Clinton News-Record, 1952-03-20, Page 4LOBA Card Party Proves Successful The LOBA held a card party on Friday evening, March 4. Win- ners were` Ladies' high, Mrs. Pep- per; men's high, Wilfred Glazier; ladies' low, Mrs. James Thomp- son; men's low, Ivan Colclough. Lunch was served, with Mrs. Wilfred Colclough and Mrs. Ern- est Bell, conveners. At the card party held March 18, a very nice crowd met. Win- ners were: ladies' high, Mrs. T. Leppington; men's high, Donald Colclough; ladies' low, Mrs. George Glazier; men's low, George Glazier. Lunch was served, with Mrs. Wes. Shobbrook and Mrs. Wilf- red Glazier, conveners. A, very nice time was had by everyone. Another party will be held on April 1. Lunch will be served by the members. Everyone is welcome. Proceeds of these par- ties go to help lodge work. The regular meeting will, be held on Tuesday, March 25. All members are asked to be present. Meeting will start sharp at eiglit o'clock, as there is a good deal of business to be taken care of. Legion Auxiliary Benefit Bingo — In — CLINTON TOWN HALL SATURDAY MARCH 22 — 9.00 p.m. 15 Games — $1.00 10c each ,additional card Prizes—$5 a Bingo — SPECIALS — Two $10 Bingos Two "Share the Wealth" Cards 10c each or 3 for 25c 12-b 4444 44444.~414-44141RNMINPROM urdtSertiices SUnday, March 23 BAKED GOODS Just Telephone Number 1 YOUR BAKING PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED AS EASY AS THAT ORDER SOME FOR SATURDAY ,BUTTERSCOTCH TARTS doz. 50c TEA BISCUITS doz. 30c CUP CAKES 6 for 25c CHOP SUEY LOAF each 30c DATE SQUARES doz. 40c HONEY DIP DO-NUTS doz. 40c LEMON PIES each 50c HOT 4. BUNS, 044144 4 Ontario St. Girls' Club Holds Meeting The Girls' Club of Ontario St United Church met at the church Thursday evening, March 13, in the form of a working bee. The meeting was conducted at the home of Mrs. Orville Stanley with the president, Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, in the chair. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs, Stanley and Mrs. Roy Wheeler and was closed with a story entitled "Cheerful Re- ceiver," Members were asked to hand in aprons or fancywork for a bazaar, to Miss Emma Plum- steel and IVI is Lucille Grant. The membership committee was appointed as follows: Mrs. John Gilbak, Mrs. Roy Wheeler and Mrs. John Lavis. It was decided to have a plastic demonstration; the day to be decided later. Each member was asked to try and fill one subscription to the .Unit- ed Church Observer. Next meet- ing will be held on Wednesday, April 2, with Mrs. MacPherson, and Miss Rena Pickett in charge. A reading on St. Patrick was given by Mrs. Roy Plumsteel and two Irish contests were conduct- ed by Mrs. Roy Wheeler" Meet- ing was closed, with the Mizpah benediction. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and her commit- i tee. Mrs. John Gilbank thanked the hostess arid her committee. Mrs. Stanley responded suitably. There were 27 present. In answer to the often-heard question: "Where can I get Dack's Shoes?" we have pleasure in announcing the appointment , of AIKEN'S as exclusive dealer in Clinton and District for ;ottele:s Canada's ,finest shoes for men THE ALMON one of romp Air ste", "Go-Getters' Club . formed at St. Paul's An organizational meeting of the new, tentatively named "GO, Getters! Club", was held in St. Paul's Parish Hall on Thtirsday evening, March 13, at which the following officers were elected: President, Mrs, J. M. Elliott; Vice-president, Clinton Staniforth; secretary, Mrs., W. V. Roy; treas, urer, C. V. Cooke; current com4 inittees were appointed consisting of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooke and. Mr. and Mrs. John Livermore,. and Rev. R. X. P. Bulteel, C. V. Cooke, Ephraim Snell, and John Livermore. This organization is open to all members of the parish and there will be no fees.- All funds raised are to be used for restoration pur- poses, The club will be perMart- ently named from suggestions tendered by members. It was decided to hold an evening of ballet dancing, movies and solos in the Parish Hall, on Tuesday, April 15, at 8 p.m. The regular meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month. PLAY "Calm Yourself" Presented By CAVEN. CHURCH YPU, 'VVINTHROP in Town Hall, Clinton Friday, March 28 8:30 P.m. Admission 50c 12-13-b Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere••••••• K. C. COOKE — FLORIST — Phone 66W Wesley4fillis WMS Allocation for 1952 Is $650 and- Clothing Mrs, H. C. Wilson entertained the 'WMS of Wesley-Willis Church at their March meeting. The president, Mrs. 'VI. Addison, was in the chair, and Mrs. P. Hearn at the piano. The meeting open7 ed by prayer by the president and hymn 261. The secretary, Mrs. J. Nediger and the treasur- er, Mrs. F. Fingland, presented their reports, and Miss A M. Stone for Christian Stewardship, brought in an allocation of $650 for 1952. The supply secretary, Mrs. Hearn, gave the supply alloca- tion, it being bedspreads and men's trousers. Plans were made to pack a bale of clothing in June. Numerous letters of appreciation from those who had been rem- embered with flowers, etc., were read. Reports were heard from the various departmental secre- taries and some discussion fol- lowed on their problems. After the roll call and the of- fering had been received, the meeting was taken charge of by Mrs. N. Shepherd, supplling for Mrs. C. Nelson who was absent. The study period opened with a singsong which was enjoyed by everyone. And the call to wor- ship — read by Mrs. Shepherd — which she followed with a poem "Is it Nothing to You?" The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. J. Nediger, presented in play form. The March program— The Orientals in Canada — in a most interesting and entertaining manner. The panel consisted of Mrs. H. Charlesworth, Mrs: F. Potter, Miss Grace Addison, Mrs. J. Sutter, Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Miss Margaret Davies and Miss Ida Walkinshaw. After singing "In Christ there is no East or West", and "Blest be the Tie that Binds," Mrs. Shepherd pronounced the bene- diction and brought a splendid meeting to a close. The host- ess, Mrs. Wilson, served a delic- ious lunch, assisted by the mem- bers of the group. NOTICE Beginning January 1952 ^my office will 'close Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday evenings. W. A. Oakes M.D. 50-tfb8 Becher Streets is visiting in Hamilton and Toronto this week, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boyes and son Bev., spent last weekend in Hamilton. Dr, E. A. iVieMaster, mayor of Seaforth, is a patient in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London. Mrs. D. A. Anderson, Exeter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stewart. ; Mrs. Catherine Holloway, Flem- ing, Sask„ is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings, this week. Mrs. George Duncan, Detroit, and Miss Minnie Easom, London, spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. David Easom. Mr, ,and Mrs, Harry D. nail left by automobile Sunday for Winnipeg, Man., where they will spend a vacation. Mr, and Mrs, David Johnston, Kitchener, spent Friday last at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. W. Grealis, To- ronto, spent the weekend with the former's brother, Ed. Grealis, and sister, Mrs. Alex Mustard. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Robbins and son, Ronnie, Richmond Hill, spent the weekend with the lady's par- exits, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sut- ter. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Pocklington, London, were visitors in town on Saturday, when the latter attend- ed the Wesley-Willis WA St. Patrick's Tea. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steep, Lon- don, spent the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. David Steep, and while here he cele- brated his birthday. Frank Fingland, Jr., post- graduate student at University oT Toronto, was a weekend visitor with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Fingland, Sr. Nelson W. Trewartha, who has been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital and, suftered amputation of a toe, expects to be removed to his home this week. Miss Catherine Haig left last week after an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs, J. Snider. Miss Kay Snider accompanied ,..Miss Haig to Summerville, N.J. J. A. Sutter, W. E. Perdue, H. R. Hawkins and Harold Wise, Clinton, and E. Breckenridge, Goderich, participated in a tour through the plant of Steel Com- pany of Canada, Hamilton, yest- erday. They went by car to London where they joined the London group and went by bus to Hamilton. Those attending the Ryerson Executive Committee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter over the weekend includ- ed: Rev. John Stinson, Binbrook; Rev. J. B. Moore, Waterdown; Rev. E. E. M, Joblin, Muncey; Miss Ruby Grassie, Galt; Miss Margaret Dempsey, Kitchener; Miss Daphne Staib, Woodstock; Miss Helen McLeod, Muncey; Miss Lucille Boyce, Cromarty; and Harvey Sperling, Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuning- hame have returned from a visit of several days with relatives and friends in Toronto; Mrs. Cuninghame having gone there from Owen Sound a week ago in company with her on, - John Cuninghame, of that city. When in Toronto, among other things, they attended the Fashion Fest- ival at Simpson's and the Canad- ian National Sportsmen's Show at the Coliseum where they were particularly interested in an ex- hibit of Forefather Furniture—a product of Cuninghame Indust- ries, Owen Sound. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service, F/L C. L. Harding, RCAF Friday—Lenten Service, 7.30 p.m. Are you supporting the Huron College Campaign? Chancel Guild, Thursday, March 27, at the Rectory, 8 o'clock. Mr. Jefferson, guest speaker. March 28—Friendship Club meet- ing (8.15). Please bring gifts for Bran Barrels to meeting. Pentecostal Church Victoria St. . K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Friday, 7.30 p.m.—Young People's Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Clintonian Club Plans Mary Hastings Picnic In Goderich In June • The March meeting of the Clintonien Club was held on Wednesday, March, 12, at the home of Mrs. H. L, Wise, R.R. 3, Clinton. There were 18 ladies and four guests from, London. The meeting opened with the repeating of the Housewife's Creed, followed by .the Lord's Prayer. , I It was decided to hold 'the Mary Hastings picnic for Clinton and district on Friday, June 27, at Goderich. Mr. Cartier, representing The Free Press spoke briefly extend- ing an invitation to all members and their families to tour the Free Press building and radio station anytime while in London. He said he hoped as many as possible would be Able to attend the M.H. picnic in London this summer. A survey to determine the likes and dislikes of the Free Press readers, and ways, if any, they would like services improved, was conducted by Mr. Cartier. Following this two lucky sur- vey cards were drawn with Mrs. George Glazier and Mrs. Tom Deeves as winners. Members and their husbands were invited to a birthday party of the Goderich club to be held at McKay Hall Friday, March 21. Members of the Central Exec- utive who were present, each spoke a few words to the newly formed club. Mrs. H. Sloman won the gift donated by Mrs. T. Fairservice. Mrs. C. Venner offered her home for the next meeting April 9, and Mrs. H. Sloman offered to bring a gift, The meeting closed and the re- mainder of the afternoon was spent quilting. Refreshments were served by the hostesses of the month—Mrs. H. Managhan, Mrs. E. Epps, Mrs. H. Sloman and Mrs. Wise. 1161/4010160161/11101~ GORDON R. HEARN Optometrist Huron St. Phone 69 On Friday EVERY Week 10-tfb Nrrorreorroorrorroorravrerrererre 4--') IA i t CO( OKs scavice Get There Safely! CALL 1 - 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI Dutch Reformed Church Holland Service--2.30 p.m. at the Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter Mr. C. M. EELMAN, Exeter Box 336 Huron St. Baptist Church Minister—REV. J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.—Worship, "The Hour—He is come, ours!" 12.15 noon—Sunday School All Welcome Maple Street, one block east of Gospel Hall Albert Street, north of Par-Knit 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 10.45 a.m.—Communion Service 8.00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting— Speaker — Mr. John Martin; Mr. Martin is lecturing on the journeyings of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. Tuesday, 7.00 p.m. — Children's Meeting. 8.00 p.m.—Prayer Meet- ing and Bible Study. Come and Bring Your Friends Ontario St. WMS To Pack Bale The Marphmeeting of Ontario Street United Church Woman's Missionary Society was held on Tuesday, March 11 at the home of Mrs. R. Holmes with the presi; dent, Mrs. McMurray presiding and 22 ladies present. The hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign" end the call to prayer were used. to open the meeting, Mrs. M. Wiltse had charge of the devo- tional period, the theme being "Making Canada a fit place for the family of God" using Eph. 2 : 11-22 as the Scripture reading. The minutes of the previous meeting were received as read and the roll call, "A Missionary Thought", was responded. to by 14 ladies. The treasurer reported $52.50 taken in in February. The Community Friendship secrelary made seven home calls. The corresponding secretary read several thank-you notes. The associate secretary had giv- S THURSDAY, MAIICH 20, 1952 en out four new mite boxes. The supply secretary, Mrs. Sly, called upon us to pack a bale at the church on Thursday, March 13 at 3 p.m. It was decided to ask other organizations of the church to help pay the freight on this bale. The president announced that the April meeting would be an evening meeting with the Girls' Club supplying the program, and we the lunch. Mrs. J. and Mrs. E. Radford will be the cenveners, Mrs. Olde very ably took chapter 13 of the study book on "Our Fellow Canadians who speak French" or "French Can- adian Evangelism." The Christian Stewardship secretary, Mrs. W. M. Aiken, in- formed us that our allocation- for 1952 was $550, and gave as her Christian Stewardship address a resume of Mrs. Irarbridge's (a returned missionary from Korea) talk at Delhi on conditions in Korea today. New church members were al- located to the different groups in a meeting of the group leaders after the general meeting. PAGE, FOUR 1111.101111.11,, c1.4NTON NEvisaggcmp Personals PHONE: DAY 195 • BALL & MUTCH FUNERAL DIRECTORS 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Dealers in General Hardware and Furniture NIGHT 361W 361J ,St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader 10.00 aan,—Sunday School Hour 11,00 a.m.—Public Worship Children's Questionnaire. Sermon Subject: "The Death Penalty" 2,30 p.m.—Service Knox Church, tayfield. Friday, March 21, 7,45 .p.m.-20 men required for painting at Men's Club work, If you appreciate God's blessings, the least you can do, is thank him publicly. All Welcome at Si, Andrew's WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R, RENNIE, ahoir Director • • • a r rhr-s-rer-r.r-4-4-64,4-444-4.4-4-4.4.4-.4.4-••••-4-.4-4÷"44"+44"+"÷"++ ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR—REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A,, B.D. ORGANIST MRS. E. WENDORF 11,00 a.in,--Morning Worship 12,15 p.m.—Sunday SchoOl. 7,00 p,in.Union Evening WOrship TURNER'S CHURCH 2,00 p,ta...-Serviet of Worship 3.00 p.M.—Stinday School ¤44444-r 4444+ 4.-4- 11 A.M.—Morning Worship "What Think Ye of Christ?" 11.20—Primary School 12.15—Church School and Cate- chumen Class 7.00 p.m.—Union Service in On- tario Street United Church "Come to the House of Prayer" Spring Is Here! TIME TO ORDER YOUR SPRING FINERY! For the Easter Parade You too can look "Prim and Neat" and at a price to suit yoUr budget. The early buyers get the better choice SUITS - DRESSES COATS - SHORTIES BLOUSES - SKIRTS of* IRWIN'S Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver Specials for March 20 - 21 - 22 GOLD SEAL SOCKEYE SALMON-1/2 s tin 45c I.G.A. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE-48 oz. tin 23c FLUFFO SHORTENING-1s 2 for 59c FIVE ROSES FLOUR-24 lb. bag 1.61 FIVE` ROSES FLOUR-7 lb. bag 49c SUNBLEST STD. CORN-15 oz. 2 tins 23c ROSE BRAND MARGARINE 2 lbs. 65c ROBIN HOOD CHOC. CAKE MIX pkg. 29c SUNKIST ORANGES—size 288s doz. 35c FLORIDA ORANGES—size 255s doz. 27c CELERY STALKS--Green 4s 2 for 19c HEAD LETTUCE-5s 2 for 25c 44 — 4. 44 ft OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL— FROM OUR STORE ONLY— SUNNY PEACH PIE—Reg. 50c for „... ...... , 39c COFFEE CAKES—Reg. 30c for 23c BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners 40444-144*+4444*-0,+4--0' +4 r-r-r-**4-r 41-84-44.