HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-03-13, Page 2I .1111111100111. The lady af the fling', A STORY I'Ult'i'H14 NEW JAI Tula WIN:GRAN TIMES +'1 DA Y Al 13 , General , Dema dtc r �i saesr sig! taepoke,saa aterateallalla f se tot• repeat it. 1 lug cut hie resolve to leave Ito prim of will not bo frank with me I tihall' t4b Wok ,hiss; arll�, it ld,,still 1 whoa 4 , r , P 7 ;`0 all nt. l0 111 yl6" f has been l I r l i Priory t t t Sl ,,•., e that td utal ie ruined as't holt n s . e ' n ids1 t o •ala have i 1 batwing' ?` the Gr h l 1l I ha seen ► d u �>� giltr a tsflspr"ct n 1 s• t l he grand ' inot 3 rf n i t i o sample le ll i t ares t a e h► •' 1 Il did a e 1 a , i,ntti,& �¢fxow.,':asor�be to 1tn, � tut eP •� g l ,loci ;pare E, 1110 cleal!ngftli of the itttlttNx fui *ammo, ' ,K ? (,' �, ') to droit a nave abet tent Ron so wrong 1-..1441ttaAt'*1tat silent" fort atime-".til t i :the ni st indulgeiG.'af parents, and to but 'at last Ilia• suspicions impelled hint encourage him lathe blaekest ingratia to ask the question—',,lied do you to de,' licelly chink tlies. people are faithful Gould he• bo speekiu: of Gaspard ? serval► is r \Vas it pursible that the beautiful Ay, why should they not be ? 1 'Florence, instead of being the man's pay then, well ; and interests is the prisoner, wits his willing associate.'• only lily that really binds man to man But the General's last ,word's went nowaled eye far towards contradicting this suppot • Ernest thought of those at. Borne, Atkin. atld warmly • aeswered:,—'i sem happy 'Tbo.fellow is deed, and T •did not to slay that .l, do not agree with you; mean to be betrayed into speaking of that I , have always found affection a him'; abut if I etin discover these closer turd tumor !lane, than any wretched women, tasty shall not evade other.' lee as their vile, relative did. They General Darrel smiled satirically,have property of mine in their pcs- aud Iiia tones took, their old harshness, session ,, whichI will move heaven and 'Yt:u are quite right to think so as long earth to. recover.' Its yon eon. Our dreams are often He wiped great drops of perspirat ton from his sorehead, and arose, 'Mr. Stanhope• yon must ' excuse me, the sig;:1t ol; that ring has raised swell tor- turiug reoollectians;,tllat I rain only fit ,to be by myself.' Leoshe►• Asa two Bloom, good, !affect• ' He had reached the door; but cape *nest drew his hated over his bra w, and thf `vpmau went, away to fetch l k► t siSieteebreakftiek , .,Wen she re- , e e•„, ,ruede! a aflnostod.11ereagerly.• 'Dric ei, I cannot think that li lite ztlie talteii:' `he more 1. p&uddr f5 ver the vent of 111eb 'ni'ght, the inure I feel eottvinaad two' )'°efutttcet my roe •:• an4 Met wit the adventure). have bed desteribings <' 4,i tl, nor, as proof of it; you will' it C lira fie catlins the ewer I parried with nlcen' `'T'erhlips: Xotyte seamor :ell; •tell'• .me what:JtWee rikte'rsteiti Bridot, quiiely es, she; hanelealehiucean•e,.g;, and batter- AA' his, toast. . , .. • ;'Tail a i', Why',, like all;. ether wat-r jugs,1 suppose. Oh ! in -Dolor, do yeti retlg1 toile ; Ilemeinber that it was a 4 ,, jr ii:44 o4 alis.;: -*pink, with. a ertatakartiliepanited,wreath of a onvol- • coli `iiwiuiug up the handle.' ,$4'1;90110'.t • , a1y began !plena) it"again. when bDonee iI f .And stepping ; iitito the ocl'-!,Dont,= stie prod !oral tits jug intact. giire gt up,''•aricd�Er•nest-,�,[ r;iyt' x ilk -J.340, he, ;aadetl, .internally, 'tbougl� silenced 1 ago net . convinced. 4esOliing:x•iysre • lunged coat nrra rip bya disor ie,iyit.brcain, how is it that eemenlber.uothi,,g else? 'o shoo'r` offtuese puzzlins thou i , Q. write lite letter to his t4gther!, yTliis was ate • eaay ,taste. He ,could not disguise from her thathe spas far froin wen, and that he had not been leased with, his reception So lie corstent id himself with r teliiii her that she „might expect to see lain very shioril'y; ' when site sho,uld, tiro all his adventures from his own lips. 'T+'atikiede,ven with this alight exer do ,, he iras 'resume after it, when Ge reran ,,Dareels entered. He had beard from Bridget that 't`ie' young man was awake and sea:able.:oid lied• eons to•: congratulate Milieu his rtes eoverg. •This he done so politely that Ernest could uo.t help beta; impressed with the. boar LAC his gtl)t'gmaiily irearing.presented to his harsh; over- hearing. beaaviour on the alight of tlieir':tiret n)ee.iiig. • • yifie seemed anxio:asi to, have tins fc • • gettc-n. Ernest.'s 11 ti •ss; and the lee. t tat het eeviugs icu l uoufirru,•Q• .the relatien the; Genet: 1 ,u rudely doubted, Barr!, 1. disposed the teeter in his guest's favQ1.. Ue felt a h, toed of his •cosi • duct, auditietiued :.) admire the spirit ;with winch the yo.tng marl . reseuie'i it. . :tray don't ria , ifr. Stanhope ; I ase afraid you,are ,actin;.; imprudently I.eavie r • your b •d s"o saute ..fie you find that chair, 'sufficiently easy? . Thert is no couch here ; the .servants shall • bring you one n ' ;Not till S Lnclle aa,i 1 xidg;et hid•clotie this, mid, Ernest .psis a,.,nifortably cti !posed ep•ne it, w,)uld ,erte down .himself. Thee his•, eye glanced at the l.:rter.ou the.table. 'You ,h ..ve ,been writing 1 Of course' Jou Went this sent off Withall possibl• speed!, Sendie.shalI rule , with it .into the coin, Saddle tiie roan, Sandie, and 44 ,4 iiok 'Leek Here 1'—he field outhiseyatolle-aI.shall expect to see you ride oat of yon gate in five tui notes.' 'Deed, your honor,,' sail S t , ! e, tinnily but respectfully, 'it's no' pos- siblt'! , '«hat's that, sir?' said the General, irefully, 'Disobedience of crdeis•?' !,,NP, :IN sir. I. ken myduty better 1'll git ig awes' And do Inv heft ; hu I'm no but a puir body, tt,at's n1a so tithing teal was ; and I am hut mind. seg„ye, ind- seg.ye, General, that I cannot move • so gleety as •I once clid.' 'Go. go 1' cried his, 'Baster, waviee hint away ; and when fou are in tow„ if you see anything likely to &aura ee invalid's appetite, purchase its. Here is n)y. purge, As •13audie, with a mi Italy. x.tlut+' pieced up the purse, and left the, rootn, the Genera. turned to Ernest tvith en atiolog;etic smile. 'That artful fellow take many en "Ave, fare oter nu%, fie k><orvs that when lie ' mikes suet at;ltta.one, t laiir' p')werie s.' EPing t'ia.t the young man dict no nidestand' ilii, t ii added, ' What has lies i.ot told you, yet, that he one saved city lite, hi a skirtuieh, at 'h filename tisk-of his o,vn ? flan) tie E so very proud of the exploit. tll:tt y:'11 will h,, ttul'e' t ) hear the whole hist.,;•; of it ere long.' Ernest versrrlred to roniirk that th sum seemen to be alt origt,tal. '16-, and se is the .vnmini.eertr'+ft I halve; stud Yneksitire I;':ir,',rrd 1'd. another ; sand their rp) •site oharaeter4, iiatiu••t)lity, and their,je:4.ousy of et e ;t.n�:e;.!i},'.i, keep Vont faithful to ere: ple,4sauter than our waking realit- ies." 'Sir,' cried Ernest, forgetting Lis weakness, as ho raised himself to re. ply, 'you torget, tint 1 have a loving io.tate girls, who would taste. theinsely- eaine back to leave a checque on'the es if they fostered. such sorrho, such table.' •' e. - cu itemptible feelings. 1 cannotltear• -. `I had almost forgotten ; ' 1 • am hear auy.hing sail, that seems to calci apxiouss• to send your mother a sou- pareee their affection.' ' '1i'oelfeli boy 1 aro your ,opinions feu titled, like mule, on exnecie1tce ? Sit dawn. You are not in a fit state for argument. 1 have been to blame to talk to you so much. I will ling; venir of our eitrly friendship; and I !h should lake to ake her childrean seine l�ew. Year's gifts- But I am thorough ly unfired for it now, Yon will very enueli•Qblige .me if you will *rite in sly stead,. and oemnnlssion ,some Aub for Bridget,'' you eau &Ponri upon to select what - And theGereral, really concerned' ever ,you, think would best. please at the invalid's flushed face and quiv- theein,'.one before Ernest could lip, was ,tow co anxious to undo was g the mischief his speeches had oo i4sieen reply.. Luta gift so delecstely tea. ,•d, than Ertiost was conciliitted, in dered, it would be difficult to refuse ; apite of itiuuself; . end gave- hint his and lie spout a 'pl,'a;act half -hoar in hand at parting with considerable cog- writing to a fellow -clerks who, for di,ality. • .. • Lizzie Btaitliope s sak^,. would think • it Whatesould.havo roadie this•veteran no trouble to visit the sliopa Ernest soldier, graced as ittewas With 11ili specified, and proesive the articles no .ntlitary dignity ---hie valor ackno�v $elected. , • !edged on all sides—lits wealth seas!.. . General Darrel secluded him self; for in;; mint. to gratify . every • responsible the rest of the day. Sadie 'V enturert wish--wJiat, riga!, asked himseif, into his presence with a trey of re- freshments; but was driven away with aortia! Imes' mad, .him the•stQrn; ars- . crusiful man he now appeared to be ? n torrent of inweetives, the sound of hroom 1 uc beforelieeould arrive •at any The old Scltuhthe i :f soumewhich reacnvlidlin no wise satisfactory solution. of this question, tit, weariness overpowered hint, and disturbed: •by his master's wrathful he slept •agalm, long and soundly. speeches:; use had reconciled him, to •(lu the morrcw, General Uttrrel therm; but Ernest. as he listened anti paid !tint. -another visit,. -'and after'remeinberfid that the f rtilight in sap, essit,g; his pleasnrn at the evidentwhich his clenission had to be made .iinprove;uent in his guest's health; was r ipidly passing. aw.ay,. • wondered he entered. into a•long; and live y con- whether he too,sllould learn to endure ver>atiou with hint. sueh•storms of.,umerited • abuse.. Sle,•was evideutly pleasc►d as well as General Darrel seemed to tape -it for' s,srprised, to tied that Eruesi was, 110 granted thlat Ernest had no. seruples supe.fieial thinker, that he hid availed' �4bout ''remaining; •'••Whit would rhe hiiti.elf of the. 7 helps our vondg men say when he' beard that Er•ne.t, while nowenjoy, , to ►sad lnueh ayd \vr;ll sensible of his h st's innate goodness Tse j -t neresl was in ties midst of an of heart, revolted against the thought inter sting <leaurilitun of the acted. of a ►ife spent under the • sof of a man Of Lucke iw, ,vise he soddenly paused whose ebullitions of temper disgusted -sial ii. great .agitation, panted to the hon' - youuw in.an' band. •• • CHAPTER VI • entre riti: l Where did you net it r Er110acUorrosea 1e t' 1 1'ttl • 'It -was 5 , A gift ' ' • • , . . . 'Iudinf,d` 1 1'ro'tn•whom. I. domes a tsk"ihrotig h utero cut'i•r.§ity. I hive a r'sason, a 'very' powerful reason,' for tOe inquiry:' 'Yeti dori'c'soern to be mitre that it is urine'; 'that it has been a..,h irloo,.:,iti myfamily for an.re , ..an two centuries.': .Ernest briefly relate how it come in. t) h s' possession, and the ,General's interest increased, and hisbrow. dark erred. 'A id you do not knew the ntsntes of ales' women?, Yeti have no means o .rauing then? How nnfortuiiate•- now very ►tefortunate ! ',would give a neat deal to 'find out where they are, ..ir. Stanhope. In fact 1 must find out ,vIwrc they are,' • Ile posited hiss • chair away as he puke, and levee pecieg the room, in a state -of great »ers•ons ir.ritsitio.,, 'I think,' mist Ernest, 'you must hr 1 awing under some mistake. The ini- i�afr►ni whont•,I had that gift were of •dt'lioat.Ef and .:refined appoaranee, .1: an sure if yoo had "seen these, you would h. tee. hesitated to apply the team 'those women' to them.' • 'N enselises 1' replier! the General writhed . iy; 'they re elnsely connect',! wit'i one of the •bitesest scolnntlrels o0 the earth; agetnibler•- et rngce•-a litter tial nti Uttllclarlt)f vallen—a ►n in, gip, vita would hot ecrriple to rob ilia owe fisher.'.' Tamest 1./M now hear Lily glad thin '10 hal not told the angry General o' ay bell f tied., he hail seen Floret, • eel her mother in the Priory, His 1111. vtlinve f es to believe that these otos s esti ins c•,ttld be true' of eny one con mead with the ;gentle dents of the .n * induce 1 htnn to answer rd. little AN ATTLMPT no ,SOLVE THE Ml'8TE$Y. On the following morning, Ernest :considered himself sutliciently recover ed to leave his, apartments. .in fact, uis impatience rendered every hour spent within theni terrible irksome. lie was eager to inspect the -ruins, again ; to satisfy himself whether Bridget was right when she asserted G1 at his nee:urnid wanderings within their precincts were only imaginary ones.. He said nothing to her of his inteu- f titins. He eyes, whited., until the General—who still looked out of temper, and complained of headache ---bad paid hien a brief visit, and gene out for a solilt ry ride. Then, tolerably certain that both Sandie awe his _female comp ',Mon would be too bt'tisy to watch bis mew::neets, he quietly opened the rloor,,attd sallied forth. The corridor looked very' fauniliar as he simply paced its length. and he reached the do •r which, nulees he was gro.btiyneistaken, spelled into Malrnilux passage, without 0, comae, i.io ' any ens.- Ilis•heart began to beat ltiglt ' As by laid hie •!land on the. handle. It re- -'eisted his e,t'..rte, ant, to .his great inoitilicatio,t, he fatal, l that all turtle. ;rtieat'cli ii, tiles, auartor .was impos- sible, for the key had been turned, and taken nut ot''th'1oek. .. Whoae d do it this t .It was not •.l o seinen 1t';1s, Ernest. felt quite ertain,, Nor wary bo dispits d to` he. eve it was auoidoutat. But if ''Bela• • t thought in thus way to cheek Ins u:rr)sity. she had chosen a mistakable •i.ethe'lt for ho now felt more cou%'1tu eta than b•'fare that the woman had been •wilfully deceiving intim. warmly.• 'Is not this string •lauyttn„e to a lily to :t 1r isnot who is not here to 1 •f.nui himse'f ?' liar General frott t.ad gstvagely, tn9lce any remark upon iho car•. cumstalue .would, however, only put er o r her a't her gnarl, xi, be re:+olr' ed t:, take no tietiee wh'►tevcr of it, and seek c.c:,xe other Deana of carry. to ilia inhabited pate of the building, in 11131018ts, llu.apt+iteil. Shu (leer of the 'hall and 'The Ito ►'d best, Ritchie answered, 130 passed out.,- \Vit.hoot any trouble, hemel,,be lltee!11 ger. what thee won't like found his way to the pottage of .Richie for then pains T' moister don't like tits t ehermau, wile was laolung ovor 1 anyhody to *toddle lei' his concerns,. ► Rune fish he lied est caught, end se. lcctilig sone of the finest for the Geta or'al's table, of to pry into 'eiu ,wi'ot his loave. Ernest hesitated If this apparent 111yetel•y is an.affe it oi•the Generals; of ',1It' e,sugrattilate the young man I course !!,Baps cline with ion flut'I heartily ou hisQreeovery, 'lain mein cannotbt;liovo that he tolertites the seu'ee ,,hart,, (,Train,' Ye tl[nll c°°01presette of Pierre Gaspard on ]tis dont fm,' II4V.(' a gond spell ou the' domain, encl.' inn positive that it waa wstit„i' se'e' tl;w; it'll bring; the solar' with that scoundrel 1 wrestled th o back • into they wilily cheeks, o' thine.” . . Evilest thanked him for the interesa to a wide grin. 'Ay, ye no this; but he dis;played in Ids welfare. -"Wit e 111 lay 'ee n grout yo can't teal who did yon not .ell to see me, Ritchie ? rima ,ad *epee nasi" he weird, 'Yon might be :+,ry sure .ibis vas an admission that. thee 1 ehunhl Iiave suffers' tuyself to Ernest wits quick to notice. 'No, T be climatal to the preserver of my life.' („tinct, i„dueil, for' as yon are aware ltitcuie seratohi,d his head. 'Eh, I lust my senisus, 'Wee it you ?' well, I never thought about un, yen' limisie 'opened thu front of his shirt, see, or tnebhe 1 ntoi.„ ht, But 1 •clo,t'e. and showed just beneath his shoulder. • often go up to tit' big hoose. Sanna tliu ,il unheated wound,as if from c knife (tome d., ..foamit to feu til' • tae lt, for ne such es the pe0e0enlan woio. - likes a critek (a gossip) nows and theme, I 'My good fellow 1' ii rnei t.ex wlaiiei- and a whiat' of a pipe�;� and he won't I eel, starting forward and grasping the •smoke. i'the'loosts, The women. folk !,mart's me, 'Itt ,ft possinle that you won't let iii. I rec.ived tits in my defence? And '13ut you come sometimes, Ritchie. il spill you laic! ,tie in securing the Lrnest cta,reless1X replied.• 'You "le t' ,,,;oituclrel who has attacked us 1' z ioro•the other right, weren't you ?' I Y , uu„g; toaster,, Ii,ichfe ,tnswere•l Ritchie pricked up- his ears. 'Eli t I , ,;,, a ea .. '1. teL 'oe • Gaspard wont dunno waist ye mean 1' , trouble '.•e again. He didn't come off -eIuclt-ed t, 1,•poke plainly ehuugl,. ±se.,t free wheu he cligged his knife into You were at the Prv.ry the other, , ,,,y flesh,. dttiig un fee a .cowardly keg - night, wandering about with a tautens, wee 1 'lie's lett the island, an' he won't, in the ruins„'. • colae round again in a bur y. A3• for Deng it ! who told ye that?' asked`t'o,her things, if theo'rt as good heart: the fishertnan..tlirow•u off his guard. ' ed 11 coop ass I think these, thee']1 say `No••:ne. 1 -saw you myself.' I mailing ; for thee cant• do• no, good Eh, • then, said Ritchie, stooping . and tare ut�ght do thee more ]carni. down over, his basket ,—.eh, then, 'cid. than throe could undo.' uo. use g,•ainsaytug; ye, A m.n, will, Ernes, sat clown on a stone near the believe his own eyes, say w.,at Vt'e !cottage door, and.musad. Ile could wool, !sae that Michie, although he feigned to • 'Of course,' said Ernest, unable to Iie busy with Ilii, fish, was anxiously, repress a smile at his m tuner. ' lint ' wat,ihing tries. .you have not toad• me whet. ',oak- you ,'Fell iii he said at last, •w110 my into the ruins at so late- an loon'.' i i,nterfuremce would injure,' ' 'Did't the toaster tell 'in 'to'i x .tea ! 'What odds ?' was the a l:. other night. Bic''la's wide mouth . expanded in. this ?' Etiellle asked, wit,, m;i'i'wd:. qulroca iel)ly. 'But with this tit, young 1r,an upward glance at his nttt ► r,,gratur, I would not be snttsfied; and lie repeated, • eelo ; at present I,havE uUt iuention:' it ee 0. meetly that itiel,ie rutuctantly' eri the eircu:ustr►iice td. bite, Ut.ttor1t. 1 replied. .11.,iylie the smasher ; may be would rather hear you exp!. sualee i et' 'them.' it, than nee cluuiotu.,p on nith yutl,' I '13y 'them' you menu the ladies master. a wli.•ui 1 sand. ?—f;,3sparcl's prisoners, ede what ?:and iiitel ae nett 'ioutted' are they nut 1' teat y plaited. • I A loud ecpintino burst fron'i the 'Beek augeruig _the General, W11u111 I t fisherni[su':t ills. Tri -omens his (menet, he p thinl[n,g is ig dui crit of prisoner ? If be did'hut lay n fiug err nra.ay things that are ggui ggni about him.' •- ” : • • L, ti, dtlar 1 cr.ed Ritchie, .netting himself irrlta•,ly. - '1 with there was a law for>everybody to mind their own euu.•triis. ' 1ileru'e. laws anew for everything else'. - '13ut 1 choose to i:ousicle,• that ,isms in I wuuld not willingly ii,, anything to my cuLcert,• 1, Ernest urmly ret,Ited. • Sara•, helpless wolmet.' 'After Perrie • tGaspard's couduet to 'G'•/l bless 'ea 1' railed Itichle,' with :nae, 1•tiuu't.feel disposed to a:•ll,,lustily such warmth that Ernest was astonish down; aiid•kuow thet.suuh• a fellow. ie.. ed 'I kuowed .there was snme`good prow ling about the !louse 1 inhabit ; ! stuff in ye.'... perhaps tanning new plot., ut .s Muir I I 'Lira :ll,ichie, remPr ilt>r, I do not ant to be Use of the victims 1' !pledge • myself to anything. As• the *Theeneedn't Ritchie,orin .• thee brains � •General's guest and relative, 1 must, about, he'slid Remphatically, • !,take' hist, ,my. ,lira, , lensideration- '11' kin ws the weight o' i,sy .fist• too Peahaps you will (It well to warn. the well to touch'ee any more. You let ladies whom you take an i,iiterest ue alone, and he won,t !needle with in, that 1 have every reason to believe - 50' tthalII. the General is yettkber for thein, andAnn the ladiese-the, ladies I saw iu with no friendly mot 'yes,' . - the ruins ? Are they also safe from i Ernest had uo sooner isa.d this, thewn West Ernest eagerly ingiurud. • he began to a1s11 himself if be windlass Ritchie looked at hili - steadily. tided in uttering such a • evereetig-•-- 1VVhat ladies?' ' . whether he war not bets ung Gee, ral 'Pshlaw; liiteltie 1 let ue have no Darrel's. trust by so doingy1 aA.ncl yet inore foolish attempts to blind me,.0 as; the lovely lace of •1'lorence fleeted Bridget has already tried then), !ted on his mind's eye, how could. lie as: a• without success. I know .,s well as date wrong•doimg wi, h her fair and you do that in the night I was' taken oftntle lniftf e n 'ett.,.1 U smash ilio]' d.1 el I,' sat nest, ..after 'ariother lou;; tit of llln315 g ; ' 1'11. keep silencer fur another cloy, almost I detest each under hand measure; and I'll, think it ower and let you' know 1u” determinat- ion before 1' not. -for, heaven .knows, , r< IL I mitered the ruins, and sa* souse _ •persons who were there for reasons 1 . AN EXC.CI LLENT REPOR estates conlpyebend. 'Thee's been sick and off thee head Racine began, bat Ernest intrupted hist, - '.l: know that;, Don't trouble your; -elf td repeat the tale Bridget has told me already. :Answer foyquestion ' honestly, Are the ladies I saw ilia? nicht ,safe 'I damnsa nought itbout i,1 the fish: 0)'tutits cuiswnrecl, at•,liclly. ''That is, you still not know. You have been instructed hoer to answer me if I question you, Ritchie, 1 thought you an honest man, • 'An! so 1 be 1 cried Ritchie, sturdily; 'Au' if I street answer yo, it's }masa 1 can't an' I maunt. Dosu't 'eo be trio react y with 'et' tnngcurt ttty 1nd', ern' ke,p dieeself still ; for if tl: era's a..y sert'ets in t' otct Priory, there none o' thine ; x)111 tee'rt nobbut a fool to „ o meals thin ; wi•'em. - 'Very forcible langna a this, 'ecr, tainly; but the Advice, however good, t unnitot dike while I tee such a disposi: tioh to &wive ins. however, Ritchie as.I casntiut Blake you speak, alid you Hon. Jos. G. Goodridge, of Brook lyu, N N., writes ;--" 1 cannot express - myself in sufticteutly I risisevorthy terms of Burd,iek Blood Dittos which Piave r"end for the past two years with urea, rnefit, Obatinat.e Isk t deseases, humors of the blood, erup on and old sores are cured by Iiurdook Blood, l3itters whin purify and !agnate all 'the secretion* • Ocean, Lake- dr Railroad ticlkets•to anq part of the world can be obtaiuefk. from C. E. Wi'lliau'rs, Ticket Agent Winghatn. Intending. travellers will de well, to procure rates before perch: ,,!sing;elsewhere Special reductions in furntturir at S. Granny's. Having a lateen stock on . hada end wishing to reduee it I will give special r'dne,tionss for the beet, 20 chaos on all puroiiescia bf peer tail& tial! nlltl see my stock of bureau*, sid hoards, herlrasrn setts, lounges, safe, tttC,, Jee. -•-n h Git•1oltr.,