HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-03-13, Page 3Taiseellanointe Items' • Sarah Bend:wait 1$ Mai e 4800 a month for .ht;' c.,utriliutioes •newspepero. Tim potato, intredu• ed into lilug lend in 100, was uot•cl as a sweetmeat; stewed in sack wino and sweeteild with sugar. A sonsatienal and harrowing ruiner is afloat that ident Oleveht d uses • 1.11 knife ter: notch at teble, In street car riding y4 u gm the conductor U eents. end the etenw the bottom gives you back 17 wets A inAn is, in genee't better el, And when he 'good (limier ripen hie table than • 'when his Wife talk* Greek. • .; L. ' ' • ,:,". -. .. , . ., ., It was A •Wic!!, ., .frishrian wno .liscov ered that horseradish was 40r, 4 on. • ough to have been Mimed 144 li•ite'r of a mule. T 441 W.1 NO AM 11 AT ES, FRIDAY MAR kla Om Lit Om, 'rho following is one of the most weetet,ful•tpeenis in Ne.„,r0 (aided, ill I hi. Bek isii lenguale:— be mass& oh de sheepfor Ditt, guard de slieePfel," bun, Look out in Cia gloeitierin' meadows ‘'i liar de feu; night rein Ian—, So he cal:ed t!) de Ifirin' sliepit'd --„, is my slieep„ is dey. ad come in 1 4 0' ! don, soya, do hre1i,i 0 i p I've( Dey's some. dey's black and thin, An' &nue dey's pu' or wedda's, • But de rest, dey's all b -ung 111, • • But de rest, dey's all brunt; in. , o • 4 Deu do 'nesse 6.4 de slUsepfon ILA guard de sheepfoli•hiii, Goes down in de gloonieriti) mes, W hare vie long night ram begin— So he le' d Avnde ba's oh de sheep: • for - . • . .- • !. '11a, what :1; motet/We 'I' ' • • ' rttitt • •Callire «of', ionie in,.totrie in, ' time, my child, is that in weion your Oallin' tail, coine in, come in, . pa conies home frete the ohn, 111%.hts,N, 4.1nant . ' ;[ben Un from de gloomerin' mead. Frenli ileutors say that dew niar-• .. ows, • 4•,........N ',: o• • • vi tied PeVi° the of °huh.", . i'"ugh ' TbrenAh, de,eor, might rale ave:win.' subject easily resist that widen eon- Ate through 4 gloomerw.voll.p4th, quers tei,41?..y oiles. • ' •Wha'r'de. :sleet fe!. pe in,' • A bur poetess says i '1 ve found • .Dey.pi 1..s'.sliepab ths.sheepfor • what silence is.' All riglir,,, darli-g; gey al,Lootie gaddepin: in, you may keep it. Perhaps you'll need Dey elleonie gadderlif ia.. it Novae (Lay, . . In Citeintiati the dirt is !aid tebe, ' . some ltoform. a foot debp on the sidewelk, and the ' . . General Wolseley isat .teetotaler .soil is so thick in the al: that it snows Tito throe liewEuglish..bieeops st.'3. black stuff. .1i :hearty supporters; of; the. •• Olin rch The qivii of Belgium is 'stupid 'and. Englanciaein.peraziea Society...;.• • " without grace. Her passion is far... ''Thefirst. woman's ..11glit 1.COnveili horses, nothing put horses. ,' And yet Jima was lield1a:1884.'•Irb• that year she is a iftleiin ' ' ... ! ., ' .the ..,first stones •svere iaid;. for" the , 'What is Nerve r asks an exchangefatty:dation of the Washington' Mona', Well, nerve is shown by a chap who mole. ., •is • .• • •,• .,• .. • • ' . .pops the question when his sweet- The vicar of a large parish in Lich: heart's little•brother is present, • • field diocese keeps apledge:book in the It is a belief of the Buddhist of Gey. vestky, and inva.riably invites the new: Ion that if ai4otrian behaves herself ly- Married • to sign .their names. property she will eventually beeeme,,a Miss Alger, ef•Bosion, says the, in man. Small temptation to virtue, her ekperience ttle'a.17visitor'-for . the that. • , Asseciated. Ohataties 4 she •• ands • .ini Mr. Casal, who suggests a f drumkness among the Italians; and the, ll'onie ee aged and delicate newspaper men, has ; ; probably tried a free Innen route and amongeren F IIt i.. e ' 1 , ,• 4 ••• • • ' ' • learned how barren it is. ..:" . Prohibtion sentiment. in, : Colin:ado ' At a woman's aufFeral,,,,e 'hail at Eng; .i.itical isenpposed to .bedead)•4•-and the po. .papers ..of the.,' State, dee not land it was:reported that art, htei'a- mention the : subjecl ; yet,. a-•rool of ture, politic and fashionwere.. tepre• of names 100 feet.long, i was present acute& and the dancing was .'unuanl ' ad,t0. the Legislator°. rgoentlyi,;.sigiti4 • • • • • to ' e• petition., for ,a,:•-C/onstitetionai • Amendment. prohibitingthe .sale -and What notito do for Ifealfh. manufacture of liquor. ei .: - • • 4 i• ' A corrifiponelea• thinks that the ' ' The Wmden'of the • Not ache 'State, health of fliti pdople Would re brearght Prison Writes be the Voice: --44-202 prisi up to a Letter conditien if they- were oilers recleived during • th3.• last four educated eat. cif' the St lewing'1411ileleff: Yoaaa416$„•are men • who drink, 107' The idea! fliateold /ate:ire healthy ',Claimed to ' have bebn drunle•iAvlien in winterAnd din -foe' t'' ''' '' ' '• 'crime -Wits emninitted". and 34 elai he I 0 . ro is 1111 vrinisurn- , . , • ,_,b „ r ' .' • • ' • ' :•• - to be teinperenn' .,:isiit.rorn• ,persciiial mer.. s • • observation).10.at least of the 24•4ard. That rain water is raore health. y than d bard watee. . ' • .. rihkieg Mea.4-.,• •• • • .. •. Othra—Ilt now tromminsi Voluiliii" .1144 incist nlctraoknay sticeni4. gist heti ;been achieved in med• ern medicine has been attained by the °mon treatment for catarrh. Out of 4,000 patients treated during. the part six inontlee hill ninety.per cent have 'been cured of this stubb .rn mal tidy. This is liont the len startling when;it 1. ren•Tilibtred that rot tire pet cent. of patients presenting them - helves to the regular prantitinners are lienefitted, while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never re cord a euro lit all. Startmg with the claim naw generally believed „bp the most scientitieonen that the Albe ease is due to this preironae of• hying Parasites in the lissite, 3. A& 1,1ix'on at. once,adapted his cure to their' exter- accanipliehed, he ilaiws the Catarrh is practically cured, eini•tbft-bkiTtlioney is unquestioned) hir'Lcuetits enttecl by him four years ago are cures still, No one else has ever r attertiptet to care Catarrh in this 'neither, :#»clneother taeatnacipti has twee' eltited'Catarrh.. then:I:410h tion of the reereliy•frrillin ple,'iintr6an be Arnie at home, and the present eettson of the•• vear is. the died : favoiv ablelor the' epesdy'and Permanent, ,eure.,I • The .rineotieity, ot4infeis.' bob* • at • one treatirient: • l'S'uffifi•nre should eoreespenU 4'Whit 'clears. 'k. trIX01•1 80N,, 805 Kihg street,west Torento,..Ganatia;'endl enclose' iitaan0 for .their-treatle enatareh; V4 treat Stara. NeV.. 17, 11882. • ' • 000Is•ADVIOE. . . • • • .! • .rf enr re.n.ters eicept'prefferid., adViee, they will always keep a bottle... if Efegyard's Oil on•liand for us4tn iner;',eimei.,44, • • such Las •, seatilk'wernilimeness" 'ortnii-.4:4611111-* bl.afife, euuihtistsi, sad all ••va...iiinies ofli4ISS,'11,111 7'n$ 'and: inflammations, it; will eA• be fciunii i Ihio''•'' , • t ' . Ifyon ‘'ant to do businefis ittlVertise. ' in Tis • ' • .7.' -• ''' , . • . • ;I:I'Dif.e forget the 'sink Cattle,),.,,•If.. • . you, want to find the Owner,' adrertise; ... thein in' Till.: '12Zurs .. . , • • . , ... ; -,,;,._.., . .,. .: . 1 l'art;ies. 'Intending to.lravel.will ;do „ Well,..ioi 'will ,on, 0., E Williams,.•"igen'. OanMein° Aau iiwy Wigam ' • - iada ..... , . ,.. n _h... ,.. ... While funeral .furnishinge dre wiu.t. ed•call•at 8 Grecey's. ;., Everything required for such.- occasions, -can be - ha.? at very area ionableprices.- 'Either - es attended to promptly aid neatly. ---.S.'•Grae.ey. undertaker,.. Win gliam; We would recommend .any person needing anything in either boots,4,hoes or liiiriiessIn call and seethe fine dip - •play •Buchanan. Bros are making: Tli4, y • ydeg..oli,. hand toe. finest and largest anoetrinet • of .ladies' trots, shoes, •s-i•ppers, &c,..in Winghain. The boys el•e• bund to be ahead. fastidiousness coupled;Ivith economy I., The womansuffrafie movementeliews That "rad roonia Inuit Ielleatect. Al marked „ ' eviden.ce. .of Proeress' in towe ld ather. , .' • A '. - ‘7.' . • . .. • , England:. A.: xecent lniseting i held. in' That the tilisc•Or.' .Of • PV9rIfteting Atanellester in suppo t of. the -granting ▪ scrubbing and soapsuds ie:compeestit5d,,ofaParliareentary franchise to •wertert, by the comfort of lucid lutervals., was presided over4.1t1r4.W. • Woodall,' . That a sik,reein mnstbe .hereseti- 11,2P,..4who stated that lie lad •reasoa tally closed..., ., . • .. •• . .",. !t0 believe that.,111.r.:i Gladstone was in. That it paya,i,o•save the feulealiefor 'favour'a the priomples•of. the Bill: the sake of Re warmth • ' A•lady ad vociating ,woman auffmge That • draughti ' are morbillc agen- reeently -breught•down,the•lionse with eies. • the followinge.argaiments,....says '' an , •• • , That cittarralie• firci due to low' tem ioxottogo:......4 "love no.,eote,. 'balmy giemehas. i...l. have a great respect Pr4tures' ' ' '''• ' '''. ...' .fer that man in.. the .stabltis, but .1 ain That even in •midsumineri children .sure if, I were to ffote...ifini andsay, must be sent to bed at siineet•Whim MI6 'Jelin„ Will ,you execise the ;franchise l' air begins to lei 0.'344111lb: ' he .would reply,' ' Theist"' mum; Which • . • • • That an itfb.r.dinilernap can do, any horse be that I" .barrin - • . . • . . net theanitary conditioneof . the . THEL.BEST athiBiistATIOJT Air can be improved by the WM:. of_,_„ • • i' ••••,•''', .t..". ' - • • • • carbolic acid. ., The . hest- .eouthination of biro !that there ie any benefit in ewallow. cleensieg, regulating,. -health giving ngjugfuls4'of nauseous sulphur water. .4rbs, roots and ;Parks -enter into .... 'That tostafter dinner can be short. ,Burcleck Blood Bitters —apurely vege- ened with itapunity: • . , table,remedy .that burns. •dezeasee of , That outdoor- recreation is a ,wasto the .bloo,k, liver:And. kidneys. ef time. 4 . • That athletic sports brutalize. the . •in Bast Saginaw' man presented • 4th:treater. • - • his intended bride wi Ur a forged deed ., rhat a moral' human being requires of 500,are of lead a few days 'before any, other stimulant than exercise i‘nd tbeir•marriage; • '• hesh air. • A school mistress at Yankee Springs, . That any plan of study can ,,,luslifY Alia., was '• disinissed' beemin she • the custom of ,etinting•taio children 10-- would 'not eat fat pork. • 'Teo much hleop.—[Lippiticotee liffigasin. •• • • style,' the•Pecipleseid. • ' 1 ,,. .4:-..ct.....-.....i . ' The latest among the fashienable 3.10•GU1t READEBS. : ladies of Pals' ir) to wear miniature . laeciscapea - painted on their 'Auger - t you suffer fro In leadache dui ' nails by Wonted artists. . l• ;km, beck eehe, bilto.esi?olo.30e botoors 'Single spring bed'., . 10 penis • a . of the blood, try Darned! Biood • nit. mght, with a cap of c.offee. •and a Yell iers. It is a gtutretibled:,eure.,' f)1 in the morning,' ifi the latest effort of irregularities of he blood, liver and a Bowery cheap ledging house. kidneys. •.'1, '• : • • • ' ,;••• ' '' : ' ,(`), h nb, he doeni antamoukin:moll,' ---•- :•• • ' . • Ahltta yobng lady" refereing, to a rath- If yon want to know. whore to, No or elfeminated•yonth." • "s•Vhy le 'Ala" liasinese to the best, advantage apst, &1I wears ehr^1111111r0.1. 7 V1Iad over earthily ourt0;ertising eel.' lilerietor Carrion has 4 UM elaini lo • eines and by ierdoitur,y:fin will. get (Lt.' Wm*, ,A, Ilog. With tCli legs ' bkleath. iluainted witlii erneepraeing.. butnnove • end tWO aboyes burly, and ten, e,ilg. *ea of the town, who know 1Y11 *Mier .Was both efv lir3titr one day t' ..to* ., owe thatadveettiebbfrpqa.' ' • Javesite iv .* , — • . . ' • AYER'S lair Vigor. resOres„ with the 'gloss •and .freebuovv• of youth; faded- or gray hair to a. natural, rich - • brown:color, or deep black, as may be desired: • •Bv its Mos light or red hair may be darkenod Dili. hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always,eured. ,'• It shooks .falling of the hair, and stile* ittee *weak and sickly growth to vigor, It • preventa and cures loud and dandruff,.sad heals. 'nearly every disease peauliar to the eealp. As Ladies' Hair Dresstue, Vtoon is unequalled; it Pont/tins neither OA 'nor dye, renders the•hr; e ;tit, glouy, ana • oaken in appearance, and imp. a &DO* agreeable, and !sating perfume. ,• '! • Mit;D:P. Ditionsa writes from.X5by,0.,, Jody 3, 13824 Lust fall my hair commen011 falling out, and In a short time I beanie .11bta't41%Z.lt ap.irfal. Dig of the Mir and started a new growth,. 1•Wytn°:dattnui"elblitilantgi3ditiaitiTIVILvri.gat use of ayout preparation I 'should have bowl ' entirely bale." •J.W. Downs, proprietor of the lfe4r1/014 (Ohio) rtiquirer, says : "Arta's HiaitVzoon 1. a most excellent preparation for hair. ' l'ipiak of it from my own experienee, ,its • use promotes the growth of new hair; and makes Is glossy and soft, The VIG011 is ales • a sore. is for dandruff. Not within iny knowledge has the preparation over failed to give entire satisfaction," • MIL ANGUS PAIIIMAIMX, leader of the selehritted " Fairbairu Family" of Seottish Vocalists, write, front. BOO" Las., Feb. 4, 1550: "Mar mince my hair began to give ail - very svidenbe of the •ehitiver *hick loath, time proeuroth, 1 have used AVIen't, IlAut Thum and to have been able to initilitain an appearance of youtlifulness..-a matter oil sonekletable consequence to ministers, orh• tons, adore, and 'in fact every One 'vrho hi the eye* of the public." Ilis.. 0. A. PlISICOTT, writing front 14 Ziat. ' A11., ChtrOtrbloren, Masi., April 14, 1{42, Says: " Two, years, ago about two-thirdil Of toy halt ScsI '°r0f7isilgt thallndnfiterisirtiattAr d s I1AIC• TIMM the filling stopped and a new growth ooneueneea, arena about a ntenth My heed ;Was obmpletely covered' with short heir.: 30 • ,f)) it,75r • AT THE 4 -deto,r CHOR 00G ' . • THE BLIZZARD IS NOW OVER 0 And we tope the BOOM will set in at, once, tn. *d• are Ready With an Immense Stock 'of rin New Designs, New Shades, New Price& n will pay intending purebitsess to aall and inspect our stock and get our pres. e invite special attention to our new display of Canadian .,ana rore:en Twteds, Worsteds and th• handsomest Pantings in the trade and all offered at Prie neVer before heard en A hie stinting:id to grow, and le monis good al before it fell, 1 rettilitly WM line one bOttl• 1 GORDON &MeINDOO ;Ii *5. UM how 1011 it 00asionally 0. • • • -I ni s 315 ,,IllatAi44IIII£411400XWOMMISTOIACilitahtilktiV (lifts Pl'aiste33,. Lo, 3 (fd11pfi4t, .ifittlijetie1031, Popepaa, Jaundice, al"reetios (f the ,fpiver and Kidneys, , 1:1#•gel4t,•114iis, Amon, Salt. ,2211euta, &rofules, 1.111)tski8, Md it kietutes arking from impute ineicid„ ..titheaved netlon, fthe Vri We hundreds 'of sitnilit teetimonlaie • .00 ib* *mato of Arnie* Mut WOOL MO • hut it trial 0 ileallialie this Wit 0010 , . . IiiIntaill. SF :;.• ' Dr;ii o.Ayerieco.oLowslliMOOS4 . iott 87 111 Oragenne4 1 1111111 III 11 111111 11 1 111 'Aed414".4 , •