HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-02-14, Page 7neth Langford and family, Wood- ham. Mrs. Audrey McAllenden, Montreal, is the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Sgt. Ivan Jervis and Mrs. Jervis. Sympathy Extended The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Stock in the recent passing of Mrs. Stock's sister, the late Mrs. Decker, Kitchener. Memorial -Service Rev. M. G. Newton conducted special memorial services in the HolmesvilIe 'United Church o n joyed to Irwin 's orchestra. 44.-** News of Holmesville Percy Proctor, Detroit, was the ! Sunday morning. With Mrs. W. recent guest- of Mr. and Mrs. P. Yea at the organ, the choir sang Palmer and family. f as the anthem "Peace, Perfect Mr. and Mrs: 'Robert IVIcIlwain, 'Peace," Goderich Township, visited Mrs.1 At the close of -Sunday School, J. B. MacMath on Friday. Rev. Mr. Newton showed pictures Mrs. E. J. Trew.artha. spent a of the Coronation of the', late few days with Mr: and Mrs, Ken- King George VI. Community . Club Meets Holmesville Community Club held a card party and dance in the school on Friday night, Feb- ruary 8. Winners at "500" were: high, Mrs. C. Sturdy and Charlie Wil- son, and low, Mrs, 0. Pocock and Harry Williams. At euchre, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bowden won the prizes for the most points and low went to Mrs. Edward Grigg and Lloyd Bond. Mrs, D. E. Glide don and her"- committee served lunch, and then dancing was en- 14-41444 4+4-*-44,4** 4-40-10+.4.4:4-.4-tr+444-4o-o-Hio-o++4-444-4.4-•-•-+ 444. Dancing • THIS Saturday Night And Every Saturday Night EXETER LEGION HALL Benny Goodfellow And His Londonaires Admission 75c Dancing 9.12 5-6-7-also 0-9-10-b 4444,41-4-4444-4-4-*-4 4444044 1,-* 44-0 .0 4,.4'-$-4-44-4'4-5-$-G4+ Enjoy 0/C .E. A. D. HUTTON, C.D., commanding officer, RCAF Station, Clinton, accompanies Air Commodore John A. Easton, 0.B.E., chief of armament at Air Force Headquarters, Ottawa, on an inspection of a graduation parade at RCAF Station, Clin- ton, Friday last. Air Commodore Easton presented diplomas to graduates of three courses at No. 1 AROS. --Clinton RCAF Photo RCAF. and OVA( .Veteran Tops Radio Ops Cottitie AFHQ Official Inspects Parade Airmen Very Helpful Says Lone Lady Grad Graduation exercises were held at No. I Radar end Communica- tions School', RCAF Station, Cline ton, on Friday, February 8, for Radio Operator, course and an Armament Systems Performance Checker course. The Radio Operators have suc- cessfully completed training in basic radio theory, the operation of radio transmitters and receiv- ers, typing, Morse-code and ra- dio telegraph procedure„ The graduates will- leave for duty at RCAF Communication centres across Canada. The honour student of the Radio Operator course was an Air Force and Army veteran, Acting Corporal Joyce Pratt, To- ronto. A/Cpl, Pratt previously served for four years with CWAC and the RCAF and spent one year in England with the 6 Group (RCAF) in Bomber Command. She re-enlisted in the RCAF In July, Other Radio Operators to grad- uate were airwomen: N. E. Bren- ton, Ft. Saskatchewan, Alta.; M. Hughes, -Sudbury; V. G. Gill- lege, St. Martins, (N.B.; Y. P. Udall, Toronto; H. 3. Shaw, Mont- real; .1.1. M. Graham, Moose Jaw; and Aircraftsmen: M. H. Harper, iN,S.; .E, Rim-ideate Riverhurst, Saske 4. A. McGrath, St, John's, Nfld.; or. T. Moece, Montreal. The Armament Systems Per- formance Checkers who graduate ed have completed only one phase of their training. Before they become fully qualified in their trade they must have additional, selected training at RCAF Sta- tion, Trenton. Those who com- pleted the portion of training at 1 R & CS on Friday were: Lead- ing Aircraftsrnan N. D, McDonald, Sudbury; a n d Aircraftsmerf: G. D. Swain, Medicine Hat; 3, B. Gibson, Mission City, B.C.; B. T. Johnson, Bralorne, B,C.; 1, R. Froom, Cloverdale, BC,; K. Saw- ayama, Vernon, B.C,; E. IL Du- hamel, New Westminster, B.C.; W. G. Mahan, Toronto; Re Down- ing, Leamington; W. C. McPhail, Calgary; H. R. Claassen, Winni- peg; •11,. E, Welber, Vancouver; F. W. Morton, Newmarket;, P. A. Drudge, Winnipeg. W/C B. G. Miller, CD, officer commending No. 1 'Radar and Ciminittpicatiohs School, rpreeent- ed diplomas -to -the Radio. Oper- ators and wished all the graduates continued success in their careers in the RCAF. • *-4044,444- News of Auburn Clinton Open Monument Shop Every Friday and by appointment For further information contact J. J. Zopfe, teorner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. PHONE 103 E., Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton — -Exeter — Seaforth -.......................—.........---...... ,,' ,r ;, Y ,P j ,, ,, ., , „ „ — F' ,. ! ! ., :, , .; , t , ,', Y j %, ,{ ,, u ., i ;.' ', • qi0 , . . A 1 116 le de 4 ' 1116 1AP la 1952 Pontiac Styleline Sedan, brand new 1951 Cheviolet Styleline deluxe Sedan fully-equipped 1951 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Coach, less than 8,000 miles 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan' 1950 Pontiac deluxe Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Styleline Coach 1949 Oldsmobile Fleetline Sedan, fully- equipped 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach, fully- equipped f$ '1941 Dodge Sedan 1941 Mercury Sedan 1940 Plymouth Coach 1940 DeSoto Sedan, completely re- conditioned 1940 Plymouth Sedan 1939 Plymouth Coach, completely re- conditicined 1937 Chevrolet Coach *-444o44-44o4-4444.44.- SPECIAL 1939 DODGE SEDAN, re-conditioned motor . ... $300 :i 4-0-044-1444.444-0444 -44-*444,4-414-*-44-44-4-44-4-0-0-0-.4- k 3 TRUCKS , f i 1950 Chevrolet three-quarter-ton Stake : $4 PROMPT ,d DELIVERY of New Pontiacs an New Chevrolets 4.4 4 , , ,4 3 4 4-4-4-* ( , Phone — 4-41.4 4 CASH — TRADE TERMS — OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Deafer 73-X BRUSSELS . • . • • . • . • • eeeeeeeee Mrs George Yungbiut is visit- ing he •son, Roy Mugford and Mrs. Mugford, Goderich. Miss Ruth Arthur, V.O.N., St. Thomas, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. J. Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Jethii Aitcheson, R.R. 2, Auburn, and, son. Rae, plan to move shortly to their new home located just north of Mitchell. Day of Mourning The village trustees have de- clared a day of mourning on Fri- day, Feb. 15, due to the King's funeral. The stores and school will be closed, Community Service A community memorial service will be held in St. Mark's Ang- lican Church Friday evening at, 4-44-4-14- 44-* -4r4F*-IF*,+*-4t••••+.**,-+.**.. STANLEY 4-40-44-,e•-•-•-e•-*--eeeeee44-4.easeeee.4 Community Club Meets The February meeting of Stan- ley Community Club was held at the home of Miss Billie Stewart, with Doris Cantelon presiding, and all other officers present. Sixteen members answered roll call, also four guests and three children were present. Collection for the day amounted to seven dollars. The business of the day was to donate $10 to the Home for the Blind, and to buy three new card tables. Readings by Mrs. Robert Glenn, and Miss Billie Stewart were en- joyed. The meeting closed with the benediction, followed by an excellent lunch. EXCHANGE OF TALENT SEAFORTH — An innovation was created at the High School when the first in an exchange of talent was held here with a musi- cal program being provided by the students of Exeter high school under the leadership of Harold Sturgis, principal a n d music teacher at the school. 7:30 and will be in charge of the local ministers. Purchases Farm Melvin Craig has purchased a farm from Charles Bosman, of 2nd concession of Morris. Mr. and Mrs, Craig and family are moving - to• their - farm, about the middle of March. Memorial Services Memorial services were held in all the local churches Sunday for King George VI. Eulogies of the King as ruler and man of God were sermon subjects. Favorite hymns of the King were sung, and, prayer of gratitude for his life and for the Queen and Royal Family were made. Successful Play The three-act.comedy,".Chintz Cottage," was -presented by Lon- desboro Young People Union in the Foresters Hall Friday night— The play was sponsored by the Ladies' Guild of St. Mark's Ang- lican Church. The rector, Rev, W. E. Bram- well was chairman. Between acts, solos were rendered by Mrs. Gor- don R. Taylor, accompanied by' Miss Margaret Jackson. 111111111111111111111111111111111 'fin @ ;Cg@ g Th@ Hcr ey Roe Farms Service Dept. CONTAItI5 NE WEST "GRoWTH FACTORS'' PREttY 600P FLOCK, EH, DOC? SOME CHICKS THOUGH, KEEP eliIRMN6 THEIR HEADS OM WELI.,1146 A CINCH THEY'RE NOT CHIRPING WITH JOY, JACK.THEY LOOK WEAK TO ME. MAYBE THWRE RIMY. BOT,JACK, A CHICK MUST BE AWE TO GET At IT BEFORE IT DOES ANYGOOP, LOOKS AS W THERE'S SOME 020WDIN6HERE IF CHICKS HAVE TO FIGHT FOR EATING SPACE, JACK, SOME OF THEM WILL G.0 HUNGRY AND YOUR FLOCK WILL SHOW SLOW AND UNEVEN GROWTH, *043"*" HOW CAN I AVOID THIS, DOC? HERE15 A SIMPLE WAY TO PROVIDE PROPER FEEDING SPACE, JACK. 116tIRE YOUR FEED HOPPERS At I INCH PER CHICK FOR Is.r3 WEE 2 INC,I1ESPERCHICK FRO/45TO WEEKS iNclits PER. CHICK AFTER 6 WEEKt HUNGRY, DOC YOU KNOW I NEVER STINT ON V1TAr000. 4 FOR A 5/‘E 5TART ANP5OLINIC6ROWTH irras ma 441 inso .1006.0.•• .1•6 • •.... d./114.6 i.•••• • H. Charleswort11 CLINTON A. i.t2itYlj?"‘RD I ,4" t TarespAy„ noyor . ea 14, 1052 opliwon nEWS4MCQAP :PAGE sgvAti RCAF . Station an dastral Park News Editor; r/o -0. 14 :1400xffigNII? station FRO Phone 403 Lopal O. 65 Idraned end :the. bugle band in attendance, was silent throughout the parade; the general salute for Air Conaroodere Easton took the 'form of a low rumbling from hieck-draped drums. "There is no need to tell you," :Air Commodore Easton continu- ed, "how important in the opera- tion of our air force good, rapid and accurate communication is. It could mean the, success or failure of communications in war time. You must now be stead- fast and diligent in giving, your best to your chosen career. It is one of service to your country. It requires the best you have and the just reward is within your- self in the knowledge of a job well done with little thought of the` cost." 1 , Memorial Parade Recreation .Centre at aliCAF Station,. Clinton, was the scene 'of ,a quiet but impressive grade Vatter), eereinemy on Friday after- noon last as the Air Radio Of- lieee School turned out another ePleas of radiq officers to help fill positions in the rapidly expand- ?big air force. The reviewing officer foe the occasion was Air Commodore -John A. Easton, OBE, chief of .armament at air force headquart- ers, who presented the graduates 'with their wings. The ceremony was conducted in accordance with the tradition 'for the "period of mourning" in -arecognition, of the passipg of His Allelesty, the late King George "VI, The ensign and colors were I Goderich Girl Among Teletype Graduates AW1 Virginia "GinriY" Cham- ney of Goderich and Oldeastle, Ont., graduated on Wednesday, February 13, as a Teletype Oper- ator from 1 Radar and Communi- cations School, RCAF Station, Clinton, AW1 Chamney whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Chamney, reside in Oldcastle, has lived for some time with her grandmoth- er, Mrs. James Black, Goderich, Prior to joining the RCAF, AW1 Chamney was employed as a den-, tel assistant by Dr. J. A. Graham, Goderich, and later was a switch board operator for the Bell Tele- phone co., both in Goderich and Windsor. AW1 Chamney is now a quail- field Teletype Operator and will leave for another RCAF station to fill a vacancy in the com- munication system of • Canada's expanding national defence pro- gram. In The Air Force G/C Gordon G. Diamond, AFC, 36, Vancouver and OttaWa, has been named to head the Direct- orate of Postings and Careers at Air Force Headquarters, it was announced today at RCAF Head- quarters. He succeeds G/C John G. Stephenson who is attending the Imperial Defence College in, the United Kingdom. G/C Keith Hodson, OBE, DFC, 36, has been posted to Paris, to have dharge of RCAF arrange- ments for the RCAF air division to be located en the Continent, it was announced today by Air Force Headquarters. G/C Hod- son will assist the Canadian Am- bassador at Paris in negotiating for the required air bases. Also, he will arrange with the United States Air Force for the integra- tion of the maintenance and sup- ply services, In Paris G/C Hod- son will be stationed at the Can"- adieu Embassy. He was accomp- anied to Paris by Sgt. Paul Chene, 31, Hull, P.Q., a clerk, and by LAC Joseph Guay, 25, Cacouna, P.Q., a motor transport driver. * * First Woman Instructor The RCAF has appointed its first woman instructor to Its pare- rescue school. She is Flying Of- ficer Marion MacDqnald of Van- couver who will teach first aid and• demonstrate Para-rescue medical kits during the ground instruction phase and make de- monstration parachute jumps during the 'air training. The courses are conducted at Edmon- ton and Jasper,, Alta. • F/0 =, MacDonald was one of the first four RCAF nurses to earn the coveted pars-rescue badge, graduating last fall with the first course containing nur- ses. The ,nurses. -took the same rigorous training as the male members of the• course, parachut- ing into wooded areas, climbing rugged mountain terrain and moving 'patients', On stretchers across deep gullies. As the only woman instructor at the school, F/O MacDonald will guide women students through all phases of their train- ing, acting as liaison officer be- tween the nurses. and the male members of the staff. Graduates of the course join the small band of trained para-rescue experts, stationed at various points across Canada, who are prepared and ready to take to the air at short notice on a mission of mercy. . F/O MacDonald began her RCAF career as a member Of the Women's Division of the RCAF during the Second World War. On discharge from the service she used her DVA credits to study nursing at the Vancouver General Hospital, In January 1951 she joined the RCAF as a Nursing Sister and Was posted to Rockcliffe, Ont., for a short per- iod of duty before attending the para-rescue cotirse, cabilEartres Stuttitt CLINTON and GODERICH Clinton Studio HoUrs: Tuesdays and Thursday 1.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Saturday Evenings 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. Telephone 401 Clinton or Goderich 1111111111111111111111111111M Ensign, Colors Draped Bugle BandSilent W/C B, G. Miller, CD, officer commanding 1 Radar and•,Coin- munications School; presented diplomas to the graduates of a Teletype Operator :course and a Communication Pert ormance Checker (Air) course on, Wed- nesday, February 13. The Teletype 'Operators are now qualified to fill -vacancies at RCAF units across Canada .in ,our expanding communciation system for national defence. The two airmen on course, K. R. Cook, Edmonton and 3. E. Bergeron, Montreal, had ten airwomen as classmates. -They were:- V. M. Chamney, Goderich and pldcastle; K. L. Houston, Ochre River, 'Man.; R. M. Kent, Toronto; 3. C. cFarlane, St. John,. N.B.; C. M. Anderson, Cor- ner Brook, Nfld.; A. E. Atkinson, Belleville; S. A. Scott, Sudbury; E.. M. Anderson, Victoria; D. A. McGowan, Windsor; a n d M. A. Pletch, Swift Current, Sask. The Communications Perform- ance Checkers (Air) graduates are now trouble shooters on RCAF airborne communication equipment and will leave for flying units and repair depots in Canada. AW2 Lucy Morris, an ex-school teacher. from River Hebert, N.S.,• was the only air- woman on this course. "I en- joyed every minute of it," 'said AW2 Morris, "Not only .was I the only airwoman in my class but I was the only representative from the Maritimes, This situa- tion led to. plenty of friendly arguments in which I was out- numbered. Actually, the airmen were very helpful to me in my studies." The other class members .were aircraftsmen: J. E. Lizce, Paririe Echo, Alta.; J.. P. Coulombe, Montreal; A. G. Wright, Bronie, Que.; R. B. Reynolds, Cloverdale, B.C.; T. A. Wall, Calgary; J. W. Sutherland, 'Vancouver; G. M. Ellefson, Moose Jaw; A. J. Schumacker, Mildman, Ont.. and A. R. Desrochers, Montreal. W/C Miller congratulated the graduates and wished them con- tinued success in their RCAF careers. Friday, Feb'. 15 on Friday,. February 15, the • day of the funeral of His Most .Gracious ,Majesty King George VI, there will be a memorial parade of all -pere poneel at RCAF Station,' Clin- ton, it was announced by the Commanding Officer, Group Captain E, A. D. Hutton, CD. 'his ceremonial parade will be called at five o'elople in order to be drawn up one half hour .before sunset. It will be the formal expression of mourning for the late King, although service mourning will continue until further notice, •••••••••••••••*•*•.......*•*1.4 4-14-4-44-4- *4444-* Home and Building REPAIRS There's Still Time to Hove Your. Chimney Repaired or Built! BRICK — STONE — STUCCO — REPAIRS Chimneys Tuckpointed, Repaired and Built Faulty Drafts Corrected Brick Walls Tuckpointed, Repaired, Refaced Fire Walls Built -and Repaired Stone Walls Tuckpointed and Repaired • RURAL WORK A SPECIALTY fp Have that stable wall repaired and eliminate those drafts that affect the heal - of your stock, PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL CALLSt Monarch Mason Service Phone 386 — SEAFORTH P.O. Box 69 45-46-p-47btfb 0'044' 41.