HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-04-03, Page 4Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hether- ington and daughters, Margaret and Mary, Brampton, spent last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Snider. Mr. Snider accompanied them on their re- turn to Brampton. 0 Baptist Ladies' Aid' Holds Good Meeting The April meeting of the, Clin- ton Baptist Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Reg Clifford on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting opened by sing- ing "The Old Rugged Cross" fol- lowed by Mrs. Ostrom leading in prayer. The Scripture lesson, John 19, was read by Mrs. Wil- liam Blacker, followed by Mrs. Clifford reading an Easter medi- tation. Mrs. Ray Waters read a poem "For Me." An interesting "Bible Quiz" was held followed by singing "Jesus Paid It All." Mrs. Clifford chose as the topic for the meeting an Easter mes- sage "The Hill of the Cross." The reports of the secretary- treasurer was given and had the roll call answered, following the business period the meeting clos- ed iSy repeating the•Mizpah bene- diction. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" , PASTOR-REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST-MRS. E. WENDORF 11.00 aan,-Reception of new members 12.15 p.m,-Sunday School 7.30 p.m.-Building Campaign Service TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.-Communion Service 3.00 p.m.--Sunday School •••••41-11.1.4-0, "THE CALL TO THE CROSS" Often have been heard the words of Jesus-"Come, follow Mel'' That following includes the "Call to the Cross". The Hill of Calamity, where Jesus suffered, bled and died on the Cross, is the Great Divide in Human Life. Corning to that Cross and being identified with the Christ is the major move to the Fulness of Life and Joys Evermore at the Father's right Hand." On-the ether hand, to neglect or leave unanswered this Call to the Cross is to ineolve life in eternal disappointment and misery. The members of the Ministerial Association of the Clinton Churches offer theafollowing services during Pas- sion Week: MONDAY, APRIL 7-Baptist Church, 8 p.m.. Rev. .1. E. Ostrom, "Judas, Iscariot, Son of Perdition." TUESDAY, APRIL 8-SL Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 8 DM,, Rev. V. 3. Lane, "The Friends of /calls at the eross",. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5-Wesley- Willis United Church, g p.m.. Rev. IL C. Wilson, a Divine Bouquet froM "The Garden of. Gethsemane." THURSDAY, AVM 10---Ontario St. United Chine% g pent, • Rev.. It. Nf. P. "The Men Who CI-twined FRIDAY, APRIL 11.-St. Paul's Anglican 'Church, 10.30 " AU are invited to join in this Geed FridaY !Molt- ing' sets/lee.6 14-ac .,66.4.66-+Nr.l10•44111164110110111111140144JAIWANWPO", THVIMAY, .AMIL • no # 4 1k t #04414011.4,..41.11muliammismisi, ONE SHORT WEEK is all the time left to, fill in your wardrobe with Something New for EAST ER COATS - SHORTIES SUITS DRESSES Everyone of them is designed in the latest fashions obtainable. SEE OUR RANGr-TODAY! The early buyer gets the better choice. Then complete your outfit with- GLOVES BLOUSES - HOSE and LINGERIE of NYLON - and one of the famous Du-Val Handbags p YOUR CAN SVE THEM ALL AT IRWIN'S BEAUTY SHOP Beginning-April 14 SHAMPOO --- FINGERWAVE PERMANENT MANICURE Ethel Thompson PRINCESS ST. E. - PHONE 585 14-15-b urritSertlices Sunday, April 6 FOR SALE BY TENDER The following land is offered for sale by tender: Ap- proximately 70 acres, Lot 7, Con. • LRW, Stanley Township, being three miles south of Hayfield on Intimater Highway, owned by The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron, Box 302, London, Ont., and operated by Huron Church Camp. • In the said land there is said to be erected a brick dwelling and silo. All land broken. Well and windmill near house. Purchaser to maintain,all fences and give easement on hydro line passing through property. Tenders must be in the hands of the undersigned on or before the 14th day of April, 1952, and be accompanied by a marked cheque for 10 per cent of the amount thereof. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Archdeacon W. A. Townshend Box 302 London, Ontario 14-15-b -•-•-•-•-•-•-•••••-•-•.+4-•-** Specials for April 3 - 4 - 5 Red Seal Fancy COHOE SALMON-V2s .... 3 tins 1.00 Campbell's VEGETABLE SOUP 8 for 1.00 Clark's PORK and BEANS, 20 oz. 6 for 1.00 I.G.A. TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. 7 for 1.00 Del Maiz CREAM CORN, 15 oz. 6 for 1.00 King Citrus BLENDED JUICE-48 oz. tin 25c King Citrus BLENDED JUICE-20 oz. tin .... 2 tins 25c Libby's TENDER KING PEAS-15 oz. 2 tins 35c GRAN; SUGAR (cash and carry)-100 lbs 10.50 ALLSWEET MARGARINE lb. 35c FLORIDA ORANGES-size 250s doz. 27c HEAD LETTUCE-size 5s .. 2 lforb . 2255: DU TCH SETTS-No. 1 Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver NOVELTIES! Come In and See Our Display RABBITS, CHICKS, ROOSTERS, HENS and EGGS . Large and Small CHOCOLATES in EASTER WRAP by ' MOIRS our Finest SPRING SELECTION* in LADIES' and MEN'S QUALITY LUGGAGE See the New Low Prices! AIKEN'S SHOES and WORKCLOTHING Wallpaper Sale - JUST IN TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING We Have Selected a Special Group of Papers to sell at 29( ai 39( gm 49' PER SINGLE ROLL ALSO LIMITED QUANTITY CREAM COLOURED Ceiling Paper AT ri444froF NM OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL:- FF RROEMNOCUHR STORPELOENLFt Reg, 45c - for 37i HOT + BUNS BARTLIFF BROS, Bakers and Canfactioners 44,444-4-4,-e-444-4-1-0-4-#.•-te-a-e4-44440ea-4-4-a-aaap-a-•••••.40-444-0-4-44.4-4e W-W 00(0)WEGL OfAilEt The Goodwill Club of Wesley- Willis United Church will hold its regular Meeting' on Tuesday evening, April 8, in the church parlor; at eight o'clock. Rev. M. Newton, Hahne/Wilk, will be present and shots eolouted *Husbands arid ' friends of the freietabers ate cordially SINGLE ROLL MARTIN° 36W PHONES 361 PERSONALS I lted in Delhi last weekent and . daughter Sandra, Aylmer, Mr, and Mrs. Don SYmens vis- Mr. and. Mrs. Ken Itoberten Mra. leggy Brady, Clinton, has and. Mrs. Edgar Thompson, De- joined the staff of Newcombe's ttreit, spent the weekend at the drug store, home of their Parents, Mra and S/L and Mrs. Robert McKee Mrg, George Iloberton, left by motor pn Tuesday for a I Rev. D. j, and Mrs, Lane will lielidaY in New York 'City- I visit a former congregation in Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Trott and Grand Valley over Sunday, April daughter Ann, visited with Mrs. 6, Mr, Lane will officiate at Louis LO0bY,, Dublin, ,the services in Knox Church Mr. and Mrs. Keith Feagan and , there at the dedication of a new family, Nile, spent Sunday with ,pipe organ and chhnea- Mr, and Mrs. David Eason. I Mrs,: D. E. Ferrin and Patricia, S/L T. R, N. Doff attended Cayuga, spent last week with the the funeral of hiss father in former's parents, Mr, arid gra, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, last Frank Lobb, Mr. Perrin drove Week. ,to Clinton for the weekend, and Miss Florence Evans spent last the family returned to Cayuga Week in Trenton with her brae- !on Sunday. ther, LAC Frank Evans and Mrs. Mrs. D. J. Lane left town for Evans. !Hamilton • with repreeentatives Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Foster and from Goderich and Seaforth on children, Corson and Helen, spent Tuesday to attend the Synodical Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. meeting of the Women's Mission- .ary Society in St. Paul's Church,' Mrs. A. E. Garrioch, Windsor, formerly of Clinton, is progressing favourably in Clinton Public Hospital after an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Quaife left Sunday for their home in Barrie. The latter spent a few days here, and the former, the Weekend. Mrs. W. G. Moffatt and Mrs. W. G. Pickett attended the fun- eral of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Hattie Dunford, Toronto, on Monday, March 31. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leibold, B,R. 2, Clinton, were in Zurich on Tuesday, attending the fun- eral of William Neeb, a friend of the Leibold family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Ball re- turned Friday after spending a vacation in Winnipeg, Man. They' reported summer driving condi- tions on the return trip. Fa! 1. D. Tenove, and family, are ocupying a portion of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame's resi- dence, corner Rattenbury and Shipley Sts., during an indefinite absence of the owner, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stephenson, arrived home Friday from five months' vacation in Haines City, Elorida. Haines City is in the centre of the main citrus belt of Elorida. The party drove about 5,200 miles since the middle of November 1951. Mrs. F....Managhan Celebrates 96th Birthday. • Mrs. Fannie Menaghen, one of Clinton's oldest residents, quiet. ly observed her 96th birthday at the home of her son, Hartley Monaghan, Clinton, Born near Stratford, she moved . from the Stratford district up to Stanley Township, just at the outskirts of Clinton, with her parents, the late Mr, and Mrs, Henry • Jesting. Although the town public school was close, her six brothers, her only sister .and she had to walk four miles thr- ough dense forest to school each day. She recalls that she often was frightened of gypsies camp- ing in the area. "A cup of good tea (she has three or four with each meal) is good for one," maintains this happy old lady, who keepse in good health. Although she has suffered from chronic rheumat- ism for years, and uses crutches, she is about every day, in fact she is first up each morning, and last to retire to bed. She reads the daily newspaper and her hearing is remarkable, Her husband, Thomas Manag- ban, who was a native of Clinton died in 1931. She has three sons, Clarence, Windsor; Wilfred and Hartley, both of Clinton, and a brother, Charles Josling, Clinton, who is 91. -o Clinton WI Plans Many Activities Hears History CLINTON NEWSaltECORD St. Paul's Friendship Club Plans Tea. The Friendship Club of St. Hall the on March 26, with 24 pres- ent. The meeting was in charge of the vice-president, Mrs. Joseph Hart, in the alasenee of 'the presi- dent. The meeting opened with the Friendship Prayer and the Lord's Prayer. The reports were read and adopted, Extensive plans were made for the annual. Blossom Tea on Sat- urday, May 31. A great nia,ny articles were brought in for the various booths, The girls decid- ed to make all meetings work meetings until after the Blossom Tea, A quilt top was pieced dur- ing the evening, The next meeting will be on April 9 in the Parish Hall. -o HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The regular monthly meeting of Clinton Hospital Auxiliary Will be held on Monday, April 7, et. 3 p.m., in the Council Chamber. 0---- ONTARIO ST, WMS The WMS of Ontario Street Church will meet. on Tuesday, April 8 at 2.30 at home of Mrs, B. J. Gibbings. Mrs. A. G, Eagle will 'have charge of the devo- tional period. 0 Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Boyce, Cromarty, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Iris Lucille, to Harvey Eugene Sperling, son of Mr. Harry A. Sperling, Exeter, and the late Mrs. Sperling. The wedding to take place in April. a 14-b St. Paul's Anglican Church REV, R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frei-rain, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader . 11.00 am,-Holy Commu'nhIn and Sunday School 7,00 p.m.-Evening Service Tuesday-Board of Management, at 8 p.m. Good Friday Service-10.30 a.m. Are you supporting the Huron College Campaign? April 9-Friendship Club, Parish Hall, 8.15 p.m. St. Andrew's - Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader 10.00 a.m.-The Study Hour in Sunday , School. 11.00 a.m.-Public Worship Children's Story; Guest Speaker: Rev. James Foote, M.A. 2.30 p.m.-Service Knox Church, Bayfield, Rev. James , Foote, M.A. Friday, 8 p.m.-The Men's Club regular meeting. You are welcome to wait on God at St. Andrew's. • Gospel Hall Maple Street, one block east of Albert Street, north of Par-Knit 9.45, a.m.-Sunday School 10.45 a.m.-Communion Service 8.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting- Speaker -Mr. John Martin; Mr. Martin is lecturing on the journeyings of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan, Tuesday, 7.00 p.m. - Children's Meeting. 8.00 p.m.-Prayer Meet- ing and Bible Study. Come and Bring Your Friends 11.00 a.m.-Worship, • "The King Unique" .12.15 noon-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service, "All the World is Gone after Him" Ordinance of the Lord's Sup- per. All Welcome Pentecostal Church Victoria St. K. L. SWEIGARD. Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service Friday, 7.30 p.m.-Young People's Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RNNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 10.45 'a.m.--The Session will meet 11 a.m.-Morning Worship Reception of Members; The Holy Communion; Sermon subject: "Remembrance" 11.20-7-Primary School 12.15-Church School and Cate- chumen Class 7.00 p.m.-Evening Praise, "Courage to Face our Fears" "Come to the House of Prayer" GANONGS *". SMILE$'N CHUCKLES PAGE YOUR Corson Orange St. Hamiltdn, on Tuesday, 'Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeonr, Blyth district president of the Women's Institute addressed a well-attend- ed meeting of Clinton Women's Institute held in the agricultural office board rooms, Clinton, Thursday afternoon last. "The Women's Institute, waiich was organized in 1897, is today a world-wide organization. About 85 countries, representing 5,000,-- 000 members sent delegates to the Amsterdam conference. In 1953," she said, "the Associated Coun- tries, Women of the World will be entertained in Canada." Explaining the Ontario WI gift of a tractor to Greece, the speak- er told of the appeal made by a director of the Unitarian Service Committee at a WI area conven- tion in Fort Francis. The plight of North Greece af- ter crop failure was described by this director of the Ontario WI, which decided that this implement would not only educate the Greeks to cultivate their own lands, but would prove to be a twentieth century miracle of mercy to those who needed' it. Mrs. Hartley Managhan, . Mrs. Ernie Radford and Mrs, Norman Shepherd were named -represen- tatives to attend an organization- al-meeting in the Clinton Town Hall, April 1, regarding the mass chest X-ray in Huron County. Prize Money A card party is to be held Fri- day evening, April 4. at, eight o'clock in‘the Agricultural Board Rooms. Mrs. Charles Nelson, represent- ing :the committee in charge of arrangements for the district an- nual which will be held in Clin- ton, June 13, reported. Members were informed that the $5 dona- tion given by the Institute to the Huron County Musical Festival in Goderich would be given as a prize in a solo class, Approximately $50 was cleared at a bazaar held last week by members, as reported by Mrs. Mervyn Batkin. Mrs. C. Sturdy presided over the meeting. Mrs. Nelson acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Ada Adams and Mrs. Nor- man Shepherd acted as treasurer in the absence of Mrs, Fred Hanley. The motto, "If we would make light of our troubles, keep them dark", was taken by Mrs. M. Batkin. Current events, discus- sed by Mrs. C. Nelson, dealt with citizenship and newcomers to Canada. CDCI Choral Group Sings A choral group from Clinton District Collegiate Institute, un- der the direction of Miss Anna Pond; sang several selections. In- cluded in the group were Barbara Middleton, Marilyn Dawson, Carol Gliddon, Betty Nediger, Dorothy Managhari, Diana Speaight, Ruth lark, Jenis Morritt and Ann orritt, These were very much enjoyed, and showed the cultural training given our young people, Mrs. Ernie Radford at the piano, Mrs. Douglas Freeman, violin, and Mrs. M. tatkin on the drums also provided entertain- ment fer the Meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs, John Cox, Mit. Swinbank, Mrs. D. Carter, Mrs. Art Groves, Mrs. G. Grigg, Mra. James Johnson and Miss L. Brig- ham. Dutch Reformed Church Reiland Service--2.30 p.m. at the,. Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter Mr. C. M, EELMAN, Exeter • Box 336 Huron St. Baptist Church Minister-REV. 3. E. OSTROM'