HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-03-06, Page 5Minister Coming RT. HON. J. G. GARDINER Federal Minister of Agricul- ture, who will be the chief speaker at Clinton Lions Club's annual "Farmers' Night" in St, Paur.( Parish Hall, Friday, April 25. AUBURN. For Sale Sale Poultry Equipment Electric Brooders Oil Brooders Pedlar Equipment Steel Roofing (Different Lengths) Cow Bowls Litter Carriers . Barn Door Track H. Charlesworth PHONE 199W 10-p CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-pub 1 ,cgcoaforoas 41" isorrice Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI Income Property TWO-STOREY brick dwelling, with two self-contained family apartments. First apartment consists of large living room with fireplace, dining room, and modern kitchen. Hardwood floors. Three bedrooms and bath up. Second apartment con- sists of living room, dining room, kitchen and gunporeh down; two bedrooms and bath up; garage. This property is tenant occupied. Well located and in good condition. --0-- TWO-STOREY SIX-ROOMED • brick dwelling„ double living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs; three bedrooms and bath upstairs; garage; well lo- cated; immediate possession. —0.— TWO-STOREY brick dwelling, consisting of double living room, dining room, modern kitchen, two-piece bath down; four bed- rooms and three-piece bath, up. Hot water heating with oil burner, Ideal location. —a-- APPLY TO H. C. R E ALTOR , Phone 251W - Clinton 10-tfb We have an Assortment of 1951 Fishing Tackle LEFT IN STOCK and offer it to you at 25% Discount FOR ONE WEEK ONLY — Take Advantage of This Offer NOW 4002,6.49 5004 01 .2uatify ICLINToN ••• ONTARIO PHONE 42 - CLINTON The store remains open Saturday evening until 10,80 p m, :In/MAY, MAR= 6, 1952 mermaassi amer CLINTON NEWS-RECORD PAGE FIVIlla atassmaassiamasa qewirRecord. Classified Adiets Bring nick Results ClasSified Rates i4SH RATE -- (If paid by ginesday following date of in- tion)—Two cents a word first lertion (minimum 50 emits); sequent .in.sertions 11/2 cents a ad (minimum 35 cents); 15 :its extra for box number or direction to NEWS-RECORD flee. (F CHARGED-15 cents extra. DEADLINE—X2 noon, Wednes- y. CCOMMCODATION for 'Rent ;FURNISHED APARTMENT on ound floor. Two rooms plus karma and pantry. Garage. !ntrally located on highway. Lit couple with one youngster, 'finable immediately. Box "B", inton News-Record. 10-p .ACCOMMODATION WANTED DOM AND BOARD, or room tly for elderly man, no invalid. pply Clinton News-Record, 10-p ARTICLES WANTED :OLDS FOR MAKING CEMENT twers. Anywhere from 24 to i inch size. Arnold Keys, Var- a, Phone Hensall 696r13. 9;.1) HENILLE BEDSPREAD Bar- in, from factory to you—$5.25. owest price in Canada. This edspread is fully covered with aby chenille, no sheeting show-g. First quality. It comes in Ll colors, single or double bed ze, with either muti-colored or lid raised centre patterns. At y $5.25 each. Sent COD plus stage. Immediate money-back arantee. Order one, you will der more. TOWN & COUNTRY [FG., Box 1496 Place D'Armes, ontreal, Quebec, 10-11-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 40 HUDSON SIX FOR SALE. o od condition throughout. tone 585, after 6 pan. 9-10-p I UILDING LOTS FOR SALE RE YOU THINKING of build- g a home. A number of fine 4s for sale. Leonard G. Winter, 1 Estate, phones: business , residence 599J. 7-btfb USINESS OPPORTUNITIES HRIVING BAKERY, Building, 'ness, trucks, will sell separ- e or would be interested in rm trade. Other business trade sited with me—restaurants, gas a tion, tourist camps. Leonard . Winter. 38-b-tfb ployment Wanted—Female DUNG LADY desires employ- ent in housework or factory. pply News-Record. 10-p FARMS FOR-RENT STURE, 100 ACRES, in Stan- y. Fenced so cattle can be ranged to fresh grass. Plenty ade and water. Loading gang- ay, Write Dr. Moffatt, London. 10-11-12-b FARMS FOR SALE OM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. ,nfidential information. Leon- d G. Winter, Real Estate, ones: business '448, residence J. 5-btfb SS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot concession -5, Hullett. Thomas rbert, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone .nton 801r21, or James Phelan, . 2, Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9. 13-15-ptbf NSISTING OF 100 ACRES clay loam, 40 acres fall wed, .five acres fall wheat, lance,in hay and pasture. Hydro barn and house. Two never- ling wells. Good brick house d bank 'barn with cement abling. 'One steel garage. One plement house. Situated fiVe Iles 'from Seaforth, Lot 2, Con. Hullett. For further particulars, ntact .E. S. • Mel3rien, Seaforthi one Seaforth 845r3. 8-9-10-p FARMS WANTED ANTED TO BUY OR RENT, dd farm, 100 acres or more, tivated. Brick or stone house. x "F" Clinton News-Record. 10-11-12-p RM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE R SALE OR IN EXCHANGE young or feeder cattle, Mas- Ilarria six-foot Clipper Com- e, power take-off drive, used r seasons. F. Naftel, R. R. 2, derich. 10-p URNITURE REFINISHING R PIANO, FURNITURE, AND io cabinet refinishing and airing, see W. G. Pickett, x 351, Clinton. 8-9-10-p FURNITURE FOR SALE DRERTY PIANO, plain case, in od condition. Phone Seaforth 6,L 11-p HOBBY SHOP .ND AND SCROLL SAWING, oodworking. Reg. Smith,. High reet. 9-10-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ItK, 'IT A M BOARS, five sonth , F. Naftel, an, 2, Gode- .h. 10-p EVEN PIGS, Six weeks old. maid crich, Phone 614r3, Chin- n 10-6 IREBRED HEREFORD BULL. (add take grade cattle in ex- ange. W. II. Middleton, R.R, Clinton. 10-tfb ,VEN PIGS, eight weeks old, vin Riley, Clinton, R.R.' 10-x GISTERED 'Aberdeen Angus Us, 10 to '12 months 'brd. Top ality. Priced to trove quickly. Mfddletora -phone 'Clinton rEt. "1041-12-.p HELP WANTED—FEMALE GENERAL HELP REQUIRED at the Commercial Hotel. $20 a week with meals. 48-hour week, 9-b LIVESTOCK WANTED FREE THERMOMETER — Plus cash at your farm for dead or disabled horses or cows, Phone colleet, Seaforth .655r2, Goderich 936r21. William . Stone Sons, Limited. 43-tbf MISCELLANEOUS WILL FURNISH PLANS and specifications or build home for owner at reasonable price. .Ap- ply Box "F". 10-b ALL-STEEL VENETIAN Blinds in stock to fit any window, Pric- ed from $4.50 up. 'Ball and Mutch Furniture. 10-b WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb FARMERS! SAVE TIME, YOU save money, By using the easy moving electric fence post. Steel post with cement foot. $1 each. Apply Cde Haan, R.R. 3, Blyth, or phone 3gr15. 10-11-12-13-p RECESSED BATHTUBS $60. Smart Martha Washington and Richledge stainless three-piece bathroom sets: White $160 to $189; coloured $274; complete with beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning furnaces $295. Special offers to plumbers and builders too. Save many valuable dollars; buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we supply everything you need for complete plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtures, prices and in- stallation diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, showers, stoves; refrigerators, Pressure water systems, oil burn- ers, septic and oil tanks, etc. Visit or write Johnson Mail Or- der Division, Streetsville Hard- ware, Streetsville, Ontario. Phone 261. 42-44 PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 in Henson, Apply Albert Wolff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb SOLID RED BRICK HOUSE in Hensall, four bedrooms, three- piece bath, living room, dining room, den and kitchen. New fur- nace, full basement, hardwood floors, hot and cold water on tap (town water); extra half lot. Phone 134 Hensall, 10-11-12-b FIVE ROOM COTTAGE, three- piece bath, full basement, wood- shed, small barn, chicken house, and six lots set out in small fruit. A lovely home for the person who would like a summer in- come from the property. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Clinton. Phones: business 448, residence 599J. 8-tfb COTTAGE .1N WINGHAM, good location, large lot, completely in- sulated, contains kitchen with built in cupboards, dining and living rooms. Three' bedrooms, three-piece bath, laundry room and tubs. Wired for electric stove. Priced reasonable—owners leav- ing town. Apply to Wilbert Hod- gkinson, corner Francis St. and Diagonal Road, Wingham. 10-p PROPERTY WANTED FAIRLY MODERN, FIVE OR SIX room house in Clinton. Apply Box "C", Clinton News-Record. 10-p PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R. * 43tfb 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock-Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; all work guaranteed. E. C. Nickle, phone Clinton 339J. 20-21-ptfb SEED FOR SALE QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY Seed and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Seed. George Dowson, Varna, phone Hensall 676r21. 10-11-p APPROXIMATELY 15 BUSHELS Timothy seed. William Jenkins, R.R. 1; Clinton, Base Line, phone 602r21. 10-b NUMBER OF BUSHELS of good timothy seed. Priced right for quick sale. Frank Cummings, Clinton, phone 549M. 10-13-b Will14~0111~1140 GORDON R. HEARN Optometrist Huron St. Phone 69 On Friday EVERY Week 10-tfb 111101.0111"011001141"0111111. BIRTHS 130ERSENA—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, March 2, 1952, to MI*, and Mrs, H. Boersena, Exeter, a daughter. COOK—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Sunday, March 2, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. B. Cook, Blyth, a son. FABER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, March 3, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Fab- er, Hensall, a son. BOHNER — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, March 2, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. N. Rohn- er, Zurich, twin sons. KELLY—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, March 4. 1952, to Sgt. and Mrs. Q. Kelly, RCAF Station, Clinton, a son. GOBS--In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, February 20, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Loik, a son, Leonard George. - MARRIAGES BRADY-ELLIK—In the Protest- ant Chapel, RCAF Station, Clinton, on Saturday, March 1, 1952, AW2 Dorothy M. Ellik, Medicine Hat., Alta., to Corp- oral T. E. Brady, Marmora, Ontario. FINNIGAN-DURNIN—In Dun- gannon United Church Parson- age by Rev. George Watt, Em- ily Grace Durnin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mc- Clure, Dungannon, to Herbert Richard Finnigan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Finnigan, Goderich. HEARD-ANDREWS—In Centralia United Church Manse, on Mon- day, March 3, 1952, Amy Alice Andrews, only daughter ofthe late Mr. and Mrs. Homer F. Andrews, by Rev. G. G. Burton, to John L. Heard, Clinton, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, John H. Heard, Bayfield, HOLLAND-OVERHOLT—In Vic- toria St. United Church, Gode- rich, by Rev. D. W. Williams, on' Saturday, March 1, 1952, Marjorie Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Overholt, Goderich, to Murray James Holland, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Holland, Goderich. LUND-ELDER—In Knox United Church parlors, London, on Saturday, March 1, 1952, Aud- rey Marion Elder, daughter of Mrs. Anna Madge Elder, for- merly of Hensall, and Erling Lund, son of Mrs. Lund, Copen- hagen, and the late William Lund. RIPLEY-WEISS—In St. Luke's Church, St. Thomas, on Satur- day, March 1, 1952, by Rev. H. Snell, Frances Freda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Weiss, Medicine Hat, Alta.,, to Arthur George Ripley, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ripley, St. Thomas. DEATHS CROSSON — At her home in Moosomin, Sask., on Thursday, February 28, 1952, Harriett Plewes, widow of the late 3. B., Crosson, in her 88th year. Funeral service in the Moos- omin funeral home on Satur- day afternoon, March 1. McBRIEN—In Goderich, on Wed- nesday, February 27, 1952, Elizabeth Jane Miller, widow of. William John McBrien, Hul- lett Township, in her 91st year. Funeral from St. Paul's Angli- can Church, Clinton, on Satur- day afternoon, March 1, to Clinton Cemetery. MacDONALD—In LaCrosse, Wis,. George K. MacDonald, former- ly of Bridgeport and Hayfield, in his 70th year. TOMS—In Port Dover, on Wed- nesday. February 27, 1952, John Morrison Toms, son of the late John and Eliza Toms, in his 64th year. Funeral service from the home of his brother, Mal- colm Toms, Bayfield, on Friday afternoon, February 29, to Bayfield Cemetery. Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Troyer wish to thank their relatives and friends for the lovely cards, flow- ers, treats and gifts sent to their daughter Sandra, while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Also special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Dr. Oakes and Dr. Addison, and nurs- ing staff who were so kind. 10-b I wish to thank all the nurses in Clinton Hospital, and Dr. Oakes, for their kindness in my recent illness; and friends and neighbours for the nice cards and -flowers. —WILLIS SWITZER. 10-p *-40-4-•-41.4-• NOTICE Beginning January 1952 my office will close Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday evenings. W. A. Oakes M.D. 50-tfb8 **-4-4-4-4-4-4-* 14* - - +4,-,-*-**-**-0-4-9-0-4-0-44-+-0-40-• 4.* * Clinton Plum ing Bathrooms Pressure Systems Sump Pumps Let Us Beautify Your Bathroom with STRAD Plastic Tile 24 colours to choose from See the Samples on display E. J. REYNOLDS Phone 577R—Clinton 40-4-4-171.4-0-••1N-0-•••-•-•-•-•-•#•-•-•-•• Robert' J. Scott, who has been a patient in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, has returned home: Mr. and Mrs.. Ed Stoltz and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stoltz were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. Weekend visitors with Mrs. William Jackson and Miss Marg- aret, were Dr. -and Mrs. J. E. Jackson, Orillia. Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Jardin and family, Clarksburg, visited the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan, Sunday. World Day of Prayer A large number of ladies of the community attended t h e World Day of Prayer in Knox Presbyterian Church. The theme of the meeting_ was "Christ Our Hope." The program was in five parts and was taken by Mrs. Fred Toll of the United Church on "Adoration"; Mrs. Frank Raithby of the Baptist Church, "Assurance"; Mrs. Thomas Hag- gitt of the Anglican Church, "In- tercission"; "Penitence" and "Ad- oration" by Mrs. Wellington Good of \Knox Presbyterian Church. Prayers were offered by Mrs. J. W. Graham, Mrs. Stanley John- ston, Mrs. Albert Campbell, Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell and Miss Minnie Collinson. The guest speaker was Mrs. W. T. Robison, who gave an impressive address on "The Sign of the Cross." Un- ion choir with Mrs.' J Honhou ion choir with Mrs. John Houston presiding at the organ, led in the singing of the hymns. Mrs. Gor- don McClinchey accompanied by Mrs. J. Craig sang as .a solo "Alone". The offering was re- ceived by Mrs. John Hallam and Miss Minnie Wagner. Mrs. Fred Toll offered the closing prayer. ROXY THEATRE cLIN—ro N Now Playing (March 6-8) The comedy sensation, "FRANCIS GOES TO THE RACES" with Donald O'Connor & Piper Laurie MON. TUE. WED. (March 10-12) Anthony Curtis, Piper Laurie and Everett Sloane As recklessly daring and as lad- en with adventure as an Arabian Night's tale comes this beautiful Technicolor drama "The Prince Who Was a Thief" THUR. FRI. SAT. (March 11-13) This feature will commence 7 pm "Saturday's Hero" The low-down on the "kept men" of college football and the story of one man who beat the racket. John Derek, Donna Reed, Alexander Knox, Sid. Blackmer Administratrix Clearing Auction Sale of FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED, Etc., of the Estate of the late William Leonard Youngblut, at Lot 34, Concession 11, Hullett Town- ship, 2 miles west of Londesboro, on Wednesday, March 12 at 12.30 noon sharp, including: CATTLE: 37 head,. including: Hereford x Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due time of sale; Durham heifer, 3 yrs. old, freshened 1 month, calf at foot; Hereford cow, 5 yrs. old, freshened 1 month, calf at foot; Hereford cow, 6 yrs. Old, freshened 1 month, calf at foot; Hereford cow, 8 yrs. old, fresh- ened 2 months, calf at foot; Here- ford x Durham cow, 8 yrs. old, freshened 3 months, calf at foot; Hereford x Durham heifer, 3 yrs. old, freshened 31/2 months, calf at foot; Hereford cow, 6 yrs. old, calf at foot, bred again; Durham cow, 8 yrs. Old, milking, calf at foot; 2 fat steers, rising 3 yrs. old; fat steer, 2 yrs. old; 5 fat heifers, 2 yrs. old; 5 steers, 2 yrs. old; 8 yearling steers and heifers. PIGS: Yorkshire sow due time, of sale; Yorkshire sow with litter; 9 pigs, approx. 160 lbs. POULTRY: 150 New Hampshire' X Rock hens, 1 yr. old. IMPLEMENTS: Fordson tractor with lights and starter; plow and cultivator attachment (all in A-1 condition); McCormick Deering 15-disc power drill (nearly new); McCormick Deering 11-disc drill; McCormick Deering 6 ft. cut mower; McCormick Deering 11 ft. rake; McCormick Deering manure spreader (A-1 condition); Deering binder, 7 ft. cut (A-1 condition); Mil'. hay loader; land roller; 4-section drag harrows; walking plow; New Century 2- furrow plow; New Ideal rubber tire wagon with gravel box and stock rack; 2,000 lb. scale; Clin- ton fanning mill; 1/4 h.p. electric motor; Anker Holt cream separ- ator; hay fork; buggy; 2 cutters; set of breeching harness; horse collars; forks; shovels, chains and numerous other articles. FEED 'and GRAIN: 12 ton of hay; 250 bus, of Clinton oats (suitable for seed); 500 bus. of mixed grain. FARM: At the same time and place, there will be offered fog sale, subject to reserve bid, if not sold previous to sale date, the farm (lot 34, con. 11,'Hullett Township) consisting of 100 acres, more or less of choice clay loam in an excellent state of cultiva- tion, on which is situated a 1% storey solid brick house; an "L" shaped barn being 40'x72' and 30'x50'; an implement shed 30'x .40'. The farm is equipped with hydro throughout the buildings. There is an ample water supply consisting of a spring creek and a never-failing artesion well from which water is piped fb-the house and barn. The farm is well lo- cated on a County Highway and is well fenced and drained. TERMS—CASH TERMS on FARM: Ten per cent of the purchase price down on date of sale and the balance in 30 days. Other conditions of sale will be read on sale date 'Or may be obtained from the undersigned solicitor prior to the date of sale. Elizabeth Isabel Youngblut, Administratrix F. Fingland, QC, Clinton, Ont., Solocitor for the Administratrix EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Coiquhoun, Clerk 8-9-10-b CONSTANCE George Hoggart and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoggart spent Mon- day in London. A play "Calm Yourself" will be held in Constance United Church Friday evening, March '7, at 8.3,0 p.m., presented by Caven Church YPU, Winthrop. Every- body welcome. Clearing Auction Sale Friday, March 28 1952, at one o'clock At the farm of 0. L. Switzer, Lot -32, concession 2, Tuckersmith Township. HORSES: 2 Clydesdale mares, forms filled out for registration; and harness. CATTLE: 18 registered Short- horn females and 3 bulls. Last T.B. test was on Aug. 12, 1951; also calves at foot. SHEEP: 2 purebred Leicester ram lambs ana 1 ewe with lambs. GEESE: 1 gander and goose IMPLEMENTS: All suitable re- quired for livestock farming, in- cluding 24-inch grain separator, silo filler, grinder 18x40, farm tractor. FURNITURE: Several dressers, tables, chairs, piano and trailer box. TERMS—CASH 0. L. SWITZER, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSO,N, Auctioneer Edwin Chesney, Clerk 10-11-12-13-b Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN, FEED, ETC. for James Chisholm, at Lot 10, L.R.W. Colborne Township, High- way 'No. 21, 5 miles north of Goderich, on Friday, March 14 at 1 p.m., including: HORSES: Registered Clydesdale mare, 10 yrs. old. CATTLE: 6 Hereford cows of choice quality; 12 head of year- ling cattle, mostly Herefords. PIGS, POULTRY, FEED and GRAIN. IMPLEMENTS: A full line, in- cluding a John Deere model B. tractor and plow; M.H. 12 ft. self propelled combine with pick up and 50 bus. bin and unloading grain blower. TERMS—CASH JAMES CHISHOLM, Proprietor EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Coiquhoun, Clerk 10-11-b MON., TUES., WED.— Cinecolor Rory Calhoun, Audrey Long and Virginia Grey One moment of tragedy threaten:a the lives of seven people who were caught amidst the astound ing adventure of a — "Miraculous Journey", THUR., FRI., SAT, Martha Vickers, Phillip Reed and William Farnura In Cinecolor comes a flaming page from American history set against , the panoramic grandeur of the West `Daughter of the West' • TUCKERSMITH . Miss Barbara Docking, Staffii, spent a few days last-week holi- daying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crich. Clearing Auction Sale of FARM IMPLEMENTS, FEED, GRAIN, and Household Effects, at Lot No. 9, Concession 12, Tuckersmith Township, 11/4 miles south and 2 1/4 miles east of Kippen, on Tuesday, March 11 at 1.30 p.m. sharp, the following: IMPLEMENTS: M.H. No. 101 Junior tractor with lights, start- er, PTO and wheel weights; trac- tor scuffler and bean puller at- tachment; 3-furrow M.H. tractor plow; M.H. tandem disc; M.H. 6 ft. Clipper combine, equipped with a four-cylinder Wisconsin auxiliary motor, pick up, grain bin and bagger; M.H. binder, \Q ft. cut; McCormick Deering 15- run double disc drill with power lift (nearly new); Cockshutt side delivery rake (nearly new); Cockshutt 1-way disc (nearly new); Cockshutt manure spread- er; Fleury Bissell 3-section spring tooth harrows; Fleury oat roller; Smalley grain blower with pipes; Frost & Wood 6 ft. cut mower; Chatham fanning mill with bag- ger; Viking cream separator; Ren- frew 2,000 lb. truck scale; Mof- fat electro-pail heater; 3-drunt% steel roller; 8 ft. stiff tooth cult- a ivator; 5-section drag harrows; rubber tire wagon with grain box and flat rack; 2-wheel trailer with grain box and stock rack; all steel stone boat; walking plow; single row scuffler; 30 ft. of blower pipe for threshing machine; 30 ft. jextension ladder; 1/2 h.p. electric motor; 1/4 h.p. electric motor; elec- tric fencer; Beatty brooder stove; emery; grind stone; bag truck; 12 ft. steel gate; colony house, 10'x12'; feed troughs; 180' of 1/2 " pipe; forks, shovels, chains and numerous other articles. FEED and GRAIN: Approx 250 bales of timothy hay; approx. 100 bales of clover hay; approx. 400 bus. of Clinton oats (suitable for seed); approx. 400 bus. of Ajax oats; approx. 200 bus. of Mont- calm barley; approx. 200 bus. of mixed grain; approx. 100 bus. of feed oats. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Num- erous household effect, including a Maxwell power lawn mower with 1 h.p. motor. TERMS—CASH No reserve as the farm is sold. FRED SLAVIN, Proprietor EDW. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer IL W. Coiquhoun, Clerk 10-b Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST — Phone 66W PARK THEATRE GODERICH—Nlione 1150 Now: "BRIGHT VICTORY" Peggy Dow in a new hit MON., TUES., WED. Doris Day — Ruth Roman and Dick Wesson With Gordon McRae and a host of talent in a unique musical drama based on the stars who entertain the troops "STARLIFT" THUR„ FRI., SAT. Fred MacMurraY, Dorothy McGuire and Howard Keel A plot full of fun, as a hasbeen Western star is resurrected for Television but yields to a substitute "Callaway Went Thataway" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Phone 47 Now; "LOVE NEST" with June Haver and William 14undigan Coming (March 17-19) In Tech- nicolor "I'LL GET BY" with June Haver Coining: "PIRATES OF CAPRI" Coming: "ELOPEMENT" with with Louis Hayward and Binnie Clifton Webb and Anne Francis Barnes esammournms See —to it that though you make a thousand and one mistakes concerning matters pertaining to this life and to things in time, that you are absolutely certain no mistake is being made for Eternity. Be In time for God's Salvation by taking now your place as a guilty, sinner' and accepting Christ as your only Saviour. Time is flying, the day of Grace may soon close, the door be "shut", your destiny fixed for Eternity BE SAVED IN TIME CHAS FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53—TUNE IN—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST -•-•-•÷4-64-4.40-410-404-40-4. 'Sep