies' comic Men's Comic 1952 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan 1952 Pontiac Styleline Sedan, branctnew 1951 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Sedan 1951 Chevrolet deluxe Fleetline Sedan Two-1950 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Coaches 195,0 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Sedan, fully equipped 1950 Pontiac deluxe Styleline Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Styleline Coach 1949 Oldsmobile Fleetline Sedan, fully- equipped 1949 Meteor Sedan, 1949 Dodge Sedan ° 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1941 Pontiac Sedan; re-conditioned 1940 Chevrolet Coach 1938 Ford Coach, re-built motor 1937 Oldsmobile Coach 41-4-4-4-4-0440-$4.-0-41, I SPECIALS 1948 PLYMOUTH COACH, $1425 ± 1946 MONARCH SEDAN . . . $895 f 1936 DODGE SEDAN . . . . . : $175 .................-+÷.-,....-..4-.-«+ TRUCKS 1950 Chevrolet three-quarter-ton Stake PROMPT DELIVERY of New Pontiac-s and New Chevrolets •-•-•-•-•-•4-4 4 44+•-• CASH — TRADE TERMS OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL. 10 O'CLOCK Brussels Motors Huron county's Foremost Used Car Dealer Phone 73.X BRUSSELS A111111111111111111=1111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111164 NOTICE I To Ontario Producers • of Eggs and Poultry The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board has received a petition for the approval of a proposed marketing scheme for eggs, under the provisions of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Act. A vote by ballot has been arranged sa that the Board can determine the opinion of producers On this proposal. If you are 21 years of age or over and have producer and sold eggs during 1951 and/or are producing and selling eggs in 1.952; you are eligible to vote. Any member of a family engaged in the production and sale of eggs, is eligible, if over 21 years of age, but only one member of such a family. is entitled to vote. A dopy of the proposed scheme may be obtained from the officerS of your County or District Federation of Agriculture or from the office of your Agricultural Representative. Producers will have the opportunity of voting by ballot on the marketing scheme for eggs on April 17, 18 and 19, 1952, Polling stations will be established at strategic centres in each county or District. Due notice of the location and the time of voting will appear in this paper next week. Each producer of eggs and poultry who wishes to vote will be required to declare hiS eligibility and to register with Me returning officer before receiving a ballot. Your Agricultural Representative is the Chief Returning Officer for your County or District Deputy,-Returning Officers will be appointed for each polling division, , • VOTE AS YOU LIKE BUT VOTE! ONTARIO PARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD F'arliament Buildings, Toronto, OM. Yp 1.4-b SEEDS Have a Complete Stock of CLOVERS and GRASS SEEDS Prices considerably lower than last year. We Specialize * in PERMANENT GRASS MIXTURES 25 to 30 lb. per acre mixtures can be made up to cost you front $7.00 to $14.00 per acre. Hay Mixtures for about 15 lb. per acre can be supplied less than MOO per acre. We also carry a Complete Line of GARDEN SEEDS either hi bulls or in packages. SEED GRAINS Expect our stock before April 1. Barley will be Mont- calm, either bn contract -or cash sale. Oats expected to be mostly Beaver ' although trying to purehase Some Clinton Oats/ Let us know your requirements and .we will try to have the grain in stock when you need it. Fred Mc Ford GRAIN and SEED Phone 123W Clinton rkkaqzsnc Of.OTON NEWS-RECORD . Inamminsimama.min THURSDAY; Anna m a, 45i ns54-e**44.ntelelne.4. News of ,Bayfield Representative; MISS LIMY It:` WOODS Phone .1.31AYFIELD Ora --anenn-•-..-enel-Ineantne-n-tni-enefe-alennesnenn-enneonenn, Harry Nesbitt 'spent the week- Goderich and Florida. end at his hpme in. Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison, De- .Mrs. Willard Sturgeon is spend- troit, were with the termer's' ing a few days in Kincardine, . mother, Mrs. Min Davison," and . Charlie Guest, London, is brother, over the weekend. spending a few days in the Mrs. D, Sturgeon, .London, Mr. and Mra, R. Sturgeon, Simcoe, and Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay Smith Mr. and Mrs. D. 131Sback, Clin- and. Ronald PPPrit Stinday , in ton, spent .Stinday with Mr. and ILoOndOn. Mrs. Ed Sturgeon. • Denald E, Kingsbury, Dundasn Miss Kathleen and Bernard was at his home here over the Reid returned to Windsor on Monday afternoon after having been at their Cottage,' "Enfield," over the weekend. • Dr, and Mrs. R. G. Hunter, and two daughters, Mary Alice and Sally Beth, and Charles Rogers, Jr., Toronto, were at. their home in the village ever the weekend. Mrs. F, C. Gemeinhardt, who spent the winter in Toronto, ren turned home \with her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Knight, Torpnto, who were with her over the weekend. • Mr. and .Mrs. Malcolm Mac- Leod, Port Dover, were with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. MacLeod from Saturday until Tuesday, when Max reported for duty pn the S.S. "Wildoc", in Goderich harbour. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell, Mrs. Evelyn Beaton and baby Janice, Donald and Joyce Bell and A. .••••••• F. a Sl •••••-•-•44-niren-ennen-e-I-*4-44-•-•-•-• GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and AIM Cecil liferitleY: ae- cempanied by Mr. and Mrs, Roy Manuel, Wingliana, spent some time on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallig. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bower and Miss Carolyn Bower, Detroit, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs, Geo- rge Woods, spent Sunday as guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wallis. Seed Cleaning Active Seed cleaning is the order of the day for the. farmers, Fractures Ankle. Mrs. Jack Cluff had the mis- fortune to 'fall and fracture her ankle. After having a cast on in Clinton Public. Hospital, she has returned to her home. SUMMERHIILL • •-•-•-•,-•-•.4.-41-4.4.-•-4-4-•-4-•-• New Residents Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vodden who, on Saturday, took possession of the general store_in Summerhill. Community Club to Meet Summerhill Community Club is holding its regular meeting at Mrs. Wes Hoggart's, not at Mrs. Art Hayward's as • previously planned, Galbraith motored to Toronto on Sunday to spend several hours With the former's son, George Bell. They also visited Charles 'Bell's sisters at Acton and Low- vine.' Mrs. William R. Jowett, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth and Ronnie returned home on Friday via De- troit after having spent the win- ter in Florida. Mrs. Poth and Ronnie motored to Kitchener on Sunday where the latter remain- ed to' resume his studies at the Collegiate. Congratulations! Mrs. Mary MacKenzie celebrat- ed her 86th birthday on Friday. March 28, at a family dinner held at noon at her home' on Ann St. We join her many friends in of- fering cdn'gratulations and best wishes for many more happy days. Family Gathering On Sunday all the children, with the exception of the eldest son, Percy, who resides in Ne- homa, N. Dak., visited their moth- er, Mrs. Charles W. Parker. The gathering was not planned. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and. Miss Maxine Smith, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, Sarnia, came for the day. Mr. and Mrs. ChrisoParker, • Varna, Mr, and Mrs. William E. Parker and J, H. Parker called in the afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. George Reid, Varna, spent 'the evening with her. +,-**-44!-*-10411147•44-111-0-6-01^04-0-*-•+' VARNA NeW Chair PrOWAS The WA of Varna recently purchased used choir gowns from Ontario St. thureh, Clinton, and they were worn by the choir here for the first time on Sunday, March 9, Lenten Services During the• Lenten season, week-night services are being held, alternately, at Goshen and Varna on. Wednesdays at 8 p.m, Two church membership classes are being conducted by the min- ister, Rev, T. J, Pitt, and it is hoped to hold Reception Services on Easter Sunday. Varna Yru Meets The YPU of Varna United Church, recently re-organized, meets fortnightly on Monday nights. At the last meeting, Mr. Berne McKinley was elected as convener of the commission of Faith and Evangelism, On. East- er Monday night there will'be a social and the Bayfield group 'has been invited to attend. Successful Play The Holmesville United Church Woman's Association play, "Busi- ness, Merely Business" was stag- ed on Tuesday evening in Varna United Church to a large crowd, under the auspices of Varna WA. Ten members of the Association were the players, Before the play began, Mrs. S. T. Walter, the directress, gave a monologue. Between acts, Mrs. Jim Cox sang two solos, "Danny Boy" and "Memories". Rev. M. G. Newton, Holmes- ville, was a very capable and humorous chairman, and at the close, Rev.-T. J. Pitt, Varna, ex- pressed the sincere and hearty thanks of all. Personnel of the cast are pub- lished in the "Holmesville" news this week. Couple Honoured A surprise party was held on Saturday night at the home of Mr., and 'Mrs. Harry Reid to hon- our Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reid on the occasion of :their 30th wed- ding anniversary which was on March 31. A fancy cake decorat- ed with flowers and "30th Wedy ding Anniversary," centred the table. After a sumptuous supper Mr. and Mrs. Reid were present- ed with a handsome table lamp by members of their family. Mr. and Mrs. Reid each expressed their appreciation and a social evening was enjoyed. Those present were Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Reid, Sandra, Connie and Gor- don, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Keys and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Hill, Carol Ann, Beverley and Lynda and • Mr. and Mrs. George Cantelon, all of Stanley Town- ship. 0 The King of Diamonds, he of the "raised hand", is said to rep- recent Julius Caesar. James W. McCool has taken a position at RCAF Statipn, Clinton, Mrs. E. Desk spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ker- slake, Exeter. • Mr. and Mrs, Bert Brunsdon have taken a position on the boats sailing en the lakes. They went to Goderich this week. Rev. A. E. Menzies and Mrs, Menzies, Charing Cross, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Shaddick and other friends. Mr. and Mrs; Ed Youngblut, whp spent the winter with their daughter-in-law, Mrs. L. Young- blutt, have returned to their home here. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Miller, Mrs. Frank Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Brock Miller, Georgetown, %pent the weektnd with Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Mrs. Bruce Cameron, Cincin- atti, who has been visiting with her uncle; William Campbell, who is not well, returned to her home on Friday last.. Mission Band to Meet The Easter Thankoffering ser- vice of the Mary Grierson Nfis- nion Band will be held in the church basement Sunday, April 6 at 8 p.m. Pictures will be shown and a flannelgraph story will be told. Londesboro WMS The WMS of the United Churnh, Londesboro, will hold its Easter Thankoffering meeting in con- junction with its regular one on Thursday, April 10, in thP school- room •of the church at two o'clock. An extra program is being pro- vided with the Burns and Con- stance societies attending. Slides with pictures in Korea will be shown with Dr. Robert Grierson explaining each picture. All the ladies of the congregation are in- vited to attend. Lunch will be served at the close. Londesboro WA Meets Londesboro WA held its reg- ular meeting in the Sunday School • room of the church on Thursday, March 20. A • hymn was sung and Mrs. W. Manning read the Scripture, followed by prayer in unison and another hymn. The minutes of last meet- ing were read and adopted and the treasurer's report was given. It was decided to start travel- ling aprons again this year. Mrs. Norman •Vincent sent her thanks for a card received while in hos- pital. Programme committee for April: Mrs. C. Ball and Mrs. C. Vincent. Roll call to be answer- ed by an exchange of • bulbs. Ten dollars was voted to CARE fund. Readings were:. given by Mrs. Hayward and Mr's; Durnin. The meeting closed with a hymn and benediction. Lunch was serv- ed by the hostess, There were 32 present, B-L YPU Meets Members of the B-L YPU held their regular meeting in the 'nano.- merit of the Londesboro United Church on Sundaynevening and it was in charge of the executive. The business part of the meet- ing took place first. The worship service was led by Lois Fell, The call to worship was given by re- peating the YPU pledge in unison after which hymn 441 was sung, following* which Lois Fell read the scripture. Grant Snell then took up the offering. Hymn 506 was sung following which Vera Lyon read a poem. The topic was given by Clam VinCent after which Ruth Vincent sang a solo. This part of the meeting was brought to a close by singing hymn 568 and then repeating the Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrtili Bony limbs fill out; ugly hollows an up; neck no longer scrawny; body Jones half- starved, sickly "bean-pole" look. Thousands of girls, women, men, who never could gain before, are now proud of shapely, healthy-looking bodies. They thank the Special vigor-building, ftesh-butildLug tonic, °atm. Its tonics, stimulants, Invigorators, iron, vitamin Si, calcium, enrich blood, improve appetite and digestion so food gives YOU Mors strength and nourishment; put Seen on bare bones. Don't tear getting too fat. Stop when you've gained the 5, 10, 15 or 20 lb*. you need for normal weight. Goers little. New "get atuniainted" else only 600. Try 'famous Ostrer Tonle Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very day. At all druggist& a weekend. Mr.. and Mrs. S. Bryant, Lon- don, came on Friday to spend a week at their cottage, Douglas Stotesbury, Hanover, Went a day last week with Rev. and Mrs. Peter Renner. Mr. and Mrs. G. Churchward, London, spent the weekend at their cottage on .Colina Street, Miss Ethel Blair, Goderich, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair. Mr, and Mrs, Robert MacLeod, Goderich, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. MacLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rog- ers returned to the village last week after having spent the win- ter in Hamilton. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Milne ar- rived in Bayfield on Saturday after having spent• the winter in ,ews.of .Lonclesboro Mizpah benediction, Following •a short recreation period led by Maxine Hunking lunch was serv- ed and the meeting closed' with. 'Taps." All people in the community are invited to attend the Good Friday service which will be held SUCCOSS411, Party entertained a, number of boys Mr. and Mrs, Roy Scotchmer their home last Tuesday even-- ing. The event was a stirprise. party, Tie honor of Kett's 18th. birthday. The• evening was spent • pinying garnea and musk. Iten. • received lovely gifts, Lunch was• served, and the bays then left Lonciesboro iiroect Church on for home, feeling that they had. bAyprtilhelly, paut,, 11 a.m.,. sponsored had a good night's fun, lt-fi*P--•-•-•-•+•••*+-•"*.-Pt,!**** STANLEY , •?' ., C'r