HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-02-28, Page 7This is the last of a series ag weekly aeries written by John A. Carroll, assistant de- puty minister of agrlculture for Ontario and formerly aecretary, manager of -the Ontario Plow, men's Association, about' the visit of Canada's champion plowmen to the British Isles, Germany, Denmark and Swe- den. TUCKERSMITH aeaae-a-a•-•-ne-a-aaaannair• 'Ladies' Club Meets A meeting of 'Tuckersrnitb. Ladies' Cltib was' held at the home of Mrs, Warren,Gibbizigs with'19 easiteas and 15. Members ptesent. The meetings °penes' with the Opening Ode, felled by the Lord's Prayer. Two minutes' sil- ence Was Observed he memory of our late Kiiig George VL The secretaty's' and, treasurer's reports were given. The roll call was answered by "What' I like about farming. Mrs. Frank Walt- ers gave, a short talk on the work of the Hospital Auxiliary. The programme consisted of: Instrumental, Mrs. E, Crich; re- eitatibn, Mrs. M. Falconer; in- strumental, Mrs. F. MacGregor; contest, Mra. B. Garrett; reading, Mrs. W. Roberta, Mrs. E. O'Brien. A donation of $10 was made to St. John's Ambulance. Mrs. E. Whitmore gave a short talk on. her recent visit to Huron County Home. The meeting closed with song 56, followed- by Homemak- ers' Prayer. A pot-luck lunch was served by. the hostess and social committee. The March meeting is to be held at Mrs. Z. O'Brien's. The roll call to be answered by "An Irish Story." The lunch and. pro- gramme in charge of group 2. 11111111111111111111111111111111111 .44,40 otodept "WANK TEA. BAGS Latest Spring Styles in DRESSES SKIRTS SLACKS BLOUSES LINGERIE and HOSIERY HANDBAGS, etc. gaiXaratIo itxtria CLINTON and GODERICH Clinton Studio Hours: Tuesdays and Thursday 1.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Saturday Evenings 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. Telephone 401 Clinton or Goderich 5-btfb Enjoy ClinIon Monument Shop Open Every Friday atut by appointment Far further" information contact J.' Zapfe, corner' Gibbing: St and. Rattenbury St. E., , PHONE 103 C Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton — Exeter -- Seaforth 4•41-44-4-4-**4413-4^ rti *3 3 TRUCKS 1950 Chevrolet three-quarter-ton Stake .m.0.041•••••••••••.1.1.. There's Still Time to Hove Your Chimney Repaired or Built! BRICK — STONE — STUCCO — REPAIRS Chimneys Tuckpointed, Repaired and Built Faulty Drafts Corrected Brick Walls Tuckpointed, Repaired, Refaced Eire Walls Built and Repaired Stone Walls Tuckpointed and Repaired RURAL WORK A SPECIALTY Have that stable wall repaired and eliminate those drafts that affect the health' of your stock. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL CALLS! Monarch Mason Service CASH — TRADE TERMS OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Brussels Motors Huion County's Foremost Used Car Dealer Phone 73-X BRUSSELS *.r .0.10,INTOS ZIVW . IMPOItO .,AGE an* Vo4litot; 0/0 O. X40011.040, stxtka PRO .1'4040 OA L0041 '60 NO. 67 In The Air Force Nine tA ttwomen Graduate As Fighter Control Ops Two Radio Officers Graduate From ARO School CANADIAN PLOWMEN ABROAD by J. A. CARROLL funiorkGrapoiser Moe,* IOWAN PLOWMEN'S ASSO () CiATION Ng one in Canada was pulling more for a Canadian' ice hockey victory at the Winter Olympic Games in Oslo than the former raembets of the RCAF Flyers, who won the Olympic title for Canada in 194$ in Switzerland, To let the Mercurys knew this, men-fibers of the 1948 Canadian squad sent a cable to the Mere- urys, wishing them good luck, and letting them know that all members of the Flyers, and of the entire RCAF, were pulling-Ma-an Edmonton victory in Norway. Text of the message read: "Former member RCAF Fly- ers 1948 Winter Olympic champs and ail of RCAF pulling for Metes, Confident you will bring home Olympic title. Good luck and best wishes." The message was instigated by two one-time Flyers now serving at Air Force Headquarters, F/L Hubert Brooks, MC, Montreal and Sat. Pat Guzzo, Ottawa, Wish- ing they again were playing for Canada in the Olympics, they de- cided the next best thing was to make sure the Mercurys knew they had the Flyers pulling for them, They spoke to several other ea-Flyers in the Ottawa district, and the message was sent. Ten members of the 1948 Fly- ers are still in the RCAF. In addition to F/L litooks and Sgt. Guzzo they are F/S George Mc- Faua Ottawa, now at the RCAF's Fighter Wing its Britain; F/O Frank Dunster, Ottawa, at RCAF Station Suinmerside, PEI; F/O Louis Lecompte, Ottawa, at RCAF Station, Trenton; Sgt. Irving Tay- lor, Ottawa, at the Canadian Joint Staff, London, England; Sgt. Andy Gilpin, Montreal, at RCAF Detachment, Arnprior; Sgt. Ross King, Portage la Prairie, Man.,; at the Suffield, Alta. De- fence Research Beard Experi- mental Station; LAC O. Gravelle, Aylmer, P.Q., • at RCAF Station Rockeliffe, near Ottawa; and W/C Sandy Watson, Hamilton; now taking post-graduate studies at Harvard University. Roy Forbes, Portage la Prairie, Man., now is a lieutenant in- the Canadian Army and is stationed at Camp Borden. Other meMbers of the Flyers include George Mara, Murray Dowey and Wally Haider, all of Toronto; Ted Hibbard, Ab Ren- aud, Pete Liechnitz and Reg Schroeter, all of Ottawa; and Andre Laperriere, Montreal. The Flyers were undefeated in Olympie play, and ended the round-robin series in a tie with the Czech teem, with whom they had played a stereleaa draw. The Olympic title went to the Flyers, however, because of their super., for goal average, PLO J. R. Wood, Goderich, and P/0 E. H. G, Rowden, Chatham, were among personnel who grad- uated as 11/0 from NO, 1 AROS RCAF Station, Clinton Friday af- ternoon last The tee, o young officere new are on leave, prior to reporting to RCAF Station Greenwood, N.S. G/C E. A. D. Hutton, CD, Com. mending Officer, RCAF Station, Clinton, made the presentation of wings and heartily congratulated the graduates of the course. P/0 Wood is a native of Port Colborne, who moved to Goderich. in 1947 and wag employed in a bank there before joining the RCAF in March, 1951. Nine airWOMen'neMPleted.their atrataing as Fighter Cpiatrol. aapa Orators, atIWAV'Station, Clinton aid W/C B. ra, Miller, CD, 'of- *ex. coronlawAing Radar ,and COramunleatiGhs Senora, pre- aerated diplomas to The •graduaten land; R.. r. alattan, Vancouver; and two sisters, from Deer asland, N.B., Mary E. Eaton and Mabel R. Eaton. During their stay at Clinton, the airwomen have studied basic radio theory, 'radar otganization, radio telephone procedare, navi- gation, the operation of ground radar equipment and the function of operations rooms. They will leave Clinton to tint their theor- etical knowelenge to work in the field at units of Air Defence Command. Members of SROI On Training Visit To Montreal, Que. Members of Staff Radio Offic- er Instructors Course No. 3, No, 1 AROS, RCAF Station, Clinton, left today • by air from Centralia for Montreal to make a training visit to International Civil Avia•- filen Organization Headquarters and Montreal Atea, Traffic Con- trol Centre. In additien to the eight mem- bers of the course, the party in- cluded S/L W. L. Bunton, 0/C AROS, F/L e. G. Whittington, Officer in eharge of course; F/L D. Halcrow, and F/O C. .T. Traynor. fast—there was an inch of frost In the low, wet field they were using, Although they were full of confidence, both of them had trouble. On the day _of the match, an overnight snowfall had left two inches of snow on the sloping contest area, When I tell you that of the 66 tractors entered, 55 converted to steel before the match, you will appreciate that it was slippery. Norman plow- ed without steel grips. He plow- ed with confidence and put up a good crown. He had the bad luck to finish in a wet depression, but we were proud of his work and heard many complimentary remarks. He won the Overseas Class--open to non-residents of U.K, against plowmen from Holland, Switzerland and Norway who placed in that order behind him. There were many, favorable comments too, on Eugene's work; chiefly on the job he was making under difficulties. His land was sloping and slippery, The maser" for his downfall was twofold: his team and his skill. When he left here Norman still bore the scars of battle that he received when he went to Gene's aid. T he crowd impressed by Gene's per- formance swung around to watch him; the horses, unused to con- test work, took fright and be- came unmanageable. Norman went to Gene's assistance. When he attempted to lead the team, the horses reared on their hind legs and when they landed their front hooves, came so close to Norman that some in the crowd thought he had been hit. As it was, the horses' bits inflicted some nasty cuts and scratches about his hands, As it was a one-day event the match resembled. one of our bet- (Continued on Page Eight) Airwoman Norma aa. nett, 'Creston, B.C., was the honor .student and obtained a "Pass 'With Credit" mark 'of '32.a. 'Her 'classmates were: Airwoman T, N. Taylor, Schreiber; O. Dinytrye ,•shen, aritralna, Mana M. J. jam- ees, Regina; B. A. Lowe, Kimbere B.C.; S. P. Mackenzie, 'Wel- ;MIMMORMOMMIIIMIBRIMIE LONDON — It's rather lonely here in the largest city in the world. Four days ago I watched my two young conapanions of the past six weeks depart for Canada and home. By the time you read this they will have been back for more than a week, and I too shall be once again stand- ing on Canadian soil, trying to re-adjust' myself. And so I repeat it is lonely here. Though there is much for me to do and many government officials to see in this last week, I miss the banter and comments of Norman (Norman Tyndall, of Richmond Hill, Ont.) and Gene (Eugene Timbers of Milliken, Ont.). As I watched their plane dis- appear from view I could not but feel proud of them. They have been twoperfect unofficial am- bassadors for Canada, for Canad- ian agriculture, and for Canadian youth, It goes without saying they were ambassadors for Can- adian plowing. With them re- turned to Canada two silver cups, one in the possession of Gene and the other tucked in Norman's bags. But for a certain amount of misfortune that seemed to dog their footsteps at Belfast, they would have been taking more than two cups back. On the Practice day before the Northern Ireland International Match — held at Armagh, south of Bel- KITCHENER MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM APRIL 15th to 19th P Checkers Graduate R and C S Prices: Evenings Reserved' $1.50 - $2.00 - *2.50 Saturday Matinee- Only Reserved' $2,00, Child's nali Price A class of radar peaformanee 'checkers (air) graduated from No. 1 Radar and Communications School, RCAF Station, Clinton, IVionday. The' graduates left Clinton im- mediately for other RCAF units where they will be engaged in servicing airborne radar equip- ment. Aircraftsman W. P. Small, To- ronto, the honor student. of this course, stood first- in his class with a "Distinguished Pass,' mark of 85.3. Others in the course were: Aircraftsrnen D. P. Miller, Upper Dyke Village; N.S.; C. A. Lathigee, Main-a-Dieu, N.S.; L. K. aloore, Cornwall; J. L. La- brecque, Hull; L. A. Hewton, Cal- gary; E. P. Taracinski, Windsor; R. R. Grist, .Welwyn, Sask.; and Airwomen B. A. Leopold; Van- couver;, H. J. Siulth, Swift Cur- rent, Sask.; and M. Matkowski, Chilliwack, B.C. S/L G. J. Bury, assistant Chief Instructor, R. and C. School, pre- sented diplomas to the graduates and congratulated them on the successful completian of their course. ) ICE CYCLES ROMBERG'S FoNk439 For tF,3 11,33 k• 6114Den' PRIM. INciertja •I*01 OF 1952 VOW ,11$4111011 "Mail Orders Accepted /Now" 9-10-b VALUES '1952 Pontiac Styleline Sedan, brand new 1951 Chevrolet Styleline deluxe Sedan .:illy-equipped 1951 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Coach, less than 8;000 miles 1950 Chevrolet deluxe Fleetline Sedan 19,50 Pontiac deluxe Styleline Sedan 1950 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Coach 1949 'Chevrolet Styleline Coach 1949 Oldsmobile Fleetline Sedan, fully- equipped 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1949 Meteor Sedan 1946 Monarch Sedan 1942 Chevrolet Sedan, in good condition 1941 Dodge Coach 1941 Pontiac' Sedan 1940 'Plymouth Sedan 1938 'Ford 'Coach, re-built motor 1938 Plymouth Coach "313,..11.-3110 011P," xs 3' 1.1 %.5 PERMANENTS $5 up CHAPMANS' BEAUTY - SPECIALTY SHOPPE Phone 357 Clinton SPECIAL Here's the 1939 1939 DODGE SEDAN, re-conditioned motor . . $300 1937 TORD COACH $150 '51 Super Pioneer A LIGHT ONE-MAN SAW WITH A HEAVWEIGHT'S POWER Chrome Chain AUTOMATIC CLUTCH ancing Home and Building REPAIRS 34 31 ti 6 THIS Saturday Night And Every Saturday Night EXETER LEGION HALL . Benny 4odfellow And His Londonaires Admission /Se Dancing 9-12 5-6-7-also 8-9-10-b .4a•-ea-e-aser-eare-6-4-ra-eare-4344-4-404 14 PROMPT DELIVERY of New Pontiacs • and New Chevrolets ":31.3&rAr xs Light Enough For Profit- , Building One-Man Operation in Heavy Logging A '51 SUPER PIONEER or SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW will help you solve your wood-nutting . problems. Sold and Serviced by 5 ti -10-4139-4-e-e.4-4-44-9 4 44-33.4-4, RS ROBERT W. COLE Clinton Ontario Phone 386 SEAFORTH -- P.O. Box 69 45-46-p-47btfb 4,-.4-4-4*-43-4-334-3-i.-4-4-.43-4, *43* 4,-4.43.* +43+4-4o4-4 a7abtfb elioa of? the ncle rfed By Roe Roe Farms Service wept ww4 THIS LITTER IS NEVER SATISFIED, DOG* THEY ALWAYS SEEM TO BE HUNGRY. / • BUT I FED `THE SOW A 464 GOOD RATION MONTHS BEFORE FARROWING I ME A SOW'S MILK PLOW FALLS OFF JUST WHEN HER LITTER NEEDS INCREASED FOOD, SO YOU'VE 601TO SUPPLY THE EXTRA FOOD. 43 I WONDER DO YOU REALIZE JUST WHAT A STRAIN A LITTER OF THIS SIZE PUTS ON A"SOW. for f sf ringed gowth. and ea6y6eff-weanitiq, your ,mr 61..eci ROg- Ag ra ei6 M45// OR Ph4let AM, .aa 4a," a aaaaa' IT'S NATURAL, J I Mb THE SOWS MILK PAL1:5 OFF AFTER THREE 1►vEtk6,YOU 'KNOW. ,,,,t4'1744,44,/8:4:41;141:1111talivilliwir:1:1111111f41:111:11::11411:14111v17111- ,44114114"111-11.111417 asiiir-ffer. siiime. tar anorimupl_ lijair mr .....garosii. _tow .4r oi4, Oft, OH-NOWI GEE. THE IMPORTANCE OF PEEDIN6tkoe WONOtRWEAO rikom THE 3o WEEK ON, ,- ..,, ti., i THAT WAS GOOA, JIM* YOU FED THE. PIGS INSIDE THE SOW, NOW YOU'VE 6OT TO 'HELP PEED THEM OUTSIDE THE SOW. SHE HAS DONE MOST or HEJ JOB. H. Charletworth..,, CLINTON A, J. MUSTARD 13RUCPPIELV A \,\