HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-04-03, Page 31 OCCASIONAL CHAIR, Walnut awns, red uph9lstery- Made by the makers of LA-Z-Boy Reg. 25.00 1 COGSWELL LOUNGE CHAIR, Wine Tapestry- 34.00 Reg. 45.00 1 KROEHLER HOSTESS CHAIR- 14.95 .. -.011/411R 2 Chesterfield Suites to CLEAR One 2-piece Suite in Combination Wine and Grey Upholstered Mohair - OR 2- One 2-piece Set, Wine 13ohltar Mohair 4eguiar $195.00 Your Choice $168.00 4 Beattie- Furniture George B. 8eattie PHONE 184W C. R. Cobk 1110110111101111111111 0111.1011 411)11111011 fUlaragagilr' 19.50 Reg: 18:95 Give your lips the Ayer of Spring A Creamy Smooth Lipstick by- HARRIET HUBBARD Creamy . smooth . . in nine delightful 'shades to gloss your lips " with the Ayer of Spring! THE CAMDEN, an attractive frame house, with three. bed- rooms, bath, combination living-dining room, kitchen and utility room to replace the basement. Ample closet space is provided ,in bedrooms and vesti- bule. Other features include picture window, covered en- `trance, fireplace. Exterior finish is bevelled siding and. asphalt shingles. The front wall is faced with either. cut stone or brick. Dimensions overall are 44x34, floor area is 1,319 sq ft. BALL-MACAULAY now have in -both their Clinton and Seaforth yards, a wide selection of house designs only a few of whtch can be featured in this weekly advertise- ment. These complete sets may be seen at our yards or may be taken home overnight without obligation for fur- ther study. As a further service, BALL-MACAULAY will make up free estimates for material on the design of your choice and complete building blueprints may be obtained fora nominal amount. 0 , BALL - MACAULAY CLINTON I" • I builders Supplies SEAFORTH Phone 97 Phone 787 LUMBER, LIME, CEMENT AND COAL . FREE ESTIMATES - NO OBLIGATION Totals , .$124,506.28 $119,594.73 . REVENUE 1952 \ Estimated Prov. Subsidy - Fire Equip, $ 565.37 Prov. Subsidy-Police Dept. Prov. Subsidy - Highway Licenses Water Rental. Town Hall Rental PUC W.W. Sink, Fund & Int County Subsidy 1951 Surplus Dog Taxes Penalties and Int. on Taxes Stock Scales Division Court Cemetery-Int on Investmits Sundry CDCI re Debenture Int. and Sinking Fund Payment Wartime Housing in lieu of taxes Wartime Housing, houses sold Miscellaneous 1e51 Tax Levy 1952' Tax -Levy-55 mills on assessment of $1,742,622.43 95,844.23 Excess of Revenue over Exp. Excess of Revenue over Exp. Totals $125,037.41 $ $133,889.45 -44-11-0-0.4-4-40-4-•-*-4-11+++4-11. 1,562,80 5,900.00 500.00 8,000.00 700.00 554.52 1,415.49 10,000.00 1951 Actual 2;202.94 5,680.25 553.05 8,500,00 902.00 1,167,16 1,660.48 270.00 178.97 309,25 27.14 760.32 796.00 5,833.39 5,180.73 9,200.00 1,264.27 89,403.40 14,294.62 531.13 - 1951 Estimated $ 14,011.71 17,850,00 6,494.41. 2,050.05 1,500,00 4,850,00 250,00 4,500.00 19,000,00 2,500.00 3,200.00 2,124.00 1,292.50 1,400.00 1,611.00 605.00 1,005.00 1,400.00 250.00 14,500.00 1,000,00 165.00 7,076.25 6,100.00 1,815.55 ..... • Y • ........... 1951 Estimated 1,600.00 9;000.00 450.00 10,000,00 500.00 1,167.16 1,300.00 11.10-41.-4-1.1.¤ - Brucefield 4+44 ++4..1- report was given and the offer- ing taken by Mrs. H. Berry. It was moved by Mrs. W. MacBeath and seconded by Miss >Bowey, that the association entertain Varna, Goshen and Turner's Wo- man's Associations on Visitor's Day in June. Mrs. N. Baird announced that Group 2 will hold a daffodil tea and apron sale later in April. The meeting closed with the 'WA hymn and prayer, after which group 2 had charge of program and lunch. Mrs. MacBeath sang "Ninety and Nine" and Miss Bow- ey gave a splendid paper on the hymn. Mrs. MacBeath conducted two contests. Lunch was serv- ed and a social hour enjoyed. Group 3 will have charge of the next meeting. eemada has 61 ocean-going ear. Ro vossels carrying tree flag of Canada. THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE A veteran of the first world war makes this plea to every Legion in Huron County: Don't turn your Legion into a wet can- teen. It's against the law. The Canada Temperance Act forbids the sale of alcoholic beverages in Huron. The police have no alternative but to enforce the law. Moreover there is evidence at hand that the officers of the law in Huron are quite compet- ent and determined to enforce the law-even though in certain other places law breakers made a fool of the law. The Legion should think more highly of its prestige than to lay itself open to police action. It would be better for the Legion to close its doors and surrender its charter than that it should get the repu- tation of being a bootlegging joint. This advertisement is inserted he, Huron County Temperance Federation. 14-b "Youth For Christ."4 -BRINGS The Earl Smith Evangelism Team, Toronto MR. EARL SMITH-Leader MR. DOUG. COOMI3S-Speaker MR. MURRAY HICKS-Song Leader MR. VINCENT EVONDON-Trombonist MR. ALEX MtCOMBIE-Vocalist MR, CLINTON STARR-Testimony YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU ATTENDO Saturd0I April .5 at 8 pm M. CLINTON. DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE 1.444*.444444444 4.44 44-44.+#44 TAIG.R01?AY, APRIL 3, 1952 trANTON NEV110-REQQAP PAGE. WOE MRS, DAM .C.1.19ROIKt A largely Attended funeral. service Was held in George. Beattie. Funeral Hemp Chapel Tuesday, April 1,, by Rev, 13, wx. P. eitilteela for Annie Ferguson, 79, 'beloved. wife of the late David Churchill, Interment was made- in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were; David Chur- chill, Pr, Douglas and John .Mas-• RV, $11340000; Glen and Oliver Ferguson, 'nePheeva; and Tholnae Flynn, Flowerbearers were: ROY Fitzsimons, W. J. Forbes, W. Glazier, A. Middleton, Clarence Rath, and Bert Wiggins, There was a profusion of flowers in the. ChaPel. Mrs. Churchill at one time liv- ed in Goderich Tpwxrship,. 16th concession, and' later, with her husband lived on Albert Street, Clinton, For some time she has. lived in Toronto on Bioor Street, with her daughter, Elvera Chur- chill, Five weeks ago she suffered a fractured hip from a fall on an icy street. She died suddenly on Saturday, March 29 in Toronto. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs, R. E. Shaddick, Hensell; Mrs. Massey, and 'Elvers, Toron, to. . .o . Letters to Editor PAPER THANKED Editor, News-Record, Clinton, Ontario Dear Sir: This is to advise you that the "Clinton News-Record Special"- five dollars to the youngest ex- hibitor having two or more en- tries at Huron County Seed Fair- was awarded to Merton T. Keyes, Seaforth. On behalf of the Officers anel and Directors of the Huron Crop Improvement Association, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you most sincerely for your generous support of our show. Yours very truly, (Signed) G. W. MONTGOMERY, Secretary-Treasurer, ' Huron Crop Improvement Association Clinton, Ontario March 28, 1952 SOCIAL SERVICES Editor, News-Record Dear Sir: Mr. Paul Martin, Minister of Health and Welfare told a Roch- ester audience that Canadian gov- ernments and voluntary agencies will spend $1,330,000,000 on social security in 1952, $95 per head of population (babies included). I read that story in a small Canadian paper. It startled me. Social services once started grow like weeds in a farm yard. There is something still .more astounding. The people of Can- ada, as a 'whole, haven't the slightest idea how far the passion for expenditures has spread. Ask , some of your most intelligent ' friends how much the govern- ment spends on social services. The answer will astonish you. Still more astounding! Has anyone asked this simple ques- tion: Is there a better alternative use for this vast sum? Are there constructive ways of using that money for the benefit of Canada? That has not been answered yet. I wonder if it has ever been ask- ed? Will it ever be answered? Are we reaching the stage at which me feel that the mere ex- penditure of government money is manna from heaven and blesses those who pay it to the govern- ment and those who get it back in social services. What is your opinion? Sincerely, (Signed)-R. J. DEACHMAN, 53 Queen St., Ottawa March 31st, 1952 detachment will be increased from one to five men this sum- mer. One extra man will come here May 15 and stay until Sep- tember 25. Three officers will be added between June 20 and La- bor Day. All will come from London. • H11111111111111111110 1111111111111111111W111111111111111. II I Obituary g„YAL.1, potAriliEy . tCplborne 'Township. She was a (By our Auburn, correspondent) member of Zion United Church, Residents were shocked to TaYlor'S Corners, learn of the drowning of Leede Surviving de one son, Charles, Bradley Campbell, St In the on the homestead; three deeena Welland Canal as he reported for tors, Mrs. William IVIcLeart, Watt at his shill, 'tlee S.$, "Chi,. ford; Mrs. Goldie Newton, Gede, cage Tribune" • • , rich Township; and Miss Nina, at home, Funeral services were conduct, ed Tuesday afteeneon, at the Cranston funeral home, Goderich, by Rev, G, Newten, and inter, merit made in Maitland .cemetery, 444 •A Actual .E*penditure for 1951 hose Estimated .for 1052. „„ N: 0 -,,iii4,,„N ,.NPrRES i9 Actual•• County Levy • • • • • • • • • • • • •S'Eltit,54.47Le.9% $ 14,011.71 , ,. Public School • ., .. • . , ....- . 10,000•0.0 Clinton Dist. Collegiate' Inst. $,713.1111,050.05 Public Library _ .,. 6,494,41 Grants . . „ . , , „ ., .. „ „ , 24800,re k Law Costs .', „„..,..,, 125,50. Salaries and Allowpnces • 6,500.00 Property Expense 4e500.50 . 241 , : :59. 975Q6. 9413 : . : 050°0. 9078' sFirrreeePettDseL,piagrtbtrninegrit . ..... , . , , , ,0 : 22 00 00 .. 00 00 2,261.49 18,000.00 16,712.02 Hydrant Rental , ... , , 21,10248:81 3.:714294:.:8363 Inetiranee Hospitelization. 1,400.05 1,306.71 Community Athletic Field, 1,742.00 1,611.00 Printing; Postage, Sationery 550.05 523.68 Bank Interest and 'Exchange 750,00 554,33 General Municipal Expense 2,000,05 1,595,44 Taxes Remitted by C. of R. 250,00 '206.68 Sewerage. Debenture ... • 14,500.00 Fire Equipment Debenture • 1,500.00 1,000.0 Fire Equipment. D 165.00eb, interest 131 00 e74,,057000...0 05 Sewerage Debenture Intereet 6,27740 Police Department , ...... , 7,050.00 1:2155.5 1.259 Sinking Fund' Appropriation 4310720..0901 8 CDCT Debenture interest S4:834083052...001008 Waterworks Cemetery , Deberitttre Int,, Miscellaneous 392.92 , . .*-4fr.,..4-+-4+++4,-.+4,..*-0.÷ge+.*++.+.1the bale of used clothing, valued • at $139, had been regelved'at'llier Fred Victor Mission in Toronto,: Mrs, jacic 1‘44wing,, Mrs. LA*. Reid, and Mrs. Watson Reid wilt pack the bale of new clothing, Twenty-eight ladies .alrergtod, Drought in this month. Mrs. 4-Rtley, Art -Colson, and McMichael sent their thanks for boxes of fruit received when they were ill, The invite« tion of the Londesboro. Ladies to attend their Easter -Tleanleoffer- mg meeting on April 15, was ace eePted.. pr. grierson is to be guest speaieer, .Slides are to be shown. A committee of William Leiper, Jr., Mrs. F. MacOreger", Eddie Eell, and Mrs. N. Lear, was chosen to lead the campaign. for raising our share of the funds required to build the/ proposed new United Church Training School, The iargest • drydock in the British Pmpire Is at Saint John, New 1:1 InieWlek. EASTER SUGGESTIONS COTY -001(OGNE and TALC $1.Y5 . • HARRIET HUBBARD AYER Golden Chance or Sweet William , $2.25 YARDLEY APRIL VIOLETS COLOGNE $1.75 BATH SALTS, 1.50 BATH POWDER 1.85 TALCUM .75 GEMEY COLOGNE $1.75 PERFUME $1.75 HUNT'S EASTER CHOCOLATES $1.10 - $1.35 - $1,75 - $2.20 EASTER EGGS - 35c - 60c EGG CRATES - 39c - 75c UNIQUE PHOTO F B. PENNEBAKER PHONE 14 SERVICE DRUGGIST Westinghouse VACUUM CLEANERS I • Deluxe Tank Model VTD-2 • Custom Automatic Upright-Model VFD-2R • Standard Tank-Model VT-2 • Deluxe Automatic .Upright-Model VFD-2 • Standard Automatic Upright-Model VF-2 THE BEST'IN VACUUM CLEANERS! The drowning is believed to have occurred, Wednesday night, March 26, as he climbed a ladder onto his ship. Camphell's body was recovered by two other sail- ors, Mitchell Joss and Lionel Marks. ' Beside his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Campbell, B, R. 3, Goderich.,he leaves his wife, the former Florence Beaton, whom he married one and one'-half years ago; a son Richard Allan, aged six months and two broth- el% Reginald and William, }le sailed on Great Lakes ves- sels for several seasons and had get out from hie home early Tuesday, March -25, to join a ship for this season when the drown- ing occurred. Ile was educated at Ripley and Kincardine schools. Funeral services were held Sat- tirday afternoon from the Ash- field Presbyterian Church at 2.00 P.m, and interment made in Rip- ley cemetery, MRS. HUGH WALTERS Mrs, Hugh 0. Walters, 93, who died in Alexandra Hospital, God- erich, Saturday, had lived in Goderich Township for 70 years. Her husband died in 1933. Before her marriage, she was Miss Phoebe Crews, and lived in WILLIAM NEEB Funeral service was held on Tuesday afternoon, April. 3, at two o'clock, in Westlake's fun- eral home, Zurich, for William Neeb, who passed away suddenly in his 43rd year. Rev. R. E. Itoppel officiated, and interment , was made in the Bronson Line Evangelical Cemetery. Pall-bearerswere: Francis Deitrich, Alpbc;rase•Grenier, Elroy Desjardine, Bruce Taylor, Howard IClopp, Edward Shroeder, Carl Decker and William McAdams. William Neeb was the youngest son of Mrs. Neeb and the late Mr. H. H. Neeb. His wife, the former Violet Adams, predeceased him nine years ago. He was stricken with pneu,monia on Eel.- day, and though taken to Victoria Hospital on SatUrday, he died that day, March 29, Surviving besides his mother, are one son, Earl; One daughter, Lyle; one brother, Herbert, all of Hay Township. 111111111111111(111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111. MOH EOM eae-e-e-e•-•-• Mrs. William Hill is helping to care, for Jarvis Horton in Hensall. Mrs. Alice Ham is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Pritchard, in Toronto. Lorne Smiley, Erin, spent the Past weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Berry. Mrs. William Smith, Exeter, visited with Mrs. A. Hohner on the weekend. Miss Beatrice Fowler, Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Scott and Ronnie over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyce, Godeeich, visited with Murray and Miss Mary Gibson on Wed- nesday. Miss Jean Shepherd has return- ed to Goderich, and Miss. Billie Stewart has resumed her duties with Ross Scott. Miss Ann Henderson, Ingersoll, is visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and , Mrs. Vic Hee- greaves and Brenda. Miss Marion Hill, St. Cathar- ines, and Miss Mary Beattie vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Zapfe on Sunday. Several of the village- ladies GRAND BEND - 'Strength of attended the play put on by this village's Provincial Police .Holmesville Woman's Association in Varna Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Johnstone moved this week to their new home in Seaforth. They will be greatly missed in the community. Rev. Peter and Mrs. Renner, Mr. and Mrs. Makins, Hayfield, were in Brucefield Sunday even- -- ing, attending church service 159.1151. MOM there. ,Mrs, C. Haugh, forrneily of Brucefield, is celebrating her 80th birthday at the home of her den- , enter, Dr. Anna McIntosh, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker left on Monday for their home in Brandon, after spending a week in the district following the fun- eral of the former's mother. Mrs. H. Zapfe has returned from visiting in Detroit for two weeks. She was accompanied by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie, who spent the weekend here. This Sunday evening will be tee Easter Thankoffering of the Women's Missionary Society when Mrs. A. Glen Eagle, Clinton, will be guest speaker. She will tell of work in the Peace River District, All are cordially invited. The regular meeting of the CGIT was held On Monday even- ing. Thelma Baird, the president, was in the chair. Mrs. W. Scott conducted theworship service and a skit 'was given by the girls. Plans were made for the re-affil- iation. service with the Women's Missionary Society. WA Meeting The Woman's Association of l3rucefield United Church held their regular meeting on Tues- day, April 1, in the schoolroom of the church, with Miss Martha McDonald, president, in the chair, The meeting opened with the singing of hymn 373. Mrs. Alton Johnson occompanied On the piano. Mrs. Ben Keyes and Mrs. W. S. Mainee tot* charge of the devotional part of the meeting. Mrs. Keyes gave the April topic end Mrs. Mathes the dosing prayer. Vell call was answered with an Esctrr message. The treasurer's News of WHERE THERE'S 641AZ . HULLETT the. Burns i 1NiS meeting held at Mrs. Leslie Reid's on Thursday, March 27. Mrs. Jack .14eFiwing, group 3 leader; 00440 .the worship servige. The Scripture reading was given by Miss Ierria Waft. Prayer was given by Mrs. L. Reid. Mrs. 1VTawing' gave an interesting account of the Study "Rook topic, "Tasks, Old and I New," telling of the many meth- ode used in spreading God's word in Canada. Stories were told of missionaries who travelled up and down the .coast-line by boat; those who travel by air, and those who reach their people by radio and by mail. Mrs. jim Scott reported. that Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish - WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS - PHONE 479 NMI Residence 358 "Every House Needs Westinghouse!" -41-4-04-40.4-0-04-.4-044-40-404-64-4-44-0. ++4-.04.10414-44.44-4.41