HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-03-06, Page 7..... . . . • . • }fL$k_r. SaSS'assis: illustrated — Styleline De Luxe 2.Door Sedan '446***tomemooe*,,,.. .... . • so • 71‘0*,egi A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE • ORE PEOPLE BOY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR ••••••006••••woommo•o••••••••.4 ?)R,®A r'' .a • :44.0000*ftroi RNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED Roll along street or highway in one of these big, bright, beautiful Chevrolets and you'll know that you're riding in something special! For here are the truly advanced automobiles for 1952 . . . the only fine cars priced so low , and a single test-drive will tell you what we mean by that. We mean the only cars at or near their price with Centrepoise Power . •. . that marvellous new method of mounting and cushioning the engine . . to provide almost unbelievable smoothness of operation, freedom• from vibra- tion, and protection from road noise and wheel shock. We mean the only cars at or near their price bringing you the beauty of radiant, new Royal- Tone Styling , . and an extra-large, extra- Amnions Body by Fisher! And Chevrolet offers such a wide and won• derful choice of colors . . . and such gorgeous new custom-tailored interiors . . . with uphol- stery and trim in two tones of blue, green or gray to harmonize with exterior colors, in all De Luxe sedan and coupe models! Moreover, we Mean that Chevrolet supplies all these fine car advantages at substantial savings . . . for it's the lowest priced line in its field .. . and is exceedingly economical to own and operate. - Come in; see and drive the only fine cirs priced so low; and place your order now! Extra-smooth, extra-dependable POWERGIIde with New Automatic Choke for finest no-shift driving at lowest vast, (Combination of Power- glide Automatic Transmission and 105.h.p„ Valve- in-Head Engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost.) C,55211 Have that stable wall repaired and eliminate those drafts that affect the health of your stock. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL CALLS! • RURAL WORK A SPECIALTY • Monarch Mason Service Phone 386 — SEAFORTH — P.O. Box 69 45-46-p-47btfb .4-0 4-4 -•-•-•-•-••4-41.4444 ^•-•-• •-• 41•-• •-•-44-4-41.-•-••-•-•-•-••••-•-•-• •-••• +*•-•-••••• ••••••••••I. Here's the '51 Super Pioneer A LIGHT ONE-MAN SAW WITH A HEAVWEIGHT'S POWER Chrome Chah AUTOMATIC • CLUTCH ,411.:+1431.1. Light Enough For Prpt- Building s' One-Man Operation in Heavy Logging A '51 SUPER PIONEER or SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW will help„, you solve your wood-cutting problems. Sold and Serviced by ROBERT IC COLE Clinton Ontario 47-btas RDABD41, 1952 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD !AGE, B.RVBff AIMINIMMINV istriet Nit tial $olemul4od .AUBURN HULLETT (Intended for last week)- Mrs. George Hamilton is visit- ing .friends in Seaforth.. .Mrp.. John Sclaten John Firs- layson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis. Hem.. berger',and Marion, Seaforth, ited Mr; and Mrs, Oliver Ander- son, Sunday. Visitors with Mr and Mrs,. -4-4-e-ears-a (Intended for last week) Narrow Escape An accident north of Exeter, a Highway 4 might have proved mises, fortunately no one was art. Louis Damm, who resides east Hensall,driving a 1939 car, iking his wife and children to hurch, was trailing four other ars when one car stopped sad-, enly. Mr. Damn pulled to the ight and hit a snowbank with le result the car turned upside own in the ditch. The roof of ie car was badly damaged, but o one injured. Mr. Daman came 70111 Hand in June 1951 and rorks at RCAF Station Clinton. thief John Nomy, Exeter, in- Enjoy • „ I Dancing THIS Saturday Night And Every Saturday EXETER LEGION HALL Benny Goodfellow And. His Londonaires dmission 75c - Dancing 9-12 5-6-7-also 8-9-10-b •-•,•-•,••••-•-•• eestigated. alensall Girl Guide Notes Members of the First Hensall Company Guides and Brownie Pack attended services in Car- me! PreebYtesian Church Sunday morning, February 24. Friday, February 22 was thinking day commemorating the birthday of the late Lord Baden Powell. 13ang-up night in Guiding will be held Tuesday evening, March 4, in the Town Hall, Hensall; Mrs. K. B, Clydsdale, St. Marys, Area Commissioner, will attend and conduct flying-up ceremony. Gwen Spencer and Mary Ann Rennie will fly up to Guides. Brownie and Guide recruits will be enrolled; merit badges and service stars will be awarded. The public are cordially invited to attend. Games start 7.30; be sure to attend and see how, Brownie and Guide meetings are conducted. The Guides regret that there will be no paper drive this com- ing Saturday, as there is no mar- ket for papers at the present time, but hope the market will soon be open, and a notice will appear in the .press when the drive, will take place. Valentine Dance Held The postponed Valentine dance held in the Town Hall Friday, February 22, was a decided suc- cess. The hall was filled for the event, and patronized by many from the village and surrounding district. Sponsored by the North Group of Exeter Eastern Star,' the' pro- ceeds will be donated to the Ex- eter Hospital Fund. Seventy dollars was cleared for this wor- thy project. The hall was at- tractively decorated with Valen- tine motifs and stars. Desjardine's, orchestra Provided music for' the dance. • Prizes were given away for spot dances, and an angel cake 'made by Mrs. W. J. Bell and iced by Herb Mogriclge on Sunday were, Mrs. Carter presided during Mr. and Mrs, Bert Marsh and the business session. The sec- Betty, Kitchener, and Mr, and retarY of Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Howard 'Wallace, Blyth. Mrs. Wesley Roe, stated that the On CFR Track Gang WMS allocation was $140 for Keith Mahon has secured the this year; the Mission Band $10. position as first man on the CPR Thank-you's were read from tracks. His brother, Lawson Ma- Mrs. Randolph Lowrie, Mr, Jack hon recently took over a position Crozier, and Jim Jamieson. at Blyth with the CPR. New material, bought by the Attend Funeral • :supply secretary, Mrs: McVittie, George Lawlor, A. Rollinson, was given to the group leaders accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. for bets,A distribution art icles,ll among made f rom this the rn em William Medd and Bert Medd, material are to be brought to the Goderich, attended the funeral of Hamilton Adams, Windsor. His March meeting. wife was the former Lottie Law- I Seventeen ladies answered roll tor, Auburn. Passes in. Brantford call by donating used clothing and footwear. Any ladies still Mrs. Donald Fowler was in wanting to donate, to this bale, Brantford attending the funeral I might leave any articles with. I Mrs. Jim Scott or Mrs. William of her uncle, Milford Pentland, 69, Waterford, who died in Brant-'Bell. ford Hospital. Interment was made inBrantford Cemetery. He was born at Dungannon, and was Mothers Study Group a carpenter by trade. He ,was' unmarried. Surviving is one sis- I Holds Good Program ter, Mrs. William Henry, Flesh- I erton. The monthly meeting' of the Young Mothers' Study Group of •44-•-•-•++*---"4-1Wesley-Willis Church was held HURON ROAD ,saotntheonh h ome eoafd aMry,s. Hugh a ry C. Wil- with 14 members present. The meeting, in charge of Mrs. The February meeting Of the l 3 A. Addison, opened with the Happy Workers Club was held singing of hymn 394 followed by prayer led by Mrs. Addison. The Scripture was psalm one and was read by Mrs. F. Miller, "Will Miss Lois Dale won the priZe during the afternobn. The meet- ing closed by singing God Save Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by appointment For further information contact J. J. Zapfe, • corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. 'PRYDE and SON Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth Home and .. Building REPAIRS There's Still Time to Have Your Chimney Repaired or Built! BRICK — STONE — STUCCO — REPAIRS Chimneys Tuckpointed, Repaired and Built Faulty Drafts Corrected Brick Walls Tuckpointed, Repaired, Refaced Fire Walls Built and Repaired Stone Walls Tuckpointed and Repaired Pictured at left are MR. AND MRS. HARVE Y LASSALINE, after their recent marriarge in the Roman Catholic Church, St. Augustine, The bride was the former Evangeline 13illard, Reg,N, daughter of Mrs. Fred Walden, Glace Bay, N,S., and the ,late George Hillard. The bride grporn is the son of Dennise Lassaline, Goderich Township, and the 'late Mrs. Lassaline, They are re- siding in Goderich Township. At the right are AC1 William Henry Parker Whitehouse and his bride, the former Janet Elizabeth Pollard, who exchanged wedding vows in the RCAF Chapel, RCAF Station, Clinton. The bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard, reside in Blyth. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A„ Whitehouse, Beardmore, Ontario. They are residing in Clinton. .--Photos by MacLaren's Studio Mrs. Einmerson Kyle, with the star colours of red, blue, yellow, green and white, was raffled and the lucky winner was Mrs. J. E. McEwan, Hensall. The ticket was drawn by Mrs. Pearl McDonald, Windsor, Past Worthy Grand Matron. $12 was realized from the sale of tickets on the cake. Mrs. William J. F.' Bell was convener and Mrs. E. Kyle was in charge of publicity. The de- corating was done by 14 group, Members. 'Phone ..Operator Retires . Miss Katie Scott, popular and courteous Bell Telephone operat- or, has retired after 41 years' service as night operator, and has witnessed many incidents and many, changes in the village. Most of her 41 years. at. switch- board has been on night duty. She • began in April, 1911, when the office was in the store owned by her late father,' George ScOtt. 'At that time the operator had to crank a magneto by hand to ring on the line and had to replenish large glass acid batteries with distilled water. She was office manager for the local offices from 1820 -to 1945. She recalls a fire in 1913 in the same block as the telephone office, which destroyed the store two Adoors away and gutted the store next door be- fore it was stopped. Miss Scott I was on duty at the time- and sat through it while firemen battled the, blaze. "A couple of days later it poured rain and the water !coming through the roof was worse than the fire," she said. :Firemen had ruined the roof trampling over it. She has handled many emerg- ency pleas, fire calls, etc., and has seen many changes in the I village since she first started..Her successor is Mrs. R. E. Shaddick. World' Day of ri.43..-er World Day of Prayer was ob- served by the Burns' WMS at their meeting held at the home ,of Mrs. George Carter .on Fri- day, February 29. The . service was under the leadership of Mrs., Harvey Taylor. at the home of Mrs, Frank, Fowler with 15 'members and eight visitors present. The meeting opened. with the your child make a war?" was new president, Mrs. William Hol- read by Mrs. Addison and "How land, in the chair. The meeting to raise a child for a peaceful opened by singing "Blessed Be World," by Mrs. Jervis. the Tie that Binds", followed by A poem written by a Mother the Lord's Prayer, to, her son mid entitled "To my The treasurer and secretary's, son," Was read -by Mrs. Shipley, report was then given, Mrs. Bill Holland rendered a It was decided to buy 12 new piano instrumental that was very song fooks for 4he Club. It was much enjoyed. "Don't condemn also decided to hold a bazaar in the tattle-tale," wasoread and dis- the fall. Each member is to make cussed by Mrs. Addison. Mrs. a quilt block 18 by 20 inches. McCall read several Little Gems The roll call to be answered of. Wisdom which , were greatly next month by "Where were you enjoyed. The minutes of the born." ' The next meeting to be January meeting were read by held at the home of Mrs. Cliff Mrs. Percy Livermore. Business Glazier. Seven members paid was discussed and the collection fees. Group 1 to put on pro- taken up. The ladies then spent gramme next month, and group halfiainiinnieof b hours listening "Earle Terry ngtothe 1)e a u t 2 to furnish lunch. choir, of which Ruth Wilson is a member, over CBC. The Queen. Miss Lois Dale and The meeting closed with the Marie Dale favoured with a Mzipah benediction, after which number of piano selections' which a social hour was enjoyed. A were much enjoyed by all. A delicious - lunch was served by dainty pot luck supper was Mrs. Wilson, assisted by Mrs. served. . , • , Currie and Mrs. Jervis. Proceeds for the afternoon The March meeting is to be were $5.13. held at the home of Mrs. Fred o Miller with Mrs. Stewart Moodie The B.C. provincial 'police force in charge and Mrs, Shipley and was organized fifteen years before the RCMP. iMrs. Livermore as hostesses. •-•-•-•-••••