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Clinton News-Record, 1952-03-13, Page 3
Household Odors Disappear with the sensational new WESTINGHOUSE ODORANT STERILAMP • Kills all odors, does not mask them • Kills all cooking odors and other offensive odors found in the average home • Kills 98% of all bacteria within 12 feet Safe and Economical Recommended and used by all Hospitals SINGLE BULB UNIT $11.40 DUAL BULB UNIT $15.00 Clinton Electric Shop D. W. :Cornish — WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS — PHONE 47'9 Residence 358 "Every House Needs Westinghouse!" Carefully Selected...'and Priced for your Budget FOR ALL YOUR FISH- — BIRDSEYE FROSTED FOODS* CUT-UP CHICKEN — WE HAVE IT! Lovely ROASTING CHICKENS lb. .49 Lovely Lean Tender RIB ROAST BEEF lb. .69 SIRLOIN ROUND STEAK lb. .87 Don't Miss This One— T-BONE, PORTERHOUSE, WING STEAKS lb. .79 BONELESS TENDERSWEET HAM . . . . . . . lb. .67 1 We have TENDERIZED Th They're really nice "Home Style" eNwe 'Cured MANS pWerholble. 42( 14-4.-• Lean PEAIV1EAL BACON—(the best money can buy) By the piece—Either end cuts lb. ST Lean LOIN ROASTS PORK (Tenderloin or Rib End) FRESH — PICNIC HAMS — Very Lean lb. .39 We bone and stuff them at your request Lean FRESH SLICED SWEET SIDE PORK lb. .38 Buy This—SWEET SIDE PORK—in the piece lb. .35 Stuff it and it Roasts Delicious WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY THIS WEEK, GET YOURS EARLY; WE WILL TRY TO SEE THAT EVERY CUSTOMER GETS THEIR S 44-4'44,4 4•-•-•-•-•-+.44 New Home Permanent Refill Needs No Neutralizer Far easier— takes every time No mixing No timing No test Curls No guesswork $1.75 I.D.A. ALMOND LOTION 6 oz. bottle, reg. 60c 49c THEATRICAL COLD CREAM I.D.A. brand, 16 oz., reg. 89c-73c BACK RIBS PRICED TO SELL rAog.Tffli: QL1.1MON NI 1M-11740ORD Si-.1 1‘4,R 13, 1952 Mrs. -.1lobert-liarr, with her. ,he.. society's allocationiles, beef, children, returned to her home raised up to $290 for 1902, 14114, in Burlington lifter spending a llfary ,IVIerriarn •is week with her parents on the nussionary for the year, Second of. Stanley,. I The supply secretary .asks to The Boy Scout paper drive, a complete outfit for a 14-year- planned for Saturclay,_"March 16, old Indian girl. An offer of s - ig Postponed for .several weeica quilt to 'be sent to Korea was • until conditions of lanes Imprwe accepted from. Miss qt., Baird, and weather, proves .gfore. fav- Raster Than1toffering will be t:Orar:lxel:nr.clonJ, owhhnoStionoliascopafiirecphtaigsned_ aOsn Ontario Street speaker. C 'lurch, .Clintor4 ,held the first SunclaY evening in est BUYS Seo9rth 411041.0$1 1 AMA with Mrs. A. G. gagle, ery business in Seaforth,, from" Mrs. Allan distributed patterns the little iaCketa which ere John G, Wallace. Mr, and Mrs. for Johnston and Ronald intend mov- I be sent ti? Korea fOr i needy ing to Seaforth at the end of the 'babies. 3"13nrtuef told Woman's Missionary month, WMS Meets I The CGIT, under the direction of Mrs. William Scott, will hold its affiliation service with the Society met on Tuesday aftor, ; Wit% at the April meeting. noon at the church, with Mrs, I The programme, led by Mrs Robert Allan, president, in the . W. J. Moines, was "The Oriental chair. The secretary, Mrs. Alice in Canada". Assisting were: Mrs, Hain read the minutes of the last Alice Ham, Edythe Bowey, Mrs., 'Town pf aoclerich Plans Celebration .000401 Town Council author-, #ed Mayor 4, E, Hilekins to int- erview Officials of service organ- izations and ascertain their epiri- lonS on the idea of a celebration of the 125th anniversary of the town this year, and report at the.- March 7 meeting. 0, W. Code, town engineer, submitted an estimated cost of the construction of the proposed new road to the north 'side of the harbor of $21,266. A resolution to be forwarded to the Department of Highways was endorsed. It asks that all muni, cipaiities within the county sys- tem be placed on the same basis as cities with regard to county read levies, and that scheduled grants be adjusted accordingly. The reeve and deputy-reeve were authorized to enquire from the Huron County defence gropp as to what steps have been taken to set up a local civil defence organization, and report. News. of Brucefield News of .Auburn.. 4.11-11*-e- 1- 1. Harvey Hembly, Staffs, visited Mr, and Mrs. H. Dalrymple on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Ptirdge Is spending -a few days with her son, James, in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Doan, Alvin- ston, spent the weekend With Mrs. R. Dawson. Hugh Berry is feeling much better, He will have to take it easy until spring, SAM..1VfcClung underwent an operation in. Victoria* Hospital, London, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Mac .Aikenhead, London, called on Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Baird. on, Monday. Thornton Mustard, Weston, spent thei weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mustard, Wesley Ham, Barrie, with Drew Boyce, Toronto, visited his moth- er, Mrs, Alice Ham, on the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Clan Christie at- tended the funeral of the form- er's aunt in Morfield; on Sunday, March 9. Miss Eva Stackhouse attended the funeral of Mrs, William Wal- den, at Westfield, • on Friday, March 7. Don't forget the play "Chintz Cottage" to be held tonight in the church'school-room. Come on out, for a night of fun. Miss Colleen Million, London,' spent a few days with her par-. ants, Mr. and. Mrs, George Million, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asquith, Lakefield and Miss Mary Asquith, Stratferd,. with Mr, and Mrs. C, E. Aseuitho Mr, and Mrs. Harold Nichol- son and family, Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradnock and Mr. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Osborne •and Robert and Derma, Ripley, visited Mr. and Mrs, Je W. Gra- ham Saturday. cannel', WI Hold Social Evening ,The Wornen'S Institute held a social evening in the Foresters Hall Wednesday evening, Pro- gressive euchre Lost Heir and crokinole Were Played. Winners for euchre were: ladies' high, Mrs. Harold Gross, gents' high, Jack Hallam; ladles' low, Mrs. D, Quinn, gents' low, Ross Quinn. For Lost Heir: ladies' high was Mrs. Everett Taylor, gents' high, Bert Taylor, ladies' low, Mrs. Bert Craig, gents' low, George Million, For crokinole the winners were Wanita Young, Betty Lou Robinson, Gerald Dob- le and Billie Stanbury. Following the games, Mrs, W. 13radeock presided for a short program which included com- munity singing, led by Mrs, Gor- Mrs. Stan Abel and daughter, St, Thomas, spent the weekend with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alpert Campbell. -Margaret Sanderson, twin dau- ghter of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, has returned home from Clinton Hospital where she underwent an appendix operation. WI To Meet The monthly meeting of the ▪ Women's Institute will be held in the Foresters Hall on Tuesday, March 18 at two o'clock. The topic "Community Activities and Public Relations" to be taken • by Mrs. Harry Sturdy. Roll "An Irish Joke". There will be the election of officers. Hostesses Mrs..W. Good, Mrs. Thomas Hag- gitt, Mrs. Jack Hallam, Mrs. Wor- thy Young and Mrs. A. Kirk- Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths and family; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin meeting and called the roll. Ross Scott, Mrs, T. B. Baird, IVh.s. Smith and Eleanor, 'visited Mr. Mrs. Norman Walker had W. 0. Johnston,, Mrs.. and Mrs. H. F. Berry. charge of the worship service. Scott. rlo McClinche with Mrs W J Y , . Craig at the piano._ A reading was given by Mrs. Albert Camp- Miss Collinson and Mrs. Annie bell. A ladies' quartette, Mrs. W. Walper read the scripture. A A Week qf Outstanding Values J, Craig, Mrs. G. McClinchey, Mrs. George Million, and Miss Sadie Carter sang ft number. Lunch was served, Ladies' Guild Meet The Ladies' Guild of St. Mark's Anglican Church met in the church Thursday with 'Mrs, Wil- liam Haggitt in charge and Mrs: R. G. Taylor presiding at the organ. Prayers were offered by duet was sung by Mrs. Harris and Mrs. A. Nesbit. Mrs. Thomas IVIcNall contributed a reading. An interesting talk on Premier Nehru of India was given by 'Mrs. F. Clark. A solo was rendered by, Mrs. A. Kirkconnell, The presi- dent, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, took charge for the business period. The roll call was answered, by a verse of Scripture mentioning a precious stone. The organ was discussed: and it was decided to have further improvements .done on it. It was decided for each member to give a donation in- stead of having a bake sale;' also each member to take one dollar as talent money. Knox WMS Meets The March meeting of the WMS of Knox United Church was held in the Sunday School room Tues- day; with Mrs. H. Mogridge in charge and Mrs. W. J. Craig pre- siding at the piano. Call to wor- ship by singing hymn 252. Mrs. C. M. Straughan led in prayer. The Scripture, the 14th chapter of John, was Teed alternately. A duet was given by Mrs. G. Mc- Clinchey and Miss Sadie Carter. The following heralds responded: Mrs. C. M. Straughan on temper- ance; Mrs. L. Axchambault on Home Mission: Mrs. G. McClin- chey on Christian Stewardship. Mrs. McClinchey read a letter stating that the allocation for this year is $340. The chapter iii 'the study book was taken by Mrs. E. Patterson, describing the splendid missionary work carried on in the West by student missionaries. in the absence of the president, Mrs. Toll, the vice-president, Mrs. Campbell took charge for the business period. Mrs. R. Easom, convener of supply committee, reported 11 quilts on hand. It was decided to hold the quilting in the Sun- da'Y School room on two consec- utive days, namely either 25th and 26th of March or 26th and 27th of March, with a pot-luck lunch. The president and leader of next meeting, Mrs. G. McClin- chey were appointed to choose a speaker or film or both for the Easter meeting, April 1. MARCH DRUG SALE Here's I.D,A.'s annual March Sale once again—with its many special and timely reminders. There are plenty of chances for your to save en products used in your home. Check up on your needs and take advantage of the unusual values offered during this full-week sale at I.D.A. Drug Stores, MONDAY, MARCH 10th to SATURDAY, MARCH 15th Specials' on I.D.A. Brands Heavy Grade MINERAL OIL BEEF, IRON & WINE Helps build strength, 16 oz. bottle, Reg. '79c 67c BORACIC ACID A highest quality medicinal oil 16 oz., reg. 55c 40 oz., reg. $1.10 23c, 37c 8 and 16 oz., Regular 30c & 45c CAMPHORATED OIL 3 and 8 ounce bottle, Reg. 40e & 80c 33c, 69c CASCARA TABLETS 33c 5 grain bottle of 100, Regularly 39c CLEANING FLUID 29c, 57c PABLb 111 IDA MILK of MAGNESIA 16 oz. reg. 35c 82 oz. Teg. 60c 29c - 49c & Spot Remover, 4 & 10 oz. - Reg. 35c, 69c .... COCOANUT OIL Shampoo 27c, 39c Mixed Cereal Rice * Barley Oatmeal 25c 48c '4 oz. Reg. 33c; 8 .9z. Reg. 49c Magnesia Tabs 100s, 300s — 29c, 59e COLD TABLETS 19c Prompt, efficient. Box of 25s. Reg. 25c A.S.A. PAIN TABLETS Special 100's 19c; 300's 49c Syrup Hypo Phosphites 16 oz. bottle, reg: $1.00, '79e EPSOM SALTS STANLEY i Madern Meat Market Pg. PHONE 76 CLINTON 19c Fresh, shiny needle crystals. 1 lb. can. Reg. 25c .. Halibut Liver Oil 100's and 500's, Reg. $3.29 & $4.79 99c, 3.99 I.D.A. Cream of Tartar 2 & 8 oz., reg. 20c & 35e 16c, 27c Hydrogen Peroxide 4, 8 & 16 oz., Reg. 19c, 29c, 45c 14c, 23c, 37c eatuve IDOL-AGAR SEE OUR WINDOWS—and Lovely Clean, Fresh, Refrigerated Counters, displayed fully with Mineral Oil & Agar, 16, 40 oz. Reg. 79c, $1.59 63c, $1.19 I.D.A. WAX PAPER KLEEN-OR Antiseptic 29c, 79c Appetizing Meats Efficient mouth wash, 4, 16 oz., Reg. 35c, $1.00 Heavy Grade 100 foot roll in box with metal cutting edge Reg. 33c 28c 2 for 55c LINSEED MEAL 12-ounce container—regularly 35c 29c OIL of WINTERGREEN Synthetic 3 oz. bottle, regularly 50c 39c S'EIDLITZ POWDERS Box of 7 powders, sealed—Reg. 29c 23c WAX PAOCR • SENNA LEAVES 1 & 4 oz., Reg. 15c, 35c 11c, 27c I.D.A. Writing Pads Linen, or Vellum NOTE SIZE—Reg. 10c .... 8c, 2 for 15c LADIES' to LETTER SIZES Reg. 15c — 13c, 2 for 25c ENVELOPES-25's—reg, 10c 8c, 2 for 15c SYRUP FIGS & SENNA 3 oz. Regularly 33c 27c White Embrocation or Liniment, 4 & 8 oz. Reg. 29c, 49c 23c, 39c VITAMIN B-1 Tablets 29c, 59c 1 mg. (333 Int. units) per tab, 100s, 300s, reg. 37c, 79c WHITE 154NE & TAR Cough Syrup, 4 & 8 oz., Reg. 35e & 60c BOBBY & POCKET COMBS Reg. 10c value-8e;' 2 for 15e VELOUR POWDER PUFFS Reg. 10e 8c; 2 for 15e 29c, 49 atuve I.D.A. WITCH HAZEL 4, 16 oz,, reg. 30c, 75c-23e, 59e I.D,A. BRAND Soft and Strong 650 sheets to roll Reg. 2 for 27c 4 f or 45( or 4 for 54c Z SWEET RIBS 2 NARROW RIBS SIDE RIBS Ph© Clin Penne unique las n Photo Service Jr APO 11•111.1111111111111111111.11111MIIMIIIIIII We Have Them — 400 lbs. — 0,1-1-11-411.414-1-•111.1.1-1-...1-41.1.1411/1