HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-03-13, Page 4as— In the Ontario Legislature on Wed. eteeday a resolution approving of thi Government action with respect to the 8obool Readers: was.carried on s vote -of 40 to 30. r ! l WtNGRAM TiM,E16 rJ.1• DAy MA.i,' 13 f•Vt. tAI eiiuii te bargains! *ood a NAV. 1 The Bunting—Wilkinson • con. Stiertlifng 1 t:Ws .frOttt theBiwa surae'bq Diac spiratcy ease has boen set down fo trial at the Toronto Criminal Assizes,— • ilio whowas wounded at Abu Klea, LemmaLeN, Marph' 11.--Pinenciai has, under, the ine irotiou of his hurt, cines are excited over. reports reeeiyed' written to the flauy Telegrapa a this afternoon that the Rues int, troops.thrilling account of the battle, and in at have -advanced further into Afghanis- 'it occurs this dedcriptiva of Colonel Ann The1lussiun Government Omits Burnaby 'e° death, wi ieh must become 8" that suds movement has taken place, historical he- re but asserts it was only intended for the 'Still down upon us the dark Arab st purpose of seeking a more suitable pe- wave rolled, 11 had arrived within sih.ion in case of nee with Afg}rauis• ti reo hundred. yards utaliminished in -- -- tau. volume, unbroken ite strength—a rush parties aching liquor unser iieeneet4(ex. Tlrore is sonic currant di:sauss ion = It rs generally believed . here that of spearsuten cosi isw.uu�meu. Teem -ce t wholesale and vessel licenses) is r both Afghaiis and ilubeiane aro hurry line tiro had ceased.. Other Arab for- e over the ward yLlamas. All the ccs. surrounded us --tire menthe! troops rs sued by Dominion Boards. qlg ctvard and thea a collisionis dictioutrics, eseept Webster's_ :latest ' .utiuine)lt foplan estrzg 13edouizis: "iitacl pilta;;t rg — edition, give it the short y as if pro- Lot no.t; March 1 i, --Tire Times vilia•t' rs from the other sine, --stood It is feared #flat `rener)til ;r:lrar t rt ;ttticxd ttitaut4nrite .lout- the j'ojittla.i -says , �' 1 be ( 'rernnlept bas prxeti• estger a the llillsid<s " iuihirite the cannot survive witch lodger, and the+t pt•o:iuncitition is die toautite;' • the first Cully ordercd`L• uiusdi,n to organize the charge pen the British •s;guare: In r Atli;• Ilan Cron tier. Mr. Burleigh, 'the war correspond Which epees on 'gelidity fleece, 16th e The old log school house is fa disappearing its the province. In 1 • 70 there were 1406 schools of th The Provincial Secretary has issue:. .,escription, slut these relics of the pa •;circular to Ontario License. inspect new number only 617 • • tors instructing them to prosecute all death will end the complication.• ref. svltahk being su;;,;e'stive uf.i.he eeeely efeean defence. . the Tithes under wild ex ttemeat, their ;;�wbl•e .tea`li diseases with whielt he• is at 'present of the 'eatrloeive, ferte will un- stac,tls the main body alt Lutnaden'a biisteuin and the ,sheen if chair • afflicted. The gallant military hero has many admirers in Canada. who thing itself •a tinily diCLh,ulieel invent• capture of the key to helm by a Coop •eMus cliurkn . ri tet steal rift into ottr d;lubtedly prevail . At any rate all trouts has Robert Pse it is • hoped briaju(lished weepoes llaairlirp like t i1 ihzeri people agree to pronounce the Luresden's ureasures will prevent tlhe' thoisaucia• of itairro! , uu Hurt! tltuy will be pained to hear of Ilia heavy i. n.• dr' meth. et li,ut+.ria throes Eicj;ireod to t , *9. affliction. •ree• "'"° "• h•.i tilitie:s ' urs retnt,ot expect that war. 1;wats at • that, instant , ziuside ',the • rl'lle� ire t'ibtrwlltdstc ➢t' .. y • w)ll 1,e confined to (lettrsl AsiaL" A,lt art, not fat' front ,rte Ct`+tyer girl, In the Senate the goyernnment have 'London Orel) il:—The news rl,d' ,wt '11 1 saw the lefe-tare moihi dume- hotrod:used a measure in 'reference to Trovissione orthe ort Tie oovcr:Y,cterat'a ' elbs.44 the Afghatn trotttior (ttestioii, wi t baokwiard. Bur a ,y dynamite warfare. They are afraid - of &tine blown up by the Fenians. Prom the reckless policy penned by the government, it is- evident that tate conduct of the Minihtry . dee '.tn he more carefully watched rby the .Cou'utry than the dynamiters. . Itt the ciurse. ofhis. reply to the l•,iuensed Vintualler'e deputatlfen Sir el'ohn Macdonald stated that het voted 'tor the Scott Act when the }tilt patsee:t through Parliament in 1878, The bill was iutroduced in the Seeente by the Ifou. Mr.. Scott, and atter being jassed there it went to the OointtrtcIe. When before the House two or three members spnirri against it• hut it pates ed without a 'nee being taken. . It •>i sells. : In the Meal, Legislature ou Tlrurs day of last week, the lion. :•.:r. Fraser govertni lit, n, s ys,'• *fit unake every reels tett face. eppat•ealtiy to -assist two introduced the franchise bill, 1111 lead- cilia, to l,rrsbere a peace, wet el fail o•'Iy o1 three aklrinreio t , taming iu hard he provisio„s of which ore as fellows: 'if liu,bld%,i0 reeetted...eat weir'. The'. pressed. Ail but one • men of there 7Th,+ qualification f -r owners; tenants Nees i,elieve,tt ere • in no friuz. atirla ' auouaede;d in reaching our linea. Oot- Rae •. (•eupauts is reiiuued freei egg} fur the, riiwor. that , Gladstone n in one, Burnaby went ferwara to .Ilia tee • izr cities, 360 111 towns, and 200. in il7,n zddi+ to • ark ter g larges credit eta eistauce, sewe •d -ill betel.. As the daunt- oitmlpt,rtlted villages and tuwieihipte to . decry ort wee whit Beee•t•.. ,'less l'olone1 lwesat t ewi j(1 ire put hitu-. 2,o0 in cities and • tnwus creel $11)0'14 :['[;e xis:na(is c+3 luiliaa •asci wejl'; self in tlls'+x1ry of a seem erarbing 1 ifittgPe tete[ tow nsILlps. It is 1•.rclrid.•' ego, pped for ru,ii,i•. 7,'r.Ih.er bodies of ;.down on horet•hack. 0,-i that in nil e,lses only tl:OSI r(•sidp1it troops kenii. supplies. 1r'oraee are be- 1 Lure the Arab vl'use(1 with inns a bur. si.iiin the a leet(iral disirier ;hall VOt", iilg coPeetchl civ, kiuo bay, Calcutta arced let-irotn seine uric in ourratllts brought •err that each elector has only ar Siegle melee pointe. Ail that Leila asks 'o€ dotsc, tog 'uh .ik •r.re;tdlulur to the Ir.,o, instead of as at preetr1Lt eine ! 50141611'1 In the ••v'111: -of war:is a :(1n. grtntlst , T,lo enetnj•'s a eai'b'1t en carie to vote wherever he owns Cr= tire/stueet of 15,000 skilled u't iliured were 0.o..A l.,ehird, aim '(rue' of them "ecu. 'fes iir:'1,•.•r.y, The 6401) Immo 1 soleirtrs `� fro .ehisequallticatlou is reduced tot :rays : is war with Rosso a, neve d •ltitr;s(•lf, wh .se every,, acts a, at the able, Euglnnd wiltuudortrlke the wee time I claw from a• • (Metria ee _pf _ about ee curt• c'f hatu,n,tl reit defends The thirty yerds, rods, otti its front of the 1Ary: •,••t,; • made to do n au C.ticinel t3st,raaxUy, 83')t) ttuci this condi, ion as to pee m •nt thee Iftuldred and f art `t1v4t 'fit: tits iter Fitt. l;uet:ltt'n; lips cure, and Y St,t, ponittn., ttre,ong Matte u1. 1414 llpettl at of texch alt .1.8110.1.- A •11e' frt>LroluSe ` di- d ce pireuln pia in :iY'e.1? It.:sate }oiling it b.erk: 6.0; Burteiby leapt rte; •:'rot tt-rL ..tiz tt tLY:e`.W z t i;:errit;rS , til • ;.,tr Y Ciivlieg.tineooe Ilievi'i!r or. astivtn4; •:tel 1 1+ery'evitaent that thePretraieri9 tlyilr'• ^ ' Ttua uttt,.br,r'.rf post offices in Cann-. orwu.rd in ilia s;.tu :Ira, s.r(t pitei.ed the ;14'o,rlelu's raEiid x1211.4 f(+ro nee. piesis. + a ;t week. • yn,,it;tl' ineente of n'y3i1U, the ,+%itltii3 rtl, ' 1Suu the ion rt- i of tiie tiJan't'ewealpou— d a is 6,89- tri:• � U'ci86 :t4 i 6 ,. • 1 h to snake a little capital, with the •terve, bp..r,l or,:lode:hie flarursliert ..as part t, ,„t trav�ried.xunu,,ll .their riga ilea et: feet- •put it taut of hi- poises to perance people now that the'elect 1Y, (tf 'tw urns ulr�lu+.te(1.. lloctst not:, rb, of 'letters l arPIW:1, 6ti 1t10 ' rib r0turu + Eth,tnterext, tl►p Alatl'c uitkr- becoming populee, and tries. to incite ittett,�'iug 1'2Vjrrtrec)i1 wliy is 8°1" 1“21- veer& 1S,GtiO 000 • 1•r'ristt'r lechers derooto ffipint. Ouee or twice 0 )lorael' hand all elashlad at the ferocioMi' t{rotip. They wile the wild strokes of a proud, brave alar dying; hard, anis he was Widely nob d 1 ft helpless and dying. 1t ILWR I(OTEs The newspaper correspondents err leaving Korti, concluding the campaign is over. ?reparations are g' in;; steadily ou • for the .subtuission of the Scott Act tea' the elcctors of Toronto, ' :The Lord Mayor of Dtiblirr Ilaal'biseit of8eiall ' Informed that the Prince e s tVales will reach Kingstowlr•''Apri•11, 8tli, .c . Among the newest Easter offeringe is a late pin , iii the foror of a tiny e chicken entirelj* incrusted with !;p Ili., s ants, with a rimy 'eye and a golden: egg , .. shell on the -bar beside it ,. • Don't lay a;i�cle heavy flannels aid wraps because.. March -is. a• ' spring mouth end may niseasionally .brig s - Warm dny. It breezes are more than the coldest s inial of wi iter. Gen.Walse)ey has rt'eNbed $465,000 Rt• art the Government lir reev rig for bis military services. The bounty gitea him for the victory •f Tel El Kebrr was 8150,:t00 ; for his A harrtee victories,, $13:5,000, and for his ln,lia-' services, 6190,000. Besides hitt salary of 6'50,000. a year the presideet of teat 1Jtilted States has a private seoretary, '••u assistant secre- tary two exeautiv- ,'1et1 0,:.a steward and a n1eaiscnn^r, tvl'io8,• •s4,latries ares paid by the government, and also tbs� use of the White Nous"+ and its ferule ture free of rent, IA press despatch sa;,ys : "The ret i port of ' he Tenant() Glee tiewspayeitit - : presented act iti(satiiival ihlecting to day' I shows lrboalthy e niditawi • .f effaird:, Within two,:years the present inawiage., meet has cleared off the` lealting eiai-:' ' . debtecl;3•ess; wheel arjiounted tri needy' • G40,'170A. `The yew's' receipts front adyert.ising amounted to .$108,000, and the circulation shows a large ince creaser. The retlrnlgboa rd were, re- . elected:” General Wolseley nn Monday at, . Korti reviewed the Nile expiditionary .,• torte, including the troops of Generale Braekerthtiry and i ull'er. Lord Beteg- fords eteg ford's naval brigade, and Canadian voyageurs. General `Wolseley ,tome plitnented the trt.ops for the 'll• roister and fortitude with which they faced the perils and hardships of the came paign, and especially thanked • tit* voyageurs for their ser'vit,es. He pre- sented his silver cigar cake to Engi= neer I3enbow, of the nava. brigade, as a tribute of admiration cf the Wee jaeket's bravery in repairing matt a heavy fire the steamer with which Lord Beresford rescued Gen, Wilsois,•,,, and, his party' ;after , they had been wrecked, While rr;tureir.g trom Bihar. -teem The naval i rigade is °to he ;.;ready augmented t,efore the, resu»apw, tion. of aetivo operations. 8�1 believe that be supported it, ".'Iza eat refill o •uu}l+act of and amenity 9 Or.rO 001) : revenue ' ' Btienetee rte., to itl"-d iris man, oily to resident i1, itdwellin"haunt' 'arra t1 `' ' . ?•',430,7&1, Its' • • Meads of the het, however, ,are not , tee tris , j in .❑u re a•..ry aalld wafter. The, ' to receive the frit+tcl&iso Ilia e t res- 4513,245,54 lin tl`?1y! Vier e drpo`i ,wt i tl,e ,wt,:lout seconds only, to be miatead by such tactics. ;tent dwelling lichee is to include any , ,,,age int ,t�p si# 1 it. amitl.ut :cc/artily'ne =eve ..ince"""'"`"•"'"""'""'`•"'"` port „f a ito,tse stsn;eratoly' ocuttt,it:t, $1 +9?')"''7 to 1883. The .nuntbey tit' s1',�t g A ,� n!t. 1n , . e1t111L2I p, ' chef ittreeaut Haired We have receive(1.,a.colIy.oi tt rno:.t _and r.'.idf+rlin ,es a dwelling, •i,het du os 61 0 , t5r.astid uuriligablas yeaap 't wtlr, v Ttppl+0itonol : rnbf of tiro tibluatbld.docuntent iissued, by the 01J "farmers.' 'r.'tie" franchtee is :,b iteired,. ace 4110aa circ Ciond2� Ant. df plait, . 'l3sccyudaa, ete•ppes•eerc fest clueing in up. �lflti heio Government via.. the Forestry Report. for 1884. The aathor' is ;41r, R. W. Phipps, of Toronto, whn is a ecognited suthority an this 'meet tm portant suet tet, ail his report iy.not a Mere collection of berren statistics and theories, but a thoroughly practice, and mega work. Mr. Phipps ha personalty vieited a large nittiort e1 efts dwelling dh tenant when teach the 'bounty, end front his ki'.irc olrsce dw'- lin and hand, if any, hi of '-n r•atir►n has ascert:hicct the cotad tton 0+ e,wtuwl valve rn cities anti. tocrn' of the forests in ills different (ftatricts 4t)ti, and tit villages end towilshipe xis the report the de'+irwtllrii6�q•pnel f(,as $$0 {). `lettelloeds' sorts" inelu:1eu entity of preserving dor fcsrrets its .d(;(,.. semi, etepstttns end gran Isom It Bribed, and the views of practical einemaw o roiileut reeidded 64 all the, time, f sons ltniiinar with the vaiious phases of elper on in the tapttinijiality in' which. the subject are give.i iu 'detail. `alio they tender their• yotes. There is es best metho )s of tree planting and bttiet Prov -cion as to re-idpnce, taut - oecasionel or t4ln osar alieet110 not ratting from it ivory' and feast Beef! � 'P Y htirgehre.aleo d()bcrihed, which will b' exceeding four months in the year f0ttttd very vataaXlitA, ccs tliep.point gilt • dors flat operate to disentitle a '•land. holder* she to Vete. In Allrufna and and in- ha l►lacet 4 tniistitut eel a jt 11.10)! each dep' •sitor in 1883 rend eetne- 021 out' ssquat•o` i' ' bro:t ter provision; e'ntrauu (g what over del`)$ in 1881. 'The riion. Colonel'Burn,sby fenced true swarthy le et'• tete'r u The ex.Iresime order.L.,„4netis was 1 10.067,894.dia iii 1 Arab as ii he irt- a ulaying in: an as - "landholder" is defined to include any 1884, - tee •against tp'11,4it),8 91.61-- the i Butt at rerrut% and't':ere was a smile -on person heing tins utruer of rlx•.d rest. a 1)35 fet►tttres glebe drove off the, .man's dente on lead of at least twenty acres i+reiecl•iuj� y,.ar. 1' •/ awkward polats: i'be noire was tztk- in extent, or• '+f 811 actual value irl rite whole gore of London to dcetely • mein at to 1lauce. With that iightd- citie,. aril tnrnns•of eaeeeT, ane.! !n vi! eneited over the sudden disappearance ing tnatlnot which 1 have seen desert leges and townships of 8200 ; and of teamed W. Nfooeo, A tie l kiiretvil wtirrtors before now display its battle also any person, artitttlly tosidinq • in tphjst;irin o Dorche$ter Ottltion.'P1131?s- //hire coining toten; Another's aid, an, day evening the doctor W ' presSntat Arab, wee woe pursuing a soldier and a colleen iu the Doroite's;,er town hal hall' prs,(o 1 Live paces to. Burnalhr's mud left at 10:t) doth. ,L ' ootlt tsp to right and re+ir, timed with a eudders, his st•'bo), bitched up ntiellitroro or. sprrrsg, and this second Arab, ran`•liis• Nettiiuy . ur,•ce wet eeee , ort him, het ' ONO maul into .the . Colondl's richt 1~rtday ni•ewing his horeo end. °easter slioaldt'r. It wee but a-eliplht wotind. were' found -in a.lonely. aria, p.eatrileils• Eno tgb, though, to cause Burnaby to tonin. ' The ;tatter mud Whip 'Were turn 1.t•land in bit saddle to defend• switshed, send ou dict rubes was that tiiritsr11 from this unexpected attack, - appeared t•, he clotlhi Wood A b•oody , .Before the.ttavago could repeat. -'his trage *y wan at once etrspectea, and the unlo0kttdfor blew, So near the rttttka wholeeot,ittryside turned' out to reurcli of the square was the scene now l e•ng for the doctor's body -0,14 h•, the popple enacted, a soldier ran out and drove thougiwt,_ the murderers ►:tad hidden his eward Mete et thromgh. tris secenl .away. No trace of .it, however, .was 'as-atttarlt% lit id as Was Rrirnilby'e We most tepproved'tnethods and its.tpvinalhipe in tome other ooiistitupn-. foand, Next day pabltc opinion ,.•Lente btot w.r,l at nits fatal ep,sode Irtt tics horn to avoid the inferior ones tips having no assesslnelit atoll, the changed wonderful y, and tnetead of it etas lona; enough to eneble the fit.st Ile latereeted in this important franchise ie to beet ercire'd by iesidetrt, g Arch a d livor hisspearrpoint 'full s murder re general epinton is that, •e hat fail to obtain a own rx °f .res” eatete of the valuti- of the dotter klariued tele littler+'pisode the brave o8ie r}s throat, The h os titrlpjeot tlitonl to gti a him. it chance to elope to with 4 drove Burnaby out of hie saddle but it $ Itt ho'raeb,.�ldAru _ _who p, copy of the report” rvliich tears be had phav been such far six months, The, woni*n Detroit lie has rr,wite and required it second one before he let go 21t)0; atld rebs de i is 't a (� iss };rite o reins Tette tato, changed., All these' clasps will liatvp er caught to .r fi a , in, trawl at Bel the ground oq Alppltclrttioii. to . Mr R. w', Iwhippa status f remises 'as •tit voting ;` fa it`s The theorythat th Dods 1 f tit end tumbled upon is uta* tl 12 "`erring Partnerat Ila,f a dozen Arabs were now tehout to appear on t)re aespssmeut roll. land more, ,diked lti 4 t# eine time edicts thin another hi11 will be iiitrodtired to ex. tit. Thom a, o,tid �eseaped hi Detroit. him, With b'nod gu:;hing iu streams prof. " Wlgg . 1)13 cdrntrtuntt ro crud over that, if from his gaiibetl throat, the dauntless �, � tWilt'ba Iso etttreutely sect ;)rid t.'re 'rlttehinrry of asiselnent, sir � {i that the principle may be carried out. fervent tteeteres. guut'.1emtw looped to hifeet sword in , The Moetreal Times is now issued as a morn, ng paper. Our namesake. . has 'lone good service for the R,efori t cause iu Quebec Province, and wet trope sueeeslt will still continue to alt. tend ite efforts GA`VIN ILMON, AUCTIONEER t Safes attended to in all parts of the county. All arrangement4 1 *sates can be made w.th ;kr. G. Wilson. Le 4g, Om). 14. Hirst Wa wAnosh, Ar Oil ppF aoation to" prior brother, Mr. J. Wilson, Veterivary 34e.- geou, Wiugharn, or at. Tax Taus *iliac b • eletteet 4