HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-02-28, Page 5"THUIlSPAlt, FEBRUARY Alm CzofrON1 $EW$-1ECGRp News -Record Classified Adlets Bring! ,. LIVESTOCK WANTED 'Classified Rates `CASH RATE (If paid -ter 'Wednesday following date of in-• =certion) .Two eentrea, Word first dnsertien (minimum 50 cents); SSUb¢equent insertions 114 .cents a word. (tnininn'am 35 cents); 15 ',cents extra for box nurniber er 'for direction to •NEWS -1 CO Office, -IF CHARGED -15 penia extra. "P'VADIANE -12 noon, Wednes' :slay. • • (ACCOMMODATION for., Rent IN GODERICB, THREE ROOMS, unfurnished. ,Apply to Mrs. Go' ; ,don Reis, 19 Hincks St.. Gode- (rich. Phone 1478, Goderich. 9-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED ' .t'HREE OR FOUR ROOMS in or 41ear Clinton. Reliable tenanto. Phone Clinton 547W, 9- agF,r.r, TELEPHONE EIVIPLOYEE wishes to rent or lease two or three "bedroom house for two :year period. Write Ray Johnson, .180 Hale 'St., London, or phone 400, Clinton. . 9-p 1 . APPLES FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES. SPIES, 'Talus= Sweets, Greenings, Rus- taets, etc. Free delivery in Clin- tton. Phone Clinton 613r24. Fred sIVlcCiymont, Varna, 4-5-6-7-8-9-b ARTICLES FOR SALE 'Two SAP PANS, ALSO ABOUT :70 sap pails. H. .3, Trewartha, :Phone 901r21, 9-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE :1940 HUDSON SIX FOR SALE.. sG• o o d condition throughout. ;Phone 585, after 6 p.m. 9-10-p 19550 MORRIS COACH, lady own- er nor deal refused, Phone 4ter since new. .No reasonable of- sClinton: bus. 556W, res. 278W. 9-b BABY CHICKS 'WE ADVISE .YOU ASK US FOR "Bray' price list. and catalogue and aorder your dayold chicks in ad- •vance. For immediate shipment -they have started pullets and :started cockerels. Agent—Mrs. ..Alex Paterson, Brucefield. 9-b BABY SITTING FREE THERMOMETER Plus cash at your farm for .dead •or disabled horses or caws, Phone collect, Seaforth _655r2, Goderich 936r21. William Stone Sone, Limited. 43-thf MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CORN SALVE . for sure relief. Your Druggist sells Cress Wart Remover—leaves no scars. 3-b .ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If,,not, will pay fertilizer prices, If dead, phone at once, Phone, collect, Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rieh. Zbtfb ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at reduc- ed rates from, the licensed Grow- ing Co-operative Association from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Hereford, Beef and Dual Purpose Shorthorns. Bulls of top quality. Life membership $25. Members $5 per cow, Non- members $6 per cow, Waterlog Cattle Breeding Association, R.R. 1, Waterloo. For service contact Charles Brandon, Clinton. Phone i 633r5 before 10 a.m. PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 1211 and 212 in Hensall. Apply Albert Walff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb BIRTHS DALE ---In Clinton • public osp- ital, on Sunday, February 24, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin .Dale, R,R, 4, Clinton, a son, 1VWENARD--- In Clinton Publle Hospital, on Saturday, V'eb- ruary 23,. 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Maurene Menard, 28 Regina Rd,, Adastral Park, RCAF Sta- tion. Clinton, a daughter icol • SWITZER— In Clinton Public Mr, and Mrs. Fred Middletgn, last. hospital, on Tuesday, Feb- weekend. ruary 26, 1952, to Mr. • and Mr. and Mra. William Counter, Mrs, Merrill Switzer, R.R. 2, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Campbell, Bayfield, a daughter (Lillian and Robbie, Clinton, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Fred VINCENT--Irr Clinton; Public Middleton. Hospital, en Friday, February The Woman's Association of 22,. 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. St. James Church, Middleton, Norman, Vincent, R.R. 1, Lend- will meet at the home of Mrs, esboro, a son, McCullough on March. 5. There will be a quilt to be quilted. MARRIAGES will W. Cole Passes Randal Cole, London, was cal- led home °owing to the serious illness of his father, Robert CoIe;. who died Wednesday, February 27, in his 72nd year. Celebrates Birthday Miss Cathryn Wallis had a few little girls in to help her cele- brate her birthday on February 14. She was happy to receive a long distance call from her parents, who have been touring Florida and were then in Hou- ston, Texas. They left the Mexi- can border Saturday on their way home. S.S. 4 Community Club r t Balt and S.S. No. 4 Community Club met A ONE AND A HALF STOREY, t h C n at. the home of Mrs. A. Hebden five room house on main street for the February meeting, The in Blyth. Hardwood floors and president opened the meeting insulated throughout. Complete F b with the Lord's Prayer; minutes of with three-piece bath and fur- last meeting were read, Letters nace, Phone Blyth 72. 9-p of thanks were received from the Wilkins' family and Hospital Auxiliary. Roll call was answ- ered by 13 members. Plans were made for a bazaar to be held in the Council Chamber on April 19 A social evening is to be held in the School, Friday evening, Feb- ruary 29. March meeting is'to be held at the home of Mrs. H. Howard. Hostesses: Mrs. A. Hebden 'and Mrs. R. B. Thompson. Roll call is to be answered by the total of the numbers on your licence plate, Farm Forum Meets S.S.. No. 4 Farm Forum met' on Monday night at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. Ira Merrill. This was review night, and the mon- th's topics were reviewed on the radio discussion. There was a TWO STOREY SIX -ROOMED discussion on the National Poultry brick dwelling, double living Marketing Scheme, which is be - room, dining room and kitchen ing proposed at present, and downstairs; three bedrooms and which is to be voted on at a bath upstairs; garage; well locat- later date. 'RELIABLE BABY SITTER avail- ed; immediate possession. Apply It has been. learned that the able. Mrs. Lucy Bezzo, Matilda H. C. Lawson, Realtor, Bank resolution with regard to the w'St., phone Clinton 499R. 9-p Montreal Bldg., phone 251W. levying of taxes in urban and ^----+ c a..ce� rural municipalities, which was brought up in S.S. No. 4 Farm The undersigned auctioneers h Forum was brought before the GODERICH TOWNSHIP f +-• t Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton had a family xeuni n over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, F, 3. Middleton, Stratford, were at the parental one for the weekend. Pr, and Mrs. 3. E. Muliens, Te- rants, visited the tatter's parents, ADKINS - UPSHALL -- In St. Peter's Lutheran Church manse, Zurich, by Rev, E. W, Heimrieh, Grace Adeline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Upshall, Zur- ich, to Wilmer Adkins, son of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Adkins, Hensall. DEATHS COLE—In Clinton, on Wednes- day, February 27, 1952, Robert Binnington Cole, beloved hus- band of Catherine Sop h i a Hudie,in his 72ndyear. Fun- eral service fromh u c Funeral Home to Clin- ton Cemetery Fridayafter- noon, February 29, at two o'clock, COOK—At his home in Hensall, Thursday, February 21, 1952, Cornelius Cook, beloved hus- band of Minnie Hemphill. Fun- eral service from. Bonthron•fun- era). home, Hensall, to Exeter Cemetery, on Saturday after- noon, February 23. YOUNG—At her home in. God- erich, on Monday morning, February 25, 1952, Elizabeth Fisher, widow of the late John Young, in her 84th year. Fun- eral • service • from the family residence, Elgin Ave„ Goderich, to Colborne Cemetery, Wednes- day afternoon, February 27. TWO STOREY BRICK DWELL- ing, consisting of double living room, dining room, modern kit- chen; two-piece bath down; four bedrooms and three-piece bath, up. Hot water heating with oil burner. Ideal location. Apply H. C. Lawson, 'Realtor, Bank of Montreal Bldg., phone 251W. 6-tfb FIVE ROOM COTTAGE, three- piece bath, full basement, wood- shed, small barn, chicken house, and six lots set out in small fruit. A lovely home for the person who would like a summer in- tsggrien: r i the resihenre of her bnunif come from the properly., L. G. tier, Ars. se. At. 2orb, Gohericir, on Winter, Real Estate, Clinton. Phones: business 448, residence 5993. 8-tfb Xi httesbtt , �1'Ti'eb_ 27, 1552, 7lizubetll ;?Jttn3 +9Hiller, belaixeh ft,ffe of 1Pillinnt Jahn sic driest, flute±# t3lafuslifp, in Iver 91st t:ettr_ 4?F,uttcrul front Val( nab. Aute!! �t'Ifi,xtcrnl tomo, Qllitttau, on „$aturi nq itfeernaan,,5tarrli 1 - AUCTION SALE Of 65 DURHAM and HOLSTEIN CATTLE; 70 YORK PIGS; REAL ESTATE and Miscellaneous Articles BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ARE YOU THINKING of build- ing a home. A number of fine :lots for. sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, residence 5993. % 7-btfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PiANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R. ' 43tfb 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE" with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; all work guaranteed., E. C. Nickie, phone ;'3393. 20-21-ptfb been instructed to sell by Public Goderich Township Federation, Auction on Lot 22, Concession 12, and later has been forwarded to Hay Township, V/ miles west of Zurich, and a quarter mile north on Wednesday, March 5 `THRIVING BAKERY, Building, 1952, commencing at 1 o'clock Clinton p.m., sharp lousiness, trucks, will sell sepal.- LIVE STOCK: 1 Clyde mare, .ate or would be interested in good in every° way; 1 Clyde cola darn . trade. Other business trade 2 yrs. old; 12 Holstein cows in .'listed with me—restaurants, gas calf, 4 to freshen at tithe of sale; ,station, tourist camps. Leonard 11 Durham cows, all being heavy 4&. Winter. 38-b-tfb with calf; 4 steers, 2 yrs. old; 22 baby beefs; 5 Holstein heifers; 15 Durham yearlings; 1 pure bred 800 BARRED ROCK X RED Shorthorn bull, 10 months old. .FROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. pullets, three months old. They All cattle are fully T.B. tested 'Confidential information. Leon- are good healthy strong stock. and are in good condition. .Ord G. Winter, Real Estate, These pullets will begin to lay PIGS: Pure bred York hog, phones: business 448, residence about the time the price of eggs one yr. old; 10 York sows due 599J. 5-btfb goes up early this summer. Must in March and April; one York be sold by March first to make sow with litter at foot; 50 stocker room for a new lot of chicks. A pigs, 50 to 80 lbs. each. bargain at $1.10 each. Phone 33, Other Articles: Two -wheel F. W. Andrews, Clinton, , 8-9-b trailer with racks; Chatham fan- ning mill; Warner electric brciod- ST, ANDREW'S WA TO MEET er; McDeering 6 ft. mower; set of bob sleighs; Renfrew cream separator, used only three years; 1,200 -Ib. capacity platform scales; Fleury 8 -inch grinder; clover re - cleaner for any separator; 12 cords of beech body wood; cedar stakes and kindling wood. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 105 acres pasture farm, being Lot 7, Concession 13, Hay Township; 11/2 miles north of Dashwood. 65 acres are tillable and has been freshly seeded; 4 acres .bush. If not previously sold will be offer- ed subject to a reserved bid. Terms of Real Estate: Ten r cent on day of sale, balance in 30 days, In case of bad ' weather, sale will be held under cover, TERMS—CASH DELBERT GEIGER, Proprietor Alvin Weisser, Dashwood, and Jim McLean, Parkhill, Auctioneers Stacie and Weido, Clerks FARMS FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 1,500 READY -TO -LAY Pullets. High laying strain of Sussex x Red. George Stone, R.R. 1, Sea - forth. Phone 835r3. 9-p 'GRASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot 15, concession 5, Hullett. Thomas +Carbert, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone .Clinton 801r21, `or James Phelan, R.R. 2,'Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9. 13-155--ptbf ?CONSISTING OF 100 ACRES good clay loam, 40 acres fall ',plowed, five acres fall wheat, rbalancein hay and pasture. Hydro do barn and house. Two never - lolling wells. Good brick houe ,and bank barn with cement -stabling. One steel garage. One implement house. Situated five °miles from Seaforth, Lot 2, Con. -4, Hallett. For further particulars, "contact E. S. McBrien, Seaforth, 1phone Seaforth 845r3. 8-9-10-p FURNITURE REFINISHING dI'OR PIANO, FURNITURE, AND radio cabinet refinishing and repairing, see W, 'G. Pickett, I3ox 351, Clinton. :8-9-10-.p HELP WANTED ---(FEMALE •GENERAL HELP REQUIRED at ;the Commercial Hotel, $20 a :week with meals. 48-hour week, 9-b HOBBY SHOP 'BANE AND SCROLL SAWING. Woodworking. Reg. "Smith, high :Street, -9.10-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 'TEN PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. George Wise. Phone 905r22, Clinton. / 9-p YOUNG HOLSTEIN COW due to freshen first week 'in March. Carrying her third calf, 1lobert Welsh, R.R. 2, Hayfield, phone 9O6r22.- "8-9-4 SBVEIIA'L, PiiREII1tED a•01111µ shire gilts and boars, Nervine age (Loig bacon type). Also a 28.471 Case all steel thresher (like mew), roller bearing, on rubber, with Ebersol shredder and Mars tier grain thrower, 11, E. 1VIC- IV;iillan, R..11, 2, `Seaforth. Phone E44r4, $•gyp PROPERTY WANTED i<A.tri tY IVCGiXSE1t +7, `ivt OR six twit house ' in Cllritere Apply' 11th "C'r, Clinton News -Record, 9-b "TENDERS WANTED ttlItMRS `ith.,. l H 1tlaCLlVgl) Op to- Met& 10, 1052 :for 12 Cords' 5f hardWedd foe S.S, 3, Mullett. 1itplily to Kett. L.Thoi'ripsoh, See,- as., ' .1t , Setiforth, 9.b The WA of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Ed Gibson, on Thursday, March 4, at three o'clock. NOTICE Beginning January 1952 my office will close Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday evenings. W. A. Oakes M.D. 50-tfb8 4-0-44-•-•-•-411.. 4++.. taGitip Mowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE l+LORIST, --J. Phone 66W Clinton Plumbin Bathrooms Pressure Systems, Sump Pump*. L.et Us Beautify Your Bothrborn with STRAD Plastic File 24 aoleuti tt nhbose from See the samples on diapxay r 1. REYNOLDS Photo 577R- Clinton 9-b the Ontario, Parliament. During the recreation period games of crokinole and Lost Heir were played. Lunch was pro- vided by the ladies, The meet- ingnext week will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Thompson. IN MEMORIAM ROWCLIFFE--In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Perla Rowcliffe, who passed away one year ago, March 3, 1951. "Sweet are the memories, so silently kept; One we loved and never forget." —Ever remembered by Thelma, Carman, Wilma, Wanda and their families. 9-p CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING ' and CHIMNEY -BLOCKS. Built and Repaired BUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb POULTRY MEETING Bronchitis and Newcastle DR, W. R. DUNLOP: University of New Hampshire, N.H., U.S.A. DR. J. C. CROLLEY: Connaught Medical Laboratories, Toronto DR. ARTHUR FERGUSON: O.A.C., Guelph Each speaker will give you up-to-date information on vaccines and their - effect. All Farmers and Poultrymen Invited Bring the Ladies! Monday, March , 8.29 p.m. MONETTA MENARD'S, EXETER Compliments of: LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY LIMITED EXE 'ER,, ONT. PHONE Or 8 .+ .GE $11i ` uick Results ROXY THEATRE . PARK THEATRE C L Z N T O N 00JPF.1tICH `hone 1.150. Now Playing (Feb, 28-lvl[airh 11} "Now; "SATURDAY'S UMW" A$$OTT 4,COSTIELLO MEET TIME INVISIBLE MAN„ MON.. ''UES., WIXI. (March 3 5) Mickey, Rooney, Sally Forrest and William Dentarest Take a trip along fhe street of glamour and golden dreams' that leads to fame and fortune, with an occasional detour "THE .STRIP" --- A mystery with Music -- THURS., FRI., SAT, (March 6-8) "Francis .Goes to the Races" You .met Francis before, but you must see and hear him at the races. This is top-flight light entertainment for young and old. Donald O'Connor, -Piper Laurie &,Cecil Kellaway With "Francis" Coming (Mar, 10-12) "The Prince Who Was A Thief" with Anthony Curtis and Piper Laurie Administratrix Clearing Auction Sale of FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED, Etc., of the Estate of the late Wllliani Leonard Youngblut, at Lot 34, Concession W. Hullett Town- ship, 2 miles west of Londeaboro, on Wednesday, March 12 "at 12.30 noon sharp, including: CATTLE: 37 head. Cows are Herefords and Durilams, most all of which are freshened recently with calves at foot. Eight head of 2 and 3 yr. old fat steers and heifers of good marketable qual- ity; 8 yearling stocker steers and heifers. PIGS:- Yorkshire sow due time of sale; Yorkshire sow with litter; 9 pigs, approx. 160 lbs. POULTRY: 150 New Hampshire X Rock hens, 1 yr. old. IMPLEMENTS, Etc.: A full line of farm implements including a Fordson tractor with lights, start- er and power take -off; also a plow and cultivator attachment; McCormick Deering 15 -disc pow-, er drill. FEED and GRAIN: 12 ton 01 hay; 250 bus. of Clinton oatr (suitable for seed); 500 bus. of mixed grain, FARM: At the same time and place, there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, if not sold previous to sale date, the farm (lot 34, con, 11, Hullett Township) consisting of 100 acres, more or less of choice clay loam in an excellent state of cultiva- tion, on which is situated a 11 storey solid brick house; an "L" shaped barn being 40'x72' and 30'x50'; an implement shed 30'x 40'. The farm is equipped with hydro throughout the buildings. There is an ample water supply consisting of a spring creek and a never -failing artesion well from which water is piped lro the house and barn. The farm is well lo- cated on a County Highway and is well fenced and drained. TERMS—CASH TERMS on FARM: Ten per cent of the purchase price down on date of sale and the balance in 30 days, Other conditions of sale will be read on sale date or may be obtained from the undersigned solicitor prior to the date of sale. Elizabeth Isabel Youngblut, Administratrix F. Fingland, Q0, Clinton, Ont., Salocitor for the Administratrix EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, , Auctioneer S. W. Colquboun, Clerk 8 eaau�EOers --L S V(1`r✓Fi Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI CAPITAL THEATRE ocum Iivu --• 4 Rhone ; Nott'; " iiU1{1ITA. C RY' A AilhlEfilY" with .fol�t� Derek and Donna Reeds and "Snake River Desoeradoea'x MON., TUES.. WED. Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron, Nina Foch, Oscar Levant The new season's outstanding musical treat, in Technicolor, melodies by Gershwin, and all surrounded lay the magic of Paris in the spring 'An American in Paris' THUR., FRI., SAT. Peggy Dow—Nana Bryant and Art Kennedy The picture that came unherald- eci and set the critics raving, An appealing story of brave young hearts "Bright Victory" IMph1„ TUES., WED. Niallene Dietrich---Ja es. St m ewar?k and Glynnis Johns Unexcelled in east, direction and photography comes a .drama that - will hold you enthralled "No Highway in the Sky" THVRS„ FRI., SAT, June Haver -.- William Lundigart Frank Fay A romantic comedy about a bride who sets up a zany boarding,. house as a home for her G -I husband "Love Nest" Coming: "STARLIFT" in Techni-ICoining: "Miraculous Journey" color—Doris Day & Ruth Roman A story to remember nommoosememeassesemeassassaammememossosamsoommo See • —to it that though you snake a thousand and one mistakes concerning matters pertaining to this life and to things in time, that you are absolutely certain no mistake is being made for Eternity, • Be In time for God's Salvation by taking now your place as a guilty sinner and accepting Christ as your only Saviour, Time is flying, the day of Grace may soon close, the door be "shut", your destiny fixed for Eternity BE SAVED IN TIME CHAS FULLER, Box 123. Los Angeles, 53 TUNE IN—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST • +ice++-s+i+s Youth for Christ Saturday Night March 1, 8 p.m: BRINGS ' Rev. Ralph Hornby, London Pastor Mr. A. H. Weiner", Converted Jew, Pianist MEET US AT THE CLINTON COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM and Bring Your Friends and Neighbours -4-4* 4+ 1-►-r4+i- •44 - -*-P4+1.4 4-4++tH+41+-4 - Modern Plumbing Supplies Nor', is the time to com- plete your plans for that long -needed plumbing in- - stallation. Secure our esti- mate to -day! We carry nothing but the est quality plumbing sup- plies; you can depend ,on our guarantee, -- GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND — Hugh R. Hawkins Hardware, Plumbing and Heating Eavestroughing -- Sheet Metal Work -- Hecla Furnaces 1111111 110111110111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111101111111111111111(1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110011111101111 11111011111111111111111111I1111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111011111111! FIFTH ANNUAL SEED. FAIR Sponsored By HURON CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION to be held in the CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEG TATE INSTITUTE, CLINTON Friday and Saturday, March 7 $500.00 in Prizes Special Educational Displays on Reforestation Special Programmes Friday evening and 'Saturday afternoon Auction Sale of Ten -Bushel Lots -Saturday afternoon, Junior Seed Judging Competition Saturday morning ALL ENTRIES TO Be MADE AT THE AGRICULTURAL OFFICE, CLINTON" BEFORE TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1952 EVERYONE WELCOME ADMISSION FREE 9.40, 41 i111111hlii1011111111 1111;111111111!1111! 4111 !! .44 Iil(HIII0111(I01(11111(iIIIi(Il((HII►�II(!((111111fIt111Qll(11R11111(IIGIIIIIl1lI(I! 111111$1111011111111111111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111111111H1 (fluted (IOi((f1(i itl(III((N(11! 11111