HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-04-03, Page 6GARAGE TQ LET GARAGE TO RENT, /Pr Par or WI' storage. Phone 789J, Mrs, Rolsett Webster, Victoria Street, 14-b . at 1- — ---",-.• 1 y I :HELP WANTED—Female - - GENERAL HELP REQUIRED at the Commercial Hotel. $20 a week with meals. 48-hour week, 9-b YOUNG WOMAN FOR PART- time work, to wrap butter in creamery; married or single, Clin- ton Creamery, phone Clinton 580, 14-b HELP WANTED—Male GARDENER WANTED FROM April to December, to take charge of garden, One day a week feces-, sary but may choose own time, GoOd Opportunity for airman to earn extra money. Phone 81. 14s5-b COUPLEto 60— MARRIED -45 healthy, willing, no family. Man for lawn work; wife part time housework in desirable country home, London. No Children; city home, London. No children; no laundry. Modern cottage, hydro, heat, garden, fruit sup- plied. Write giving qualifications, wages, references: Dr. Moffat, London. 14-5-6-13 , HAY FOR SALE' QUANTITY OF MIXED HAY in bales. John Woon, R. R. 1, Clin- ton. 0 13-4-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND 1 dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb FREE THERMOMETER — Plus cash at your farm for dead or ' disabled horses or cows. Phone collect, Seaforth 655r2, Goderich 3 936r21, William Stone Sons, Limited. 43-tbf LIVESTOCK FOR SALE , PUREBRED HEREFORD BULLS. Would take grade cattle in ex- change. W. H. Middleton, R.R. 3, Clinton. 10-tab / FOUR HEREFORD BULLS, reg- istered and TB tested, serviceable age. Stanley Jackson, R. R. 2, Kippen. Phone Seaforth 653r5. 14-p 45 YORK PIGS, seven weeks old. James Cleave, H.R. 3, Bayfield. s Phone 60r11, Bayfield. ' 14-p YOTJNG TAM HOG FOR SALE. Apply Alec Riley, Londesboro. 14-p 18 CHUNKS OF PIGS, Keith Tyndall. 14-b Phone HOLSTEIN BULL CALF. 908r32 Clinton. Bob Harris, R.R. 2, Bayfield. 14-b TEN PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Phone 802r5. 14-b 20 CHUNKS OF PIGS; about 10 frm tininfhv and alfalfa hAleci hay; some red clover and tim- othy seed. ' Ernie Crich, R.R. 3, Seaforth, or phone 614r24, Clin- ton. 13-4-p MISCELLANEOUS K. C. COOKE —. FLORIST — Phone 66W 14,148.100...1••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• I couRreous SERVICE Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI For Your Radio Try Our Service ",11•ANINIMMANNINIPWWIN, Will You give a few brief moments to the consideration of this fact? When the days of earth are past will e You Be amongst those who go away into "Life Eternal" or into "Everlasting Punishment?" (Matt. 25 : 34, 41); one or the other it most assuredly will Be Who so ever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be There (Romans 10-13) When the Roll is called in Glory CHAS FULLER, Box 123. Los Angeles, 53--TUNE IN—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST on•-•-•-•-•-•-nen-neseen-nnIeseeeen•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•4-enn-•-•-• •-•-lo-41-11-10-0-0-411-• SPECIAL Students' Suits — 7 ohly — BLUE and BROWN GABARDINE . Sizes 34 to 38 Some with 2 Pair Trousers Regularly priced at ' $45190 Pre-Easter Special at $32.50 PICKETT CAMPBELL I GALBRAITH Radio & Television Telephone 482 CLINTON'S ONLY RECORD BAR Arrow Shirts Stetson Hots. (Opposite the Theatre) CLINTON CLOSED for • Complete Re-decoration and Remodelling as a Restaurant SUNDAY, APRIL 6 TO ABOUT FRIDAY, APRIL 11 WATCH NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE FOR RE-OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT The Brown Derby OPEN EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK SUNDAY to THURSDAY-6 a.m. to 12 midnight FRIDAY and SATURDAY-6 a.m. to 2 a.m. NORTH OF ROXY THEATRE 11 GRAVEL TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, Monday, April 14 for the contract of supplying and distributing on the streets of the Town of Clinton, 1,000 to 2,000 cu. yards, more or less, of 3/4 " screen crushed gravel. Grade of material to be up to the approval of the Streer Committee. Lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. TOWN OF CLINTON, M. T. Corless, Dated‘ April 1st, '1952 Clerk and Treasul4r4e5r; 11110.•••••ft WEEKEND SAVINGS at JOHNSON'S GROCERY LUX TOILET SOAP 4 for 26c PURITY CAKE MIXES 29c VELVETTA CHEESE Vz lb. pkg. 32c LYONS' COFFEE-1 lb. bag 95c HEINZ KETCHUP 29c TENDER FLAKE LARD-1 lb. 14c CHOCOLATE MALLOWS-14 oz. pkg. 39c FLOWERDALE TEA-1/2 lb. pkg. 59c CHEER — Giant 75c BANANAS 1 lb. 'I7c FRESH CARROTS pkg. 18c W. L. JOHNSON and SON Phone 286 Free Delivery The Latest In Plumbing Fixtures NEW STYLES ARRIVING AT OUR STORE DAILY — SEE THESE BEFORE BUYING — PLASTIC TOILET SEATS $4.69 If in need of a PRESSURE PUMP or GAL. PIPE We have a full stock A Complete Stock of BROODER PIPES and ELBOWS, made ready for use — BUY AT Hugh R. Hawkins Hardware, Plumbing and Heating 'EavestroUghing Sheet Metal Work A. Heck Furnace* 444,4.444 litivRar4v, APATL0 0,o52 CLINTON nEvis,,ugmgr, PAGE vxv4: Newsgtecord Adlets Bring. wick Results ,.,.„ SEW AND SAVE MIXED RED AND WHITE Blos- som. clover seed. Suitable for NEW AND USED MACHINES. pasture iniXtere or plowing down. Repairs to all models. Singer George Flewitt, Phone 614r11, ;Sewing Machine CO., Goderich, Clinton. 14-5'e phone 1135. 13-btfb BROWNIE DRESS, about 9 years; boy's blue coat and beret, size 1; some skirts, blouses and dresses, size 8 to 12 years. Mrs. Howard Currie, Joseph St. 14-p • Employment Wanted—Male •opt) JOBS, CLEANING LAWNS, cutting grass. Apply Horace Collins. Phone 61. 14-5-6-7-p FARMS FOR SALE 'FROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. Confidential information. Leon- ard, G..' Winter, Real Estate, ;phones: business 448, residence t5993. 5-btfb FARM MACHINERY NULL LINE OF FARM Machin- ery. Apply Ferg VanEgmond. lPhOne 187. 13.4-p FURNITURE REFINISHING 'FOR PIANO, FURNITURE, AND ;radio cabinet refinishing and repairing, see W. G. Pickett, 'BOX 351. Clinton. 12-3-4-p FURNITURE FOR SALE `SWIVEL OFFICE CHAIR, Wal- nut, $5; good Philco electric radio, $15; platform oak rocker, $5; Walnut settee and other ,odd Tatecea. Mrs. J. B, Johnston, next to Town Hall, 14-p `SOLID WHITE TABLE, 3rx4' CRESS CALLOUS SALVE re- lieves quickly. Your Druggist sells Cress Corn Salve—for sure relief too. " 8&14-b FARMERS! SAVE TIME, YOU, save money. By using the easy moving electric fence post. Steel post with cement foot. $1 each. Apply Cde Haan, R.R. 3, Blyth, or phone 39r15. 10-11-12-13-p RECESSED BATHTUBS $60. Smart Martha Washington and Rice:ledge stainless three-piece bathroom sets: White $160 to $189; coloured $274; complete with beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning furnaces $295. Special offers to plumbers and builders too. Save many valuable dollars; boas. with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we supply everything you need for complete plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtures, prices and in- stallation diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, showers, stoves, refrigerators, Pressure water systems, oil burn- ers, septic mad oil tanks, etc. Visit or write Johnson Mail Or- der Division, Streetsville Hard- ware, Streetsville, Ontario. Phone 261. t 14&16-tfb PASTURE FOR RENT WANTED—A NUMBER OF Grass Steers for pasture;' good grass, lots of shade and running water at all times. Fred McCool, Lon- desboro, Phone 28r14, Blyth. 14-p L SEED FOR SALE .q AJAX OATS, MIXED with _some barley. Irvitte Tebbutt, 1.5hone Clinton 902r6. I3-4-p QUANTITY OF RED CLOVER seed. Phone 841r24, Seaforth. 14-.13 RE-CLEANED TIMOTHY SEED, 15 Mishels, Phone 627r5. 14-5sb RED CLOVER SEED. Why pay more than $20 cash? Also tim- othy at $7, All cleahed at Jones and MacNaughton's, Exeter. Elgin Porter, Bayfield, R.R. 4, Phone 55r21, 14-5-6-p QUANTITY OF YELLOW Blos- som Sweet CloVer seed. Cleaned and ready, for sowing. W. C. Sinclair, R.B. 5, Clinton, phone 621r22. 13-4-5-b .14ATIPIVAN CLUB. The 'Clintonian Club will meet. on Wednesday, Ant% 9, at two o'clock at Mrs. C. 'Vernier's. home. Hostesses;. Mrs, .0, Taylor, Mrs. rairservieoi _Mrs, William Hol- land, Mrs. iEl. 40141,4041. HOSPITAL AVXILLYARV • The regular monthly Meeting of Clinton Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Monday, April 7, at 3 Rm. in the Council Chamber. Cards of Thanks The family of the late Mrs. Isabelle Walker wish to thank neighboers and friends for their acts of kindness during their re- cent bereavement. 14-p Mrs, William Dinnin wishes to thank her friends and neighbours for the remembrances and cards, which she received during her recent illness, 14-x ess-ennee-enseeen•seen-•-•-•neassn:ann— ROXY THEATRE cioN'xioN Now 'PlaYing (April 3-5) "VDU NEVER VAN TELL" with Dick Powell NON., TUES., WED, (April 6-8) Clifton Webb, Joanne Dru, Hugh Marlowe and Zero Mostel Do you went to get the most out of life at eighty? Game and see what an expert can do to help you. THUR., FRI., SAT. (April 9-11) Joel McCrea, Dean Stockwell, Leon Ames A man's daring and a boy's cour- age during the Santa Fe Stampede. "CATTLE DRIVE" — In Technicolor — Coming (April 14,16) "FORCE OF ARMS" A wartime drama of Italy, starring William Holden s WESLEY-WILLIS WA Tile Woman's Missionary So: ciety of • Wesley-Willis Church will hold their Easter Thankof- fering service on Sunday even- ing, April 17, at eight o'clock In the church. S Rev. D. J. Proctor, Teeswater, recently returned from the mission fields of Korea, will be the guest speaker. Mil0404061011016016,0100 GORDON R. HEARN Optometrist Huron St. Phone 69 a On F$day EVERY Week 10-tit 1011101110111~1~1111 PARK THEATRE OODERICH—Phone 1150 Now — In Technicolor — "The Golden Horde" David Farrar and Ann Blyth. MON., TUES., WED/ Walter Pidgeon — Margaret Leighton ,-- Robert Beatty A mystery drama filmed in Eng- land, in which the famous Drum- nriond returns from retirement to aid Scotland Yard `Tailing Bulldog Drummond" ' TOURS" FEE, SAT. James Stewart—Arthur Kennedy Julia Adams A Technicolor spectacle drama of covered-wagon days depicts a frontier struggle between pioneer farmers and gold-miners. "Bend of the River" Coming: "TAKE CARE OF MY LITTLE GIRL" -- In TechniColor Jeanne Crain & Jean Peters CAPITAL THEATRE' GODERICH — Phone 47 New; "HER FIRST 'ROMANCE" 440, "Raiders of Tomahawk Creed" MON., TUES., WED. Marguerite Chapman , Vanilerou Mitchell and ,Virginia Illotniton Interplanetary, drama in Canes color, Fiv.e elyilians ride a wages' rocket to Mara and meet some eminent Martians "Flight to Mars" THURS., FRI., SAT, William Bendix — June Hagen and Stanley Clements Presenting a dramatic study of juvenile delinquents and the modern method of rehabilitation "Johnny Holiday" Coming: "LET'S MARE IT LEGAL" starring Claudette Colbert BIRTHS ANDERSON—In Clinton Pubic Hospital, on Wednesday, April 2, 1952, to Mn and Mrs. John Anderson, Ilensall, a daughter, ANSTETT In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, March 28, 1959„ to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Anstett, Clinton, a boy (John. Patrick). DUFEE-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, March . 31, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Dupee, Clinton, a daughter (Shirley Joyce). GOLDSWORTHY -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, March 31, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Goldsworthy, R. R. 1, Clinton, a son (John Alfred). HOPSON — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, March 27, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hopson, R. R. 1, Bayfield, daughter (Linda Joan). HOVIUS—In Clinton. Public Hos- pital, on Monday, March 31, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. K. Ilovius, Hensall, a daughter. ROBITAILLE—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, March 30, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Robitaille, RCAF Station, Clin- ton, a son (Roger Richard). DEATHS CAMPBELL—By drowning in Welland Canal, on Wednesday, March 26, 1952, Lyall Bradley Campbell, beloved husband of the termer Florence Beaton, in his 25th year. Funeral from Ashfield Presbyterian Church to Ripley Ceinetery, on Satur- day, March 28, HURCHILL — In Toronto, on Saturday, March 29, 1952, Annie Ferguson, beloved wife -of the late David Churchill, in her 79th year. Funeral from Beat- tie Funeral Home Chapel, Clin- ton to' Clinton Cemetery on Tuesday, April 1. UNFORD—In Toronto Western Hospital, on 'Thursday evening, March 27, 1952, Hattie Dun- ford, beloved wife of Ernest Dunford, formerly of Clinton. Funeral service from the chap- el of Morley S. Bedford, Toron- to. to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, March 31. LEER--In Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Saturday, March 29, 1952, William Henry Neeb, be- loved father of Earl and Lyla, in his 43rd year. Funeral from Westlake funeral home, Zurich, to Evangelical Bronson 'Line Cemetery on Tuesday, April 1. ALTERS—In Alexandra Hospi- tal, Goderich, on Saturday, March 29, Phoebe Crews, be- loved wife of the late Hugh Walters, in her 94th year. Fun- eral from Cranston funeral home, Goderich, to Maitland Cemetery, on Tuesday after- noon, April 1. • CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY . BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb PIANO TUNING 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock-Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; all work guaranteed, B. C. Nickle, phone Clinton 339J. 20-21-ptfb YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 550R. • 43tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX-ROOMED HOUSE For Sale. Three-piece bath and modern kitchen. Full basement with fur- nace. Very good location. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phones: busi- ness 448, residence 599J. 14-tfb SOLID BRICK DUPLEX for sale. Modern bathrooms and kitchens, lovely buy for cash, L. Gs Win- ter, Real Estate, Clinton. Phones: business 448; residence, 5993. 12-tfb APARTMENT HOUSE for sale. Four apartments. Forced oil heat. Furnished, good locality. $6,000 cash will handle. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Clinton. Phones: business 448; residence 599J. 12-tf b NEW, MODERN, SIX - ROOM house in Clinton, centrally locat- ed; living room; dining room; den; kitchen: two bedrooms; ,three-piece::: bath; • sun porch; :garage; large attic; Coal furnace; air conditioned. Box "Z", Clin- ton News-Record. 13-4-p 'TEACHERS WANTED EXPERIENCED PROTESTANT teacher for No. 6 school, node- rid": Township School Area. Please state qualifications and .salary expected, Duties to com- mence September 1. Frank Yeo, secretary-treasurer, R.R. 3, Clin- I ton. 14,45-p REQUIRED FOR USS No. 5, Hullett, an experienced teacher with first class certificate. Duties to eommenee September 1952. Salary $2,500, The school is con- veniently iodated and well equip- ped in every way. Apply to the secretary, Frank Ilaithby, R. R. I, Atiburn, 14-b (classified Rates CASK RATE,. --- (lit. Paid by laasenneeday following date of Ana sertlen)esTwo .cep as a Word firg dnaertielS (minimum 58 etnas); oubnequeort insertions ilk gents a word (minimum. 35 cents); 15 /cents 'extra for box enenber or for direction to NEWS-RECORD .Off tee. IF CHARGED-45 cents extra. InA121.4INE-43 Peen, Wednes-day. .Accommodation for .Ront 31.001V1 AND BOARD FOR TWO ;gentlemen, Phone 334M. 4.4-b ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO, preferably married men. Apply .Box "B", Clinton News-Record. 14-b ,NICE COSY FOUR-ROOMED .house. Partly furnished, hydro, ;garage, garden. Near Seaforth. $25 a month. Phone Dublin 64r10. ilia. E. MainneY. - 14-p Accommodation Wanted "SIX GENTLEMEN of considerable means and distinction require accommodation.. Must have large saurnished rooms or house .soon as !possible. Apply Box "R", Clin- ton News-Record. 14ap ARTICLES FOR SALE 'QUANTITY OF POULTRY Feed- sera for both .starting and -raising .chickens, good as new. Real cheap ibuy. Ken 'Vandenburgh, phone :226W, Clinton. 13-1) TOURTEEN.PIECE T A P AND 'die set; N.C. thread. At IT. Plum- tree's Bather Shop. 14-p ONE COLEMAN Three-Burner :gas stove, with oven. This stove its in good shape. One Brunswick Graphanola, with a number of 'a records. This would make an ideal 'writing desk. One DeForest bat- tery radio, with one A battery. Cue fernery, Phone '3523. 14-b ARTICLES WANTED 'WANTEN FOR EXPERIMENTAL purposes: a windmill tower, 40 into 60 feet. Phone 475. 14-p VOUR-BURNER Electric Stove. Apartment size, in good 'condi- stion. Cash. Apply Box -"A", Clinton News-Record. 'OLD BISQUE AND CHINA Dolls .in any 'condition, also bodies, arms and legs of same. Box 345, Clinton. 13-4-5-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE a940 HUDSON 'SIX, in good con- sedition. Phone Clinton 585, after ':six o'clock, 13-14-b 1948 DODGE SEDAN, in excel- lent condition. Gone approximat- sely 12,000 miles. Equipped with; live Life Guard tires. Terms 'cash. May be seen by appoint- 's:a-lent. Phone 436. ,BICYCLES FOR SALE 'GIRL'S BICYCLE, parcel carrier included, almost new. Phone "VD7W. 14-b MAN'S CCIVI BICYCLE. Minor • srepairs required. Cheap at $15. -Apply Bill Martin, cor. Princess -and Raglan, Clinton. ' 14-b BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ,ARE YOU THINKING of build- king a home. A number of fine lots for sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business '448, residence 599J. 7-btfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ICE CREAM PARLOUR AND -smack bar business for sale, Own your own business, and make 'snore money. Up-to-date equip- ment, good locality, very good lease. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Clinton. Phones: business' 44$, .residence 5993. 12-tfb THRIVING BAKERY, Building, 'Wetness, trucks, will sell separ- ate or would be interested in :farm trade. Other business trade 'listed with me—restaurants, gas -station, tourist camps. Leonard 'G. Winter. 38-b-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE 'ONE GIRL'S GREEN Spring Coat with dog-tooth tweed trim and lam to match, size 10X. In perfect 'condition. Will sell cheap for rquick sale. Phone Clinton, 910r13. 14-p LAD/NO CLOVER SEED, home- grown, Grade No. 1; sow two '(,with extension leaf) and fourpounds alone to acre, or one 'white chair,j , with removable-seats pound in mixture; good land rill, black. AV good tondition, L. R. ;builder. $1.50 per potind, $1.40 Charbotinetat, William St, (across over ten Ootinda, fob, W. Goya-, „front Public School). 14sp leek, Forest. 1344-p Income Property TWO-STOREY brick dwelling, with two self-contained family apartments. First apartment consists of large living room with fireplace, 'dining room, and modern kitchen. Hardwood floors. Three bedrooms and bath up. Second apartment con- sists of living room, dining room, kitchen and sunporch down; two bedrooms and bath up; garage. This property is tenant occupied. Well located and in good condition. —0— TWO-STOREY brick dwelling, consisting of double living room, dining room, modern kitchen, two-piece bath down; fout bed- rooms and three-piece bath, up. Hot water heating with oil burner. Ideal location. _0_ APPLY TO H. C;EATISON Phone 251W Clinton "Mr. Belvedere Rinks The Bell" Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere Longer Life