HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-02-28, Page 8• Look At These VALUES At Johnson's Grocery VEL—(Large Size) 2 for 69c Stafford's CHERRY' PIE FILLER--20 oz. tin 37c TIP TOP CHOICE PEAS.-20 oz. tin 2 for 35c Ala-SWEET MARGARINE 2 lbs. 69c RAISINS (Seedless) 2 lbs. 45c SUPER SUDS with Plastic Apron All for 49c AJAX CLEANSER 2 for 25c CRISCO 38c HEAD LETTUCE "'2 for 23c CELERY STALKS 2 for 23c BANANAS (Firm and Ripe) 1 lb. 17c W. L. JOHNSON and SON Phone 286 Free Delivery Fashion Rune) &c?z:EG STERED:5L)70 CLINTON ZIEW$-RNPOAD PAGB EIGIIT a. Junior Farmers Lose Finals to Trowbridge *,. Badminton Club Holds Informal Tourney Clinton Batlinin,ten. Club held an informal club Mixed doubles tournament on the Town Hall courts Tuesday .evening, follow- ed by refreshments and a social evening. A draw wee made. by lot and play took place, the winners bee 410 Graham Jenkins and jeanne, Garen,. with John Levis and Elsie Kerr as runners-up,. Consolation was won by Charles Johnson and rifttriel. President PereY Brown made the presentation of suitable prizes to the winning team. P. 0. lVfo- CauleY and J,. t, goury were in charge of arrangements, assisted by. the ladies of the Club In serving refreshments. The Clinton Club plans a size,* able number of entries in trio vitation Tournament, sponsored jointly by the RCAF and Clinton Clubs in Recreation Centre, .RCAF Station, March 6-7+9. Trowbridge captured the group title in the Intermediate "C" WOAA playoffs in Clinton Lions Arena Friday evening last by de- feating Clinton Junior Farmers by a decisive score of 7-1, which gave them three games to Clin- ton's one in the best-of-five round. The spore at the end of the first period was 3-1 for Trow- bridge, and the winners went on to score two more in the second frame, and a pair In the third, Clinton was able to beat Brooks in the Trowbridge net but once, despite repeated threats. Halpenny and 'Smith accounted for two apiece of the winning goals, while Vines was credited with four assists. Cantelon was responsible for Clinton's lone marker. Clinton Junior Farmers: goal, M. Johnston; defence, T. Arkell, Graham; centre,- Arreetead; wings, Westbrooke, Little; subs, Cant- elon, Gibson, Johnston, Allan, G. Wise, .Andrews, R. Wise, K. Arkell. First Period Goals: Trowbridge, Halpenny (Vines) 1.25; Clinton, Cantelon (Wise) 1.40; Trowbridge, John- ston (Vines) 4.50; Trowbridge, Woods (Wilson) 7.15. Penalties: K. Arkell, Wise 2, Little. Second Period Goals: Trowbridge, Colquhoun, 3.30; Trowbridge, Smith (Vines) 10.20. Penalties: Halpenny. ‘11-11-1-1.4-4-11-4-4.4-40-4 4444-+ AT • OUR STORE Dial your favorite recipe. Mixes, mashes, whips, juices, etc. Saves time and arm-work. Has juicer attachment, two bowls. Merrill Radio-Electric Clinton Phone 313 4 Third Period Goals: Trowbridge, Halpenny, 4.15; Trowbridge, Smith (Vines) 18.55. Penalties: T. Arkell, K. Arkell, Westbroolte, Centralia 5—Colts 4 (At Ooderieli, Friday, Feb. 22) Clinton Colts: goal, Tideswell; defence, Colquhoun, May; centre, McEwan; wings, Edgar', Marshall; subs, Carter, Bartliff, Wilson, Strong, Holmes, Schoenhals. Referees; Gordon Muir and Ralph McFadden, Seaferth. • First Period l--Centralia, Smith (P. Ellis) 4.18 2—Clinton, Edgar (McEwan, Colquhoun) 7,44 3—Clinton, McEwan, 13.12 4.--Centralia, Vezina (R. Ellis) 14.17 5—Centralia, It, Ellis (Cunning- ham) 15.31 6—Centralia,. Vezina (Embury, R. Ellis) 16.44 Penalties: McEwan (tripping) 2.30; Bird (interference) 7.20; May (interference) 14.11. Second Period 7--Centralia, Vezina (Cunning- ham) 6.41 Penalties: Carter (boarding) 6.30; Parker (elbowing) 12.20; R. Ellis (slashing) 13.04; Cunning- ham (holding) 14,48; Boucher (boarding) 16.35. Third Period 8—Clinton, Edgar (McEwan, Carter) 8.50 9—Clinton, Edgar (McEwan) 9.53 Penalties: Carter (tripping) 2.06; Cunningham (interference) 3.09; Embury (boarding) 4.19; Wilson and Todd (roughing), Boucher and Carter (fighting), Bartliff and Cunningham (fighting) 9.38; Embury (charging) 12.34; Bart- liff (high stick) 15.46. Centralia 13—Colts 3 Pit Goderich, Monday, Feb. 25) First Period 1—Centralia, Vezina (R. Ellis) .21 2—Centralia, Franklin (R. Ellis) 14.14 3—Centralia--Bird (Wilberforce, Dibuck) 17.46 Penalties: Colquhouri (slashing) .44; Cunningham (tripping) 10.20; Colquhoun (tripping) 12.34. Second Period 4—Clinton, Marshall (McEwan) .35 5—Centralia, R. Ellis, 2.32 6—Clinton, Carter, 3.31 7—Centralia, Franklin (R. Ellis) 7.03 a—Centralia, Wilberforce (Di- buck, Bird) 11.40 9—Centralia, R. Ellis (Cunning- ham) 16.09 30—Centralia, R. Ellis (Cunning- ham, Vezina) 16.54 Penalties: Embury and Mar- shall (roughing) 4.57; Bartliff (high stick) 5.04; Bartliff (rough- ing) 15.42. Third Period 11—Centralia ' Embury, 7.23 12—Clinton, Marshall (McEwan, Edgar) 8.26 13—Centralia, Franklin (R. Ellis) 14.12 Canadian Plowmen Visit England (Continued Awn Page Seven) ter county matches more than the Canadian International. The manufacturers' exhibits could not compare with those seen at the. International four-day match. The banquet was not held until the day followieg the match, and we missed it, for we flew home the evening of the match to be in London the day of the King's funeral. Though by now you will have read the many accounts of the Knig's funeral, and perhaps even seen the newsreels of it, I can-- net lit this last letter close with* out offering a few personal ob- servations. For us, it was the most impressive sight of the tour, and may well be the most im- pressive sight we will ever see, We heard of the King's death as we stepped from our car to en- ter the Aberdeen-Angus sales at Perth. Later from our hotel window in Edinburgh we could see at least 12 flags flying at halfstaff, That afternoon we were in Edinburgh castle when the 56- gun salute was fired. By some wizardry known only to themselves, the 'officials at Ontario House reserved seats for us in a private hotel in Sussex Gardens, near Paddington Sta- tion. We had been warned to be at our vantage point by as near to 6 a,m, as possible. We left the Cumberland Hotel at Marble Arch, shortly after 6; we could see why. Thousands were already in position then, waiting patiently for the proces- sion that would not arrive for another four or five hours. Many had been there all night and one little woman froin Wales was in place 21 hours in advance. We shuddered in the pre-dawn chill, to see people, particularly wom- en and girls, not warmly clad, using newspapers as cushions on the wet curbs. We were in our places by 7 a.m. We had breakfast, watched the people on the street and list- ened to radio reports until a few minutes before the procession was due. Just before 11 we went out on to a spepially erected scaf- folding which gave us a perfect view. For hours' the crowd had re- mained most orderly. As the gun carriage bearing the coffin ap- proached, a hush descended. It was broken only by the sound of horses' hooves, walking men and military commands. As the gun carriage passed, all heads were bowed, there was not a flutter among the thousands lin- ing the street and buildings. In some sections, rows 50 deep were reported and many had brought their own, temporary ,benches, scaffolding and homemade mi., scopes. Shopkeepers had .taken the precaution of boarding up their windows, along the route,. Which at intersections Was solid- ly fenced with iron-pipe fixtures, It was an occasion never to be forgotten; one which should mew ynnot to the Commonwealth and: democratic nations. As the rear- of the procession moved away from us, one man turned and' said "Could that have happened enywhere but in London?"- .e40e4eWft, McE war 's I ..+++#4÷.44++4,+4_,::....._.-..t÷*++4+++44-.-.4-9-.-•-•- •-•-+ For WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN RODS VENETIAN BLINDS ACCESSORIES RUFFLETTE RODS RUFFLETTE TAPE and HOOKS CURTAIN RINGS and HOOKS • SHOWER CURTAIN RINGS Come to for K1TCNEN COMFORT AIL YEAR ROUND COMBINATIO N COAL or WOOD and , ELECTRIC RANGE Beautiful design; easy-to-clean, glist- ening porcelain finials. Enjoy the advantages of cooking with elect tricky " in hot weather — be coin., fortable with a cosy coal or wood fire in cold weather. Dependable electric oven with automatic control. Four Speedmaster elements that lift up for easy cleaning. Coal or wood firebox with two cooking holes keeps the kitchen svarm in winter and burns kitchen garbage at any time. SEE IT — COMPARE IT — AND YOU'LL CHOOSE 111 Complete: $342 SUTTER—PERDUE SUITS For SPRING Choose Your new Suit now from our large range of samples tail- ored for you by: ' Hobberlin 3 Fashion Craft v House of Stone ORDER NOW FOR EARLY SPRING DELIVERY Herman's Men's Wear BILTMORE HAl'S FORSYTH SHIRTS PHONE 224W CLINtoN •-• ,w44 **-04444 Township .of Hallett TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, MONDAY, MARCH 3, for Crushing and Hauling 14,000 cu. yds., more or less, on Township roads. All pit stripping included in contract. Work to start by June 1. Work must be to satisfaction of road superintendent. Three-quarter-ineh square screen to be used. Marked cheque for $200 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. LEN CALDWELL, Road Superintendent, Londesboro 9-b e Of Interest to Western Ontario Middlesex Seed Fair & Food Show 6 Western Fair Grounds, London Maich 4, 5 and 6, 1952 Open-9.00 a.m.-10.30 p.m.—Tuesday & Wednesday 9.00 a.m.-4.30 p.m.—Thursday The largest Seed Fair and display olit machinery and farm supplies and agricultural features of general interest in Ont. 9-b Don't Delay! If you have a bicycle that needs overhauling, get it in early. We have REPLACEMENT PARTS fdr CCM and can give good delivery on repair work. SP);1/4-0 Saaf, oir*atii* advoe: t P.t N PHONE 42 • CLINTON The store rettaint open Soturdoy oyetong until 10,30 p en. 411.4.+44.4. Duck in and grab this Bargain. '46 CHEVROLET STYLELINE SEDAN An exceptional car. ONLY $1,150.00 We're not piggish cm this one. A good car at a fair price. 1950 DODGE 4 Dr, DELUXE ONLY $1,750:00 Benefit Dance SPONSORED BY A GROUP OF FitigNps FOR ALFRED EV ANS Goderich Township Man. Town Hall, Sayfleid Friday, February 29 Popular Prices Lunch Served in. Basement EVERYBODY WELCOME; HELP A GOOD CAUSE! 0-b 14—Centralia, P. Ellis (Cunning- ham, R. Ellis) 14.46 15—Centralia, Franklin (Vezina, Embury) 36.32 16—Centralia, R. Ellis (Embury) 19.07 Penalties: R. Ellis (elbow) 7.53; Embury and Marshall (roughing) 10.28; Schoenhals and Boucher (holding) 13.54; May (elbow), R. Ellis (charging), Bartliff (ma- jor) 15.31, Referees: Higgins and Robert- son, London. SPRINGTIME SMILES! Support Your Colts BILL MARSHALL PICKETT and CAMPBELL MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR PHONE 25 — (Opposite the Theatre) — CLINTON Hockey Award MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Centralia Flyers 13—Clin'fon Colts 3 the outstanding player was FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Centralia Flyers 5—Clinton Colts 4 the outstanding player was MAI T EDGAR MILES OF SMILES MILES OF REAL: DRIVING COMFORT FOR YOU. DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS ON OUR "BETTER" USED CARS. DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET. We're not Horsing around, Look at this! 1947 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE Sedan. New two-tone paint. Mechanically perfect. ONLY $1,250.00 THESE ARE BARGAIN SAMPLES. OTHER DOLLAR SAVINGS FOR YOU IN LATE MODEL CHEVROLET, PONTIAC, FORD, AND OTHER MAKES. SURE, WE HAVE TRUCKS TOO, NEW CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE ON OUR LOT WAITING FOR YOU. Lorne Brown Motors Limited CHEVROLET—OLDSMOBILE—Sales itt Service Your Friendly General Motors Dealer ?HONE 367W .0 LION M.* FEJUWARY 28, 190* 114