HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-03-13, Page 14
UUntton,.. Prim •et, 1{4><l<'
I tau Ktotte.r Vlllnet',.
VOLXIV. NO.11 t'11 ID A Y VVI A. i >, ; t.I x_.
Wit() tYt',1 •.i' N(
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•'1'TT, TrE
Ie published
MEYE/1 a D1011.4N
><.1R1+1rirERS, go. coLi01'tv1t$ tuft DANK, OF
1{A'aitW01i, lion inarionet4 jOr aaking a01ds,
114 t,r A4111011a. Priest,' tonne to lend in Straight
inns at lolesat at.. 1)si;¢e:•.KcntaMeek, Wing%
1 t 1 I niknG and ileal.^.
17.u 0 Stems. 4. 4. unto sox.
srlisI) ''W.1 is se 1•]v
Termite ot:8nbleriptlon. At,1r)1rT,):,v,
*1. 6, PER AEU* IN ADyANgt.: tt tiali154'Z11
» ,..
Terme of Advertlsins _.-•
4 _T
sPAtm, - l earsyear. your - LrHe. II F1'?')7:itikl', dt. VOTING,
_ I y'. 1 ?ry . la' r
—•-c• —_._ 01(151 i1,.;r-,'•, :=t'ItI 0.b,
♦rte Oolurga 0(SO 830 R10
*iso ht ` 438 813' Oleo, onrner s.,ttr: anti Atrlek bluets, Win ham
ane qr: "' ui 819 81u. • • , i 4 6
Osi•eighlh col.... •810 ( 4? 8
• 1),,,eTio,
ALEX. agnIUNE,3I 1'.t w, J. •'OU ro 31, D
EDWARDS & KERR, F. a: o, F. s, u, n o, r, e, obi
Editors and Publishers. — '"- " r'
1 IST.it, I OT T N S "T, I+abau Water* 241, 4,e.",ah ;,~,lily
3luiti1ayaohonlat 2,80 P. M.
MATH .s> RVICEs fa 11 A.
ednest(aycrening at 7:80. Bay.
pastor.. •
•,eco Ferguson 1(17 P'rl14 Vaiiti% Ga.
The Woefdy laaulat, o: 44rosu the county ,ltttl_,tr tliir<1 clam. i'terlc 225.
et Itaahrora utas. V3eialttlr , I ^''it= , l..eirur,x 231 f3T*llr. Iglel)T ni'i ' ?"11',
'.1".1 r.•, 1r .1d' smut 151. Alexander 31T:I1ai.
•Jtillios Love 110, 3r,rhe't .t1'sb;:at
• IWARN0651
lr"A1 Ineeting of the .i,azeboldera ail k: •,---Bebor, •'at.rl1/41,1: 11 3, j;.•W.
patrons of the Beane' cheese fiactiny 1,1 ,*",,:. ' 4;:, vii e"Kt.) „-19.fe; •. Ji:r l;rose
Plast W0,w1404 wises thesd a few day„ ..go Ziat;,1'a v k;lli":tlY '1
•It win's decfd 11 by a large majority s (, ; ':'''-"Y
continue operathof.e 1I.r the emir [, ,
Huuhmer no for0herly. 801u0 gentler... • '
volunteered to astrlveae:; th f various distil .t
,for more patrons: to replace what Yew rh.'a nX•v v . _ ::{ r , 140.1•‘•`•1.:4'. 't:':'I .; f '4res:;
`slid it snare convenient to patronize tl a T J^'1'r, 1-,a (:n 4;."":
new fee ory, p •:.pasetl to b.t? 49'n 4.1'411••'1.171t"t1E1+•'
Belll;!'ave. 1 x r•a i,,;. t.?0,1 e + , ,., ,.; . {,E.•.a Mit:;
is 1 ;f.'•..'.• r•r,r7 , 1 '';-r+1,.i
On Sabbath last the Sitcrarnent of ti
t't"3C17tlk; n91,1411.
Lord's rappel wasdispensed• ill (,idly. i 2tf'• r 1'. r1:-' Ai..-P.;,rAa 11--.r.K Qat :i, 8721inhla•
ry"" -,,I • rya The +r 104 ''.-111
1'S ,l' •szvro.: irn •„. a;rl is
rjOnn tri'
.. i ;,:7 i~± .i.V Presbyteria• (lintel' here. e weathr.. a
L. R. C. P., Ediotritgli, mold,.L. R. C. i3.,
Et 111,, t;cotllau4.
L1oeuelate of BTidwiffoi,y, ZIdinburgh,
And late of Hm pia,at for Diseases of
)It AED 7,P.Si Womo11, London, Ung.
Prayer -'mooting
1. DL'rit L, W1NGI1.Alt.
AMBAT'Ii'78ERVIOES AT 11 A,M. / D, 7, P. M.
'81m$4, yttehot.t at 2:80 p. m.Prayer. meeting;
' timothy .stoning at 7:34
Methodist. • • •,.
G. L. 0.% ll L L. L.».s
§ADBATH SERVIOES AT' 11 A. M. and 7 IP.: M. SU11 7.O., DENTZ T
Sunday Sohppl at' 2•80'p•. tn, Prayer 'meeting
edueaday:esulnip'g at 7:3o: Mev- O. 11. 1 u'ttlan, BonorGraduato and member of the 'loyal
arta~ College of Deutal Surgeons, Toronto visits
Odnr;Salinel, t. .
Sunday school, at 12:30 p.m. Prayer electing,
• dnesday evening at7 50. Rev. f11 rorty x,, poo•
- • Episcopal. .•
W'Ih 'Wenn d
ng ata every oc nes ay.
'Oflioe over Mcrndoo's store, nearly oppo-
site the Brunswick House, A11 work Brat
*lass, charges moderate, Gold ii Hugs a.
^u5 ax• i.v
1 un,
L. Sunday school in maexenei0'a hill atp2.30 p m
N . McCain, ,sato~,, I,. Wanted by the 'i o1ileipal Council of
• •
. Turuberry, 2,000 feet Rock Elm inch
thireh'el.the inrill Mart.. ' F. plank 14 fent lout;, fer;Gerumill's Bridge,
hold service ani Sunday, Mar g111, next at to be delivered at Geo.Nichol's. lot 1, con,
W. 10:399. iii. FATlcac; Wad?.Pried-. • 6. Sealed tenders will be received for the
ayer meeting, on a Vedneadayevenhlg et 7:30 lay.,,
• , above at the Clerks office on or before the
SOCIETIES &c• • » e.5 day of this month, to bo opened at Blue.
, , yale on the lath at 2 o'clock p en,
THOS. 1' QBTTI'Nl ,' Tp Clerk,
*.. • , t s ° 1A 'c w, C T Clerk'd:Qffider -arch •:1:- 8ii • ;...•w:
NIa81Yes..1N{• •ne. 1>RI, A, 4, „ p..
[• the i ii'o! the Moth, in their -halt, Rent
MNt10 4 Lodge, No. 110, I. eh 0:-
AL, clock intheir'Hall, Mason's Mock.
Mil rrs. CicsIlI. t Na 47, '0.'0.;.5.
'EL inetch month.' Visiting Patriarchs dordi-
Jy invited. • , -
Cart MiItind, ie. 15, t. 0. P.•
es oniugzl`in the month, in their Hall; Tomlin's
' tights Ledge, Ns. 180. L 0 0. w.
, the month. Lodge moue, Tafnlyn's Block,
lime :Cowell, les 10. Order elIhnds Friends.'
LL the month, in: theftHall, Ttuniyn'a Block.
JVJ. the month:,'-
lCs dsie .tenth Ile. 000 10141 Tesylare et taineraea.
FoSin 11ai lien alo'r 11$11:
Medaauiea' Gidlele.
• Beaver ]ileclt,: heading room open on Mondays,
Tuoetlayo, Weduesday1,'Thursdays and Fridays from
1 to 10 o'clock, p. b1., and on 8atatdays from 0 a. In.
isle p. ni. Library oven on Tuesday, and Friday
*settings from 7 to 8 o'clock and on Saturday alter-
awon from 8 ;o 4 o'clock.
Ay1FICE ,'HOURS FROMY ,L. M. 0'O 7 P. M.
P. Punts, Purtl0wter. .
Yews ' OM.
. 1! tr14 isidsl *ighl Fh ilwuotaie'ireoident.
Miles OHL
Maly* --1040 0. u. Dene r► --10:40 t g.
Ja lye. 810 p. or;,• Depot.- 7:10p, is,
Attie— 14:00 p,, 1s. Depare-- 8:00p,ro.
Anita -10:10 p. W'. 19epare—l''1s20 p. m.
%~sine leant* at 14:1N ieiis Tesadityr, Thttre4sys
ie0 ai.tarisys only,
luted 014111 N. 0. a 0.
Adsave-.• 4:50 ♦. is » b.peaM• 4:to a`at,
Attire* 7:46e. M.
Aretve-11 '19 e.,1 ,- ' impas►•Y11:1$ a. rp.
Jtelre» 2 5e. p, is.
Jertfo.,- 7:10 so la. Depar4.- T:4$ p. fire
Neem lambert at 8:54 Pew ltla•ediVe,111001y>•1
04 asieveo• SW,
Te --10i1114 l.. »bpsr4-• 1:49 ll el.
Y'iiw, i'Ptilt y, la iY.tpsFV« ! ■ y,.11l.
IL .T ,1,eJthemet
was all that could be desired and crt'r:,'- '1`4' 'i"+' 'jp? ' We rneau fu
queutiy the turn out of members oaf ; I
good. A very huge ~,umber of your.;,
people have at Shtit time hail their uati .•(. I e
added to the communion' roll. `Phi • ; iw%1r;11ft'!:'>Is3 ` New," '' ^
young 'congregation ;s prospering grentla i
under its earnest and justly popular pnotr.'r ; !i i„tr.0 fowl). t.• ,-).....-,o sr 'receives w sinal•
Rev. Mr. Aliberson. At the preparatory j r. 41'10
service on Saturday he was ably assists.I J.• The Blyth Advocate has moved .into
by Rev. Mr. Hartley,'of Bluevale, anil•w: ',•;''' , ::lisaeT• •. ' •
the other services by'Rev. Mr. McLean, u: ii Ti IS tile. skating rink in Clinton was
Blyth. 4 1 o eu Tuesday.
-plias is prevalent in the neighbor-
lr3CICSWATEIi. 1 11...:41 ,,, Y Dungannon at- present. '
The manyfriends of Mrs. Dr. Gillir •) la number of valuable horses have
1 .+' throughout the county lately.
will be happy to learn she is reeovorits 011cll and Kincardine will shortly
from her sans~* illness. 1 » , dome Rule for Ireland."
Rov 11 11, :Munroe has been from home d
Richard Miller, of St. Helens, h=,a
a few re be assisting 111 Baptist
aervigr' u.;t,tlpointed. slerk of West Wawanosif.
which are been held in the Baptist church •
Gerrie. - . ' .Ate vr..:'`lliaon, ot 13elgrave, is going for
Mr. Samuel McKee, cue of tho oldest a v ip to Glasgow, Scotland, in a few
residents ,.,e,, has been of thin'' mills~~ : rekN: ,
some time and it is doubtful •if •be'111 f, h
will 51-:•. 1lot:•ell, of Carlow, lately slaughter.
crecover as he is ratherady4nieed fn fears. ed 42 pigs. iu:•tllebhor6tinre of 21h011rs aulf
It is astoniehiur tilew dieta.nco from '1" utlnlites„ • '
whichgrists are hauied to'•tl e Teesswaterd r. H. Either, deputy reeve' of Stephen
steam. mills. , OnFriday •last,two- farmers will leave, to about couple of weeks,on a
from Within three or four u ilea' of ;-Tiver- three mouths trip to (ret okay.
ton drove through with (till loads; cud: en Ti.''lClinton Neag$xl.teo„rd says a Mau
[oiiday there wale ho hiss than'teu hams was' refused edtnissiiore toile t4katlng rink in
ivith'full ootids at the' mill gnito early in . tiea'orth beoause lie didn't wear a' collar.
the day, from Kincardine. • ." J2he total receipts for the township of
Sale of Stook.
Stanley for 1881 were 813,572.46, and the
Last Friday the' members of the -Bap- Y
' tist chureh with a number of friends total payments 013,292.89, leaying a
weeouv1 o sew a venina
r 't d t d the t the biliance of 0219.67.
Mn. E R BLACK has inetrucfions from
~lames Watson, the trustee, to Sell by.
PUBLIG AUCTION -en ,bloc at a rate on
the dollar on
Tuesday. 2t 1885
At 3 30 p.m at the premises lately
occupied by
Jogs Ai.'Grattam, /Revs and Tlaware
1Zareh,tut. Winijhatrl
the stock in trade and tools of the said
John afoGrattan, amounting es per inven
tory to
$750.00 ` •.' air. Andrew Henderson, - of the 4th con-
The semis, tools and inventory may be
seen on application to the Trustee at
Wi ngbam.
TERMS --One third cash, balance in
clays approved security
e peg
residence of Mr. W. Kirkby.. After par- At •a five mile skating race in the
taking of an excellent repast including a • Seaforth rink for 825 a side -between Thos.
. four story wedding cake, it being the Towu, of Seaforth, and B. Lee, of George-
anniVersary of Mr. and Mrs. Kirkby's' town, Lee wonwen) by three laps. Time
wedding -day, the friends retired to the 20 minutes.
parlor withers •the .evening. was snout in , According to the report of the Inspector
vocal and instrumental music, sp'eeohesr ''of aystums for 1884, 16 insane persons
and social chat, and on lenviug all present. ft int Huron were sent for commitment•
felt they had not only spent a pleasant The total admissions of insane persons
but profitable time together. A parting from this county, since the opening of tho
byrilu then being sung brought the uystums, was 328.
evening's enjoyment to a close. Happy
to meet sorry -to part.
eeesiou of MoKiliop, has been forty ;ears
a resident of the township and never had
>sws. ' liVavvanosh. any .part of .his person frost bitten until
Mr. Thomas Liuklater,.lot 43, concession this 'winter, when he had o1.e of his ears
13, has sold 50 acres -to •Mr.- Thomas slightly nipped• '
For further particulars apply to . Wa ger for the Hum os 02,90. •
ZAMLb WATSON, Trustee. The following•, report of S. "S: No. 8 is farm of Bobert Robiueiou, sou the 8th eon.
Or he 7 L MORTON, Barrieier,- Wingham ' based on punctuality, diligence and de. of Tuekersmith, coutafniug 50 acres, for
meaner,. and the names of those khn X2.400. Yt !H ail • cleared and there is a
obtained fifty per cent or, more of the ;cod barn on it. This place and
A Nile voyageur named Thomas
Corrigan. fretn Ottawa distrtot, while :
waiting for . is train at the station at.
Montreal, got scuffling with a OM -
rade. and falling on the platform
broke his ieg.. He was at once- taken
to the ncspital. -
Joseph - Armstrong and George,
PALA, the.a'.%v0 men_charged with.
brauglit before
Justioo Armour at the Guelph Assizes,'
and pleaded guilty, . Elia honor, after -
giving the piisoner$ lir sev'oe Motors.
$entei cad theta to foci eon year* each
in be penitentiary. -
Someone put ha flash of powder .into
the Oven of an laTlu8r d Htove 117 tlafdA
house oi' Mr; Not. Hall, :Danville.
Ti*O8day morning a domestic lighted a
fire in the r.tove, not knowing any..
the t.g :about the contents of that oven,
and span an explosion took place. The.
stove was blown to atoms. TbOront
windows were blow,. out, 'mrd very
considerable dnnamge done to the
ceiling and walls of the room, The
furniture wa much damaged, and the
rVant rpoeived a rather sev re Out
on n re of 1 Or alas, which was struck
by Ie. .fragutt H: of the stove.
Mr. James Cumming has purchased the
po• Bible number of narks, are arranged in Cumining's present farmand gives him a
order of merit: ' • • "^ rine farm of 150 acres. Mr. Robinson
Fifth'class.—Christy Robartsen, Thos.: intends going to British Columbia.
Henry. • • . - - . A, young boy named Johntson, a sou of
Fourth class.—J'ehn Anderson, Edith Yfr. itnbert :ander), of Seaforth, was
Henry, William leilly,, Maggie Posner- ilperat' d upon by one of the Seaforth
field, Bella McDonald, 4., 'tootors, assisted by a doctor from
Senior third Mass. -Wiliian: McBurney lirucedeld. 1 he r petatron we learn, ton-
Ja1ne•s Agnew, ,john Scott, Mary Agnew, :silted in cutti%ig into the bone behind the
William Bretz, ' , , ear, taking out part of the bone Ana put-
t a -tinier third•'class.—John Bono, Alexi,. .lug in a tube. The boy has had matter
Porterfield, Malcolm McLean, Charlie - running from the ear for years and
Mollurney. Allan Scott, Annie Anderson, repeatedly- been attacked with brain
Susie McCallum, Robert Scott, , 3Ldggie lyluptems and the medical sten in question
Stewart. decided that the operation was necessary
Second olass.t --Donald Robertson, Lottie 'uo save the bey's.life.
itchurney, Charlotte Towley, Iiieharc:. The Clinton ICTew Bra Says; -11A few
Reilly, P'ountafn Naylor. -, yearn ago when D. B. Strathy was in
Second Pert. Ihulay A.ndterson, busiuoes Hero he had with him a young
The following is the report of S. S. No. ,naw named John Digman, This person
9 for the month of Peibruary, These is how in business for llftasel! near Lon.
marks etre obtained for regular attendance, len, and it May interest our readers to
punctuality, iterfect recitations, and gond know that no has also gonb hitt) another
behavior:- ;speculation which may yet prove very
Fifth boa's*, --Sarah Peale 193; Maggio emunerativs. On a farm ,ha owns out•
Morrison 3$. .Ade of London, he has • planted 60,000
Fourth masa.-•-Willie Currie 250, Lizzie olgiolt 'walnuts, from seed,:ii,, of which
1'olteg 24111510411 :IIIoI)ouga11148, .ktc1111. are six and $even years old• Ile atttfoi•
Morrison 110, Carrie Love 96, ilsnry hate* that by the time they are twenty
f "! F. 0 Rogers, 'of tli ''3‘14
work* Nays the Ilevvfrls farmaere
Ned for salt so ving;'
Port Elgin Spring Sho,W. take* Al
'1;11"encle4 April 21a0,. Kincardine above
the 3294,14uot t'ata.:il q".11' its' ,'
Westford 1$ the nasus. 01: a new
oligo opeue i o^ the loa:I s:oreesli4al o
Cnlrrels, 11, If. rtiol IrMbl ,. heats atitbri.'' r
it i.1 said th.st 1i la ro{xrhienc ;,r Rltrn ed
Cala-la fcr ssrvh•,r: 1u. EtSyllt, iw 10i
number will be s lrt:t sif faun Ike l
tlrq.e iiattaiiuihi .
Ile Mel)owe)t I,rQtb.ers, of Bast ;111,f
nosh, have rented the 200 ,acro #arca *
was awned by the late Juane* }u14
ti26' per an• ulu:
4P"l(r. George Oampbell''of . A hkllielcl , it
sold his farm •oonsist1"o1 of '102 wires
William atrotlhors of Melrose. for 1/5,x100,,
ho, ends purobaeing a Sala ler age.
tone time. ago Mr, W. Miller, of mer
13th eon. of Hallett found himself eros
daily deprived of speech. Last week
returned as suddenly, and he hag resent
opted flow of oonvereatiou.
o'Ir. J. Bond,, druggist,' formerly of
Goderich, but who' ante engaged''h. tits'
drug bluenose at Galt ditring the ,plat
year, died suddenly of Heart disease last`
Mr, Jacob Happen, of Zurich, while
going home from the village a fee,dayie.
ago, had both of 1110 'hands frozen foe
suffering OIUMII from his llifafortuue, and'. ,
• has to be fed by a nurse.
The old McCartney homestead tan
11'111 Rood near Brucefheld, :haat 1 t
to Mr. John McKenzie for 4x,000: •
contains 75 aores,.and 1s ons of theQhdfcest6S
lo in the township. , ,1
A,meeting of the Eaeoptive Committees
of ,West and • North Huron . Teaeien"rt<
Associations was 'held ..m the Mod
school Clinton. There wore present I&i1 '
ere. Malloch, Turnbull and Loagh•,'Gl nton..•
Halls, MMoKillop , MoFauf, 8esforbb;'
Gregory, Exeter; and Groves, W1ni'ans-.
It. was decided,: that a. meeting aft,: s*Cii, t.
association should. be held.. in the' 3 ede1,:',j
sashed, •Clinton, in Thutedt►y* ,,Juno:l
next, • ant ;that a union meeting, z
tea.q.a ,@oo iiogb• he,? on •>FrfdtaY
Sa'urduy°, the ,19th and 20tH The fol
lowing are spine of the :subjects . to bel
discussed: — "Entrance:. Regulations ,"
"Local Inetitutious," "Non: Professionah•
Examinations for Third and Second Clow
Ti nebers," "Uniform CountyPromotibn,"'
"Changes ,in School Law," "Perepective
Drawing,!"and "Entrance Literature,"
Death has just taken fr6in nil cue of the
:,pioneers of Goderich township, in ill*
person of John MoDougell,:wbo died on
Thursday, February 28th, aged seventy
'fine years, one month and twee '
days. Deceased wait born in Scotian
Kittney Burn, Fortingalo, I'erthshlire,-ine
1806, Dec. Slat, and emigrated in Isis
direct to Goderich township, and reettleta
on lot 17, eon. 8, tea tainaoinet . 'there iso l
his death. He rnarrie in 2844 Anne
Chisholm, who, with. four sons and loin~.
daughters survive him, Deoeaseil Wt.0
one of a family of ulna—seven eon* sod
two daughters, ot whom two hrotheru,and '
two sisters are. still Jivhig, Archiballd:14a.
,Dougal, of Goathill, Stonaway, Basahire,,;
Scotland, Robert McDougal,, near Itiaa1 '
bourl;e, Australia; , Jfrti , John, Cian bend
Duukeld,' Perksbire, Scotland, and. 15'liIa
Catharine Mc1),Ugal, of DetreitOtiob
Deceased was of a retiring dispealtion,
and since coming to Canada has - beet:• s.
consistent member of the I" resbyteriahl
ohurs.h; He was a-ataunch Liberal: in
politics, was of kind and generous dioposi•
tion, and much esteemed in his neigh-
borhood. His sicknestl. was Very rnuclx
prolonged, having been f(fr several Whiten%
aillioted, with bronchitis of old &g*,`arid los
dial tranquilly, in the full fa.tk of la ri*eu'
Saviour.•-•1'ew' Era.
` years old they will be worth annel.lerabl4
Senior third class.- Zolau Wiilisarrrean lneinev,
A prominent Inilltary officer at
Kingston has received a latter infarin.
ins him that there Ilre'3t5AO P1FU1*i11t
at Buitalo drilling, with , view to
snaking a raid 0111 Canada . y
Thieve$ entere4 the
l'ritn.tive iiiothodist • ohurt l- l
night, expecting to find ;the collotten,
After brenkiu3 several hexeu they de.
parted without the boodle.
A Kingston, railroader who
helping 14 grocer to put "up st
while standing on a whielrev ha
blipped and plunged into live 1fitlYJro.•
Being larata hats he, Wal wooly.