HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-03-13, Page 105-5 4-5-00-•-•-•-0 +5-0-4-5 -I-S-S 5-0-55-0 4-5-5-40-54-5-4-0-5-5-5-11-4.-4,5- HOW ,14 Y CO *S ILL tYOU LOSE TO I V E. rt ,‘!"E`A RS r Guard against mastitis — beware of too vigorous, old- fashioned milking methods. Don't lose milk production. Change to gentle acting Chore-Boy, the milker that uses 1/3 less vacuum. Its soothing massage relaxes the cow. She let's her milk down fast. Chore-Boy cups don't crawl: 1.70 110R11.Boy PIPE LINE BALANCED. LOW VACUUM MILKERS DON'T BUY A MILKER UNTIL YOU TRY THE NEW CHORE-BOY 0111•411115 Write tor FREE folder Fashion Ramat &c- R EGISTERED 3-) TOUJIIE HALL CLOTHES fl at — Johnson's Grocery PHILLIPS CARBOLIC SOAP- 3 for 15c 1 GIANT CHEER or OXYDOL— Plus 2 Cakes' CAMAY for' 77c 1 Lb. Tin HAWES PASTE WAX 49c 3 NESTLES MILK 47c 3 AYLMER STRAINED BABY FOODS 23c 1 Lb. Bag ,LYONS PURE COFFEE 99c. 2 Lbs. MAPLE LEAF LARD 29c 2 Lbs. SEEDLESS, RAISINS• 45c QUIX (for family wash) 35c (Listen to CKNX at 8.50 each morning for Quix Contest) W. L. JOHNSON and SON Phone 286 Free. Deliver Hockey Award We are pleased to announce that K. W. "DANNY" COLQUHOUN has been chosen by a group of local sportsmen as the Most Valuable Player to . the Clinton Colts during the. past hockey season. It is 'our pleasure to present "Danny" with a new Towne Hall suit, with the sincere congratulations of Towne Hall Clothes, and ourselves. PICKETT and CAMPBELL MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR PHONE 25 — (Opposite the Theatre) — CLINTON Merrill Radio and Electric PHONE 313 CLINTON O. 1111111'. 11111111 111111111111111111 amino ITALIAN MARBLE Ornamental Bird Bath A decorative ornament, can be. used for flowers, table centre pieces, or fern. They have four birds perching around the rim. In two colors and six sizes 85c - 1.25 - •2.00 - 2.75 4.25 - 5.75 St. Patrick's Day Cards for Friends, Mother, Birthday, Get Well i McEwan's >-*-5 + +4 •-+ PIKKOINIONIA. 11=1011111h 111111111•111•111 SPORTS ITEMS PING PONG BALLS — 6 for 90c BLUE GOOSE BADMINTON BIRDS, Feathered — ea. 40c SLAZENGER PLASTIC BADMINTON BIRDS — ea. 55c SPECIAL MEN'S BICYCLE Slightly Used. . Only $42.50 This a rea.l good buy! HAVE YOUR BICYCLE REPAIRED NOW Spotting 9ove6 oie .2#4.1441 WE ARE TIRED TOO., —Tired of telling you about our Used Car Bargains.. Why not drop in today., See for yourself. Several good ones to choose from. • I 1111111///5 ,e Lorne Brown Motors Limited CH EVROLET—OLDSMOBILE.—Sales & Service " Your Friendly General Motors Dealer PHONE 367W CLINTON •PAGE TEN' czo.irroN NENTS-13kcorm. .1A114$114X, 1.0.Evn..1,;$, 1000 RCAF and Clinton Co-operate in Excellent Badminton Tourney Stratford Players Dominate In Championship Play CDCI Juniors are Eliiininated By Just A Single '.Point 6.55•50505000550105 runners-up in the ladies' doubles. • Championships Results of the finals in the championship were as follows: Ladies' singles' — champion, Audrey Rhodes, 14, Stratford; runner-up, Doreen Templeton, Stratford; Men's singles—champion, Bob Taylor, Stratford; runner-up, Ray Cornish, Stratford. Taylor was champion in 1950 and runner-up in 1951; Ladies' doubles champions, Doreen Templeton and Dorothy Gladding, Stratford; runners-up, Isobel Agnew and Marie Abbotts, Owen Sound; Men's doubles—champions, Ray Cornish and Doug MacKay, Strat- ford; runners-up, WO2 Hank Ben- nett and Sgt. Jim Heffel, RCAF; Mixed doubles — champions, Doreen Templeton and Ray Cor- nish, Stratford; runners-up, Betty Jackson and WO2 Hank Bennett; RCAF. • Consolations Consolation winners were: Ladies' single — Helen131ack- lock, Stratford; runner-up, A. Dumlin, RCAF; Men's single—W. Smith, Strat- ford; runner-up, Jim Heffel, RCAF; Ladies' doubles — Terry Mac- Kay and Gwen Wood, RCAF; runners-up, A. Taunton and T. Sale of .Housing Units Nets Town (Continued from Page One) was made a grant of $100 for improvements. Housing Prospects W, W. Scott and A. E. K. Bun- nell of the Department of Plan- ning and Development, wrote re- garding construction of a num- ber of rental houses in Clinton. "We regret very much that the present policy of the Federal,r Provincial partnership in respect of housing, prevents us from con- sidering the construction of hou- ses in towns under 5,000 popula- tion, We regret very much there- fore that we are unable to enter into any further negotiations with the town as regards rental hous- ing at this time." To Attend Meeting 3. W. Manning, Town Assessor and Collector, was deputed to at- tend the annual meeting of Dist- rict 4, Assessing Officers of On- tario, in Listowel, April 9. CHARGE DISMISSED Albert Harris, R.R 2, Bayfreld, pleaded not guilty to a careless driving charge involving a ,Huron County snowplow he was driving which was in an accident at the intersection of the county road and Concession 9, Goderich Town- ship. The charge was dismissed. Wright, RCAF; Men's doubles—Don Eaton and Stewart Henderson, Seaforth; runners-up, Ben Fife and Don Kerr, RCAF; Mixed doubles—Muriel Elliott and Don Symons, Clinton; run- ners-up, Nora and Stan Hendra, Clinton. Haughs Big 88 OVERALLS 'SMOCKS PANTS . WORK SHIRTS Wool Work Socks BUY YOUR WORK CLOTHES Al: Herman's Men's Wear Phone 224W Clinton (By Don Cornish) Clinton Junior Boys won over the Elmira Junior Boys 36-30 in the second game of a home-and- home basketball series, total points to count, but lost• on the round 63-62. The Elmira Juniors now ad- vance to meet 111leaford,' while CDCI hopes now rest on the Senior Girls' team. Totzke scored seven points for Elmira and Was great defensively. Weichel again proved himself as a great defensive star although he only scored two points. Bru- bacher, with eight points and- Bauman with seven, also starred for Elmira. Tommy Colquhoun was again the defensive star for Clinton. He also scored 11 points.. Terry 'Jenkins who has star- red for Clinton throughout the series with Elmira, scored five points while setting up many plays for the rest of the Clinton Badminton Trophy Presented; Sgt Heffel Honored • Sgt. James Heffel, president of the RCAF Badminton Club, has secured a handsome trophy from the F. B. Dixon Co., movers, London, for competition in " the Western Ontario Badminton As- sociation "C" league. rt bears a shield stating that the RCAF Club won the champ- ionship in 1951, and spaces are left for this and succeeding years, It was a gift to RCAF Station, Clinton, and will be known as the RCAF Trophy. The RCAF Badminton "C" team finished first in the league play, and is playing a sudden- death match with third-place Bayfield in the playdowns in the Recreation Centre on Sunday. The e winner will meet either Exeter, which_finished second, or Stratford, which finished fourth, for the new trophy. Sgt. Heffel 'has been posted to RCAF Station, Trenton, effective April 1, and as a mark of their appreciation of his work as sec- retary of the committee for the past two years, members of the Tournament Committee of the weekend Invitation Tournament, presented him with a 'fountain pen at the close of the Tournam- ent Sunday evening. The presentation was made by WO2 William Ref ausse, vice- chairman of the Committee, and the chairman, R. S. Atkey, also spoke in 'appreciation of Sgt. lief fel's activities team. J. Howes, with four points, and K. Gibbings, with four, also star- red for Clinton. Elmira Juniors: Brubacher (8); Bauman (7); Totzke (7); Lorch (2); Weichel (2); Miller (4); Good; Hagan; Read; Wilken. Total-30. Clinton Juniors; J. Hartley (5); G. Tebbutt (1); J. Howes (4); A. Mitchell; D, Ladd (6); K. Gib- bings (4); R. Elliott; T. Colqu- houn (11); R. Steepe; T. Jenkins (5). Total-36. Series Totals First Second Game Game Total Clinton . . . 26 36 62 Elmira . . 33 30 63 Lavis Contracting Co. Awarded Gravel its regular monthly council meet- Hibbert Township Council held ing in Staffa Township Hall with all members present. Members took oath of allegiance to Her• Majesty Queen Eliiabeth. The following tenders for crushing and delivering gravel on township roads were received: George F. Elliott, Clinton, 75 cents per yard; Joe Kerr, Wing- ham, 65 cents; Lavis Contract- ing Company, Clinton, 64 cents. The tender of Lavis Contracting Company was accepted. 0 ATTENDING CONFERENCE Clinton was officially represent- ed at the third annual Industrial Promotion Conference of the On- tario Department of Planning' and Development which commenced today at the Royal York Hotel,' Toronto, and concludes Friday afternoon. Ald. L. G. Winter and Deputy Reeve J. W. Nediger were to represent the Town .Council, and President H. E. Hartley and Vice-President Mitcheal McAdam, Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce. 11 0 Goderich Township Has Fire Protection Plan (Continued from Page One) tell her the particulars, after which she calls the men and sounds the alarm. This service has only one disadvantage, in that some parts of the township are so far from Bayfield that if a really serious fire were-encount- ered, it might be possible to have fire-fighting equipment there quicker from some nearer station. Deal With Goderich A delegation was appointed to call on the Goderich Fire Depart- ment to try and arrive at some suitable understanding with them. So far they have asked for a flat- retaining fee of $100 ..per year, and $50 for each and every tire call, and unlike Clinton, were not willing to collect this $50 from the individual, but ask- ed the township to be responsible for it also. The committee will report at the, next regular meet- ing. A number of applications were received from ratepayers for assistance under the re-for- esting by-law. All were accept- ed. Highway Improvements The clerk was instructed to contact the Department of High- ways, asking that some action be taken to improve the curve in No. 8 highway at Taylor's Corner, and that somee further consideration be given to a blinker light at Holmesville. The following accounts were presented and ordered paid: Bayfield Fire Department, grant, $200; C. E. Wise,, telephone loan, $500: Town of Goderich, Division Court, $16; Provincial Treasurer. insulin, $6.88; direct relief, $40; Road Superintendent's pay roll No. 3, $2,788.57. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mrs. William Wise and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wise attended the funeral of the .1ate Mrs. Albert e • Wise iYi, Toronto Test Saturday,, While in the city, they were the., guests of Mr, and Mrs. gowarot Clark over the weekend. MILA A fine spirit of cooperation was men's, and mixed doubles, and the NI exhibited by the personnel of the 'Owen Sound Club which had RCAF and Clinton Badminton Clubs during the four-day Clin- ton Invitation Badminton Tour-- nament which concluded at the Recreation Centre, RCAF Station, Sunday evening. Speaking when the trophies and prizes were presented at the Conclusion of the tournament, G/C E. A. D. Hutton., CD, com- manding officer of the RCAF Station, and Reeve W. J. Miller, representing the Town of Clin- ton, commented on this feature ofethe Tournament. • G/C Huttoe said that the facil- ities of the Station were at the disposal of the. Committee, and Reeve Miller spoke appreciatively of this attitude. Cooperation Emphasized ' -R. S. Atkey,' chairman of the Tournament Committee, paid tri- bute to the RCAF authorities and to the efficiency and cooperation of the members of the joint com- mittee which had conducted the Tournament, which had included entries from Owen Sound, Kin- cardine, Stratford, Seaforth, Exe- ter, Bayfield, Clinton., and the RCAF Station. Members of Stratford Badmin- ton Club won . all the major championships, but the other Clubs entered made good show- ings, particularly the RCAF Club which had runners-up in both the MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS CLINTON' ••• ONTARIO' , PHONE 42 CLINTON The store remains open Saturday evening until 10.30 p.m. I Just Arrived!! Floraquariums Lovely Plastic Flower's Under Water 2 sizes ....... .79 and .69 We now have "JET" STOVE POLISH in stock at 30c per tin a SUTTER--PERDUE 40-5-5 5-5-411-45-05+ •-•-• 'IC (4 AP 440 r1.0 -Woo ffe THE BEACON is a small one-bedroom house, economical to build with the added ad- vantage of being expandable. By opening the closet section a second bedroom can be ad- ded at any time. The open plan arrangement of the living-dining room in- creases the living area while, effectively concealing the kit- chen work space. an area of 672 square feet and Dimensions , are 28x24 with 13,100 cubic feet. n For further information, costs, working plans, etc., for this very economical house CALL IN AT BALI • MACAULAY CLINTON Builders' b Supplies SEAFORTH Phone 97 Phone 787 LUMBER, LIME, CEMENT AND COAL FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS Beautifiully. Decorated Regular value $2.50 $1.25 The Beacon SMALL HOUR PLANNING %u-SAO 'vs FUTURE eronoorn 11 .C4 tin E °ROOM 124G x g&O OATH li II 4, a. a. a. vinc•ttn1 a415 potion 8.09 II KIT WM!"