HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-02-28, Page 4Huron St. Baptist Church Minister-REV.' J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.-Worship, "The Walk Shows the Life" 12,00 noon-Sunday School for all ages. 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service, "The Privilege" The Lord's Supper St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11,00 a.m.-Public Worship, Sermon Subject: "Timeless Truth" Children's Questionnaire; The members of the Seaforth Curling Club will be present in a body. The club will provide a, male quartette. 2.30 p,m.-Knox Church, Bay- field Everyone with a soul to develop is welcome. 40411110.416141.110104001.111 11111(110111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111 1101111111111111111111101111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111 111111111011111111111111M1 1111111111111111111111110 11111111111 0111 II 1111111111111R All Widths Available in 54" Lengths $4.50 to $6.65 All Widths Available in 72" Length% $5.50 to $8.00 Conte in and inspect these blinds to-dayr and see for yourself how you eau save on the +teat of 'Venetian Blindir for your home. BALL and HUTCH D. 04 DALL-1-1"hone 361-W Hardware and Furniture -- Funeral Directors PHONE 195 -- -- CLINTON J, METCH-4'hone 361-1 I Moore's Upholstering Phone 631r33 Clinton A full line of : FISH 200 lbs. Sweet Pork Ribs to choose from 2 lbs. .25 STANLEY'S Modern Meat Market BIRDSEYE FROSTED FOODS FRESH AND CURED MEATS Priced to Meet your Budget lb. .39 PORK LOIN ROASTS, either end. ..lb. .49 BONELESS DRESSED HAMS lb. .59 4-0- I 1 LB. FRESH SLICED PORK LIVER 1/2 LB. BREAKFAST BACON - only 49( Try this combination! ,....,...,-,..-..-...4 BONELESS ROLLED POT ROASTS- lovely lean beef lb. .67 REAL LEAN SLICED FRESH SIDE BACON lb. .39 HAMBURG STEAK lib. .59 SMOKED PICNIC HAMS, tenderized lb. .44 ALLSWEET MARGARINE 2 lbs. .65 BAKEASY SHORTENING, new formula lb. .27 Have one! Porterhouse Wing or T-Bone Modern Meat Market 0. J.' Stanley, Proprietor PHONE 76 CLINTON FRESH PICNIC HAMS Steaks or Roasts . . . . . . . lb. 77( We have Mrs. Tuiner's HORSE RADISH now with truly a genuine flavour. SPECIAL- ROASTING CHICKENS lb. . . .49 TUUR$PAY, FEBRUARY 28, .10.04 WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11 a.m.-Morning Worship "Deliverance" 11.20-Primary School 12.15-Church School 7.00 p.m.-Evening Praise "Strength and Beauty" "Come to the House of Prayer" 0-0-04-04-4 Sunday, March 2 ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR-REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, D.A., B.D. ORGANIST-MRS. E. WENDORF Personals Mrs. Thomas LOPPington spent Sunday last with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Leibold and family, R,R, 2, Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Easom, Jo- anne and Marlene, Auburn, vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Easom, Mr. and• Mrs. John Gibbings and family, Stratford, spent Sun- day with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Murphy, formerly of Stanley Township, have taken up residence in a "wartime" house in the southern part of Clinton, Mrs. H. D. Ball paid a short visit this week to her sister, Miss Ethel Barber, and to attend an TOPE lecture by Barbara Ward, the famous British economist and writer. Rev. R. M, P. Bulteel, rector of St. Paul's Anglican Church, returned Friday after spending a pleasant 18 _days' vacation in Southern United States, notably New Orleans, La., and )314)74, Miss, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Saund- ers and Miss Florence Rorke motored from Toronto and visit- ed their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. _Ouninghame and Mr. and Mrs. 12. E. fterkeifever the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Ross McEwari and Mr. and Mrs. George F. PI-Hatt returned Sunday after tak- ing a motor trip and spending an enjoyable holiday in Florida. They showed the beneficial ef- fects of their vacation, Mr, and. Mrs, T, G. Scrlbbins, with their two children, left Monday by train for New York, where they will board the Queen Mary, for England. They plan to remain there for abont . eight weeks. It is 14 years since they last were in England, and they Pa now, especially to visit Mr, Scribbins' rnother who is 90 years old. Illustrated Lecture On Switzerland Proves Popular Illustrated talk on branches of landscape gardening and planting of trees, shrubs and fruit, presented in St. Paul's Church Parish Hall, last week, was well attended. Apprexiznat-, ely 100 people enjoyed the ex- cellent narration of Frank Cough- lin, Downham Nurseries, Strath- roy. Winners of rose bushes given away at the show were: Mrs. W, Burton, Mrs, Fred Hudie, Mrs. George McLay, Mrs. Victor Roy, and Miss Sarah Simian, John Livermore was chairman of the meeting, Mrs. Frank Speaight provided music before the programme started, which was greatly appreciated, = Conveners directing the pro- gramme were; Mr's. C. V. Cooke and Mrs. J. M. Elliott. Proteeds from the evening go to help re- wire the church. 0 Ontario St. Girls' Hears Miss Marquis The regular meeting of the Girls' Club of Ontario St. Church was held at home of Miss Lucille Grant, with a large attendance of members and visitors present. Miss Dorothy Marquik was the guest speaker. She gave a very interesting talk on the Burns' Lake District of British Colum- bia, its resources and develop- ments in the last ten years and her experiences at the Mission Hospital there. Mrs. A. Glen Eagle and Miss Grant had charge of the devo- tional period. The program that followed consisted of a piano solo by Mrs. C. Radford; a humorous reading by Miss Grant and a solo by Mrs. Roy Wheeler. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction followed by a delicious lunch under the convenership of Mrs. Harry Plurnsteel and Mrs, Alvin Lobb. Ontario St. WA. Holds Successful Sale The W. A. of Ontario St. Uni- ted Church held a most success- ful Baking Sale in the Council Chambers Saturday afternoon, Mrs. J. Radford and Mrs. A. Glen Eagle were at the door to welcome the many buyers. t The four tables, laden with de- licious home baking, had many customers. In charge of these tables were Mrs. Milton Wiltse, Mrs. William Ross, Mrs, Annie Vernier, Mrs. Frank Lobb, Mrs. Donald Symons, Mrs. Fletcher Townsend, Mrs. Derwin Carter, Mrs. Fred Tyndall, Mrs. Norman Carter, Mrs. Wilbur Welsh, Mrs. Effie jarriieson, and Mrs. Ernest Radford,, Assisting in the kitchen were: Mrs. Lorne Brown, Mrs. Clifford Procter and Mrs. Norman Tyn- dall. 0-0-0 4-•-•-•44-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-444-04.4-0-1 RUBBER FOOTWEAR It's Time To Choose Protection Against WET FEET SEE OUR SELECTION OF RUBBER BOOTS OVER RUBBERS TOE RUBBERS or LACED BOOTS Aiken's LUGGAGE and SHOES Miss Clara Harrison Receives Jewel Pin Miss Clara Harrison, Past Wor- thy Mistress of the LOBO, re- eeived a jewel pia, Tuesdareven- ing, February 26, at the regular meeting of the Society,' in ap- preciation of her splendid work as Worthy Mistress for the, mast two years. A draw for a blanket will be made on May 27. Card party and dance will be held on February 29, Everyone is welcome. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, March 11. Ali members are asked to be present. ---Ya- Dedication Service For New Choir Gowns 11..0••••••(•••••••,, Dedication service to consec- rate new clic:4r gowns at Ontario Street United Church, was held last Sunday, February 24. The choir entered the church in the usual way, but instead of going immediately into the choir loft, they formed a single line around the loft facing the min- ister, Rev. A, G. Eagle. After the dedication service, the first hymn was announced, and during its singing, the 34 members of the choir filed into the choir loft. The new gowns supplied by the Church Choir, the WA and the church, are ecclesiastical purple, with white collars, shap- ed square at the back. The choir members wear soft mortarboard hats, Mrs, E. Wendorf, choir leader, wears a gown fashioned with simple tailored sleeves und- er a cape, which frees her from the usual full sleeves, with their habit of getting in the way while the organist is playing. These new gowns are kept in a trim new cupboard, provided by the Board of Stewards. They are numbered; the hats are numbered; and each choir, mem- ber has a number to correspond with his or her own gowns. ONTARIO ST. WA . The regular monthly meeting. of the Woman'S Association of Ontario Street Church will be held in the church parlours on Tuesday afternoon, March 4, at three o'clock. The programme will be in. charge of Mrs. B. J. Gibbings, and Mrs. I. Crich. St. James' Ward will serve. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrp, Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Evening Service 8.00 p.m.-Young People's Fire- side Hour Chancel Guild, Thurs., Feb. 28- home of Mrs. George McLay, 8 p.m. Guest speaker. Tuesday-Board of Management, at eight o'clock. Pentecostal Church Victoria St. K. L. SWEIGARD. Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service Friday, 7.30 p.m.-Young People's Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Gospel Hall Maple Street, one block east of Albert Street, north of Par-Knit 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 10.45 a.m.--Communion Service 8.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting- Speaker -Mr. John Martin; Mr. Martin is lecturing on the journeyings of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. Tuesday, 7.00 p.m. - Children's Meeting. 8,00 'encl.-Prayer Meet- ing and Bible Study. Come and Bring Your Friends All Your Sewing Needs can be Attended to at our Store Materials-Printed Nylon Printed pure Silks Printed Bembergs as well as every other type of material imaginable .4 4 k 4 4 Change of Business I wish to announce that I have disposed of my business property next the Jervis Block, Albert St., to Alan Galbraith, Bayfield and Hamil- ton, who will operate a radio and television repair shop and record bar. Best of luck to him! However, I desire to emphasize that I will continue to carry on my upholstering and furniture repair business at my residence, just south of the bridge over the Bayfield River, Highway 4, and solicit your continued patronage. Specials for- Feb. 28-29 March 1 CAMPBELL'S MUSHROOM SOUP 2 tins 35c FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON, 'A's tin 45c TREAT CHOICE PEACHES, 20 oz. 2 tins 45c DEL MAIZ CREAM CORN, 15 oz. 2 tins 31c I.G.A. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 48 oz. tin 25c KING CITRUS BLENDED JUICE, 48 oz. tin 25c FIVE ROSES' FLOUR---4's 49c GLEN VALLEY CREAM CORN-15 oz. ... 2 tins 25c GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. $ ALLSWEET MARGARINE lb. 35c 354 SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES-size 252's doz. 39c CELERY STALKS, Green 4's 2 for 21c HEAD LETTUCE-5's 2 for 23c MAPLE LEAF LARD lb. 15c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver To Make a Cake... Light oven; get out utensils and qngredients. Remove blocks arid toy autos from table. Grease pan, crack nuts. Measure 2 cups of flour; re- move Johnny's hands from flour; wash flour off him. Remeasure flour. Put flour, baking powder and salt in sifter. Get dustpan and brush up pieces of bowl Johnny krioeked on floor. Get another howl. Answer doorbell. Return to kitchen. Remove Johnny's hands from bowl. Wash Johnny. Answer phone, Return. Remove 1/4 inch salt from greased pan. Look for Johnny. Grease another pan. Answer telephone. Return to kitchen and find Johnny. Remove his hands from bowl. Take up greased pan and find layer of nut- shells in it. Head for Johnny who flees, knocking bowl off table. Wash kitchen floor, table, wall, dishes, Call BARTLIFF'S BAKERY. Lie down.•1! OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL- FROM OUR STORE ONLY- Your choice of any of our regular 40c cakes for 33c EACH SATURDAY DURING LENT HOT BUNS BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners sitvonvoote WESLEY-WILLIS WA The Woman's Association of Wesley-Willis United Church will meet in the church parlour, on Thursday afternoon, March 6, at three o'clock. 0 HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary will be held Monday afternoon, March 3, in the Council Chamber at three o'clock, firth Serifices 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.15 p.m.-Sunday School( 7.00 p.m,-Union Service in Wesley-Willis United Church TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.-Service of Worship 3.00 pan.--Sunday School Tenders - Wanted TENDERS will be received by the under- signed for the construction of a new public school, Clinton, Ontario, until 5 p.m., TUESDAY) MARCH 11, 1952 Plans and specifications are available from H. C. LAWSON, Secretary-Treasurer, Clinton Public School Board, Clinton, Ontario. (Signed) E3ARNETT AND RIEDER, 451 ,King St. West, Kitchener, Ontario 0101111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111 11M111M1111111111111M111111111111111 11111 11 fill 111 Ili 11111 1 at sensationally low prices All4teel Venetian Blinds to fit any window in your\ home Available in White or Ivory finish 'with matching tapes Superior Design, Construction and Performance Features: 1. Strong metal top with the trimmer design that conceals' mechanism, blocks dust. 2. Precision tilt mechanism operates easily and smoothly, self-adjusting tilter. 3, Exclusive "tubular action" tilting roller for more dependable operatien. 4. Automatic brake-action cord lock, holds blind securely and evenly at any height. 5. Easy to install brackets give secure installation to inside or outside of frame. 6. Flexible steel slats have a porcelain-like DuPont plastics finish. Easier to clean, 7. One-piece metal bottom rail with detachable clamps. No dust catching crevices, S. Keyhole cord device for easy removal of slats aiyhousecleaning time. 10x04 )4 L.926x64 ) 4 95 32x64 20x64) 2$x64) 34x64 ) 22x64 ) 30x64 ) 36x64 ) 3029x64 ) • 43x64 ) 87k64 ) 95 41x64 )6 5 24x64 ) Ball and Mu' tch Present The New Airlume Venetian Blinds M11111110111111111M11011 11111111 111111111111111111111 111 11114011111 111111 11 M 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111011 Zippers, Sewing Threads, Buttons, etc. Let us stort you on your Spring sewing .04-11-114-11-10-44-4+ Weekend Specials ALL WOOL CARDIGANS- Values to 8.75. A fine selection of colours in sizes 14 to 44. Special at only $4.95 SKIRTS- Just what you need for your new sweater. Values to 8.95 Special at $4.95 'each -A skirt and sweater will only cost you $9.90-- DRESSES We still have a few Dresses to offer you at only $8.95 and $5.95 Values run to $21.00. Look them over! IRWI N'S epch â Ifillflf~If 111iUfmllf 11111 01111 i1. 4 4 4 PAGE vault 044mo/I NEws-RECORD